Women’s online shopping for mobile phone accessories led to a fraud case worth 100 million yuan.

CCTV News:Ms. Wu, a citizen of Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, is usually very cautious in shopping, and generally only chooses to buy genuine products. But this year’s online shopping experience made Ms. Wu very angry. I didn’t expect that after she called the police for help, she even brought out a fake and fake gang involving hundreds of millions of yuan!

Not long ago, Ms. Wu’s mobile phone broke the back cover. After searching and comparing online, Ms. Wu selected a back cover of the same model in a company called "Three Hammer Flagship Store". After the merchant swore that it was the original back cover, Ms. Wu readily paid.

After installing it on the mobile phone, Ms. Wu found that after the mobile phone, Gigan started to crack a little, and then the crack became bigger and bigger. After a few touches, the whole back cover cracked.

Ms. Wu asked for a refund, which was rebuffed by the online store customer service. Ms. Wu reported the police. Yangzhou police identified the back cover of the mobile phone bought by Ms. Wu and confirmed that it was a counterfeit registered trademark, so they immediately launched a secret investigation on the online shop involved. After investigation, the owner of the "Three Hammer Flagship Stores" is Liu from Shangrao, Jiangxi Province. This online store has many return addresses, which is obviously abnormal!

An online shop generally has 1-mdash; 3 return addresses, but in the background data of this online store, the police found that there are more than 30 return addresses.

Further investigation by the police found that Liu was a middleman who sold short, and the actual delivery place of counterfeit mobile phone accessories was the professional electronic market in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The capital flow of Liu’s online shop was finally collected in the account of Shenzhen Yao.

From January 2019 to the present, all online shopkeepers and Yao involved in the case have huge capital transactions, which are generated almost every day. In summary, the average monthly transaction volume is more than 1 million.

The police investigated Yao, but the result was unexpected, and he was not the source of counterfeiting.

In order to find the fake dens, Yangzhou police in Jiangsu Province conducted an in-depth tracking of Yao’s bank flow and company logistics, and found Zhao, a female boss who has close capital exchanges with him. Her fake factory may be in Chang ‘an Town, Dongguan.

According to the capital and logistics data of Yao’s company, a large number of fakes originated from Yinying Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. under Zhao’s name. At the end of August, 2020, Yangzhou police, under the guidance of the Ministry of Public Security and the Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Department, deployed hundreds of police officers, divided into six roads, and collected the nets in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Shenzhen, Shandong, Linyi, Shangrao, Jiangxi, Shijiazhuang, Hebei and other places.

The police found in their factory that there are two complete production lines for counterfeiting. There are 8 production workshops on each production line, and nearly 5 workers operate in each workshop.The shipment is huge and there is no rest.

At the same time, the biggest middleman of this criminal gang — — Yao was arrested at home. Another policeman found the warehouse of Ge Mou, a wholesaler, in Linyi, Shandong Province, and obtained a large number of counterfeit mobile phone accessories at the scene.

The police’s arrest operation destroyed the counterfeit black factory in Chang ‘an Town, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, and sealed up two production lines; In all parts of the country, more than 40 people involved in the wholesale and retail sectors were arrested, eight dens warehouses were destroyed, and nearly 80,000 pieces of accessories of well-known domestic mobile phone brands such as Huawei and 100,000 pieces of semi-finished accessories were seized. After investigation, from 2019 to now, Yinying Company’s counterfeit factory in Dongguan has sold counterfeit mobile phone accessories with a total value of nearly 110 million yuan. At present, the case is still under investigation.