The maximum battery life is 715km. The new BYD Han EV real car map is exposed.

A few days ago, Chezhi. com obtained a set of real car drawings of the new BYD Han EV (parameter picture) from relevant channels. Compared with the current models, the new Han EV adopts more sporty design elements, and the details are comprehensively improved. Power is still available in single-motor and dual-motor versions, with a maximum cruising range of 715km.

Judging from the real car map, the new Han EV generally continues the design of the current model, mainly upgrading the details, in which the front face part uses bright black trim to replace the current silver decoration, and the visual effect is more sporty. The side is also painted in black on the window frame line, side skirt and exterior rearview mirror cover, and is equipped with unique two-color wheels and eye-catching green brake calipers.

The tail also uses a large number of black decorative elements, with through Chinese knot LED taillights, which further enhances the recognition. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new Han EV are 4995mm/1910mm/1495mm and the wheelbase is 2920mm, which is slightly longer than the current models.

In terms of power, the new Han EV will continue to provide single-motor and dual-motor versions, of which the maximum power of the single-motor version is 180kW, and the maximum power of the dual-motor version is 180kW/200kW respectively, which improves the performance compared with the current models. In terms of batteries, the new car will continue to be equipped with Ferrous lithium phosphate blade batteries with a capacity of 85.440kWh, with the maximum cruising range of 715km and 610km, and the cruising level has also been significantly improved.

Have you been tricked into eating sugar, dyeing your hair and playing mobile phones?

  According to the statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cancer is the second leading cause of death in America. However, when it comes to knowledge about this disease, the public still has a little knowledge about it. To make matters worse, many misunderstandings about diseases spread online and offline, making it difficult for people to identify correct information from unfounded fallacies. American "Best Life" website collects scientific evidence and expert advice, refuting the most common misunderstandings in this field.

  Myth 1: Eating sugar will make cancer worse.

  Perhaps because cancer cells consume more glucose than other cells, people believe that eating sugar will make the disease worse. However, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) refuted this statement, pointing out that "no research shows that eating sugar will make cancer worse, or if you stop eating sugar, the tumor will shrink or disappear."

  Myth 2: The more dairy products you eat,

  The more likely you are to get breast cancer.

  Women can safely eat cheese and yogurt without worrying about breast cancer. The research results published in the International Journal of Epidemiology by researchers from Harvard School of Public Health show that there is no significant correlation between the intake of total dairy products (including both liquid dairy products and solid dairy products) and the risk of breast cancer.

  Myth 3: Eating artificial sweeteners can cause cancer.

  People had this concern in the 1970s and 1980s, because studies at that time showed that the intake of artificial sweeteners (such as saccharin and aspartame) would lead to cancer in mice. However, further tests prove that these substances will not have the same effect on human beings. Nowadays, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that all sugar substitutes (except sodium cyclamate) are safe to eat.

  Myth 4: Using mobile phones can cause cancer.

  This common cancer misunderstanding stems from the fact that mobile phones emit electromagnetic radiation. However, there are obvious differences between high-frequency radiation (such as X-ray radiation) and low-frequency radiation (radiation emitted by mobile phones). Although high-frequency radiation will increase the risk of cancer, there is no conclusive evidence that low-frequency radiation has such an effect on the body. Epidemiological studies on the exposure of mobile phones to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields have not shown that users have an increased risk of brain tumors or other cancers.

  Myth 5 Cancer is completely a genetic disease.

  Although medical scientists are still investigating the causes of cancer, the National Cancer Institute of the United States suggests that 5%~10% of cancers are caused by genetic factors, and the remaining risk factors include exposure to harmful substances in the environment (such as tobacco and air pollutants) and genetic mutations caused by aging.

  Myth 6: Only women get breast cancer

  Although it is not common, it is also possible for men to develop breast cancer, but the probability is low. The probability of breast cancer in an average man’s life is 1 in 883.

  Myth 7: If the mammogram results are normal,

  There would be no breast cancer.

  Because mammography may miss important information, it is impossible to make a diagnosis only by mammography. High-risk groups with genetic susceptibility to breast cancer should consider magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for more accurate screening.

  Myth 8: Hair dyeing will increase the risk of cancer.

  The research results on carcinogenesis of hair dyes are contradictory. Therefore, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that hair dyes do not include carcinogens harmful to human beings, but they also warned that occupational exposure (such as hairdressers) may cause cancer to human beings.

  Myth 9: Weight has nothing to do with cancer risk.

  Weight is directly related to the risk of cancer. According to the research results published in The Lancet-Oncology by researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, in 2012, 3.6% of all new cancer cases among adults were related to weight.

  There are many reasons why obese people have a high risk of cancer. One theory is that overweight people have chronic low-grade inflammation, which will damage DNA over time and eventually lead to illness.

  Myth 10: People with dark skin color should not have skin cancer.

  Although skin cancer is more common in people with light skin color, dark skin color does not protect you from ultraviolet radiation. The research results published in the Journal of American Dermatology Association by researchers in case western reserve university, USA, show that melanoma is more deadly to people with darker skin color; Moreover, some skin cancers (such as acral melanoma) are more common in people with dark skin color.

  Myth 11 Using antiperspirants can lead to breast cancer.

  This misconception is that the substances in antiperspirants will penetrate into axillary lymph nodes, causing cell mutation, which will lead to cancer. However, the American Cancer Society refuted this statement, pointing out that "there is little scientific evidence" to support this speculation.

  Researchers at the Fred Haakinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, USA, published research results in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, showing that the use of antiperspirants and deodorants has nothing to do with the increased risk of breast cancer.

  Myth 12 Breast augmentation will increase the risk of breast cancer

  A meta-analysis published by FDA researchers in the Journal of Plastic Surgery shows that breast augmentation does not increase the risk of breast cancer. However, it is worth noting that there is a small connection between breast augmentation and anaplastic large cell lymphoma, but this rare cancer can be treated.

  Myth 13: People who receive cancer treatment must be hospitalized.

  Although the treatment of cancer does require several visits to the hospital, patients do not need to stay there until their condition is relieved. In fact, many patients with early cancer can continue to live a normal life and only need to go to the hospital for treatment and examination on a regular basis.

  Myth 14 Only smokers get lung cancer.

  Although smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer, other risk factors (such as secondhand smoke, radon in the air and exposure to asbestos) also increase the risk of lung cancer.

  Misunderstanding 15

  Infection with human papillomavirus will definitely lead to cervical cancer.

  Some strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) develop into cervical cancer over time, but this is not always the case. There are more than 200 strains of HPV, but only a few of them are high risk factors for cervical cancer. About 70% of cervical cancer is caused by two types (HPV16 and HPV18).

  Myth 16

  Negative emotions can make

  The condition of cancer patients is worse.

  Usually, when cancer patients have no improvement after receiving treatment, their instinct is to blame their negative attitude as the root of the problem. However, the American Cancer Society points out that there is no connection between personality characteristics and cancer survival rate.

  Myth 17: Surgery will cause cancer to spread.

  According to the Cancer Council of New South Wales, Australia, there is no evidence to support the spread of cancer caused by surgery. Because this disease grows and reproduces in the blood, it has nothing to do with surgery.

  Myth 18 Herbal supplements can cure cancer.

  According to the research results published in the Journal of Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine by researchers from Taiwan Province Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center in China, only when combined with conventional treatment can herbal supplements play a role in relieving the disease.

  Myth 19 Biopsy will lead to the spread of cancer.

  Because some patients feel worse after biopsy, they mistakenly believe that exposing cancer to the air will make their condition worse. In fact, there is no evidence that biopsy of lesions will lead to the spread of cancer, and there is no evidence that exposing tumors to the air will lead to its spread to other body parts.

  Myth 20 Chemotherapy always makes patients feel uncomfortable.

  Since the first use of chemotherapy in the 1940s and 1950s, this therapy has made great progress. In order to reduce or even eliminate the side effects, medical scientists have made great efforts, and the patients’ bad feelings are not as serious as imagined.

  Myth 21 Cancer is contagious.

  Cancer itself is not contagious, and you can’t get the disease from others at all. However, some infectious viruses (such as HPV and hepatitis B and C viruses) can cause cancer, so we need to be careful.

  Myth 22 Fluoride can cause cancer.

  Fluoride in tap water and toothpaste does not cause cancer. In February 1991, after reviewing more than 50 population studies, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced that fluoride in its natural form would not pose a cancer risk to human beings.

  Myth 23 getting cancer is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

  Due to technological progress and new medical discoveries, the survival probability of cancer patients is much higher than before. According to the data of the National Cancer Institute, the 5-year survival rate of all types of cancer adds up to about 67%, while for specific cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and thyroid gland, this statistic is as high as 90%. (Compile/Guo Shaoshan)

In 2016, the auto industry proposal of the two sessions took stock of the automatic driving ladder, and the oil price became the focus.

  [Global Network Comprehensive Report] The Fourth Session of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will open at the Great Hall of the People at 3 pm on March 3, and the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress will also open on March 5.

  In 2016, two national conferences were held, and proposals on the automobile industry were also released. There are not only forward-looking proposals on autonomous driving legislation, but also proposals on people’s livelihood such as oil prices.

  According to the official news released by Geely Automobile, Li Shufu, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Geely Group, put forward three proposals at the two sessions: firstly, he suggested speeding up the legislation of autonomous driving; secondly, he cautiously and reasonably revised the law on the promotion of private education; and thirdly, he strengthened the tax management of e-commerce business transactions.

  Li Shufu believes that motoring has brought new challenges and opportunities to the development of China automobile industry. It is urgent to judge the possible problems in advance and make legislative plans as soon as possible. This is because the legislation on autonomous driving has become a new international concern, and because of the complexity and uniqueness of China, it takes a certain period to amend a legislation or industry regulations. Therefore, starting to consider the legislation on autonomous driving as soon as possible will help to establish the norms of autonomous driving industry in China, promote the healthy development of the industry and guide social investment. Moreover, with the establishment of relevant legislation and industry norms, it can maximize the promotion of related industries to achieve cornering overtaking on the international stage in the "Made in China 2025" grand strategy. 

  As for the content and formulation of autonomous driving legislation, Li Shufu believes that we should first study and analyze the current laws and regulations in China, identify and start to modify the relevant provisions that hinder the development of autonomous driving; Secondly, as a new technology, the final promotion of autonomous driving must be widely accepted by users; In addition, autonomous driving can achieve more significant social effects in solving traffic congestion and air pollution in large and medium-sized cities, and these areas are also in urgent need of autonomous driving; Finally, the development of autonomous driving requires comprehensive consideration of relevant industrial policies of legislation.

  Coincidentally, the three proposals made by Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Baidu CEO Robin Li also involved policies and regulations on driverless driving.

  Li Yanhong said that driverless cars have great energy-saving potential, which has far-reaching significance in reducing traffic accidents, improving congestion, improving road and vehicle utilization, and can directly drive the rapid development of smart car aftermarket and other industries. At present, the development of global driverless technology is welcoming a new upsurge, and China enterprises are also actively deploying the core technology research and development and industrial application in the field of driverless. After years of accumulation, Internet companies such as Baidu have reached the international leading level in many key technologies of autonomous driving, such as traffic scene object recognition, high-precision mapping and positioning. However, compared with the continuous advancement of technology, China’s relevant laws and regulations still have a lot of room for adjustment for the development of driverless cars: on the one hand, the relevant industry standards, technical standards, laws and regulations and insurance of the existing automobile industry are not applicable to driverless cars; On the other hand, regulations on map content and surveying and mapping qualifications related to driverless cars also hinder the development of driverless cars.

  In response to this problem, Li Yanhong suggested in the proposal that China should pay attention to driverless driving at the national level, make top-level design and scientific planning for the research and development and industrial application of driverless technology, and revise and improve laws and regulations related to driverless driving as soon as possible, so as to provide institutional guarantee for the research and development, testing and commercial application of driverless cars.

  In addition to autonomous driving, which represents cutting-edge technology, people’s livelihood issues such as oil prices have also become the focus of auto industry proposals.


  The reporter learned from the official of Great Wall Motor that the proposal of Wang Fengying, deputy to the National People’s Congress and president of Great Wall Motor, involved topics such as ladder pricing of vehicle fuel.

  Wang Fengying analyzed the current development situation of automobile industry in China: the number of motor vehicles in China is close to 280 million, the number of private cars is over 140 million, and the number of cars per thousand people is about 117, which is close to the international average. Generally speaking, China has entered the automobile society in an all-round way. Moreover, China’s public demand for cars has not yet reached its peak, and the number of cars is bound to maintain a net growth of more than 10 million in the next 10-15 years. According to this trend, China will become a "country on wheels". By then, people’s mode of production and travel, choice of residence, urban and rural structure, lifestyle, leisure style, consumption structure and business model will also change. This change in the rhythm of social activities will also have a direct impact on social relations and other aspects.

  At present, there is still a big gap between China’s "soft" environment of automobile society, especially the car-using environment and developed countries. The poor convenience of car owners and the heavy tax burden of all links directly restrict the operation efficiency of the automobile society and are not conducive to the development of China’s automobile society.

  She pointed out a series of problems exposed with the growth of car ownership: the system setting of vehicle and vessel tax is unfair, which is not conducive to encouraging car owners to use less cars; The toll period of expressway is too long, which is beyond the reasonable scope, so it should be adjusted and optimized according to the urban development; The fuel price pricing mechanism is not linked to the intensity of vehicle use; The current vehicle annual inspection system is still unreasonable and there is a waste of social resources; Urban parking fee management is chaotic and inefficient, and the whereabouts of parking fees are unknown; Congestion fee collection needs forward-looking planning and corresponding legal and policy support.

  In this regard, Wang Fengying’s suggestions are: increase the intensity of vehicle use and optimize the vehicle and vessel use tax system; Clarify the social and operational attributes of transportation infrastructure such as expressways, scientifically allocate resources, and create a fairer and more standardized car environment for car owners; Taking the vehicle intensity as an important charging standard, this paper explores the ladder pricing system of vehicle fuel to guide users to reduce the vehicle intensity; Supervision and use of "internet plus" and other technical means to improve vehicle traffic efficiency and improve parking management efficiency; Carefully collect congestion charges, and the decision-making process needs to be open and transparent; Revise and improve the laws, regulations and policies related to car use to create a more convenient car use environment for car owners.

  As well as the oil price problem, there are also concerns about the new energy utilization of automobiles, the progress of energy conservation and emission reduction, and the process of green environmental protection. Recently, An Jin, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of Jianghuai Automobile, said in an interview with the media that the most concerned issue is energy conservation and emission reduction.

  An Jin said: "This year’s two sessions, in addition to studying Premier Li Keqiang’s government work report, accurately grasping the development trend of the country and industry under the new normal, and combining the 13 th Five-Year Plan with enterprise development, my most concerned topic is energy conservation and emission reduction." At the beginning of the interview, An Jin briefly and directly introduced the focus of the two sessions this year.

  In Amgen’s view, there are at least two major issues in the adjustment of China’s industrial structure: innovation and green. A big country must have a high degree of innovation. If we can’t take the lead in innovation or catch up with it quickly, we can’t have competitiveness and the right to speak in the complicated political and economic environment.

  It is not difficult to infer that Amgen’s proposal will focus on the development of innovative technologies, green cars and energy conservation and emission reduction.

Badminton class: at a glance! Concise version of badminton competition rules

count scores

1. 21 points system, 2 wins in 3 games is better.

2. Score system for each ball

3. In each round, the winner will get 1 point.

When both sides score 20 points, the one who leads the other side by 2 points wins the game.

When both sides score 29 points, the one who gets 30 points first wins the game.

6. The winner of a game takes the lead in serving in the next game

Rules of rest and changing sides between matches

1. In a game, when the leading side reaches 11, both sides have a 60-second break.

Between two games, both sides have a 2-minute break.

In the deciding game, when the leading side reaches 11 points, the two sides exchange venues.

Badminton competition rules singles

1. At the beginning of a game (score 0: 0) or when the server scores an even number, the server serves in the right half. When the server scores an odd number, serve at the left half.

2. If the server scores a point, it will continue to serve in the next round.

3. If the receiver scores a point, it will become the server in the next round.

Badminton competition rules doubles

1. Like singles, when the server scores an even number, the server serves in the right half. When the server scores an odd number, serve at the left half.

2. If the server scores a point, it will continue to serve in the next round, and the server will remain the same.

3. If the receiver scores a point, it will become the server in the next round.

4. If and only if the server scores, the two players of the server exchange the left and right halves.

Diagram of badminton doubles competition rules

A badminton doubles match, A&B vs C&D, is described below. At the beginning of the match, A serves first and C receives the service.

A description of the progress of the game score service area Serve & receive Winner diagram

Badminton competition rules: three strikes three.

Three against three, as the name implies, is three against three, so there are special rules and requirements in serving, standing and some playing methods.

The basic principles such as the position of serving and receiving should still follow the doubles rules of badminton. For example, when the score is even, the server stands in the right half and when the score is odd, the server stands in the left half.

1. Before the game, each team shall determine the first, second and third server and receiver, namely Team A (A1, A2 and A3) and Team B (B1, B2 and B3).

2. A1 serves, B1 receives.

3. B1 serves, A1 receives, and so on

4. After A1 serves and scores, A2 serves the next ball, that is, if Party A serves, A1, A2 and A3 serve in turn.

5. After B1 serves and scores, B2 serves the next ball, that is, if Party B serves, B1, B2 and B3 serve in turn.

Official ball

1. Sixteen feathers should be fixed on the ball support.

2. The length of each feather from the ball support surface to the feather tip is 62 ~ 70mm.

3. The top of the feather is round, with a diameter of 58 ~ 68 mm.

4. Feathers should be tied with thread or other suitable materials.

5. The bottom of the ball holder is spherical with a diameter of 25 ~ 28 mm.

6. The ball weighs 4.74 ~ 5.50g.

Badminton racket specifications

1. Badminton racket generally consists of racket head, racket shaft, racket handle and the joint between racket frame and racket shaft.

The length of a racket is no more than 68cm.

3. The length of racket handle and racket shaft shall not exceed 42 cm, the length of racket frame shall not exceed 25 cm, and the width shall be 20 cm.

4. The development direction of the racket: the weight is getting lighter and lighter, the racket frame is getting harder and harder, and the elasticity of the racket shaft is getting better and better.

Standard size of badminton court

1. The badminton court should be a rectangle, drawn with a line with a width of 40mm.

2. The color of the site line is preferably white, yellow or other easily recognizable colors.

3. All lines are part of the area it defines.

4. From the ground of the stadium, the net column is 1.55m high.

5. The net column must be firmly perpendicular to the ground, and keep the net tightly pulled.

6. The net post should be placed on the sideline of doubles.

7. Badminton nets should be made of dark high-quality strings, with evenly distributed squares with sides of 15 ~ 20mm.

8. Badminton net is 760mm wide up and down.

9. The rope or steel wire shall have sufficient length and strength, which can be firmly tightened and leveled with the top of the net column.

10. The net height in the center of the venue is 1.524 meters, and the net height at the sideline of doubles is 1.55 meters.

11. Both ends of the net must be fastened to the net column, and there should be no gap between them.

12. The length is 13.40m, the width of doubles is 6.10m, the width of singles is 5.18m, the diagonal length of doubles court is 14.723m, and the diagonal length of singles court is 14.366m..

Brief introduction of badminton team competition

Badminton team competitions include men’s and women’s teams, but team events are not Olympic events. The three famous badminton team competitions are Thomas Cup, Uber Cup and Sudirman Cup.

Thomas cup badminton.

Thomas Cup Badminton Competition is the highest level men’s badminton team competition in the world, that is, the World Men’s Badminton Team Championship, which was founded by the former International Badminton Federation in 1948. It is held every two years.

Uber cup badminton

The trophy of the World Women’s Badminton Team Championship (Uber Cup). Named after Mrs. Uber’s donation. Also known as the "World Women’s Badminton Team Championship". Uber Cup is the same as Thomas Cup. Before 1982, it was held every three years, and the competition adopted the best of seven games system. Since 1984, it has been held every two years, adopting the best of five games system.

Sudirman Cup

Also known as the World Badminton Mixed Team Championship, it adopts the best-of-five system and consists of five events: men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. It is the most important world competition representing the overall level of badminton, and is equally famous with Thomas Cup and Uber Cup. In 1989, the first Sudirman Cup was held in Indonesia. This competition is held every two years, with Thomas Cup and Uber Cup in even years and Sudirman Cup in odd years.

Badminton team competition rules

According to the rules of Sudirman Cup, there are men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. The order can be decided by both parties, but players can’t have both events, that is, they can’t participate in both events by themselves. Each event is the best of three games, with 21 points in each game. Best of five.

service fault

1. The ball is not served in the corresponding area.

2. The ball hangs on the net or stops at the top of the net.

3. The ball goes over the net and hangs on the net.

4. In doubles, the receiver’s partner receives or is touched by the ball.

Violate the rules during the game.

1. The ball falls outside the boundary of the field.

2. The ball passes under the mesh or net.

3. The ball didn’t cross the net.

4. The ball touches the ceiling or the surrounding walls

5. The ball touches the athlete’s body or clothes

6. The ball touches other objects or people outside the field.

7. When the ball is hit, it stays on the racket, and then it is dragged and thrown.

8. The ball was hit by the same player many times in one round.

9. The player’s racket, body or clothes touch the net or the support of the net.

10. Hit the ball through the net (when hitting the ball, the initial contact point between the racket and the ball is on the batter’s net side, except when the racket crosses the net with the ball).

Badminton service area

The effective area of singles serve is the blue area in the figure below.

The effective service area of doubles is the green area in the figure below.

Badminton half-court sideline

In singles, the effective range of the half-court sideline is the blue area in the picture below.

In doubles, the effective range of the half-court sideline is the green area in the figure below.


1. Athletes: people who take part in badminton competitions.

2. A game: One or two athletes from each side is the most basic unit to decide the outcome.

3. Singles: A game played by one player from each side.

4. Doubles: A game played by two players from each side.

5. server: the party with the right to serve.

6. Receiver: the opponent who serves.

Start of the game 0 – 0 Right half-court serve A serves, C receives. A & B
A&B scores a point, A&B will change sides, A will continue to serve in the left half, and C&D will keep their respective half unchanged. 1 – 0 Left half serve A serves, D receives. C & D
C&D scored one point, and A B C D kept their own half unchanged. 1 – 1 Left half serve D serves, A receives. A & B
A&B scored a point and served at the right half. A, B, C and D kept their respective half unchanged. 2 – 1 Right half-court serve B serves, C receives. C & D
C&D scores a point and serves at the right half. A B C D keeps their own half unchanged. 2 – 2 Right half-court serve C serves, B receives. C & D
C&D scores a point, C&D will change sides, C will continue to serve in the left half, and A&B will keep their respective half unchanged. 2 – 3 Left half serve C serves, A receives. A & B
A&B scored a point and served at the left half. A, B, C and D kept their respective half unchanged. 3 – 3 Left half serve A serves, C receives. A & B
A&B scores a point, A&B will change sides, A will continue to serve in the right half, and C&D will keep their respective half unchanged. 4 – 3 Right half-court serve A serves, D receives. C & D