New regulations in November: online car-hailing is included in supervision, and responsibilities for medical quality management are clarified

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 29, issue:In November, a batch of new regulations were opened, and online car-hailing was included in the supervision

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Bai Yang

  Our country’s first online car-hailing management measures are implemented, and the "threshold" for online car-hailing drivers and platforms to enter is strictly controlled; the new regulations of the National Health and Family Planning Commission require the improvement of medical safety management and the clarification of medical quality management responsibilities; the fares of short-distance routes below 800 kilometers are self-determined, and passenger travel is expected to usher in more "special tickets"… This November, a batch of new regulations on people’s livelihood that will be implemented will improve the law and make life more secure.

  Have a record of violent crime, etc., and are not allowed to drive online car-hailing

  Since November 1st, the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services", which has attracted much attention, has been officially implemented, which means that the emerging mode of travel of "online car-hailing" has since entered the track of rule of law.

  According to the measures, online car-hailing drivers should obtain a motor vehicle driver’s license for the corresponding type of vehicle and have more than 3 years of driving experience, no traffic accident crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug abuse record, no driving record after drinking alcohol and violent crime record, and no 12-point record has been recorded in the last 3 consecutive scoring cycles.

  The measures make it clear that online ride-hailing platform companies shall record the information content, user registration information, identity authentication information, order logs, Internet logs, online transaction logs, driving track logs and other data released by drivers and ride-hailing people on their service platforms and back them up, and inform the purpose, method and scope of the collection and use of personal information such as drivers, ride-hailing people and passengers in a significant manner through their service platforms. Without the express consent of the information subject, online ride-hailing platform companies shall not use this personal information for other business purposes.

  The relevant departments should establish the credit records of online car-hailing platform companies and drivers, and include them in the national credit information sharing platform; taxi industry associations should establish a list of online car-hailing platform companies and drivers with bad records to strengthen industry self-discipline.

  The main body of responsibility for medical quality management is further clarified

  The "Medical Quality Management Measures" issued by the National Health and Family Planning Commission came into effect on November 1. The measures require the establishment of a medical safety and risk management system for medical institutions, further standardize medical service behavior, and ensure medical quality and medical safety.

  The main person in charge of the medical institution is the first responsible person for the medical quality management of the institution; the main person in charge of the clinical department and the pharmacy, nursing, medical technology and other departments is the first responsible person for the medical quality management of the department.

  A medical institution shall establish a special department for medical quality management to be responsible for the medical quality management of the institution. Hospitals above the second level, maternal and child health hospitals, and specialized disease prevention and control institutions shall establish a medical quality management committee to be responsible for organizing the monitoring, early warning, analysis, assessment, evaluation and feedback of the medical quality of the institution, and regularly publishing the quality management information of the institution.

  Medical institutions should establish a medical safety and risk management system, improve medical safety management related work systems, emergency plans and work processes, strengthen safety and risk management in key departments and key links of medical quality, and implement patient safety goals. At the same time, medical liability insurance, medical accident insurance and other risk sharing forms should be used to protect the legitimate rights and interests of both doctors and patients; formulate plans to prevent and handle medical disputes, prevent and reduce the occurrence of medical disputes; improve complaint management, and resolve and properly handle medical disputes in a timely manner.

  Self-determined fares for routes under 800 kilometers

  The "Notice on Deepening the Reform of Domestic Air Passenger Transport Fares" issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the National Development and Reform Commission came into effect on November 1. The notice stipulates that fares for routes below 800 kilometers and some routes above 800 kilometers will be determined by airlines according to law, which means that more and more "special tickets" will be welcomed by the majority of passengers.

  The notice stipulates that airlines shall formulate and adjust the specific fare types, levels and applicable conditions of market-adjusted price routes and announce them to the public at least 7 days in advance. On the basis of the full fare, the cumulative fare increase of each airline’s routes shall not exceed 10%, and the fare increase of each season shall not exceed 10 routes.

  The notice also requires that airlines and sales agents shall strictly implement the clearly marked price regulations, and in addition to indicating the actual fare of each route, they shall also indicate the service content and charging standards corresponding to the fees charged in addition to the fare change fee, refund fee, excess baggage fee, etc., and shall not charge any unmarked fees in addition to the marked price.

  Unified management of basic scientific research business expenses in central universities Special funds

  The "Measures for the Administration of Basic Scientific Research Business Fees in Central Colleges and Universities", which came into effect on November 1, requires that the use and management of basic scientific research business fees in central colleges and universities be included in the unified financial management of central colleges and universities, and the special funds are dedicated.

  The measures stipulate that the basic scientific research business expenses shall not be spent on the salaries, bonuses, subsidies and welfare expenses of personnel with salary income; shall not purchase large-scale instruments and equipment of more than 400,000 yuan; shall not share the cost of public management and operation of the school; shall not be used as supporting funds for other projects; shall not be used for repayment of loans, payment of fines, donations, sponsorship, investment and other expenditures; nor shall it be used for other expenditures that shall not be paid in accordance with state regulations.

  The measures emphasize that the use of basic scientific research expenses in central universities includes: focusing on supporting young teachers under the age of 40 to enhance their basic scientific research capabilities; supporting outstanding students in school to enhance their scientific research and innovation capabilities; supporting the construction of outstanding innovation teams; conducting multi-disciplinary basic, supportive and strategic research; and strengthening the basic work of science and technology.

  Central universities shall, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the national scientific research credit system, establish a scientific research credit system for basic scientific research business expenses, and incorporate them into the national scientific research credit system in accordance with the unified requirements of the state.

  Companies that issue false motor vehicle sales invoices will be included in the "blacklist"

  In response to the problem that some people cannot instantly check the authenticity of motor vehicle sales invoices in different places, and falsely issue false motor vehicle sales invoices across provinces, the State Administration of Taxation has decided to implement the list publicity system of motor vehicle enterprises that issue unified motor vehicle sales invoices in violation of regulations from November 1, and enterprises that falsely issue motor vehicle sales invoices will be included in the "blacklist".

  According to the "Announcement on the Implementation of the Publicity System for the List of Motor Vehicle Enterprises that Illegally Issue Unified Invoices for Motor Vehicle Sales", if a motor vehicle enterprise issues invoices more than twice based on the actual sales of motor vehicles, or sells the same motor vehicle while issuing a unified motor vehicle sales invoice at an illegal low price, and then issues other VAT invoices resulting in less than 2 times of vehicle purchase tax, or illegally issuing invoices resulting in less than 2 times of vehicle purchase tax, it will be included in the "blacklist".

  Tax authorities will list enterprises on the "blacklist" as key monitoring objects, organize tax special project inspections in a timely manner, and strictly verify the various materials submitted by them; the supply of unified invoices for motor vehicle sales will also be inspected for old and new, and they will be strictly limited.

Extreme Krypton can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights.

  In order to meet the needs of the majority of users for old car replacement, Extreme Krypton launched a limited-time replacement subsidy activity for large users. From May 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022, you can buy Extreme Krypton 001 through old car replacement, and you can enjoy a maximum reward of 30,000 points.

  Specifically, the replacement of the 001 WE model can enjoy 20,000 points, and the replacement of the YOU model can enjoy 30,000 points. Replaceable models include extreme krypton 001 long battery life single motor WE version, long battery life double motor WE version and long battery life double motor YOU version.

A copy of _fororder_image001, which can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights.

  Extreme points are the points issued by extreme brands. Users (not limited to extreme owners) only need to download and register the extreme App, and they can get corresponding extreme points rewards by signing in, viewing posts, publishing trends, commenting, forwarding, and inviting friends to make a decision. Extreme points are valid for three years, and can be used in various usage scenarios in the extreme krypton ecosystem, including extreme charging, redemption of extreme customized gifts in the extreme krypton App "Extreme Things" mall, and exclusive privileges in the extreme krypton center, such as coffee snacks, special drinks exchange, participation in colorful car owners’ community activities, etc. The specific extreme points can be found in the extreme krypton App in detail.

Extreme Krypton can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights _fororder_image002

Redeem limited drinks at the Krypton Center by using polar points.

  At present, krypton replacement service has been launched in 20 cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou, and more cities will be opened one after another. Through safe, reliable and transparent one-to-one exclusive service, fair quotation after multi-party bidding and one-stop convenient transaction that saves time and worry, the polar replacement service has been well received by car owners. As of June 8, more than 500 orders have been placed.

Extreme Krypton can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights _fororder_image003

  If you need to replace the car after booking, you can make an appointment online by clicking "Appointment Replacement" in the "Car" interface of the Extreme App. If there is a replacement intention after picking up the car, the owner can click "Order" in the "My" interface to find "ZEEKR Certification" and select "Appointment Replacement" after clicking on the car. (Photo courtesy of Krypton car)

The Ministry of Science and Technology has delayed stamping the approved project. What happened to the CDC?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


The outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic has alerted the scientific community to the urgency and importance of in-depth research on new viruses. However, a special investigation on basic resources aimed at finding the virulent pathogens of natural foci in China has been approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology, but recently it has been unable to get the approval of funds due to the delay in stamping by the higher authorities.

It is noteworthy that Zhang Yongzhen’s team was one of the earliest teams in China to detect Covid-19, and it was the first to publish the Covid-19 gene sequence on the Internet on January 11th this year.

Author | Wang Yiwei

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The application for stamping has not been approved for more than two months.

"Never (it has been delayed for so long). This is an unimaginable situation." On August 4, Yang Shoushan (a pseudonym), a professor at a domestic university, told Intellectuals on the phone.

Yang Shoushan is a scientist who studies marine viruses in China. This year, he will work with 55 other researchers from 9 domestic units to carry out a project called "Scientific Investigation of Virus Resources of Major Natural Focuses in China" (hereinafter referred to as "Virus Resources Investigation").

This project is one of the 27 basic resources investigation projects proposed and established by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2019. According to the documents of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 27 special projects are basic work oriented to scientific goals and national strategic needs, and will be appointed as executors from the declared scientific research teams [1].

On December 16, 2019, the Institute of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control of China Center for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the Institute of Infectious Diseases) in Changping, Beijing was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology to take the lead in undertaking the special investigation of virus resources. The project leader was Zhang Yongzhen, a researcher and virologist of the Institute, with a project budget of 13.58 million yuan.

The special project was originally planned to be launched in January this year. Due to the epidemic situation in COVID-19, the time for submitting the project task book to the Ministry of Science and Technology can be postponed to May.

Yang Shoushan told Intellectuals that on May 27th, the project team submitted an application for seal to its superior unit, China Center for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as China CDC), but until the beginning of August, the task book of this special project was still not submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology, because the task book was still audited by China CDC. In sharp contrast, the other 26 projects in the same period have submitted task books.

Yang Shoushan said that submitting the paper version of the project task book is the last step before obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The task book needs to be submitted to the recommending unit and stamped with the official seal of the recommending unit, and then submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology. The recommendation unit of this project is the National Health and Wellness Committee.


What’s the reason for not stamping?

Why has the project applied by China CDC been "delayed" for so long? Yang Shoushan said it was difficult to understand.

"As long as it is established, signing the task book is a process. (The Institute of Infectious Diseases and the Science and Technology Office of China CDC) are all in the same yard, and it will be completed in one day."

Yang Shoushan introduced the detailed process of the project team after submitting the seal application.

First, on June 9th, China CDC returned Zhang Yongzhen’s seal application to the Institute of Infectious Diseases, and raised three questions about written documents.

On June 18th, Zhang Yongzhen’s project team was asked by the Institute of Infectious Diseases to give answers to three questions. On the same day, Zhang Yongzhen’s project team gave a reply. Since then, the information handed in has been like a stone, and there has been no feedback.

The documents obtained by Intellectuals show that there are three problems in the written document proposed by China CDC, including that the cover of the task book is not stamped with the official seal of the legal person, and the objectives and indicators in the task book of sub-project 1 are inconsistent with the declaration, and it is required to review whether the undertaking unit of sub-project 1 of the project can carry out virulent virus research.

"The first question is that you didn’t stamp it. Isn’t that a lie? It’s clearly stamped on it"; Yang Shoushan said, "It is also said that the contract assessment indicators are inconsistent and actually consistent; Our work does not involve virus culture, and we don’t need P3 (qualification). We all do inactivated viruses. " He said that the electronic version of the task book was submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology for approval before the final stamping process, and the Ministry of Science and Technology could not modify it after the review.

On July 3rd, the Institute of Infectious Diseases once again asked the project team to provide the task contract of Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as Wuhan CDC), one of the participating units of the project, otherwise the follow-up process could not be carried out.

Yang Shoushan told Intellectuals that the project involves the cooperation of nine units, and Wuhan CDC is one of them. It was originally responsible for the collection of some samples and needed to sign a sub-task contract with the Institute of Infectious Diseases. However, on January 12 this year, Wuhan CDC announced that it would terminate its cooperation with Zhang Yongzhen’s team and stop participating in the "virus resource investigation" project. The above opinions also appeared in a written material stamped with the official seal of Wuhan CDC seen by Intellectuals.

Yang Shoushan said that the withdrawal of Wuhan CDC "will not affect the progress of the project", and at the end of April, the Ministry of Science and Technology had been informed and agreed to take the withdrawal process, that is, the project team could submit the stamped task book with explanatory materials for the record, but the Infectious Diseases Institute replied that Wuhan CDC could not submit the task book for review if it did not give the contract.

"In fact, I just found an excuse not to leave the process." Yang Shoushan believes that the Institute of Infectious Diseases is the lead unit of the project, and the China CDC is the superior unit. It is unreasonable to "card yourself": "For example, if you sell a machine to others, you have to change a part, which will not affect the function. The buyers all agreed, and your father said no, not to sell. "

As of press time, neither China CDC nor Institute of Infectious Diseases responded to the inquiry of Intellectuals about this matter.

In the same period, the person in charge of another basic resource investigation project told Intellectuals that the project they undertook had been submitted with the task book sealed by the recommending unit in May, and the Ministry of Science and Technology had also started to contact the team on financial matters. In early July, the project held a kick-off meeting and started work. He said that he had never heard of the submission of similar project cards in the task book before.

"Intellectuals" learned from different sources that 27 research projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 26 of which have been submitted with official seals, have gone through the formalities. According to public information [4], four simultaneous projects led by the Institute of Zoology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Microbiology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, First Institute of Oceanography of Ministry of Natural Resources, Pearl River Water Conservancy Research Institute and other institutions have held kick-off meetings to mark the start of the projects.


To prevent new outbreaks, virus investigation should be preceded.

In Yang Shoushan’s view, the virus investigation project is "urgent". Outbreaks like Covid-19 have caused incalculable losses to society and individuals, and all the new outbreaks of infectious diseases in China since 2000 have come from wild animals. Knowing the virus distribution in nature in advance is the first step to prevent new outbreaks.

Previously, Shi Zhengli, a researcher at Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, also called for [3] that pathogen monitoring is very important to prevent coronavirus from entering human society. "We can monitor these viruses that exist in nature, take the initiative to find patients, assess risks, warn in advance, and move the barrier of prevention forward at a little cost. Find the virus before it finds us. "

"Teacher Zhang Yongzhen has always advocated to find out the family background, to know the number, distribution and law of viruses in natural foci in China, and to achieve early detection, early analysis and early warning of the epidemic after finding out this. This is the purpose of our team." Yang Shoushan said. The project is expected to last for 60 months. It will investigate the viruses carried by wild animals on land and in the sea of China, analyze the genome characteristics of more than 150 new viruses with 450 subtypes, identify potential pathogenic strains, and finally establish a standardized national animal sample and virus resource library.

As a researcher at the Institute of Infectious Diseases, Zhang Yongzhen currently works in institutes of biomedical sciences and Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centers. He and his team have been engaged in the discovery and research of new viruses for a long time, and have discovered more than 2,000 new viruses. Yang Shoushan introduced that Zhang Yongzhen’s team has maintained a cooperative relationship with Wuhan CDC for more than ten years, analyzing and studying the samples of patients with unexplained pneumonia and fever provided by Wuhan CDC.

On January 5th, Zhang Yongzhen’s team detected Covid-19 in the samples sent by Wuhan CDC and reported it to Shanghai Health and Health Commission and National Health Commission and other competent authorities. On January 11th, the team released the gene sequence of Covid-19 for the first time in, a forum on virus evolution analysis and epidemiology. [5]

"We also know that some leaders are unhappy with some of our achievements and feel that they have disrupted their plans … but this matter has already passed. This project was established in 19 years, and it is totally irrelevant to the epidemic. As a result, we are also very angry about using these to cheat, "Yang Shoushan said." But now we are also adjusting our mentality and doing things well. "

Although it has not been approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology for the time being, some key research can not be stopped, such as the collection of marine viruses. April-June is the key period for going to sea. In order not to delay the progress, Yang Shoushan, who is in charge of marine virus collection, can only use the surplus funds of other projects to go to sea first. However, until the end of the scientific research project on July 8, there was still no progress in the sealing of the task book.

Zhang Yongzhen’s project team has contacted the Institute of Infectious Diseases and China CDC for many times, and Yang Shoushan also made a voice in Weibo in mid-June to disclose the situation of the project being blocked, but none of them got an effective response. At present, the project is "closed" on the website of the Ministry of Science and Technology, indicating that the time for submitting the task book has passed. Some preparatory work for the project is already under way, but due to lack of funds, some research groups may not use the remaining project funds to advance the work first.

On August 1st, the project team held a kick-off meeting to cheer everyone up. "Without funds, the work will continue," Yang Shoushan said. He said that in the end, he hoped that the project book could be stamped as soon as possible and submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Plate making editor | Pipi Fish

Xiaobian Tanban China’s first musical "Going to Sea" "Turning the King’s Chess"

Last year, King’s Chess, which was launched by Shanghai Yahuahu Theater Management and Development Co., Ltd., became the object sought after by musical audiences because of a heavy news: the play was taken a fancy to by Korean musical production company Never Ending Play, and was introduced to the Korean musical market by way of copyright export. King’s Chess became the first original musical in China to export its copyright overseas.

The roar of distant ships is like the accompaniment of waves, which praises the great ship of industrial civilization and drives away the years. However, only the roar of seagulls reminds the faltering old man that there was once an old world called "Viking". Today, Xiaobian will take you into the light of this original musical-China’s first "going out to sea" musical "Turning the King’s Chess".

This is a story based on the historical myth of Northern Europe. In the early 19th century, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Norway sent a special task force to Bell Island, which had been occupied by the Ghost King for many years, to carry out the receiving task. When the team was about to land on the island, the action team unexpectedly encountered "resistance" from Bell Island, and all the soldiers followed the captain to retreat. Olson was the only one who finished landing on the island, but to his surprise, this isolated island, which was described as a "devil’s land", was a different scene. What he saw and heard on the island unexpectedly evoked memories that have been dusty for many years-about his late teacher and best friend: Kregaard, who was named as Norway’s "national hero". What will Olson experience on the island? Can he finish the task? What secrets are hidden on this island?

In terms of story creation structure, The King’s Chess is different from most musicals in that it incorporates Nordic elements, such as tomahawk, struggle, navigation and Viking. At the scene, you can feel six actors performing nearly 30 roles, which fully embodies poetry and blood. Guns and swords have been singing songs for more than ten years.

If you want to use a word to describe "Turn the King’s Chess", I believe that the word that pops up in many viewers’ minds is "magnificent". Weibo netizen @Muchennnnn commented: "It is unbelievable that this can be achieved in a small theater. Only a few hundred people can write such a shocking epic in the theater."

"Turn the King’s Chess" also uses clever intertextuality, using chess pieces to imply the fate of the characters in the play, one son and one life, no regrets when he dies, and people can’t be resurrected. Vikings used their lives to protect their homes, their beliefs to protect their civilization, and sacrifices to win.

Come to the theater and feel the twilight of the Viking gods!

Full of momentum! Yang Ziqiong multiverse fashion blockbuster returns to the martial arts world.

1905 movie network news On February 17th, Bazaar of Fashion in Dengfeng launched a quarterly fashion blockbuster in March. Under the lens of Man Chen, Yang Ziqiong once again opened the "multiverse", dressed in a black gauze skirt, shining and charming, with a light posture and full of gas field; Being in the mountains and rivers, it is quiet and beautiful, and the novel shooting background leaves people with unlimited room for daydreaming, moving and quiet, just like returning to the martial arts world.

How long does it take to prepare for the Shandong self-study exam?

In order to find a better and more stable job, many people will choose to take the self-study exam to improve their academic qualifications. So, how long does it take to prepare for the Shandong self-study exam?

Click to enter:If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main examination institution and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

How long does it take to prepare for the Shandong self-study exam?

Generally speaking, the examination time for self-taught examination is twice a year, in April and October of each year. The specific examination schedule may vary according to different provinces. Therefore, you need to know and plan your time in advance.

For most majors, you need to start preparing for the exam at least three months in advance. Of course, if you have enough foundation or strong learning ability, the preparation time can be shortened appropriately. However, planning the preparation time in advance can help you better arrange your study plan and improve your study efficiency.

Besides time and length, preparation strategies and methods are also very important. First of all, you need to know the exam subjects and exam outline of your chosen major. Then, you can make a detailed study plan, including daily study time and content. In addition, you can also take some professional training courses or online classes to improve your learning effect.

Finally, we need to pay attention to psychological adjustment and time management. In the process of preparing for the exam, you need to maintain a positive attitude and sufficient confidence. At the same time, reasonable time management is also very important. You need to allocate your study time reasonably every day to avoid procrastination and waste of time.

Self-taught examination is flexible and open, with no entrance threshold and no contradiction between work and study. Applicants are not limited by academic qualifications, age and household registration, and they do not need to take the entrance examination. After entering the school, they can study in a completely independent way, which makes the majority of students develop the habit of being good at self-study. This is a very important ability and condition for achieving talents, and it will also gain more favorable advantages for entering the work in the future.

In addition, the gold content of the self-taught diploma is very high, which can be used for job interview, postgraduate entrance examination, textual research, civil service examination, promotion and salary increase, and settlement of points. Self-taught graduates are internationally recognized by some developed countries such as the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia, and it is also a very worthwhile choice to study abroad.

The above is related to the adult self-study exam, and candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates want to get more information about the self-taught examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge, related news, etc. Please pay attention to the online self-taught examination channel of China Education.

Popular recommendation:

If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main examination institution and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

Recommended reading:

In April, 2024, all provinces registered for self-study exams in official website.

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of Self-taught Exams in April 2024 by Provinces

Ministry of Finance: In January, the national lottery sales reached 27.21 billion yuan, down 43.3% year-on-year.

  BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhua) The website of the Ministry of Finance today announced the national lottery sales in January 2020. Data show that in January, the national lottery sales totaled 27.210 billion yuan, a decrease of 20.745 billion yuan or 43.3% compared with the same period of last year. Compared with the same period of last year, the sales volume of lottery tickets in 31 provinces all declined.

Data Map: People buy lottery tickets. China News Agency issued Wei Liang photo

Data Map: People buy lottery tickets. China News Agency issued Wei Liang photo

  Data show that in January, the national lottery sales totaled 27.210 billion yuan, a decrease of 20.745 billion yuan or 43.3% compared with the same period of last year. Among them, the sales of welfare lottery institutions was 12.89 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 8.328 billion yuan or 39.3%. The sales of sports lottery institutions reached 14.32 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 12.416 billion yuan or 46.4%. The year-on-year decline in lottery sales in January was mainly due to the fact that the lottery was closed during the Spring Festival, and the policy impact of the decline in lottery sales caused by the adjustment of some game rules continued to appear. In January 2019, due to the influence of the Asian Cup, the sales of sports lottery quiz lottery games were large, and the base was high in the same period last year.

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

  In terms of sales of different types of lottery tickets, in January, the sales of lottery digital lottery tickets reached 14.969 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 9.918 billion yuan or 39.9%. The sales of quiz lottery tickets was 6.804 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 9.610 billion yuan or 58.5%. The sales of instant lottery tickets reached 2.777 billion yuan, up 593 million yuan or 27.1% year-on-year; The sales of video lottery tickets was 2.65 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1.809 billion yuan or 40.6%. The sales of Keno lottery tickets was RMB 10 million, a year-on-year decrease of RMB 01 million or 7.8%. In January, the lottery sales of digital lottery, quiz lottery, instant lottery, video lottery and Keno lottery accounted for 54.9%, 25.0%, 10.2%, 9.8% and 0.1% of the total lottery sales respectively.

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

Image source: Ministry of Finance website

  In terms of lottery sales by region, in January, compared with the same period of last year, the lottery sales in 31 provinces all decreased, among which Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong, Zhejiang and Henan decreased more, with a year-on-year decrease of 1.937 billion yuan, 1.929 billion yuan, 1.808 billion yuan, 1.454 billion yuan and 1.166 billion yuan respectively.

  The Ministry of Finance said that financial departments at all levels and lottery agencies at all levels should conscientiously do a good job in lottery issuance and sales during epidemic prevention and control, further strengthen supervision, actively create a good external environment, maintain normal market order, and promote the healthy development of lottery.