"2023 Henan-Taiwan-Dayu Cultural Exchange Seminar" was held in Zhengzhou and Taipei.

Zhengzhou venue (Photo courtesy of Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee)
Taiwan Province Network, China, December 19 th Recently, the "2023 Henan-Taiwan-Dayu Cultural Exchange Seminar" hosted by Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee and Xia Clan Association of Taipei was held in Zhengzhou and Taipei respectively by remote video conference.
Lv Xinyang, full-time vice chairman of Henan Provincial Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee, relevant leaders and experts and scholars of Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee and Xia Clan Association of Taipei attended.
The purpose of this seminar is to inherit Dayu culture, carry forward Dayu spirit, cultivate the common historical and cultural ties between the two sides of the strait, strengthen exchanges and exchanges between compatriots on both sides of the strait, promote spiritual harmony between compatriots on both sides of the strait, and build a sense of community of destiny between the two sides of the strait.
This is after 30 Taiwan compatriots went to Zheng for cultural exchange in 2018 and video cultural exchange in Henan and Taiwan in 2021, Dayu cultural exchange activities were held again in Henan and Taiwan.
In his speech, Lu Xinyang pointed out that he hoped that the holding of this Dayu Cultural Exchange Seminar would promote exchanges and mutual learning, further stimulate the unique feelings of compatriots on both sides of the strait, enhance the appeal and centripetal force of cross-strait common culture, strengthen cross-strait historical ties and emotional ties, enhance cultural identity, and promote spiritual harmony.
Sichuan Dayu Research Association, Xiamen Municipal Committee of China Revolutionary Committee, Putian Municipal Committee of China Revolutionary Committee, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs Committee of Zhengzhou CPPCC, and Zhengzhou Huangdi Cultural Research Center sent congratulatory letters to the seminar. (China Taiwan Province Network, Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee and Zhengzhou Taiwan Affairs Office jointly reported)

How important is China’s "key move" to the world?

"Since the reform and opening up, Volkswagen has always been an important member of China’s automobile industry. Based on the strategy of "in China, for China", in the future, we will make better use of local innovation forces and respond to the needs of China consumers more nimbly. " On 18th, Bered, chairman and CEO of audi ag (China), told International Sharp Review.

This year marks the 45th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up. Reform and opening up not only profoundly changed the face of China, but also brought win-win opportunities to the world. Especially in the past 10 years, China has implemented a more proactive opening-up strategy, and multinational companies like Volkswagen have gained rich returns.

Twenty-two free trade zones have been built, the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port has been accelerated, the negative list of foreign investment access has been continuously reduced, the Foreign Investment Law has been promulgated, and the "the belt and road initiative" has been built with high quality … In the past 10 years, China has been continuously opening up from a mobile type of goods and factors to an institutional type of opening up such as rules, regulations, management and standards, which proves that "opening up to the outside world is a key measure for China’s development".

So, how important is a high-level open China to the world?

What China’s open economy brings is, first of all, a solid contribution to economic growth. In the past 10 years, the proportion of China’s total economic output in the world economy has increased from 12.3% to over 18%, and its annual average contribution rate to world economic growth has exceeded 30%. China has been a major trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions. The International Monetary Fund predicts that the contribution rate of China’s economy will still exceed 30% this year. It can be seen that China has always been an important engine of world economic growth, which is particularly important at the moment when the world economic recovery is weak.

For multinational enterprises, they have enjoyed the dividend of China’s economic growth and gained extensive development space in China. In the past 10 years, the global share of China’s foreign investment has increased from 8.2% to 11.4%. The third phase of BASF Shanghai Innovation Park was completed, the third phase of Schneider Electric Shanghai Kangqiao Factory was put into production, and Danfoss Global Refrigeration R&D and Testing Center was put into use in Tianjin … Since this year, many foreign companies have invested more in China. According to a survey conducted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in the third quarter of this year, nearly 90% of the foreign-funded enterprises surveyed expect their profits to be flat or improved in the next five years. Wang Na, Marketing Director of Dole China, told International Sharp Review that he was very optimistic about the open China market and deeply felt that the demand of China consumers for high-quality fruits brought Dole more development opportunities.

The opening-up of China is still the opening-up that leads the economic development trends such as greening and digitalization. As the largest exporter of goods, China’s international share will increase to 14.7% in 2022. Since the beginning of this year, China’s "three new products" (electric manned vehicles, lithium batteries and solar cells) have caused a worldwide upsurge. Recently, Nikkei News reported that thanks to the vigorous development of green technology products, China has been the largest exporter of goods in the world.

In 2022, China’s digital economy accounted for 41.5% of GDP, ranking second in the world. Some analysts pointed out that China has gained great advantages in artificial intelligence, new energy, biotechnology and so on, and it is in the first camp and even occupies a dominant position. In Southeast Asia, China enterprises helped to build the first 5G smart hospital in ASEAN; In Africa, China’s digital intelligent logistics management system helps Nigerians to make online shopping more convenient; In Latin America, China cooperates with Brazil, Ecuador and other countries with digital technology to help protect the Amazon rainforest ecosystem and other environments … The development of digital technology in China is benefiting people of all countries and injecting new momentum into world economic growth.

More importantly, China’s concept of opening to the outside world and its efforts to build an open world economy have brought a new atmosphere to the global governance system. In the past 10 years, from putting forward the initiative of "the belt and road initiative", global development initiative, global security initiative and global civilization initiative, to holding a series of international exhibitions such as China International Import Expo(CIIE) and Service Trade Fair, to signing and implementing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and promoting the accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, China has always insisted on discussing, building and sharing, and welcomed the world to share opportunities in China. Take the co-construction of "the belt and road initiative" as an example. In the past 10 years, it has boosted the investment scale of nearly one trillion US dollars, created 420,000 jobs for the co-construction of the country and lifted nearly 40 million people out of poverty. This is a vivid interpretation of China’s concept of global governance, which promotes the continuous improvement of the global governance system.

"The open door of China will not be closed, but will only grow bigger and bigger." The just-concluded China Central Economic Work Conference in 2023 put forward a series of new measures on "opening up to the outside world at a high level". The world has every reason to look forward to China’s "key move" and the more opportunities it will bring, from accelerating the cultivation of new kinetic energy of foreign trade, relaxing market access for services such as telecommunications and medical care, and benchmarking international high-standard economic and trade rules.

(International Critical Commentator)

Huang Kunming: jointly promote the prosperity and development of Chinese newspapers at home and abroad, and better promote exchanges and communication between China and the world.

  Huang Kunming attended the opening ceremony of the 51st annual meeting of the World Chinese Newspaper Association.

  Jointly promote the prosperity and development of Chinese newspapers at home and abroad.

  Better promote communication between China and the world.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 29th The 51st annual meeting of the World Chinese Newspaper Association opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on October 29th. Member the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Minister Huang Kunming of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

  Huang Kunming pointed out that this year marks the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up. In the past 40 years, China has made remarkable achievements in economic and social development, and its comprehensive national strength, international status and international influence have achieved unprecedented improvement. This is the result of the concerted efforts of the people of China led by the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the concerted efforts of Chinese people at home and abroad. As a representative and influential organization in the international media, the World Chinese Newspaper Association unites many member units, actively pays attention to China, enthusiastically reports on China, widely introduces the development and progress of China to the international community, and has made positive contributions to China’s reform and opening up.

  Huang Kunming pointed out that at present, Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. It is hoped that overseas Chinese media will continue to carry forward their fine traditions, tell the story of China, spread the voice of China, promote Chinese culture, show a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China, and better promote China’s communication with the world. I hope that Chinese newspapers at home and abroad will take this annual meeting as an opportunity to strengthen mutual learning and close cooperation, and work together to create a bright future of common progress and prosperity.

  The World Chinese Newspaper Association was established in Hong Kong in 1968, with the aim of contacting Chinese newspaper practitioners around the world and promoting the development of Chinese newspaper industry. The theme of this year’s annual meeting is "Chinese newspaper industry in the new era", and more than 130 Chinese newspaper people from 17 countries and regions participated.

2019 China-Central and Eastern European Countries Year of Education and Youth Exchange opens.

  Cctv news January 9, 2018 China — Closing Ceremony of the Year of Local Cooperation in Central and Eastern European Countries and 2019 China — The opening ceremony of the Year of Education and Youth Exchange for Central and Eastern European Countries was held at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. China, Deputy Foreign Minister of China — Wang Chao, Secretary General of the Secretariat for Local Cooperation in Central and Eastern European Countries, Zhu Zhiwen, Vice Minister of Education, Chen Lvping, Vice Governor of Liaoning Province, and representatives from 16 Central and Eastern European countries attended the meeting.

Opening ceremony site

Opening ceremony site

  2018 is China — Year of local cooperation in central and eastern European countries. According to Wang Chao, driven by the "16+1" year of local cooperation, four Chinese provinces and 17 local provinces and cities in Central and Eastern European countries became new members of the "16+1" local provincial governors’ association last year.

  Chen Lvping, Vice Governor of Liaoning Province, summed up the year of local cooperation in 2018 and announced that Liaoning will hold the working group meeting of "16+1" local provincial governors’ association in 2019. Liaoning Province is one of the founding members of the "16+1" local provincial governors’ association. On October 20, 2018, Liaoning took over as the Chinese chairman of the Federation.

  Mrs. Bisera Fabrio, Chargé d ‘affaires of the Croatian Embassy in China, delivered a speech on behalf of 16 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. She said that China in 2018 — The Year of Local Cooperation in Central and Eastern European Countries has achieved many meaningful results. In April 2019, China — The meeting of leaders of Central and Eastern European countries will be held in Dubrovnik. As the organizer, Croatia is actively preparing for this.

  On the same day, China Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said at a regular press conference that the local governments of the "16+1" countries actively participated in pragmatic cooperation in various fields and made positive progress in park construction, economy and trade, science and technology, education and humanities. China has now twinned with more than 160 pairs of friendly provinces, prefectures and cities in Central and Eastern European countries.

  2019 is China — Year of education and youth exchange in Central and Eastern European countries. Zhu Zhiwen summarized the achievements made by China and Central and Eastern European countries in the field of educational cooperation from the aspects of the scale of international students, language teaching cooperation, inter-school cooperation and campus sports cooperation. At present, there are 34 Confucius Institutes and 44 Confucius Classrooms in Central and Eastern Europe, with more than 40,000 students. While 18 universities in China have set up 55 undergraduate language majors in Central and Eastern European countries. At the same time, with the entry of the Winter Olympics into Beijing, ice and snow sports have become a new highlight of educational cooperation.

  In July 2018, the seventh China — The meeting of leaders of Central and Eastern European countries was held in Sofia, Bulgaria. The meeting adopted the Sophia Outline and determined 2019 as China — Year of education and youth exchange in Central and Eastern European countries. Chen Lvping pointed out that education and youth are the foundation and hope of China’s relations with Central and Eastern European countries. Fabrizio said that Croatia will prepare a series of activities in 2019 to promote cultural exchanges and cooperation, in which young people will play an important role.

Theatrical performance

Theatrical performance

  After the opening ceremony, there will be a cultural performance. Children and young actors performed Chinese zither and drum music, Beijing opera, piano solo and other programs. (Wen Hejing)

Lei Bai 2020 Excellent Agents Cooperation Exchange and Commendation Conference was successfully held.

Go ahead with a sharp edge and open up the market. Lei Bai 2020 Excellent Agents Cooperation, Exchange and Commendation Conference was held in Shenzhen on January 8, 2020. Mr. Ceng Hao, Chairman and General Manager of Shenzhen Lei Bai Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Ms. Yu Xin, Executive Vice President, and Ma Xu, Senior Vice President, attended the meeting and laid out the future with a forward-looking vision with excellent agents from all over the country.
Stick to the initial heart, break the situation and innovate, and achieve win-win growth.
With the transparent and smooth communication mechanism, in 2019, Lei Bai continued to consolidate the harmonious relationship of mutual trust and win-win with agents, and the brand always maintained its mainstream position among peers. The 2019 Lei Bai Science and Technology Excellent Agent Award was specially announced at the conference. Mr. Ceng Hao, Chairman and General Manager of Lei Bai Science and Technology, and Ms. Yu Xin, Executive Vice President, presented honorary certificates, honorary trophies and cash prizes of 100,000 yuan to the representatives of the award-winning agents, which showed that Lei Bai Science and Technology attached great importance to the agents.
Create value and share wealth. Treating each other with sincerity and sharing benefits is gratitude, affirmation and encouragement, and it also conveys the firm belief that Lei Bai will continue to grow stronger, stand together through thick and thin, and win the future with agents. Work together to stabilize the dominant position, and work together to create a new bureau.
Winner list of outstanding agents of Lei Bai Science and Technology in 2019 (in no particular order):
Shanghai kaixin industry co., ltd
Shenzhen leinengtong technology co., ltd
Fuzhou taijiang district zhanhao computer co., ltd
Shenzhen yidingfeng technology co., ltd
-Brand power-
"Integrated supply chain" strategy
Brand-new strategic thinking empowers channel sales. While actively deploying product offensive, in 2020, Lei Bai will comprehensively integrate and optimize the supply chain to achieve a win-win situation. This is a kind of soft power, but also a manifestation of comprehensive competitiveness. By controlling the information flow, logistics and capital flow, we can integrate, simplify and optimize the process, realize an efficient and collaborative supply chain service system in the whole process of design, technology, production, sales and service, reduce costs and improve efficiency, ensure product quality, and bring more competitive products and services to customers.
Brand as the key link, continuous construction. In 2020, Lei Bai will continue to increase market launch, further convey brand value and enhance brand height. Through a series of rhythmic and strategic innovation measures, we will help the brand to develop upwards, bring together a number of e-sports teams, show the passion and blood of new forces, and ensure that the brand will continue to maintain its competitiveness in a dynamic and rapidly changing market.
-Channel network-
Differentiate marketing and make a profit.
Under the new strategic mode, Lei Bai will optimize the production, sales and service of products and accelerate the circulation of products. Specifically, based on Lei Bai’s independent intelligence, systematic technical support and supply chain integration guarantee. Lei Bai will pay more attention to the advantages of online and offline channels, formulate differentiated products, provide differentiated preferential policies, meet personalized channel needs, and realize channel diversification and multi-channel.
Improve quality, reduce costs, make profits from channels, and pay close attention to the common development of channels and operations. Driven by multi-dimensions from single product to overall solution, from price to value, from product to service, and from concept to brand communication, Lei Bai will serve customers efficiently and quickly with a more professional attitude, and give the industry the best choice with a comprehensive and rich product line. Realize a truly healthy, profitable and sustainable channel win-win situation.
-Product offensive-
Break through innovation and subvert tradition
With sincere heart, Lei Bai has been established for nearly 13 years, and its product line has been fully expanded from the initial mouse and keyboard, covering office peripherals, game peripherals, audio peripherals, mobile peripherals and other fields.
When the driving force of consumption presents a diversified development trend and the market is becoming more and more detailed, how to deal with the challenges thrown by the changes of the times? Multi-mode connection in 2018, multi-device connection switching technology, "wireless connection"+"wireless charging" Gemini technology in 2019, and what brand-new strategic plan will Lei Bai face the market in 2020?
Accumulate thick and become a weapon, and seek far-reaching because of the situation. At the meeting, Lei Bai put forward the core strategy of "quality, precision and brand". Increase the launch of high-end series, promote the improvement of product structure, base on the present with strong lineup, innovative design language, cutting-edge interactive experience and flagship performance, break through the limitations, integrate design and technology into life insight through the diversity of boutique life, and redefine personalized user needs.
In 2020, walk with one heart and win-win results.

Zhang Bin: Spreading a Healthy Lifestyle

Zhang Bin, a national social sports instructor from Xicheng District, Beijing, is also a representative inheritor of Tongbei Boxing, a non-legacy ape. He was selected as the most beautiful social sports instructor in 2023 in the form of online recommendation.

In recent years, Zhang Bin, based on the basic skills of Tongbei Boxing and guided by the combination of medicine and martial arts, has compiled a series of fitness techniques for Tongbei Boxing, which has been used as a starting point to carry out public fitness activities for all. "The biggest advantage of our team is to make full use of the Internet to carry out publicity work." Zhang Bin said. At present, they have opened an account named "White Ape Wudao" on multiple platforms, with more than 400,000 fans on the whole network. Colorful network activities such as "keeping pace with me, walking with health" and "practicing in summer, rocking arm with me" have attracted a group of people’s attention and participation.

In addition, Zhang Bin and the team also carried out the theme activity of "Back-to-Back Fitness Exercise for Healthy China" and conducted public welfare training on Back-to-Back Fitness Exercise. In October this year, they actively responded to the call of the State Sports General Administration and organized the second national online exchange and exhibition activity of "Striving for a New Journey to Promote Health", which was attended by 91 teams and 730 people from all over the country.

In addition to giving full play to online advantages, Zhang Bin and his team also carried out many offline activities with the strong support of Xicheng District Sports Bureau and Beijing Social Sports Management Center. Since 2018, we have organized and carried out the public fitness activities of "National Fitness into the Community, Through Back Fitness to Benefit the Public"; Three public welfare counseling stations have been set up in Fayuan Temple, Yuetan Park and Wanshou Park. Set up a volunteer team to carry out public welfare activities … At present, Tongbei Fitness has formed a new national fitness project mainly in Xicheng District, covering eight urban areas in Beijing, more than a dozen provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country, with hundreds of teams and tens of thousands of people participating. In 2022, Tongbei Fitness was selected into the National Fitness Volunteer Service Project Library of the State Sports General Administration.

"I am deeply honored and responsible to be selected as the most beautiful social sports instructor in 2023." Zhang Bin said that the duty of social sports instructors is not only to impart sports skills, but more importantly, to spread a healthy lifestyle and advocate a positive outlook on life, so as to help people find happiness in sports and improve their quality of life. (From December 19th, China Sports Daily, 05 edition)

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The special fund for film cultural heritage was established.

  The inaugural meeting of the special fund for social and cultural heritage was held in Shenzhen a few days ago. The fund will take "cultural heritage" as its main theme, and help China to inherit and develop its culture and spirit.

  At the conference site, Qi Guoqiang, director of the China Film Culture Heritage Special Fund, released a series of public welfare activities with the theme of film, culture and heritage, such as "The Little Inheritor of China Film Culture", "Youth Series Films" and the documentary about people’s interviews.

  According to Qi Guoqiang, in the future, the China Film Culture Heritage Special Fund will also take Luohu Loushang Cultural and Creative Industry Park as the base, take movies as the theme, and combine the elements of the times with the interests of young people to launch theme projects with cultural characteristics and modern flavor, such as master open classes, immersive experience halls, light and shadow time corridors, and film creative workshops, so as to build a cultural landmark with reputation and influence in Shenzhen.

The first batch of 10 Hong Kong civil servants came to Shenzhen for three months, and Shenzhen and Hong Kong took the lead in launching the civil servant exchange and cooperation project.

The launching ceremony of "Guangdong-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Civil Servant Exchange and Cooperation Project" was held in Qianhai, Shenzhen on the 18th. The first batch of 10 Hong Kong civil servants will have a deep exchange for three months.

It is learnt that 10 middle and senior civil servants in Hong Kong come from eight departments and grades, including the Administrative Officer Grade, the Executive Officer Grade, the Environmental Protection Department, the Highways Department, the Innovation and Technology Commission, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Planning Department and the Transport Department. The exchange personnel were sent to different government units in Futian and Qianhai, Shenzhen, respectively, to conduct in-depth exchanges in areas such as regional governance, scientific and technological development, urban planning, transportation and environmental protection.

It is reported that this exchange and cooperation project is the first civil servant exchange project between Hong Kong and the Mainland since the full resumption of customs clearance. It is an important measure to take the lead in implementing the Agreement on Civil Servant Exchange and Cooperation Project between Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong in September this year, and Shenzhen has also become the first stop for the civil servant exchange and cooperation project between Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong in the Mainland. According to the consensus between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, the Hong Kong SAR Government will send 10 senior and middle-level civil servants from Hong Kong to relevant government departments and statutory bodies in Shenzhen for three months from mid-December 2023 to cooperate with the construction of major platforms for Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation, such as Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone and Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, and participate in the work in the fields of ecological environment and transportation planning.

Observers believe that the exchanges between Shenzhen and Hong Kong have a deep foundation. With the continuous expansion of Greater Bay Area’s construction and Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation, Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation has moved from economic cooperation in the past to all-round cooperation and ushered in a new era of all-round acceleration and all-round promotion. In the field of public officials’ exchange, Shenzhen and Hong Kong have experienced cooperation from the working level of ecological environment and border policing to the normal and frequent exchange and docking under the mechanism of Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation special class. This exchange and cooperation has been broadened to the fields of scientific and technological innovation, ecological environment, urban planning and transportation planning, and the in-depth exchange and cooperation between civil servants of the two places will be strengthened in more fields in the future.

Here are the 25 most difficult films to grab in the last film festival. Why are they so popular?

Special feature of 1905 film network At 8: 00 am on June 9, the Shanghai Film Festival will start to grab tickets.

These days, the first thing Xiao Dianjun gets up every morning is to brush the latest film list of the last film festival. As a result, the more he looks at it, the more he panics …

This time, the Shanghai Film Festival really wiped out all the fans.

From June 16th to June 25th, more than 500 movies were shown, which will definitely make you sit on your ass in the cinema.

Love to watch movies? There are ten serial broadcasts of "Marvel Comics Tenth Anniversary" and "Mission Impossible Five";

Love watching old movies? There are Bergman, bunuel, Ozu, Hitchcock and others in the master retrospective exhibition and the 4k restoration exhibition;

The essence is the "Group Portrait of Asian Contemporary Authors" and "Multiple Perspectives" planned by Shanghai Film Festival, from which you are not just watching a movie in isolation, but watching a carefully woven network of contemporary film history.

There are too many good movies, and the competition for grabbing tickets is bound to be fierce.

If you don’t have that much time to ponder over the film list, you can look at the 20 most worthy movies carefully selected by Xiao Dianjun from the 23 units of the last film festival before grabbing the ticket.

Even if you can’t go, you can have fun at home.

Ten new films

Thieves’ family

Highlight: Hirokazu Koreeda’s masterpiece, with super-high concentration of tenderness.

It is definitely the most difficult film to grab at the last film festival.

Someone on Douban sighed under the above stills, "What kind of plot can capture this scene is fascinating." Just looking at the smile on the face of this family, who would have thought that they were street rats who had no blood relationship and just got together to steal for a living? Seeking love in a cruel world is Hirokazu Koreeda’s insistence for many years, and The Thief Family is a fruitful result.

The Hollywood Reporter once commented on this film: "Who can surpass Hirokazu Koreeda? He knows that sometimes whispering is better than shouting. "

To tell the truth, even when watching the trailer, watching Sakura Ando and the smile on mayu’s dirty face made Xiao Dianjun feel hit (not because of his face value).


Highlight: It may be the best realistic movie in recent years.

The Lebanese film Capernaum won the grand prize of the jury in Cannes. According to media reports, the audience cried when it was shown. The story boldly challenges the oriental audience’s family concept: a 12-year-old Lebanese boy sued his parents for bringing him into this world, but did not raise him well?

The foreign media evaluation of this film is controversial. A.V.club and other media think, why does the subject matter of realistic criticism always have to be bitter and bitter, and "forced" tears? ! Such a controversial work, you really have to go to the big screen to see what it is.

Cold War 

Highlight: See how the director of Sister Ada tells the story of depressed times and indulgent love.

If you are keen on nostalgic films such as Midnight in Paris and The Artist, you must choose Cold War first. Director Pawe? Pawlikowski used his black-and-white photography to capture the gloom of Poland and the debauchery of Paris during the Cold War.

The story is adapted from the personal experience of the director’s parents and tells the story of a musician and a female singer falling in love. Foreign media VOX exclaimed after watching the film, "I have never seen any film that can show such a strong desire in every scene."


Highlight: A bold film of mixed genre, shooting a family film in the form of a thriller.

The story of "Guardianship" is not outstanding, telling that a couple was sentenced to joint custody of their 12-year-old son after divorce; However, according to the audience’s comments, the thriller atmosphere of this film is comparable to that of Quiet Place, and even some girls can’t bear such repression and cry.

A.V.club believes that this film will resonate strongly with all those who grew up in an unhealthy family environment when they were young. (Here @ melrose)

Punk samurai 

(World premiere)

Highlight: It is the strongest Japanese film in recent years.

Punk Samurai is a magical blockbuster set in the Edo era, which tells the story of extraordinary swordsmen fighting against disasters. Just looking at the lineup and trailer, you may think that the producer of this film is crazy.

The director is Gakury? Ishii who insists on the experimental style and is often not accepted by the public because he plays too fast; It happened that the screenwriter was the most popular Kuro Miyato.

The cast is full of handsome guys and beautiful women (G Ayano, Keiko Kitagawa, Shōta Sometani), but in the trailer, all the idol baggage has been forgotten.

As can be seen from the trailer alone, this film is a mixture of strange shapes, Indian songs and dances, and a story with a strange brain. Fans who like Japanese movies can have a challenge.

How to strike up a girl at a party 

Highlight: A psychedelic youth film with bursting imagination, which is specially designed for rebellious children of all ages.

In 1977, three punk-obsessed teenagers broke into an alien party, and one of them even fell in love with a rebellious alien girl.

Director john cameron mitchell is good at shooting bold and different youth films, and his previous work "Rock Barbie" is well-known.

The film is creative from the poster to the preview, but the freshness of rotten tomatoes is only 46%. The film critic of The New Yorker complained, "This kind of film desperately wants to be a cult classic, but it doesn’t care if it is well made."

Face, village 

Highlight: Most documentaries make you feel heavy, but they will definitely make you laugh.

Face, Village is the latest work of 90-year-old "New Wave Grandma" Agnès Varda. It was nominated for an Oscar and won awards in several film festivals in France and the United States.

This is a documentary without a clear theme or purpose, but it is extremely naive and moving. In the film, Valda, who is dyed with a two-color mushroom head, and the artist JR drive a pickup truck and shoot along the way with a camera. The film critic of The Boston Globe even said, "People who can’t enjoy this film well, I think they have no hope for life."

Blood of the lone wolf

Highlight: In this Japanese gangster film, K?ji Yakusho actually performed the flavor of Kitano Takeshi.

Set in Hiroshima in 1988, it tells the story of an employee missing case jointly investigated by Tori Matsuzaka and K?ji Yakusho.

Director Kazuya Shiraishi has attracted much attention for her bold female films in recent two years, including the erotic film Cats and Yuu Aoi’s The Birds whose Names She Doesn’t Know.

The place where Kumagaya is staying.

Highlight: If Hideyoshi Okuda’s movie ever made you cry and laugh, don’t miss this new work.

"Where Kumatani Shouyi is" is a new work by director Shoichi Okuda, starring Tsutomu Yamazaki and KiKi KiRin.

Shouyi Kumatani is known as the "immortal of painting" in Japanese art history. He was born in a rich family, but he lived a simple life all his life. In his later years, he and his wife stayed indoors for 30 years and painted in their own garden. Sh?ichi Okita has always been good at portraying touching people. This time, it is better to pause the busy life and watch the clouds, fish and ants passing by together with the old painter.

Ten classics

The Shawshank Redemption

Highlight: As long as the film exists, The Shawshank Redemption can find its audience.

It will undoubtedly become the hottest classic in this film festival.

This story about prison break has become a symbol of spiritual salvation for the audience who love it. Even today, there are still many netizens who are constantly brushing on N.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. 

Highlight: It is the end of a generation of legends, both in narrative and visual effects.

Even though the current CG technology is far better than that in 2003, the series is still difficult to surpass.

This film was shown in the mainland in 2004, and a trilogy was shown in Beijing International Film Festival in 2012. This time, the missed fans must catch up.

Night of the living dead. 

Highlight: "A trip to Busan" and "Walking with a heavy load" are all "copying" it.

In 1968, the granular black-and-white horror film was regarded as the real originator of the funeral film.

Although there was a zombie image in horror movies before, it was never so horrible — — No thoughts, only the desire to eat people.

The picture of the daughter who turned into a zombie killing and eating her mother was unacceptable to many people at that time. Director George A. Romero’s use of zombie horror films to map social reality has also become a widely used technique since then.


Recommended reason: Do you still need a reason?

The treatment of Titanic in mainland film festivals will always be — — The venue was full.

But what’s more special is that this film festival saw the Dolby Vision format version specially produced by Cameron for the 20th anniversary of its release.

Critics such as Cameron have also expressed satisfaction with the screening effect, saying that this version "surpasses 3D and 70 mm film, and Titanic has never been so good."


Highlight: Atypical Hitchcock movies, the beauty of joan fontaine may impress you the most after watching it.

The story of Butterfly Dream is adapted from Rebecca by mystery novel in Daphne du Maurier. It tells the story of a woman who finds her husband’s dead ex-wife, Rebecca, lingering like a nightmare after she marries into a grand villa …

This is Hitchcock’s first film shot in Hollywood, and he won the Best Film and Best Photography in the 13th Academy Awards.

Taste of tea soaked in rice

Highlight: In Ozu’s movies, both saury and tea soaked rice are the taste of life.

In 1952, a 35 mm film version was shown at the Shanghai Film Festival in 2013. This time, after 4k restoration, the definition was higher.

"The Taste of Tea Soaking Rice" describes the contradiction between Sasaki Maoji, who was born in rural Xinzhou, and darling daughter Miao Zi, who was born in upper class. Miao Zi can’t stand many of her husband’s "bad habits", such as smoking cheap cigarettes and eating tea and making rice.

The film was shot between the more famous (1951) and (1953), and Ozu’s meticulous observation of traditional family life in his later works can also be seen in the film.

Sissy princess series 

Highlight: For many post-70s and 80s, there is only one princess in the world, and her name is Cece.

Princess Sissi trilogy was introduced by Shanghai Translation Studio in 1988. This series of stories is adapted from a palace anecdote after the election of the Austrian Emperor Flantz in the mid-19th century, telling the story of Princess Sissi and Flantz.

In those days when there were no Hollywood blockbusters, everyone was watching this movie, admiring how beautiful foreign princesses were and how many beautiful skirts they had.

Interestingly, the German film unit of this film festival will also show a biographical film about the heroine romy schneider. The film tells the story of the last interview with the media in Luo Mi Schneider’s life. By showing the conversation between an ambitious reporter and this fragile and childish female star, it shows the public a "Sissy Princess" that they don’t know.

Luis Bunuel’s The Prudent Charm of the Bourgeois in the Master’s Tribute Unit

Highlight: The most exciting thing about seeing luis Bunuel is that every scene of him may subvert your worldview.

Luis Bunuel’s six feature-length films will be shown in this film festival, and his short film with Dali will be shown in SIFF Classic Unit. And this is just the tip of the prolific Spanish movie master bunuel film career.

If you only choose one, the masterpiece will be the first. This film tells a strange story about six middle-class people who keep trying to have dinner, but are always interrupted unexpectedly, in which bunuel’s surreal style is brought into full play.

Xie Jin’s "furong town" in the Master Tribute Unit

Highlight: Choose the best China film, and it must be on the list.

On the eve of the release of Jiang Wen, this film festival is also attended by Jiang Wen, so let’s revisit this classic Chinese film directed by Xie Jin and written by Acheng, starring Jiang Wen and Liu Xiaoqing.

"furong town" is divided into two episodes, lasting 164 minutes, and tells the scene of unrest when the Cultural Revolution swept through Furong town in western Hunan. Hu Yuyin, a young woman who used to set up a tofu stall and had a prosperous business, was bullied in the movement. After her husband’s tragic death, her love with Qin Shutian, a rightist who swept the street, became her only comfort.

Jiang Wen was only 24 years old when he appeared in this film, but his image and acting skills in the film are very mature. The line "live, live like an animal" spoken by him through biting his teeth in the rain has become the crowning touch of this film.

X sage

Recommended reason: Japanese horror movies not only include Curse and Ring at Midnight, but also X Sanzhi.

X Sanctuary is directed by Japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa and starring K?ji Yakusho. There are a lot of scenes that use space and composition to create a depressing atmosphere, which is completely different from the previous Japanese horror films that rely on ghosts and gods or violent murders to scare people.

The story tells the story of several bizarre murders in Tokyo. All the bodies are engraved with "X" symbols, and the suspects present don’t remember what they did. The criminal police department pursued the case, but it was interfered by the murderer who was suspected of hypnosis, and he began to become wrong.

The above is the "film guide that is the most difficult to grab in the film festival" compiled by Xiao Dianjun.

I don’t know which movies you all want to see this film festival.

NPC deputies talk about a happy new life after ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation.

  Colorful Guizhou Net News (report in front of the two sessions/Cheng Xi, Xiong Ying, Wu Di, Jinnitu/Yang Changding) On March 6, at the plenary meeting of the Guizhou delegation at the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Luo Yinghe, deputy to the National People’s Congress and secretary of the Party branch of Xinmin Community in Mengjiang Street, Huishui County, showed two contrasting photos, one was Luo Yinghe’s former home, a dilapidated wooden tile house in the mountains; The other is his new home in Huishui County. Brand-new five-story buildings are arranged on the spacious concrete roadside, and the word "Happy Building" on the white exterior wall is particularly eye-catching.

  Behind the two photos, Luo Yinghe and the villagers crossed the increasingly prosperous days. As a member of the 1.6 million relocated immigrants in Guizhou, Luo Yinghe said that after the relocation of poverty alleviation in different places, three obvious changes have taken place in the villagers around him.

  At the plenary session of the Guizhou delegation at the First Session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Luo Yinghe talked about three changes that have taken place around him since the relocation of poverty alleviation in different places.

  The family changed from "poverty" to "wealth" and moved into a new house one step at a time.

  Before the relocation, the village where Luo Ying lived was located in the "Three Mountains" areas of Mashan, Yaoshan and Yueliang Mountain, which were the poorest in Guizhou Province, and belonged to the "three impassability" zone with no water, no access and no communication.

  "At the beginning, like many people, I rushed to a township to buy some oil and salt. I had to get up early and get greedy, and I walked over the mountains for more than ten miles and dozens of miles." Referring to his past life, Luo Yinghe frowned and said, "Who doesn’t say that his hometown is good, but because one side of the soil and water can’t support one side, and the plight of the mountains is deep, many people have a very difficult life, and their housing is very simple and their livelihood is difficult to guarantee."

  On December 2, 2015, a new round of ex situ poverty alleviation in Guizhou Province was launched in Huishui. In March 2016, as the first batch of relocated people in Huishui County, Luo Ying and 4,685 villagers from 1,109 households from 58 villages moved to an economic development zone 10 kilometers away from Huishui County and moved into a new home with complete furniture.

  After the relocation, Luo Ying and the villagers started a new life of "living in a new house one step at a time and living a good life quickly", realizing the change from "poverty" to "wealth".

  Luo Yinghe’s new home in Huishui County, a brand-new five-story building is arranged in a spacious concrete roadside, and the word "Happy Building" on the white exterior wall is particularly eye-catching.

  Money changes from "nothing" to "something" to live a good life quickly.

  Relocation is only a means, and poverty alleviation is the purpose. In order to make the people who have moved out stable and become rich, the Party branch of Xinmin Community in Mengjiang Street of Huishui County has set up a community "New Age Workshop", and combined with "migrant night school training class" and "life lecture hall" to strengthen the ideological education and skills training of immigrants.

  In the past two years, we have held 108 sessions of basic education, electrician training, chef training, primary computer training, beauty salons, domestic service, pre-job training and other activities with 5682 person-times. Community neighborhood committees registered and established the "Follow-up Labor Service Company for Immigrants", successfully recommended more than 3,000 people to work in the county, and helped 78 special families to be included in the post of "sanitation worker".

  At present, 2,881 relocated households are working in the nearby enterprises in the development zone, and each person’s monthly salary income reaches 2000— About 3000 yuan, the average annual income of households is about 50 thousand yuan.

  "According to the household annual income survey in January 2018, the annual income of more than three people in many families is more than 90,000 yuan. One-person employment households also have more than 27,000 yuan, and some families in the community have more than 120 cars. " Over the past year or so, Luo Ying and nearly 5,000 villagers in 10 townships in the county have personally experienced great changes in poverty alleviation and relocation, and money has changed from "nothing" to "having".

  People have changed from "lazy" to "diligent", and their lives have been looking forward.

  "While the poor people’s lives are getting better, people are also made up of ‘ Lazy ’ Change ‘ Qin ’ Yes! " Around Luo Yinghe, there is a living example.

  Before the relocation, 38-year-old Wang Huaping, his 35-year-old brother and his 70-year-old parents lived in a mountain nest 12 kilometers away from the highway. The family was very poor and lived on subsistence allowances. They lived a cycle of looking forward to the night during the day and the boring life during the day at night. Because of poverty, the two brothers still can’t find a partner in their thirties.

  "After the branch visited the house and knew the above situation, he persuaded Wang Huaping to enter the training class. After education and training, his thoughts gained insight. He lost the inertia of wanting to be a poor household in the past and reached out and learned electrician skills. He was recommended to work in a nearby enterprise. Now his deposit has reached more than 30,000 yuan." Before the Spring Festival, Luo Yinghe asked about Wang Huaping’s plans. Wang Huaping, who lives in a new house, smiled and told Luo Yinghe that he wanted to work hard and earn some money to buy a car and marry a wife.

  "It used to be a hard time, but now life has a head start." Nowadays, in the relocation and resettlement area for poverty alleviation in Mingtian, Huishui County, the poor people’s awareness of taking the initiative to get rid of poverty is getting higher and higher, and their enthusiasm and initiative to get rich through hard work are getting stronger and stronger, realizing the change from "lazy" to "diligent".