New regulations in November: online car-hailing is included in supervision, and responsibilities for medical quality management are clarified

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 29, issue:In November, a batch of new regulations were opened, and online car-hailing was included in the supervision

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Bai Yang

  Our country’s first online car-hailing management measures are implemented, and the "threshold" for online car-hailing drivers and platforms to enter is strictly controlled; the new regulations of the National Health and Family Planning Commission require the improvement of medical safety management and the clarification of medical quality management responsibilities; the fares of short-distance routes below 800 kilometers are self-determined, and passenger travel is expected to usher in more "special tickets"… This November, a batch of new regulations on people’s livelihood that will be implemented will improve the law and make life more secure.

  Have a record of violent crime, etc., and are not allowed to drive online car-hailing

  Since November 1st, the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services", which has attracted much attention, has been officially implemented, which means that the emerging mode of travel of "online car-hailing" has since entered the track of rule of law.

  According to the measures, online car-hailing drivers should obtain a motor vehicle driver’s license for the corresponding type of vehicle and have more than 3 years of driving experience, no traffic accident crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug abuse record, no driving record after drinking alcohol and violent crime record, and no 12-point record has been recorded in the last 3 consecutive scoring cycles.

  The measures make it clear that online ride-hailing platform companies shall record the information content, user registration information, identity authentication information, order logs, Internet logs, online transaction logs, driving track logs and other data released by drivers and ride-hailing people on their service platforms and back them up, and inform the purpose, method and scope of the collection and use of personal information such as drivers, ride-hailing people and passengers in a significant manner through their service platforms. Without the express consent of the information subject, online ride-hailing platform companies shall not use this personal information for other business purposes.

  The relevant departments should establish the credit records of online car-hailing platform companies and drivers, and include them in the national credit information sharing platform; taxi industry associations should establish a list of online car-hailing platform companies and drivers with bad records to strengthen industry self-discipline.

  The main body of responsibility for medical quality management is further clarified

  The "Medical Quality Management Measures" issued by the National Health and Family Planning Commission came into effect on November 1. The measures require the establishment of a medical safety and risk management system for medical institutions, further standardize medical service behavior, and ensure medical quality and medical safety.

  The main person in charge of the medical institution is the first responsible person for the medical quality management of the institution; the main person in charge of the clinical department and the pharmacy, nursing, medical technology and other departments is the first responsible person for the medical quality management of the department.

  A medical institution shall establish a special department for medical quality management to be responsible for the medical quality management of the institution. Hospitals above the second level, maternal and child health hospitals, and specialized disease prevention and control institutions shall establish a medical quality management committee to be responsible for organizing the monitoring, early warning, analysis, assessment, evaluation and feedback of the medical quality of the institution, and regularly publishing the quality management information of the institution.

  Medical institutions should establish a medical safety and risk management system, improve medical safety management related work systems, emergency plans and work processes, strengthen safety and risk management in key departments and key links of medical quality, and implement patient safety goals. At the same time, medical liability insurance, medical accident insurance and other risk sharing forms should be used to protect the legitimate rights and interests of both doctors and patients; formulate plans to prevent and handle medical disputes, prevent and reduce the occurrence of medical disputes; improve complaint management, and resolve and properly handle medical disputes in a timely manner.

  Self-determined fares for routes under 800 kilometers

  The "Notice on Deepening the Reform of Domestic Air Passenger Transport Fares" issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the National Development and Reform Commission came into effect on November 1. The notice stipulates that fares for routes below 800 kilometers and some routes above 800 kilometers will be determined by airlines according to law, which means that more and more "special tickets" will be welcomed by the majority of passengers.

  The notice stipulates that airlines shall formulate and adjust the specific fare types, levels and applicable conditions of market-adjusted price routes and announce them to the public at least 7 days in advance. On the basis of the full fare, the cumulative fare increase of each airline’s routes shall not exceed 10%, and the fare increase of each season shall not exceed 10 routes.

  The notice also requires that airlines and sales agents shall strictly implement the clearly marked price regulations, and in addition to indicating the actual fare of each route, they shall also indicate the service content and charging standards corresponding to the fees charged in addition to the fare change fee, refund fee, excess baggage fee, etc., and shall not charge any unmarked fees in addition to the marked price.

  Unified management of basic scientific research business expenses in central universities Special funds

  The "Measures for the Administration of Basic Scientific Research Business Fees in Central Colleges and Universities", which came into effect on November 1, requires that the use and management of basic scientific research business fees in central colleges and universities be included in the unified financial management of central colleges and universities, and the special funds are dedicated.

  The measures stipulate that the basic scientific research business expenses shall not be spent on the salaries, bonuses, subsidies and welfare expenses of personnel with salary income; shall not purchase large-scale instruments and equipment of more than 400,000 yuan; shall not share the cost of public management and operation of the school; shall not be used as supporting funds for other projects; shall not be used for repayment of loans, payment of fines, donations, sponsorship, investment and other expenditures; nor shall it be used for other expenditures that shall not be paid in accordance with state regulations.

  The measures emphasize that the use of basic scientific research expenses in central universities includes: focusing on supporting young teachers under the age of 40 to enhance their basic scientific research capabilities; supporting outstanding students in school to enhance their scientific research and innovation capabilities; supporting the construction of outstanding innovation teams; conducting multi-disciplinary basic, supportive and strategic research; and strengthening the basic work of science and technology.

  Central universities shall, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the national scientific research credit system, establish a scientific research credit system for basic scientific research business expenses, and incorporate them into the national scientific research credit system in accordance with the unified requirements of the state.

  Companies that issue false motor vehicle sales invoices will be included in the "blacklist"

  In response to the problem that some people cannot instantly check the authenticity of motor vehicle sales invoices in different places, and falsely issue false motor vehicle sales invoices across provinces, the State Administration of Taxation has decided to implement the list publicity system of motor vehicle enterprises that issue unified motor vehicle sales invoices in violation of regulations from November 1, and enterprises that falsely issue motor vehicle sales invoices will be included in the "blacklist".

  According to the "Announcement on the Implementation of the Publicity System for the List of Motor Vehicle Enterprises that Illegally Issue Unified Invoices for Motor Vehicle Sales", if a motor vehicle enterprise issues invoices more than twice based on the actual sales of motor vehicles, or sells the same motor vehicle while issuing a unified motor vehicle sales invoice at an illegal low price, and then issues other VAT invoices resulting in less than 2 times of vehicle purchase tax, or illegally issuing invoices resulting in less than 2 times of vehicle purchase tax, it will be included in the "blacklist".

  Tax authorities will list enterprises on the "blacklist" as key monitoring objects, organize tax special project inspections in a timely manner, and strictly verify the various materials submitted by them; the supply of unified invoices for motor vehicle sales will also be inspected for old and new, and they will be strictly limited.

Reconstruction of industrial logic in online celebrity: marketing evolution

Original Li gang

The 1920s is undoubtedly an era of deconstruction and reconstruction. Culture, politics, economy, and global scanning are no exception.

Therefore, following the old map, we can’t find a new road.

ToB, or toC, has become the entanglement of the marketing model of the automobile industry.

In recent years, "direct marketing" is like a nightmare, which has been tormenting the choice of the industry elite.

Deconstruction and reconstruction, toB or toC, the "third track" of krypton, face the greater challenge of marketing evolution! ,

wake up from a dream

Starting from Tesla, the new forces tried to deconstruct the existing model, to go to the intermediate link, to change the life of dealers, and to directly face consumers.

Without the experience in the automobile industry, the in-depth observation of business logic, and the system design of business model, I am afraid it is difficult to sustain.

Sure enough, the initiator who was helpless and keen on "direct sales" began to wake up, and now it seems that while continuing to expand the network, he began to get close to the dealers.

At the moment when electric vehicles are on the rise, Tesla has expanded production and reduced prices. The pragmatism of "bonus hunter" is direct enough, which really makes people sigh.

The new force "direct selling" is gradually drifting away, and experts in the industry have described it as "fried dough sticks or twists".

On the contrary, Krypton, who came first, saw the correct direction of marketing evolution in "chaos", and then outflanked it from behind with unstoppable momentum.

When the shortage economy transits to the surplus economy, when the industrial production capacity is greater than the social demand, when the market segments call for differentiated products, the market competition of automobile enterprises is "under great pressure".

In the public opinion environment where electrification, intelligence and networking are popular, all kinds of new energy vehicles are rushing into the ignorant and waking market, and consumers have added the trouble of "choice".

The rapid development of products and technology, market and demand, especially the exploration of channel mode triggered by new energy automobile products on a global scale, is forcing the automobile circulation industry to accelerate the transformation and upgrading.

Therefore, it is the guide to the transformation and evolution of the automobile industry to promote consumption upgrading with technological progress, guide product evolution with user thinking, and realize the opposite direction with the same frequency resonance.

How to innovate differentiated competitive advantage and how to reconstruct business model?

Extreme krypton believes that direct marketing is imperative, and the sword refers to toC!

Brand new image

On November 6th, the owner of Seven Star Zhai was lucky enough to attend and inspect the opening ceremony of "Extreme Krypton House".

This is the first Kryptonian store in China called "Kryptonian Home", which is located in Shi Xiang Road, Gongshu District, where major brands are clustered.

Here, different from the single functions of the existing supermarket exhibition, krypton center, krypton space and delivery center, the "krypton home" includes all the functions of experience, sales, delivery and after-sales, creating a "home" for consumers’ warmth and empathy.

It is said that the "extreme kryptonian family" will increase the number of stores where conditions permit, and upgrade the decentralized operation to intensive operation, which will facilitate consumers and reduce operating costs.

The internal functions of "Extreme Krypton Home" are complete. Especially refreshing, specially designed audio-visual teaching place, "teaching car" for users.

Why is there a "teaching car" link? The three key words of intelligence, high-end and pure electricity are connected with intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit and intelligent chassis. The so-called intelligent high-end is bound to "hide" some new technologies, new functions and new operations.

How to operate and experience is unprecedented and unheard of. You said, "Don’t teach or learn" will do?

In the delivery process, you will see the highlight moment of the user! Pictures filled the scene with joy and seemed to float out to share with more people.

"Kyojia" also has a second-hand car replacement business. As long as it is the owner, no matter what brand or model it originally owned, it can be exchanged for "new life" here.

If you pay attention, you can link to this service in any krypton store in any city, and you can get one-on-one answers. Anyone who passes by and drops in for coffee or cocktails will be warmly received …

Walking into the krypton center of Chengdu, you can see local elements everywhere. Bamboo forest is planted in the center of the spiral staircase, which is the user space on the second floor. Bar, leisure area, free space, forum area, conference room, etc., make people feel at home.

Users talk with tonality, brand culture is spreading, and products resonate. It is by no means a car selling outlet, a living room, a window, and a spiritual communication.

In the 2022WD Awards World Design Award, the Krypton Center Chengdu Taikooli won the highest honor of the Winner Award.

This award is hard-won. Previous award-winning companies include world-class excellent design companies such as Foster and Jean Nouvel.

Chengdu has a population of 21 million+,and its consumption potential is huge. The radiation capacity of the city itself is also huge. The completion of Chengdu Krypton Center will naturally drive the pulse of the whole southwest and even incite the western market of China.

Due to strategic considerations, the extremely krypton network layout has indeed made great efforts. According to reports, at present, there are more than 220 stores in major cities across the country, and delivery services are spread over 330+ cities across the country.

"Extreme Krypton Home" has completed the initiative of a brand-new business model in the new energy industry, and at the same time made the reputation of the extreme Krypton brand more brilliant.

Some willing and powerful partners in relevant cities across the country, with local superior resources, enthusiastically joined the cooperation when they heard the news, tied up extremely direct sales experience, shared toC, directly hit the pain points of users, and ensured the ultimate experience of every user without difference.

The ultimate experience, user activity is an important content of extreme empathy.

Those who participate in the Kryptonian community activities are all users who have decided or have already picked up the car. "Dading" is equivalent to "engagement".

The video raiders produced by Krypton sent an APP to guide new users how to participate in Krypton community activities.

The activities carried out by Krypton in various regions of the country have different forms, all of which are very close to "earth and gas" and "popularity", forming an ecological circle of Krypton owners.

There are many activities after delivery, and there are 2 or 3 events every week in each city, which is very active online and offline.

Users’ feedback to Krypton is very direct, and they basically communicate and interact on the APP. After the event, users often post posts to express their feelings about participating in the event.

These ingenious marketing forms are obviously designed to penetrate the user’s thinking.

In the Insight Report on User Net Recommendation Rate of Passenger Car Market in China (2022 Edition) released by Easy Car, Krypton achieved a net recommendation rate of 70.29% by virtue of its ultimate products and the concept of co-creation with users.

According to the report, Krypton ranks first among the mainstream brands of passenger cars in China, surpassing luxury brands such as Tesla and Porsche.

It is also an inevitable logic that there is a gain from a hard work.

Underlying logic

Isn’t the product king? Why do you have to work hard on marketing?

Classical economics tells us that commodities must go through three links: production, circulation and consumption to realize their life value.

Marketing, in short, is the knowledge of "buying and selling" and belongs to the circulation link.

From the perspective of supply side, production and marketing are like people’s two legs. If one leg is long and the other is short, can this road go fast?

Therefore, it is not enough to just "product is king".

In fact, the necessity of marketing evolution has been further strengthened in the buyer’s market.

With the transformation of automobile industry, a variety of energy technology routes are parallel, and facing the formats of buyer’s market, stock market and market segments, we need a suitable marketing model.

Not only the automobile industry, so researchers say abstractly that products are ships and brands are sails.

Practitioners developed and said, "Marketing is the wind".

Extreme krypton extension says: users are the vast sea!

Wow, the eternal swan song of "water can carry a boat and overturn it" meets a bosom friend again in the crisscross of time and space.

In the past, the connotation definition of a brand was its long-term reputation. Consumers with money and no money will flock to them and stare at the "brand" of a century-old shop.

Now it’s completely different. There are abundant commodities, oversupply in the market, innovation in products and dazzling new technologies, and consumers have long been at a loss.

Follow the crowd, you may be disappointed, and you can only see the "true chapter" if you experience it yourself. Therefore, the experience economy meets unexpectedly.

Therefore, in the Internet era, "user word-of-mouth big data" has ruthlessly refreshed the original definition of the brand.

The surging traffic brought by users’ word-of-mouth communication can make the brand image colorful.

The marketing concept of "Don’t compare, don’t try, don’t sell" in Dajili automobile industry has been inherited under the innovative direct marketing mode, and more forms and deeper consumer experience have become the top priority of active marketing.

For me

In addition to the "4S" function, traditional dealers also have an important function-the "reservoir" function.

Building and maintaining a "reservoir" for finished products is an unavoidable need for manufacturers and markets.

Because of the randomness of market demand, there is a pair of contradictions with the basic requirements of balanced production of enterprises. Previously, the task of "neutralizing" contradictions was completed by dealers to adjust the relationship of unity of opposites.

Organizing production according to the order, producing a car and frying a fried dough stick, the process and timeliness are very different. Without a proper reserve of finished products, the market simply can’t wait, and the complaining subscribers will definitely destroy a brand by themselves.

The ideal is full and the reality is skinny. With the direct operation mode, the construction and maintenance of the "reservoir", and the huge capital occupation of its heavy assets, the manufacturer must be unable to support it alone.

Not only that, but there are also three "huge stones" lying across the kryptonian track, which are equally tangled.

First of all, the pressure of capital investment and human resources; Secondly, the ability to create the social ecology of direct marketing places; Third, the determination to resist the forces of habit.

Direct sales, not to mention how much investment is needed, and where professionals come from, are many departments of land acquisition, demolition, industry and commerce, taxation, environmental protection, fire safety, etc. in stores all over the country. Who can "have thousands of buildings, which is a great shelter for the world?"

A manufacturer who is partial to the corner must be "owned by me" in direct sales?

Extreme krypton is no longer entangled, I believe that "all roads lead to Rome"!

(of a situation) be getting better

Thanks to the cooperation of compound foreign talents and endogenous talents, more in-depth innovation strategies have surfaced.

Like-minded, various forms, risk sharing, benefit sharing. Specific practices, trade secrets, inconvenient to disclose!

Actually, I don’t know how to divide the money.

Manufacturers and distributors, including powerful and willing partners, are led by manufacturers and cooperate to become "a family", a model and a goal, heading in the same direction.

The "extreme kryptonian family" with full-function management is the innovative result of this model.

Evolution is progressing rapidly, and more open social cooperation is beginning to take shape.

Before sticking to the after-sales service in 4S stores, manufacturers began to make high-quality professional automobile maintenance outlets show their talents in a special and franchised way, which was very popular among car owners.

"Don’t want everything, but want to use it", which is a socialized division of resources and a high-level cooperation form that can complement each other, enables the leading party, partners and consumers to achieve maximum empathy, sharing, co-creation and win-win.

An experienced executive who "digs" from new forces believes that the direct marketing model of "seeking for use" is the most ideal format.

The capital market is not only optimistic about product development, but also concerned about whether the "nuclear fusion" of industrial deconstruction and reconstruction is successful, and the evolution of marketing model will undoubtedly become a powerful driving force for market realization.

reach the same goal by different routes/means

The krypton gene comes from Geely automobile industry. However, whether it is product definition and technical logic, or business model and user thinking, Krypton is different from the previous "matrix".

Extreme krypton stands out from the "matrix", fundamentally speaking, it is a corporate culture in which the spirit of learning is superimposed on the spirit of struggle.

Krypton’s strategic positioning has been endowed with the glorious mission of being the vanguard and experimental field of transformation and reform of Dajili (referring to Geely Holding Group).

Despite the rich heritage and color accumulated by traditional automobile companies for many years, Krypton has attracted much attention from the outside world since its birth. It not only entrusts with the earnest expectation of Geely automobile industry, but also is regarded as a reference system for strategic transformation by the whole traditional automobile industry.

The evolution of extremely krypton marketing is not alone, but has been passed down and developed in the great Geely system.

This can’t help but mention the link. The gene combination of Lectra is not only a "hybrid" between Geely and Volvo, but also plays an important role in connecting the past and the future, and plays a decisive role in the development of the automobile industry of Geely!

Krypton’s 001 hunting coupe, its previous life was the concept car of Lexus Zero, which was an open secret before Krypton came out.

Based on the "Two Blue Geely Action Plans", Dajili decided to launch the intelligent pure electricity project. According to the overall planning of the group, this concept car was reluctantly "adopted" to the new students.

In addition to the inheritance of products, the avant-garde Link has added two new functions of "Social" and "Share" on the basis of "4S", taking the lead in opening up the link between production, circulation and consumption.

What is even more gratifying is that an executive of Geely Automobile Group, who asked not to be named, revealed that a new management system has been established for existing dealers, with vertical business processes and redistribution of benefits, so that bosses and employees have their own places.

Dealers receive more systematic education, integrate into more attractive new models, and get more stable returns.

Completely dominated by Geely.

Ownership remains unchanged, but the "playing style" has been changed. From the perspective of human nature and common sense, there is no need for dealers to follow the old rules.

Geely’s "first try" in another pure electric brand has achieved remarkable results.

Great Geely automobile industry transformation, unforgettable old friends who have cooperated with toB for many years, sincerely invite dealers to evolve together.

Dealers have actually begun to transform themselves, but it is difficult to achieve great things without the lead of manufacturers.

Direct toC, extremely krypton start a new stove, Geely cooperate, "play" is different, and all roads lead to the same goal.

Deep thinking

"4S" store is an automobile sales enterprise integrating vehicle sales, Sparepart, after-sales Service and information Survey.

It can be seen that the primary task of 4S shop is to "sell cars" and "clinch a deal and sell" is its interest.

ToB model, the excitement of buyers and sellers, focuses on the game between transaction price and rights and interests.

ToB mode, the bargaining session climaxes instantly, once the transaction is completed, the passion immediately fades and the empathy relationship comes to an abrupt end; In toC mode, there is no bargaining link. After delivery, the honeymoon journey has just started, and various user activities make people fascinated.

This is "stickiness", the specialty of krypton toC. People have the same heart, and the heart has the same reason.

In-depth study of the law of value-prices fluctuate up and down around the relationship between supply and demand, such as the same Sin (sine) curve;

Affected by "variables", commodity prices always fluctuate around value.

Price is affected by the relationship between supply and demand, which in turn affects the relationship between supply and demand; Similarly, price is determined by value, and price determines value.

It can be seen that the nature of the transaction has not changed, and the fundamental appeal of both parties is to maximize interests, not simply to reduce prices and promote profits.

Starting from this logic, the established price is no longer sensitive, and the maximization of cost performance is the balance point of the expectations of buyers and sellers, thus maximizing their respective interests.

The key is, if the cost performance is maximized, the after-sales service is optimized, the travel quality is modernized, and the value for money is excellent, will it be greatly welcomed by consumers?

Some people say that the definition of consumption upgrading mainly refers to the upgrading of consumer demand, from quantity consumption to price consumption, and now to brand consumption (value), which is in line with Maslow’s demand theory.

According to the market survey, consumers believe that the consumption upgrade certainly pursues value and use value, but it cannot be expressed by raising commodity prices, and improving the price-performance ratio of products is the best embodiment of dialectical unity.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, the highest level is self-realization. Here, it can be understood as the pursuit of consumers: the unity of metaphysical material application values and metaphysical financial proliferation concepts.

The level of human material needs means the embodiment of spiritual self-worth; The gene of "profit-seeking" of human nature drives consumers to pursue the maximization of cost performance.

Measuring the cost performance, relying on bluffing and telling lies, all won’t work. Saying that 300,000 cars are "the best cars within 1 million" is not only self-destructive, but even "dirty" the foundation of their corporate culture!

There are also brands that design the main driver’s seat as a variable luxury bed, which can sit and lie, and it is expensive. I wonder how many consumers have this demand? What is the logic among its price, value and use value?

It’s confusing

Therefore, the most important thing is to raise the premium level of asset conversion for consumers, that is, the value beyond the price.

Converting the buyer’s monetary expenditure into goods with greater use value also shows the level and value of the seller!

The market characteristics of the experience economy are fully suggested here.

Following this logic, improving the efficiency of product experience is the biggest "variable" for all parties to benefit.

ToB mode, the experience activities organized by dealers, the quality of communication, the symmetry of information, the smooth flow of pipelines and the speed of transmission are not the same as toC.

In order to compete for market advantage, manufacturers have invested a lot of resources and carried out various forms of experience activities, with the original intention of empowering dealers.

Just like "scratching the boots", the geometry that dealers can benefit from it is not yet known; The wishes and expressions of consumers and the discount given to manufacturers are also unknown.

It seems to be an impossible task how to smoothly drain the energy generated by the activity to the store and convert it into sales volume, and how to timely and completely transmit the user experience opinions to the manufacturer to improve the products.

"two-lane sports car" is due to the toB attribute.

Key to success or failure

The evolutionary practice towards toC, with rich and colorful test drive experience, will be gradually developed in Lectra, Krypton and even in more brands of Dajili.

They carry out user test drive activities of different scales, multi-scene media test drive tasting activities, professional track scene measurement activities of authoritative organizations, and in-depth experience of R&D and manufacturing bases.

OtoO information interaction has more conveniently realized the efficiency of offline experience and online sharing, promoted the continuous production and marketing, greatly shortened the distance close to consumers, and greatly improved the efficiency of improving products and operations.

Looking back at the beginning of the delivery of Krypton 001, it once attracted public opinion. For some time, there have been negative comments, bad reviews, and a lot of fate.

There are media misunderstandings, user confusion, product bugs and the company’s own work is not in place.

However, the criticism and the object of blame are all hidden!

In the end, TOEFL found the crux of the problem by opening consumers’ hearts, friendly communication and symmetrical information, and the medicine got rid of the disease.

On July 11th, 2022, a set of highly targeted and very close-to-the-people marketing strategies won back users and won great welcome from social consumers.

One of the declarations that 8155 replaced the old chips for free suddenly subverted users’ cognition and was praised as a classic case by the industry.

More media commented that "7.11" finally established a positive image and headed for a different correct path!

ToC, direct users, direct people’s hearts.

Orders continued to grow, brand reputation rose sharply, including negative public opinion flip, all benefited from the user’s wishes brought by toC.

Connecting with users’ hearts is the key to the success or failure of an enterprise.

Consumption is upgrading, evolution is continuing, and reform is on the way, regardless of content or form!

Novelists and novels in the epidemic: Atwood and other writers create modern "decameron"

Source: new york Times Magazine

During the epidemic, new york Times Magazine invited 29 authors to write short stories inspired by the epidemic and set up THE DECAMERON column, which was inspired by Giovanni Boccaccio’s collection of realistic novels "decameron" and set in Florence, which was ravaged by the plague in the 14th century.

Decameron, painted by sandro botticelli in 1487.

We selected five novels from this column, including aliens who participated in the galactic aid program, lonely souls wandering in isolated cells, a "charitable" robber, mutual watch under a conceptual device and a clinical record full of family love. These novels show people’s desperate desire for hope and love during the epidemic period in a humorous or calm or warm style. As far as the genre of fiction is concerned, since there will be great and important real news all the time, why do we need imaginary stories instead?

"When reality becomes surreal, only novels can make it meaningful." Source: new york Times Magazine

"Art is to make life more interesting than art itself," Robert Filliou, a French surf painter, wrote in one of his works. Life is often very deceptive, and it is easy for us to ignore some established and profound facts, even if they are laid out before our eyes. There is a word in Italian: novelle, which refers not only to simple fictional stories, but also to non-fictional social reality. The fascinating stories in decameron are the real life of Florence. When the reality becomes surreal, reading novels is not only a way to understand and perceive the times, but also a force that supports us in difficulties.

1. You Chaokai: Systems

Charles Yu is a Chinese-American writer. His Guide to the Survival of the Science Fiction Universe was selected as the best book of the year by The New York Times and Time magazine. As a screenwriter, he participated in the compilation of some episodes of HBO series "westworld" and was nominated for two American Writers Association Awards. His novels and nonfiction works have been published in The New Yorker, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal for many times.

They need each other, like each other and miss each other.

Source: new york Times Magazine

In this story, the author describes a device, or rather, it is the materialization of modern society. Everyone has a different box. The box follows the rotation of the earth and the natural laws of the sun rising and the moon setting. They communicate and collide through the box. Although the world in the box is so similar to the well-known world, one day they will come out of the box and stand in the sun, because the eternal thing is that they need real contact, they need each other, like each other and miss each other.

(The following is a fragment of the novel)

They need each other, like each other and miss each other.

They will ask themselves:

Will cats get depressed?

They search:

Food bank donation. The food bank near me.

What is an epidemic outbreak? What is the rest period? How to ensure the safety of children? How to ensure the safety of the elderly? How old is old? Am I old enough?

Numbers, rising numbers of infections.

How long will the symptoms of coronavirus appear? Do you have a coronavirus vaccine? How to avoid virus infection? How did the coronavirus start? Is the virus getting worse? What is mental health? How to judge whether I am depressed or not? Which is the safest takeaway?

They search:

The telephone number of the unemployment office.

When can we reopen the bowling alley?


They search:

The cat is still depressed.

We are in a bear market.

What is a bear market?

What is payroll tax reduction?

What is martial law?

How to take refuge in situ?

Safest city life?

Symptoms of fever, symptoms of dry cough ……

How to make hand sanitizer? How to sew a mask? What is N95? How to lower body temperature? Living alone, what if I am alone?

Some people are radical. Some people are confused. Some people forget. Some people follow the rules They share the device: the air, information and ideas in the device.

Some people enjoy breathing as their right to live. Some people cannot breathe.


They will move on, coming out of one box after another and walking into the sun. The circulation and operation of the system are restored. They will still send messages to each other. Some people will be confused. Some people will share food. Some people will die. Some people will starve. And some people will still be alone

The device is still that device. But change is inevitable-rebuilding or looking for a new model. They will fly into the air again and gather in the hub by thousands. They will push each other’s air and make hahaha or other sounds produced by real communication-in order to convey invisible emotional signals. Because there are always things that are eternal-they need each other, like each other and miss each other.

2. david mitchell: If Dreams Are Horses.

David Mitchell, an English novelist and screenwriter, whose work Cloud Map was shortlisted for the Booker Prize. The title of this short story is taken from the Scottish proverb-If wishes are horses, beggars can ride. The moral is that if hope can make things come true, even people who have nothing will have everything they want.

I stood up and found that Zam’s bed was empty, with no sheets and nothing.

Source: new york Times Magazine

Thirty years later, the epidemic is still not over. My former cellmate was infected, so I had to move to a single isolation cell. Although it is a single room, an asymptomatic infected person has checked into this isolation cabin before me. His name is Zam. Dirty windows, breakfast and lunch once a day, the company of mice, and boring cabin life. Fortunately, Zam accompanied me. He cared about me and chatted with me. He said that survival is a superpower when eating less, and left all the food to me. On the third day of my stay, I began to have symptoms of infection. The doctor is from China, surnamed Wang. I noticed that when Zam was chatting with Dr. Wang, Zam’s voice suddenly became very strange, as if it were coming from a distant place. Zam also said that he would supervise me to take medicine until I recovered. After a few days, my condition improved greatly.

(The following is a fragment of the novel)

"It’s thanks to my exclusive nurse, Zam," I said to Dr. Wang.

"Good. Who’s Zam?"

"Zam", I pointed to my upper bunk.

"What are you talking about … the superior? Or the warden? "

We were all puzzled. "No, Zam, my roommate, doctor. You saw him last time."

Dr. Wang looked at a loss. "We won’t allow two prisoners to be held in an isolation cell."

"I’m afraid you people really allow it."

"If there is a third person in such a small place, I won’t miss it."

I shouted to the upper berth, "Zam, answer."

My cellmate didn’t make a sound. Is he asleep?

Dr. Wang looked at my condition and was very worried. He went on to say, "Have you taken any hallucinogenic drugs? I won’t report it to the warden, but as your doctor, I must know."

"It’s not funny, Zam." I stood up and found Zam’s bed was empty, with no sheets and nothing.

3. Mia Cotto: "An Obliging Robber"

Mia Couto, a famous Mozambican writer, is an influential African writer in Portuguese literature. She won the cames Prize in 2013, the most important Portuguese literature prize, and the Neustadt International Literature Prize in 2014.

People wearing masks have friendly expressions and speak softly, but I don’t let myself be fooled.

Source: new york Times Magazine

The robber in front of him shouted "Keep your distance" to me. He barged in like this, holding a pistol, even though he said it was a thermometer and he was from the Ministry of Health. But I won’t be fooled. My wife died of tuberculosis, I was almost killed by smallpox, and malaria took our only son, but no one wants to know. I live far from the hospital, and I am poor. The liar and robber continued to lie. He said I might be asymptomatic. I don’t understand. I hardly go out. He said that he would come again next week after leaving a hygiene brochure, soap and a small bottle of alcohol. I see, the disease he said should be called "indifference".

(The following is a fragment of the novel)

I didn’t listen to his instructions to keep my distance, so I walked up to him and hugged him. The robber resisted vigorously, broke free from my arm and returned to the car. He took off his clothes in a hurry, just like taking off the coat of the plague, and the name of this plague is poverty.

I smiled and waved goodbye to him. After so many years of torture, I have been able to reconcile with human nature. I think this is a clumsy robber, but he is a good man. Next time he comes, I’ll let him steal the old TV in my bedroom.

4. Margaret Atwood: Impatient Griselda.

Margaret Atwood is a Canadian novelist, essayist and poet. She is also a feminist and social activist. She is the winner of Booker Award and Arthur Clark Award. Her works have been shortlisted for the Governor-General Award of Canada for seven times and won two awards. She is one of the most respected novelists in the contemporary era. Her Handmaid’s Tale was adapted into a series of dramas of the same name, which aroused strong social repercussions.

Sir and madam, I also hope that the plague will pass soon, so that I can return to my normal life.

Source: new york Times Magazine

The octopus-like aliens took part in the galactic crisis assistance program to help people on earth survive the plague. In order to appease the earthlings and help them pass the time, the alien told a story to the earthlings: on an ancient planet, there were a pair of twin sisters, who were inferior species with "false feet"-patient Griselda (sister) and impatient Griselda (sister). There was a violent duke who induced his sister to marry him on the grounds of promoting her status through marriage. My sister, worried about her safety, disguised herself as a dishwasher and went to the back kitchen of the Duke’s house. She learned that the duke treated his new wife very badly and was rude to her in public, even punching her. Angry sister asked out her younger sister and exchanged identities with her, intending to kill the duke. In the garden at night, my sister cut the duke’s throat, and then the two sisters ate up the duke’s bones, brocade robes and everything on him.

(The following is a fragment of the novel, and the narrator is an "octopus" alien)

What? What is WTF? Sorry, I don’t understand.

Yes, sir and madam, I admit that this is a cross-cultural moment. I simply said the choice I would make if I were in their situation. But storytelling does help us to understand each other across social, historical and even evolutionary gaps, doesn’t it?

Later, the twin sisters married two other beautiful "false feet" of the same kind and they lived happily in the palace. Several relatives of the duke became suspicious. They came to inquire about the news and were eaten by their sisters.

End of story.

You don’t like this ending? Not a regular ending? So which is your favorite ending? Oh no, the ending you imagine will be completely another story. I’m not interested in that story, and I can’t tell it well. But you have to admit, I did tell this story very well, didn’t I? You see, you even forgot to sniffle. Sniffing is very annoying. On my planet, only people who are treated as snacks will sniffle.

I have to go now. There are several other quarantine groups on my appeasement list, and my job is to help them pass the time, just like I did for you. Yes, madam, sir, the difficulties will pass anyway, but not so soon.

Now I’m going to slide out from the bottom of the door. No skeleton helped me a lot. Yes, sir and madam. I also hope that the plague will pass soon. So I can get back to my normal life.

5. Liz Moore: Clinical Notes

Liz Moore, an American writer, won the Rome Prize for Literature in 2014, and her works include The Invisible World.

Clinical record of a high fever in infants.

Source: new york Times Magazine

In this story, Liz recorded the psychological changes from the symptoms of the baby to the parents in the form of a clinical report, and the author described a warm little family story with the calm brushwork of a bystander. At the end, the baby who succeeded in getting out of danger went to sleep quietly. Under the dim light, the mother looked at the shadow of the baby’s face and the undulating breathing. She thought of her grandmother who always had candy in her pocket, her mother who accompanied her to watch The Sound of Music when she was sick, and many grandparents who held their children with the same tenderness. She repeatedly touched the baby’s skin, "warm but not hot, warm but not hot", she repeated, was it a chant or a prayer …

We regard this article as the final one of this selection, because it is a novel that can bring love and hope to readers, just like bathing in the long-lost sun after a plum rain. Just as at the end of decameron, the young people didn’t leave their Florence forever. Two weeks later, they decided to return-not because the plague was over, but because after laughing, crying and imagining the new rules of living together, they could finally see the present again and think about the future. The stories told in those days when they left their homes made their world, at least temporarily, lively again. It is very important and meaningful to remember that we will eventually die, because we often forget it in our lives. At the same time, we must live in the present and try our best to remember what life is like now-this is the message conveyed by decameron.

Attachment: the complete catalogue of THE DECAMERON PROJECT

1. Title of the article: Systems (Device)

Author: Charles Yu

2. article title: "if wishes are horses" (if dreams are horses)

Author: David Mitchell

3. Title of the article: "An Obliging Robber" (kind robber)

Author: Mia Couto

4. Title of the article: Impassional Griselda (Impatient Griselda)

Author: Margaret Atwood

5. Title: Clinical Notes (Clinical Report)

Author: Liz Moore

6. One Thing (a little thing)

Author: Edwidge Danticat

7. The Team

Author: Tommy Orange

8. Line 19 Woodstock/Glisan (Bus No.19)

Author: Karen Russell

9. Tales from the L.A. River (a legend from the Los Angeles River)

Author: Colm Toibin

10. "recognition" (recognition)

Author: Victor Lavalle

11.《Sleep (falling asleep)

Author: Uzodinma Iweala

12.《Outside (outdoor)

Author: Etgar Keret

13.《The Perfect Travel Buddy (Best Travel Companion)

By Paolo Giordano

14. "a blue sky like this" (the sky is so blue)

Author: Mona Awad

15.《The Rock (Rock)

Author: Leila Slimani

16.《Keepsakes (souvenir)

By Andrew O’Hagan

17. The Girl with the Big Red Suitcase (a girl with a big red suitcase)

By Rachel Kushner

18.《The Walk (Walking)

Author: Kamila Shamsie

19.《The Morningside (Morning Life)

Author: Téa Obreht

20.《Screen Time (screen time)

Author: Alejandro Zambra

21.《How We Used to Play (how we used to play)

Author: Dinaw Mengestu

22.《Prudent Girls (cautious girl)

Author: Rivers Solomon

23. "Under the Magnolia" (under the magnolia tree)

Author: Yiyun Li

24.《The Cellar (cellar)

Author: Dina Nayeri

25. "To the Wall" (desperate)

Author: Esi Edugyan

26. that time at my brother’s wedding (at that time, at my brother’s wedding)

Author: Laila Lalami

27. "A time of death, the death of time" (the time of death and the death of time)

Author: Julián Fuks

28 28.《Barcelona:Open City (Barcelona: Open City)

Author: John Wray

29.《Origin Story (Origin Story)

Author: Matthew Baker

This article is compiled and arranged exclusively for Phoenix Net Culture, and may not be reproduced without permission.

Editor | Dabao

Editor | Wei Bingxin

Photo | new york Times Magazine

Original title: Novelists and Novels under Epidemic Situation: Modern decameron Created by Atwood and Other Writers.

Read the original text

It became the number one hot spot after class overnight. How long can Tenghahe last?

Reporter Han Bing reports Going out at home in the League Cup is not a big deal, but losing more than 3 goals at home in a row, the worst record of losing at home in 61 years, is a key node that may push Tenghahe’s fate from quantitative change to qualitative change. Although Manchester United did not consider changing coaches when talking to the media, the act of making a statement itself has already made the outside world smell dangerous.

The 0-3 defeat against Newcastle United activated a series of dazzling shame records: half of the top 10 home games of the season were lost, the worst since the 1930/31 season; Lost 8 of the first 15 games, the worst since the 1962/63 season; There is also the highest loss rate (53%) in 90 years, which is not counting the previous 12 records of losing, conceding and losing in a row. The patience with Tenghahe is constantly consumed in this ever-increasing shame record, and the distance is getting closer and closer to being completely exhausted …

After the game, Tenghahe continued to complete the familiar "reversal" at the press conference, but his odds after class jumped to the second place in the Premier League within 24 hours after the game (odds of 3), second only to Sheffield United coach Hejin Barton (odds of 5/3) who scored only 1 point in 10 rounds. Chelsea coach Pochettino, who burns more money, has fewer events and fewer points, ranks fifth (odds are 17), which is much safer than Tenghah. In the early morning of Beijing time, just after Manchester United officially made a statement that it was not considered to change coaches, Tenghahe’s odds of class dismissal rose to the top of the Premier League (11/10), surpassing Hutchinson Barton (5/4), and Pochettino was even safer (20)! Overnight, Tenghahe entered the "extremely dangerous" zone from the "safe" position.

Since ancient times, there have been few gifts in the snow, and there have never been many people who have fallen into the rain. Tenghahe stressed that last season’s Carling Cup proved that he could turn the tide, but media such as Manchester Evening News and celebrities such as Neville made it clear that the Dutch coach had lost the support of the dressing room and it was only a matter of time before class was over. This season’s scandal-ridden dressing room of the Red Devils, after the turmoil of Sancho and Anthony, now players have completely lost confidence in Tenghahe himself. As early as after the Manchester derby, the British media revealed that players questioned Tenghahe’s tactics, including letting Lindelov, who is not good at wingers, play left-back, and Anthony, who is better at wingers, was not the first choice.

Tenghahe’s tough approach has also attracted the disgust of most players. Punishing Sancho is an example. After the Manchester derby, Tenghahe forced Manchester United players to stay to witness the celebration of Manchester City players and fans, canceled the original holiday and added extra homework, which was considered as disrespect for the players. The extra homework is to let the players watch the video edited by the coaching staff for themselves, which points out the mistakes made by the players. This kind of practice, like punishing primary school students, makes the stars feel "humiliated". The first person who didn’t buy it was Rachford. On the night after the derby, the Manchester United winger held a party in the nightclub until 3: 30 in the morning. At least for now, Tenghahe hasn’t given him a ticket.

Neville’s hint on the social media account is almost explicit: "We have seen such a situation before, we know how it ends, and we have had enough." Former Tottenham midfielder O ‘Hara also stressed: Manchester United is in chaos from top to bottom, the players don’t care about winning or losing, and the coach has lost the support of the players. This is similar to Neville’s definition of Tenghahe and Manchester United. Neville emphasized that both rivals of Manchester United have professional sports departments, but Manchester United doesn’t even have Sports director. In addition, after driving away Cristiano Ronaldo last year, Manchester United announced that it would consider new strategic choices, but there is still no clear direction today, which also makes Manchester United players feel insecure.

Tenghahe’s fate has changed from how to turn things around to when to finish class. The British media began to calculate the cost (15 million pounds) of firing Tenghahe for Manchester United. After Ferguson retired, this figure tied for the highest among the fired coaches. However, it has just been announced that last season’s revenue was as high as 640 million pounds, which is completely affordable for Manchester United, which set a new record for Premier League clubs. In addition, the media has even listed a succession candidate list for Manchester United: emeri of Aston Villa, Eddie Howe of Newcastle United, De Zerbi of Brighton, as well as the laid-off Zidane and the hot Bayer Leverkusen coach Alonso.

Different from last season, Manchester United’s dressing room is not only separated from Germany, but also the injury crisis has not improved. Casemiro’s new injury continues to weaken Manchester United’s already unbearable defensive end. Tenghahe wants to be what he calls a "fighter" and unite with the players to fight together, but he must first fully implement his tactics through the players-unfortunately, this is also the most difficult thing to do at present.

In order to save the situation, the British media revealed that Tenghahe would have a one-on-one conversation with Manchester United players to understand the situation and eliminate barriers. However, there is not much time left for Tenghahe, and the international competition day in November may be his last chance to breathe. At the end of November, Manchester United will play Galatasaray, Newcastle United, Chelsea and Bayern at home, and then Liverpool. How long can Tenghah last? It’s a good prize-winning quiz.