It’s full of rain and heat in the summer, so let’s see where the "steamer mode" will be opened on the map of sauna days nationwide.

Today (July 7th), we entered the fifth solar term of summer-Xiaoshu. As the saying goes, "it’s a little summer, but it’s a big summer." The arrival of the summer solar term means that China is about to enter the wettest and sultry period of the year. China Weather Network specially launched a map of sauna days nationwide to see where the "steamer mode" will be opened.
Jiangnan is hot as a "steamer", and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has no "steaming" in the world.
Entering the summer solar term, everything is flourishing and the summer heat is transpiration. The temperature in all parts of our country continues to rise, and the precipitation also increases obviously. The north and south of the Yangtze River have entered the stage of high temperature and high humidity in a year, and the most difficult sauna day model has been opened.
According to the map of the national sauna days launched by China Weather Network, during the annual summer solar terms, sauna days are most likely to appear in Jiangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang and other places, and more than half of the time in 15 days, they have to endure the steamboat-like sultry feeling; In Guangdong, central Guangxi, Hainan, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, central and southern Hebei, southwestern Shaanxi, northern Chongqing and other places, the number of sauna days can also reach 5 to 8 days, which is unbearable; The number of sauna days in the eastern part of Southwest China, North China, the eastern part of Huanghuai and other places is less than 5 days, and there are fewer days in most parts of Northeast China, Shandong Peninsula and parts of Xinjiang, which is less than two days. Such hot and humid weather can barely withstand it; Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu and other places did not have sauna days during the summer solar term, and there was no "steaming" in the world, which was really enviable. Although there were no sauna days in southern Xinjiang and western Inner Mongolia, they had to undergo the "baking test" of dry heat.
Light summer weather | Rain and heat are abundant, and typhoons are active
After a slight summer heat, it is hot for three points a day. Affected by the monsoon climate, rain and heat are in the same season in many places in China. During the summer heat season, both precipitation and temperature began to show extremes, and the weather gradually changed from dry heat to sultry heat, and the "sauna mode" was opened.
"It’s summer day and night." Shortly after entering the summer solar term, the hottest dog days of the year will also kick off. The heat wave is rolling, refreshing and hard to find, and all-weather heat has become the norm. Especially in the south, the lowest temperature sometimes even exceeds 30℃, and it is hot day and night, with no chance to breathe.
With the help of summer heat, China’s summer area has further expanded, reaching about 5.25 million square kilometers. Although it has not reached the maximum, there is little room for further development.
"The bamboo is raining first, and the mountain is already thundering." Slight summer is the solar term with the most precipitation in the whole year, and it is also the season with frequent thunderstorms. With the subtropical high moving northward, the "main battlefield" of precipitation in China gradually shifted northward, and the rainy season in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River ended, and the rainy season in the north began one after another.
During the summer heat, typhoon activities also entered an active period. According to statistics, the summer solar term is the solar term with the largest number of typhoons landing in China, which mainly affects Guangdong, Taiwan Province, Fujian, Hainan and other places, and these places have gradually entered the critical period of typhoon prevention in a year. At this time, there are many powerful typhoons landing in China, including the strongest typhoon "rammasun" landing in China since 1949.
Slight summer phenology | The warm wind has arrived, and everything is crazy.
There are three stages in the summer, one is when the warm wind comes, the other is when the cricket lives in the space, and the third is when the eagle begins to gather. At this time, there is no longer a cool breeze on the earth, and almost all the winds are full of "enthusiasm". Because of the heat, the cricket left the field and came to the corner of the courtyard to escape the heat. The eagle also chose to fly to the cool high air for activities.
There is also hope for a bumper harvest in the heat of a little summer. In the summer, plenty of sunshine and abundant rain are conducive to the growth of everything. At this time, special attention should be paid to field management such as preventing high temperature and heat damage, drought, waterlogging and pests.
Light summer custom | Eating and drinking in midsummer is the most enjoyable thing.
"Eating and drinking in midsummer is the most enjoyable thing." The summer solar terms and the dog days have come one after another, and people who are troubled by the summer heat often feel poor appetite, so they will prefer cool and refreshing food.
In the north, there is a food custom of "jiaozi on the head, two on the face, pancakes and eggs on the three feet". Eating a plate of vegetarian stuffing on jiaozi’s head is not only appetizing, but also a symbol of full blessing. In the south, Xiao Shu pays attention to eating "three treasures"-Monopterus albus, lotus root and mung bean sprouts, which are cool and cool. There is also the custom of "eating new things" in the southern summer heat. Every household eats new rice and tastes new wine to thank the natural gifts and celebrate the grain harvest.
"The wind moves the lotus to make it fragrant, and the heart is calm and naturally cool." In the summer, it is hot and warm, but there is no lack of pleasant summer time. Let’s calm down, watch the fireflies flying, listen to the cicadas, smell the lotus fragrance in the wind, taste the tea in the cup, and greet the extreme heat with leisurely warmth.
Source: China Weather Network

Overseas investors increase the allocation of China stock market-international institutions cast a "vote of confidence" in China market.

  Recently, a number of international investment institutions, including Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, have been "singing more" on the China stock market, and many institutions have even taken out "real money and silver" to buy more China assets.

  Experts said that with the implementation of a series of steady growth measures in China and the accelerated optimization of epidemic prevention and control measures, the expectation of China’s economic stabilization and rebound has become clearer, attracting international institutions to re-examine the allocation value of China’s assets. In the future, under the background of China’s deepening the high-level institutional opening-up of the capital market, the efforts of international institutions to "buy in buy buy" are worth looking forward to.

  Institutional upward adjustment expectations

  Recently, a number of overseas investment institutions have increased their allocation to the China stock market.

  On December 4th, Morgan Stanley upgraded the China stock market from "standard" to "over-allocation", and it is predicted that the MSCI China Index will rise by 14% by the end of 2023. Wang Ying, chief equity strategist of Morgan Stanley China, said that the evaluation framework shows that the prevention and control measures of China epidemic are continuously optimized, the real estate market is stabilized, and the regulatory adjustment is in the final stage, so the stock risk premium may be improved, so the target price for the entire China market is raised, and there is a greater chance of revaluation by 2023.

  Coincidentally, on November 30, Goldman Sachs also said that it would also give a proposal of "high allocation" for A-share investment in 2023, and it is expected that the valuation of A-shares will rebound significantly. Liu Jinjin, chief China equity strategist of Goldman Sachs, said that under the expectation that the macro-control is intensified and the GDP growth rate is expected to pick up, we are optimistic about the performance of China stocks listed at home and abroad.

  Bank of America’s strategy team believes that China’s domestic stocks are bound to rise due to the excess savings of China residents and the continuous optimization of epidemic prevention policies. Rui Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater, believes that some valuable assets can be found in the China market at present. China is the second largest economy in the world, and investors can improve their diversification by investing in China.

  The support of international institutions is not groundless. Recently, the overseas listed China ETF, China Stock Exchange and offshore RMB exchange rate all ushered in a wave of solid rise, which enhanced the confidence of foreign institutions to invest in China. For example, since November, the net value of iShares MSCI China ETF with a scale of over $7 billion has increased by over 30%; NASDAQ Jinlong China Index rose by more than 40% in November, the largest monthly increase since records began in 2003. The RMB exchange rate has also recently gone out of a strong upward trend. On the morning of December 5, the offshore RMB exchange rate against the US dollar rose to 6.9813, the highest since mid-September.

  "At present, some major economies continue to tighten monetary policy, the risk of economic recession has intensified, and market return expectations have weakened. In contrast, China has a stable economic development and clear investment logic. " Li Zhan, chief economist of China Merchants Fund Research Department, analyzed that China’s economy is changing from high-speed growth to high-quality development, and there are a lot of investment opportunities in the process of industrial upgrading and consumption upgrading in various industries. At the same time, China recovered quickly from the impact of the epidemic, and its economy rebounded significantly in the third quarter, and its position in the global industrial chain was rising day by day. In addition, China’s financial opening to the outside world has been continuously promoted, and the channels for foreign investors to participate in the domestic financial market have been continuously optimized, attracting the attention of more and more international investors.

  The attractiveness of A shares has increased.

  In addition to high-profile "singing more" China assets, foreign investors also took out "real money and silver" and continued to substantially increase their positions in A shares. As of December 6, the net purchase of northbound funds in 30 days exceeded 75 billion yuan, and the net purchase in the past 10 days reached 42.8 billion yuan.

  Looking forward to 2023, the market expects that the pace of foreign investment "buying in buy buy" will continue to accelerate. "In 2022, nearly 70% of the financing amount in the A-share market comes from science and technology innovation board and the Growth Enterprise Market, which fully reflects the support of the capital market for technological innovation enterprises and emerging industries." Sun Jin, a partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers China Comprehensive Business Services Department, said that in 2023, with the steady progress of the comprehensive registration system reform and the introduction of more measures to support scientific and technological innovation, the international attractiveness of the A-share market will be further enhanced.

  As for the investment industry, the strategy team of Goldman Sachs believes that with the implementation of policies and measures to stabilize growth and the continuous optimization of epidemic prevention and control measures, the unemployment rate in China will drop, labor income will improve, consumer confidence will be restored, and consumer services, medical equipment and service sectors will rebound strongly, especially in tourism, catering, entertainment and aviation industries.

  "Next, the geopolitical situation will enter a relatively calm stage, and the equity cost and equity risk premium will gradually decline, which will help investors reinvest in the China stock market. The consumer sector is the beneficiary of economic opening up. We further increase our exposure to this sector and continue to suggest increasing the allocation of offshore China stocks. " Wang Ying said.

  In order to better attract foreign investment into the China market, Tian Lihui, president of the Institute of Financial Development of Nankai University, believes that it is necessary to persist in promoting the high-level institutional opening-up of the capital market and make overall plans for development and security. It is necessary to continue to expand the interconnection quota, continuously increase the variety of international products, gradually liberalize the restrictions on foreign-funded shares of financial institutions, and continue to promote the internationalization of the RMB. At the same time, the capital market should be opened to the outside world with gates, there should be room for trading rules, and market supervision should be real-time and prudent to prevent foreign hot money speculation and prevent the spread of foreign financial risks.

  Fang Xinghai, vice chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission, also said recently that high-quality overseas capital market institutions are welcome to invest and exhibit in China. In the future, we will further improve the institutional framework for opening up the capital market, accelerate the implementation of various opening-up measures, and attract and gather more outstanding international institutions and talents to participate in China’s capital market. We will continue to improve relevant institutional arrangements, further facilitate cross-border investment by domestic and foreign investors, and better support cross-border financing development of enterprises.

  Competing for exhibition industry in China

  Since the beginning of this year, the policy dividends to further improve the convenience of foreign investment in China’s assets have been released intensively, giving foreign institutions a "reassurance" to enter the China market.

  On April 26th, the CSRC issued the Opinions on Accelerating the High-quality Development of Public Offering of Fund Industry, proposing to support high-quality overseas financial institutions with long-term investment will to set up fund management companies or expand the shareholding ratio. On November 18th, the People’s Bank of China and the foreign exchange bureau jointly issued the Regulations on Fund Management of Foreign Institutional Investors’ Investment in China Bond Market, which improved and clarified the requirements for fund management of foreign institutional investors’ investment in China Bond Market.

  The convenience of foreign-funded institutions’ exhibition industry in China has been continuously improved, and the business scope and regulatory requirements have achieved national treatment. At present, more than 10 foreign-controlled or wholly-owned securities fund futures companies, such as JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Nomura and UBS, have been successively approved, and foreign banks such as Standard Chartered Bank have obtained fund custody qualifications in subsidiaries in China. Foreign private equity funds such as Qiaoshui and BlackRock have successively set up 38 wholly-owned subsidiaries.

  On November 25th, Lubomai Fund announced that it had obtained the Public Offering of Fund business license issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, becoming the second wholly foreign-owned fund management company newly established in China to conduct Public Offering of Fund business. Lubomai Fund said that the continuous opening of the financial market and the increasingly perfect business environment ruled by law have further enhanced Lubomai’s confidence and hope to further integrate into the development of China’s capital market in the future.

  A number of foreign-funded institutions have started to exhibit in China. At the end of October, ICBC Wealth Management of Goldman Sachs, which was approved to open in June this year, launched the first wealth management product "Shengxin Junzhi Private Bank Enjoy Quantitative Equity Wealth Management Product Phase 1", with a maximum fundraising scale of 5 billion copies. Goldman Sachs ICBC Wealth Management previously said that after the deep correction in the previous period, the value of A shares is becoming prominent, and there is a large room for long-term holding.

  As the first wholly foreign-owned public offering, BlackRock Fund has issued three equity funds and one "fixed income+"fund since it was approved in June 2021, and its products are diversified. Lu Wenjie, investment director of BlackRock Fund, said that A-shares are a market with great breadth and depth, wide investment scope, many related target companies and good liquidity. With the continuous strengthening of China’s opening to the outside world, it is believed that the integration of the global market and the China market will be a long-term trend.

  "More outstanding international institutions entering the A-share market are investing in China’s economic growth prospects and the profitability of China enterprises ‘ A vote of confidence ’ Being able to form a healthy competitive interaction with domestic institutions is conducive to expanding the breadth and depth of China’s capital market, and is also conducive to the continuous improvement of service capabilities of related industries and helping China’s economic development. " Tian Lihui said.

General Administration of Financial Supervision: The financial industry is duty-bound to strongly support real estate.

  General Administration of Financial Supervision: The financial industry is duty-bound to strongly support real estate.

  "The General Administration of Financial Supervision will comprehensively strengthen financial supervision, prevent and resolve financial risks, fully hold the bottom line of no systemic risks, and do a good job in the’ five big articles’ on technology and finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance, so as to provide strong financial support for high-quality economic and social development and the realization of Chinese modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." On January 25, Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the General Administration of Financial Supervision, said at the press conference on the theme of "High-quality economic and social development of financial services" of the State Council Office.

  Also present at the above conference were Li Mingxiao, spokesperson of the General Administration of Financial Supervision and Director of Policy Research Department; Liu Zhiqing, spokesperson of the General Administration of Financial Supervision and Director of Statistics and Risk Monitoring Department; Guo Wuping, Director of inclusive finance Department of the General Administration of Financial Supervision and Yin Jiangao, Director of Property Insurance Supervision Department of the General Administration of Financial Supervision.

  Liu Zhiqing said that in recent years, the credit structure of the banking industry in China has been continuously optimized, and financial support for the real economy has become more precise and powerful. Financial resources have been more used in key areas and weak links of the national economy such as scientific and technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, green development, universal benefits, infrastructure, etc. We will continue to guide and support banking institutions to increase credit supply, optimize credit structure, focus on "five major articles", focus on unblocking the channels for funds to enter the real economy, and improve the efficiency of capital use, so as to "live water" with finance.

  Last year, the net profit of commercial banks increased by 3.24%.

  Regarding the operation of the banking and insurance industry in 2023, Liu Zhiqing said that the total assets and major businesses of the banking and insurance industry grew steadily. By the end of 2023, the total assets of banking financial institutions were 417.3 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.9%, and RMB loans increased by 22.75 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.31 trillion yuan. Total liabilities amounted to 383.1 trillion yuan, up 10.1% year-on-year, and RMB deposits increased by 25.74 trillion yuan, down 510.1 billion yuan year-on-year.

  According to preliminary statistics, the net profit of commercial banks in 2023 was 2.38 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.24%. In contrast, in the first three quarters of 2023, commercial banks achieved a net profit of 1.9 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.6%.

  The quality of banking assets remained stable. According to preliminary statistics, by the end of 2023, the balance of non-performing loans of banking financial institutions was 3.95 trillion yuan, an increase of 149.5 billion yuan from the beginning of the year. The NPL ratio was 1.62% (1.65% at the end of the third quarter of 2023). The ratio of loans overdue for more than 90 days to non-performing loans in commercial banks is 84.2%, which remains at a low level. 3 trillion yuan of non-performing assets were disposed of in the whole year (since 2017, the cumulative disposal of non-performing assets of banks reached 18 trillion yuan), and the disposal efforts were maintained.

  The banking industry has sufficient risk compensation capacity. By the end of 2023, the balance of loan loss reserves of commercial banks had increased by 476.8 billion yuan, and the provision coverage ratio was 205.1%, which remained at a high level. The capital adequacy ratio is 15.1%, and the core tier 1 capital adequacy ratio is 10.5%. Among them, the capital adequacy ratio of large banks is 17.6%, and the core tier 1 capital adequacy ratio is 11.7%.

  "In 2024, the banking industry is expected to maintain a steady development momentum, with more reasonable institutional and functional layout and further optimization of financial resource allocation. In the past three years, the average growth rate of total assets of the insurance industry reached 8.7%, maintaining a good development trend. The insurance industry has great potential for future development, and its ability to serve the overall social and economic situation will continue to increase, and the functions of economic shock absorbers and social stabilizers will be more effectively exerted. " Liu Zhiqing said.

  A series of real estate policies have shown results.

  At the press conference, the General Administration of Financial Supervision also introduced the real estate market and small and medium-sized financial institutions that are highly concerned by the market.

  Xiao Yuanqi said that the real estate industry has a long chain and a wide range, which has an important impact on the national economy and is closely related to the lives of the broad masses of the people. The financial industry is duty-bound and must be strongly supported. It is also disclosed that in 2023, banking institutions issued 3 trillion yuan of development loans and 6.4 trillion yuan of housing mortgage loans respectively, which add up to nearly 10 trillion yuan. Up to now, the balances of development loans and personal housing loans are 12.3 trillion yuan and 38.3 trillion yuan respectively; By the end of 2023, the balance of bonds purchased by banks from real estate enterprises was 427.5 billion yuan; Providing M&A loans and stock extension loans to real estate enterprises add up to more than 1 trillion yuan.

  Xiao Yuanqi said that recently, the General Administration of Financial Supervision, together with relevant departments, has issued a series of measures to support the real estate market. "These policies and measures have played and are playing an active role in doing a good job in real estate financial services, stabilizing the reasonable financing demand of the real estate market and promoting the stable and healthy development of real estate."

  "In the near future, we will also focus on the following major tasks: First, we will accelerate the implementation of the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing, and will hold relevant work deployment meetings, requiring banks to act as soon as possible and make good use of the policy toolbox because of the city’s policy; The second is to guide financial institutions to implement the management requirements of operating property loans; Third, continue to do a good job in personal housing loan financial services, support local city governments and housing construction departments, and further optimize personal housing loan policies such as down payment ratio and loan interest rate due to city policies; The fourth is to guide and require banks and other financial institutions to vigorously support the construction of’ three major projects’ such as the transformation of urban villages, and to form physical workload as soon as possible. " Xiao Yuanqi said.

  Regarding the risk situation of small and medium-sized financial institutions, Xiao Yuanqi said that from a nationwide perspective, the current small and medium-sized banks are operating steadily, their asset quality is stable, and their capital strength is significantly enhanced. The capital adequacy ratio, provision coverage ratio and asset quality of small and medium-sized banks are generally at a relatively good level, and these operating and regulatory indicators are at a reasonable and healthy level.

  Xiao Yuanqi said that the General Administration of Financial Supervision will work closely with local party committees, governments and relevant departments to do a good job in the reform and risk prevention and control of small and medium-sized banks, and constantly improve their management level: first, strengthen corporate governance; second, select top executives and key personnel; third, deepen reform through classified policies; fourth, urge small and medium-sized banks to focus on their main business; fifth, adhere to goal-oriented and problem-oriented, strive for progress while addressing both the symptoms and root causes, and comprehensively strengthen supervision and prevention.

  Do a good job of "five big articles"

  The Central Financial Work Conference pointed out that high-quality development is the primary task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and finance should provide high-quality services for economic and social development, and it is required to do "five major articles" well. At the press conference, the General Administration of Financial Supervision made a detailed introduction on the "five big articles" and the next step plan.

  In technology and finance, Li Mingxiao disclosed that by the end of 2023, the loan balance of high-tech enterprises nationwide had increased by 20.2% year-on-year, of which medium and long-term loans and credit loans accounted for more than 40%. By the end of 2023, the loan balance of manufacturing industry increased by 17.1% year-on-year, of which the medium and long-term loan balance of manufacturing industry increased by 29.1% year-on-year.

  "Promote the improvement of the multi-level service system in technology and finance. Under the premise of risk control, we will steadily promote the construction of the pilot zone for science and technology innovation and financial reform with relevant departments, deepen the financial support measures for manufacturing, guide financial institutions to implement various policy requirements, and continuously enrich financial products and services. Continue to increase support for scientific and technological innovation and advanced manufacturing, help the development of new quality productive forces, and strive to provide strong financial support for accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system." For the next work plan, Li Mingxiao said.

  In terms of green finance, Li Mingxiao disclosed that by the end of 2023, the green credit balance of 21 major banks had reached 27.2 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 31.7%. In inclusive finance, Guo Wuping said that by the end of 2023, the balance of inclusive finance loans in the banking industry was 29.06 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.27%, which was 13.13 percentage points higher than the average growth rate of various loans; The average interest rate of new loans for inclusive small and micro enterprises was 4.78%, down 0.47 percentage points year-on-year. "This year, we will implement the requirements of inclusive finance’s big article, integrate loans from small and micro enterprises, agriculture-related entities and private enterprises, form a unified regulatory caliber for inclusive credit, and carry out assessment and data disclosure." Guo Wuping said.

  In terms of pension finance, Yin Jiangyao said that the General Administration of Financial Supervision will promote insurance institutions to give full play to the advantages of insurance protection and vigorously develop commercial insurance annuities. In terms of digital finance, Liu Zhiqing said that the General Administration of Financial Supervision will continue to promote the digital transformation of the banking and insurance industry, enhance the effectiveness of digital empowerment, enhance the industry’s risk prevention and control capabilities, strengthen network security and data security risk supervision, and standardize digital innovation.

  (Author: Li Yuan)

"Olive" Playing "Olive" Fighting for Jingjiang "Playing" of 13 Youth Football Teams in Jiangsu Province

Yangzi Evening News Network June 20th (correspondent Liu Min Xiao Jing Yan Zhiyong Lu Huanyu reporter Wang Guozhu) On June 20th, the 20th Jiangsu Sports Meeting started in Taizhou. As the first phase of this provincial games, the youth rugby competition (17-18 years old group) started in Jingjiang. More than 150 athletes from 13 teams in the province will compete for the titles of men’s group A and women’s group A in the three-day competition.
According to reports, this competition adopts the latest rugby rules of the World Rugby Federation. The competition time is 14 minutes, with 7 minutes in the first half and 7 minutes in the second half. Each team can propose substitutions during the competition. The number of substitutions is 5, and the team with the highest score wins.
There are 7 men’s teams and 6 women’s teams among the 13 teams participating in this competition. In the competition on the 20th, the athletes threw themselves into the passionate competition with full enthusiasm, high morale, courage to fight and the spirit of unity and upward. The players of each team actively fought, decisively attacked and bravely collided, all of which showed good strength.
It is reported that the rugby project is one of the five events of this provincial games undertaken by Jingjiang City, and its courage, fighting spirit and teamwork are attracting more and more people’s love and attention. Since 2020, Jingjiang and the Training Center of the Provincial Sports Bureau have signed a contract with the provincial men’s rugby team through the mode of "joint operation of provinces and cities" to jointly promote the construction and development of rugby projects, actively select sports seedlings through resource integration and integration of sports and education, and build characteristic schools for rugby, better promote competitions and expand the mass base of rugby projects.
Zhang Changping, secretary of the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Economic and Technological Development Zone, said that Jingjiang will make full use of the city’s strength, gather the wisdom of the whole people and pour out the feelings of the whole city, provide the highest level of service guarantee for more than 2,800 athletes, coaches and referees in the province, and strive to present a wonderful, complete, distinctive, passionate and friendly sports event, and will take the opportunity of hosting the provincial games to continuously expand the mass base of rugby and other events and promote more citizens to participate.
Proofreading: Tao Shangong

Rugby retired and re-employed, Tenet men conquered Nolan by "fighting dad"?

The starring role of "Black 007" that the media and fans have been chanting has not yet appeared. Tenet, which is being shown in cinemas around the world, has made black movie stars the leading role in spy movies ahead of schedule.

You, like James Bond, jason bourne, Ethan Hunt, Jack Ryan and other big-screen agents, saved the world at a critical moment.

Ordinary viewers may be curious, what is this young man who looks like NBA Rockets star Harden? Can become the leading actor of Christopher Nolan’s first spy war blockbuster.

If I told you,

Directed by John David and Nolan

Of course, Nolan can find John David Washington not only because he has a good father. In Hollywood, it is not uncommon for famous people to perform. shine on you is neck and neck with Kirk Douglas and michael douglas, Angelina Jolie and Jon Voight, martin sheen and Charlie Sheen … But more second generation stars are living in the shadow of their successful parents.

John David Washington (hereinafter referred to as John David) is also facing such pressure, but the road he has taken is somewhat special:

Six years before the release of Tenet, John David Washington was not even a professional actor. He was nearly 30 years old before he made up his mind to pursue an acting career, but after that, things went smoothly.

At the age of 34, he starred in "Black Party", which won the Cannes Jury Award and was nominated for the Oscar for Best Film. At the age of 36, he became the first black hero in Nolan’s works.

John David was born on July 28th, 1984. He is the eldest of four children. At the age of seven, he made his big-screen debut in malcolm x, starring his father. He appeared in the last scene of the film with only one line.

Looking back now, John David Washington feels very beautiful: ""

I was with my father when I was a child.

Malcolm x is a film co-produced by father Denzel Hayes Washington Jr. and Spike Lee. Being a star’s child has this advantage, and he can easily make an early appearance in his parents’ movies. Perhaps it was a late maturity. John David didn’t realize how famous his father Denzel Hayes Washington Jr. was until he was 11 years old.

Also in this year, after making a guest appearance in his father’s The Blue Devil, he stayed away from acting since then, because he had other hobbies.

John David’s big screen debut

After entering primary school, John David loved sports most and played football almost every morning. After graduating from primary school, he decided to make professional football players a volunteer.

Now he does not deny that when he made such a choice, he also had the consideration of getting rid of his father’s fame.

The tallest child on the right is John David.

It may seem to outsiders that John David has been living in the shadow of his father, but in an interview with GQ magazine, he said that he had a good time with his father.

"Sometimes my father and I play the trumpet together at home; Sometimes I dye my hair red and learn Arabic, but he won’t say anything. I remember one time, my father would accompany me shopping in new york and suddenly recited the lines from Shakespeare’s Richard III, just like in the movie, but I know he doesn’t usually talk like that. "

John David is with his father.

After entering middle school, John David’s football level has increased rapidly, leaving the category of hobbies, and his determination to break into the NFL (National Football League) has become stronger and stronger.

John David has been struggling for football for so many years, and what he wants most is that, indeed, wearing a helmet on the playground, no one knows who you are, let alone who your father is, and whether you can score or not depends entirely on your strength.

Wear a helmet and no one will know whose son you are.

John David still remembers that when he entered the NFL draft training camp as a student of Morehouse College in Atlanta in 2006, he specially reminded people around him not to tell anyone who his father was, and he wanted to win recognition by his own skills.

But after the first training, he found many people laughing in the lounge. It turned out that the local newspaper in the training camp reported his participation in the training on the front page, and his teammates who were familiar with him said that you couldn’t hide it, and you didn’t just rely on yourself.

John David is wearing a Rams uniform.

This is the helplessness of the famous family, trying hard to get rid of the influence of your father, but the media and the public will not cooperate with you.

In the 2006 NFL draft, he only got the non-draft free contract of the St. Louis Rams (now called the Los Angeles Rams). After three months, he was abandoned and signed up for the second team under the Rams to participate in the NFL European competition as a Rhein Fire player. On the sports field, no one will care who your father is.

John David is on the field.

He calmly judged that his own strength could not keep him on his career path, so he called his mother and hoped to return to the field of acting. But the mother flatly refused, thinking that she could not admit cowardice at this time. She hoped that her son would continue to insist on football and not give up. In 2009, John David switched to the Sacramento Bobcats in the United Football League. During this period, he also took time to participate in the performance of his father’s Book of Avery.

It is not easy for John David to leave football.

In an interview with GQ magazine, he recalled that he returned to his childhood room from the apartment rented by the team in 2013.

"I used to be independent, but it was really a low point at that time. Not only did I lose my job, but my football career was completely over, and everything I wanted was gone." In the two years since he came back from the competition, when he stayed at home doing nothing, he even considered using his sociology diploma to be a teacher.

Stubborn, he doesn’t want to be an actor with his father’s light. Andrew ·Finkelstein, a Washington friend and agent, heard that Denzel’s son had played rugby and asked him if he wanted to try it.

The producer of Players is Jushi Qiang Sen.

When John David was still playing ball, he especially liked watching HBO American dramas, especially Sex and the City and sopranos. For example, he especially liked edie falco’s role as his wife in sopranos, and it was a coincidence that his first acting role as an adult came from HBO.

How did Denzel Hayes Washington Jr. react when he got the chance to get HBO "The Players"?

John David Washington said: "He simply congratulated him, but made a condition that he would shoot a navigation set and then study hard when he came back.".

"Players" stills

After filming the navigation set, John David went to acting school for further study. No matter how good the genetic factor is, it is difficult to succeed without acquired training. Zoe kravitz (daughter of rock star Lanny Kravitz and actress lisa bonet) is his friend, and the two families often get together. She said that John David has become more and more confident in recent years, and she understands each other’s situation very well.

Because Zoe’s situation is very similar, her parents are both big players in the entertainment industry, and it is easier to get help from brokers and get opportunities.

But if you can’t do it well, people will think that you don’t deserve it, and that you are not as good as your parents. The pressure in this respect is much greater than that of ordinary actors.

Christopher Nolan said on many occasions that he chose John David Washington because of The Players and the Black Party directed by Spike Lee.

Tenet studio photo

If the former still depends on his own rugby background, then the latter embodies the advantages of the star father.

Denzel Hayes Washington Jr. and Spike Lee have cooperated many times. John David mentioned a detail: On the day of the script reading meeting of Black Partisans, the poster on the wall behind John David’s seat was Jazz Style, which was co-written by his father and Spike Lee.

Poster of Jazz Style

He said that the scene of the day was very strange. Nolan happened to be sitting next to the director Spike Lee at the premiere of "Black Party" in Cannes in 2018. Many years later, Spike Lee asked him if it was because of this premiere that he made up his mind to choose John David as the leading actor in Tenet. Nolan smiled and said, something like that.

The crew of "Black Party" appeared in Cannes.

In fact, Nolan saw John David’s performance in Players before he went to Cannes. At that time, Nolan didn’t know who he was, let alone who his father was. Nolan said that when he wrote a script, he rarely substituted actors, but when he wrote Tenet, he couldn’t get rid of John David’s appearance in his mind, so he arranged to meet John David, who was filming The Players.

John David and Nolan are talking and laughing.

Nolan said, "I remember that many years ago, James Bond producer Albert R. Broccoli first saw sean connery and decided that he could play Bond. After the meeting, Albert saw Sean Connery leave, like a panther or a cat. "

John David rehearsed for Tenet.

Nolan thinks that John David has some similar conditions, and his athletic ability is especially suitable for the leading actor in Tenet, such as climbing a high-speed fire truck in real shooting and realizing the scene of reversing time fighting.

Even with a background as a professional football player,

He felt that he couldn’t get up in bed several times and thought that he couldn’t finish filming. "Many years ago, I worked hard to keep my job in the NFL, but I didn’t expect to work hard to make a movie again."

But this movie is worth his effort, even if he may get hurt, because many people are rushing to get the job because of the Nolan blockbuster invested by 200 million dollars.

Tenet John David stills

In the years when he appeared in the American TV series "Players", John David deliberately didn’t attend the media publicity activities because he didn’t want to be asked questions about his father.

It was not until the publicity period of "Black Party" that he had to come out to face the reporter. Because the film was shortlisted for Cannes Film Festival, and the next year it was shortlisted for the best film of Oscar, there was a huge amount of public relations activities, which really could not be avoided.

Stills of "Black Party"

There’s another important reason for coming out: Tenet’s release this year saved the trouble, there was no grand premiere, and there was no press conference. The film was finished last autumn, and I saw that the film schedule was postponed again and again, and I was even worried that it would not be on the big screen. Fortunately, in the end, everything went as one wishes.

The father and son took a group photo in the NBA.

Before the release, the Washington family watched the whole film in the empty Warner Company screening hall and were asked what his father thought of his performance. John David Washington said: ""

In fact, while waiting for the release of Tenet, John David was not idle. He secretly starred in the romantic movie Malcolm and Maria with Zendaya, and after challenging crime movies and spy movies, he came to the field of romantic movies.

Still photos of Malcolm and Maria

Undeniably, his father’s influence and connections helped him a lot in "being a late bloomer", but Master led the door and practiced in that person.

How much John David Washington can achieve in the future can only be seen.

The NBA of golf is coming! The PGA Tour agreed to merge with the Saudi-backed LIV.

The American golf market has undergone amazing changes.

On Tuesday, June 6th, PGA, the PGA Tour of the United States, and LIV Golf, the upstart golf supported by Saudi Arabia, agreed to merge. This amazing move put an end to the differences and debates about who has dominated American golf since last year.

The two parties indicated that the agreement merged LIV-related businesses supported by Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund with the businesses and management rights of PGA and Dubai World Tour, a third-party entity, into a new, collectively owned for-profit entity.

The two sides also said that the merger will end the litigation between the two sides. Since the launch of LIV, the two sides have always had differences in law and public opinion.

The unnamed new business entity will be headed by Yasir Al-Rumayyan, President of Saudi Public Investment Fund, and Jay Monahan, President of PGA, will be the CEO. PGA will appoint a majority of the members of the board of directors and hold a majority of voting rights in the combined business.

The 2023 LIV Golf Tournament will be held as planned. A PGA memo said that after the end of this season, the two sides will "cooperate to establish a fair and objective procedure for any player who wants to reapply for PGA membership".

The memo reads:

Today is an important day for our organization and the whole golf game. When we make the final agreement, there are still many details to be solved, which will eventually need the approval of PGA’s policy Committee.

Golf is usually regarded as a peaceful sport, but the entry of LIV has caused quite a stir in this sports market, and also brought great changes to the operation mode of this sport, because LIV Golf has signed high-value, long-term and guaranteed contracts with players, similar to those obtained by NFL or NBA players.

In contrast, PGA is more like a performance-based league, where players earn money according to their performance in the game and the sponsorship and endorsement fees they can get.

LIV has also signed contracts with some top players in PGA, and the amount is staggering. For example, phil mikkelsen’s $138 million, dustin johnson’s $97 million and Brian Deschamps’ $86 million. However, there are still some famous adherents who continue to support the PGA Tour, including Tiger Woods, rory mcilroy and jordan spieth.

According to reports, Woods and McRoy got a contract of hundreds of millions of dollars from LIV Golf, but they were eventually rejected. Both of them continue to support the PGA Tour, saying that LIV’s contract will undermine competitiveness and reduce players’ motivation to improve their skills.

PGA also tried its best to shut out the players who signed up for LIV Golf, so that they could not participate in the competitions organized by PGA. Therefore, this makes some major events that are not hosted by PGA more attractive, because it is the only place where golfers from two leagues can face each other.

There have been competitive sports leagues in the United States before, such as NBA versus ABL or AFL versus NFL. At some point, the final combination of the opposing sides will bring better games and more income for athletes. However, the market once thought that it would be very difficult to merge LIV and PGA, because LIV is backed by Saudi Arabia with deep pockets, which means that the merger between the two parties may take longer.

This article is from Wall Street. Welcome to download the APP to see more.


2024 China Daqing First International Youth Cross-country Skiing Short Distance Race was held.

On January 20th, the 2024 China Daqing First International Youth Cross-country Skiing Short Race was held in Sanyong Lake, Daqing, under the guidance of China Skiing Association, sponsored by Daqing Sports Bureau and Daqing Longfeng District Government, undertaken by Daqing Karhu Sports Culture Co., Ltd. and Beijing Sanbei Aoxue International Competition Management Co., Ltd., and co-organized by Daqing Longfeng District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau and Daqing Longfeng District Education Bureau.

The competition was established: 10 km for men/women aged 17-18, 5 km for men/women aged 15-16, 2.5 km for men/women aged 13-14 and 1.5 km for men/women aged 11-12. In addition, in order to encourage the public to participate in the competition, a 10-kilometer freestyle skiing competition for men and women was added.

This competition attracted 60 young athletes from Russia, the Republic of Russia, the Republic of Sakha, Kazakhstan and France, and nearly 500 cross-country skiers from China. The settlement of this event in Daqing will inject new vitality into the revitalization and economic growth of the ice and snow sports tourism industry in Daqing and build a bridge of friendship for sports and cultural exchanges between European and Asian countries.

After fierce competition: the men’s 10km champion was won by Russian Filipoff • For Ole and sergeyevich, Russian Lebedev • Slavic Evgenyevich of Wache won the runner-up, and Russian player Stramilav • Gregory • Romanovic won the third place.

The women’s 10km champion was given to Gina &bull by Russian player Nini; Alina • Vidaliyevna picked it. China’s Chen Jiayi won the runner-up, Russian Mirnikova • Sophia alekseev won the third place.

The men’s 5km champion was won by China’s Zhong Guoqiang and Kazakh’s Garasbek • Azimu won the runner-up and China’s Jin Yuchen won the third place.

The women’s 5 km champion was won by Russian player Goncearuc • Sophia • Vidaliyevna won, Russia’s Skupoyeva • Uriana • Alekseev Na won the runner-up, Russian player Sambuyeva • Ye Li Zaveta • Ba Li Lovna won the third place.

The men’s 2.5km champion was won by Russian player Putintsev • Dmitry • Alexeyevich won, Russian player Lu Dehe • Sergey • Alexeyevich won the runner-up, Russian Krymukin • Nigada • Sergeyevich won the third place.

The women’s 2.5 km champion was won by Kazakhstan’s Trevor Onava • Valeria won, Russia’s Kolaxin • Balina • Evgenyev Na won the runner-up, Russian player Malkova • Anna • Alekseev Na won the third place.

The men’s 1.5km champion was won by Russian player sakr • Andre • Jurjevic won, Russian Leochiev • Mikhail • Alexeyevich won the second place, and the third place belongs to Russian player Durbanov • Yegaoer • Vladimirovich won the third place.

The women’s 1.5km champion was won by China’s Zheng Xunuo, Russian player Gusheva • Yekaterina • Aleksandrovna won the runner-up and China’s Zhang Xinyao won the third place.

The purpose of this competition is to cultivate the development concept of "ice and snow are also Jinshan Yinshan" and vigorously develop the ice and snow sports industry. Conscientiously implement the requirements of accelerating the development of ice and snow economy in the province, accelerate the development of ice and snow industry, and make social responsibility of Heilongjiang Province.

On the occasion of the successful bid for the 2025 Harbin Asian Winter Games, we will take sports as a link and cross-country skiing as a bridge to enhance the exchange and mutual learning between sports and cultures of Asian and European countries, so as to "gather the light of sports for march towards a great future together’s future".

The competition is just around the corner, and the Shougang ski jumping platform starts to make snow! Why use "ice snow"?

Introduction: Actually, the snow used in the competition does not depend on nature, but relies on funa technology.artificial snowHow to "mass production"? What is "ice snow"?
The 2023/2024 season International Snow Federation Single Board and Freestyle Ski Platform World Cup, hosted by the International Snow Federation and co-hosted by China Ski Association, Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau and Beijing Shijingshan District People’s Government, will be held in "Snow Flying", the ski platform of Shougang from November 30th to December 2nd.
On November 17th, the snow-making work of Shougang ski jumping platform was officially started. The snow-making work will last until November 27th. After the snow-making work is completed, athletes will be trained before the competition.
(Source: Beijing Evening News)
Snow quality is an important guarantee for ski jumping events. Because this year’s competition time is earlier than in previous years and the weather temperature is higher, the problem of snow making has attracted everyone’s attention.
Such worries are actually unnecessary. The development of snow-making technology is enough for China to realize "freedom of using snow".
Artificial snow is safer and more controllable.
Considering the uncertainty of natural weather process, especially snowfall, international events of snow sports generally use artificial snow to lay snow tracks. The reason is that, on the one hand, funa’s technology is artificially controllable, so it is not necessary to "rely on the sky to eat"; On the other hand, the threshold of this technology is relatively low-as long as the temperature is lower than 0℃, the snow machine can work.
"Usually, funa uses a’ snow cannon’ type snow machine. The principle of this machine is divided into two types. One is to use an ice-making device to produce a small piece of ice, and then use the piece of ice as raw material to make snow; The other is the traditional high-pressure water mixed with air to make snow. " Su Zhengjun, a senior engineer at the Weather Modification Center of China Meteorological Bureau, said.
The traditional artificial snow is to inject water into a special nozzle or spray gun, which uses high-pressure air to divide the water flow into tiny particles. When these water droplets meet the cold outside air, they will quickly solidify into ice crystals and become the well-known snowflakes before landing.
"Artificial snow takes a short time to form and grows fast, and the shape of snowflakes is basically the same. Snowfall in natural weather will have obvious changes in hardness the next day. " Su Zhengjun explained.
In the early morning, when the outdoor temperature is low, the natural snow usually has a high degree of solidification. At this time, the snow is hard, similar to "ice slag". Although this state of snow will make skiers reach a faster sliding speed, it also makes the snowboard’s grip on the ground poor. Especially for beginners, if the soft natural snow is not compacted, the snowboard is very easy to fall into the snow, causing accidents such as rollover and emergency stop.
▲ The smooth machine-pressed snow trail is also called "noodle snow" by fans, and skiing on the machine-pressed snow trail is compared to "eating noodles". The picture shows the snowy road of Changbai Mountain International Resort in Jilin (Source: Xinhua News Agency)
Create a "rubber runway" on the snow
It is easy to understand that artificial snow can help us get rid of our dependence on natural snowfall. So why do some winter sports tracks still use funa in areas with abundant snow and snowfall all the year round?
This has to mention another advantage of funa: customization. According to the needs of different events and different venues, artificial snow can freely adjust the particle size, water content and hardness of snowflakes.
For example, alpine skiing, as a traditional event in the Winter Olympics, has always been known as the "jewel in the crown of the Winter Olympics" because of its strong ornamental value, but the participants in this project are very fast (the top speed can reach 248 kilometers per hour) and the danger is very great, so the requirements for the track are more stringent. In order to build a snow trail that meets the international standards of alpine skiing, the snow used is not ordinary natural snow, but artificial "ice-like snow".
The so-called icy snow is used to describe a state of snow quality on ski resorts. In this state, the density of snowflakes is about 0.65 g/cm3, and the surface of the snow trail remains crystalline, just like a thin "ice shell", which is similar to the ice surface. This kind of snow trail has high hardness and is not easy to be destroyed. It can ensure that the surface of the snow trail is not deformed when the athletes turn at high speed. No matter which time the athletes play, the state of the snow trail is the same and relatively perfect.
▲ Competition-level snow trails are more dense and "more porcelain", sliding faster, but falling more painful (Source: "Chai Know" WeChat WeChat official account)
If icy snow is used to pave the pavement for alpine skiing, it is like building a "plastic track" in the snow, which can not only reduce the friction between the track surface and snowboards and significantly improve the athletes’ performance, but also improve the athletes’ comfort when skiing, protect their body joints and prolong their professional sports career as much as possible.
Shougang ski platform, using crushed ice to make snow.
The snow-making of Shougang ski jumping platform adopted the method of breaking ice to make snow. One side of the ice is crushed into snow powder by an ice crusher, and the snow powder is leveled and compacted by a snowmobile, and piled up from the bottom of the big platform from bottom to top, and the snowy road is paved. After the track is paved, the Xiang Xue surface will be sprayed with water and salt to form the final "ice-like snow" to ensure that the snow conditions of each athlete are basically the same when they slide.
Snow quality is an important guarantee for ski jumping events. "Ice snow" can not only improve athletes’ performance and ski comfort, but also protect athletes’ health. The team has many years’ experience and has served large-scale events such as the Winter Olympics. The team will also communicate with athletes on the quality of snow to satisfy their feelings.
Different from other temporary venues, Shougang ski platform, as the world’s first permanently reserved and used platform competition venue, can meet the load-bearing requirements of snowmobiles in track construction, which also creates a precedent for snowmobiles to lay snow trails on the platform.
(Source: Beijing Evening News)
Snow preservation and snow storage technology to ensure track quality
In fact, for a long time, building a high-quality ice-like snow track has been a technical difficulty in China’s ice and snow industry. In order to welcome the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games, researchers have made unremitting efforts to establish the territorial parameters for making ice-like snow in Yanqing and Zhangjiakou in Beijing. At the same time, with the help of complete snow-making techniques of water injection and compaction, qualified ice-like snow that meets the climatic conditions of continental monsoon region has been successfully made. Natural snowfall in winter in the local mountainous areas has become the "landscape snow" to decorate the Winter Olympic Games area.
In fact, for the high-standard Winter Olympics Road, natural snowfall is a "burden". If there is snowy weather, the soft natural snow will lead to the "mirror-smooth" icy snow track falling short. In addition, because Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games are in the alternating period of winter and spring, they may encounter other extreme weather, such as sudden rain, which will cause thin ice on the track surface and increase the risks faced by athletes in the competition.
▲ On February 23, 2021, the staff of the National Alpine Ski Center in Yanqing Division ("Xuefeiyan") were inspecting and trimming the track (Source: Xinhua News Agency)
After the planning of scientific research personnel, if it is really "bad weather", the staff will immediately use the snow-pressing machine to re-compact the snow trail and carry out emergency finishing on the track. At the same time, in order to ensure the quality of the track, they will also use automatic measuring instruments such as ice and snow hardness tester and ice and snow particle size meter for quick detection, so as to effectively ensure the quality of snow and resume the normal race in the shortest time.
It is reported that in order to ensure sufficient snow during the competition, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics also made a bold attempt in snow storage: when the temperature is low in winter, make qualified snow in advance, and then store it in a flat site until the next year.
This seemingly impossible scheme has passed the feasibility test as early as 2017. The Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee has successfully carried out the snow storage experiment in Yanqing Shi Jinglong Ski Resort. After the test of the following spring and summer, more than 60% of artificial snow was successfully stored.
Related reading:
How many steps does it take to build an icy snow track?
Building an international and high-level ice-like snow track for Olympic events is not only due to the snow machine. At present, the icy snow track can be divided into two categories: racing track and competitive track. Take the ice-covered snow racing track as an example;
First, the snowmobile needs to open the snow trail, break the snow blocks and loosen the snow surface;According to the location of the track and the temperature at that time, inject water into the snow-only in this way can we ensure that the track has a certain strength and enough elasticity;The embryonic form of an icy snow track is basically formed by constantly turning over the wet snow and pressing it evenly again and again.
▲ Different from the watering method of the racing track, the competitive track adopts the "Z-shaped water injector" water injection method (Source: Beijing Daily)
After that, the staff should ensure that the thickness of the ice-like snow layer is consistent, and there are no big holes in the snowy road. After confirming that everything is correct, flatten the track and let the snow layer form a shiny "ice shell" from bottom to top;After completing all the steps, the staff also need to clean up the floating snow on the track.At this point, a qualified "mirror-like" icy snow track can be put into use.
Author/Reporter Wang Xueying
Editor/Ding Lin New Media Editor/Fang Yongzhen
Interview experts:
Su Zhengjun (Senior Engineer, Weather Modification Center, China Meteorological Bureau)
Source: Beijing Science and Technology News, part of which is integrated with Beijing Evening News.

State-owned enterprises and state-owned enterprises fight "epidemic" to play a financial combination boxing!

  Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, state-owned and state-owned enterprises across the country have made all-out efforts to fight the epidemic, promoted the resumption of work and production in an orderly manner, bravely fought the epidemic and became the "ballast stone" to stabilize the economy, which fully demonstrated the mission of being the mainstay.

  In addition to effective measures such as medical assistance, material supply, and people’s livelihood security, state-owned and state-owned enterprises continue to carry out financial innovation services, raise funds for epidemic prevention and control, help production and operation, make efforts to break through the blocking points and pain points of the industrial chain, and make overall plans to promote epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

  timely rain

  Series bonds provide financial support for epidemic prevention and control.

  "The soldiers and horses have not moved, and the food and grass go first." The government, enterprises, medical institutions, etc. are actively involved in efficient epidemic prevention and control work, and continuous financial support is extremely necessary. To this end, central enterprises continue to issue a series of epidemic prevention and control bonds, and provide special financing guarantee for epidemic prevention and control for relevant institutions in the industrial chain by effective financial means, which has also gained high recognition from the capital market.

  China Communications Group: Issuing the first asset-backed securities for epidemic prevention and control.

  On February 14th, No.2 Aviation Administration affiliated to CCCC issued the first ABS in the whole market on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The issuance scale was 230 million yuan, with a term of one year and a priority of 2.8% in coupon rate. The issuance was completed in seven days, and the issuance efficiency reached a record high for ABS products in supply chain finance.

  ABS, a supply chain finance, is an asset securitization based on the real transactions in the upstream and downstream supply chain of core enterprises, with the cash flow income of future transactions as the guarantee, and carries out normalized and sustainable issuance of accounts receivable claims of upstream suppliers of core enterprises. The funds raised in the current supply chain asset support special plan are mainly used to give financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises in the upper reaches of the supply chain, help to resume production, and further support the construction of hospitals and scientific research laboratories in epidemic areas related to first-line anti-epidemic enterprises in epidemic areas and the investment in related epidemic prevention and control projects.

  SDIC: Issue the first renewable corporate bond for epidemic prevention and control at the headquarters of central enterprises.

  On February 18th, SDIC successfully issued the first renewable corporate bond for epidemic prevention and control of the headquarters of central enterprises in the domestic capital market in Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with an issuance scale of 500 million yuan, an issuance rate of 3.38% and a term of 3+N years. The bonds are underwritten by Essence Securities and GF Securities, and the finance company is the financial consultant. The funds raised will be used to support the epidemic prevention-related member enterprises to carry out epidemic prevention materials production activities.

  This bond is also the first renewable corporate bond for epidemic prevention and control in Shenzhen Stock Exchange, which has attracted the participation of a number of high-quality investors including China Merchants Bank and Ping An Pension. The market response has been enthusiastic and investors have subscribed enthusiastically. The bond has been renewable for the same period since 2017. The lowest issue rate of corporate bonds.

  Ordnance Industry Group: Issuing the first epidemic prevention and control bond of petrochemical enterprises.

  On February 20th, North Huajin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., China Ordnance Industry Group, successfully bookkept and issued 1 billion yuan of ultra-short-term financing bonds for the first phase of epidemic prevention and control bonds in 2020, with an issue interest rate of 2.70%, which was 145 basis points lower than the benchmark interest rate of banks in the same period, setting a new low in Northeast China since 2017, saving interest expenses of 10.87 million yuan.

  This bond is the first epidemic prevention and control bond issued in Northeast China and the first epidemic prevention and control bond issued by petrochemical enterprises. Polypropylene, industrial ethylene oxide and industrial butadiene produced by Huajin Co., Ltd. are important raw materials for the production of epidemic prevention products (masks, disinfectant, medical gloves, etc.).

  China Power Construction Co., Ltd.: Issued the first single bond for epidemic prevention and control of central enterprises in construction.

  On February 21st, China Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. successfully issued the first single epidemic prevention and control bond of national central construction enterprises in the inter-bank market, with a bond issuance scale of 3.5 billion yuan and a maturity of 180 days, accounting for 2.3% in coupon rate. At least 10% of the funds raised in this bond will be specially used to support the material supply and infrastructure construction of subordinate units involved in epidemic prevention and control, and fully support member enterprises to win the battle against the epidemic.

  This bond issuance was conducted by Dianjian Finance Company as the financial consultant, and China Everbright Bank as the lead underwriter and bookkeeper. The issued products hit a new high in the scale of bond issuance for epidemic prevention and control in the interbank market, and hit a new low in the interest rate of the same industry, the same qualification, the same term and the same type of products in recent years.

  SINOMACH: Issuance of 2 billion yuan epidemic prevention and control bonds in Shanghai Stock Exchange.

  On February 28th, SINOMACH successfully issued China Machinery Industry Group Co., Ltd. a public offering of 2020 corporate bonds (the first issue) (epidemic prevention and control bonds), with a scale of 2 billion yuan. Part of the raised funds will be used for various epidemic prevention production inputs to ensure that enterprises actively respond to epidemic prevention and control work.

  The term of corporate bonds for epidemic prevention and control in this issue is 3+2 years, which was enthusiastically subscribed and actively supported by investors during the issuance process. The final issuance of corporate bonds in coupon rate was only 3.02%, the lowest in coupon rate since 2017, which fully reflected the high recognition of the capital market.

  China Resources: Issuing the first directional bond for epidemic prevention and control in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

  On February 28th, China Resources Leasing Co., Ltd. successfully issued the first-phase targeted debt financing tool (epidemic prevention and control bond) in 2020. This bond is the first targeted debt financing tool for epidemic prevention and control of central enterprises in China and the first targeted debt financing tool for epidemic prevention and control in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

  The funds raised in this bond will be given priority to the financial leasing projects of designated medical hospitals participating in the treatment of COVID-19 epidemic, so as to provide financing guarantee for hospitals to purchase medical equipment, protective equipment and other medical materials. The bond issuance scale of this issue is 500 million yuan, with a term of two years, and coupon rate’s is 3.85%, which is the lowest interest rate of similar bonds in the same industry and with the same term in the past two years.

  roll booster

  Innovative service helps to resume work and production, forming a benign cycle.

  State-owned and state-owned enterprises have continuously enhanced the ability of financial services to the real economy, helped upstream and downstream enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, to alleviate the financing difficulties, and used financial "living water" to help cooperative enterprises develop in a coordinated way, so as to make the market generate more dynamic and help the resumption of work and production to form a good cycle.

  China Merchants Bank: The long-distance lending model has been fully promoted, with a loan of 23.7 billion yuan in three weeks.

  At present, China Merchants Bank’s "remote lending" business model has become a sharp weapon to solve the financing problems of enterprises during the epidemic period.

  As of February 21st, within three weeks, 35 branches of China Merchants Bank have issued 896 credit businesses to customers through remote lending mode, totaling 23.7 billion yuan. Among them, the utilization rate of remote lending in branches such as Wuhan, Wenzhou and Beijing has reached 100%.

  The remote lending model is a financial technology innovation project of China Merchants Bank. In 2019, China Merchants Bank completed the development of system functions and the pilot launch of seven branches. Technically, remote lending is an online fast lending mode developed by combining the electronic image storage and transmission functions of online banking and CVM system. In this mode, the account manager doesn’t need to go to the door before lending, and even the customer doesn’t need to submit the information at the outlet. He just needs to take photos through the customer’s online banking terminal or the account manager’s mobile phone and upload the image of the lending information. The lending center can first lend money based on the electronic image information, and then hand over the original lending information for filing within the specified time limit. Through the non-contact lending mode on the whole line, the market personnel can stay at home and complete the lending.

  On February 3, the first day after the holiday, the head office of China Merchants Bank issued an urgent notice to all branches to fully promote the remote lending model and allow the remote business scope to be expanded from high-frequency business under credit to all corporate credit businesses.

  State Grid: Electricity fee finance opens up a green channel, financing tens of billions for small and medium-sized enterprises.

  After the outbreak, the State Grid e-commerce company responded quickly, gave full play to the advantages of the platform, and strengthened financial services for key material support enterprises and increased support for small and medium-sized enterprises with two major business entry points: online industrial chain finance and electricity fee finance.

Fujian Jingfeng Technology, which successfully raised funds through the financial technology platform of State Grid E-commerce Company, has made full efforts to increase production capacity, and the staff is taking down the finished nylon yarn and preparing for inspection.

Fujian Jingfeng Technology, which successfully raised funds through the financial technology platform of State Grid E-commerce Company, has made full efforts to increase production capacity, and the staff is taking down the finished nylon yarn and preparing for inspection.

  Take the initiative to connect with cooperative financial institutions and actively strive for preferential policies for enterprises. At present, the interest rate of new loans issued by CCB E-loan (Yundian Loan) is lowered by 0.5%, and the minimum annualized interest rate of Weizhong Bank E-loan (Micro-loan) is lowered by 2.7%, further reducing the financing cost of enterprises.

  Open a green financing channel for epidemic areas, and jointly launch a green financing service channel for e-tickets to Hubei enterprises and security enterprises with Jiangsu Bank, and enjoy the preferential interest rate for bill financing, which is not less than 0.2% lower than the current market interest rate, and open a seller’s interest payment method to further reduce the cash flow pressure of enterprises.

  At present, e-loan, e-profit, e-ticket, pay-by-ticket and other electricity fee financial services operate in a full-line and non-contact mode, providing 7*24-hour online exclusive services remotely. During the epidemic period, more than 3,000 businesses were accepted. The online industrial chain financial platform based on blockchain has raised 16.73 billion yuan for small and medium-sized enterprises, and the transaction volume of electricity financial products has reached 2.61 billion yuan, which has become a scientific and technological "grasping hand" to help small and medium-sized enterprises resume production and return to work, helping small and medium-sized enterprises to have a virtuous circle of capital chains.

  SDIC: Providing nearly 100 million insurance premiums for small and medium-sized enterprises to help them resume work and production.

  China Insurance, a subsidiary of SDIC, reduced or exempted the two-month premium for 20 insured enterprise customers directly related to epidemic prevention and control and the national economy and people’s livelihood, with a total guarantee liability of nearly 100 million yuan. That is, in February, when the epidemic was severe, and in March, when China Insurance kept its financing guarantee responsibility unchanged, these 20 small and micro enterprises would not be charged any guarantee fees.

  For small and medium-sized enterprises in business services, agriculture and science and technology, which are greatly affected by the epidemic, China Insurance has opened a green channel to reduce the financing costs of enterprises, and achieved rapid secured loans for small and micro enterprises to coordinate banks, meeting the urgent financing needs of enterprises in a special period; For wholesale, retail and agricultural logistics enterprises that are greatly affected by the epidemic, measures such as reducing or renewing insurance premiums are taken to meet the operating capital needs of enterprises in a special period and help them resume production and return to work smoothly; The demand for financing and materials of small and micro-insured customers in Beijing during the epidemic period was investigated and counted, and the suggestions put forward by many enterprises, such as "the current epidemic has had a certain impact on production and operation, and financing hopes to get uninterrupted loan renewal or extension after maturity to effectively reduce financing costs", were reported to local regulatory authorities and industry associations in time.

  State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Fujian Province: In conjunction with The Export-Import Bank of China, it provides 10 billion special loan quotas for provincial enterprises.

  The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Fujian Province, together with The Export-Import Bank of China Fujian Branch, formulated the Work Plan on Policy-based Financial Support for Stable Production of Key Provincial State-owned Enterprises in Fujian Province, and the Export-Import Bank of Fujian Branch provided a special loan amount of 10 billion yuan for Fujian provincial enterprises to support the emergency fund demand for resuming work and production. The maximum interest rate of this loan is not more than 3.33%. In principle, the loan term shall not exceed one year. Enterprises with normal operation and qualified conditions can adopt a guarantee-free way. At the same time, the Fujian Branch of the Export-Import Bank set up a special green channel, and completed the approval process within three working days on the premise of risk control and compliance with regulatory requirements in accordance with the principle of "special affairs and urgent affairs". The Export-Import Bank Fujian Branch has selected more than 20 provincial enterprises from the list submitted by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Fujian Province as the first batch of support targets.


  Warm-hearted protection creates a solid backing for retrograde soldiers

  Fighting the COVID-19 epidemic is a war without smoke, which requires retrograde people to go to the front line without hesitation, and more forces are needed to firmly guard the rear defense line. Under the epidemic situation, financial security services play an extremely critical role in the social operation system. Through financial tools, state-owned and state-owned enterprises build a solid "rear area" for retrograde people and avoid worries.

  Zhaolian Finance: Launching the Care Action of "Reducing Interest Loans"

  Zhaolian Finance is a licensed consumer finance company jointly established by China Unicom and China Merchants Bank and approved by China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China. On February 10th, Zhaolian Finance launched the "Interest Reduction and Care Action during the Anti-epidemic Period", aiming at reputable users such as front-line medical staff, police officers, takeaway and courier brothers, and credit-worthy small and micro business owners who are facing the problem of family life turnover, and launched the exclusive warm-hearted service of "loan discount and interest-free loan".

  From February 10th to March 10th, all reputable and qualified users can enter the "Anti-epidemic and Interest-reducing Care Activities" area through recruiting financial APP and WeChat official account, and apply for interest-free loan vouchers for 3-14 days to relieve the pressure of daily consumption expenses.

  Guangxi Investment Group: Donate insurance for medical staff and relatives in the whole region.

  Guangxi Investment Group Guofu Life Insurance and Beibu Gulf Property Insurance donated insurance to 220,000 medical staff and 300,000 relatives of medical staff in the region respectively.

  The insurance protection scheme shall take effect retrospectively from 0: 00 on January 1, 2020 to 24: 00 on December 31, 2020. During the insurance period, if the medical staff involved in the prevention and treatment of novel coronavirus epidemic in Guangxi (including medical staff assisting Hubei in Guangxi) died of illness due to infection with novel coronavirus during the prevention and treatment of novel coronavirus epidemic, they will pay 300,000 yuan of disease death insurance money in one lump sum; After the medical staff involved in the prevention and control of the epidemic situation in novel coronavirus (including the medical staff assisting Hubei in Guangxi) are diagnosed with infection, if their spouses and their children are infected with novel coronavirus and die of the disease, they will pay 200,000 yuan in one lump sum (the sum of the insurance premiums paid by the minor insured after his death shall be implemented according to the limit stipulated by the insurance supervision and administration institution of the State Council).

The Central Meteorological Observatory is very busy! It’s hot and rainy. Will it turn around next Monday?

       CCTV News:To say which department is the busiest recently, the Central Meteorological Observatory should count as one. For a while, the high temperature here continued to be dry, and for a while, there was hail in strong convective weather. The Central Meteorological Observatory had to forecast the weather to the public in time. It coincides with the summer vacation, and people with travel plans are more concerned about whether going out to play will be disturbed by the weather. Recently, the hot weather is obvious to all. Let’s see when this round of hot weather will be eased.


       Central Meteorological Observatory: A large area of high temperature weather appeared in central and eastern China on the 4th.

       Yesterday, there was a large area of high temperature weather in central and eastern China. Meteorological monitoring by the Central Meteorological Observatory showed that the temperature in Beijing, southern Hebei, south-central Shaanxi, western Henan, eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, western Hubei, northwestern Hunan, Zhejiang and Shanghai exceeded 37℃, while that in Chongqing and Shaanxi was 40 ~ 42℃.

       Wanzhou, Chongqing: 20 days without rain and 4 days of high temperature red warning.

       On the morning of the 4th, Wanzhou District of Chongqing issued a high-temperature red warning signal for the fourth consecutive day. The meteorological department reminded that there was no obvious precipitation in the local area for 20 days, which has reached the standard of high-temperature summer drought. All units should do a good job in heatstroke prevention and drought relief. According to the monitoring of Wanzhou Meteorological Observatory, the temperature in Wanzhou has rushed to 40 degrees Celsius for several days, and the local maximum temperature has reached 43.8 degrees Celsius. The sunny and hot weather makes Wanzhou citizens feel very tormented.

       Shaanxi: High temperature orange warning was issued for two consecutive days.

       On August 3rd and 4th, Shaanxi Meteorological Bureau issued high-temperature orange warning twice in a row, and started high-temperature three-level emergency response.

       According to the statistics of meteorological department, the highest temperature in 65 districts and counties in Shaanxi Province exceeded 35 degrees Celsius on August 3rd. Among them, the highest temperature in Xunyang County, Ankang City reached 42.6 degrees Celsius, and Shaanxi launched a high-temperature level III emergency response. According to the meteorological satellite land surface temperature monitoring, on the afternoon of August 3, the surface temperature in the north-central part of northern Shaanxi and most parts of Guanzhong was above 40 degrees Celsius, with the surface temperature in the areas under the jurisdiction of Xi ‘an, Baoji, Xianyang, Weinan and Hanzhong exceeding 50 degrees Celsius.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: On the 5th, it continued to issue a yellow warning of high temperature.

       The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of high temperature. During the day on the 5th, there was high temperature above 35℃ in eastern southern Xinjiang, southeastern part of northwest China, eastern North China, central and western Huanghuai, most of Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan and northern South China. Among them, the highest temperature in some areas of southwestern Shaanxi, northwestern Henan, southern and northwestern Hubei, most of Chongqing, western and southeastern Jiangnan can reach 37 ~ 39℃, and the local temperature can exceed 40℃.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: High temperature yellow warning Huanghuai Jiangnan high temperature continues

       Today, the hot weather in the southeastern part of the northwest, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and most parts of the south of the Yangtze River will continue, and the Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue a yellow warning of high temperature.

       In the southeast of northwest China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, and most parts of the south of the Yangtze River, the high temperature weather continues today, and the Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue a yellow warning of high temperature. It is estimated that the highest temperature in some areas of southwestern Shaanxi, northwestern Henan, southern and northwestern Hubei, most of Chongqing, western and southeastern Jiangnan can reach 37-39 C, and the local temperature can exceed 40 C, reminding people to take measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down.

       Next week, the cold air will go south and the high temperature will ease.

       It is expected that the high temperature range will expand tomorrow, with the highest temperature above 35℃ in a large area from the south of Shaanxi, the south of North China, the south of Huanghuai West to the north of South China. However, from next Monday, due to the combined influence of cold air and rain, the high temperature weather in the above areas will gradually ease.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: Heavy rainfall occurred in Shandong, Liaoning and other places yesterday

       On the 4th, heavy rain occurred in eastern Liaoning, Shandong Peninsula and parts of eastern Sichuan, northern Chongqing, western Yunnan, western Guangxi and northern Hainan, and heavy rain fell in eastern Liaoning and Shandong Peninsula, and a heavy rain of 250-342 mm fell in Dandong, Liaoning.


       Central Meteorological Observatory: There will be strong precipitation in Jianghan, the eastern part of northwest China.

       According to the latest weather released by the Central Meteorological Observatory this morning, due to the influence of high-altitude trough and low-level shear, there will be an obvious precipitation process from west to east in the eastern part of northwest China to Jianghan, Huanghuai and Jianghuai areas from night to 7, with moderate to heavy rain as the precipitation intensity, with heavy rain in some areas.

       In the next 24 hours, there will be moderate to heavy rain in parts of Jilin, eastern Liaoning, eastern North China, northern and eastern Shandong, southern Gansu, eastern and southern Southwest China, southwestern Jianghuai, northern Jiangnan and southwestern South China, with local heavy rain; Some of the above areas have short-term heavy precipitation, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: Heavy rainfall is scattered, and rainfall in Northeast China is weakened.

       According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, from day to night, there is obvious rainfall in the northeast, north China, southwest China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, mainly small to moderate rain, and the distribution of heavy rain is relatively scattered.

       Recently, affected by typhoon residual circulation and cold air, North China, Northeast China and other places have experienced heavy rainfall. According to meteorological monitoring, the rain weakened in most areas yesterday, but there were still heavy rains in eastern Liaoning and Shandong Peninsula, among which heavy rains fell in Dandong, Liaoning.


       The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that the rainfall in Northeast China will be further weakened today. Although there is a wide range of rainfall in the country, the distribution of heavy rainfall is scattered. Among them, Jilin, eastern Liaoning, eastern North China, northern and eastern Shandong, southern Gansu, Yunnan and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have moderate to heavy rains and local heavy rains. Some of the above areas have short-term heavy precipitation, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds, reminding people to pay attention to rain and lightning protection during weekend trips.

       Tomorrow, the heavy rainfall will be transferred to Qinghai, Gansu and other places, among which there is heavy rain in the eastern part of Gansu, so it is necessary to guard against geological disasters that may be caused by rainfall.


       Guide to severe convective weather prevention:

       1. The government and relevant departments shall, in accordance with their duties, do a good job in emergency defense against short-term rainstorm, lightning protection and strong wind, and the meteorological department shall prepare for artificial hail suppression and conduct operations at the right time;

       2. The driver should slow down when passing through the waterlogged section to confirm the safety before passing, and the traffic control department should take traffic control measures and traffic guidance in the heavy rainfall section and waterlogged section according to the road conditions;

       3. Outdoor personnel should reduce or suspend outdoor work in open places, choose to enter buildings with strong wind resistance and lightning protection measures, and close doors and windows away from dangerous power sources;

       4. Airports, railways, highways and water transportation units should take measures such as flight restriction, speed limit or temporary closure to ensure personnel and traffic safety. Water operations and passing ships in relevant waters should return to Hong Kong to evade and strengthen port facilities;

       5. Check the drainage systems of cities, farmland and fish ponds, and make necessary drainage measures and prepare for disasters such as mountain torrents, landslides and mudslides.