Policy Continuation, Strength, Matching, Optimization and Upgrading —— A "Great Article" on New Energy Vehicles Going to the Countryside in China

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 9th Title: Policy Continuation, Force Support, Optimization and Upgrade — — China’s "big article" on new energy vehicles going to the countryside

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Gao Kang, Wu Huijun and Wang Cunfu

  Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Charging Infrastructure to Better Support New Energy Vehicles to the Countryside and Rural Revitalization". This year, the relevant policies to promote the development of new energy automobile industry continue to exert their strength. How will China do a good job in this "big article" of new energy vehicles going to the countryside?

  Three years of "going to the countryside" have yielded fruitful results

  In July 2020, China launched new energy vehicles to the countryside. Activities gradually penetrated into third-and fourth-tier cities, and kept close to county and township markets and rural consumers.

  In the past three years, the event has launched nearly 200 rural models, with a cumulative sales of more than 4.1 million vehicles.

  "The horses and chariots have not moved, and the piles are built first." Huang Tao, the operation director of Hainan Charging and Replacing Network Co., Ltd., said that the promotion of new energy vehicles in Hainan has been accelerated by building an information-based, digital and intelligent "one network" operation supervision platform.

  According to Zhong Dong, director of Hainan New Energy Vehicle Promotion Center, in the first four months of this year, Hainan has promoted and applied 29,100 new energy vehicles. New energy vehicles accounted for 43.6% of the new vehicles.

  Relevant ministries and local governments have given strong support, and car companies such as Wuling, BYD and Geely are also making active efforts.

  According to the relevant person in charge of BYD, in recent years, BYD has continued to launch vehicles suitable for the use of cars in counties and townships, and the channels have sunk, so as to facilitate consumers in counties and townships to see cars, test cars, buy cars and repair cars, and promote the steady increase of brand awareness and sales.

  “‘ Going to the countryside ’ The event played an important role in driving the steady growth of sales. " Wang Jun, deputy director of the Industrial Research Department of China Automobile Industry Association, said.

  According to the data of China Automobile Association, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China soared from 1.206 million in 2019 to 6.887 million in 2022; The number of new energy passenger cars in non-first-and second-tier cities has increased rapidly, from 175,000 in 2019 to 1.714 million in 2022.

  Xu Haidong, deputy chief engineer of China Automobile Association, said that efforts to promote new energy vehicles to the countryside not only guide enterprises to overweight and sink the market, but also promote the comprehensive upgrade of rural residents’ travel modes, and also promote the large-scale development of new energy vehicles to a new stage.

  Large market space and sufficient economic potential.

  At the beginning of the year, the Central Document No.1 proposed to encourage qualified areas to carry out new energy vehicles to the countryside; The "Opinions" were promulgated in May; On June 8, the Ministry of Commerce announced that it would organize the "100-city linkage" and other automobile consumption promotion activities to further enrich the supply of new energy automobile products in rural areas.

  What key signals have been released after the introduction of relevant policies?

  "In recent years, the new energy automobile industry has flourished and has become one of the important engines to promote a new round of economic transformation and upgrading and high-quality development." Xu Haidong said that the layout of charging infrastructure and the promotion of new energy vehicles to the countryside can not only continuously expand the market space of the vast counties and townships, but also improve energy links and boost the development of related industries, with a view to the future.

  At present, many places in the country focus on promoting the construction of charging infrastructure, paving the way for new energy vehicles to go to the countryside.

  "You can charge half the electricity in half an hour, and the monthly charging fee is only 100 yuan." Guo Xinan, a villager from Juwang Village, Haikou Town, Daguan District, Anqing City, Anhui Province, told reporters that his "mileage anxiety" has disappeared since charging piles were installed in neighboring villages in March.

  "Promoting the construction of charging facilities is like opening up the countryside ‘ Seven meridians and eight veins ’ 。” Ma Cuibing, director of the Automobile Industry Department of Anhui Provincial Economic and Information Office, said that this move will promote more choices of car purchases in rural areas and make it more convenient for urban residents to come to the countryside, which will inevitably lead to the rapid development of a series of industries such as tourism, logistics and supporting services for new energy vehicles, promote employment and promote local economic development.

  Experts said that there are more and more consumers who like the natural and rural scenery in go on road trip, and the rural tourism market has broad potential. With the policy guidance and the improvement of residents’ income, the demand and consumption potential of cars in rural areas will become more and more prominent.

  "The penetration rate of new energy vehicles in counties and townships is much lower than that in cities, and there is huge room for improvement." Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, believes that it will be a great market opportunity to promote the consumption growth in county and township markets and realize the popularization of new energy vehicles, which is of great significance for optimizing the consumption structure of residents and continuously implementing the strategy of expanding domestic demand.

  The Study on Electric Vehicle Travel in Rural Areas of China published by committee of 100, China, predicts that by 2030, there will be nearly 160 vehicles with 1,000 people in rural areas of China, and the total number of vehicles will exceed 70 million. The China Automobile Association predicts that if it can meet the needs of rural residents for motorized travel in the future, it will probably incite supermarkets with a scale of 500 billion yuan.

  How to promote better "going to the countryside"?

  Meng Wei, spokesperson of the National Development and Reform Commission, said recently that, on the whole, the new energy vehicle market in rural areas of China is still in its infancy, with relatively low total ownership, insufficient construction of charging infrastructure, insufficient supply of economical and practical vehicles, and insufficient sales and service capabilities, which have restricted the promotion and use of new energy vehicles.

  Xu Haidong believes that at present, new energy vehicles still face multiple challenges in going to the countryside:

  — — The price of new energy vehicles is still higher than that of fuel vehicles. The types of product supply are limited, so how to scientifically and directionally develop suitable models has become a compulsory course for car companies.

  — — At present, the profit rate of new energy vehicles is generally not high. The cost of channel sinking, promotion and promotion is added, which makes it more difficult for car companies to make profits.

  — — Insufficient charging facilities restrict the purchase and use of new energy vehicles in counties and townships. The construction and maintenance cost of charging facilities is high, and it is difficult to make a profit in the short term.

  Zhang Dawei, director of product positioning of SAIC-GM-Wuling, said that the price sensitivity of county and township consumers is high, and the expected price is mainly below 100,000 yuan.

  Industry experts suggest that car companies should develop models that are more suitable for counties and townships, such as appropriately reducing cruising range to save costs. In terms of policy, the state can also consider tilting and guiding, and appropriately increase assistance according to the actual situation.

  Cui Dongshu said that publicity and popular science work in rural areas should be further improved, more efforts should be encouraged and mobilized to promote the renovation and construction of rural basic power facilities, and more difficulties and problems encountered in practice should be solved, such as increasing the capacity of distribution networks.

  "New energy vehicles going to the countryside is a long-term activity and systematic project." Xu Haidong said that in the next step, the government, car companies, power grids and other parties need to form a joint force to continuously explore economic potential and expand market space. With the macroeconomic stabilization, the new energy automobile industry will maintain steady and sustainable development.

Xiaomi’s profit forecast soars in 2023: focusing on sales of electric vehicles and smart phones.

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  Xiaomi (00762.HK) is scheduled to announce its fourth quarter and full-year financial report after the close on Tuesday.

  Net profit forecast: According to a survey of 21 analysts by FactSet, it is estimated that the annual net profit will be 16.07 billion yuan (US$ 2.23 billion). This will be 24.7 in 2022. 100 million yuan has increased more than six times.The net profit in 2022 was affected by the decline in smartphone sales due to the epidemic. According to FactSet data, Xiaomi’s net profit in the fourth quarter may be 3.32 billion yuan, up from 3.15 billion yuan in the same period last year.

  Revenue forecastAccording to FactSet’s forecast, revenue will increase by 10% in the fourth quarter, reaching 72.87 billion yuan.

  Xiaomi’s financial report this quarter highlights:

  Electric Vehicle: Investors want to know the initial consumer feedback of Xiaomi’s first electric vehicle SU7, which will be launched next week. Citigroup analysts said in a recent research report that the delivery time of the car may be earlier than market expectations.

  Smartphone sales:According to market research firm Canalys, the global shipments of smartphone manufacturers in China in the fourth quarter were 41 million, up 23% year-on-year, slightly higher than the 40.2 million expected by Citigroup. Huang Leping, an analyst at Huatai Futures, said that considering competitors,The company’s iPhone sales in China dropped by 24% in the first six weeks of 2024, and investors will pay attention to the latest shipment data in domestic and overseas markets.

  Profit:After the overall gross profit margin hit a record high of 22.7% in the third quarter, investors will pay attention to this home.Does the manufacturer maintain a strong profit margin in the fourth quarter?

Blizzard continues! Snowfall in the north stopped for 5 days, and rain and snow in the south continued until New Year’s Eve.

This round of freezing rain and snow is experiencing the strongest period. In the past 24 hours, Jianghuai area has become the core area of heavy snowfall in this process, with heavy snowstorms in central and eastern Hubei, southern Anhui and central and northern Jiangsu, and heavy snowstorms in some areas.

This round of freezing rain and snow is going through the strongest period. In the past 24 hours, the Jianghuai area has become the core area of heavy snowfall in this process. Heavy snowstorms have generally appeared in central and eastern Hubei, southern Anhui and central and northern Jiangsu, and heavy snowstorms have occurred in some areas.

The snow along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is "black" …

This rain and snow process is not only strong, but also extremely complicated mixed precipitation. Rain, snow, ice particles, freezing rain, thunder … all of them! For example, in Yichang, Hubei Province, rain was observed at 23: 00 on the 2 nd, and it turned to snow at around 4: 00 on the 3 rd. At the same time, thunder and snow were also detected.

In addition, the snowfall in Hefei, Anhui Province from 08: 00 to 14: 00 today was 8.5 mm, which almost caught up with the magnitude of the 24-hour standard blizzard (10 mm). There was also freezing rain, and the power line accumulated ice of 28 mm.

Due to the low temperature, the efficiency of snow accumulation in Anhui, Henan and other places is high, and the accumulated snow in many places has exceeded 10 cm. According to the actual situation of snow this afternoon, the depth of snow in Guoyang, Lixin, Yingshang, Bengbu, Funan, Jieshou, Fuyang, Wuhe and Mingguang in northern Anhui is 13 cm, 13 cm, 12 cm, 12 cm, 11 cm, 11 cm, and the snow is enough to have no ankles.

There will be heavy snowfall in Hubei, Anhui and other places from tonight to noon tomorrow. It is estimated that from 20: 00 on February 3 to 20: 00 on February 4, there will be heavy blizzards in parts of southern Henan, most of Hubei, central and northern Anhui, western Jiangsu, northern Hunan, eastern Chongqing and northeastern Guizhou, among which there will be heavy blizzards (20-24 mm) in parts of northeastern Hubei and central Anhui. The depth of newly added snow in the above areas is 3 ~ 10 cm, and the local area can reach about 20 cm.

From night to tomorrow, there will be freezing rain in parts of central Anhui, southern and eastern Hubei, most of Hunan, central and eastern Guizhou and southeastern Chongqing. The accumulated freezing rainfall can reach 1 ~ 6 mm, and the local area is about 10 mm.

In terms of specific cities, the snowfall from Wuhan to Hefei will continue to increase in the early morning of tomorrow, and there will still be blizzards and local blizzards; It will also be snowing heavily in Nanjing tomorrow. In addition, Jingmen, Jingzhou, Yichang and other places in Hubei will have heavy snow tonight; There will be freezing rain at Yueyang and Xiangtan stations in Hunan.

In the next two days, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei and Anhui will become the areas with the most concentrated freezing rain and heavy snowfall. Among them, there may be both freezing rain and snowfall in the northwest of Hunan, eastern Hubei and central Anhui, which has a great impact.

Affected by rain and snow, most of the traffic in the central and eastern regions will be affected, such as Shanghai-Chongqing, Shanghai-Shaanxi, Fuyin, Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao and other expressways, which will have a long section affected by blizzard and freezing rain. It is best for returnees to avoid the period with the strongest rain and snow, pay attention to the latest road traffic information, plan their trips reasonably and drive safely.

After the 5th, the snowfall in the northern region will shrink sharply and basically end on the 6th. However, due to the active warm and humid air flow in the south, a large range of rain and snow weather in the south will last until New Year’s Eve.

It is estimated that until the 8th, there will be a large range of moderate to heavy rain and local heavy rain in the south of the Yangtze River and northern South China, and the accumulated rainfall is large. The accumulated rainfall in Hunan, Jiangxi and Guangdong can reach more than 100mm, which is much higher. Especially in Hunan and Guizhou, there will still be mixed rain and snow.

The continuous large-scale rain and snow will also cause a "heavy blow" to the temperature in the central and eastern regions. Especially in Anhui, Hunan, Henan, Jiangsu, Hubei and other places with a wide range of rain and snow and lasting time, the highest temperature in many places will be more than 6 C lower than normal, and the local temperature will be about 10 C! In the next four or five days, the highest temperature in many cities, including Zhengzhou, Hefei, Wuhan, Nanjing and Changsha, is only about 0℃. With the rainy and snowy weather, the body will feel very wet and cold.

It is expected that before the Spring Festival, most areas in the south will continue to be in a state of low temperature and wet cold, and it is necessary to wait for the New Year to get warmer.

[Editor: Li Yangzi]

"Olive" Playing "Olive" Fighting for Jingjiang "Playing" of 13 Youth Football Teams in Jiangsu Province

Yangzi Evening News Network June 20th (correspondent Liu Min Xiao Jing Yan Zhiyong Lu Huanyu reporter Wang Guozhu) On June 20th, the 20th Jiangsu Sports Meeting started in Taizhou. As the first phase of this provincial games, the youth rugby competition (17-18 years old group) started in Jingjiang. More than 150 athletes from 13 teams in the province will compete for the titles of men’s group A and women’s group A in the three-day competition.
According to reports, this competition adopts the latest rugby rules of the World Rugby Federation. The competition time is 14 minutes, with 7 minutes in the first half and 7 minutes in the second half. Each team can propose substitutions during the competition. The number of substitutions is 5, and the team with the highest score wins.
There are 7 men’s teams and 6 women’s teams among the 13 teams participating in this competition. In the competition on the 20th, the athletes threw themselves into the passionate competition with full enthusiasm, high morale, courage to fight and the spirit of unity and upward. The players of each team actively fought, decisively attacked and bravely collided, all of which showed good strength.
It is reported that the rugby project is one of the five events of this provincial games undertaken by Jingjiang City, and its courage, fighting spirit and teamwork are attracting more and more people’s love and attention. Since 2020, Jingjiang and the Training Center of the Provincial Sports Bureau have signed a contract with the provincial men’s rugby team through the mode of "joint operation of provinces and cities" to jointly promote the construction and development of rugby projects, actively select sports seedlings through resource integration and integration of sports and education, and build characteristic schools for rugby, better promote competitions and expand the mass base of rugby projects.
Zhang Changping, secretary of the Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee and secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Economic and Technological Development Zone, said that Jingjiang will make full use of the city’s strength, gather the wisdom of the whole people and pour out the feelings of the whole city, provide the highest level of service guarantee for more than 2,800 athletes, coaches and referees in the province, and strive to present a wonderful, complete, distinctive, passionate and friendly sports event, and will take the opportunity of hosting the provincial games to continuously expand the mass base of rugby and other events and promote more citizens to participate.
Proofreading: Tao Shangong

"2023 Henan-Taiwan-Dayu Cultural Exchange Seminar" was held in Zhengzhou and Taipei.

Zhengzhou venue (Photo courtesy of Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee)
Taiwan Province Network, China, December 19 th Recently, the "2023 Henan-Taiwan-Dayu Cultural Exchange Seminar" hosted by Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee and Xia Clan Association of Taipei was held in Zhengzhou and Taipei respectively by remote video conference.
Lv Xinyang, full-time vice chairman of Henan Provincial Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee, relevant leaders and experts and scholars of Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee and Xia Clan Association of Taipei attended.
The purpose of this seminar is to inherit Dayu culture, carry forward Dayu spirit, cultivate the common historical and cultural ties between the two sides of the strait, strengthen exchanges and exchanges between compatriots on both sides of the strait, promote spiritual harmony between compatriots on both sides of the strait, and build a sense of community of destiny between the two sides of the strait.
This is after 30 Taiwan compatriots went to Zheng for cultural exchange in 2018 and video cultural exchange in Henan and Taiwan in 2021, Dayu cultural exchange activities were held again in Henan and Taiwan.
In his speech, Lu Xinyang pointed out that he hoped that the holding of this Dayu Cultural Exchange Seminar would promote exchanges and mutual learning, further stimulate the unique feelings of compatriots on both sides of the strait, enhance the appeal and centripetal force of cross-strait common culture, strengthen cross-strait historical ties and emotional ties, enhance cultural identity, and promote spiritual harmony.
Sichuan Dayu Research Association, Xiamen Municipal Committee of China Revolutionary Committee, Putian Municipal Committee of China Revolutionary Committee, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs Committee of Zhengzhou CPPCC, and Zhengzhou Huangdi Cultural Research Center sent congratulatory letters to the seminar. (China Taiwan Province Network, Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee and Zhengzhou Taiwan Affairs Office jointly reported)