Hu Bing was invited as "Italian fashion friend" China gentleman to promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

Hu Bing was invited as "Italian fashion friend" China gentleman to promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

The year 2020 coincides with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy, and it is also the "China-Italy Year of Culture and Tourism". At this landmark point, at the official invitation of the Italian National Tourism Administration, Hu Bing, a gentleman from China, will co-host the grand event as an "Italian fashion friend", promote cultural exchanges between the two countries, and start his new journey as a "world traveler". Yesterday, Hu Bing also sent a message to Weibo, telling his origins and stories with Italy in the form of video.

Hu Bing, as an "Italian fashion friend", was praised as a walking China fashion label.

Like China, Italy is also a "treasure-class" world cultural heritage country. It is not only the cradle of European culture, the birthplace of the Renaissance, but also one of the current international fashion centers, and Hu Bing has a deep relationship with it. In his early years, after he entered the national team as a professional rower, he was sent to Italy to attend an international training camp. After being injured, he found another stage in his life and made his first show in Milan, thus opening the way to modeling and performing arts. For Hu Bing, Italy is a place where dreams begin and a place where his dreams bloom.

Since then, Hu Bing has gone to Italy and other countries to participate in fashion week, award ceremony, jury and other related activities almost every year, and has maintained the cooperation of European fashion brands and top designers for more than 20 years, becoming the face of china recognized by the international fashion world. Hu Bing has always had his own understanding of fashion. "Embrace the future and stay with the classics" is his philosophy. He loves the eternal charm of classics and embraces the changes and unknowns in the future, forming his own fashion style and unique label, which perfectly fits with the identity of "Italian fashion friend" and is praised by many fashion media as the fashion label of China.

"World Traveler" starts again, and every time he goes to Italy, it’s like the first time.

Hu Bing was invited as "Italian fashion friend" China gentleman to promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

It is reported that based on his work, Hu Bing travels around the world for more than 200 days every year, and really feels the customs and local culture of different regions. He likes to stop and go, immerse himself in the local culture and folk customs, do not set a destination for himself, and follow his heart to be an exploratory "world traveler".

In addition, Hu Bing has devoted a lot of energy to cultural exchange, promotion and public welfare undertakings. This time, Hu Bing won the title of "Best Friend of Italian Fashion", and also told his origin and story with Italy in the form of short video on the platform of Weibo. "Italy carries too many memories of its growth, the sports spirit of Rome, the fashion art of Milan and the cultural exploration of Venice. Every time I go to Italy, it is like the first time." Hu Bing said.

In addition, in the early stage of the full opening of the two countries’ tourism, Hu Bing will also participate in a series of online warm-up activities for more Sino-Italian cultural and tourism years, and deeply share with fans the "knowledge points" of the two countries in fashion, humanities, tourism and many other aspects. In this regard, Hu Bing said: "Although the epidemic has changed everyone’s life now, I believe that one day, we will continue to meet in Milan, Rome and Venice, and this day will come soon."