China Telecom CTyunOS scale deployment, together with openEuler to build Tianyi Cloud digital base

The Euler Developer Conference 2022 has officially ended on April 15. This conference is a developer conference held by the openEuler community of the Open Atom Open Source Foundation, and it is also the first conference initiated by the community after Euler’s donation. With the theme of "Creating the Future Together, Euler is More Wonderful", the conference will jointly discuss the exploration and innovation of open-source operating system technology and build a highly innovative open-source operating system community.

Guang Xiaoming, deputy general manager and chief technology officer of China Telecom Tianyi Cloud Technology Co., Ltd., attended the conference and gave a keynote speech on "Join hands with openEuler to build a digital base for Tianyi Cloud". He said that since China Telecom released CTyunOS, a self-developed operating system based on openEuler, in 2021, more than 10,000 sets have been launched across the country, covering a variety of business scenarios, including public cloud, private cloud, IT cloud, and one city and one pool. The business operation is stable and reliable. In the future, the deployment scale will be further expanded, and the local characteristic business will continue to be served, serving thousands of industries.

In 2020, China Telecom put forward the "Cloud Change Digital Transfer" strategy. In order to implement this strategy, China Telecom has continuously carried out basic software innovation in recent years. As the most important basic software, the operating system must first achieve independent innovation. In November last year, at the operating system summit hosted by the Euler Community, Liu Guiqing, deputy general manager of China Telecom Group, released the self-developed operating system CTyunOS, which is a server operating system based on the Euler open-source community version. The operating system has been deeply optimized for cloud computing scenarios and is committed to creating a completely independent innovation operating system to serve China Telecom’s "Cloud Change Digital Transfer" strategy. At present, China Telecom is the first company in the industry to choose the Euler technology route for all its business.

In terms of cooperation with the openEuler community, Guang Xiaoming said that CTyunOS keeps up with the rhythm of the community version, releases an official version every 6 months, and continues to contribute to the openEuler open source community. Currently, it has participated in more than 5 SIG working groups, submitted more than 200 PRs, and actively participated in community-related activities. In terms of joint innovation, starting from the business needs of Tianyi Cloud, it has carried out in-depth research and development in several aspects such as kernel, user hot patch, and cloud base, and achieved good results.

China Telecom continues to cooperate with the openEuler community to jointly innovate key technologies.In response to how to expand and reduce costs in virtualization scenarios, Tianyi Cloud and the openEuler open-source team have jointly innovated to improve the performance of redis scenarios by about 30%, reduce memory costs by about 35%, and greatly improve the cost performance of memory usage. The Qemu hot patch function based on Libcareplus tools has been developed, which has transformed the host batch serial upgrade into parallel synchronous upgrade, and supports the current network patch implementation cycle from months to weeks, greatly shortening the patch implementation cycle.

To build an open-source ecosystem, China Telecom continues to contribute to the openEuler open-source community.Since joining the Euler open-source community, China Telecom has been participating in the work of the OpenStack SIG, participating in the software migration of the OpenStack Q version throughout the process, and testing and verifying the functions and compatibility. After the release of openEuler 21.03, China Telecom cooperated with the Kernel SIG to explore the usage scenarios of memory tiered extension (EtMem). China Telecom contributed its experience in system resource stress detection to the community and submitted PSI tools to the community.

In the future, China Telecom Tianyi Cloud will continue to cooperate with the Euler open-source community to carry out more joint innovations, and in terms of improving the resource utilization efficiency of cloud hosts, carry out high-low-priority mixing of virtual machines and online-offline mixing of containers; in terms of trusted cloud hosts, carry out confidential computing innovation; in terms of DPU offloading, carry out distributed storage offloading and container network offloading innovation; in terms of cloud native full stack, carry out collaborative innovation of secure containers and KubeEdge edge clouds; through technological innovation, build a solid digital base for Tianyi Cloud, build a trusted Tianyi Cloud, and serve the "cloud change number" strategy.

Sailis automobile Compaq: intelligent driving brings safety rather than risk.

  [car home Industry] On August 25th, the Chengdu International Automobile Exhibition officially kicked off with the theme of "Exploring the World and Seeing the Future Travel". There are 129 brands exhibiting nearly 1,600 models at this year’s Chengdu Auto Show, covering German, American, legal, Japanese, Korean, joint venture and China brands. As an important automobile market in the west, Chengdu Auto Market is about to usher in the traditional "Golden September and Silver 10" car buying season, and Chengdu Auto Show plays an important role in it.

  At this year’s Chengdu Auto Show, the new M7 five-seat version of AITO asked the world was officially unveiled and a small order was opened. The pre-sale price starts from 258,000 yuan and will be officially released and delivered on September 12th. Prior to this, the industry has said that it has invested more than 500 million yuan in the research and development and production of new cars.

Home of the car

Dr. Kang Bo, Vice President of Cyrus Automotive (right)

  During the auto show, Dr. Kang Bo, Vice President of Sailis Automobile, had an in-depth exchange with car home. He pointed out that the five new M7 buildings in the world have invested huge costs in places that consumers can see and can’t see. It is understood that the new car is equipped with HarmonyOS Intelligent Cockpit 3.0 and Huawei Advanced Intelligent Driving 2.0, and the car body structure and interior cockpit have been upgraded and optimized.

The following is the full text of the dialogue (edited):

  ask a questionCould you please tell us what heavy models AITO brought during this Chengdu Auto Show? What are the highlights?

  Kangbo: The most important model brought this time is the new M7 five-seater. As a vehicle designed for family travel needs, we have invested more than 500 million yuan in vehicle research and development and production, and made the new M7 a reliable, safe, spacious and intelligent five-seat vehicle, which can be said to be "one car wins more cars".

Home of the car

Wenjie new M7 building 5

  First of all, we have invested huge costs in places that consumers can see and can’t see, hoping to use the best technology, the best materials and the best means to achieve the ultimate safety protection. We have done corresponding work, for example, we have developed new technologies to re-open the mold of the body structure and re-transform the welding production line. Some body structures are made of the strongest submarine-grade high-strength steel in the industry, and more CBS composite body materials are used to effectively improve the fatigue durability, body stiffness and collision safety of vehicles.

Home of the car

  Secondly, the space layout and seat design are innovated: spacious layout, rich storage space and oversized trunk, which can easily load large accompanying materials used by a family for long-distance travel; And, the soft, comfortable and more wrapped seats provide more convenience for family travel.

  In addition, the five new M7 seats in Wenjie are also equipped with HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system and HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit 3.0. These two smart ceilings have gained a good reputation in the M5 Smart Driving Edition, which can be said that they are far ahead in the smart driving ability in the industry, not almost technically, but almost not related to safety.

  ask a question: M5 Smart Driving Edition launched a paid high-level function package of smart driving service software when it went on the market. What do you think of consumers’ expectations of smart driving at present? Including car home and many platforms, have made intelligent reports. At present, consumers’ feelings about paying for smart driving are not strong, and they need to pay for smart driving. What do you think?

   KangboThe paid or subscribed model has just started in China automobile industry, and it is very mature abroad. In fact, the final decision of users depends on what the high-level function package of intelligent driving service software can bring to customers. If it can make users feel safe, intimate and comfortable, it will be a pity not to use it, and users will automatically subscribe. But if the product fails to meet the needs of customers, then the subscription package itself has problems.

  Just talking about the intelligent driving version, we started to deliver the intelligent driving version (|) on a large scale in early June, and the owner has completed a considerable number of intelligent driving mileage, which greatly verified the safety of "man-machine driving together". In the past two months or so, the M5 Smart Driving Edition has gained a good reputation from the media and car owners. Our users also spontaneously posted a large number of car experiences and real word-of-mouth on social platforms such as bilibili, Xiaohongshu and Tik Tok.

  Recently, we also conducted a survey on the smart driving version, and found that smart drivers have the characteristics of high knowledge and rational consumption. They are young, like fresh technology products, and pay more attention to smart driving safety-related functions. The high-frequency scenes they use include high-speed navigation function, active safety function, urban navigation function, etc., with special emphasis on the functional experience of avoiding vehicles/pedestrians, bypassing obstacles, identifying abnormal obstacles, and predicting the position of big cars. At the same time, they gave us very good feedback.

  At present, many users have some misunderstandings about smart driving and think that the risk is too great. In fact, this is just the opposite of our concept. The purpose of our smart driving is to bring safety, not risk. In order to help car owners and friends know more about intelligent driving, our terminal has launched a number of live test drive experiences. Welcome everyone to pay attention and welcome everyone to test drive in the store. I believe that we will definitely have a deeper experience of assisted driving ability.

  ask a question: Have you personally experienced the safety and intelligent driving functions related to the M5 Intelligent Driving Edition in the questioning world? If you are a consumer, how do you evaluate it? And how do you view the future development of autonomous driving?

  KangboYesterday, I came to Chengdu from Chongqing by car, about 350 kilometers high speed, and I took over the whole journey. Of course, according to the national laws and regulations, I put my hand on the steering wheel and the overall experience was very good. Actually, I am a little worried about domestic high-speed long-distance driving, but when the intelligent driving function is turned on, vehicles can accurately identify passing vehicles, road conditions and small obstacles on the roadside, which is far safer than driving by myself, so I feel relaxed and comfortable and very safe in the "man-machine driving" of about 350 kilometers. Last week, we also launched the NCA function in the urban area of Beijing. Combined with previous cities such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Chongqing, a total of 6 cities were opened. It is estimated that by the end of the year, a total of 45 cities will realize commercial landing without relying on high-precision maps.

Home of the car

Wen Jie M5 Zhijia Edition

  Not long ago, some media also conducted a long-distance test of man-machine driving. From Shanghai to Zibo, the road conditions covered urban areas and hundreds of kilometers of high-speed scenes, which comprehensively tested HUAWEI ADS 2.0′ s assisted driving ability and showed leading safety, intelligence and driving efficiency in various scenarios.

  At present, the M5 version of Zhijie has realized that it can be opened with or without high-precision maps, covering high-speed, urban areas, rural roads and so on. Our car owners also carry out test drives in various scenes. For example, a car owner has just completed the intelligent driving crossing in the no-man’s land of Haidao, Xinjiang, and another car owner drove to Wulanchabu, Inner Mongolia last week. In the absence of high-precision maps in border cities in China, our car uses laser radar as the main sensor combined with LCC to project a virtual route on unmarked roads for safe passage and avoidance, realizing "there is no road in front of us" but "there is a road in our heart", and the overall effect is very good.

I think autonomous driving is an important technical force to promote the transformation of the global automobile industry. In the 21st century, the whole autonomous driving will be the greatest contribution of the automobile industry to human beings, because it can make driving safer and more comfortable. At present, China’s autonomous driving regulations are being improved, and it is hoped that L3′ s autonomous driving regulations will be promulgated as soon as possible. We believe that L3-class autonomous vehicles will usher in a large-scale market-oriented application in 2025.

  ask a questionWhat do you think of the survival of the new forces? 

  KangboI think the overall competition of the new forces is very fierce, and the outcome changes very quickly, sometimes in a car, sometimes in a year. I think it is necessary to provide users with the products they want and are satisfied with, as well as the brand value and service experience they need, so that manufacturers can survive in the knockout even if they face difficulties.

Home of the car

  ask a questionQ: What are your market expectations for the five new M7 buildings and the M9?

  KangboWe are full of confidence in the new M7 Tower, because it meets the needs of China home users for great wisdom, large space, safety and reliability. At the same time, we will also consider very competitive prices. Wenjie M9 is our flagship SUV of panoramic wisdom, which will be equipped with a number of brand-new black technology and is expected to be officially released in the fourth quarter of this year. (Text/car home Zhang Lingxiao)

Apple’s 128GB iPhone also has plenty of room for controversy. How much storage do you think is enough for the phone?

Fast Technology reported on March 19th that today, Apple released a promotional video with the theme of "iPhone 15 Storage | Don’ t Let Me Go".

In the video, a man is considering deleting some photos of his mobile phone. At this time, BGM plays the song "Don’ t Let Me Go", and at the end of the video, "Plenty of space to store a large number of photos" appears.

Simply put, Apple wants to show that even the 128GB iPhone15 can have "ample space to store a large number of photos" through cloud storage.

The video quickly caused a heated discussion among netizens and big V bloggers, and many people also questioned it.

Some netizens and bloggers said, "My iPhone uses 338G of native space++939G of cloud hosting … Do you tell me that 128G is enough?" "If I didn’t use it myself, I would really believe it." "Do you want to face it, 128 to 256 plus 1000 yuan, or ask someone to buy cloud hosting? Can the experience of cloud hosting be the same as that of a large flash memory space?" Wait a minute.

It is understood that the price of iPhone 15 128GB is 5,999 yuan, that of 256GB is 6,999 yuan, and that of 512GB is 8,999 yuan. On average, every 128GB of storage requires 1000 yuan.

How much storage space do you think is enough for your mobile phone? How much storage space does your mobile phone have now?

According to media voting, before the deadline, a total of 108,000 people voted, 48,000 people chose 256GB, 33,000 people chose 128GB, and 5,961 people chose 1TB.

How important is China’s "key move" to the world?

"Since the reform and opening up, Volkswagen has always been an important member of China’s automobile industry. Based on the strategy of "in China, for China", in the future, we will make better use of local innovation forces and respond to the needs of China consumers more nimbly. " On 18th, Bered, chairman and CEO of audi ag (China), told International Sharp Review.

This year marks the 45th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up. Reform and opening up not only profoundly changed the face of China, but also brought win-win opportunities to the world. Especially in the past 10 years, China has implemented a more proactive opening-up strategy, and multinational companies like Volkswagen have gained rich returns.

Twenty-two free trade zones have been built, the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port has been accelerated, the negative list of foreign investment access has been continuously reduced, the Foreign Investment Law has been promulgated, and the "the belt and road initiative" has been built with high quality … In the past 10 years, China has been continuously opening up from a mobile type of goods and factors to an institutional type of opening up such as rules, regulations, management and standards, which proves that "opening up to the outside world is a key measure for China’s development".

So, how important is a high-level open China to the world?

What China’s open economy brings is, first of all, a solid contribution to economic growth. In the past 10 years, the proportion of China’s total economic output in the world economy has increased from 12.3% to over 18%, and its annual average contribution rate to world economic growth has exceeded 30%. China has been a major trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions. The International Monetary Fund predicts that the contribution rate of China’s economy will still exceed 30% this year. It can be seen that China has always been an important engine of world economic growth, which is particularly important at the moment when the world economic recovery is weak.

For multinational enterprises, they have enjoyed the dividend of China’s economic growth and gained extensive development space in China. In the past 10 years, the global share of China’s foreign investment has increased from 8.2% to 11.4%. The third phase of BASF Shanghai Innovation Park was completed, the third phase of Schneider Electric Shanghai Kangqiao Factory was put into production, and Danfoss Global Refrigeration R&D and Testing Center was put into use in Tianjin … Since this year, many foreign companies have invested more in China. According to a survey conducted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in the third quarter of this year, nearly 90% of the foreign-funded enterprises surveyed expect their profits to be flat or improved in the next five years. Wang Na, Marketing Director of Dole China, told International Sharp Review that he was very optimistic about the open China market and deeply felt that the demand of China consumers for high-quality fruits brought Dole more development opportunities.

The opening-up of China is still the opening-up that leads the economic development trends such as greening and digitalization. As the largest exporter of goods, China’s international share will increase to 14.7% in 2022. Since the beginning of this year, China’s "three new products" (electric manned vehicles, lithium batteries and solar cells) have caused a worldwide upsurge. Recently, Nikkei News reported that thanks to the vigorous development of green technology products, China has been the largest exporter of goods in the world.

In 2022, China’s digital economy accounted for 41.5% of GDP, ranking second in the world. Some analysts pointed out that China has gained great advantages in artificial intelligence, new energy, biotechnology and so on, and it is in the first camp and even occupies a dominant position. In Southeast Asia, China enterprises helped to build the first 5G smart hospital in ASEAN; In Africa, China’s digital intelligent logistics management system helps Nigerians to make online shopping more convenient; In Latin America, China cooperates with Brazil, Ecuador and other countries with digital technology to help protect the Amazon rainforest ecosystem and other environments … The development of digital technology in China is benefiting people of all countries and injecting new momentum into world economic growth.

More importantly, China’s concept of opening to the outside world and its efforts to build an open world economy have brought a new atmosphere to the global governance system. In the past 10 years, from putting forward the initiative of "the belt and road initiative", global development initiative, global security initiative and global civilization initiative, to holding a series of international exhibitions such as China International Import Expo(CIIE) and Service Trade Fair, to signing and implementing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and promoting the accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, China has always insisted on discussing, building and sharing, and welcomed the world to share opportunities in China. Take the co-construction of "the belt and road initiative" as an example. In the past 10 years, it has boosted the investment scale of nearly one trillion US dollars, created 420,000 jobs for the co-construction of the country and lifted nearly 40 million people out of poverty. This is a vivid interpretation of China’s concept of global governance, which promotes the continuous improvement of the global governance system.

"The open door of China will not be closed, but will only grow bigger and bigger." The just-concluded China Central Economic Work Conference in 2023 put forward a series of new measures on "opening up to the outside world at a high level". The world has every reason to look forward to China’s "key move" and the more opportunities it will bring, from accelerating the cultivation of new kinetic energy of foreign trade, relaxing market access for services such as telecommunications and medical care, and benchmarking international high-standard economic and trade rules.

(International Critical Commentator)