Learn layout, assist in training Go, and walk with artificial intelligence.

  Core reading

  Since the "man-machine war" in 2016, the influence of artificial intelligence on the world of Go is unprecedented. Breaking stereotypes, studying layout, interpreting trends, and assisting training … … Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more involved in the field of Go. Players’ chess skills have been generally improved, training teachers have been reinforced by the situation, and the promotion of running games has gone to the cloud, and the explanation of watching games is more intuitive … … With the extensive application of new technologies, Go and artificial intelligence have joined hands to create a new situation.

  On September 1st, 2020, the first stage of China Men’s Go League was over. In eight rounds, no player or team remained unbeaten. The pattern is no longer strong and weak, and the competition is more suspenseful. Behind this is the overall improvement of the players’ strength. "It is a good phenomenon that there is no victory. The game is very intense and the level is very close." "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping commented after the game.

  This change is not unrelated to the help of Go artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years. Breaking stereotypes, studying layout, interpreting trends, and assisting training … … With the increasing participation of artificial intelligence in the field of Go, the human brain and computer are constantly learning from each other. According to industry insiders, compared with before artificial intelligence was integrated into the field of Go, the strength of professional players generally improved a lot.

  Artificial intelligence is widely used in auxiliary training.

  In the seventh round of encirclement, the two players who ranked first in Go in China and South Korea lost at the same time. China’s "seven-time champion" Ke Jie’s 15-game winning streak came to an abrupt end; South Korea’s "post-00" world champion Shen Zhenluan’s five-game winning streak has also come to an end. Just a few days ago, these two players just set a new record on the Goratings World Go Rating List — — Shen Zhen’s score reached an unprecedented 3,800, and Ke Jie’s score of 3,723 also set a new personal high.

  Since the man-machine war between Li Shishi and Alpha Go in 2016, the impact of artificial intelligence on Go is unprecedented. The computer’s precise calculation, learning ability and layout are jaw-dropping. Today’s Go AI software can even make the two sons compete with the top human masters. "Deep powerlessness" once pervaded the professional chess world.

  It has long been a compulsory course for professional players to use AI as technical guidance and study different "problem-solving ideas". China Weiqi Team and Tencent Intelligent Weiqi "Jueyi" renewed their contract until 2022. By providing auxiliary functions such as chess splitting, winning rate, coincidence degree and situation analysis, the special training AI has assumed multiple roles such as coach, sparring partner and chess friend. Before the competition, chess players often use AI to make targeted preparations.

  The "post-90 s" players were the first to grow up through "online chess", and now it’s time to come to the new node of AI. The equalization of training resources has gradually narrowed the gap between new and old players. Young people who are new to professional chess are not short of opportunities to compete with masters, and the growth rate of "post-00" players is further accelerated. "Now every game of chess has become bad. Sitting in front of the board, everyone has similar things. The outcome depends on improvisation and adjustment." China chess player Chen Yaoye said.

  Under the trend that chess players generally benefit from artificial intelligence, who can learn more nutrients is more likely to stand out. After Ke Jie’s defeat in the "man-machine war" in Wuzhen, he reconsidered Weiqi, and his core abilities such as overall view and judgment went up a step. As one of the fastest players in South Korea to accept AI, Shen Zhenqi has made a qualitative leap after learning thousands of games with AI a year and improving the layout shortcomings.

  AI and professional Go are inseparable. With the help of this springboard, in the past, players’ collective chess moves turned more to collective and AI. "Everyone’s collective research will help to digest the ideas of AI faster, which in turn will help more people accept new changes." Hua Xueming, the leader of China Weiqi team, said.

  Chess players’ understanding of Go is constantly updated and expanded.

  Artificial intelligence is regarded as a great change that has never happened before in the world of Go. From the initial dissatisfaction and shock, to the frustration and confusion after the defeat, and then to the research and consultation after in-depth understanding, most players have experienced complex emotional changes. Ke Jie once lamented: "Watching AI play chess is like a fairy fight. We can only appreciate and learn."

  Fujizawa Hedeyuki, a Japanese Weiqi master, once said that there are a hundred chess skills, but I only know seven. When the wave of artificial intelligence hit, everyone realized more and more that this was not modesty. The previous formula of strokes is often overturned under the thinking of AI, and the players’ understanding of Go is constantly updated and expanded, and more possibilities are found on the chessboard. "For example, many strokes of AI are considered according to the overall situation, and there is no fixed stroke in a local situation. This is a chess improvement." China chess player Shi Yue said.

  From opponents to friends, professional chess players and AI find a longer-term way to get along. Ke Jie often analyzes his judgment and understanding through AI, and the data feedback of AI also helps him to absorb and digest it selectively. "I even feel a little dependent on AI, which is something I didn’t dare to think about a few years ago."

  In the past years, chess players have often been puzzled by where to win or lose a game of chess. The accurate analysis of AI can help to get close to the correct answer and make people take fewer detours. At the same time, as the mystery of AI is slowly unveiled, players are increasingly discovering that there is no absolute positive solution to Go, and it is impossible for computers to analyze all the changes. In the end, the competition is still different understandings of chess.

  When the smoke of AI attacking the "last piece of wisdom highland" of mankind is exhausted, the technological changes and the impact of ideas have not damaged the charm of Go, but have brought opportunities to promote the project. After all, the game between people and the emotional and psychological wits of both sides are still beyond AI’s satisfaction at this stage. In other words, artificial intelligence just allows us to treat Go in a smarter way.

  New technology is integrated into all links of Go.

  Before the start of men’s armor this season, the Chinese Go Association held the first online warm-up match in history. With the help of science and technology, the face-to-face "hand talk" of AI practicing chess and "cloud" training, which has been inherited for thousands of years, presents a different look.

  What AI has changed is not only the professional masters in the stadium. In the past, some ordinary chess fans didn’t understand the complicated calculation on the chessboard. Now, with the artificial intelligence explanation and auxiliary game watching system, even "amateurs" can see the situation and win or lose at a glance through the data and judgment fed back by AI, and watch the game more intuitively.

  For a long time after "Alpha Go" was born, AI Go software was only a scientific research project of big companies. Today, AI is already a tool that ordinary chess fans can control. Among all kinds of game software developed by the people, there are not only publicly sold software, but also many open source software that anyone can download and use, and even some "technical stream" chess fans personally adapt the software.

  The teacher problem that once plagued the Weiqi training industry has also been alleviated by using AI as a teaching tool. The "artificial intelligence characteristic curriculum system" that appeared in the past two years has fully stimulated the interest of young people in learning chess and can improve their chess skills in a relatively short period of time. Competition, study, training, training, research and explanation … … The shadow of artificial intelligence has appeared in every link of Go, and it has become a tool to "stimulate human potential".

  Of course, the infiltration of artificial intelligence also brings some "side effects". This year, affected by the epidemic, a large number of Go games were transferred to online. The readily available game software, the game environment that can’t be supervised in real time, and the AI tricks that are difficult to define clearly make the threshold for online cheating lower and lower. Insiders admit that although there are some technical firewalls, there are still dead ends and loopholes, and some "suspected cheating" can’t catch the "real hammer" in time. China Weiqi Association revealed that in the future, anti-AI cheating measures will be improved and the environment will be purified in official competitions through information blocking, space monitoring, using traces, coincidence analysis and dishonesty punishment.

  Even though artificial intelligence is a "double-edged sword", the fallen chess pieces are ultimately in the hands of human beings. As long as the new technology is "controlled and served by people", there is no reason not to try to learn and apply it. Walking with artificial intelligence, the profound world of Go has not been eclipsed, but it has opened up a new situation and has a better chance to bloom brilliantly.

Stop production, close factories, OEM … How to break the dilemma of automobile overcapacity?

  Recently, the China Machinery Industry Federation released the operation of the machinery industry in the first half of 2019, in which the data of the automobile industry showed that the growth rate of total profit turned from positive to negative, and it showed negative growth for the first time in more than a decade. In the second quarter, the utilization rate of automobile manufacturing capacity was 76.2%, down 2.1 percentage points from the first quarter. The National Bureau of Statistics’ "National Industrial Capacity Utilization Rate" data shows that the capacity utilization rate of China’s automobile manufacturing industry was 77.2% in the first half of 2019, down 3.8% year-on-year.

  Compared with the normal range of capacity utilization rate of 79% ~ 83%, the figure of 77.2% means that China’s automobile capacity utilization rate has fallen below the "safety line". However, as the signs of recovery in China’s automobile market are still not obvious and the market is weak, the sales data in July showed that the new energy automobile market, which has been growing at a high speed, experienced negative growth for the first time, so the situation of idle production capacity may continue to deteriorate. How to find a way out for excess capacity has become a top priority for many auto companies.

  The production capacity of car companies exceeds 60 million.

  In fact, the word overcapacity has been in parallel with the rapid development of China’s automobile industry. As early as 2006, the State Council clearly pointed out that the automobile industry was overcapacity. The National Development and Reform Commission also issued documents to control new vehicle projects and appropriately improve investment access conditions, aiming at curbing overcapacity. At that time, the annual sales volume of China cars was 7.2 million.

  However, with the irrational growth of China’s automobiles, many automobile companies have long forgotten the overcapacity in the face of double-digit annual growth. 10 million vehicles, 20 million vehicles … … The huge increase in automobile production and sales has made many automobile companies see the great potential of the China market, and they are overly optimistic about the market expectations. Many automobile companies have started to invest blindly and continue to expand their production capacity reserves. The news that "the fourth factory of XX automobile enterprise is officially put into production" and "the foundation laying ceremony of the fifth factory of XX automobile enterprise is officially held" is constantly seen in newspapers. According to the report "Capacity of China Automobile Industry at the End of 2015", by the end of 2015, China’s automobile production capacity was 31.22 million. Among them, during the period from 2011 to 2015, China’s new automobile production capacity increased by 10.87 million vehicles; By 2016-2017, the new production capacity will be about 6 million vehicles. At present, China’s automobile production capacity is still in the stage of continuous expansion. While auto companies are still investing and building factories for the rapid growth of the market and think that the auto market will climb further, China’s auto market suffered the first decline in sales in 2018, and began to continue to slump. The problem of overcapacity in the auto manufacturing industry, which has not attracted enough attention, has finally been exposed.

  In 2018, the planned annual production capacity of China’s automobile industry has exceeded 60 million vehicles, among which the announced production capacity of new energy vehicles will exceed 20 million vehicles by 2020, which is 10 times the sales target of the Medium and Long-term Development Plan for Automobile Industry. According to the data released by China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the annual automobile output in 2018 is only 27.809 million, and the growth rate of production capacity reserve is far greater than the growth of market demand, so it is inevitable that a large amount of production capacity will be idle.

  The capacity utilization rate of many car companies is less than half.

  Although the capacity utilization rate of China’s automobile manufacturing industry in the first half of 2019 given by the National Bureau of Statistics is 77.2%, in fact, the capacity utilization rate of many automobile companies has already been lower than this figure. In the automobile industry research report released some time ago, Guosen Securities pointed out that in 2018, the capacity utilization rate of Geely Automobile, FAW Group, Chery Automobile, BYD Automobile, Jianghuai Automobile, Dongfeng yueda Kia, Changan Ford and Haima Automobile did not reach 70%. According to foreign media reports, in the first half of 2019, the capacity utilization rate of Ford’s factory in China was only 11%; The capacity utilization rate of the joint venture between Peugeot Citroen Group and Changan Automobile is only 1%, and that of the joint venture with Dongfeng Motor is only 22%.

  According to public information, Changan Ford has five vehicle factories in Chongqing, Harbin and Hangzhou, with a total production capacity of about 1.6 million vehicles. After Ford’s sales in China reached its peak level three years ago, it sold a total of 957,000 new cars in 2016, and then continued to decline. In 2018, the output was 387,000, and the capacity utilization rate was 24.2%. In the first half of 2019, Changan Ford sold a total of 75,000 new cars, a year-on-year decrease of 67%.

  Another hardest hit area with idle production capacity is French car companies. Founded in 1992, Dongfeng and PSA each hold 50% of the shares. It owns two brands, Dongfeng Peugeot and Dongfeng Citroen, and four production bases, among which the first, second and third factories of Shenlong are located in Wuhan, and the fourth factory is located in Chengdu. The data shows that the production capacity of the first three factories is 300,000, 150,000 and 300,000 respectively, and the total production capacity of the four factories is 990,000. According to the production and sales data released by the Federation, in the first half of 2019, Shenlong Automobile produced a total of 64,000 vehicles, down 61.6% year-on-year. Changan Peugeot Citroen has produced only 107 vehicles, down 96.9% year-on-year, while its first-phase factory has a production capacity of 200,000 vehicles. Serious idle production capacity has attracted the attention of PSA Group executives. Previously, in the second quarter earnings conference call, Philippede Rovira, the global chief financial officer of PSA Group, said that PSA Group would solve the problem of idle capacity of Shenlong Automobile by renting factory facilities.

  The overcapacity problem of Renault, another legal brand, in China is also very prominent. The total production capacity of Renault Wuhan plant is 150,000 vehicles, and only 48,000 vehicles were produced in 2018, with a capacity utilization rate of 31.9%. In the first quarter of this year, Dongfeng Renault’s capacity utilization rate was only 15.2%, with 5,700 vehicles produced and 5,800 sold.

  The situation of Korean car companies is equally bad. Since entering the China market in 2002, Hyundai Motor has quickly won the favor of the market by relying on the advantages of high cost performance in joint venture brands, and in 2013— In 2016, the annual sales volume exceeded one million. However, the sales of Hyundai Motor in China plummeted because it didn’t follow the changes of consumers’ tastes and launch products that kept pace with the market demand. In 2018, Hyundai Motor’s sales in China dropped to 790,000 vehicles, only half of the total production capacity of 1.65 million vehicles in China. Among them, Hyundai Motor Chongqing No.5 Factory was completed in 2017, and the operating rate has been very low. According to BusinessKorea, Hyundai Motor is preparing to transform its Chongqing factory into an electric vehicle factory to revive its declining business in China.

  The situation of the same brother Dongfeng yueda Kia is similar. According to the 2018 annual report, Dongfeng yueda Kia has three factories in Yancheng headquarters, with a total production capacity of 890,000 passenger cars per year. Based on the sales volume of 370,000 vehicles of Dongfeng yueda Kia in 2018, its capacity utilization rate is less than half.

  Japanese car companies have insufficient production capacity and are still expanding.

  Although the overall capacity of China’s automobile industry is overcapacity, the capacity utilization rate of some automobile enterprises is not only higher than the safety line of 80%, but even the capacity is insufficient. According to the data released by Bernstein, a research consultancy, at present, the capacity utilization rate of Daimler and BMW joint ventures in China has exceeded 90%. The capacity utilization rate of GM’s joint venture in China is 88%. Volkswagen’s joint ventures in China have also exceeded 80%. The capacity utilization rate of the joint venture between Honda and Toyota in China even exceeds 100%. Relevant persons of Dongfeng Honda even revealed in an interview with the media that the capacity utilization rate of this enterprise is close to 140%.

  Due to a serious shortage of production capacity, Toyota is still starting a new factory. At present, Toyota’s two joint ventures in China, FAW Toyota and GAC Toyota, have eight factories in Changchun, Chengdu, Tianjin and Guangzhou. The total production capacity of FAW Toyota’s three factories and five factories is 622,000 vehicles, and the total production capacity of GAC Toyota’s three factories is 480,000 vehicles. FAW Toyota sold more than 720,000 vehicles in 2018, with a target of 745,000 vehicles in 2019, and GAC Toyota sold 580,000 vehicles in 2018. 720,000 vehicles plus 580,000 vehicles, which shows that Toyota’s eight factories in China have been working overtime and overloaded in 2018, and the capacity utilization rate has exceeded 100%.

  In 2019, Toyota’s sales target in China was 1.6 million vehicles, up 8.4% year-on-year, and the target in 2020 was 2 million vehicles. Toyota’s production capacity in China is only 1.1 million vehicles, compared with 2 million vehicles, there is still a gap of nearly 900,000 vehicles. Therefore, at the off-line ceremony of the brand-new TNGA Asian Dragon on March 22nd, FAW Toyota announced the completion of a new TNGA plant, and simultaneously started the new plant capacity increase project. According to the relevant EIA report, FAW Toyota has started to increase the capacity of 240,000 new energy vehicles, including 120,000 in Tianjin Xinyi Plant and 120,000 in Changchun Fengyue Plant. The 12-million-yuan expansion of GAC Toyota’s third plant has also been officially launched. At the same time, the fourth factory with a total investment of 4.988 billion yuan and an annual production capacity of 200,000 new energy vehicles is carrying out preliminary work, which is expected to be the production base of new energy vehicles exported by Toyota to Asia in the future.

  Where is the way out for idle capacity?

  A few car companies urgently need to expand production capacity, but most car companies still need to deal with idle production capacity. For some car companies, how to digest excess capacity has become a major event related to the survival of enterprises.

  For example, Shenlong automobile, which has been in the vortex of various rumors recently. Since 2015, the sales of Shenlong Automobile have been falling. 705,000 vehicles, 600,200 vehicles, 377,500 vehicles and 253,400 vehicles. The number in the first half of this year was 63,000 vehicles, down 60.05% year-on-year. The decline in sales volume is undoubtedly accompanied by the idleness of production capacity and manpower. How to solve this problem? There are rumors that Dongfeng Motor wants to sell its PSA shares. After clarification by both parties, it is reported that Dongfeng Motor and PSA Group will lay off employees and sell the factory … …

  In addition to unconfirmed news, it is certain that many auto companies have taken action early in order to transform idle capacity. Dongfeng yueda Kia temporarily closed an automobile manufacturing plant in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, and plans to start producing electric vehicles in the plant by the first half of 2021.

  Compared with closure and suspension, changing production is a relatively good choice. Since last year, BAIC Group has adjusted its industrial structure, product structure and industrial chain, and transferred the Beijing branch of BAIC to Beijing Benz, becoming the third factory of Beijing Benz, and turning it into the production base of Mercedes-Benz high-end new energy vehicles in the future.

  Some companies have chosen to work for the new car-making forces. For example, Jianghuai OEM Weilai, Haima OEM Tucki, Changan Suzuki OEM Luchi Automobile, Dongfeng yueda Kia OEM Chinese Express & HELIP; … Although the OEM model has been controversial, after the cooperation between the two parties, traditional car companies can effectively revitalize idle production capacity, and new car-making forces can also save the construction cycle and quickly reach mass production.

  In addition to OEM, it is also a good idea for traditional car companies to warm up with new car-making forces and set up joint ventures. For example, Guangzhou Automobile Group will set up a joint venture with Weilai Automobile, and Tianjin faw xiali will set up a joint venture with Bojun Automobile. For the new car-making forces, they can obtain the qualification of new energy production and sales, at the same time, save the cost and cycle of investment and factory construction, rely on the manufacturing advantages of traditional car companies, and create brand-new products through joint development (the best cooperation state) to achieve the purpose of reducing costs and increasing efficiency. For traditional car companies, idle production capacity can be reused. Bundling the brand promotion of new forces to build cars can also enhance their brand influence. So far, the two sides have achieved win-win cooperation.

  Expert opinion

  Is OEM the best way to solve idle capacity?

  Compared with stopping production, closing factories or selling land, OEM for new car-making forces has become a good choice for many enterprises with serious overcapacity.

  However, many professionals believe that OEM is only one of the transition strategies. "The loss of fixed assets can’t stop, and OEM earns points." Whether it is a traditional car company or a new force to build a car, OEM is not a long-term solution. " An insider of an independent brand said.

  Recently, it is reported that the draft management measures for OEM have been drawn up, which requires R&D investment, production capacity and sales volume as restrictive conditions, and the threshold for OEM and OEM car companies has been greatly improved. For example, in the past three years, the domestic R&D investment has reached at least 4 billion yuan; In the past two years, the sales volume of pure electric passenger cars worldwide has reached at least 15,000; The OEM contract must be signed for 3 years or more, and the annual production capacity of the OEM in the same place should reach at least 50,000 vehicles; Enterprises need to have paid-in capital of billions of RMB; At most, it can only be contracted by two car companies.

  "The OEM model is more like a transitional means. Because with the growth of output and sales, it is essential to build a factory and have independent research and development and production strength. This is also conducive to solving possible production technical problems and improving production efficiency. " Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, said.

  This view has also been confirmed by Shen Hui, chairman of Weimar Automobile. Shen Hui believes that the cold winter of the automobile and capital markets has not dissipated, and capital will be more concentrated in the head enterprises that have achieved batch delivery. "Generally speaking, high-quality production capacity will not be idle, and idle production capacity will not be of high quality. Therefore, encouraging the coexistence of various production modes such as OEM is also an important lever for utilizing and upgrading idle and backward production capacity." However, Weimar chose a self-built factory with higher cost and greater difficulty instead of OEM because it attached importance to product quality and quality. "The self-built factory can control the quality and quality on the basis, and can continuously upgrade and improve, and at the same time realize C2M customized production."

  Simply speaking, C2M customized production is to make products meet the individual needs of consumers. Zhu Weihua, secretary-general of the Information Service Committee of China Automobile Industry Association, said frankly: "The overcapacity of automobiles needs C2M rescue."

  Zhu Weihua believes that at present, all kinds of personalized customization are pseudo-customization in nature, and car owners have only a limited number of choices in the end. Car companies are still selling by production in essence, but they only produce more configuration varieties and give users more choices. It is impossible to talk about the user placing an order and then producing it. As a result, car owners give up their personalized choice, and car companies waste their costs on spare parts inventory and dealer inventory, and there is no incentive to optimize production and manufacturing costs.

  Judging from the grim situation of the current automobile market, it is possible for car sellers to satisfy the needs of a small number of users only by working very hard to please users. If users are not given more choices, it is impossible to sell a large number of cars. The larger the car companies, the more they need C2M, and then consider the differences between car networking and electric car service packages, and consider the personalized marketing of these personalized services.

  In addition to starting with products, many people in the industry also suggest that enterprises should integrate and hold a group to keep warm. Dong Yang, the first vice chairman of the International Automobile Manufacturers Association, once said that the lack of cooperation is an important shortcoming among China brand enterprises. If we can get better development without joining forces in the past, then in the current market environment, it is even more important for China car companies to strengthen cooperation and learn from each other’s strong points for mutual benefit and win-win results.

  Giving full play to the synergistic effect and establishing alliance relations are the forms to cope with the increasingly severe competition in the market. Last year, FAW, Dongfeng and Changan took the lead in establishing strategic cooperation in four areas: forward-looking common technological innovation, automobile full value chain operation, expanding overseas markets and exploring new business models. In addition, traditional car companies, internet companies, travel service companies and new car-making enterprises have begun to cooperate hand in hand in various fields. The cooperation with new power enterprises has also gradually expanded from the earliest OEM production to in-depth cooperation in research and development, procurement and sales.

  When the downward trend of the automobile market encounters industrial transformation and upgrading, there will be a large number of car companies whose operating conditions are worrying. Zhu Huarong, president of Changan Automobile, once said that in the next 3-5 years, the shutdown and transfer of car companies will no longer be information. Most automobile enterprises will be eliminated. Faced with the uncertainty and complexity of the market, it is necessary for car companies to integrate and develop before, between new forces and traditional car companies to achieve a win-win situation.

  Text/reporter Li Dongying

Reporter’s investigation: Why is the frequent hot search for "privately demolished load-bearing walls" repeatedly banned?

  Beijing, China, October 26 (Reporter Guo Jiali) "Construction started on the first floor, and I can feel a slight shake when I live on the 13th floor." Recently, Ms. Yang from Nanchong, Sichuan reported to Yangguang. com that it cost more than 500,000 yuan to buy this house, another 120,000 yuan to decorate it, and all her savings were spent. I didn’t know that just after living for a year and a half, cracks appeared in the house.

  According to an announcement provided by Ms. Yang, Nanchong Fuli Commercial Management Center and Nanchong Jiahong Property Management Co., Ltd. carried out construction on the first floor of Building No.4 without the consent of the owners. Ms. Yang said that the construction party plans to divide the 5.9-meter-high first floor into two floors, and drill holes with rhinestones, which passed through the load-bearing columns nearly 80 cm thick, causing some houses to crack, posing a safety hazard to the residents of the building.

  Mr. Tang, a resident of the building, said that cracks appeared in the house, which may be no problem at ordinary times, but Sichuan is an earthquake-prone area, and once an earthquake occurs, there will be security risks. The house that ordinary people have worked hard to save money to buy cannot be lived in fear.

  Since the beginning of this year, four people have been detained from the "privately demolished load-bearing wall incident" in Limin Academy Community of Harbin, and then they went to Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province to violently decorate "Open 42 Suites" … … The problem of load-bearing wall being demolished is frequently searched.

  According to the incomplete statistics of the media, among the 49 building collapse accidents in China since 2012, 25 were caused by the unauthorized demolition and modification of the main structure of the existing building or adding stories, changing the use function and increasing the load, accounting for more than 50%.

  In order to eradicate this chaos, on June 9 this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Safety Management of Interior Decoration of Urban Houses, clarifying the responsibilities of all parties and relevant departments involved in decoration activities, including design units, decoration enterprises, property service enterprises and local governments.

  The load-bearing column is perforated by a diamond (photo courtesy of the interviewee from Yangguang. com)

  Why can’t we tear down the load-bearing wall privately?

  "When we took the new house, there were no such cracks at all. Since the load-bearing pillars were laid on the first floor, the house cracked." Ms. Yang said.

  She said that the merchants on the first floor put the load-bearing columns through all sides, with a diameter of 30 mm, ten holes on each side of the central column and four holes on each side of the side load-bearing column.

  The live pictures and videos provided by Ms. Yang show that the steel bars in the load-bearing columns on the first floor have been drilled, and the upper and lower rows have been drilled through by rhinestones. Cracks have appeared in the kitchen and living room walls of houses on the sixth floor, and cracks have also appeared in the bedroom walls of households on the ninth floor.

  Cracks appear in the wall of the household restaurant (Photo courtesy of the interviewee from Yangguang. com)

  An announcement signed by Ms. Yang to the reporter as "Nanchong Fuli Commercial Management Center" showed that Nanchong Fuli Commercial Management Center indicated that it had entrusted Nanchong Hengrui Testing Co., Ltd. for technical appraisal, and the appraisal conclusion of Nanchong Hengrui Testing Co., Ltd. was that the main structure of Building 4 was in a safe state.

  According to the above announcement, it is suggested to repair the holes in the concrete columns on the first floor immediately, and it is indicated that the Chongqing Design Institute, the original design unit of Building 4, has been entrusted to design the reinforcement scheme, and the drawing review organization has been invited to examine and approve the reinforcement drawings. At the same time, Fuli Center entrusted Sichuan Caiyuan Building Reinforcement Engineering Co., Ltd., which has the professional contracting qualification of special engineering (structural reinforcement), to prepare the concrete beams and columns on the first floor to be restored to their original state.

  However, the community owners do not agree with the announcement. Ms. Yang told the reporter that because the owner did not trust the appraisal entrusted by her, she wanted to apply for the appraisal of the provincial appraisal institute. At present, 51 owners have jointly signed a request for appraisal, but the construction party has been reluctant to sign. At present, the Jialing District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau said that it would handle the case on November 7.

  "If you break a bone, you can’t stand up." Xue Minghui, deputy dean of the School of Architecture of Harbin Institute of Technology, said that the load-bearing walls and columns are the skeleton of the building. After being damaged, it will cause hidden dangers to the building, and the building will be directly damaged. Its importance is self-evident. It must be made clear that the private demolition of the load-bearing walls is not a moral issue, but a legal issue.

  According to Article 15 of Chapter II of the Regulations on Quality Management of Construction Projects: "The construction unit shall entrust the original design unit or a design unit with corresponding qualification grade to put forward the design scheme before the construction of the decoration project involving the change of the main building body and load-bearing structure. Without the design scheme, the construction shall not be carried out. During the renovation process, building users are not allowed to change the main body and load-bearing structure of the building without authorization. "

  In addition, the first paragraph of Article 5 in Chapter II of the Administrative Measures for Interior Decoration of Residential Buildings stipulates: "The following acts are prohibited in the interior decoration of residential buildings: changing the main body and load-bearing structure of the building without the original design unit or a design unit with corresponding qualification grade."

  "Unauthorized transformation may constitute infringement and bear civil liability for compensation. Because the bearing wall is dismantled privately, the whole building is in a dangerous state, which endangers public safety and is suspected of bearing criminal responsibility, which constitutes a crime of endangering public safety by dangerous means. " Lawyer Li Baolian of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm said.

  On October 22, Ms. Yang told reporters that the construction party had stopped work on August 29 due to the opposition of the owners. On September 1st, Jialing District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau delivered a rectification notice to Fuli Center.

  Why is there a constant controversy over privately demolishing the load-bearing wall?

  Not only Ms. Yang, but also Mr. Chen from xinluo district, Longyan City, Fujian Province, is facing the problem of "privately demolishing the bearing wall" in the same building.

  On October 20, Mr. Chen told the reporter of Yangguang. com that the owner of the 25th floor of the residential area owned two houses on this floor. In order to connect the two houses into one, during the renovation, the owner removed the four load-bearing walls between the living room of one house and the kitchen of another house. "The load-bearing walls that have been demolished here are basically determined. As the householder refused to let in, whether the load-bearing wall at the passage between the two units was damaged has not yet been determined. "

  Demolished wall (photo courtesy of interviewee from Yangguang. com)

  Xue Minghui, after checking the construction drawings provided by Mr. Chen, said that the four demolished places are wall battlements, which are not a big problem at ordinary times, but may be dangerous under special circumstances. Shear walls, also known as wind-resistant walls and earthquake-resistant walls, are located in the passage between the two houses, which have the function of resisting typhoons. Destroying the shear walls will affect the bearing capacity of the building and cannot be removed at will.

  Floor plan of the owner’s two houses on the 25th floor (Photo courtesy of the interviewee sent by Yangguang. com)

  "Why did the original design unit or the design unit with the corresponding qualification grade not issue a professional design plan, and the property was allowed to start construction?" Many owners asked about the residential property in the WeChat group.

  In response to the owner’s query, the property said in the owner group of Building No.10 that the behavior had been discovered during the inspection, and issued a rectification notice on August 30 and informed the Urban Management Bureau, and said that the Longmen Law Enforcement Brigade of the Urban Management Bureau had been to the site for disposal.

  During this period, many residents in Building 10 complained through "e Longyan". On September 13, Longyan City Administration Bureau began to reply to the complaints one after another: "The Longmen Law Enforcement Brigade of Longyan City Administration Bureau intervened in the investigation on September 6 before receiving the complaints. Our team’s law enforcement officers asked the owner to rectify and restore the demolished wall, and the owner began rectification on September 10. "

  However, the owners are not satisfied with the reply. "Let the business owners recover on their own, and can they meet the requirements of bearing capacity after recovery? Why not publish a professional appraisal and repair plan? " Mr. Chen said.

  In the interview, the reporter found that whether the appraisal is authoritative and the later professional rectification plan is issued, and whether reasonable compensation is implemented is the focus of controversy.

  Lawyer Wang Xinyue of Beijing Haotian Law Firm said that the reason for the dispute is that even if the owner receives the rectification notice or administrative punishment decision from the law enforcement unit, there may still be problems in actual performance. For example, the owner is not sure whether the rectification and repair plan is standardized or whether the rectification and repair plan meets the bearing capacity requirements.

  She believes that law enforcement units should actively perform their duties, eliminate the harmful consequences and continue to follow up after issuing the Notice of Order (Time Limit) Correction, and combine various means such as investigation, fine and transfer to the public security department. If necessary, a third-party rectification plan can be introduced, and the rectification costs will be borne by the violator. At the same time, strengthen the intensity of administrative law enforcement and improve the quality of administrative law enforcement.

  Why are private demolition of load-bearing walls repeatedly prohibited?

  Since the beginning of this year, many "privately demolished load-bearing walls" incidents have been on the hot search.

  At the end of April, in a 31-storey residential building in Limin Academy Community, Songbei District, Harbin, tenants smashed the load-bearing wall privately during renovation, resulting in cracks in the whole building. In the evening, more than 200 households were evacuated. According to CCTV news, on May 9, the public security organs took criminal compulsory measures against four responsible persons according to law.

  Just in the past month, at the end of May, some people reported that on the second floor of an apartment building in Yuegong Mansion, Wuyue Square, Sihui City, Guangdong Province, Yao, the owner of 42 apartments on the whole floor, demolished the partition wall without obtaining a construction permit, and illegally constructed about 700 square meters. On June 6th, the official WeChat of the Propaganda Department of Sihui Municipal Committee, WeChat official account, released a description of the "Sihui Release", ordering it to stop construction immediately and make corrections within a time limit.

  Xue Minghui said that load-bearing walls generally refer to walls used to bear vertical loads in brick-concrete structures. At present, new buildings are rare, mainly some multi-storey houses built in the last century. Multi-storey public buildings are generally frame structures, which are supported by columns. High-rise residential buildings are generally shear walls, which are supported by vertical and horizontal loads. Some people understand shear walls as load-bearing walls.

  Why is it that private demolition of load-bearing walls is repeatedly prohibited? He believes that from a dialectical point of view, first, the functions of existing buildings can not meet the needs of social development, and the space can not meet the requirements of new commerce and residence, which needs to be expanded, but it is limited by the wall. Second, due to the lack of popular science in architecture, many people don’t know which walls can be moved, which can never be moved, and which can be partially changed, such as opening doors and windows, which helps those who don’t know the building structure to avoid falling into the predicament of huge compensation and disputes. Third, the inadequate supervision of the property and related departments on the decoration process is also one of the reasons for this phenomenon.

  "Once there is a problem with the load-bearing wall, the property will also bear the responsibility, which is a dereliction of duty." A property manager said that before the renovation, the decoration masters all had house design drawings, and they knew which were load-bearing walls. "If it is not intentionally demolished, the decoration master will not move the load-bearing wall."

  In Xue Minghui’s view, it is necessary to raise residents’ awareness of the rule of law for such problems. "Let everyone know that this is not a moral issue, but a legal issue."

  How should the load-bearing wall "bear the load"?

  "Not all load-bearing walls can be dismantled." In Xue Minghui’s view, many buildings can be demolished by structural reinforcement, but this requires special institutions to identify, design and construct. In addition, because a certain safety factor is reserved in the structural design of buildings, sometimes accidents will not occur when some load-bearing walls are removed. For example, the load-bearing wall on the top floor of the building does not have much load on it, and even if it is removed, the problem is not great.

  He said that it is unclear that the most unfavorable conditions, such as earthquake resistance, too many people in the room and uneven load, will be taken into account when designing the building structure. However, this has also caused many people a misunderstanding that some load-bearing walls can be removed, or at least some parts can be removed.

  In order to curb the illegal acts of interior decoration, on June 9 this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Safety Management of Interior Decoration of Urban Houses (hereinafter referred to as the Notice), which further clarified the responsibilities of all parties and relevant departments involved in the decoration activities, including design units, decoration enterprises, property service enterprises and local governments.

  The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Safety Management of Interior Decoration of Urban Houses.

  After the promulgation of the Notice, some cities have taken action. For example, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement team of Luodian Town, Baoshan District, Shanghai has set up a special working group to lead the new owners to identify the load-bearing structure of the house on the spot in each newly delivered community, and to answer questions on the spot by explaining the case and explaining it in a simple way, so as to turn "compulsory afterwards" into "prevention and control beforehand".

  "This is not a joke, we can’t afford this responsibility." A property manager said that no matter from which point of view, this is harmful to others. If there is a crack in the internal structure of the wall, the residents of the whole building are in danger.

  The above-mentioned managers said that before the renovation, they would tell the owners never to move the load-bearing wall. During the renovation, the property personnel should also check it out. If there are renovation tenants who can’t open the door due to frequent construction, they should pay attention. If the owner is found to have dismantled the load-bearing wall privately and refuses to stop it, he will be told to stop the decoration immediately and force the water and electricity to be cut off. In addition, the property will also inform the doorpost and refuse the decoration master to enter the community. After the load-bearing wall is restored, the construction can continue.

  Li Baolian said that property service enterprises should give full play to the role of "whistleblower" and "night watchman", encrypt the frequency of inspections in their daily work, dissuade and stop violations immediately when they are found, and promptly report to relevant departments for legal determination and handling. Government supervision departments should strengthen the supervision of decoration enterprises, and strictly investigate unqualified, borrowed or exceeded qualifications to undertake decoration projects.

  She said that once it is found that someone has dismantled the load-bearing wall privately, the owner can bring a lawsuit to the people’s court where the house is located according to the Civil Code, requesting the actor to stop the infringement, remove the obstruction, eliminate the danger, restore the original state and compensate for the losses.

The Ministry of Science and Technology has delayed stamping the approved project. What happened to the CDC?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


The outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic has alerted the scientific community to the urgency and importance of in-depth research on new viruses. However, a special investigation on basic resources aimed at finding the virulent pathogens of natural foci in China has been approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology, but recently it has been unable to get the approval of funds due to the delay in stamping by the higher authorities.

It is noteworthy that Zhang Yongzhen’s team was one of the earliest teams in China to detect Covid-19, and it was the first to publish the Covid-19 gene sequence on the Internet on January 11th this year.

Author | Wang Yiwei

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The application for stamping has not been approved for more than two months.

"Never (it has been delayed for so long). This is an unimaginable situation." On August 4, Yang Shoushan (a pseudonym), a professor at a domestic university, told Intellectuals on the phone.

Yang Shoushan is a scientist who studies marine viruses in China. This year, he will work with 55 other researchers from 9 domestic units to carry out a project called "Scientific Investigation of Virus Resources of Major Natural Focuses in China" (hereinafter referred to as "Virus Resources Investigation").

This project is one of the 27 basic resources investigation projects proposed and established by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2019. According to the documents of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 27 special projects are basic work oriented to scientific goals and national strategic needs, and will be appointed as executors from the declared scientific research teams [1].

On December 16, 2019, the Institute of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control of China Center for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the Institute of Infectious Diseases) in Changping, Beijing was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology to take the lead in undertaking the special investigation of virus resources. The project leader was Zhang Yongzhen, a researcher and virologist of the Institute, with a project budget of 13.58 million yuan.

The special project was originally planned to be launched in January this year. Due to the epidemic situation in COVID-19, the time for submitting the project task book to the Ministry of Science and Technology can be postponed to May.

Yang Shoushan told Intellectuals that on May 27th, the project team submitted an application for seal to its superior unit, China Center for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as China CDC), but until the beginning of August, the task book of this special project was still not submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology, because the task book was still audited by China CDC. In sharp contrast, the other 26 projects in the same period have submitted task books.

Yang Shoushan said that submitting the paper version of the project task book is the last step before obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The task book needs to be submitted to the recommending unit and stamped with the official seal of the recommending unit, and then submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology. The recommendation unit of this project is the National Health and Wellness Committee.


What’s the reason for not stamping?

Why has the project applied by China CDC been "delayed" for so long? Yang Shoushan said it was difficult to understand.

"As long as it is established, signing the task book is a process. (The Institute of Infectious Diseases and the Science and Technology Office of China CDC) are all in the same yard, and it will be completed in one day."

Yang Shoushan introduced the detailed process of the project team after submitting the seal application.

First, on June 9th, China CDC returned Zhang Yongzhen’s seal application to the Institute of Infectious Diseases, and raised three questions about written documents.

On June 18th, Zhang Yongzhen’s project team was asked by the Institute of Infectious Diseases to give answers to three questions. On the same day, Zhang Yongzhen’s project team gave a reply. Since then, the information handed in has been like a stone, and there has been no feedback.

The documents obtained by Intellectuals show that there are three problems in the written document proposed by China CDC, including that the cover of the task book is not stamped with the official seal of the legal person, and the objectives and indicators in the task book of sub-project 1 are inconsistent with the declaration, and it is required to review whether the undertaking unit of sub-project 1 of the project can carry out virulent virus research.

"The first question is that you didn’t stamp it. Isn’t that a lie? It’s clearly stamped on it"; Yang Shoushan said, "It is also said that the contract assessment indicators are inconsistent and actually consistent; Our work does not involve virus culture, and we don’t need P3 (qualification). We all do inactivated viruses. " He said that the electronic version of the task book was submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology for approval before the final stamping process, and the Ministry of Science and Technology could not modify it after the review.

On July 3rd, the Institute of Infectious Diseases once again asked the project team to provide the task contract of Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as Wuhan CDC), one of the participating units of the project, otherwise the follow-up process could not be carried out.

Yang Shoushan told Intellectuals that the project involves the cooperation of nine units, and Wuhan CDC is one of them. It was originally responsible for the collection of some samples and needed to sign a sub-task contract with the Institute of Infectious Diseases. However, on January 12 this year, Wuhan CDC announced that it would terminate its cooperation with Zhang Yongzhen’s team and stop participating in the "virus resource investigation" project. The above opinions also appeared in a written material stamped with the official seal of Wuhan CDC seen by Intellectuals.

Yang Shoushan said that the withdrawal of Wuhan CDC "will not affect the progress of the project", and at the end of April, the Ministry of Science and Technology had been informed and agreed to take the withdrawal process, that is, the project team could submit the stamped task book with explanatory materials for the record, but the Infectious Diseases Institute replied that Wuhan CDC could not submit the task book for review if it did not give the contract.

"In fact, I just found an excuse not to leave the process." Yang Shoushan believes that the Institute of Infectious Diseases is the lead unit of the project, and the China CDC is the superior unit. It is unreasonable to "card yourself": "For example, if you sell a machine to others, you have to change a part, which will not affect the function. The buyers all agreed, and your father said no, not to sell. "

As of press time, neither China CDC nor Institute of Infectious Diseases responded to the inquiry of Intellectuals about this matter.

In the same period, the person in charge of another basic resource investigation project told Intellectuals that the project they undertook had been submitted with the task book sealed by the recommending unit in May, and the Ministry of Science and Technology had also started to contact the team on financial matters. In early July, the project held a kick-off meeting and started work. He said that he had never heard of the submission of similar project cards in the task book before.

"Intellectuals" learned from different sources that 27 research projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 26 of which have been submitted with official seals, have gone through the formalities. According to public information [4], four simultaneous projects led by the Institute of Zoology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Microbiology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, First Institute of Oceanography of Ministry of Natural Resources, Pearl River Water Conservancy Research Institute and other institutions have held kick-off meetings to mark the start of the projects.


To prevent new outbreaks, virus investigation should be preceded.

In Yang Shoushan’s view, the virus investigation project is "urgent". Outbreaks like Covid-19 have caused incalculable losses to society and individuals, and all the new outbreaks of infectious diseases in China since 2000 have come from wild animals. Knowing the virus distribution in nature in advance is the first step to prevent new outbreaks.

Previously, Shi Zhengli, a researcher at Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, also called for [3] that pathogen monitoring is very important to prevent coronavirus from entering human society. "We can monitor these viruses that exist in nature, take the initiative to find patients, assess risks, warn in advance, and move the barrier of prevention forward at a little cost. Find the virus before it finds us. "

"Teacher Zhang Yongzhen has always advocated to find out the family background, to know the number, distribution and law of viruses in natural foci in China, and to achieve early detection, early analysis and early warning of the epidemic after finding out this. This is the purpose of our team." Yang Shoushan said. The project is expected to last for 60 months. It will investigate the viruses carried by wild animals on land and in the sea of China, analyze the genome characteristics of more than 150 new viruses with 450 subtypes, identify potential pathogenic strains, and finally establish a standardized national animal sample and virus resource library.

As a researcher at the Institute of Infectious Diseases, Zhang Yongzhen currently works in institutes of biomedical sciences and Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centers. He and his team have been engaged in the discovery and research of new viruses for a long time, and have discovered more than 2,000 new viruses. Yang Shoushan introduced that Zhang Yongzhen’s team has maintained a cooperative relationship with Wuhan CDC for more than ten years, analyzing and studying the samples of patients with unexplained pneumonia and fever provided by Wuhan CDC.

On January 5th, Zhang Yongzhen’s team detected Covid-19 in the samples sent by Wuhan CDC and reported it to Shanghai Health and Health Commission and National Health Commission and other competent authorities. On January 11th, the team released the gene sequence of Covid-19 for the first time in Virological.org, a forum on virus evolution analysis and epidemiology. [5]

"We also know that some leaders are unhappy with some of our achievements and feel that they have disrupted their plans … but this matter has already passed. This project was established in 19 years, and it is totally irrelevant to the epidemic. As a result, we are also very angry about using these to cheat, "Yang Shoushan said." But now we are also adjusting our mentality and doing things well. "

Although it has not been approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology for the time being, some key research can not be stopped, such as the collection of marine viruses. April-June is the key period for going to sea. In order not to delay the progress, Yang Shoushan, who is in charge of marine virus collection, can only use the surplus funds of other projects to go to sea first. However, until the end of the scientific research project on July 8, there was still no progress in the sealing of the task book.

Zhang Yongzhen’s project team has contacted the Institute of Infectious Diseases and China CDC for many times, and Yang Shoushan also made a voice in Weibo in mid-June to disclose the situation of the project being blocked, but none of them got an effective response. At present, the project is "closed" on the website of the Ministry of Science and Technology, indicating that the time for submitting the task book has passed. Some preparatory work for the project is already under way, but due to lack of funds, some research groups may not use the remaining project funds to advance the work first.

On August 1st, the project team held a kick-off meeting to cheer everyone up. "Without funds, the work will continue," Yang Shoushan said. He said that in the end, he hoped that the project book could be stamped as soon as possible and submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Plate making editor | Pipi Fish

Hu Bing was invited as "Italian fashion friend" China gentleman to promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

Hu Bing was invited as "Italian fashion friend" China gentleman to promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

The year 2020 coincides with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy, and it is also the "China-Italy Year of Culture and Tourism". At this landmark point, at the official invitation of the Italian National Tourism Administration, Hu Bing, a gentleman from China, will co-host the grand event as an "Italian fashion friend", promote cultural exchanges between the two countries, and start his new journey as a "world traveler". Yesterday, Hu Bing also sent a message to Weibo, telling his origins and stories with Italy in the form of video.

Hu Bing, as an "Italian fashion friend", was praised as a walking China fashion label.

Like China, Italy is also a "treasure-class" world cultural heritage country. It is not only the cradle of European culture, the birthplace of the Renaissance, but also one of the current international fashion centers, and Hu Bing has a deep relationship with it. In his early years, after he entered the national team as a professional rower, he was sent to Italy to attend an international training camp. After being injured, he found another stage in his life and made his first show in Milan, thus opening the way to modeling and performing arts. For Hu Bing, Italy is a place where dreams begin and a place where his dreams bloom.

Since then, Hu Bing has gone to Italy and other countries to participate in fashion week, award ceremony, jury and other related activities almost every year, and has maintained the cooperation of European fashion brands and top designers for more than 20 years, becoming the face of china recognized by the international fashion world. Hu Bing has always had his own understanding of fashion. "Embrace the future and stay with the classics" is his philosophy. He loves the eternal charm of classics and embraces the changes and unknowns in the future, forming his own fashion style and unique label, which perfectly fits with the identity of "Italian fashion friend" and is praised by many fashion media as the fashion label of China.

"World Traveler" starts again, and every time he goes to Italy, it’s like the first time.

Hu Bing was invited as "Italian fashion friend" China gentleman to promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

It is reported that based on his work, Hu Bing travels around the world for more than 200 days every year, and really feels the customs and local culture of different regions. He likes to stop and go, immerse himself in the local culture and folk customs, do not set a destination for himself, and follow his heart to be an exploratory "world traveler".

In addition, Hu Bing has devoted a lot of energy to cultural exchange, promotion and public welfare undertakings. This time, Hu Bing won the title of "Best Friend of Italian Fashion", and also told his origin and story with Italy in the form of short video on the platform of Weibo. "Italy carries too many memories of its growth, the sports spirit of Rome, the fashion art of Milan and the cultural exploration of Venice. Every time I go to Italy, it is like the first time." Hu Bing said.

In addition, in the early stage of the full opening of the two countries’ tourism, Hu Bing will also participate in a series of online warm-up activities for more Sino-Italian cultural and tourism years, and deeply share with fans the "knowledge points" of the two countries in fashion, humanities, tourism and many other aspects. In this regard, Hu Bing said: "Although the epidemic has changed everyone’s life now, I believe that one day, we will continue to meet in Milan, Rome and Venice, and this day will come soon."

Xiaobian Tanban China’s first musical "Going to Sea" "Turning the King’s Chess"

Last year, King’s Chess, which was launched by Shanghai Yahuahu Theater Management and Development Co., Ltd., became the object sought after by musical audiences because of a heavy news: the play was taken a fancy to by Korean musical production company Never Ending Play, and was introduced to the Korean musical market by way of copyright export. King’s Chess became the first original musical in China to export its copyright overseas.

The roar of distant ships is like the accompaniment of waves, which praises the great ship of industrial civilization and drives away the years. However, only the roar of seagulls reminds the faltering old man that there was once an old world called "Viking". Today, Xiaobian will take you into the light of this original musical-China’s first "going out to sea" musical "Turning the King’s Chess".

This is a story based on the historical myth of Northern Europe. In the early 19th century, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Norway sent a special task force to Bell Island, which had been occupied by the Ghost King for many years, to carry out the receiving task. When the team was about to land on the island, the action team unexpectedly encountered "resistance" from Bell Island, and all the soldiers followed the captain to retreat. Olson was the only one who finished landing on the island, but to his surprise, this isolated island, which was described as a "devil’s land", was a different scene. What he saw and heard on the island unexpectedly evoked memories that have been dusty for many years-about his late teacher and best friend: Kregaard, who was named as Norway’s "national hero". What will Olson experience on the island? Can he finish the task? What secrets are hidden on this island?

In terms of story creation structure, The King’s Chess is different from most musicals in that it incorporates Nordic elements, such as tomahawk, struggle, navigation and Viking. At the scene, you can feel six actors performing nearly 30 roles, which fully embodies poetry and blood. Guns and swords have been singing songs for more than ten years.

If you want to use a word to describe "Turn the King’s Chess", I believe that the word that pops up in many viewers’ minds is "magnificent". Weibo netizen @Muchennnnn commented: "It is unbelievable that this can be achieved in a small theater. Only a few hundred people can write such a shocking epic in the theater."

"Turn the King’s Chess" also uses clever intertextuality, using chess pieces to imply the fate of the characters in the play, one son and one life, no regrets when he dies, and people can’t be resurrected. Vikings used their lives to protect their homes, their beliefs to protect their civilization, and sacrifices to win.

Come to the theater and feel the twilight of the Viking gods!

Empathy! "Hot Search" Chengdu roadshow news students were deeply touched.

1905 movie network news The film directed by, starring, and starring is being shown. Yesterday, the national roadshow "Hot Search" and "Sound All the Way" came to Chengdu. Director Xin Yukun, actors Song Yang and Justin came to the roadshow to communicate with the audience after the show. The audience said that "the film shows the cross-section of the whole fermentation process of the hot search event to everyone", and fans with directors praised that "the director still brought us different shocks after years of violation".

In the film, the reversal of public opinion is closely linked, and the audience said that when watching it, "the heart is ups and downs, and the first half is very painful. Finally, it is very enjoyable to see Chen Miao’s comeback, and it is also a great surprise." There is also an audience who bluntly said that "Peng Yue is so bad that he was so angry that he wanted to rush to hit him". At the roadshow, the audience enthusiastically taught Justin Sichuan dialect "Angry at Peng Yue", and the atmosphere was very happy.

Empathy! The audience praised the social significance of the film. 

News students are deeply touched "will stick to the original heart of news"

High-flow social events, various reversals of public opinion, and the contest between good and evil behind the push … The film moved the hot spots behind the stage, making the audience sigh that "the film touched on social topics such as cyber violence, sexual assault, and public opinion reversal, which is of great social significance and deserves to be seen by more people". The director said that the hot spots in the network change very quickly. "The movie has the opportunity for everyone to sit down and slowly see behind an event." At the scene of the road show, some viewers said that the reality of public opinion presented in the film made them feel the same, and they were threatened by their voices. "So I know more about how much harm a vicious word can do to a person and how much courage it takes to make a small voice."

After watching the movie, a news professional audience said that "the film’s presentation of hot events is very real, and the DNA of learning news has moved." The director said frankly: "The film has the responsibility of recording the times. In the period when the media is very prosperous, the complexity of online public opinion and the power of different classes under the background of the times are necessary to be recorded by the film." The audience also mentioned that Chen Miao’s adherence to the ideal of news in the process of speaking for the weak made him very touched, saying that "I will also adhere to the original heart of news." Song Yang said: "Everyone has a wonderful Chen in his heart, which leads us to speak out bravely at an appropriate time."

Female mutual help is figurative, presenting girlfriends, and the audience is moved to tears.

Lawyers, audience, two movies, calling on everyone to speak bravely.

At the roadshow, girlfriends watched the movie together, indicating that they were moved by the power of women’s mutual help in the movie. When they saw that justice was done, they "shed tears with excitement" and lamented that "the power of girls help girls is really concrete. It is a matter of special courage to stand up and help people who are being hurt". Some viewers said that they were deeply impressed by the lyrics of the ending song Byakki Smoker, which reflected the difficulties faced by many women. The director said frankly that he hoped to "record the distinctive power of women’s mutual assistance in this era and the plight of different classes in their depths" through the film.

There is also a lawyer audience at the scene who said that he has already brushed the film twice, and he was deeply touched. "The current network environment is very complicated, and public opinion supervision is very important, but there must be no public opinion trial, which may make the parties face social death on the Internet first." As a legal practitioner, I will try my best to ensure that every case is echoed in fairness and justice. Song Yang said: "The network can make a sound. I hope that everyone can make a sound when they are hurt, and gather into a fire to overthrow all evil forces."

The film "Hot Search" is showing.

Novelists and novels in the epidemic: Atwood and other writers create modern "decameron"

Source: new york Times Magazine

During the epidemic, new york Times Magazine invited 29 authors to write short stories inspired by the epidemic and set up THE DECAMERON column, which was inspired by Giovanni Boccaccio’s collection of realistic novels "decameron" and set in Florence, which was ravaged by the plague in the 14th century.

Decameron, painted by sandro botticelli in 1487.

We selected five novels from this column, including aliens who participated in the galactic aid program, lonely souls wandering in isolated cells, a "charitable" robber, mutual watch under a conceptual device and a clinical record full of family love. These novels show people’s desperate desire for hope and love during the epidemic period in a humorous or calm or warm style. As far as the genre of fiction is concerned, since there will be great and important real news all the time, why do we need imaginary stories instead?

"When reality becomes surreal, only novels can make it meaningful." Source: new york Times Magazine

"Art is to make life more interesting than art itself," Robert Filliou, a French surf painter, wrote in one of his works. Life is often very deceptive, and it is easy for us to ignore some established and profound facts, even if they are laid out before our eyes. There is a word in Italian: novelle, which refers not only to simple fictional stories, but also to non-fictional social reality. The fascinating stories in decameron are the real life of Florence. When the reality becomes surreal, reading novels is not only a way to understand and perceive the times, but also a force that supports us in difficulties.

1. You Chaokai: Systems

Charles Yu is a Chinese-American writer. His Guide to the Survival of the Science Fiction Universe was selected as the best book of the year by The New York Times and Time magazine. As a screenwriter, he participated in the compilation of some episodes of HBO series "westworld" and was nominated for two American Writers Association Awards. His novels and nonfiction works have been published in The New Yorker, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal for many times.

They need each other, like each other and miss each other.

Source: new york Times Magazine

In this story, the author describes a device, or rather, it is the materialization of modern society. Everyone has a different box. The box follows the rotation of the earth and the natural laws of the sun rising and the moon setting. They communicate and collide through the box. Although the world in the box is so similar to the well-known world, one day they will come out of the box and stand in the sun, because the eternal thing is that they need real contact, they need each other, like each other and miss each other.

(The following is a fragment of the novel)

They need each other, like each other and miss each other.

They will ask themselves:

Will cats get depressed?

They search:

Food bank donation. The food bank near me.

What is an epidemic outbreak? What is the rest period? How to ensure the safety of children? How to ensure the safety of the elderly? How old is old? Am I old enough?

Numbers, rising numbers of infections.

How long will the symptoms of coronavirus appear? Do you have a coronavirus vaccine? How to avoid virus infection? How did the coronavirus start? Is the virus getting worse? What is mental health? How to judge whether I am depressed or not? Which is the safest takeaway?

They search:

The telephone number of the unemployment office.

When can we reopen the bowling alley?


They search:

The cat is still depressed.

We are in a bear market.

What is a bear market?

What is payroll tax reduction?

What is martial law?

How to take refuge in situ?

Safest city life?

Symptoms of fever, symptoms of dry cough ……

How to make hand sanitizer? How to sew a mask? What is N95? How to lower body temperature? Living alone, what if I am alone?

Some people are radical. Some people are confused. Some people forget. Some people follow the rules They share the device: the air, information and ideas in the device.

Some people enjoy breathing as their right to live. Some people cannot breathe.


They will move on, coming out of one box after another and walking into the sun. The circulation and operation of the system are restored. They will still send messages to each other. Some people will be confused. Some people will share food. Some people will die. Some people will starve. And some people will still be alone

The device is still that device. But change is inevitable-rebuilding or looking for a new model. They will fly into the air again and gather in the hub by thousands. They will push each other’s air and make hahaha or other sounds produced by real communication-in order to convey invisible emotional signals. Because there are always things that are eternal-they need each other, like each other and miss each other.

2. david mitchell: If Dreams Are Horses.

David Mitchell, an English novelist and screenwriter, whose work Cloud Map was shortlisted for the Booker Prize. The title of this short story is taken from the Scottish proverb-If wishes are horses, beggars can ride. The moral is that if hope can make things come true, even people who have nothing will have everything they want.

I stood up and found that Zam’s bed was empty, with no sheets and nothing.

Source: new york Times Magazine

Thirty years later, the epidemic is still not over. My former cellmate was infected, so I had to move to a single isolation cell. Although it is a single room, an asymptomatic infected person has checked into this isolation cabin before me. His name is Zam. Dirty windows, breakfast and lunch once a day, the company of mice, and boring cabin life. Fortunately, Zam accompanied me. He cared about me and chatted with me. He said that survival is a superpower when eating less, and left all the food to me. On the third day of my stay, I began to have symptoms of infection. The doctor is from China, surnamed Wang. I noticed that when Zam was chatting with Dr. Wang, Zam’s voice suddenly became very strange, as if it were coming from a distant place. Zam also said that he would supervise me to take medicine until I recovered. After a few days, my condition improved greatly.

(The following is a fragment of the novel)

"It’s thanks to my exclusive nurse, Zam," I said to Dr. Wang.

"Good. Who’s Zam?"

"Zam", I pointed to my upper bunk.

"What are you talking about … the superior? Or the warden? "

We were all puzzled. "No, Zam, my roommate, doctor. You saw him last time."

Dr. Wang looked at a loss. "We won’t allow two prisoners to be held in an isolation cell."

"I’m afraid you people really allow it."

"If there is a third person in such a small place, I won’t miss it."

I shouted to the upper berth, "Zam, answer."

My cellmate didn’t make a sound. Is he asleep?

Dr. Wang looked at my condition and was very worried. He went on to say, "Have you taken any hallucinogenic drugs? I won’t report it to the warden, but as your doctor, I must know."

"It’s not funny, Zam." I stood up and found Zam’s bed was empty, with no sheets and nothing.

3. Mia Cotto: "An Obliging Robber"

Mia Couto, a famous Mozambican writer, is an influential African writer in Portuguese literature. She won the cames Prize in 2013, the most important Portuguese literature prize, and the Neustadt International Literature Prize in 2014.

People wearing masks have friendly expressions and speak softly, but I don’t let myself be fooled.

Source: new york Times Magazine

The robber in front of him shouted "Keep your distance" to me. He barged in like this, holding a pistol, even though he said it was a thermometer and he was from the Ministry of Health. But I won’t be fooled. My wife died of tuberculosis, I was almost killed by smallpox, and malaria took our only son, but no one wants to know. I live far from the hospital, and I am poor. The liar and robber continued to lie. He said I might be asymptomatic. I don’t understand. I hardly go out. He said that he would come again next week after leaving a hygiene brochure, soap and a small bottle of alcohol. I see, the disease he said should be called "indifference".

(The following is a fragment of the novel)

I didn’t listen to his instructions to keep my distance, so I walked up to him and hugged him. The robber resisted vigorously, broke free from my arm and returned to the car. He took off his clothes in a hurry, just like taking off the coat of the plague, and the name of this plague is poverty.

I smiled and waved goodbye to him. After so many years of torture, I have been able to reconcile with human nature. I think this is a clumsy robber, but he is a good man. Next time he comes, I’ll let him steal the old TV in my bedroom.

4. Margaret Atwood: Impatient Griselda.

Margaret Atwood is a Canadian novelist, essayist and poet. She is also a feminist and social activist. She is the winner of Booker Award and Arthur Clark Award. Her works have been shortlisted for the Governor-General Award of Canada for seven times and won two awards. She is one of the most respected novelists in the contemporary era. Her Handmaid’s Tale was adapted into a series of dramas of the same name, which aroused strong social repercussions.

Sir and madam, I also hope that the plague will pass soon, so that I can return to my normal life.

Source: new york Times Magazine

The octopus-like aliens took part in the galactic crisis assistance program to help people on earth survive the plague. In order to appease the earthlings and help them pass the time, the alien told a story to the earthlings: on an ancient planet, there were a pair of twin sisters, who were inferior species with "false feet"-patient Griselda (sister) and impatient Griselda (sister). There was a violent duke who induced his sister to marry him on the grounds of promoting her status through marriage. My sister, worried about her safety, disguised herself as a dishwasher and went to the back kitchen of the Duke’s house. She learned that the duke treated his new wife very badly and was rude to her in public, even punching her. Angry sister asked out her younger sister and exchanged identities with her, intending to kill the duke. In the garden at night, my sister cut the duke’s throat, and then the two sisters ate up the duke’s bones, brocade robes and everything on him.

(The following is a fragment of the novel, and the narrator is an "octopus" alien)

What? What is WTF? Sorry, I don’t understand.

Yes, sir and madam, I admit that this is a cross-cultural moment. I simply said the choice I would make if I were in their situation. But storytelling does help us to understand each other across social, historical and even evolutionary gaps, doesn’t it?

Later, the twin sisters married two other beautiful "false feet" of the same kind and they lived happily in the palace. Several relatives of the duke became suspicious. They came to inquire about the news and were eaten by their sisters.

End of story.

You don’t like this ending? Not a regular ending? So which is your favorite ending? Oh no, the ending you imagine will be completely another story. I’m not interested in that story, and I can’t tell it well. But you have to admit, I did tell this story very well, didn’t I? You see, you even forgot to sniffle. Sniffing is very annoying. On my planet, only people who are treated as snacks will sniffle.

I have to go now. There are several other quarantine groups on my appeasement list, and my job is to help them pass the time, just like I did for you. Yes, madam, sir, the difficulties will pass anyway, but not so soon.

Now I’m going to slide out from the bottom of the door. No skeleton helped me a lot. Yes, sir and madam. I also hope that the plague will pass soon. So I can get back to my normal life.

5. Liz Moore: Clinical Notes

Liz Moore, an American writer, won the Rome Prize for Literature in 2014, and her works include The Invisible World.

Clinical record of a high fever in infants.

Source: new york Times Magazine

In this story, Liz recorded the psychological changes from the symptoms of the baby to the parents in the form of a clinical report, and the author described a warm little family story with the calm brushwork of a bystander. At the end, the baby who succeeded in getting out of danger went to sleep quietly. Under the dim light, the mother looked at the shadow of the baby’s face and the undulating breathing. She thought of her grandmother who always had candy in her pocket, her mother who accompanied her to watch The Sound of Music when she was sick, and many grandparents who held their children with the same tenderness. She repeatedly touched the baby’s skin, "warm but not hot, warm but not hot", she repeated, was it a chant or a prayer …

We regard this article as the final one of this selection, because it is a novel that can bring love and hope to readers, just like bathing in the long-lost sun after a plum rain. Just as at the end of decameron, the young people didn’t leave their Florence forever. Two weeks later, they decided to return-not because the plague was over, but because after laughing, crying and imagining the new rules of living together, they could finally see the present again and think about the future. The stories told in those days when they left their homes made their world, at least temporarily, lively again. It is very important and meaningful to remember that we will eventually die, because we often forget it in our lives. At the same time, we must live in the present and try our best to remember what life is like now-this is the message conveyed by decameron.

Attachment: the complete catalogue of THE DECAMERON PROJECT

1. Title of the article: Systems (Device)

Author: Charles Yu

2. article title: "if wishes are horses" (if dreams are horses)

Author: David Mitchell

3. Title of the article: "An Obliging Robber" (kind robber)

Author: Mia Couto

4. Title of the article: Impassional Griselda (Impatient Griselda)

Author: Margaret Atwood

5. Title: Clinical Notes (Clinical Report)

Author: Liz Moore

6. One Thing (a little thing)

Author: Edwidge Danticat

7. The Team

Author: Tommy Orange

8. Line 19 Woodstock/Glisan (Bus No.19)

Author: Karen Russell

9. Tales from the L.A. River (a legend from the Los Angeles River)

Author: Colm Toibin

10. "recognition" (recognition)

Author: Victor Lavalle

11.《Sleep (falling asleep)

Author: Uzodinma Iweala

12.《Outside (outdoor)

Author: Etgar Keret

13.《The Perfect Travel Buddy (Best Travel Companion)

By Paolo Giordano

14. "a blue sky like this" (the sky is so blue)

Author: Mona Awad

15.《The Rock (Rock)

Author: Leila Slimani

16.《Keepsakes (souvenir)

By Andrew O’Hagan

17. The Girl with the Big Red Suitcase (a girl with a big red suitcase)

By Rachel Kushner

18.《The Walk (Walking)

Author: Kamila Shamsie

19.《The Morningside (Morning Life)

Author: Téa Obreht

20.《Screen Time (screen time)

Author: Alejandro Zambra

21.《How We Used to Play (how we used to play)

Author: Dinaw Mengestu

22.《Prudent Girls (cautious girl)

Author: Rivers Solomon

23. "Under the Magnolia" (under the magnolia tree)

Author: Yiyun Li

24.《The Cellar (cellar)

Author: Dina Nayeri

25. "To the Wall" (desperate)

Author: Esi Edugyan

26. that time at my brother’s wedding (at that time, at my brother’s wedding)

Author: Laila Lalami

27. "A time of death, the death of time" (the time of death and the death of time)

Author: Julián Fuks

28 28.《Barcelona:Open City (Barcelona: Open City)

Author: John Wray

29.《Origin Story (Origin Story)

Author: Matthew Baker

This article is compiled and arranged exclusively for Phoenix Net Culture, and may not be reproduced without permission.

Editor | Dabao

Editor | Wei Bingxin

Photo | new york Times Magazine

Original title: Novelists and Novels under Epidemic Situation: Modern decameron Created by Atwood and Other Writers.

Read the original text

Do a good job in health management during the Spring Festival

Layout design: Jia Guoliang

Cartoon drawing: Jiang Chen

Festival dinner, eat well and pay attention to it.

■ Pei Suping Special correspondent of Liberation Army Daily Wang Junbo

The nutrition experts at Beidaihe Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Center put forward the following suggestions on how to make officers and men eat nutritionally and healthily during the holiday dinner.

Make recipes scientifically. Some units have more meat dishes at dinner, while vegetables, fruits and bean products account for less. This kind of diet with more meat and less vegetables will interfere with the normal metabolism of human body, increase the demand for water in the body, increase the burden on the liver and kidney, and increase the acid metabolites and serum uric acid, which will lead to physical fatigue and symptoms of "getting angry". It is suggested that all units should pay attention to the thickness of staple food, the combination of dry and thin food and the combination of meat and variety of non-staple food according to the principle of scientific catering, which can include animal foods such as livestock, poultry, seafood, eggs and milk, and also plant foods such as leafy vegetables, roots, melons, fresh beans, fungi and algae, so as to achieve the purpose of food diversification, balanced diet and comprehensive nutrition. On the dining table, you can also prepare some seasonings such as shredded ginger or vinegar soaked ginger slices, garlic cloves, hot sauce, pickles and vinegar to adjust different tastes. In addition to paying attention to the collocation of dishes, it is also necessary to avoid concentrating the dinner dishes in one meal. It is suggested to disperse them in three meals according to the energy ratio of 3: 4: 3, and follow the principle of "eat well at breakfast, have a full lunch and have a light and early dinner". Dinner dishes mainly focus on improving quality, not increasing quantity. If conditions permit, it is suggested that the large pot dishes be made into small pot dishes in several times to obtain a better taste and retain more nutrition in some dishes. In addition, winter meals are easy to cool. Cooking squad should do a good job of food insulation, provide hot food and hot drinks, so as not to affect appetite and cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

The choice of dishes is complementary. Dinner dishes can choose foods that are not often eaten at ordinary times, which are both fresh and can supplement nutrients that are easily lacking in daily life. If the intake of aquatic products is not much at ordinary times, it is suggested to increase fish, shrimp and shellfish rich in high-quality protein and minerals such as calcium, zinc, magnesium and selenium at dinner; Animal viscera can also be properly added to the dishes to supplement nutrients such as vitamin A and iron. In the staple food supply, in addition to the common rice and steamed bread, jiaozi, pancakes, fried cakes, fried noodles and steamed buns can be added, and coarse grains such as corn, sweet potato, yam and miscellaneous beans can be served on the table to supplement B vitamins. Conditional units can make crucian carp bean curd soup, ribs seaweed soup, black-bone chicken soup, eight-treasure porridge, glutinous rice balls, lily tremella lotus seed soup and other soup for officers and men to choose from, which is delicious and nourishing. The canteen can also provide hawthorn tea, sour plum soup, chrysanthemum tea and other drinks to relieve boredom, clear fire and help digestion.

Eat well to protect the stomach. At the festival dinner, the dishes are rich and delicious, and many comrades face a full table of delicious food, so it is easy to eat more and eat more if they are not careful. Overeating, excessive intake of greasy, fat or cold food can easily cause indigestion symptoms such as abdominal distension and constipation, and may even lead to acute gastroenteritis. Officers and men should eat and drink moderately when having a meal, bearing in mind the principle of "balanced diet, 70% to 80% full, chewing slowly, eating less and getting cold". The canteen can provide foods such as radish, hawthorn, lemon, orange, tangerine, etc., as well as dishes such as kelp silk, fungus and onion. If conditions permit, you can also purchase some wild vegetables, which are both nutritious and greasy. If a comrade-in-arms suffers from bloating and stomachache, you can try to massage or moxibustion Zusanli, navel and Zhongwan points, which can relieve the pain. Those with severe symptoms should seek medical attention in time.

Eating the right snacks does not "get angry". Dried fruits and sweets are high-fat and high-calorie foods. If officers and men eat too much after dinner, they will easily get fat, and may also have symptoms such as oral ulcer and sore throat. It is suggested that officers and men should control the intake of snacks during festivals, or replace traditional dried fruits such as peanuts and melon seeds with yogurt, pears, pomelos, sugar cane and persimmons that are beneficial to the intestines. In addition, comrades-in-arms can drink tea with dietotherapy effects such as chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, lotus plumule and dandelion to relieve discomfort such as sore throat and oral ulcer.

To celebrate the Spring Festival, protection is indispensable.

■ Dai Xin Liberation Army Daily reporter Sun Xingwei

Under the condition of normalized epidemic prevention and control, how can the officers and men of the army celebrate the Spring Festival scientifically, safely and orderly? Wang Fusheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Department of Infectious Diseases Medicine of the Fifth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, reminded his comrades that during the festival, there should be no shortage of prevention and control measures.

Remember to protect yourself. Personal protective measures such as wearing masks, keeping social distance and washing hands frequently are still the simplest and most effective personal protective measures to prevent infection. Officers and men should do their own protection at ordinary times and wear masks regularly. When wearing a mask, the mouth, nose and jaw should be completely wrapped, the elastic band of the mask should be tightened, and the aluminum sheets on both sides of the nose should be pressed tightly to reduce the air leakage around. Develop good hygiene habits at ordinary times. Wash your hands before and after meals and before touching your eyes, mouth and nose. When washing your hands, rub every part of your hands with hand sanitizer or soap, especially between your fingers and skin wrinkles. It is best to wash your hands for about 60 seconds each time. It is recommended to refer to the "seven-step washing method". Pay attention to cough etiquette. When coughing or sneezing, cover it with elbow or paper towel, wrap the mouth and nose secretions with paper towel and dispose of them in the garbage bin. If the mask is wet due to coughing or sneezing, it should be replaced in time.

There are rules for holiday meals. Companies should not buy food from unknown sources when purchasing goods and buying new year’s goods. Cooking squad should keep the environment clean and tidy, and disinfect tableware with boiling water and disinfection cabinet as required to kill bacteria and viruses; Chopping boards and knives for handling raw and cooked foods should be separated; Wash your hands between handling raw food and cooked food. When organizing a meal, the temperature of the staff should be measured, and those with fever should be arranged to eat alone, and relevant medical treatment and necessary protection should be done. Officers and soldiers should wash their hands correctly, queue up in order and keep a safe distance before eating; When eating, it is suggested to take the form of buffet, using public chopsticks and spoons.

Pay attention to recreational activities. During the festival, when arranging cultural and sports activities, we should control the scale and formulate epidemic prevention measures. The activity venue should be arranged in an open and ventilated outdoor as far as possible. When it is really necessary to organize indoors, different projects can be divided into decentralized organizations. Participants should try their best to enter in batches by class and platoon, so as to reduce the gathering of people. After the activity, you should open the window and ventilate for 30 minutes, clean the activity venue and wash away the sports equipment.

Strict protection during going out. During the Spring Festival, we should reduce unnecessary trips, avoid getting together or gathering, and minimize risks. Officers and soldiers should strengthen self-prevention when going out to perform tasks, especially when entering key places and closed places such as shopping malls, supermarkets, bazaars, hospitals, elevators, and taking public transportation such as subways and buses, they should wear masks all the time. Keep a "one-meter-long" distance when taking a bus or waiting for a bus, try to stay at the ventilation window, and avoid touching the carriage, handlebars, etc. You can carry hand-free disinfectant with you when you go out, and wash your hands in time if necessary. When going out, you should actively cooperate with the staff in relevant places to do a good job in temperature detection, scanning and showing "health code", and leave as soon as possible after completing the task. If you need to go out for medical treatment, you should choose the nearest hospital, understand the medical treatment process in advance, and reduce the stay time in the hospital; Wear disposable medical masks or surgical masks during medical treatment; Try to avoid touching the surface of objects such as door handles and public signature pens directly during medical treatment, and wash your hands in time or rub your hands with quick-drying hand disinfectant after touching them; Keep a safe distance from others when waiting and queuing.

Public areas are often disinfected. Preventive disinfection can be carried out in public areas during holidays, and the principle of "cleaning first, disinfection second" should be followed. The company meeting rooms, network classrooms and other places frequently used by officers and men should be ventilated to maintain indoor air circulation. Dormitories should be ventilated with windows open every day for at least 30 minutes, twice a day. Clothes, bedding and other fabrics should be frequently changed and aired. When airing, they should be evenly spread out and exposed to the sun for more than 4 hours. Door handles, window handles, tables and chairs, handrails, faucets, thermometers, computer keyboards, etc. that officers and men often contact should be disinfected frequently. When it is suspected that the surface of the object is contaminated, it can be wiped or sprayed with 250-500mg/L chlorine-containing disinfectant or disinfectant paper towel for disinfection, and the residue can be removed with clear water immediately after the specified time.

Stick to exercise and don’t close during the holidays.

■ Hao Donghong

"After a Spring Festival, I gained two pounds" and "the 3 km long-distance race was one minute slower". After the Spring Festival holiday in previous years, some comrades will have "post-holiday syndrome" such as "gaining three pounds every holiday" and "declining training results", which often takes a certain amount of time and intensity of adaptive training to recover. Yuan Wei, an orthopedic surgeon at the 901st Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force, reminded his comrades-in-arms to strengthen sports management and maintain a good physical and mental state during the Spring Festival holiday.

Organizational activities are relaxed and moderate. During the Spring Festival, units should make scientific overall plans when organizing activities to prevent unreasonable arrangements from adversely affecting the physical and mental health of officers and men. Activities should be arranged moderately. If there are too many sports competitions, it will easily lead to physical fatigue and physical overdraft, which may also cause physical injury and increase the physical and mental burden of officers and men. If the amount of exercise is too small, coupled with too much diet during the holiday season, the intake of calories can not be consumed, which is easy to cause fat accumulation and indigestion. When organizing activities, units should reasonably grasp the proportion of sports to prevent excessive and insufficient sports. Activities should be combined with static and dynamic activities, so as to achieve organic adjustment of mental and physical strength and avoid a certain activity for a long time. Officers and men can participate in street dance, mechanical dance, aerobics and other projects while carrying out intellectual competitions such as chess and cards, so as to eliminate fatigue and release stress during exercise. The venue can be both internal and external. Indoor activities are too long, which may affect your health because of noisy people and poor air circulation; Staying outdoors for a long time, excessive physical exertion is easy to make people tired, and the cold weather may cause colds. It is suggested that indoor activities and outdoor activities be interspersed. Conditional units can also organize dragon and lion dances, majestic gongs and drums and interesting yangko performances with national characteristics to make officers and men move and have fun. This kind of exercise can improve the coordination of the body and promote the functions of cardiovascular system, respiratory system and sports system.

Physical training is skillfully interspersed. Studies have shown that after people stop exercising for 72 hours, protein in muscles begins to lose, and the strength of the body drops obviously. Comrades usually have a high intensity of training and a fast pace of work, and it is good for their bodies and minds to take advantage of leisure and entertainment during holidays. However, if they indulge in recreational activities, they will have less physical exercise, and their flexibility and flexibility will decline, which is not conducive to starting training after holidays. During the festival, the company can carry out military fun games, such as rolling tires and fun obstacle races, so that officers and men can strengthen their exercise through training and fun. It should be noted that protection should be done during the sports meeting, and warm-up and stretching should be fully done before and after the exercise to prevent training injuries. In addition, comrades-in-arms can use their free time to exercise properly, such as jogging 3000 meters every afternoon to exercise their bones and muscles; Practice equipment with comrades-in-arms to consolidate "muscle memory". In the last two days of the holiday, officers and men can carry out targeted aerobic training such as brisk walking and jogging to improve heart and lung function, recover their physical fitness as soon as possible, and start training in a good state after the year.

Micro-motion sees the needle in the seam. "Micro-movement" can consume calories in a relatively gentle way and improve the flexibility and balance of the body. During the Spring Festival, officers and men can use a little time to exercise. After dinner, you can take a walk with your comrades in the camp and play some small games to promote digestion. It should be noted that strenuous exercise should not be carried out within half an hour after meals, so as to avoid hypoxia of digestive system caused by uneven blood distribution, abdominal pain, vomiting, and even gastroptosis, gastric ulcer and other diseases. When it is inconvenient to do outdoor activities in rainy and cold weather, you can carry out indoor exercises such as straight leg lifting, supine cycling, flat support, one-leg push-ups and land swimming to exercise your core muscles; Leg press, sit-ups and push-ups can be exercised before going to bed to promote metabolism and improve sleep quality.

Scientific adjustment, happy New Year.

■ Tang Yurui, special correspondent of the People’s Liberation Army Daily, Hong Qing Ren

In a few days, the new soldiers of Xialian will welcome their first Spring Festival in the military camp. Think twice about your relatives during the festive season. Stimulated by the festive atmosphere, new comrades may feel depressed and depressed because they miss their families. This is a normal psychological phenomenon, but if you don’t adjust in time and immerse yourself in homesickness for a long time, you may have adverse reactions such as nervousness, irritability, insomnia and irritability, which will affect your physical and mental health. Psychologists from the 907th Hospital of Wuxi Joint Logistics Support Center have compiled a "Happy Secret" for new comrades, helping them to stay away from "emotional smog" and have a happy New Year.

Secret 1: change cognition and get rid of dependence. Psychology calls the process of young people getting rid of their dependence on home and growing up to be independent "the second weaning" in life. Excessive homesickness is a manifestation of psychological lack of "weaning". To get rid of over-dependence psychology, new comrades should consciously change their self-cognition and redefine their roles. You can tell yourself "I have grown up" and "I am a man in a military camp" through positive psychological hints, strengthen your sense of being a soldier, and turn homesickness into the responsibility and mission of guarding the border and standing guard for the country. Under the hint of this lofty sense of mission, new comrades can feel the happiness of growth and the value of life. In addition, new comrades-in-arms can also use some small methods to help them divert their attention and reasonably vent their bad emotions. For example, writing a diary to record the first Spring Festival of military career; Write a letter from home and pour out your thoughts about your parents; Have fun, listen to a cheerful piece of music, read a good book, arouse positive emotions and make you feel better.

Secret 2: Integrate into the group and feel the warmth of "home". Emotion has strong communication and appeal. Being in the collective, new comrades can be positively emotional contagion by the collective or others, thus stimulating the "happiness factor". This kind of positive emotional contagion can also make comrades feel the warmth of the collective, and alleviate the loneliness and loss caused by homesickness. New comrades should pay attention to unity, cooperation, enthusiasm and sincerity when they integrate into the collective. When you are homesick, you can take the initiative to chat with your comrades around you, pour out your own feelings, and gain the trust and support among your comrades in exchange and interaction; Play ball games, run, and do some aerobic exercise with comrades-in-arms to relieve negative emotions and get a sense of pleasure; During the festival, new comrades-in-arms can also actively participate in various activities organized by the company, actively show their own specialties, feel the warmth of the military camp family and gain a sense of belonging in the interaction with their comrades-in-arms.

Tip 3: Set goals and accumulate "heart" strength. The goal is a psychological attraction of the organization to the individual. Setting reasonable goals can stimulate people’s enthusiasm. As soon as the Spring Festival is over, the work for the new year will follow. New comrades-in-arms can make plans and goals for the new year by using their leisure time during holidays, which can not only enrich their holiday life, but also gain psychological excitement through goal guidance. The new year’s goals should be "listed" first, with both short-term phased goals and long-term overall goals. Comrades can set some practical goals for themselves in combination with the training tasks of the troops after the Spring Festival, such as striving to be "training pacesetters" and "learning pacesetters" in the company and overcoming a specific training problem. Secondly, it is necessary to "actually go on" and the content should be specific and clear. Setting the goal too high is difficult to achieve, and it is easy to lose confidence; Not challenging and not inspiring. Therefore, when making goals, we should combine them with reality to make them operational and inspiring. Do it again. After setting the goal, you should take concrete actions. For example, you can take the initiative to consult your comrades around you in your spare time for problems that you can’t keep up with in training. In the process of achieving the goal, new comrades can feel the joy of struggle and the passion of youth, thus maintaining a positive and sunny attitude.

Internet use for minors: from entertainment to entertaining.

  On February 27th, 2023, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the Overall Layout Plan of Digital China Construction (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan"). The Plan points out that speeding up the construction of digital China is of great significance and far-reaching influence on building a socialist mo dern country and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way. The Plan also points out that it is necessary to strengthe n the supply of high-quality online cultural products, guide various platforms and netizens to create and produce positive, healthy and upward-oriented online cultural products, and further promote the digital development of culture and implement the national cultural digital strategy. Teenagers are the vanguard force to realiz e the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the new force to achieve the goal of the second century and build a socialist modern power, and they can’t be absent from the overall layout of the construction of digital China. It is one of the core essentials of the construction of digital China to let minors enjoy the universal and convenient digital culture and get high-quality development in the digital society.

  According to the "Research Report on Internet Use of Minors in China in 2021" (hereinafter referred to as "Report") issued by the Central Rights and Interests Department of the Communist Youth League and China Internet Information Center, the top five online use behaviors of minors are online learning (88.9%), listening to music (63.0%), playing games (62.3%) and chatting (53.4%). It can be seen that minors mainly use the Internet for learning and entertainment, especially through the Internet. According to the report, nearly 40% of minors learn extracurricular knowledge through the internet, and more than 70% think that the internet is helpful for learning. This shows that the internet use of minors is gradually changing from "toys" to "tools" and from entertainment to knowledge.

  Karl Mannheim, a German sociologist, believes that knowledge is characterized by openness and mobility in the process of modern society. The knowledge of short video platform broke the kn owledge barrier, changed the linear and self-contained characteristics in the past, and showed the characteristics of networking and knowledge sharing. Through the reorganization and transformation of knowledge, it creates a learning space and platform with diverse contents and rich forms for people, which makes the boundary of knowledge learning in the digital age more extended and integrated, and serves the minors and provides them with an important channel to broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge. The short video is visual, scene-oriented and practical, which is more in line with the cognitive law of minors. Therefore, the Report also shows that nearly half of minors study through short video platforms. Among them, 34.0% are primary school students, 61.8% are junior high school students, 65.1% are senior high school students and 64.7% are secondary vocational school students. It can be seen that the proportion of minors over 12 years o ld who are exposed to short videos is higher. Minors watch short videos of learning knowledge such as exam counseling and classroom knowledge, accounting for nearly 40%, and watch short videos of interest knowledge such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, historical geography, sports and dance, and watch short videos of leisure knowledge such as tourism and food, accounting for nearly half. Moreover, short video platforms such as Tik Tok have also become the main channels for minors to expand their cognition.

  Facing the brand-new learning style of minors in the digital age, how to use short videos scientifically and reasonably has become a new topic for family rearing and school education in the digital age. Some parents worry that their children are addicted to short videos, but psychological research believes that addictive behavior needs six elements: goal, feedback, progress, challenge, suspense and socialization. That is to say, users are more likely to be addicted if there are six elements in the process of using a product: having a goal, getting feedback in time, getting rewards frequently, constantly encountering new challenges, uncertain results and having social attributes. Moreover, whether it is addictive or not is closely related to the user’s living conditions, psychological conditions, interpersonal relationships and family upbringing. Although short videos have increased people’s sensory experience more comprehensively than words or pictures, they also have social and entertainment attributes, but they do not have these six elements at the same time. The shortcomings of the short video platform, which mainly transmits information, in constructing a new field of knowledge learning are mainly the homogenization of content and the diversification of value. Parents, teachers and other adults should help minors to make good use of the knowledge resources of short video platforms, so that children can enjoy high-quality digital culture through entertaining. Short video is rich in content, diverse in forms, strong in story, short and pithy, and it is more convenient to "brush the screen" in free leisure time, so it has also become people’s leisure products. In order to better transform its entertainment into education and fully integrate entertainment and ed ucation, adults need to have high digital literacy.Give more practical help and guidance to minors.

  Parents and teachers should empower minors and create a digital environment suitable for their development. At the World Digital Education Conference h eld in February 2023, the Ministry of Education issued "Teachers’ Digital Literacy", requiring teachers to make good use of digital education resources to guide students’ learning. Similarly, parents also urgently need to improve their digital literacy, enhance their digital thinking, digital cognition and digital skills, and make good use of the digital cultural resources of the Internet platform with their children to develop a green and intelligent lifestyle. Parents and teachers should pay special attention to the following relationships in order to make children benefit from opening books to opening screens, and from simple entertainment to entertaining:

  Balance online life and offline life. The development of the Internet has increased the inclusiveness of knowledge and brought new learning experiences and knowledge acquisition channels to children. Parents and teachers should pay special attention to guiding children to balance online life and offli ne life. We should not only pay attention to enriching children’s online life, so that children can live a quality digital life, but also pay attention to children’s offline leisure, social, family life and campus life, so that children can have a healthy and positive offline life, which is more conducive to children’s online life and offline practice.

  Balance entertainment and education. Knowledge in the visual and interesting packaging of short videos makes children feel more interesting and easier to learn. However, in the eyes of many parents and teachers, they always feel "unlike" learning, because in the eyes of adults, they should "learn from the sea and work hard." As the children of the Internet aborigines, it seems that fun is the last word. Parents and teachers should pay attention to balance the relationship between the two, not only to meet the needs of the network generation for learning change, so that children can gain a sense of participation and belonging in their studies, but also to increase education in entertainment, so that children will not get lost in the network in joy, thus dispelling the "heavy feeling" of learning.

  Balance short and systematic. Shortness is both an advantage and a disadvantage of short video. Short knowledge is more convenient for students to watc h and more suitable for children’s short attention time. However, learning knowledge also needs to be systematized, so as to avoid "the blind touch the elephant". Parents and teachers should make good use of their advantages, and at the same time, they should consciously guide their children to build the knowledge system they need, and conduct multi-dimensional and multi-level discussions around a certain topic and a certain kind of problems, so that children can overcome the problems brought by short video learning.

  Balance child practice and child protection. The barrage, comments and live broadcast of short videos are more interactive, which is also a "double-edged sword". The advantage is that children have more opportunities to participate, think and interact when learning online, but the problem is that it may also bring risks to minors. Therefore, we should not only encourage minors to participate in more practice, but also do a good job in protecting the rights and interests of minors. In particular, parents and teachers need to enhance their awareness of child protection, improve their digital literacy and that of minors, so that every child can enjoy the fun of knowledge learning.

  Text/Sun Hongyan

  (Director, Institute of Children and Adolescents, China Youth Research Center)