Learn layout, assist in training Go, and walk with artificial intelligence.

  Core reading

  Since the "man-machine war" in 2016, the influence of artificial intelligence on the world of Go is unprecedented. Breaking stereotypes, studying layout, interpreting trends, and assisting training … … Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more involved in the field of Go. Players’ chess skills have been generally improved, training teachers have been reinforced by the situation, and the promotion of running games has gone to the cloud, and the explanation of watching games is more intuitive … … With the extensive application of new technologies, Go and artificial intelligence have joined hands to create a new situation.

  On September 1st, 2020, the first stage of China Men’s Go League was over. In eight rounds, no player or team remained unbeaten. The pattern is no longer strong and weak, and the competition is more suspenseful. Behind this is the overall improvement of the players’ strength. "It is a good phenomenon that there is no victory. The game is very intense and the level is very close." "Chess Saint" Nie Weiping commented after the game.

  This change is not unrelated to the help of Go artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years. Breaking stereotypes, studying layout, interpreting trends, and assisting training … … With the increasing participation of artificial intelligence in the field of Go, the human brain and computer are constantly learning from each other. According to industry insiders, compared with before artificial intelligence was integrated into the field of Go, the strength of professional players generally improved a lot.

  Artificial intelligence is widely used in auxiliary training.

  In the seventh round of encirclement, the two players who ranked first in Go in China and South Korea lost at the same time. China’s "seven-time champion" Ke Jie’s 15-game winning streak came to an abrupt end; South Korea’s "post-00" world champion Shen Zhenluan’s five-game winning streak has also come to an end. Just a few days ago, these two players just set a new record on the Goratings World Go Rating List — — Shen Zhen’s score reached an unprecedented 3,800, and Ke Jie’s score of 3,723 also set a new personal high.

  Since the man-machine war between Li Shishi and Alpha Go in 2016, the impact of artificial intelligence on Go is unprecedented. The computer’s precise calculation, learning ability and layout are jaw-dropping. Today’s Go AI software can even make the two sons compete with the top human masters. "Deep powerlessness" once pervaded the professional chess world.

  It has long been a compulsory course for professional players to use AI as technical guidance and study different "problem-solving ideas". China Weiqi Team and Tencent Intelligent Weiqi "Jueyi" renewed their contract until 2022. By providing auxiliary functions such as chess splitting, winning rate, coincidence degree and situation analysis, the special training AI has assumed multiple roles such as coach, sparring partner and chess friend. Before the competition, chess players often use AI to make targeted preparations.

  The "post-90 s" players were the first to grow up through "online chess", and now it’s time to come to the new node of AI. The equalization of training resources has gradually narrowed the gap between new and old players. Young people who are new to professional chess are not short of opportunities to compete with masters, and the growth rate of "post-00" players is further accelerated. "Now every game of chess has become bad. Sitting in front of the board, everyone has similar things. The outcome depends on improvisation and adjustment." China chess player Chen Yaoye said.

  Under the trend that chess players generally benefit from artificial intelligence, who can learn more nutrients is more likely to stand out. After Ke Jie’s defeat in the "man-machine war" in Wuzhen, he reconsidered Weiqi, and his core abilities such as overall view and judgment went up a step. As one of the fastest players in South Korea to accept AI, Shen Zhenqi has made a qualitative leap after learning thousands of games with AI a year and improving the layout shortcomings.

  AI and professional Go are inseparable. With the help of this springboard, in the past, players’ collective chess moves turned more to collective and AI. "Everyone’s collective research will help to digest the ideas of AI faster, which in turn will help more people accept new changes." Hua Xueming, the leader of China Weiqi team, said.

  Chess players’ understanding of Go is constantly updated and expanded.

  Artificial intelligence is regarded as a great change that has never happened before in the world of Go. From the initial dissatisfaction and shock, to the frustration and confusion after the defeat, and then to the research and consultation after in-depth understanding, most players have experienced complex emotional changes. Ke Jie once lamented: "Watching AI play chess is like a fairy fight. We can only appreciate and learn."

  Fujizawa Hedeyuki, a Japanese Weiqi master, once said that there are a hundred chess skills, but I only know seven. When the wave of artificial intelligence hit, everyone realized more and more that this was not modesty. The previous formula of strokes is often overturned under the thinking of AI, and the players’ understanding of Go is constantly updated and expanded, and more possibilities are found on the chessboard. "For example, many strokes of AI are considered according to the overall situation, and there is no fixed stroke in a local situation. This is a chess improvement." China chess player Shi Yue said.

  From opponents to friends, professional chess players and AI find a longer-term way to get along. Ke Jie often analyzes his judgment and understanding through AI, and the data feedback of AI also helps him to absorb and digest it selectively. "I even feel a little dependent on AI, which is something I didn’t dare to think about a few years ago."

  In the past years, chess players have often been puzzled by where to win or lose a game of chess. The accurate analysis of AI can help to get close to the correct answer and make people take fewer detours. At the same time, as the mystery of AI is slowly unveiled, players are increasingly discovering that there is no absolute positive solution to Go, and it is impossible for computers to analyze all the changes. In the end, the competition is still different understandings of chess.

  When the smoke of AI attacking the "last piece of wisdom highland" of mankind is exhausted, the technological changes and the impact of ideas have not damaged the charm of Go, but have brought opportunities to promote the project. After all, the game between people and the emotional and psychological wits of both sides are still beyond AI’s satisfaction at this stage. In other words, artificial intelligence just allows us to treat Go in a smarter way.

  New technology is integrated into all links of Go.

  Before the start of men’s armor this season, the Chinese Go Association held the first online warm-up match in history. With the help of science and technology, the face-to-face "hand talk" of AI practicing chess and "cloud" training, which has been inherited for thousands of years, presents a different look.

  What AI has changed is not only the professional masters in the stadium. In the past, some ordinary chess fans didn’t understand the complicated calculation on the chessboard. Now, with the artificial intelligence explanation and auxiliary game watching system, even "amateurs" can see the situation and win or lose at a glance through the data and judgment fed back by AI, and watch the game more intuitively.

  For a long time after "Alpha Go" was born, AI Go software was only a scientific research project of big companies. Today, AI is already a tool that ordinary chess fans can control. Among all kinds of game software developed by the people, there are not only publicly sold software, but also many open source software that anyone can download and use, and even some "technical stream" chess fans personally adapt the software.

  The teacher problem that once plagued the Weiqi training industry has also been alleviated by using AI as a teaching tool. The "artificial intelligence characteristic curriculum system" that appeared in the past two years has fully stimulated the interest of young people in learning chess and can improve their chess skills in a relatively short period of time. Competition, study, training, training, research and explanation … … The shadow of artificial intelligence has appeared in every link of Go, and it has become a tool to "stimulate human potential".

  Of course, the infiltration of artificial intelligence also brings some "side effects". This year, affected by the epidemic, a large number of Go games were transferred to online. The readily available game software, the game environment that can’t be supervised in real time, and the AI tricks that are difficult to define clearly make the threshold for online cheating lower and lower. Insiders admit that although there are some technical firewalls, there are still dead ends and loopholes, and some "suspected cheating" can’t catch the "real hammer" in time. China Weiqi Association revealed that in the future, anti-AI cheating measures will be improved and the environment will be purified in official competitions through information blocking, space monitoring, using traces, coincidence analysis and dishonesty punishment.

  Even though artificial intelligence is a "double-edged sword", the fallen chess pieces are ultimately in the hands of human beings. As long as the new technology is "controlled and served by people", there is no reason not to try to learn and apply it. Walking with artificial intelligence, the profound world of Go has not been eclipsed, but it has opened up a new situation and has a better chance to bloom brilliantly.

Huai’ an, Jiangsu: State Administration for Market Regulation found moldy fruit in a CoCo tea shop, but it was not used.

Moldy Lemon Found in CoCo Tea Shop All the pictures in this article are video screenshots of Huai ‘an TV Station. The sales of milk tea drinks in summer have increased, and the health problems of milk tea drinks are more concerned by consumers.
On August 20th, the Market Supervision Administration of Qingjiangpu District, Huai ‘an, Jiangsu Province, conducted a surprise inspection of some catering units, and found that the well-known chain milk tea shop CoCo may have mildewed fruits in Huai ‘an Xinya Store.
On the morning of the day when the law enforcement officers informed the CoCo clerk of the violation, Huai ‘an launched a special law enforcement action on food safety every "Ten", and conducted a surprise inspection on a little milk tea, CoCo milk tea, Manji dessert and café restaurant, which was broadcast live through the online platform.
In CoCo Coco milk tea shop located in Central International Xinya Square, law enforcement officers found a badly moldy lemon and a rotten grapefruit in the raw material warehouse.
On-site law enforcement officers said at the scene that the store was not found to be using spoiled fruit during the inspection. In this regard, law enforcement officers have asked the clerk to dispose of the moldy fruit in time, and will give it a warning later.
In addition, law enforcement officers also found that CoCo Coco Tea Shop has problems such as lack of food safety administrators and chaotic storage rooms.
In a little milk tea Huai ‘an Wanda store, law enforcement officers found that the store also had the problem of lack of food safety management personnel.
Law enforcement officers found a moldy lemon in CoCo tea shop. During the inspection, Manji dessert Huai ‘an Xinya store and Café Man restaurant were also found to have problems such as out-of-range operation and tableware not being put into disinfection cabinet.
On August 21st, the staff of Food and Beverage Supervision Department of Qingjiangpu District Market Supervision Bureau told The Paper that problems such as moldy fruit appeared in CoCo Coco’s Huai ‘an Xinya Store, which violated the relevant provisions of the Food Safety Law and had been handed over to Huaihai Branch for investigation. She said that moldy fruit was found in the raw material warehouse, not in the cooking table, and was not used to make tea.
Wang Hu, the relevant person in charge of Huaihai Branch of Qingjiangpu District Market Supervision Bureau, said that the handling of violations related to CoCo Coco’s Huai ‘an Xinya Store has been completed, but he did not disclose the handling results.
The Paper reporter repeatedly called the company owned by CoCo Coco-Shanghai Zhaoyi Trading Co., Ltd. to inquire about the situation, but no reply was received as of press time.

Cold, cold, cold, numb! It will snow tomorrow, followed by heavy rain next week! But the sun is coming soon. ….

Weather reality

This morning, the lowest temperature in northern Zhejiang still started at zero, and other parts were 2 ~ 4℃. It’s really cold, low temperature combined with high humidity, 360 wet cold attack without dead angle.

Generally speaking, when the temperature is below 10℃, the greater the humidity, the colder the body feeling. So this morning, except Wenzhou, the somatosensory temperature was below zero in our province! Why does wet and cold make people feel colder?

Recent weather

Fortunately, the long-lost sunshine finally appeared today, which coincides with the weekend. Friends should seize today’s big "washing" day ~ Because the sunshine is limited, it is only one day!

Tonight, the warm and humid airflow will become active again, and the figure of snow will appear again. It is expected that there will be sleet or light snow in the northwest mountainous area tonight. Tomorrow, there will be sleet in the middle and north of Zhejiang, sleet or snow in the mountains.

The temperature in the morning is low, and the rain and snow are mixed, so the roads are prone to icing. Please be careful when you travel!

The good news is the day after tomorrow! There is another interval of precipitation. However, with a new cold air heading south, coupled with warm and humid air flow, there will be another obvious precipitation process in our province on 28-29, with moderate to heavy rain and local heavy rain in northern and western Zhejiang.

When will the sunshine return?

The continuous rainy weather will last until the beginning of next month. It is expected that the weather will turn fine on 2-3 days, so friends will wait patiently for a while. Fortunately, it will not be too difficult to have sunshine interspersed during the day today and the day after tomorrow.

From noon to night today: the whole province is cloudy to cloudy, with light rain in the western part of Zhejiang and sleet or light snow in the northwest mountainous area.

Tomorrow during the day: There will be light rain in cloudy days in the whole province, including sleet in parts of central and northern Zhejiang and sleet or snow in parts of mountainous areas.

Tomorrow night: the rain in the whole province will gradually stop and turn cloudy.

The day after tomorrow: the whole province is cloudy to cloudy, and it turns cloudy with light rain at night.

Minimum temperature tomorrow morning: coastal areas: 3-5 degrees, with frost or dark frost locally; Other areas: 0-2 degrees, with frost locally.

Maximum temperature in the daytime tomorrow: Southeast coastal area: 6-8 degrees; Other areas: 4-6 degrees.

(Zhejiang Meteorological Service Center)

Editor: Zhejiang Weather Network

Please indicate "Source: Zhejiang Weather Network" for reprinting.

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The Ministry of Communications announced that the content of the online car test was 80 points and above.

  Beijing Morning News (Reporter Zou Le) Yesterday, the Ministry of Transport announced the Outline of the National Public Subject Examination for Taxi Drivers’ Qualification and the Notice on Defining the License Form of Online Booking Taxi Service, which clarified the specific contents and methods of the online car driver examination and the certificate form of the "three certificates".

  According to the outline, the national public subject examination for taxi drivers’ qualification is subject to the national unified examination outline. The examination method is a national unified question bank, and the computer system is used to randomly select questions. The examination time is 60 minutes. There are 85 test questions, which are divided into true or false questions, single-choice questions and multiple-choice questions. Among them, there are 15 judgment questions, with 1 point for each question; 55 multiple-choice questions, 1 point for each question; 15 multiple-choice questions, 2 points for each question. The total score of the exam is 100 points, and 80 points or above are qualified. The test results will be announced within 10 days after the end of the test.

  The specific examination contents include mastering taxi related policies, laws and regulations; Master the knowledge of taxi safety operation; Understand the professional ethics of taxi drivers; Master taxi service standards; Familiar with other related knowledge of taxi operation. Among them, the examination content of "New Deal" accounts for the most, reaching 18 points. The content of "New Deal" includes national taxi policies, laws and regulations such as Guiding Opinions of General Office of the State Council on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry, Regulations on the Management of Taxi Drivers’ Qualification, Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Management Service, Regulations on the Management of Cruise Taxi Management Service, and Measures for Evaluating the Credit of Taxi Service Quality.

  In addition, the Ministry of Transport also issued the Notice on Defining the License Form of Online Booking Taxi Service yesterday. The "Notice" stipulates the document styles of three certificates, namely, online booking taxi business license, online booking taxi transport license and online booking taxi driver’s license. Among them, the column of "Record of Online Booking Taxi Operators" shall be filled in by the corresponding online car platform company. For services provided by multiple platform companies, it shall be indicated separately and confirmed by the online car platform company.

  ■ Beijing

  The Municipal Transportation Commission initiated the examination investigation.

  The Beijing Morning Post reporter was informed that the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission has launched a taxi network car test survey. At the end of last month, Zhou Zhengyu, director of the Municipal Transportation Commission, led a team to investigate the taxi driver examination and licensing in this city. The research team first came to Beiqi Training School to inspect the taxi driver’s examination acceptance site, theoretical examination room and practical examination room in detail. Then take a bus to the examination center of the transportation administration, investigate the taxi driver’s certificate handling and theoretical examination room on the spot, and listen to the report of the relevant person in charge. The research team also came to the administrative examination and approval center of the Municipal Transportation Commission to learn more about the taxi business qualification certificate, vehicle operation certificate and driver passenger qualification certificate issuance and other related matters, and organized a symposium on related work.

  Previously, Beijing issued a draft of the detailed rules for the implementation of the network car. It is planned to stipulate that vehicles and drivers engaged in the operation of the network car in Beijing in the future must have "Beijing household registration", and private cars can apply to become network cars and pass the examination. However, at present, the new policy of Beijing network car has not been announced yet, and the time for the implementation of the exam has not been notified.

In 2023, China’s automobile export destination TOP10 was released, and Britain actually ranked fifth.

  [CNMO News] In 2023, China became the world’s largest automobile exporter for the first time. Then, do you know where Chinese-made cars are mainly exported? According to CNMO, in 2023, Russia will be the largest destination for China’s automobile exports, and in addition, Britain will rank fifth, which is probably beyond many people’s expectations.

Automobile exit
Automobile exit

  Recently, some organizations have counted the TOP10 destinations of China’s automobile exports in 2023 and previous years. In 2023, China’s total automobile export volume was 5,222,600 vehicles (inconsistent with the official data of "4,910,000 vehicles", but it did not affect the TOP10 ranking), with the largest export volume in Russia, followed by Mexico and Belgium. In addition, Australia and Britain have also entered the top five, and the export volume of the two regions is basically the same. Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, the United Arab Emirates and Spain also entered the top ten. Different from the inherent impression in many people’s minds, many of the TOP10 automobile exports are developed countries.

China Automobile Export Data (Tuyuan. com)
China Automobile Export Data (Tuyuan. com)

  Looking back on 2017, Iran, the United States and Japan were the top three destinations for China’s automobile exports. In addition, Germany, Mexico, Britain, India and Russia were among the TOP10 in that year.

  According to authoritative data, in 2023, China’s automobile production and sales exceeded 30 million vehicles for the first time, and the production and sales reached 30.161 million vehicles and 30.094 million vehicles respectively, up 11.6% and 12% year-on-year, reaching a record high and ranking first in the world for 15 consecutive years. Meanwhile, in 2023, China exported 4.91 million vehicles, up 57.9% year-on-year, ranking first in the world for the first time.
