Zhang Bin: Spreading a Healthy Lifestyle

Zhang Bin, a national social sports instructor from Xicheng District, Beijing, is also a representative inheritor of Tongbei Boxing, a non-legacy ape. He was selected as the most beautiful social sports instructor in 2023 in the form of online recommendation.

In recent years, Zhang Bin, based on the basic skills of Tongbei Boxing and guided by the combination of medicine and martial arts, has compiled a series of fitness techniques for Tongbei Boxing, which has been used as a starting point to carry out public fitness activities for all. "The biggest advantage of our team is to make full use of the Internet to carry out publicity work." Zhang Bin said. At present, they have opened an account named "White Ape Wudao" on multiple platforms, with more than 400,000 fans on the whole network. Colorful network activities such as "keeping pace with me, walking with health" and "practicing in summer, rocking arm with me" have attracted a group of people’s attention and participation.

In addition, Zhang Bin and the team also carried out the theme activity of "Back-to-Back Fitness Exercise for Healthy China" and conducted public welfare training on Back-to-Back Fitness Exercise. In October this year, they actively responded to the call of the State Sports General Administration and organized the second national online exchange and exhibition activity of "Striving for a New Journey to Promote Health", which was attended by 91 teams and 730 people from all over the country.

In addition to giving full play to online advantages, Zhang Bin and his team also carried out many offline activities with the strong support of Xicheng District Sports Bureau and Beijing Social Sports Management Center. Since 2018, we have organized and carried out the public fitness activities of "National Fitness into the Community, Through Back Fitness to Benefit the Public"; Three public welfare counseling stations have been set up in Fayuan Temple, Yuetan Park and Wanshou Park. Set up a volunteer team to carry out public welfare activities … At present, Tongbei Fitness has formed a new national fitness project mainly in Xicheng District, covering eight urban areas in Beijing, more than a dozen provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country, with hundreds of teams and tens of thousands of people participating. In 2022, Tongbei Fitness was selected into the National Fitness Volunteer Service Project Library of the State Sports General Administration.

"I am deeply honored and responsible to be selected as the most beautiful social sports instructor in 2023." Zhang Bin said that the duty of social sports instructors is not only to impart sports skills, but more importantly, to spread a healthy lifestyle and advocate a positive outlook on life, so as to help people find happiness in sports and improve their quality of life. (From December 19th, China Sports Daily, 05 edition)

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