Just now! Shijiazhuang issued orange warning of heavy polluted weather and started level II emergency response.

just now
Shijiazhuang issued the latest notice
Start emergency response to heavy pollution weather
Shijiazhuang heavy pollution weather emergency headquarters office
Issue orange warning of heavy polluted weather and start level II emergency response.
According to the joint consultation between the Provincial Eco-environmental Emergency and Heavy Pollution Weather Warning Center, China National Environmental Monitoring Center and the Provincial Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Environmental Meteorological Center, it is predicted that from January 10th, the diffusion conditions in our city will deteriorate, pollutants will continue to accumulate, and the urban air quality may have moderate or above pollution process. According to the suggestion of the Letter of the Provincial Atmospheric Office on Doing a Good Job in Response to the Recent Pollution Process (Jiqi Lingban Letter [2024] No.3), in order to reduce the impact of heavily polluted weather on public health, the municipal meteorological and ecological environment departments have judged and reported it to emergency headquarters for approval, and now an orange warning of heavily polluted weather is issued to the whole city. At 20: 00 on January 10, 2024, Class II emergency response of heavily polluted weather will be started, and the lifting time will be notified separately.
Previously, HebeiXingtai, Handan, Baoding, Langfang, Hengshui, Cangzhou and DingzhouA notice has been issued to start the emergency response to heavy pollution weather.
(Overview of the news client integrated from Shijiazhuang, Xingtai, Handan, Baoding, Langfang, Hengshui, Cangzhou and Dingzhou)