Notice of Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources on Printing and Distributing the Regulations on the Administration of High-precision Maps of Intelligent Connected Vehicles in Han

All relevant units, sub-bureaus, county (city) planning and natural resources bureaus:

In order to strengthen the management of high-precision maps, standardize the use of high-precision maps, promote the development of intelligent networked vehicles, and maintain the security of geographical information, our bureau has formulated the "Regulations on the Administration of High-precision Maps of Intelligent Networked Vehicles in Hangzhou", which are hereby issued. Please abide by them carefully.

Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources

October 23, 2023

(This article is published publicly.)

Hangzhou regulations on the management of high-precision maps for intelligent networked vehicles

In order to strengthen the management of high-precision maps, standardize the use of high-precision maps, promote the development of intelligent networked vehicles, and maintain geographical information security, these regulations are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Surveying and Mapping Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Map Management Regulations, the Ministry of Natural Resources Notice on Promoting the Development and Maintenance of Intelligent Networked Vehicles, and the Hangzhou Measures for the Administration of Intelligent Networked Vehicles Testing and Application, and in light of the actual situation of this city.

These Provisions apply to activities such as data collection, storage, transmission, processing, production and use of high-precision maps of intelligent networked vehicles (hereinafter referred to as high-precision maps) within the administrative area of this Municipality.

The term high-precision map as used in these regulations refers to an electronic map mainly used for assisting the driving of intelligent connected vehicles with high position accuracy.

High-precision maps mainly include maps of L4 and above autonomous driving systems (hereinafter referred to as high-precision maps) and maps of L3 and below autonomous driving systems (hereinafter referred to as high-precision maps).

III. The management of high-precision maps follows the principles of law and regulation, full-process monitoring, equal emphasis on management and service, and safety and control, and implements classification and grading management.

The Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources is responsible for the city’s high-precision map management.

Units engaged in the production of high-precision maps shall obtain corresponding surveying and mapping qualifications in accordance with the law, or entrust units with corresponding surveying and mapping qualifications to carry out corresponding surveying and mapping activities.

The data storage server for high-precision maps shall be located within the territory of the People’s Republic of China. High-precision map data shall be encrypted with domestic commercial passwords that meet security standards, and transmitted through network channels with security measures to ensure the security of geographic information data.

The high-precision map data to be transmitted overseas shall be subject to the approval procedures for external provision according to law.

The production of high-precision maps shall comply with the technical requirements of the Zhejiang provincial local standard "Intelligent Connected Vehicles, Road Basic Geographic Data Specification" (DB33/T 2391-2021), follow relevant regulations, and standardize the production and expression of data collection and map elements.

Eighth, high-precision maps shall be treated with state-recognized geographical information confidentiality technology.

Nine, before the high-precision map is publicly used or delivered for application, it shall be submitted to the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Natural Resources for map review through the Zhejiang Government Service Network (map approval) according to regulations, and the map review number shall be obtained according to law.

The Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, through the Hangzhou Intelligent Connected Vehicle Data Application Safety Monitoring Platform, obtains relevant information on the use of high-precision maps in intelligent connected vehicle testing and application activities, and collaborates with relevant departments to organize and carry out pilot supervision and inspection of high-precision map applications in accordance with the law. Strengthen process supervision and on-site inspections, and promptly deal with and supervise rectification of discovered problems.

During the production and use of high-precision maps, any organization or individual that violates laws and regulations on surveying and mapping geographic information shall be dealt with in accordance with the law.

These regulations shall come into force on December 1, 2023.

Notice of Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources on Printing and Distributing the Regulations on the Administration of High-precision Maps of Intelligent Connected Vehicles in Hangzhou

Live + community group buying the 2.0 era of Bingcheng "Head"

In 2022, Harbin community group buying showed explosive growth, and the "heads of state" also gradually grew stronger in the business war that could not see the smoke of gunpowder. Some of them withdrew from the store franchise group buying, some united community merchants online coupons offline drainage, and some opened group buying live broadcasts in the community –

With the rapid development of the group buying platform, as an important port in the group buying process of the entire community, the "heads" have experienced the survival of the fittest in just one and a half years. In order to not rely solely on one or two e-commerce platforms, the "heads" of the "winners" have constantly broken the old thinking, adapted to the new situation, and changed their business thinking.

"What I’m doing now is trying to convert user resources into commercial value for my use," said Wang Bingshuo, the "head of community group buying" in Songbei District, Harbin. In order to establish a firm foothold in the tide of community group buying and make it a "serious business" that can settle down, they keep exploring. Some of them operate online and cooperate with community business assistants offline, some start to rub the popularity of live broadcast, and some position themselves as a "community channel" that can organize everything…

Group buying and delivery ↑

According to Tianyancha data, there are currently more than 300 group buying enterprises in the country, most of which are located in the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta regions. Community group buying platforms include dozens of big brands all over the country such as Meituan Preferred and Duoduo Shopping, as well as local group buying platforms such as Jiubai Street and Dailuobo.

Light asset "head", redeem the supermarket franchise group buying

Songbei Evergrande Oasis Community Meituan "Leader" Wang Bingshuo rose from the lowest level of "Leader" to the highest level of five "Leader" in just one week. "At the beginning, there were many people in our community who were’Leaders’, but most of them didn’t make it. In the end, I and another’Leader ‘persisted." Wang Bingshuo said, "In the past year, my average daily order volume has been around two or three hundred orders, with a total of three user groups and a total customer volume of about 300 people."

Wang Bingshuo first ran a supermarket in the community, receiving and delivering goods in the supermarket every day, and then notifying the group members to pick up the goods. After operating for a period of time, Wang Bingshuo found that the group buying business came up, but the supermarket business came down. The reason is very simple, buying things online is cheaper than in brick and mortar stores, of course, I bought them online. After thinking about it, Wang Bingshuo decisively gave up the supermarket operation and specialized in community group buying.

Every afternoon, after receiving a call from the delivery staff, Wang Bingshuo will drive a pickup truck to the gate of the community to pick up the goods. "After receiving the goods, immediately notify the group members to pick them up. If some people are not at home or cannot pick them up temporarily, I usually deliver them to the door or keep them until the group members go home to pick them up," Wang Bingshuo said.

After getting rid of the burden of rent, Wang Bingshuo made it easier to start a business with light assets. "In order to retain the members of the group, I invested the saved rent in giving back to the customers." Wang Bingshuo said that the first idea was to send red envelopes in the group buying group, giving away drinks, eggs and other physical objects. This year, I adopted offline interaction and other methods to retain and expand customers, trying to extend the user’s business resources horizontally.

Integrate group buying resources from online to offline

E-vouchers are one of Mr. Wang’s methods. "As long as it is my customer, no matter how much he spends on things, as long as he repurchases a certain number of times, I will send him a 5 yuan or 10 yuan electronic voucher, and he can go to a designated merchant near the community to offset the cash use," Wang Bingshuo said.

Giveaways for group buying members ↑

Offline consumption coupons presented to group members ↑

Wang Bingshuo’s electronic vouchers are all negotiated by one of his stores near the community. "For example, I went to the Malatang shop at the entrance of the community and told the owner that I issued the electronic voucher, and the consumer showed the electronic voucher, which can directly offset the consumption amount." Wang Bingshuo said, "For every purchase, I am regularly responsible for verifying the cash back, which can not only attract money to the merchant, but also stimulate my members to spend online. Moreover, when my consumers go to the brick and mortar store to consume and show the electronic voucher, it is also very likely to bring me more new customers. This is a win-win situation, so offline merchants are basically very welcome. Malatang, burger shop, pharmacy, barbecue shop are all my cooperative merchants. At present, there are three or four merchants that I have cooperated with, and I don’t want to expand too many merchants. The main reason is that my customer base is not enough at present, so what I need to do now is to expand more customers. I want to let the merchants I cooperate with benefit, so that my customers can benefit. My role is to build this bridge of mutual benefit and win-win results, and to get the fees I win from it. "

"The reason for doing this is to better develop customer resources and use them for me. This will achieve cross-border drainage from online to offline." Wang Bingshuo said that this idea was developed by himself. Since 2022, about 200 members have taken e-coupons to the brick and mortar store to spend. Wang Bingshuo’s average monthly income is around 6,000 yuan, which is also in the top 10 among the "head of the group" in Songbei District. "Last year, more than 30,000 of what I earned was basically invested in the group members, and I didn’t leave anything behind. I don’t think about how much money I made in the present, but to make more money in the future," Wang Bingshuo said.

Group buying suddenly stopped, transitioning from community group to community group

On April 16, Harbin online community group buying stopped. According to incomplete statistics, only Meituan group buying one, there will be about two or three hundred community groups in the city to suspend business.

"Post-90s" Xiao Lu joined the army of "head of the group" as early as the rise of Meituan community group buying. Like most other "head of the group", Xiao Lu runs a supermarket in the Daoli Engineering Community. "I am familiar with the Internet and have mastered all kinds of winds. After a period of observation, I feel that traditional supermarkets must transform online compared with community group buying, so while running supermarkets, I also do community group buying of several brands." Xiao Lu said that in more than two years, the customer base is basically fixed at about 200 people.

"Running a group buying group is actually very sophisticated. Many people think that they just need to spend a little bit of time every day to receive the goods and notify the group members to pick them up. In fact, this is not the case," Xiao Lu said. "Whenever a group member comes to pick up the food, I will recommend them to join the community group I set up. In the group, I will send some special product information from time to time, and sometimes I will send some red envelopes to give back to the group members."

Because of the suspension of online group buying, Xiao Lu’s community group has become active. "Many members in the group always ask when the delivery will resume," Xiao Lu said. "They all ask me if I can organize everyone’s group buying some milk, bread, vegetables or something. I run a supermarket myself and know some suppliers, so I help you buy some daily necessities, and the price is also the lowest. During that time, there were about a dozen orders per day on average, which not only made it convenient for community residents, but also allowed me to accumulate my own customer resources. This makes me more optimistic about the model of community group buying. Regardless of whether there is platform support or not, as long as you do it with your heart, you can do it well."

From local group buying to "community live"

"The local farmers’ ****** eggs are 80 cents a piece, and the soybean oil is also freshly squeezed soybean oil. Consumers can eat things like this with confidence." Wang Shilin, general manager of Jiubai Street, a local group buying brand in Daqing, said that the main reason for being favored by local citizens is the high quality and low price. We entered the community group buying track in April 2019. "The original intention of the establishment is to give full play to the advantages of community group buying close to the people, while avoiding the drawbacks of numerous categories." Wang Shilin said that many large group buying platforms have many suppliers, and there are more products in the same category. In our words, there are many imitations, and fresh products are lost due to long-distance transportation, so the consumer experience is different, which quite affects the reputation of the platform. So we choose high-quality fresh fruits and ve***ables produced in Heilongjiang as products, focusing on cooperation with local farmers, local ve***able wholesale markets and general agents of various commodities, the cost is relatively low. With the Dongfeng of national community group buying e-commerce, it has become a local head community group buying platform serving 200,000 families.

Daqing Jiubai Street Pickup Point ↑

Jiubai Street delivery warehouse and logistics vehicle ↑

"Dear, we will kill in the live stream at 10:00 am, don’t miss it." Right now, community group buying has also rubbed the heat of live streaming and goods, and they have turned to short video platforms.

"If the community group buying is the 1.0 of group buying, then live + group buying is the 2.0 era of group buying upgrade." Harbin Douyin live streaming host "Sister Le" said that in the live stream, seckill is carried out by sharing the QR code to Moments, and linking to Moments will bring more intra-city traffic. After the traffic enters the community, it is re-promoted and diffused by sharing the live stream link. This private domain traffic dissemination matrix is very amazing, especially in small counties and other relatively concentrated areas. Because the relationship between people is closer, the communication effect based on trust will be better.

A while ago, Daqing Jiubai Street community opened a group buying live broadcast. In the nearly 5-hour live broadcast, 585,000 people entered the live broadcast room and placed an order of 61004 orders. A total of 35 tons of rice, 2 tons of beans, 14 tons of Russian flour, 6 tons of eggplant, 3 tons of grapes, 3.5 tons of soybean oil, 3 tons of Baijiu, and the total order amount is nearly 900,000 yuan. And such a special live broadcast will be carried out twice a month.

"This year is a bonus year for Douyin’s group buying live broadcast in the same city." Sister Le said that it’s not that the business is not easy to do now, but the method is useless. Drawing customers to buy group buying goods through live broadcast will bring double traffic and income. A few days ago, we did a group buying live broadcast for a pet store in Harbin, which directly brought 3 times the income to the store.

From the beginning of 2022, Harbin community group buying has clearly shown explosive growth. On the one hand, more people choose this contactless home delivery model, and on the other hand, the scale effect of community group buying has begun to appear. After the accumulation of last year, the popularity of community group buying of major brands has become more and more prosperous, the network has become more and more extensive, and the sales volume has increased. What is more gratifying is that the group members who have settled down also more recognize this model, and the repurchase rate is very high. "Due to the repeated epidemics across the country, consumers who cooperate with prevention and control measures at home have an increasing demand for online fresh purchasing, and various new methods and gameplay will be extended in the future," Wang Bingshuo said.

"If the’head of the group ‘wants to do well, he has to understand his own development direction and have his own plans." Wang Bingshuo said, "I have a bolder idea that has not been realized. When the number of merchants and customers has accumulated to a certain extent, customers can be converted into each other. If a customer sends Moments for three days in a row, then his neighbors and friends will basically know about my consumption channel. Consumers will compare. If he finds that my group is more favorable than other groups, then he is likely to jump directly from other groups to my group. At present, my customer resources are not very large. My goal is not to integrate the customer resources of a nearby community, but to integrate the customer resources of more nearby communities, and even the group buying customer base of the entire Songbei District." In order to realize this plan, Wang Bingshuo plans to use this year’s "head of delegation" income to attract more members. (Harbin Daily reporter, Wan Jia)

Test drive BYD Han DM: cutting-edge technology integrator, broke 100 in 4.7 seconds, and the fuel consumption was unexpected.

Although Chengdu is a plain city, its land area of 14,335 square kilometers also includes Miaojiling with an altitude of 5,353 meters and the banks of the Tuojiang River with an altitude of only 359 meters. The huge vertical drop not only makes Chengdu’s climate changeable, but also makes it a "test drive resort" to test the performance of a car. Today, "Car One Circle" came to Chengdu and participated in the test drive of BYD Han DM (parameter picture) exploration tour in chengdu railway station.

Appearance: elegant and elegant.

As the flagship model of BYD Dynasty series, the appearance of BYD Han DM is very atmospheric. Based on Dragon Face design language, the front face adopts a large-size polygonal air intake grille, and the middle net adopts a dense dot matrix layout, which has great visual impact. A bright silver decorative strip on the top connects the angular headlights on both sides, which is quite classy.

Its body length, width and height are 4960/1910/1495 mm, and its wheelbase is 2920 mm. This size can not only bring flexible space experience, but also make BYD Han DM look very slender. The outline lines of the car body are smooth and natural, and the tough waistline interacts with large-size wheels and hidden door handles, making it look elegant and dynamic.

The biggest highlight of the tail is the penetrating taillight with water steering effect, which further enhances the recognition of BYD Han DM. This advanced aesthetic design is very attractive to young consumers.

Interior: magnificent, low-key and luxurious

When you open the car door and enter the car, the interior inspired by the "Forbidden City Building Complex" has a magnificent trend with the same style as the royal palace. The interior is made with simple methods, and every corner and curve are carefully calculated, supplemented by high-grade decorative panels and Long Lin-shaped two-way stitches, so that the interior naturally exudes a low-key luxury connotation.

The three-spoke flat-bottomed steering wheel has an excellent grip, which complements the overall temperament of the interior. Soft materials are wrapped at your fingertips, which is very soft and skin-friendly. The seat is wrapped in Nappa leather, and the ergonomic design brings good support. The filler with moderate hardness and softness is perfectly matched with the first layer of cowhide, which has sufficient toughness and breathability and brings a pleasant ride experience.

Configuration: comprehensive ecological enjoyment of intelligence

As the first batch of "big screen players" in China, BYD has equipped Han DM with a 15.6-inch touch-sensitive LCD screen. The built-in DiLink 3.0 system has extremely fast response speed, and the UI design is extremely user-friendly and very easy to use.

Based on OTA remote upgrade function, the system can realize remote self-upgrade, so that the owner can experience the latest car machine function for the first time. At the same time, BYD DiLink 3.0 system has a fairly open intelligent ecology, and you can find the content that best suits your habits and preferences like using a smart phone, such as Tik Tok, QQ music, Iqiyi, KTV, Meitu Xiu Xiu and the glory of the king, etc. The entertainment experience can be further sublimated with the Nordic Dirac hi-fi speakers.

The intelligent voice assistant "Xiao Di" can realize the verbal control of the window, navigation, panoramic sunroof, air conditioning, music playing/pausing and other functions, and can be awakened by "Hello, Xiao Di" or the shortcut key on the steering wheel. At the same time, it can understand the dialect. During the test drive, Circle Brother talked with it in Chongqing dialect, and its free response made Circle Brother feel that this conversation object was not like AI at all, just like the central control of every BYD Han DM.

In addition, BYD Han DM is also equipped with DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, including CSC curve speed control system, FCW forward collision warning system and many other advanced intelligent driving assistance functions, which can ensure that the vehicle is always in the safest state during the use of the car.

Power: Strong performance brings the ultimate experience.

For the China market, BYD Han is definitely a meaningful product. The data shows that the cumulative sales volume of BYD Han series products has exceeded 110,000, among which, in August 2021, the monthly sales volume reached 9,035, while the sales volume of Han EV was 6,198 and that of Han DM was 2,837.

As a China brand car with a starting price of over 200,000 yuan, it can have such sales, which shows that the existence of BYD Han has broken the upper limit of consumers’ cognition of domestic models, and the root cause lies in the breakthrough and strong product strength of BYD Han series, in which the acceleration time of the flagship performance version of Han EV from 0-100km/h is only 3.9 seconds, and as a hybrid model, the performance of BYD Han DM is equally excellent.

It is equipped with a combination of a 2.0T turbocharged engine and a rear motor. The comprehensive maximum power of the system can reach 321kW and the comprehensive peak torque can reach 650Nm. This amazing power parameter is enough to make most competing models pale. From zero to 100, BYD Han DM only takes 4.7 seconds. And this test drive trip in Chengdu really made the circle brother experience how strong BYD Han DM performance is.

In order to let us have a more comprehensive understanding of BYD Han DM’s performance in different road conditions and environments, the route planned in this test drive process starts from Howard Johnson Hotel in Chengdu, travels for more than 30 kilometers, and finally reaches Intercontinental Hotel in Sanchahu Paradise Long Island. Along the way, we have basically experienced the driving environment that our daily car faces, such as urban traffic jams, expressways, Panshan Highway, etc., but the superior driving quality brought by its strong power reserve almost runs through the whole test drive process.

As one of the core cities in western China, Chengdu has a huge population base, and its car ownership is second only to that of Beijing. Its traffic planning has become more and more complicated in recent years, and the arrangement of traffic lights is also very dense. Under this background, traffic jams occur from time to time. Therefore, when driving in cities, we choose a more energy-saving pure electric mode.

BYD Han DM is equipped with a ternary lithium battery with a capacity of 15.2 kWh, and has a pure battery life of 81 kilometers, which is completely enough for office workers to commute daily. In the pure electric mode, the vehicle is completely driven by a motor. The motor carried by BYD Han DM has a maximum power of 180 kW and a peak torque of 330 Nm. It is also very capable of being "pulled out" alone.

In the pure electric mode, BYD Han DM has become a rear-wheel drive, and the moment when the accelerator is stepped on, the torque erupts instantly, and the power is like a beast that has been accumulating for a long time, bringing a very light start and acceleration feeling. The linear braking can make you easily control the braking distance, and you can easily shuttle through the urban roads with dense traffic. In the face of the red light that appears from time to time, the passengers on the car will not feel uncomfortable because of frequent braking, which is very friendly to the circle friends who are prone to carsickness.

When driving at high speed, if you want to get the best driving experience, you can choose the parallel mode of engine and motor working together. In this mode, the performance of BYD Han DM will be released to the extreme, and the power seems endless. When you want to overtake, you step on the accelerator deeply, and the strong feeling of pushing your back seems to make people’s mind out of control in an instant, and adrenaline will soar immediately. The sympathetic nerves that are excited instantly will give people a faster response speed, which is the charm of high-performance models.

Byd Han DM is very steady in adjusting the chassis, and there will be no obvious sense of roll when cornering sharply, and it also filters the bumps on the road very well, which ensures the driving comfort. Coupled with the excellent NVH performance of BYD Han DM in the whole test drive, it can be said that the driving quality of its Han DM is not lost to some luxury cars with higher prices.

The most important thing is that the fuel consumption of BYD Han DM is really beyond the expectation of the circle brother. I thought that as a behemoth weighing two tons, even if BYD Han DM is a hybrid model, its comprehensive fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is only about 6.2 liters when the circle brother didn’t deliberately save fuel and turn on the HEV mode. In the face of such a medium-sized and large car with strong performance and low fuel consumption, it can only be described as superior, and the daily car is really fuel-efficient and worry-free.

View of "Car Circle": As a flagship model, BYD Han DM is largely an integrator of BYD’s cutting-edge technology, and it is also a pillar product of BYD’s brand, which shows high product value in design, intelligence, performance and other aspects. According to the data released by the Association, in August, 2021, BYD achieved a substantial increase of 88.1% compared with the same period of last year with the sales volume of 66,622 vehicles, and surpassed many joint venture brands in one fell swoop to rank in the top ten of the manufacturers’ sales list, most of which were contributed by new energy vehicles. As the leading brand of new energy vehicles in China, BYD occupied a place for the China brand in the future, which was destined to be fully new energy-oriented.

Sailis automobile Compaq: intelligent driving brings safety rather than risk.

  [car home Industry] On August 25th, the Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition officially kicked off with the theme of "Exploring the World and Seeing the Future Travel". There are 129 brands exhibiting nearly 1,600 models at this year’s Chengdu Auto Show, covering German, American, legal, Japanese, Korean, joint venture and China brands. As an important automobile market in the west, Chengdu Auto Market is about to usher in the traditional "Golden September and Silver 10" car buying season, and Chengdu Auto Show plays an important role in it.

  At this year’s Chengdu Auto Show, the new M7 five-seat version of AITO asked the world was officially unveiled and a small order was opened. The pre-sale price starts from 258,000 yuan and will be officially released and delivered on September 12th. Prior to this, the industry has said that it has invested more than 500 million yuan in the research and development and production of new cars.

Home of the car

Dr. Kang Bo, Vice President of Cyrus Automotive (right)

  During the auto show, Dr. Kang Bo, Vice President of Sailis Automobile, had an in-depth exchange with car home. He pointed out that the five new M7 buildings in the world have invested huge costs in places that consumers can see and can’t see. It is understood that the new car is equipped with HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 and Huawei Advanced Intelligent Driving 2.0, and the car body structure and interior cockpit have been upgraded and optimized.

The following is the full text of the dialogue (edited):

  ask a questionCould you please tell us what heavy models AITO brought during this Chengdu Auto Show? What are the highlights?

  Kangbo: The most important model brought this time is the new M7 five-seater. As a vehicle designed for family travel needs, we have invested more than 500 million yuan in vehicle research and development and production, and made the new M7 a reliable, safe, spacious and intelligent five-seat vehicle, which can be said to be "one car wins more cars".

Home of the car

Wenjie new M7 building 5

  First of all, we have invested huge costs in places that consumers can see and can’t see, hoping to use the best technology, the best materials and the best means to achieve the ultimate safety protection. We have done corresponding work, for example, we have developed new technologies to re-open the mold of the body structure and re-transform the welding production line. Some body structures are made of the strongest submarine-grade high-strength steel in the industry, and more CBS composite body materials are used to effectively improve the fatigue durability, body stiffness and collision safety of vehicles.

Home of the car

  Secondly, the space layout and seat design are innovated: spacious layout, rich storage space and oversized trunk, which can easily load large accompanying materials used by a family for long-distance travel; And, the soft, comfortable and more wrapped seats provide more convenience for family travel.

  In addition, the five new M7 seats in Wenjie are also equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system and HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit 3.0. These two smart ceilings have gained a good reputation in the M5 Smart Driving Edition, which can be said that they are far ahead in the smart driving ability in the industry, not almost technically, but almost not related to safety.

  ask a question: M5 Smart Driving Edition launched a paid high-level function package of smart driving service software when it went on the market. What do you think of consumers’ expectations of smart driving at present? Including car home and many platforms, have made intelligent reports. At present, consumers’ feelings about paying for smart driving are not strong, and they need to pay for smart driving. What do you think?

   KangboThe paid or subscribed model has just started in China automobile industry, and it is very mature abroad. In fact, the final decision of users depends on what the high-level function package of intelligent driving service software can bring to customers. If it can make users feel safe, intimate and comfortable, it will be a pity not to use it, and users will automatically subscribe. But if the product fails to meet the needs of customers, then the subscription package itself has problems.

  Just talking about the intelligent driving version, we started to deliver the intelligent driving version (|) on a large scale in early June, and the owner has completed a considerable number of intelligent driving mileage, which greatly verified the safety of "man-machine driving together". In the past two months or so, the M5 Smart Driving Edition has gained a good reputation from the media and car owners. Our users also spontaneously posted a large number of car experiences and real word-of-mouth on social platforms such as bilibili, Xiaohongshu and Tik Tok.

  Recently, we also conducted a survey on the smart driving version, and found that smart drivers have the characteristics of high knowledge and rational consumption. They are young, like fresh technology products, and pay more attention to smart driving safety-related functions. The high-frequency scenes they use include high-speed navigation function, active safety function, urban navigation function, etc., with special emphasis on the functional experience of avoiding vehicles/pedestrians, bypassing obstacles, identifying abnormal obstacles, and predicting the position of big cars. At the same time, they gave us very good feedback.

  At present, many users have some misunderstandings about smart driving and think that the risk is too great. In fact, this is just the opposite of our concept. The purpose of our smart driving is to bring safety, not risk. In order to help car owners and friends know more about intelligent driving, our terminal has launched a number of live test drive experiences. Welcome everyone to pay attention and welcome everyone to test drive in the store. I believe that we will definitely have a deeper experience of assisted driving ability.

  ask a question: Have you personally experienced the safety and intelligent driving functions related to the M5 Intelligent Driving Edition in the questioning world? If you are a consumer, how do you evaluate it? And how do you view the future development of autonomous driving?

  KangboYesterday, I came to Chengdu from Chongqing by car, about 350 kilometers high speed, and I took over the whole journey. Of course, according to the national laws and regulations, I put my hand on the steering wheel and the overall experience was very good. Actually, I am a little worried about domestic high-speed long-distance driving, but when the intelligent driving function is turned on, vehicles can accurately identify passing vehicles, road conditions and small obstacles on the roadside, which is far safer than driving by myself, so I feel relaxed and comfortable and very safe in the "man-machine driving" of about 350 kilometers. Last week, we also launched the NCA function in the urban area of Beijing. Combined with previous cities such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Chongqing, a total of 6 cities were opened. It is estimated that by the end of the year, a total of 45 cities will realize commercial landing without relying on high-precision maps.

Home of the car

Wen Jie M5 Zhijia Edition

  Not long ago, some media also conducted a long-distance test of man-machine driving. From Shanghai to Zibo, the road conditions covered urban areas and hundreds of kilometers of high-speed scenes, which comprehensively tested HUAWEI ADS 2.0′ s assisted driving ability and showed leading safety, intelligence and driving efficiency in various scenarios.

  At present, the M5 version of Zhijie has realized that it can be opened with or without high-precision maps, covering high-speed, urban areas, rural roads and so on. Our car owners also carry out test drives in various scenes. For example, a car owner has just completed the intelligent driving crossing in the no-man’s land of Haidao, Xinjiang, and another car owner drove to Wulanchabu, Inner Mongolia last week. In the absence of high-precision maps in border cities in China, our car uses laser radar as the main sensor combined with LCC to project a virtual route on unmarked roads for safe passage and avoidance, realizing "there is no road in front of us" but "there is a road in our heart", and the overall effect is very good.

I think autonomous driving is an important technical force to promote the transformation of the global automobile industry. In the 21st century, the whole autonomous driving will be the greatest contribution of the automobile industry to human beings, because it can make driving safer and more comfortable. At present, China’s autonomous driving regulations are being improved, and it is hoped that L3′ s autonomous driving regulations will be promulgated as soon as possible. We believe that L3-class autonomous vehicles will usher in a large-scale market-oriented application in 2025.

  ask a questionWhat do you think of the survival of the new forces? 

  KangboI think the overall competition of the new forces is very fierce, and the outcome changes very quickly, sometimes in a car, sometimes in a year. I think it is necessary to provide users with the products they want and are satisfied with, as well as the brand value and service experience they need, so that manufacturers can survive in the knockout even if they face difficulties.

Home of the car

  ask a questionQ: What are your market expectations for the five new M7 buildings and the M9?

  KangboWe are full of confidence in the new M7 Tower, because it meets the needs of China home users for great wisdom, large space, safety and reliability. At the same time, we will also consider very competitive prices. Wenjie M9 is our flagship SUV of panoramic wisdom, which will be equipped with a number of brand-new black technology and is expected to be officially released in the fourth quarter of this year. (Text/car home Zhang Lingxiao)

Novelists and novels in the epidemic: Atwood and other writers create modern "decameron"

Source: new york Times Magazine

During the epidemic, new york Times Magazine invited 29 authors to write short stories inspired by the epidemic and set up THE DECAMERON column, which was inspired by Giovanni Boccaccio’s collection of realistic novels "decameron" and set in Florence, which was ravaged by the plague in the 14th century.

Decameron, painted by sandro botticelli in 1487.

We selected five novels from this column, including aliens who participated in the galactic aid program, lonely souls wandering in isolated cells, a "charitable" robber, mutual watch under a conceptual device and a clinical record full of family love. These novels show people’s desperate desire for hope and love during the epidemic period in a humorous or calm or warm style. As far as the genre of fiction is concerned, since there will be great and important real news all the time, why do we need imaginary stories instead?

"When reality becomes surreal, only novels can make it meaningful." Source: new york Times Magazine

"Art is to make life more interesting than art itself," Robert Filliou, a French surf painter, wrote in one of his works. Life is often very deceptive, and it is easy for us to ignore some established and profound facts, even if they are laid out before our eyes. There is a word in Italian: novelle, which refers not only to simple fictional stories, but also to non-fictional social reality. The fascinating stories in decameron are the real life of Florence. When the reality becomes surreal, reading novels is not only a way to understand and perceive the times, but also a force that supports us in difficulties.

1. You Chaokai: Systems

Charles Yu is a Chinese-American writer. His Guide to the Survival of the Science Fiction Universe was selected as the best book of the year by The New York Times and Time magazine. As a screenwriter, he participated in the compilation of some episodes of HBO series "westworld" and was nominated for two American Writers Association Awards. His novels and nonfiction works have been published in The New Yorker, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal for many times.

They need each other, like each other and miss each other.

Source: new york Times Magazine

In this story, the author describes a device, or rather, it is the materialization of modern society. Everyone has a different box. The box follows the rotation of the earth and the natural laws of the sun rising and the moon setting. They communicate and collide through the box. Although the world in the box is so similar to the well-known world, one day they will come out of the box and stand in the sun, because the eternal thing is that they need real contact, they need each other, like each other and miss each other.

(The following is a fragment of the novel)

They need each other, like each other and miss each other.

They will ask themselves:

Will cats get depressed?

They search:

Food bank donation. The food bank near me.

What is an epidemic outbreak? What is the rest period? How to ensure the safety of children? How to ensure the safety of the elderly? How old is old? Am I old enough?

Numbers, rising numbers of infections.

How long will the symptoms of coronavirus appear? Do you have a coronavirus vaccine? How to avoid virus infection? How did the coronavirus start? Is the virus getting worse? What is mental health? How to judge whether I am depressed or not? Which is the safest takeaway?

They search:

The telephone number of the unemployment office.

When can we reopen the bowling alley?


They search:

The cat is still depressed.

We are in a bear market.

What is a bear market?

What is payroll tax reduction?

What is martial law?

How to take refuge in situ?

Safest city life?

Symptoms of fever, symptoms of dry cough ……

How to make hand sanitizer? How to sew a mask? What is N95? How to lower body temperature? Living alone, what if I am alone?

Some people are radical. Some people are confused. Some people forget. Some people follow the rules They share the device: the air, information and ideas in the device.

Some people enjoy breathing as their right to live. Some people cannot breathe.


They will move on, coming out of one box after another and walking into the sun. The circulation and operation of the system are restored. They will still send messages to each other. Some people will be confused. Some people will share food. Some people will die. Some people will starve. And some people will still be alone

The device is still that device. But change is inevitable-rebuilding or looking for a new model. They will fly into the air again and gather in the hub by thousands. They will push each other’s air and make hahaha or other sounds produced by real communication-in order to convey invisible emotional signals. Because there are always things that are eternal-they need each other, like each other and miss each other.

2. david mitchell: If Dreams Are Horses.

David Mitchell, an English novelist and screenwriter, whose work Cloud Map was shortlisted for the Booker Prize. The title of this short story is taken from the Scottish proverb-If wishes are horses, beggars can ride. The moral is that if hope can make things come true, even people who have nothing will have everything they want.

I stood up and found that Zam’s bed was empty, with no sheets and nothing.

Source: new york Times Magazine

Thirty years later, the epidemic is still not over. My former cellmate was infected, so I had to move to a single isolation cell. Although it is a single room, an asymptomatic infected person has checked into this isolation cabin before me. His name is Zam. Dirty windows, breakfast and lunch once a day, the company of mice, and boring cabin life. Fortunately, Zam accompanied me. He cared about me and chatted with me. He said that survival is a superpower when eating less, and left all the food to me. On the third day of my stay, I began to have symptoms of infection. The doctor is from China, surnamed Wang. I noticed that when Zam was chatting with Dr. Wang, Zam’s voice suddenly became very strange, as if it were coming from a distant place. Zam also said that he would supervise me to take medicine until I recovered. After a few days, my condition improved greatly.

(The following is a fragment of the novel)

"It’s thanks to my exclusive nurse, Zam," I said to Dr. Wang.

"Good. Who’s Zam?"

"Zam", I pointed to my upper bunk.

"What are you talking about … the superior? Or the warden? "

We were all puzzled. "No, Zam, my roommate, doctor. You saw him last time."

Dr. Wang looked at a loss. "We won’t allow two prisoners to be held in an isolation cell."

"I’m afraid you people really allow it."

"If there is a third person in such a small place, I won’t miss it."

I shouted to the upper berth, "Zam, answer."

My cellmate didn’t make a sound. Is he asleep?

Dr. Wang looked at my condition and was very worried. He went on to say, "Have you taken any hallucinogenic drugs? I won’t report it to the warden, but as your doctor, I must know."

"It’s not funny, Zam." I stood up and found Zam’s bed was empty, with no sheets and nothing.

3. Mia Cotto: "An Obliging Robber"

Mia Couto, a famous Mozambican writer, is an influential African writer in Portuguese literature. She won the cames Prize in 2013, the most important Portuguese literature prize, and the Neustadt International Literature Prize in 2014.

People wearing masks have friendly expressions and speak softly, but I don’t let myself be fooled.

Source: new york Times Magazine

The robber in front of him shouted "Keep your distance" to me. He barged in like this, holding a pistol, even though he said it was a thermometer and he was from the Ministry of Health. But I won’t be fooled. My wife died of tuberculosis, I was almost killed by smallpox, and malaria took our only son, but no one wants to know. I live far from the hospital, and I am poor. The liar and robber continued to lie. He said I might be asymptomatic. I don’t understand. I hardly go out. He said that he would come again next week after leaving a hygiene brochure, soap and a small bottle of alcohol. I see, the disease he said should be called "indifference".

(The following is a fragment of the novel)

I didn’t listen to his instructions to keep my distance, so I walked up to him and hugged him. The robber resisted vigorously, broke free from my arm and returned to the car. He took off his clothes in a hurry, just like taking off the coat of the plague, and the name of this plague is poverty.

I smiled and waved goodbye to him. After so many years of torture, I have been able to reconcile with human nature. I think this is a clumsy robber, but he is a good man. Next time he comes, I’ll let him steal the old TV in my bedroom.

4. Margaret Atwood: Impatient Griselda.

Margaret Atwood is a Canadian novelist, essayist and poet. She is also a feminist and social activist. She is the winner of Booker Award and Arthur Clark Award. Her works have been shortlisted for the Governor-General Award of Canada for seven times and won two awards. She is one of the most respected novelists in the contemporary era. Her Handmaid’s Tale was adapted into a series of dramas of the same name, which aroused strong social repercussions.

Sir and madam, I also hope that the plague will pass soon, so that I can return to my normal life.

Source: new york Times Magazine

The octopus-like aliens took part in the galactic crisis assistance program to help people on earth survive the plague. In order to appease the earthlings and help them pass the time, the alien told a story to the earthlings: on an ancient planet, there were a pair of twin sisters, who were inferior species with "false feet"-patient Griselda (sister) and impatient Griselda (sister). There was a violent duke who induced his sister to marry him on the grounds of promoting her status through marriage. My sister, worried about her safety, disguised herself as a dishwasher and went to the back kitchen of the Duke’s house. She learned that the duke treated his new wife very badly and was rude to her in public, even punching her. Angry sister asked out her younger sister and exchanged identities with her, intending to kill the duke. In the garden at night, my sister cut the duke’s throat, and then the two sisters ate up the duke’s bones, brocade robes and everything on him.

(The following is a fragment of the novel, and the narrator is an "octopus" alien)

What? What is WTF? Sorry, I don’t understand.

Yes, sir and madam, I admit that this is a cross-cultural moment. I simply said the choice I would make if I were in their situation. But storytelling does help us to understand each other across social, historical and even evolutionary gaps, doesn’t it?

Later, the twin sisters married two other beautiful "false feet" of the same kind and they lived happily in the palace. Several relatives of the duke became suspicious. They came to inquire about the news and were eaten by their sisters.

End of story.

You don’t like this ending? Not a regular ending? So which is your favorite ending? Oh no, the ending you imagine will be completely another story. I’m not interested in that story, and I can’t tell it well. But you have to admit, I did tell this story very well, didn’t I? You see, you even forgot to sniffle. Sniffing is very annoying. On my planet, only people who are treated as snacks will sniffle.

I have to go now. There are several other quarantine groups on my appeasement list, and my job is to help them pass the time, just like I did for you. Yes, madam, sir, the difficulties will pass anyway, but not so soon.

Now I’m going to slide out from the bottom of the door. No skeleton helped me a lot. Yes, sir and madam. I also hope that the plague will pass soon. So I can get back to my normal life.

5. Liz Moore: Clinical Notes

Liz Moore, an American writer, won the Rome Prize for Literature in 2014, and her works include The Invisible World.

Clinical record of a high fever in infants.

Source: new york Times Magazine

In this story, Liz recorded the psychological changes from the symptoms of the baby to the parents in the form of a clinical report, and the author described a warm little family story with the calm brushwork of a bystander. At the end, the baby who succeeded in getting out of danger went to sleep quietly. Under the dim light, the mother looked at the shadow of the baby’s face and the undulating breathing. She thought of her grandmother who always had candy in her pocket, her mother who accompanied her to watch The Sound of Music when she was sick, and many grandparents who held their children with the same tenderness. She repeatedly touched the baby’s skin, "warm but not hot, warm but not hot", she repeated, was it a chant or a prayer …

We regard this article as the final one of this selection, because it is a novel that can bring love and hope to readers, just like bathing in the long-lost sun after a plum rain. Just as at the end of decameron, the young people didn’t leave their Florence forever. Two weeks later, they decided to return-not because the plague was over, but because after laughing, crying and imagining the new rules of living together, they could finally see the present again and think about the future. The stories told in those days when they left their homes made their world, at least temporarily, lively again. It is very important and meaningful to remember that we will eventually die, because we often forget it in our lives. At the same time, we must live in the present and try our best to remember what life is like now-this is the message conveyed by decameron.

Attachment: the complete catalogue of THE DECAMERON PROJECT

1. Title of the article: Systems (Device)

Author: Charles Yu

2. article title: "if wishes are horses" (if dreams are horses)

Author: David Mitchell

3. Title of the article: "An Obliging Robber" (kind robber)

Author: Mia Couto

4. Title of the article: Impassional Griselda (Impatient Griselda)

Author: Margaret Atwood

5. Title: Clinical Notes (Clinical Report)

Author: Liz Moore

6. One Thing (a little thing)

Author: Edwidge Danticat

7. The Team

Author: Tommy Orange

8. Line 19 Woodstock/Glisan (Bus No.19)

Author: Karen Russell

9. Tales from the L.A. River (a legend from the Los Angeles River)

Author: Colm Toibin

10. "recognition" (recognition)

Author: Victor Lavalle

11.《Sleep (falling asleep)

Author: Uzodinma Iweala

12.《Outside (outdoor)

Author: Etgar Keret

13.《The Perfect Travel Buddy (Best Travel Companion)

By Paolo Giordano

14. "a blue sky like this" (the sky is so blue)

Author: Mona Awad

15.《The Rock (Rock)

Author: Leila Slimani

16.《Keepsakes (souvenir)

By Andrew O’Hagan

17. The Girl with the Big Red Suitcase (a girl with a big red suitcase)

By Rachel Kushner

18.《The Walk (Walking)

Author: Kamila Shamsie

19.《The Morningside (Morning Life)

Author: Téa Obreht

20.《Screen Time (screen time)

Author: Alejandro Zambra

21.《How We Used to Play (how we used to play)

Author: Dinaw Mengestu

22.《Prudent Girls (cautious girl)

Author: Rivers Solomon

23. "Under the Magnolia" (under the magnolia tree)

Author: Yiyun Li

24.《The Cellar (cellar)

Author: Dina Nayeri

25. "To the Wall" (desperate)

Author: Esi Edugyan

26. that time at my brother’s wedding (at that time, at my brother’s wedding)

Author: Laila Lalami

27. "A time of death, the death of time" (the time of death and the death of time)

Author: Julián Fuks

28 28.《Barcelona:Open City (Barcelona: Open City)

Author: John Wray

29.《Origin Story (Origin Story)

Author: Matthew Baker

This article is compiled and arranged exclusively for Phoenix Net Culture, and may not be reproduced without permission.

Editor | Dabao

Editor | Wei Bingxin

Photo | new york Times Magazine

Original title: Novelists and Novels under Epidemic Situation: Modern decameron Created by Atwood and Other Writers.

Read the original text

[Slow hands] Xiaomi 13 mobile phone is officially listed, and the price is 3021 yuan!

[Slow hands] Xiaomi 13 mobile phone is officially listed, and the price is 3021 yuan!
Xiaomi 13 mobile phone is officially launched. This 5G mobile phone is equipped with the second generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform, which has strong performance. Its camera has excellent performance, strong endurance and fast charging speed. If you pursue a balanced performance of face value, performance, photo taking and battery life, then Xiaomi 13 will be your best choice. In addition, the current activity price in JD.COM is 3021.01 yuan, which is much cheaper than the original price. …

There are 45 kinds of classic snacks in Shanghai. Don’t miss everything. How many have you eaten?

Shanghai laodiji presents a group of wonderful articles every day.

Open dusty memories and look for the past years.

Talking about Shanghai’s Old Foundation and Recalling Shanghai’s Old Foundation People

V. Shanghai’s old situation

Shanghai snack

Delicious is not expensive, and there are many varieties!

Hiding our memories of Shanghai

Count how many kinds have you eaten?


Dim sum

Step 1 pan-fried

Also known as fried steamed bread, it is a Shanghai dim sum native to Allah, with crisp skin, thick juice, fragrant meat and exquisite taste. Take a bite, and all the delicious flavors of meat, oil, onion and sesame will not disperse in your mouth for a long time.

Step 2: small cage

Thin-skinned, tender-fleshed, juicy, delicious, and beautiful, Shanghai small cage makes you cry. Please remember the formula of eating a small cage: "Lift it gently, move it slowly, open the window first, then suck the soup."

3. fried dumpling

Crispy fried dumpling, Shanghai people’s favorite! In the magic capital, if you want to eat authentic fried dumpling, you must visit those dim sum shops hidden in street corners and alleys, and ordinary small shops often have amazing delicious food.

4. Fried dough sticks

Walking in the alleys of Shanghai, if the person facing you holds soy milk in his left hand, most of them are fried dough sticks in his right hand. After tumbling in the oil pan, it slowly expands and turns golden, which is the favorite breakfast of Shanghainese.

5. Spring rolls

Small in size and golden in color. Bite it down, the skin is crispy, the stuffing inside is steaming, and it tastes old with sour vinegar.

6. Shaomai

Shaomai is as simple as a piece of dough and a mass of rice in it, but it is so delicate that it has "dried Kun inside". In the tough leather, glutinous rice, mushrooms and minced pork are wrapped, not to mention how satisfying it is!

7. Fresh milk cubes

Image from Weibo netizen Wennnnnn_666

Fresh milk cubes should eat rubies! Taste mellow, rich, one down, super satisfied, coupled with a cup of coffee, never tire of eating!


8. pie

A fried dough stick is folded in half and placed in the center of the pie; Fold the pie in pairs, and the fritters will become stuffing. My parents always said that if I had a pair of big cakes and fried dough sticks in the morning and a bowl of light syrup or sweet syrup, that day would be very comfortable!

9. Fresh meat moon cakes

During the National Day Mid-Autumn Festival, fresh meat moon cakes are of course a must! Fresh meat moon cakes are now sold. They are wrapped in fresh pork in plain pastry, and warm soup overflows with a bite. They are delicious!

10. rice cake

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Shy__ Ocean.

Sweet and soft glutinous rice cake, golden bottom, slightly sweet with a little acid, taking advantage of the hot air to take a bite, the faint rice fragrance permeates the tongue.

11. scallion cake

In Shanghai, scallion cakes are particularly famous! Some humble stalls, all kinds of queues, and eat and cherish!

12. Qiang cake

The picture comes from Weibo netizen rabbit beauty ToMay

Qiang cake has always occupied a place in a wide variety of snacks. After fermentation, Qiang cake is crispy outside and soft inside.

13. omelet

The picture comes from the greedy pinko sauce of Weibo netizens.

Ala’s omelet is not pancake fruit, and Shanghai’s omelet skin is softer and wetter, but it is not so easy to taste it as a child now.

14. Crab shell yellow

Because the color is like the back of a crab shell, it is called "crab shell yellow". Make a flat round cake with pastry and yeast, stick a layer of sesame seeds on the cake surface, and bake it on the furnace wall. The stuffing is salty and sweet, and it is crisp enough to drop slag when you take a bite.

15. Gao Qiao muffins

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Xi Yano.

Gao Qiao muffin is the favorite of the old Shanghainese, and it can be called the "originator" of fresh-meat moon cakes, and all the relatives and friends who have eaten it are full of praise.

Cake dough

16. rice cake

The picture comes from a netizen in Weibo who knocked over the jar.

Delicious authentic Shanghai rice cake may appear in the oil pan selling fried dough sticks and hemp ball stalls. After being oiled, it is crispy and soft!

17. Rice balls

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Yamashita Leaf _

The rice of the glutinous rice ball includes white rice and blood glutinous rice, which are wrapped in hot fried dough sticks and squeezed tightly. Shanghainese who can eat it will add salted egg yolk and meat floss! Soft, tough and brittle!

18. Begonia cake

Begonia cake has a long history, which was created in the Qing Dynasty and named after the cake looks like a begonia flower. Sweet and delicious, eat delicious while it is hot!

19. plum blossom cake

The picture comes from Weibo netizen mmm mushroom mushroom

Technically, plum blossom cake is similar to begonia cake. But the shape of the mold is different, and there are more roses and salted osmanthus as ingredients, which are more delicate than begonia cake.

20.hemp ball

When I was a child, I often ate hemp balls. The round balls were covered with white sesame seeds, which were golden in color and wrapped in bean paste, crispy and sweet.

21. grinding sand circles

Image from Weibo netizen Jingzi _luvlife

Shayuan is one of the traditional famous spots with Shanghai characteristics, with a history of more than 70 years. Roll a layer of dried bean paste powder on the cooked dumplings. Not only the dumplings are delicious, but also the red beans are fragrant, soft and delicious!

22. Hair cake

Hair cakes are sweet, fluffy and soft, and there are plenty of holes in the cross section. Generally, jujube or raisins are sprinkled on the cakes, which is particularly delicious.

23. Chongming cake

Chongming cake is not only delicious, but also represents reunion, happiness, happiness and sweetness. Cake is homophonic with "Gao", which means "high in the new year". It is especially important to eat during the New Year and can be bought at ordinary times.

24. All kinds of cakes

Of course, there are all kinds of cake balls, double-stuffed balls, top cakes … sweet and glutinous, all of which are the favorites of Ala Shanghai Ning.


25. Salted soybean milk

Fried dough sticks, pickled mustard tuber, shrimp skin, chopped green onion … There used to be laver. Add a spoonful of fresh soy sauce with a little vinegar, and with the posture of rushing down, the salty pulp in the bowl will bloom.

26. Tofu flower

A bowl of smooth "white tofu" is white in color, smooth, tender and refreshing, fresh, salty and slightly sweet, and a lot of laver, shrimp and mustard tuber are added. Mix it yourself. It’s delicious!

27. curry beef soup

The beef is crisp and tender, and the soup is fresh and delicious, which is quite flavor! With pan-fried, pot stickers, steamed buns are a must!

28. Duck blood vermicelli soup

A small bowl of duck blood vermicelli soup is rich in delicacies: duck blood, viscera, vegetables, vermicelli …

29. Double gear or single gear

Double-file or single-file was once the star of Shanghai street food at night.

■ Two louver bags, two gluten stuffed meat, plus a bowl of vermicelli, it is a double soup.

■ A louver bag and an oil gluten stuffed meat is a single soup.

Ordinary but warm into the heart, this feeling of happiness is nothing compared with.


Sweet and glutinous dumplings are Shanghai’s favorite. Especially the fresh meat stuffing, which is big and juicy, take a bite of a bag of soup! Eat four and you’ll be full!

31. Sweet-scented osmanthus wine makes dumplings

Sweet-scented osmanthus is fragrant in October. At this time of year, it is absolutely great happiness to eat a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus wine.

32. Small wonton

When the wonton is cooked, put it in a bowl, sprinkle with chopped green onion, seaweed, shrimp and egg skin, and pour the bone soup, and the wonton will float in unison. Sprinkle a handful of pepper and a few drops of sesame oil, which is hot and delicious.

Noodles and rice

33. Noodles with scallion oil

Noodles with scallion oil, a simple pastry full of Shanghai style, kai yang is delicious and scallion oil is fragrant.

34. Spicy meat noodles

The picture comes from Weibo netizen hedgehog loves to dance.

No matter in the morning, noon and evening, order a bowl of spicy meat noodles and eat it. After eating it, it’s cool! This kind of feeling that you can eat without spending more than ten dollars is practical and iron-sticking.

35 topping noodles

In addition to spicy meat noodles, there are large intestine noodles, large row noodles, yellow croaker noodles, bullfrog noodles and shredded eel noodles … A bowl of noodles is the simplest, but the toppings are tens of millions. Change a topping for a meal, at least for a week, and you can never get tired of eating it!

36. Stewed hoof noodles

The picture comes from Weibo. The netizen is just Caicai cc.

Shanghai loves to eat noodles, a bowl of braised hoof noodles, and the soup tastes thick. Although it is soy sauce-colored, it is clearly visible and layered, with a slightly sweet and gratifying meat flavor, which makes people memorable.

37. Yellow on both sides

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Fat Hum OVO.

Fry both sides of the noodles into golden brown, take them out, then pour all kinds of toppings and marinades, and turn over before eating, so as to eat them in the best state!

38. Lard bibimbap

Image from Weibo netizen fork _ burning bag

A spoonful of lard and a dish of soy sauce mixed with rice is a super delicious meal!

39. Paofan

The picture is from Weibo. No name is suitable for me, Cy.

It is a grass-roots bubble rice, which is the imprint of the older generation in Shanghai.

40. Chicken porridge

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Pisces’s life.

Stewed rice porridge cooked with chicken soup juice slipped into the throat, tender, fragrant, fresh and hot, and immediately felt comfortable all over the body, and every pore on the body felt "comfortable".

41. Bacon paella

The picture comes from the small forest of Weibo netizen Mo Xie.

Vegetable rice has a special aroma, that is, the soft and waxy smell of vegetables that have been covered for a long time. Bacon should be fat, so that the oil will be wrapped in rice.


42. Fried pork chops

Even if the magic has a lot of delicious food, it is not as good as a fried pork chop in many Shanghai children’s hearts. Golden and attractive, crisp outside and tender inside, you should shine when you see your eyes.

43. Rib rice cake

Among Shanghai snacks, the ribs rice cake is really a good one. The ribs are golden in color, the rice cake is white and soft, and it is delicious to have a bite with Shanghai’s old spicy soy sauce.

44. stinky tofu

It is said that Hunan people like to eat stinky tofu, and Shanghai people are not bad. Golden, "smelly" smell everywhere, just eat a piece, you can’t stop.

45. baked sweet potatoes

"Baked sweet potato" is commonly known as roasted sweet potatoes and baked sweet potato, but that’s the name in Shanghai. Slow fire and slow work are the true meaning of baking sweet potatoes.

How about it?

These delicacies

Does it remind you, too?

Leave a message and tell us ~ ~

Labor newspaper comprehensively sorted out popular food, slimming ing and where to eat in Shanghai.

Some pictures are from netizens in Weibo, thank you for your delicious exploration.

Original title: "Shanghai’s 45 classic snacks, everything can’t be missed. How many have you eaten? 》

Read the original text

Huai’ an, Jiangsu: State Administration for Market Regulation found moldy fruit in a CoCo tea shop, but it was not used.

Moldy Lemon Found in CoCo Tea Shop All the pictures in this article are video screenshots of Huai ‘an TV Station. The sales of milk tea drinks in summer have increased, and the health problems of milk tea drinks are more concerned by consumers.
On August 20th, the Market Supervision Administration of Qingjiangpu District, Huai ‘an, Jiangsu Province, conducted a surprise inspection of some catering units, and found that the well-known chain milk tea shop CoCo may have mildewed fruits in Huai ‘an Xinya Store.
On the morning of the day when the law enforcement officers informed the CoCo clerk of the violation, Huai ‘an launched a special law enforcement action on food safety every "Ten", and conducted a surprise inspection on a little milk tea, CoCo milk tea, Manji dessert and café restaurant, which was broadcast live through the online platform.
In CoCo Coco milk tea shop located in Central International Xinya Square, law enforcement officers found a badly moldy lemon and a rotten grapefruit in the raw material warehouse.
On-site law enforcement officers said at the scene that the store was not found to be using spoiled fruit during the inspection. In this regard, law enforcement officers have asked the clerk to dispose of the moldy fruit in time, and will give it a warning later.
In addition, law enforcement officers also found that CoCo Coco Tea Shop has problems such as lack of food safety administrators and chaotic storage rooms.
In a little milk tea Huai ‘an Wanda store, law enforcement officers found that the store also had the problem of lack of food safety management personnel.
Law enforcement officers found a moldy lemon in CoCo tea shop. During the inspection, Manji dessert Huai ‘an Xinya store and Café Man restaurant were also found to have problems such as out-of-range operation and tableware not being put into disinfection cabinet.
On August 21st, the staff of Food and Beverage Supervision Department of Qingjiangpu District Market Supervision Bureau told The Paper that problems such as moldy fruit appeared in CoCo Coco’s Huai ‘an Xinya Store, which violated the relevant provisions of the Food Safety Law and had been handed over to Huaihai Branch for investigation. She said that moldy fruit was found in the raw material warehouse, not in the cooking table, and was not used to make tea.
Wang Hu, the relevant person in charge of Huaihai Branch of Qingjiangpu District Market Supervision Bureau, said that the handling of violations related to CoCo Coco’s Huai ‘an Xinya Store has been completed, but he did not disclose the handling results.
The Paper reporter repeatedly called the company owned by CoCo Coco-Shanghai Zhaoyi Trading Co., Ltd. to inquire about the situation, but no reply was received as of press time.

Badminton class: at a glance! Concise version of badminton competition rules

count scores

1. 21 points system, 2 wins in 3 games is better.

2. Score system for each ball

3. In each round, the winner will get 1 point.

When both sides score 20 points, the one who leads the other side by 2 points wins the game.

When both sides score 29 points, the one who gets 30 points first wins the game.

6. The winner of a game takes the lead in serving in the next game

Rules of rest and changing sides between matches

1. In a game, when the leading side reaches 11, both sides have a 60-second break.

Between two games, both sides have a 2-minute break.

In the deciding game, when the leading side reaches 11 points, the two sides exchange venues.

Badminton competition rules singles

1. At the beginning of a game (score 0: 0) or when the server scores an even number, the server serves in the right half. When the server scores an odd number, serve at the left half.

2. If the server scores a point, it will continue to serve in the next round.

3. If the receiver scores a point, it will become the server in the next round.

Badminton competition rules doubles

1. Like singles, when the server scores an even number, the server serves in the right half. When the server scores an odd number, serve at the left half.

2. If the server scores a point, it will continue to serve in the next round, and the server will remain the same.

3. If the receiver scores a point, it will become the server in the next round.

4. If and only if the server scores, the two players of the server exchange the left and right halves.

Diagram of badminton doubles competition rules

A badminton doubles match, A&B vs C&D, is described below. At the beginning of the match, A serves first and C receives the service.

A description of the progress of the game score service area Serve & receive Winner diagram

Badminton competition rules: three strikes three.

Three against three, as the name implies, is three against three, so there are special rules and requirements in serving, standing and some playing methods.

The basic principles such as the position of serving and receiving should still follow the doubles rules of badminton. For example, when the score is even, the server stands in the right half and when the score is odd, the server stands in the left half.

1. Before the game, each team shall determine the first, second and third server and receiver, namely Team A (A1, A2 and A3) and Team B (B1, B2 and B3).

2. A1 serves, B1 receives.

3. B1 serves, A1 receives, and so on

4. After A1 serves and scores, A2 serves the next ball, that is, if Party A serves, A1, A2 and A3 serve in turn.

5. After B1 serves and scores, B2 serves the next ball, that is, if Party B serves, B1, B2 and B3 serve in turn.

Official ball

1. Sixteen feathers should be fixed on the ball support.

2. The length of each feather from the ball support surface to the feather tip is 62 ~ 70mm.

3. The top of the feather is round, with a diameter of 58 ~ 68 mm.

4. Feathers should be tied with thread or other suitable materials.

5. The bottom of the ball holder is spherical with a diameter of 25 ~ 28 mm.

6. The ball weighs 4.74 ~ 5.50g.

Badminton racket specifications

1. Badminton racket generally consists of racket head, racket shaft, racket handle and the joint between racket frame and racket shaft.

The length of a racket is no more than 68cm.

3. The length of racket handle and racket shaft shall not exceed 42 cm, the length of racket frame shall not exceed 25 cm, and the width shall be 20 cm.

4. The development direction of the racket: the weight is getting lighter and lighter, the racket frame is getting harder and harder, and the elasticity of the racket shaft is getting better and better.

Standard size of badminton court

1. The badminton court should be a rectangle, drawn with a line with a width of 40mm.

2. The color of the site line is preferably white, yellow or other easily recognizable colors.

3. All lines are part of the area it defines.

4. From the ground of the stadium, the net column is 1.55m high.

5. The net column must be firmly perpendicular to the ground, and keep the net tightly pulled.

6. The net post should be placed on the sideline of doubles.

7. Badminton nets should be made of dark high-quality strings, with evenly distributed squares with sides of 15 ~ 20mm.

8. Badminton net is 760mm wide up and down.

9. The rope or steel wire shall have sufficient length and strength, which can be firmly tightened and leveled with the top of the net column.

10. The net height in the center of the venue is 1.524 meters, and the net height at the sideline of doubles is 1.55 meters.

11. Both ends of the net must be fastened to the net column, and there should be no gap between them.

12. The length is 13.40m, the width of doubles is 6.10m, the width of singles is 5.18m, the diagonal length of doubles court is 14.723m, and the diagonal length of singles court is 14.366m..

Brief introduction of badminton team competition

Badminton team competitions include men’s and women’s teams, but team events are not Olympic events. The three famous badminton team competitions are Thomas Cup, Uber Cup and Sudirman Cup.

Thomas cup badminton.

Thomas Cup Badminton Competition is the highest level men’s badminton team competition in the world, that is, the World Men’s Badminton Team Championship, which was founded by the former International Badminton Federation in 1948. It is held every two years.

Uber cup badminton

The trophy of the World Women’s Badminton Team Championship (Uber Cup). Named after Mrs. Uber’s donation. Also known as the "World Women’s Badminton Team Championship". Uber Cup is the same as Thomas Cup. Before 1982, it was held every three years, and the competition adopted the best of seven games system. Since 1984, it has been held every two years, adopting the best of five games system.

Sudirman Cup

Also known as the World Badminton Mixed Team Championship, it adopts the best-of-five system and consists of five events: men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. It is the most important world competition representing the overall level of badminton, and is equally famous with Thomas Cup and Uber Cup. In 1989, the first Sudirman Cup was held in Indonesia. This competition is held every two years, with Thomas Cup and Uber Cup in even years and Sudirman Cup in odd years.

Badminton team competition rules

According to the rules of Sudirman Cup, there are men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. The order can be decided by both parties, but players can’t have both events, that is, they can’t participate in both events by themselves. Each event is the best of three games, with 21 points in each game. Best of five.

service fault

1. The ball is not served in the corresponding area.

2. The ball hangs on the net or stops at the top of the net.

3. The ball goes over the net and hangs on the net.

4. In doubles, the receiver’s partner receives or is touched by the ball.

Violate the rules during the game.

1. The ball falls outside the boundary of the field.

2. The ball passes under the mesh or net.

3. The ball didn’t cross the net.

4. The ball touches the ceiling or the surrounding walls

5. The ball touches the athlete’s body or clothes

6. The ball touches other objects or people outside the field.

7. When the ball is hit, it stays on the racket, and then it is dragged and thrown.

8. The ball was hit by the same player many times in one round.

9. The player’s racket, body or clothes touch the net or the support of the net.

10. Hit the ball through the net (when hitting the ball, the initial contact point between the racket and the ball is on the batter’s net side, except when the racket crosses the net with the ball).

Badminton service area

The effective area of singles serve is the blue area in the figure below.

The effective service area of doubles is the green area in the figure below.

Badminton half-court sideline

In singles, the effective range of the half-court sideline is the blue area in the picture below.

In doubles, the effective range of the half-court sideline is the green area in the figure below.


1. Athletes: people who take part in badminton competitions.

2. A game: One or two athletes from each side is the most basic unit to decide the outcome.

3. Singles: A game played by one player from each side.

4. Doubles: A game played by two players from each side.

5. server: the party with the right to serve.

6. Receiver: the opponent who serves.

Start of the game 0 – 0 Right half-court serve A serves, C receives. A & B
A&B scores a point, A&B will change sides, A will continue to serve in the left half, and C&D will keep their respective half unchanged. 1 – 0 Left half serve A serves, D receives. C & D
C&D scored one point, and A B C D kept their own half unchanged. 1 – 1 Left half serve D serves, A receives. A & B
A&B scored a point and served at the right half. A, B, C and D kept their respective half unchanged. 2 – 1 Right half-court serve B serves, C receives. C & D
C&D scores a point and serves at the right half. A B C D keeps their own half unchanged. 2 – 2 Right half-court serve C serves, B receives. C & D
C&D scores a point, C&D will change sides, C will continue to serve in the left half, and A&B will keep their respective half unchanged. 2 – 3 Left half serve C serves, A receives. A & B
A&B scored a point and served at the left half. A, B, C and D kept their respective half unchanged. 3 – 3 Left half serve A serves, C receives. A & B
A&B scores a point, A&B will change sides, A will continue to serve in the right half, and C&D will keep their respective half unchanged. 4 – 3 Right half-court serve A serves, D receives. C & D