Known as "the most beautiful BYD", BYD Song L has pre-sold 220,000 pieces with electric tail!

[Wen/Caiquan Society & Dao Ge said Che Ma Jianyu] Since the appearance of Chengdu Auto Show, Song L, known as "the most beautiful BYD", has been widely concerned. Unlike BYD’s current models, Song L, which is a hunting SUV, is more cutting-edge and fashionable. From the consumer’s point of view, it is highly probable that it will be a model with a high return rate.

On October 31st, Song L finally started the pre-sale. Five new models were launched, with the pre-sale price range of 220,000 to 280,000 yuan, and the cruising range of 550 km /662 km /602 km was provided for different models. At the same time, it also provided 24 interest-free, three-power lifetime warranty, free OTA upgrade/car traffic, charging pile installation service within two years and replacement subsidy for this car.

It is worth mentioning that although the current product matrix of BYD Dynasty Network is relatively rich and comprehensive, it is very "regular" and lacks such "characteristic" models as Song L. Lu Tian, general manager of BYD Group’s Chaowang Sales Division, said at the press conference that Song L is Wang Chaowang’s pioneering work for the mainstream mid-to high-end market. Under the background of rapid economic development, consumer demand is constantly upgrading, and mainstream consumer families with good educational background and economic foundation have put forward higher requirements for car use. Song L is the choice for fashion families to upgrade their quality in one step, and it is also the choice for pioneer families to moderately advance their new energy experience.

Of course, as the "most beautiful BYD", Song L, together with BYD’s new platform, mature three-power system and hard-core technologies such as Yunqi C, will also form stronger product strength and provide stronger help for BYD’s sales.

"The most beautiful BYD", Song L and electric tail.

As BYD’s first hunting pure electric SUV, Song L inherits the unique "Dragon Beauty Aesthetics" of BYD Wang Chaowang in design. In the front face, the new car has added "Dragon Tooth" decorative pieces on both sides of the front grille, and with the 3D dragon whiskers of Longjing headlights, it still has the beauty of BYD’s "Dragon Beauty".

Viewed from the side, the whole body posture of Song L is dive-type, with a slip-back design and smooth lines. However, it is worth noting that, unlike other sliding back models, Song L’s sliding down starts from around C-pillar, which has the advantage of ensuring the head space of the rear passengers in the car as much as possible.

The tail is the most recognizable part of Song L. It uses segmented spoiler, double shark fin antenna and through taillight, which is officially called streamer tail light. The light sources on the left and right sides are exquisite and eye-catching. At the same time, the adaptive electric tail wing is also used. This configuration not only makes the vehicle more sporty, but also supports starting the racing mode at any time, providing continuous downforce for the vehicle, effectively reducing the drag coefficient, reducing energy consumption and improving handling.

In terms of size, the car has a length, width and height of 4840*1950*1560mm and a wheelbase of 2930mm, which is the largest among the Song series models. At the same time, it is larger than medium-sized SUVs such as Tiguan L and Tesla Model Y, and it is more like a medium-sized SUV in terms of size. Moreover, in terms of styling and price, Song L has almost no direct competitors. After all, hunting SUVs, especially hunting pure electric SUVs, are very rare in the range of 200,000-300,000 yuan.

The interior is more elegant, and the high-profile models are made of suede.

Besides being called "the most beautiful BYD", the interior of Song L is obviously more elegant. In terms of layout, Song L is still a family cockpit layout. The instrument panel creates a layered feeling through layered contrast design and different wrapping materials. The central armrest area is designed with diamond-cut electronic shift lever, mobile phone wireless charging panel and some physical buttons. BYD’s iconic interior designs such as suspended LCD instrument panel, brand-new four-spoke steering wheel and rotatable large-size central control PAD are not absent.

Although the cockpit is still familiar with the smell, the configuration has been obviously upgraded. Song L will provide AR-HUD head-up display, heat pump air conditioning, HIFI-class Dana audio system, multi-color ambient lights, panoramic images, EC adjustable panoramic canopy and other configurations. The DiLink intelligent network connection system built in the central control has also been upgraded, which comes from a 5G car cockpit platform based on deep customization of Xiaolong processor.

It is worth noting that Song L’s interior materials are also very elegant, using a combination of suede and NAPPA leather, and the soft package in the car exceeds 85%. The high-profile models also have exclusive black interiors, and the identity of the high-profile models is highlighted by fluorescent green stitching. Of course, this is more in line with the high level of 200,000 independent brands.

Yun nian c gets on the bus, and the driving quality may be pleasantly surprised.

As a model of BYD, the power system of Song L is of course a bright spot. It will provide single-motor and dual-motor versions. The four-wheel drive version is equipped with front and rear motors with maximum power of 150/230 kW respectively. According to official data, the acceleration time of the four-wheel drive version is only 4.3 seconds per 100 kilometers, and this data is quite explosive on new energy vehicles. In terms of battery life, equipped with blade battery, CLTC has a pure battery life of 550km, 602km and 662km, and Song L is equipped with silicon carbide module, which improves the comprehensive working condition efficiency to 90%+, and the energy consumption of Song L is as low as 12.8kW·h per 100 km.

At the same time, with BYD’s new platform, CTB battery body integration and hard-core technologies such as Yunqi C and iTAC intelligent torque control system, not only the safety and space of vehicles can be guaranteed, but also the driving texture of Song L will be strengthened. Among them, Yunnian -C intelligent damping body control system can adjust the damping by controlling the electromagnetic valve of the shock absorber, which can realize stepless adaptive adjustment of the damping and meet the needs of users for different scenes. It has been verified in Han and other models at present.

As for intelligent driving, Song L will be equipped with DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, which can cover most usage scenarios and more than 30 auxiliary functions, such as high-speed assistance, intelligent navigation, automatic parking, fatigue monitoring and reminding, etc., greatly improving driving safety.

Generally speaking, as a brand-new model of BYD, Song L can be regarded as a breakthrough work of BYD, which brings a feeling completely different from the existing models. The data shows that BYD’s sales volume has exceeded 2 million vehicles during the year, firmly holding the position of the domestic automobile sales champion. However, from the perspective of Song L, BYD has obviously not become "complacent". "We also actively embrace changes and constantly seek breakthroughs," Lu Tian said.

Have you been tricked into eating sugar, dyeing your hair and playing mobile phones?

  According to the statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cancer is the second leading cause of death in America. However, when it comes to knowledge about this disease, the public still has a little knowledge about it. To make matters worse, many misunderstandings about diseases spread online and offline, making it difficult for people to identify correct information from unfounded fallacies. American "Best Life" website collects scientific evidence and expert advice, refuting the most common misunderstandings in this field.

  Myth 1: Eating sugar will make cancer worse.

  Perhaps because cancer cells consume more glucose than other cells, people believe that eating sugar will make the disease worse. However, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) refuted this statement, pointing out that "no research shows that eating sugar will make cancer worse, or if you stop eating sugar, the tumor will shrink or disappear."

  Myth 2: The more dairy products you eat,

  The more likely you are to get breast cancer.

  Women can safely eat cheese and yogurt without worrying about breast cancer. The research results published in the International Journal of Epidemiology by researchers from Harvard School of Public Health show that there is no significant correlation between the intake of total dairy products (including both liquid dairy products and solid dairy products) and the risk of breast cancer.

  Myth 3: Eating artificial sweeteners can cause cancer.

  People had this concern in the 1970s and 1980s, because studies at that time showed that the intake of artificial sweeteners (such as saccharin and aspartame) would lead to cancer in mice. However, further tests prove that these substances will not have the same effect on human beings. Nowadays, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that all sugar substitutes (except sodium cyclamate) are safe to eat.

  Myth 4: Using mobile phones can cause cancer.

  This common cancer misunderstanding stems from the fact that mobile phones emit electromagnetic radiation. However, there are obvious differences between high-frequency radiation (such as X-ray radiation) and low-frequency radiation (radiation emitted by mobile phones). Although high-frequency radiation will increase the risk of cancer, there is no conclusive evidence that low-frequency radiation has such an effect on the body. Epidemiological studies on the exposure of mobile phones to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields have not shown that users have an increased risk of brain tumors or other cancers.

  Myth 5 Cancer is completely a genetic disease.

  Although medical scientists are still investigating the causes of cancer, the National Cancer Institute of the United States suggests that 5%~10% of cancers are caused by genetic factors, and the remaining risk factors include exposure to harmful substances in the environment (such as tobacco and air pollutants) and genetic mutations caused by aging.

  Myth 6: Only women get breast cancer

  Although it is not common, it is also possible for men to develop breast cancer, but the probability is low. The probability of breast cancer in an average man’s life is 1 in 883.

  Myth 7: If the mammogram results are normal,

  There would be no breast cancer.

  Because mammography may miss important information, it is impossible to make a diagnosis only by mammography. High-risk groups with genetic susceptibility to breast cancer should consider magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for more accurate screening.

  Myth 8: Hair dyeing will increase the risk of cancer.

  The research results on carcinogenesis of hair dyes are contradictory. Therefore, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that hair dyes do not include carcinogens harmful to human beings, but they also warned that occupational exposure (such as hairdressers) may cause cancer to human beings.

  Myth 9: Weight has nothing to do with cancer risk.

  Weight is directly related to the risk of cancer. According to the research results published in The Lancet-Oncology by researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, in 2012, 3.6% of all new cancer cases among adults were related to weight.

  There are many reasons why obese people have a high risk of cancer. One theory is that overweight people have chronic low-grade inflammation, which will damage DNA over time and eventually lead to illness.

  Myth 10: People with dark skin color should not have skin cancer.

  Although skin cancer is more common in people with light skin color, dark skin color does not protect you from ultraviolet radiation. The research results published in the Journal of American Dermatology Association by researchers in case western reserve university, USA, show that melanoma is more deadly to people with darker skin color; Moreover, some skin cancers (such as acral melanoma) are more common in people with dark skin color.

  Myth 11 Using antiperspirants can lead to breast cancer.

  This misconception is that the substances in antiperspirants will penetrate into axillary lymph nodes, causing cell mutation, which will lead to cancer. However, the American Cancer Society refuted this statement, pointing out that "there is little scientific evidence" to support this speculation.

  Researchers at the Fred Haakinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, USA, published research results in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, showing that the use of antiperspirants and deodorants has nothing to do with the increased risk of breast cancer.

  Myth 12 Breast augmentation will increase the risk of breast cancer

  A meta-analysis published by FDA researchers in the Journal of Plastic Surgery shows that breast augmentation does not increase the risk of breast cancer. However, it is worth noting that there is a small connection between breast augmentation and anaplastic large cell lymphoma, but this rare cancer can be treated.

  Myth 13: People who receive cancer treatment must be hospitalized.

  Although the treatment of cancer does require several visits to the hospital, patients do not need to stay there until their condition is relieved. In fact, many patients with early cancer can continue to live a normal life and only need to go to the hospital for treatment and examination on a regular basis.

  Myth 14 Only smokers get lung cancer.

  Although smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer, other risk factors (such as secondhand smoke, radon in the air and exposure to asbestos) also increase the risk of lung cancer.

  Misunderstanding 15

  Infection with human papillomavirus will definitely lead to cervical cancer.

  Some strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) develop into cervical cancer over time, but this is not always the case. There are more than 200 strains of HPV, but only a few of them are high risk factors for cervical cancer. About 70% of cervical cancer is caused by two types (HPV16 and HPV18).

  Myth 16

  Negative emotions can make

  The condition of cancer patients is worse.

  Usually, when cancer patients have no improvement after receiving treatment, their instinct is to blame their negative attitude as the root of the problem. However, the American Cancer Society points out that there is no connection between personality characteristics and cancer survival rate.

  Myth 17: Surgery will cause cancer to spread.

  According to the Cancer Council of New South Wales, Australia, there is no evidence to support the spread of cancer caused by surgery. Because this disease grows and reproduces in the blood, it has nothing to do with surgery.

  Myth 18 Herbal supplements can cure cancer.

  According to the research results published in the Journal of Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine by researchers from Taiwan Province Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center in China, only when combined with conventional treatment can herbal supplements play a role in relieving the disease.

  Myth 19 Biopsy will lead to the spread of cancer.

  Because some patients feel worse after biopsy, they mistakenly believe that exposing cancer to the air will make their condition worse. In fact, there is no evidence that biopsy of lesions will lead to the spread of cancer, and there is no evidence that exposing tumors to the air will lead to its spread to other body parts.

  Myth 20 Chemotherapy always makes patients feel uncomfortable.

  Since the first use of chemotherapy in the 1940s and 1950s, this therapy has made great progress. In order to reduce or even eliminate the side effects, medical scientists have made great efforts, and the patients’ bad feelings are not as serious as imagined.

  Myth 21 Cancer is contagious.

  Cancer itself is not contagious, and you can’t get the disease from others at all. However, some infectious viruses (such as HPV and hepatitis B and C viruses) can cause cancer, so we need to be careful.

  Myth 22 Fluoride can cause cancer.

  Fluoride in tap water and toothpaste does not cause cancer. In February 1991, after reviewing more than 50 population studies, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced that fluoride in its natural form would not pose a cancer risk to human beings.

  Myth 23 getting cancer is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

  Due to technological progress and new medical discoveries, the survival probability of cancer patients is much higher than before. According to the data of the National Cancer Institute, the 5-year survival rate of all types of cancer adds up to about 67%, while for specific cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and thyroid gland, this statistic is as high as 90%. (Compile/Guo Shaoshan)