Teacher recruitment examination questions leaked? The discipline inspection and supervision department has been involved in the investigation!

  Cctv newsOn June 23rd, a contract teacher recruitment examination was held in Dongxihu District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, with more than 3,000 participants. However, after the examination, some candidates reported that the examination questions were similar to a forecast paper on the market in a large area. What happened?


  On June 28th, the reporter found the Education Bureau of Dongxihu District, Wuhan City, which organized the recruitment examination on the same test paper.

Li Xingtong, Deputy Director of Education Bureau of Dongxihu District, Wuhan

Li Xingtong, Deputy Director of Education Bureau of Dongxihu District, Wuhan

  Li Xingtong, Deputy Director of Education Bureau of Dongxihu District, WuhanThis is the test paper of our written test, and this is the so-called sprint prediction test in a training institution. You see, the first question of our written test is exactly the same as the first question in it (the prediction paper), from the first question to the later part of this to the 40 questions, and the whole order is made according to this.

  According to the examinee’s reflection, the score of 100-point test questions and similar test questions will reach 60 points.

  candidate for an entrance examinationEveryone is saying that there are 40 questions on that topic that are exactly the same as the forecast paper of an institution, and the ABCD order of the questions and even the answers has not changed.

  Invalid test results, re-test the organization

  On June 26th, the government of Dongxihu District issued a notice on its official website, announcing that the exam results on June 23rd were invalid, and will organize a retake on July 7th.

  Li Xingtong, Deputy Director of Education Bureau of Dongxihu District, WuhanFor those candidates who don’t want to take the second exam, we will refund all their registration fees. For those candidates who are not from Wuhan, we will reimburse 200 yuan for the first day or the same day’s accommodation. For those candidates who need to take transportation, we will actually reimburse their transportation expenses.

  It is understood that in the first recruitment examination, the Dongxihu District Education Bureau was entrusted by Party A to a third party, that is, the state-owned enterprise under the Wuhan Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to organize relevant recruitment work, including questions. There is such a large area of similarity. What is the problem?

  Li Xingtong, Deputy Director of Education Bureau of Dongxihu District, WuhanAlthough we entrusted a third party to carry out this examination in strict accordance with the relevant procedures, our education department is the administrative department after all. We are not considerate in our work and lack of supervision. I once again express my deep apologies to our candidates.

Zhang lei, head of Zhiyong Accountability Office in Dongxihu District, Wuhan.

Zhang lei, head of Zhiyong Accountability Office in Dongxihu District, Wuhan.

  Zhang lei, Head of the Accountability Office of Dongxihu District, Wuhan:We have combined the preliminary evidence and locked the relevant responsible departments. In the next step, we will intensify the investigation. Once we find any violation of discipline and discipline, we will seriously pursue the responsibility and accountability, and will never tolerate it.

  In view of the re-examination, relevant departments have made corresponding rectification measures.

  Liu Xiangdong, Deputy Inspector of Wuhan Ministry of Human Resources and Social SecurityEspecially in the process of making questions and propositions, we should come up with corresponding systems to prevent such phenomena from happening again in the future.

  It is understood that the local discipline inspection and supervision department has been involved in the investigation and initiated the corresponding accountability procedures. We will also continue to pay attention.