The Central Meteorological Observatory is very busy! It’s hot and rainy. Will it turn around next Monday?

       CCTV News:To say which department is the busiest recently, the Central Meteorological Observatory should count as one. For a while, the high temperature here continued to be dry, and for a while, there was hail in strong convective weather. The Central Meteorological Observatory had to forecast the weather to the public in time. It coincides with the summer vacation, and people with travel plans are more concerned about whether going out to play will be disturbed by the weather. Recently, the hot weather is obvious to all. Let’s see when this round of hot weather will be eased.


       Central Meteorological Observatory: A large area of high temperature weather appeared in central and eastern China on the 4th.

       Yesterday, there was a large area of high temperature weather in central and eastern China. Meteorological monitoring by the Central Meteorological Observatory showed that the temperature in Beijing, southern Hebei, south-central Shaanxi, western Henan, eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, western Hubei, northwestern Hunan, Zhejiang and Shanghai exceeded 37℃, while that in Chongqing and Shaanxi was 40 ~ 42℃.

       Wanzhou, Chongqing: 20 days without rain and 4 days of high temperature red warning.

       On the morning of the 4th, Wanzhou District of Chongqing issued a high-temperature red warning signal for the fourth consecutive day. The meteorological department reminded that there was no obvious precipitation in the local area for 20 days, which has reached the standard of high-temperature summer drought. All units should do a good job in heatstroke prevention and drought relief. According to the monitoring of Wanzhou Meteorological Observatory, the temperature in Wanzhou has rushed to 40 degrees Celsius for several days, and the local maximum temperature has reached 43.8 degrees Celsius. The sunny and hot weather makes Wanzhou citizens feel very tormented.

       Shaanxi: High temperature orange warning was issued for two consecutive days.

       On August 3rd and 4th, Shaanxi Meteorological Bureau issued high-temperature orange warning twice in a row, and started high-temperature three-level emergency response.

       According to the statistics of meteorological department, the highest temperature in 65 districts and counties in Shaanxi Province exceeded 35 degrees Celsius on August 3rd. Among them, the highest temperature in Xunyang County, Ankang City reached 42.6 degrees Celsius, and Shaanxi launched a high-temperature level III emergency response. According to the meteorological satellite land surface temperature monitoring, on the afternoon of August 3, the surface temperature in the north-central part of northern Shaanxi and most parts of Guanzhong was above 40 degrees Celsius, with the surface temperature in the areas under the jurisdiction of Xi ‘an, Baoji, Xianyang, Weinan and Hanzhong exceeding 50 degrees Celsius.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: On the 5th, it continued to issue a yellow warning of high temperature.

       The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of high temperature. During the day on the 5th, there was high temperature above 35℃ in eastern southern Xinjiang, southeastern part of northwest China, eastern North China, central and western Huanghuai, most of Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan and northern South China. Among them, the highest temperature in some areas of southwestern Shaanxi, northwestern Henan, southern and northwestern Hubei, most of Chongqing, western and southeastern Jiangnan can reach 37 ~ 39℃, and the local temperature can exceed 40℃.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: High temperature yellow warning Huanghuai Jiangnan high temperature continues

       Today, the hot weather in the southeastern part of the northwest, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and most parts of the south of the Yangtze River will continue, and the Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue a yellow warning of high temperature.

       In the southeast of northwest China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, and most parts of the south of the Yangtze River, the high temperature weather continues today, and the Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue a yellow warning of high temperature. It is estimated that the highest temperature in some areas of southwestern Shaanxi, northwestern Henan, southern and northwestern Hubei, most of Chongqing, western and southeastern Jiangnan can reach 37-39 C, and the local temperature can exceed 40 C, reminding people to take measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down.

       Next week, the cold air will go south and the high temperature will ease.

       It is expected that the high temperature range will expand tomorrow, with the highest temperature above 35℃ in a large area from the south of Shaanxi, the south of North China, the south of Huanghuai West to the north of South China. However, from next Monday, due to the combined influence of cold air and rain, the high temperature weather in the above areas will gradually ease.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: Heavy rainfall occurred in Shandong, Liaoning and other places yesterday

       On the 4th, heavy rain occurred in eastern Liaoning, Shandong Peninsula and parts of eastern Sichuan, northern Chongqing, western Yunnan, western Guangxi and northern Hainan, and heavy rain fell in eastern Liaoning and Shandong Peninsula, and a heavy rain of 250-342 mm fell in Dandong, Liaoning.


       Central Meteorological Observatory: There will be strong precipitation in Jianghan, the eastern part of northwest China.

       According to the latest weather released by the Central Meteorological Observatory this morning, due to the influence of high-altitude trough and low-level shear, there will be an obvious precipitation process from west to east in the eastern part of northwest China to Jianghan, Huanghuai and Jianghuai areas from night to 7, with moderate to heavy rain as the precipitation intensity, with heavy rain in some areas.

       In the next 24 hours, there will be moderate to heavy rain in parts of Jilin, eastern Liaoning, eastern North China, northern and eastern Shandong, southern Gansu, eastern and southern Southwest China, southwestern Jianghuai, northern Jiangnan and southwestern South China, with local heavy rain; Some of the above areas have short-term heavy precipitation, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: Heavy rainfall is scattered, and rainfall in Northeast China is weakened.

       According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, from day to night, there is obvious rainfall in the northeast, north China, southwest China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, mainly small to moderate rain, and the distribution of heavy rain is relatively scattered.

       Recently, affected by typhoon residual circulation and cold air, North China, Northeast China and other places have experienced heavy rainfall. According to meteorological monitoring, the rain weakened in most areas yesterday, but there were still heavy rains in eastern Liaoning and Shandong Peninsula, among which heavy rains fell in Dandong, Liaoning.


       The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that the rainfall in Northeast China will be further weakened today. Although there is a wide range of rainfall in the country, the distribution of heavy rainfall is scattered. Among them, Jilin, eastern Liaoning, eastern North China, northern and eastern Shandong, southern Gansu, Yunnan and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have moderate to heavy rains and local heavy rains. Some of the above areas have short-term heavy precipitation, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds, reminding people to pay attention to rain and lightning protection during weekend trips.

       Tomorrow, the heavy rainfall will be transferred to Qinghai, Gansu and other places, among which there is heavy rain in the eastern part of Gansu, so it is necessary to guard against geological disasters that may be caused by rainfall.


       Guide to severe convective weather prevention:

       1. The government and relevant departments shall, in accordance with their duties, do a good job in emergency defense against short-term rainstorm, lightning protection and strong wind, and the meteorological department shall prepare for artificial hail suppression and conduct operations at the right time;

       2. The driver should slow down when passing through the waterlogged section to confirm the safety before passing, and the traffic control department should take traffic control measures and traffic guidance in the heavy rainfall section and waterlogged section according to the road conditions;

       3. Outdoor personnel should reduce or suspend outdoor work in open places, choose to enter buildings with strong wind resistance and lightning protection measures, and close doors and windows away from dangerous power sources;

       4. Airports, railways, highways and water transportation units should take measures such as flight restriction, speed limit or temporary closure to ensure personnel and traffic safety. Water operations and passing ships in relevant waters should return to Hong Kong to evade and strengthen port facilities;

       5. Check the drainage systems of cities, farmland and fish ponds, and make necessary drainage measures and prepare for disasters such as mountain torrents, landslides and mudslides.