Chery Tiggo 9 will be listed next year, positioning medium-sized SUV from T2X Mars architecture.

More advanced platform, producing higher-end cars.

Tiggo 9, a medium-sized SUV—— from Chery T2X Mars architecture, is exposed in real car photos and is expected to be officially launched in 2023.

Take off the disguised Chery "T26", and on the tail label, we confirmed that this is a Tiggo 9 model.

Previously, after the exposure of the real car map of Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris, we also speculated that Chery’s new car would adopt a more fashionable and avant-garde design. However, the appearance of Tiggo 9 denied our speculation. The front face design is very similar to that of Tiggo 7 PLUS, which has just appeared. Although it is a brand-new family design, its style is "very Chery" and there is not much novelty. The overall style is still quite satisfactory, with no emphasis on sports and no emphasis on fashion.

I only know that the positioning is a medium-sized SUV, but the specific size has not yet been announced. Chery 9 uses a number of tough lines on the body to enhance the muscle sense of the vehicle. The hidden door handle makes the side of the body look cleaner and at the same time enhances the technological atmosphere.

The shape of the tail is simple, the spoiler is used on the roof, and the taillights on both sides are blackened lampshades, which are connected by a blackened decorative board. The exhaust devices on both sides are chrome-plated, and the hard-core temperament is outstanding. The tail label is marked with "TIGGO 9" to confirm the identity.

In the interior, the new car uses a large integrated screen, the air conditioning outlet has a back design, the central passage is wide, and the storage space is rich. At the same time, the vehicle adopts a hood design, and the material selection in the car is also very high-end.

In the power part, the new car uses a 2.0T engine with a maximum power of 187kW and a peak torque of 390 N m. The transmission system is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox.

Among the domestic SUV models, Chery’s power is outstanding, but it has been criticized for its design. The appearance of Tiggo 9 has not changed much. Although it comes from the new T2X Mars price, it will have better performance and experience, but it will not be dressed up. It is expected that the sales volume will not have much breakthrough.

What do you think? Will Tiggo 9 be more popular than the moon?

Qin PLUS DM-i "limited time 898", BYD pressed the "oil-to-electricity" acceleration key in the auto market.

On December 1, BYD launched a limited-time fuel transfer fund policy. Led by champion models Qin and Han, the best-selling models of Wangchao. com are all out to give thanks to users, with a maximum enjoyment of 20,000 yuan. The policy is limited to December. This also means that BYD is leading the China brand in a decisive battle for joint-venture fuel vehicles, and accelerating the process of "oil to electricity" in the automobile market.

In 2023, whether you are a fuel owner who wants to change cars or a prospective owner who has ordered a fuel car, Qin PLUS DM-i will start selling for only 89,800 yuan, and Han EV Champion Edition and Han DM-i Champion Edition will enjoy a fuel transfer fund of up to 20,000 yuan. At the same time, Wang Chaowang’s models of Tang, Song and Yuan families have benefited to varying degrees. This is undoubtedly good news for users who want to buy a car at the end of the year.

Limited-time welfare BYD uses the champion model to give back to users’ love.

BYD announced the 6 millionth new energy vehicle off the assembly line on November 24th, which also became a milestone in the development history of China automobile industry. In the face of users’ trust and love, BYD is also grateful to give back to the market with high-quality products, and puts forward the limited-time welfare policy of PLUS DM-i "limited-time fuel transfer fund of 10,000 yuan".

In 2021, Qin PLUS DM-i went on the market. In just one and a half years, Qin PLUS won the A-class sedan championship. This year, the Champion Edition of Qin PLUS 2023 was once again "king fried", which opened a new era of the same price of oil and electricity and launched a storm on the fuel-fired sedan. Since then, the sales of Qin family have been soaring, and at present, it has achieved the success of 9 consecutive titles of the sedan, and Qin has locked in the 2023 sedan champion in advance.

Qin PLUS can achieve such achievements, the core is naturally excellent product strength, and excellent product strength is bound to be inseparable from the support of technology. Qin PLUS DM-i is equipped with a DM-i super hybrid system, which has the characteristics of "fast, economical, quiet, smooth and green". It only takes 7.3s for zero acceleration, 1,245km for comprehensive endurance and 3.8L for fuel consumption per 100km, and the DM-i super hybrid system.

Grab the cake from the joint venture fuel vehicle market, and the "oil-to-electricity" in the auto market has accelerated.

When it comes to the A-class sedan market, the national sedan of the joint venture brand used to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and many China automobile brands challenged them, but BYD Qin PLUS DM-i succeeded in the challenge.

On the power, Qin PLUS DM-i’s acceleration of 7.3 seconds leads the way. In terms of energy consumption, Qin PLUS DM-i has a power consumption of 3.8L and a comprehensive battery life of 1,245 kilometers. The high-equipped models can also discharge externally, greatly reducing the cost of car use and satisfying more car use scenarios. Those joint-venture national sedan cars can definitely not do it because they have no plug-in models now. On intelligence, Qin PLUS DM-i has DiLink intelligent cockpit (car, big screen, voice, cloud service), intelligent entry (NFC) and intelligent driving assistance, and still leads the same level.

Observation variety: Although the story is good-looking, don’t lose the sense of reality.

  Hu Xiang

  Recently, observation variety shows have become more and more popular. In the second season of "Exciting offer", the camera is aimed at the legal elites who have just entered the workplace, showing their process of upgrading and cracking monsters, from youth to maturity. Under the same roof, the observed people are a group of strange young people who live together in an apartment. The program hits the pain point that young people are too busy to socialize, can’t socialize, and dare not socialize, causing heated discussion. Why does this vertically subdivided observation variety show repeatedly break the circle? This is related to their omniscient and omnipotent perspective of God and the constant self-evolution of internal narrative.

  Two-layer narrative theory and web synthesis version 2.0

  Genette, a structuralist narrator, put forward a double-layer narrative theory. This division theory holds that the first narrative of literary works is an external story, which focuses on presenting the whole work; The second layer is internal narrative, focusing on sharing internal stories. Therefore, the double-layer narrative structure can be divided into internal and external narrative perspectives. The external perspective focuses on explaining the narrative from the internal perspective, while the internal perspective focuses on strengthening the authenticity of the story and promoting the plot development. This theory is suitable for observing variety shows. The internal narrative is the story of the observed object, and the external narrative is the off-site comments of the star guests. Internal narrative is responsible for creating suspense and conflict, while external narrative is a discussion field of values, which complement each other and advance together. This is forming a relatively fixed variety show mode, which is constantly evolving.

  From its development history, such programs as My Boy, My Daughter and My Wife’s Romantic Travel can be called Version 1.0, which is characterized by taking stars as the observation objects and mainly satisfying the audience’s interest in the personal life of stars. However, the second season of Exciting offer and Under One Roof are version 2.0. The observed objects are amateurs, and the observation tentacles also extend from single interpersonal relationship to a broader workplace and social field, with further innovation in narrative, and the biggest feature is to strengthen its storytelling.

  With the advent of the Internet age, storytelling has been promoted to a great extent, and the principle of "content is king" has become more prominent. In order to satisfy the audience’s thirst for stories, platforms and creators have almost racked their brains, whether they are long videos, medium videos or short videos, they are all pursuing a sense of story. Hot pot dramas, dinner dramas and interactive dramas emerge one after another, and variety shows follow the trend and embark on the track of storytelling.

  For example, "Under One Roof" is a true record of social stories of six strangers in a closed space on the surface, but it is actually an idol drama-style narrative. With the plot of the variety show, the characters’ behavior can also see the shadow of the script behind them, which is more dramatic on the whole. This is no longer a pure record approaching the truth of life, but more like a dramatic performance purified in life, which makes people feel a sense of being difficult to distinguish between true and false.

  The editing techniques in the second season of "Exciting offer" follow the rhythm of legal drama. Many people lament that Li Jinye is like He Yichen himself in "How to Shengxiao Mo", and the audience has a strong empathy with the characters. Some people think that story telling is a cognitive game, which can exercise our minds and let us simulate the world around us and imagine different strategies, especially in social scenes. The audience can also feel the pursuit of drama when watching variety shows, which is the charm brought by storytelling.

  Inversion, Story Sense and God’s Perspective

  The original intention of Under One Roof is to simulate a social scene and solve the social emotional needs of young people in the current fast-paced urban life. The characters selected in the program are very representative, including Liu Keli, a young boss who is busy starting a business, Li Hsing, a moat brother who realizes financial freedom, Chu Mengna who pursues the dream of an actor, and Wang Tianqi, a migrant worker who works in a fashion shop. At the beginning of the program, Liu Keli’s overbearing president’s manner, Wang Tianqi and Chu Mengna’s fireworks at street food stalls, and the mysterious e-sports professionals’ daily life were all the highlights that attracted people’s attention, because they all had a dual effect of being both real and dramatic. In particular, Wang Tianqi’s identity as a "rich second generation" from an idle worker was completely in line with the imagination of drama reversal, and the "between Li Hsing and Liu Keli and Chen Liuming" Therefore, "Under One Roof" is essentially a genre-based narrative of idol drama. In a space, it is in contact with young people from almost all walks of life and all walks of life, temporarily getting rid of the shackles of mediocre life, and seems to restart life and have a sense of fantasy.

  In contrast, the second season of "Exciting offer" is more realistic. This season, the assessment mechanism of interns is more cruel, and the "kicking the pavilion" link is introduced, and two interns with relatively backward performance are really eliminated. Interns have also gone through legal negotiation, public welfare legal aid, investigation and evidence collection, 1V1 debate and mock trial trial. Every time, their tasks are getting heavier, and "involution" is becoming more and more intense. In particular, Hui Ding’s internship in naked resignation in pursuit of a lawyer’s dream has been dubbed "Bei Shuihui", which is regarded by netizens as a portrayal of migrant workers’ workplace, thus attracting a lot of attention. "Bei Shuihui" was "at the bottom" from the beginning of the interview to the first project task, and from the second debate began to counterattack, resulting in a sense of gap. Wang Xiao, known as "Sister Wang", took the initiative to break the aura of famous schools from the "favored son of heaven" who graduated from Stanford Law School, and the gradual mature transformation also made people feel emotional. Another example is Qiu Yi’s "slow fever" from the beginning, and her bold decision in the negotiations later made people look at each other with new eyes.

  The program group just grasped the details of these changes and created a sense of story through "conscious" editing, as if letting the audience watch an eye-catching and thrilling legal industry drama. At the same time, with the advancement of the program, interns need to peel off the cold texture of legal provisions, personally explore the strong collision impact between human feelings and jurisprudence, reality and dreams in the society, feel the sense of powerlessness brought about by hard reality crushing in tears and loss, and regain their confidence and shine with the encouragement and help of teachers and friends. As robert mckee said in The Story, the story is not an escape from reality, but a carrier that carries us to pursue reality and try our best to dig out the true meaning of chaotic life.

  In addition, the guest comments on the observation variety show ostensibly provide God’s perspective, which is actually an important part of building a sense of story. The internal narrative of the observation variety is very similar to the phantom on the wall in the cave described by Plato in the Republic. It is a simulation of reality and has always been separated from reality. Guest comment time is like the role of bringing cave people into the real world. The lights are on and all the discussions are held in the sun. Moreover, when the guests expressed their views, they provided many stories with their own life experiences, including positive and negative experiences and lessons. For example, if you should take the co-pilot when accompanying the leader in the car, and how to break the social deadlock when you first enter the workplace, guests can often provide a more mature value concept. Many netizens said on the barrage that "get new skills", which is also a shortcut to "exercise your mind". Through the blending of internal and external narratives, it reflects the broad social reality, and promotes the story from the internal perspective to the output of values from the external perspective. This is the secret of the advanced narrative expression of observation variety.

  The reality show was made into an idol drama?

  Human beings’ pursuit of stories is eternal, and it is understandable that observation variety shows strengthen the sense of stories, but this will easily lead to the paradox of authenticity. The biggest feature of observation variety is truth, especially now the observation variety which is mainly amateur has become an important direction, that is, to tell more stories of ordinary people, but like Under the Same Roof, it really walks between reality and fiction. On the one hand, I want to create the texture of real life, on the other hand, especially in the second half of the program, the sense of plot design is becoming more and more obvious.

  For example, after Wang Tianqi and Chu Mengna went to the movies on a rainy day, they quarreled emotionally. Mona complained that Wang Tianqi was not considerate enough to cry, and the close-up shots in lines and actions were skillfully switched, and the sensational music was followed up in time. It was simply a replica of the idol drama around 2000, and the barrage was full of spit.

  For another example, Wu Jiawen and Li Hsing have been having an affair for a long time, but suddenly they turned him down on the grounds that she likes people with a sense of youth. In the next issue of the program, a 20-year-old basketball player who is 1.9 meters tall and full of a sense of youth immediately appeared, and they had a "love triangle". No wonder netizens think that Wu Jiawen is a "tool person" and the program has thus become a "blind date program". If the hypothetical sense of drama is not well grasped, the realism created by the whole program will be greatly reduced, which will hurt the quality of the program.

  Since the development of network observation variety, it has formed a stable expression paradigm and established its own advantages, especially its keen capture of young people’s lives, lively and free expression and moderate storytelling, which have deeply attracted young audiences. In fact, some traditional TVs are learning this mode now, but they have not learned the characteristics of networking, which leads to the good values of the program, but the communication effect is not satisfactory.

  In the future, network variety shows must understand the double-edged sword of "truth and hypothesis", try to extend the tentacles of observation into the varied society and describe the style of the times, so as to observe the truth, taste and wisdom.

Foreign media commented on 10 games that have been played for more than 100 hours recently, such as Bode Gate 3.

Some games have something special that allows players to play for more than hundreds of hours. Players will take the time to check every corner and complete every task. Although there are very few games with this experience, there have been some such games in the game market in the past few years. Foreign media counted 10 games worth playing for 100 hours for players today.

Game list:

1. Death Stranded: Guide and Cut Edition

2. The Eldon Method Ring

4. Cyberpunk 2077

5. the legend of zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

6.starry sky

7. Horizon: Desperate West

8. The Legacy of Hogwarts

9. Ghost of Tsushima Island: Guide and Cut Edition

10. The Lost Light 2