Cold, cold, cold, numb! It will snow tomorrow, followed by heavy rain next week! But the sun is coming soon. ….

Weather reality

This morning, the lowest temperature in northern Zhejiang still started at zero, and other parts were 2 ~ 4℃. It’s really cold, low temperature combined with high humidity, 360 wet cold attack without dead angle.

Generally speaking, when the temperature is below 10℃, the greater the humidity, the colder the body feeling. So this morning, except Wenzhou, the somatosensory temperature was below zero in our province! Why does wet and cold make people feel colder?

Recent weather

Fortunately, the long-lost sunshine finally appeared today, which coincides with the weekend. Friends should seize today’s big "washing" day ~ Because the sunshine is limited, it is only one day!

Tonight, the warm and humid airflow will become active again, and the figure of snow will appear again. It is expected that there will be sleet or light snow in the northwest mountainous area tonight. Tomorrow, there will be sleet in the middle and north of Zhejiang, sleet or snow in the mountains.

The temperature in the morning is low, and the rain and snow are mixed, so the roads are prone to icing. Please be careful when you travel!

The good news is the day after tomorrow! There is another interval of precipitation. However, with a new cold air heading south, coupled with warm and humid air flow, there will be another obvious precipitation process in our province on 28-29, with moderate to heavy rain and local heavy rain in northern and western Zhejiang.

When will the sunshine return?

The continuous rainy weather will last until the beginning of next month. It is expected that the weather will turn fine on 2-3 days, so friends will wait patiently for a while. Fortunately, it will not be too difficult to have sunshine interspersed during the day today and the day after tomorrow.

From noon to night today: the whole province is cloudy to cloudy, with light rain in the western part of Zhejiang and sleet or light snow in the northwest mountainous area.

Tomorrow during the day: There will be light rain in cloudy days in the whole province, including sleet in parts of central and northern Zhejiang and sleet or snow in parts of mountainous areas.

Tomorrow night: the rain in the whole province will gradually stop and turn cloudy.

The day after tomorrow: the whole province is cloudy to cloudy, and it turns cloudy with light rain at night.

Minimum temperature tomorrow morning: coastal areas: 3-5 degrees, with frost or dark frost locally; Other areas: 0-2 degrees, with frost locally.

Maximum temperature in the daytime tomorrow: Southeast coastal area: 6-8 degrees; Other areas: 4-6 degrees.

(Zhejiang Meteorological Service Center)

Editor: Zhejiang Weather Network

Please indicate "Source: Zhejiang Weather Network" for reprinting.

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