The maximum battery life is 715km. The new BYD Han EV real car map is exposed.

A few days ago, Chezhi. com obtained a set of real car drawings of the new BYD Han EV (parameter picture) from relevant channels. Compared with the current models, the new Han EV adopts more sporty design elements, and the details are comprehensively improved. Power is still available in single-motor and dual-motor versions, with a maximum cruising range of 715km.

Judging from the real car map, the new Han EV generally continues the design of the current model, mainly upgrading the details, in which the front face part uses bright black trim to replace the current silver decoration, and the visual effect is more sporty. The side is also painted in black on the window frame line, side skirt and exterior rearview mirror cover, and is equipped with unique two-color wheels and eye-catching green brake calipers.

The tail also uses a large number of black decorative elements, with through Chinese knot LED taillights, which further enhances the recognition. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new Han EV are 4995mm/1910mm/1495mm and the wheelbase is 2920mm, which is slightly longer than the current models.

In terms of power, the new Han EV will continue to provide single-motor and dual-motor versions, of which the maximum power of the single-motor version is 180kW, and the maximum power of the dual-motor version is 180kW/200kW respectively, which improves the performance compared with the current models. In terms of batteries, the new car will continue to be equipped with Ferrous lithium phosphate blade batteries with a capacity of 85.440kWh, with the maximum cruising range of 715km and 610km, and the cruising level has also been significantly improved.

Huai’ an, Jiangsu: State Administration for Market Regulation found moldy fruit in a CoCo tea shop, but it was not used.

Moldy Lemon Found in CoCo Tea Shop All the pictures in this article are video screenshots of Huai ‘an TV Station. The sales of milk tea drinks in summer have increased, and the health problems of milk tea drinks are more concerned by consumers.
On August 20th, the Market Supervision Administration of Qingjiangpu District, Huai ‘an, Jiangsu Province, conducted a surprise inspection of some catering units, and found that the well-known chain milk tea shop CoCo may have mildewed fruits in Huai ‘an Xinya Store.
On the morning of the day when the law enforcement officers informed the CoCo clerk of the violation, Huai ‘an launched a special law enforcement action on food safety every "Ten", and conducted a surprise inspection on a little milk tea, CoCo milk tea, Manji dessert and café restaurant, which was broadcast live through the online platform.
In CoCo Coco milk tea shop located in Central International Xinya Square, law enforcement officers found a badly moldy lemon and a rotten grapefruit in the raw material warehouse.
On-site law enforcement officers said at the scene that the store was not found to be using spoiled fruit during the inspection. In this regard, law enforcement officers have asked the clerk to dispose of the moldy fruit in time, and will give it a warning later.
In addition, law enforcement officers also found that CoCo Coco Tea Shop has problems such as lack of food safety administrators and chaotic storage rooms.
In a little milk tea Huai ‘an Wanda store, law enforcement officers found that the store also had the problem of lack of food safety management personnel.
Law enforcement officers found a moldy lemon in CoCo tea shop. During the inspection, Manji dessert Huai ‘an Xinya store and Café Man restaurant were also found to have problems such as out-of-range operation and tableware not being put into disinfection cabinet.
On August 21st, the staff of Food and Beverage Supervision Department of Qingjiangpu District Market Supervision Bureau told The Paper that problems such as moldy fruit appeared in CoCo Coco’s Huai ‘an Xinya Store, which violated the relevant provisions of the Food Safety Law and had been handed over to Huaihai Branch for investigation. She said that moldy fruit was found in the raw material warehouse, not in the cooking table, and was not used to make tea.
Wang Hu, the relevant person in charge of Huaihai Branch of Qingjiangpu District Market Supervision Bureau, said that the handling of violations related to CoCo Coco’s Huai ‘an Xinya Store has been completed, but he did not disclose the handling results.
The Paper reporter repeatedly called the company owned by CoCo Coco-Shanghai Zhaoyi Trading Co., Ltd. to inquire about the situation, but no reply was received as of press time.

What is the right tire pressure in winter?

In winter, the tire pressure adjustment of automobile tires should be based on the standard air pressure, and it should be appropriately raised by about 0.2bar to ensure driving safety.

Proper tire pressure is very important for automobile driving. Excessive tire pressure will reduce the friction and adhesion of tires, affect the braking effect, and may lead to steering wheel vibration and deviation, reducing driving comfort. At the same time, too high tire pressure will also accelerate the local wear of the central pattern of the tire and shorten the service life of the tire. In addition, too high tire pressure may also make the tire cord stretch and deform excessively, reduce the elasticity of the carcass, increase the load of the car while driving, and reduce the rolling resistance, thus increasing the risk of tire puncture.

On the other hand, too low tire pressure will also bring many problems. Too low tire pressure will increase the friction coefficient between the tire and the road surface, leading to an increase in fuel consumption. At the same time, too low tire pressure will make the steering wheel heavy and prone to deviation, which is not conducive to driving safety. In addition, too low tire pressure will also increase the amount of exercise in all parts of the tire, and excessive rolling will cause abnormal heating of the tire, reduce the functions of the cord and rubber, and cause damage such as delamination or cord breakage. In severe cases, too low tire pressure may also lead to a double increase in friction between the tire and the ground, a sharp increase in tire temperature, and a sharp decline in tire strength, which may eventually lead to a puncture.

Therefore, when adjusting the tire pressure of automobile tires in winter, the principle of standard air pressure and appropriate upward adjustment should be followed to ensure driving safety.