July 8, 2023 National Insurance Public Awareness Day

  After more than a year of suspension of trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, on the evening of July 17, China Evergrande reissued its 2021 annual report, 2022 semi-annual report and 2022 annual report one after another, and the outside world finally got a glimpse of its financial situation. Although the market has long expected Evergrande’s liabilities and losses, when a series of figures really come into view, it is still staggering.

  According to the performance report disclosed by China Evergrande, the company’s net loss in 2021 and 2022 was 686.22 billion yuan and 125.81 billion yuan respectively, and the net loss in two years totaled 812.03 billion yuan. At the same time, China Evergrande has fallen into an insolvent situation. The total value of its assets held at the end of 2021 and 2022 was 2.11 trillion yuan and 1.84 trillion yuan respectively, and the total amount responsible was 2.58 trillion yuan and 2.44 trillion yuan respectively.

  According to Wind data statistics, in all 110 class A share listed housing enterprises, in 2021, 23 housing enterprises with negative net profit suffered a total loss of 118.16 billion yuan; in 2022, 35 class A share listed housing enterprises with negative net profit suffered a total loss of 122.57 billion yuan. Dozens of housing enterprises lost far less than China Evergrande.

  "The company takes stable management and risk management as its top priority, and actively promotes the work of the guaranteed building with the greatest efforts. It has won the understanding and support of various parties, including local governments, upstream and downstream enterprises." China Evergrande said in its financial report that the company achieved full resumption of work on 732 guaranteed building projects in 2022, and a total of 301,000 sets were handed over throughout the year. At the same time, Evergrande Automobile achieved the mass production and delivery of the "Hengchi 5" model.

  Looking to the future, China Evergrande further stated that it will make every effort to ensure the steady and orderly progress of key work such as "Baojiao Building", do a good job in the sustainable operation of new energy vehicles, property services and other sectors, explore the efficient disposal and effective revitalization of the company’s core assets, and steadily promote risk mitigation.

  On the one hand is the beautiful vision described in the financial report, and on the other hand is the huge financial "black hole" in reality. The future direction of China Evergrande is not only related to the interests of thousands of enterprises in its entire ecological chain, but also affects the hearts of all parties. According to recent news from China Evergrande, the company will hold a number of restructuring debt holders’ meetings on July 24-25, and overseas workouts may usher in clear results.

  Debt at the end of 2022 is about 2.44 trillion yuan

  From the perspective of income, in 2021, China Evergrande achieved revenue of 2500.1 billion yuan and gross profit of 18.45 billion yuan. The total net loss for the year was 686.22 billion yuan, of which the operating loss was 113.75 billion yuan, and the losses related to land recovery, impairment losses of financial assets and other non-operating losses were 180.20 billion yuan.

  In 2022, China Evergrande realized revenue of 2300.7 billion yuan and gross profit of 24.99 billion yuan, from negative to positive. The total net loss for the year was 125.81 billion yuan, of which the operating loss was 43.39 billion yuan, and the loss related to land recovery, impairment loss of financial assets and other non-operating losses were 69.37 billion yuan.

  In terms of assets and liabilities, as of the end of 2021, China Evergrande held total assets of 2.1071 trillion yuan, net assets – 473.05 billion yuan; total liabilities were 2.58015 trillion yuan, excluding contract liabilities of 974.35 billion yuan was 1.6058 trillion yuan, of which loans 607.38 billion yuan, trade accounts payable and other payables 893.34 billion yuan (including 585.01 billion yuan payable for engineering materials), other liabilities 105.09 billion yuan.

  As of the end of 2022, China Evergrande held total assets of 1.83834 trillion yuan, net assets – 599.07 billion yuan; total liabilities of 2.43741 trillion yuan, excluding contract liabilities of 721.02 billion yuan is 1.71639 trillion yuan, of which 612.39 billion yuan, trade accounts payable and other payables 1.00226 trillion yuan (including engineering materials payable 596.16 billion yuan), other liabilities 101.74 billion yuan.

  It can be seen that trade payables and other payables account for the majority of China Evergrande’s external liabilities, reflecting China Evergrande’s arrears to upstream and downstream suppliers, contractors and partners during the real estate development process. At the same time, as of the end of 2021 and 2022, China Evergrande’s cash assets were only 5.435 billion yuan and 4.334 billion yuan respectively.

  Overseas workout or welcome new progress

  Regarding the overseas workouts that are concerned by all parties in the market, China Evergrande also mentioned in the performance report.

  "In line with the principle of respecting international restructuring principles, treating the existing rights and demands of all creditors with justice and fairness, the company and its advisory team have continued to conduct in-depth and detailed consultations with overseas creditors, and have carried out multiple rounds of communication on the details of the restructuring plan, and steadily advanced the formulation of the overseas debt restructuring plan." China Evergrande said that with the support of overseas creditors, the company obtained the approval of the Hong Kong High Court to postpone the liquidation petition hearing.

  On the night of the release of the performance report, China Evergrande simultaneously disclosed the latest news of an overseas workout: from July 24 to 25, 2023, multiple hearings will be held in the High Court of Hong Kong, the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands, and the High Court under the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court to vote on the overseas workout plan disclosed by China Evergrande on March 22 this year. If it fails, Evergrande is likely to face forced liquidation.

  Since March 21, 2022, China Evergrande shares have been officially suspended from trading. At present, China Evergrande shares continue to be suspended. According to the relevant regulations of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange can order listed companies that have been suspended for 18 consecutive months to delist. There are still two months left for China Evergrande.

  Auditors remain "unable to comment"

  It is worth mentioning that in the overseas workout plan in March, the unaudited financial information disclosed at that time showed that as of the end of 2021, China Evergrande’s total liabilities were 1.898 trillion yuan, a gap of nearly 700 billion yuan from the latest 2.58 trillion yuan.

  And even with such a huge financial "black hole", after replacing the original auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers (i.e. PwC), the new auditor, Shanghai PricewaterhouseCoopers, still believes that there are a number of uncertainties in China Evergrande’s continuing operation, and it cannot obtain sufficient audit certificates for the comparison of the opening data. Therefore, it has issued "no opinion" reports on its 2021 and 2022 annual reports.

  "A large and high-quality land bank is a solid foundation for the group to guarantee the property, gradually pay off debts and resume normal operations." Even after handing over the huge loss and unaudited "books", China Evergrande’s statement in the earnings report appeared confident.

  Data show that by the end of 2021, China Evergrande had a land reserve of 260 million square meters and participated in 93 old renovation projects, including 66 in the Greater Bay Area (39 in Shenzhen) and 27 in other cities; by the end of 2022, China Evergrande had a land reserve of 210 million square meters and participated in 79 old renovation projects, including 55 in the Greater Bay Area (34 in Shenzhen) and 24 in other cities.

  Policy development promotes stable and healthy market development

  Yan Yuejin, Chief Research Officer of E-House Research Institute, believes that China Evergrande’s "insolvent" is not only related to its own operational problems, but also to some extent related to the adjustment facing the industry. For the real estate industry, many problems take a long time to effectively resolve.

  In fact, since the fourth quarter of last year, relevant departments have made concerted efforts from both the supply and demand ends to launch various support and relief policies. Many research opinions believe that although the current real estate market recovery is still facing many disturbances and uncertainties, the trend of bottoming is gradually emerging. With the combined efforts of the policies of both the supply and demand ends, it will continue to create favorable conditions for the overall risk resolution of high-quality real estate enterprises and the industry, and will also play a positive role in protecting investor confidence and safeguarding the rights and interests of home buyers.

  Zou Lan, director of the Monetary Policy Department of the People’s Bank of China, said at the press conference of the State Information Office recently that considering that the supply and demand relationship of the real estate market in our country has undergone profound changes, there is marginal optimization space for the policies introduced in the long-term overheating stage of the market in the past, and the financial sector will actively cooperate with relevant departments to strengthen policy research.

Xiaomi car big news! Exposure of photos, body parameters, etc. Xiaomi car will be produced by itself.

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  On the afternoon of November 15, the entry "Xiaomi Automobile" rushed.Hot search.

  On the same day, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products""(the 377th batch), two Xiaomi brand pure electric cars are listed.

  It is reported that Xiaomi’s first car is a pure electric car, the models are SU7 and SU7 Max, and the length of the car is 4.997 meters. The biggest difference between the two models lies in the power. The formerThe peak power is 220KW, and the latter is 275KW, or it is a high-performance version.They are iron phosphate.(Xiangyang Fudi) and ternary lithium ion (), in which Xiangyang Foday Battery belongs to.

  The contents of the announcement show that the models of Xiaomi brand pure electric cars are BJ7000MBEVR2 and BJ7000MBEVA1, and the name of the declared enterprise isGroup off-road vehicle Co., Ltd., the declared production address is "No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone".

  The reporter learned from Tianyancha that on November 3, Xiaomi Jingming Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing No.1 Branch was established, with Lei Yun as the head and its business scope including, data processing services, communication equipment sales, electronic products sales, etc., the head office is Xiaomi Jingming Technology Co., Ltd. The registered address of this branch is Building 9, No.21 Courtyard, Huanjing Road, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone.

  According to the current laws and regulations, domesticAutomobile production enterprises must obtain two qualifications before they can produce and sell: first, the development and reform commission put on record the production projects of automobile investment enterprises, and automobile enterprises need to prove their own financing ability, research and development ability, production capacity, quality assurance and other strengths, which are recognized by the development and reform commission. After obtaining this qualification, enterprises need to build factories within 2 years and sell vehicles within 3 years; Second, it is the qualification of automobile production enterprises in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and automobile enterprises need to meet the Regulations on the Administration of Automobile Production Enterprises and Products Access.

  In August this year, it was reported that Xiaomi had been approved by the National Development and Reform Commission to produce electric vehicles. Now it has won the "Car-making Admission Ticket" from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which means that Xiaomi has obtained the automobile production qualification.

  Officially listed in the first half of 2024.

  Since Lei Jun announced Xiaomi’s entry into the smart car industry, the dynamics of Xiaomi’s car have been receiving much attention.

  In August this year, some netizens said that they met four disguised Xiaomi cars flying on the Urumqi-Changji urban expressway. On August 19th, Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, also appeared in Xinjiang, and released a "Test # Xiaomi mixfold3# Leica Optics, Four Shots and Five Focuses". Some careful netizens noticed that the banner words pulled up in the photo were suspected of "fighting for Xiaomi car".

  In October 2023, Lei Jun announced that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing smoothly and will be officially listed in the first half of 2024. According to Xiaomi’s announcement, Xiaomi officially entered the field of smart electric vehicles and will invest 10 billion US dollars in the next 10 years. Lei Jun believes that smart electric vehicles will be the broadest development track in the next 10 years.

  At the Xiaomi new product launch conference held in October this year, Xiaomi released the operating system 澎湃 OS, which is not only suitable for mobile devices such as mobile phones, but also will be installed on Xiaomi cars. According to Lei Jun, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS completely rewrites the underlying architecture based on the integration of deeply evolved Android and self-developed Vela system, and has made a public base for the future tens of billions of devices and tens of billions of connections.

  October 16th, Tianfeng InternationalGuo Ming has recently released.It is said that Xiaomi’s first car is expected to be released in 2024, with an estimated shipment of 50,000-60,000 units.

  Guo Ming said in the report that Huawei’s new M7 sales exceeded expectations, symbolizing that the focus of competition in China’s electric vehicle market has shifted to autonomous driving, software, marketing and channels due to the high industrial division of labor. He believes that such a new competitive pattern is conducive to Xiaomi’s entry into the automobile market.

  He also said that the price of Xiaomi’s first car will be less than 300,000 yuan, and the key selling points include automatic driving, software ecology, 800V fast charging and power configuration.

  Xiaomi automobile will produce itself.

  According to the information released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, although the declared enterprise name of Xiaomi Automobile is BAIC Group, the production address is shown as the location of Xiaomi Automobile’s self-built factory.

  Reporter fromIts platform has learned that Xiaomi Automobile Factory is built in Yizhuang, Beijing, and is located in Majuqiao Intelligent Manufacturing Base (intelligent manufacturing base) in Yizhuang New Town (Tongzhou District), Beijing. The total investment of the project is expected to be 63 billion yuan.

  It is understood that Xiaomi Automobile Factory will be built in two phases. The annual production capacity of the first and second phases is 150,000 vehicles, and the total production capacity can reach 300,000 vehicles/year after the factory officially lands.

  During the construction of Xiaomi Automobile Factory, the company widely recruits talents related to vehicle production and vehicle technology. According to the recruitment information of Xiaomi official website, the company has a talent demand for production managers, workshop safety engineers and lean engineers in automobile workshops in Beijing, in stamping, die casting, die casting molds, die casting machine processing, body, painting, sheet metal and so on.Production-related jobs also have more demand for people.

  In addition, Xiaomi is also building its own car sales channels to prepare for nationwide sales. From September to October, 2023, Xiaomi Jingming Technology Co., Ltd. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xiaomi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.) successively established subsidiaries in Wuhan, Shenzhen, Xi ‘an, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Suzhou. The business scope of the newly established company covers new energy sales and other businesses.

  In fact, in order to successfully enter the car-making industry, Xiaomi began to make continuous high-intensity investment in the automobile field many years ago. Yangtze millet industryHeshunwei Capital is an important investor in Xiaomi Department.

  Shunwei Capital of Lei Jun Holdings participated in the investment in 2015.A round of financing, participated in B round of financing in 2016, and participated in 2017.A+ round of financing. In the same year, Shunwei Capital led the A-round financing of Momenta, a smart driving startup, and gave continuous support in B-round, C-round and C+ financing.

  In August, 2021, Xiaomi wholly acquired DeepMotion Tech Limited, an autonomous driving company, and continued to increase its R&D capabilities in terms of intelligent driving perception, positioning, planning and control. Deep Motion Technology has a wide range of layouts in high-precision positioning, high-precision maps and 3D scene reconstruction.

  The automobile industry entered the Warring States period.

  Although Xiaomi automobile has obtained the production qualification, the competition in the automobile industry has become increasingly fierce. Can the fledgling Xiaomi automobile "share a piece of cake"?

  Liu Feilei, secretary of the board of directors of Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an, recently said: "The automobile industry is entering the Warring States Period, and resources are accelerating to focus on head enterprises." He believes that in 2023, the price war in the automobile market will become fierce, and the market competition will enter the stage of "elimination", and 3-5 first-class head enterprises will be formed in the future. In 2022, the top five brands in the new energy vehicle market accounted for 50.1% of the market sales, and it is estimated that the top five brands will account for 80% of the sales in 2030.

  Previously, Lei Jun also said: "When the electric vehicle industry enters a mature stage, the top five brands in the world will occupy more than 80% of the market share. In other words, the only way to succeed is to become one of the top five, and the annual shipment exceeds 10 million vehicles. Competition will be cruel. "

  In addition to the new forces of building cars, traditional car companies have also transformed into new energy tracks, and they have competitive advantages in terms of financial strength and experience in building cars, which has provided some pressure for the new forces of building cars.

  The research report pointed out that the smart electric vehicle industry is fiercely competitive, and the product strength of independent brands and new forces is rapidly improving. In the next few years, cost-effective models are expected to accelerate their listing. Factors such as price competition may also cause the risk that new car sales are less than expected.

  It is believed that the advantages of supply chain, software, users, ecology and channels will help Xiaomi to occupy a place in the smart car market, and it is expected to achieve the goal of selling 100,000 vehicles a year and turning its gross profit into a positive one faster than other new car-making forces, thus opening up an additional valuation space of the order of 100 billion. However, if Xiaomi wants to make a car successful, it will face high R&D expenditure in the early stage, subsequent sales increase and gross profit.When to quickly return to a healthy level and other challenges.

  Exploring Xiaomi automobile production base: small batch trial production has been realized, and 900,000 vehicles will be sold in three years.

  Understand the equity relationship between Beijing Off-road, Beiqi Blue Valley and Beijing Auto.

  Xiaomi automobile finally appeared: production qualification "borrowed" BAIC Group will push lithium iron and ternary battery versions.

  Xiaomi automobile sends heavy news again! The launch date of the new car is approaching.

  There is big news from Xiaomi’s car. Who are the suppliers of the industrial chain? Listed companies intensively respond to cooperation trends.

[Slow hands] Xiaomi 13 mobile phone is officially listed, and the price is 3021 yuan!

[Slow hands] Xiaomi 13 mobile phone is officially listed, and the price is 3021 yuan!


Xiaomi 13 mobile phone is officially launched. This 5G mobile phone is equipped with the second generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform, which has strong performance. Its camera has excellent performance, strong endurance and fast charging speed. If you pursue a balanced performance of face value, performance, photo taking and battery life, then Xiaomi 13 will be your best choice. In addition, the current activity price in JD.COM is 3021.01 yuan, which is much cheaper than the original price. …

The competition is just around the corner, and the Shougang ski jumping platform starts to make snow! Why use "ice snow"?

Introduction: Actually, the snow used in the competition does not depend on nature, but relies on funa technology.artificial snowHow to "mass production"? What is "ice snow"?
The 2023/2024 season International Snow Federation Single Board and Freestyle Ski Platform World Cup, hosted by the International Snow Federation and co-hosted by China Ski Association, Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau and Beijing Shijingshan District People’s Government, will be held in "Snow Flying", the ski platform of Shougang from November 30th to December 2nd.
On November 17th, the snow-making work of Shougang ski jumping platform was officially started. The snow-making work will last until November 27th. After the snow-making work is completed, athletes will be trained before the competition.
(Source: Beijing Evening News)
Snow quality is an important guarantee for ski jumping events. Because this year’s competition time is earlier than in previous years and the weather temperature is higher, the problem of snow making has attracted everyone’s attention.
Such worries are actually unnecessary. The development of snow-making technology is enough for China to realize "freedom of using snow".
Artificial snow is safer and more controllable.
Considering the uncertainty of natural weather process, especially snowfall, international events of snow sports generally use artificial snow to lay snow tracks. The reason is that, on the one hand, funa’s technology is artificially controllable, so it is not necessary to "rely on the sky to eat"; On the other hand, the threshold of this technology is relatively low-as long as the temperature is lower than 0℃, the snow machine can work.
"Usually, funa uses a’ snow cannon’ type snow machine. The principle of this machine is divided into two types. One is to use an ice-making device to produce a small piece of ice, and then use the piece of ice as raw material to make snow; The other is the traditional high-pressure water mixed with air to make snow. " Su Zhengjun, a senior engineer at the Weather Modification Center of China Meteorological Bureau, said.
The traditional artificial snow is to inject water into a special nozzle or spray gun, which uses high-pressure air to divide the water flow into tiny particles. When these water droplets meet the cold outside air, they will quickly solidify into ice crystals and become the well-known snowflakes before landing.
"Artificial snow takes a short time to form and grows fast, and the shape of snowflakes is basically the same. Snowfall in natural weather will have obvious changes in hardness the next day. " Su Zhengjun explained.
In the early morning, when the outdoor temperature is low, the natural snow usually has a high degree of solidification. At this time, the snow is hard, similar to "ice slag". Although this state of snow will make skiers reach a faster sliding speed, it also makes the snowboard’s grip on the ground poor. Especially for beginners, if the soft natural snow is not compacted, the snowboard is very easy to fall into the snow, causing accidents such as rollover and emergency stop.
▲ The smooth machine-pressed snow trail is also called "noodle snow" by fans, and skiing on the machine-pressed snow trail is compared to "eating noodles". The picture shows the snowy road of Changbai Mountain International Resort in Jilin (Source: Xinhua News Agency)
Create a "rubber runway" on the snow
It is easy to understand that artificial snow can help us get rid of our dependence on natural snowfall. So why do some winter sports tracks still use funa in areas with abundant snow and snowfall all the year round?
This has to mention another advantage of funa: customization. According to the needs of different events and different venues, artificial snow can freely adjust the particle size, water content and hardness of snowflakes.
For example, alpine skiing, as a traditional event in the Winter Olympics, has always been known as the "jewel in the crown of the Winter Olympics" because of its strong ornamental value, but the participants in this project are very fast (the top speed can reach 248 kilometers per hour) and the danger is very great, so the requirements for the track are more stringent. In order to build a snow trail that meets the international standards of alpine skiing, the snow used is not ordinary natural snow, but artificial "ice-like snow".
The so-called icy snow is used to describe a state of snow quality on ski resorts. In this state, the density of snowflakes is about 0.65 g/cm3, and the surface of the snow trail remains crystalline, just like a thin "ice shell", which is similar to the ice surface. This kind of snow trail has high hardness and is not easy to be destroyed. It can ensure that the surface of the snow trail is not deformed when the athletes turn at high speed. No matter which time the athletes play, the state of the snow trail is the same and relatively perfect.
▲ Competition-level snow trails are more dense and "more porcelain", sliding faster, but falling more painful (Source: "Chai Know" WeChat WeChat official account)
If icy snow is used to pave the pavement for alpine skiing, it is like building a "plastic track" in the snow, which can not only reduce the friction between the track surface and snowboards and significantly improve the athletes’ performance, but also improve the athletes’ comfort when skiing, protect their body joints and prolong their professional sports career as much as possible.
Shougang ski platform, using crushed ice to make snow.
The snow-making of Shougang ski jumping platform adopted the method of breaking ice to make snow. One side of the ice is crushed into snow powder by an ice crusher, and the snow powder is leveled and compacted by a snowmobile, and piled up from the bottom of the big platform from bottom to top, and the snowy road is paved. After the track is paved, the Xiang Xue surface will be sprayed with water and salt to form the final "ice-like snow" to ensure that the snow conditions of each athlete are basically the same when they slide.
Snow quality is an important guarantee for ski jumping events. "Ice snow" can not only improve athletes’ performance and ski comfort, but also protect athletes’ health. The team has many years’ experience and has served large-scale events such as the Winter Olympics. The team will also communicate with athletes on the quality of snow to satisfy their feelings.
Different from other temporary venues, Shougang ski platform, as the world’s first permanently reserved and used platform competition venue, can meet the load-bearing requirements of snowmobiles in track construction, which also creates a precedent for snowmobiles to lay snow trails on the platform.
(Source: Beijing Evening News)
Snow preservation and snow storage technology to ensure track quality
In fact, for a long time, building a high-quality ice-like snow track has been a technical difficulty in China’s ice and snow industry. In order to welcome the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games, researchers have made unremitting efforts to establish the territorial parameters for making ice-like snow in Yanqing and Zhangjiakou in Beijing. At the same time, with the help of complete snow-making techniques of water injection and compaction, qualified ice-like snow that meets the climatic conditions of continental monsoon region has been successfully made. Natural snowfall in winter in the local mountainous areas has become the "landscape snow" to decorate the Winter Olympic Games area.
In fact, for the high-standard Winter Olympics Road, natural snowfall is a "burden". If there is snowy weather, the soft natural snow will lead to the "mirror-smooth" icy snow track falling short. In addition, because Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games are in the alternating period of winter and spring, they may encounter other extreme weather, such as sudden rain, which will cause thin ice on the track surface and increase the risks faced by athletes in the competition.
▲ On February 23, 2021, the staff of the National Alpine Ski Center in Yanqing Division ("Xuefeiyan") were inspecting and trimming the track (Source: Xinhua News Agency)
After the planning of scientific research personnel, if it is really "bad weather", the staff will immediately use the snow-pressing machine to re-compact the snow trail and carry out emergency finishing on the track. At the same time, in order to ensure the quality of the track, they will also use automatic measuring instruments such as ice and snow hardness tester and ice and snow particle size meter for quick detection, so as to effectively ensure the quality of snow and resume the normal race in the shortest time.
It is reported that in order to ensure sufficient snow during the competition, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics also made a bold attempt in snow storage: when the temperature is low in winter, make qualified snow in advance, and then store it in a flat site until the next year.
This seemingly impossible scheme has passed the feasibility test as early as 2017. The Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee has successfully carried out the snow storage experiment in Yanqing Shi Jinglong Ski Resort. After the test of the following spring and summer, more than 60% of artificial snow was successfully stored.
Related reading:
How many steps does it take to build an icy snow track?
Building an international and high-level ice-like snow track for Olympic events is not only due to the snow machine. At present, the icy snow track can be divided into two categories: racing track and competitive track. Take the ice-covered snow racing track as an example;
First, the snowmobile needs to open the snow trail, break the snow blocks and loosen the snow surface;According to the location of the track and the temperature at that time, inject water into the snow-only in this way can we ensure that the track has a certain strength and enough elasticity;The embryonic form of an icy snow track is basically formed by constantly turning over the wet snow and pressing it evenly again and again.
▲ Different from the watering method of the racing track, the competitive track adopts the "Z-shaped water injector" water injection method (Source: Beijing Daily)
After that, the staff should ensure that the thickness of the ice-like snow layer is consistent, and there are no big holes in the snowy road. After confirming that everything is correct, flatten the track and let the snow layer form a shiny "ice shell" from bottom to top;After completing all the steps, the staff also need to clean up the floating snow on the track.At this point, a qualified "mirror-like" icy snow track can be put into use.
Author/Reporter Wang Xueying
Editor/Ding Lin New Media Editor/Fang Yongzhen
Interview experts:
Su Zhengjun (Senior Engineer, Weather Modification Center, China Meteorological Bureau)
Source: Beijing Science and Technology News, part of which is integrated with Beijing Evening News.

Baseball home runs are increasing or partly due to global warming.

In recent years, the number of home runs in American baseball games has increased obviously, which is rumored by baseball circles to be related to the rising temperature. American researchers recently used data to speak, confirming that this statement has some truth. They estimate that global warming has helped major league baseball batters hit an average of about 50 more home runs each year.

Home run refers to the attack method that the batter runs through the first, second and third bases in turn and returns to home plate safely after hitting the ball from the other side. It is a very wonderful climax moment in the baseball game. According to NBC, from the beginning of American professional baseball in the late 19th century to 1993, there was only one season when each team hit more than one home run per game. Since 1994, only four seasons have not seen such a "grand occasion". In the history of professional baseball league, the top four seasons of home runs all appeared in 2017 and later years.

Researchers at Dartmouth College in the United States said in a peer-reviewed paper published in the latest issue of Bulletin of American Meteorological Society that they analyzed 100,000 games and more than 200,000 balls played by Major League Baseball from 2010 to 2019, and combined with weather conditions, stadium and other factors, they found that the probability of hitting a home run increased by 1.8% when the temperature rose by 1 degree Celsius.

According to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the average temperature in June, July and August in the United States has increased by 1.1 degrees Celsius in the past 40 years.

According to researchers, the physics behind the relationship between temperature and home run is simple: when the temperature rises, molecules move faster and farther away from each other, thus reducing the air density, reducing the flying resistance of baseball and making it fly farther.

However, according to researchers’ estimates, from 2010 to 2019, climate warming made about 500 home runs, accounting for only 1% of all home runs. In contrast, non-climatic factors have a greater impact. Allen Nathan, a physicist at the University of Illinois, believes that the biggest factors are the ball itself and the stitching, as well as the batter’s physical quality, pitching angle and speed.

The researchers found that the impact of climate warming on home runs also varies from venue to venue. Home runs are more likely to occur in outdoor venues during the day than in dome stadiums where games are held at night.

The researchers also established a model to estimate the impact of different degrees of warming on home runs. Under the worst-case scenario, by 2050, there will be about 192 home runs in the United States every year, and by 2100, the number will increase to about 467. In a milder situation closer to the current climate change, by 2050, climate warming will promote about 155 home runs every year, and by 2100, this number will increase to about 255.

Source: CCTV news client