"Chinese style" swept the Rio Olympic Games, and China became online celebrity.

  CCTV News: With the opening of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, China Olympic athletes will once again attract global attention with their tenacious sportsmanship and excellent performance in the world arena. However, you know what? China specialty, which became popular inside and outside the stadium, is popular all over the world, and has "conquered" the world while adding luster to the escort of China athletes.

  Rio Olympics continues the great beauty of China.

  Speaking of China characteristics, what can better represent China than blue and white porcelain? When it comes to oriental women, what can be more beautiful than cheongsam?

Competition equipment of trampoline national team in Rio Olympic Games

                                                    Competition equipment of trampoline national team in Rio Olympic Games

  In this Olympic Games, China trampoline Jinhua will compete in a cheongsam-style "blue and white porcelain" shirt. Presumably, there will be a "drunken Chinese style" with oriental restraint and luxury and beauty. While watching the game, you can also enjoy a fashion show full of China flavor. Do you feel that you have made a lot of money? ! The women’s trampoline will hold a qualifying match at 1 o’clock on August 13 th, Beijing time. I want to see it quickly and wait and see with Xiaobian!

  China mosquito nets are popular all over the world.

  Just when athletes from all over the world were worried about how to prevent mosquitoes, the delegation of China offered a "killer weapon". It is called "national magic weapon" by foreign media, and it is actually an anti-mosquito weapon to help China athletes block Zika virus: mosquito nets.

  With it, mom and dad don’t have to worry about me sleeping anymore, and they don’t have to be smoked by mosquito-repellent incense at night. They wake up naturally when they sleep, which is nontoxic and tasteless, environmentally friendly and fresh, and the cot becomes a "princess’s nest" in seconds, and the sense of security is bursting!


  Naughty gymnast Feng Zhe posted a joke in Weibo: A foreigner came over and asked: Can you sell me a white Chinese knot? I said yes, which word do you want, blessing or longevity? But only the red ones! Foreigners explain that it is the kind of white that can cover people! Read after me, it’s called mosquito net, not Chinese knot!

  ESPN sports reporters called mosquito nets "Screen" on their Twitter when they saw gymnasts in China showing mosquito nets! It seems that crooked nuts really don’t understand our summer anti-mosquito artifact.

  Not only foreign journalists are "stunned" by this thing! It is said that Fukuhara Ai and Australian women’s basketball star Elizabeth Cambage also started to use it.


  Fukuhara Ai, a 10-level Northeastern dialect speaker, also received a mosquito net from coach Tang Yuanyuan, which was specially aired on the Weibo.

  What should foreign athletes do if they have no coach from China to deliver mosquito nets? Buy it! So there was a scene where foreign athletes asked Feng Zhe to buy mosquito nets.

  The vast number of netizens have opened their brains for Feng Zhe: @ Designer who loves food: another China artifact after Laoganma’s hot sauce! Seeing the Chinese knot, I feel quite appropriate! @ Xiatangju: It has greatly promoted the vigorous development of small commodity wholesale industry in China. @fffiyyy: Remember to charge! The inheritance left by our ancestors must be collected! @ 京京京京京: Go and apply for intangible cultural heritage or patents or something.

  Waiguoren speaks for Chinese medicine

  On the second day of the Olympic Games, foreign media encountered a Rio puzzle. Why does "flying fish" michael phelps have red dots on him?


  Everyone in China knows this answer. Isn’t this our traditional Chinese medicine therapy, cupping! We are most familiar with the 99K pure domestic products, but our foreign friends are amazed.

  The Associated Press, which jumped out to solve the puzzle, made an endorsement for our domestic product "cupping" for free: the circle is the result of cupping. Athletes use this treatment to help their muscles recover and achieve the best results. Its process is: a therapist heats several small glasses, then buckles them on the skin, and then pulls them out to relax the muscles.

  There are many fans of cupping. Not only Phelps, American male gymnast Naddour took photos of his cupping on his Instagram, but he also talked to USA-Today about the beauty of cupping: "This is the secret weapon to keep me healthy this year, and its effect is better than other treatments I have paid for before."

  The BBC made a special program to explain why athletes "wear a big dark red mark". Reuters reporter carefully studied the efficacy of cupping, thinking that its efficacy includes removing toxins, promoting blood flow, relieving soreness, and even treating insomnia.

  Chinese aunt dances Rio

  When it comes to Chinese aunts, the first thing that comes to mind is the square dance. You must want to ask, what does this have to do with the Rio Olympics? Don’t believe it, Chinese aunts have already jumped the square dance to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games!


  At the opening ceremony of Rio Olympic Games, among the dance volunteers who performed Latin enthusiastically, an oriental face was very special. She danced "square dance" at Maracana Stadium on behalf of Chinese aunt.

  The 56-year-old Jiangyin aunt’s name is Chen Jing. Because her daughter works in Rio de Janeiro, Chen Jing submitted an application when she learned that the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympic Games was open to volunteers from all over the world. In February this year, she received an email from the Rio Olympic Organizing Committee informing her that she was selected for the dance performance at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.


  The Rio Olympic Organizing Committee took a single photo for each volunteer and posted it on the walls and pillars of Maradona Stadium.

  Self-confident Aunt Chen Jing showed her grace on the bright stage. Her beauty is integrated into the whole of Brazil and the whole Olympic Games.

  The creation of the wise ancestors may seem commonplace or even inconspicuous to you and me; In the eyes of foreigners, it may be a god-like existence. It seems that Made in China can include not only cutting-edge technology, but also any of your family’s skills and treasures. (Text/An Mengying)

Hu Bing was invited as "Italian fashion friend" China gentleman to promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

Hu Bing was invited as "Italian fashion friend" China gentleman to promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

The year 2020 coincides with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy, and it is also the "China-Italy Year of Culture and Tourism". At this landmark point, at the official invitation of the Italian National Tourism Administration, Hu Bing, a gentleman from China, will co-host the grand event as an "Italian fashion friend", promote cultural exchanges between the two countries, and start his new journey as a "world traveler". Yesterday, Hu Bing also sent a message to Weibo, telling his origins and stories with Italy in the form of video.

Hu Bing, as an "Italian fashion friend", was praised as a walking China fashion label.

Like China, Italy is also a "treasure-class" world cultural heritage country. It is not only the cradle of European culture, the birthplace of the Renaissance, but also one of the current international fashion centers, and Hu Bing has a deep relationship with it. In his early years, after he entered the national team as a professional rower, he was sent to Italy to attend an international training camp. After being injured, he found another stage in his life and made his first show in Milan, thus opening the way to modeling and performing arts. For Hu Bing, Italy is a place where dreams begin and a place where his dreams bloom.

Since then, Hu Bing has gone to Italy and other countries to participate in fashion week, award ceremony, jury and other related activities almost every year, and has maintained the cooperation of European fashion brands and top designers for more than 20 years, becoming the face of china recognized by the international fashion world. Hu Bing has always had his own understanding of fashion. "Embrace the future and stay with the classics" is his philosophy. He loves the eternal charm of classics and embraces the changes and unknowns in the future, forming his own fashion style and unique label, which perfectly fits with the identity of "Italian fashion friend" and is praised by many fashion media as the fashion label of China.

"World Traveler" starts again, and every time he goes to Italy, it’s like the first time.

Hu Bing was invited as "Italian fashion friend" China gentleman to promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

It is reported that based on his work, Hu Bing travels around the world for more than 200 days every year, and really feels the customs and local culture of different regions. He likes to stop and go, immerse himself in the local culture and folk customs, do not set a destination for himself, and follow his heart to be an exploratory "world traveler".

In addition, Hu Bing has devoted a lot of energy to cultural exchange, promotion and public welfare undertakings. This time, Hu Bing won the title of "Best Friend of Italian Fashion", and also told his origin and story with Italy in the form of short video on the platform of Weibo. "Italy carries too many memories of its growth, the sports spirit of Rome, the fashion art of Milan and the cultural exploration of Venice. Every time I go to Italy, it is like the first time." Hu Bing said.

In addition, in the early stage of the full opening of the two countries’ tourism, Hu Bing will also participate in a series of online warm-up activities for more Sino-Italian cultural and tourism years, and deeply share with fans the "knowledge points" of the two countries in fashion, humanities, tourism and many other aspects. In this regard, Hu Bing said: "Although the epidemic has changed everyone’s life now, I believe that one day, we will continue to meet in Milan, Rome and Venice, and this day will come soon."

Empathy! "Hot Search" Chengdu roadshow news students were deeply touched.

1905 movie network news The film directed by, starring, and starring is being shown. Yesterday, the national roadshow "Hot Search" and "Sound All the Way" came to Chengdu. Director Xin Yukun, actors Song Yang and Justin came to the roadshow to communicate with the audience after the show. The audience said that "the film shows the cross-section of the whole fermentation process of the hot search event to everyone", and fans with directors praised that "the director still brought us different shocks after years of violation".

In the film, the reversal of public opinion is closely linked, and the audience said that when watching it, "the heart is ups and downs, and the first half is very painful. Finally, it is very enjoyable to see Chen Miao’s comeback, and it is also a great surprise." There is also an audience who bluntly said that "Peng Yue is so bad that he was so angry that he wanted to rush to hit him". At the roadshow, the audience enthusiastically taught Justin Sichuan dialect "Angry at Peng Yue", and the atmosphere was very happy.

Empathy! The audience praised the social significance of the film. 

News students are deeply touched "will stick to the original heart of news"

High-flow social events, various reversals of public opinion, and the contest between good and evil behind the push … The film moved the hot spots behind the stage, making the audience sigh that "the film touched on social topics such as cyber violence, sexual assault, and public opinion reversal, which is of great social significance and deserves to be seen by more people". The director said that the hot spots in the network change very quickly. "The movie has the opportunity for everyone to sit down and slowly see behind an event." At the scene of the road show, some viewers said that the reality of public opinion presented in the film made them feel the same, and they were threatened by their voices. "So I know more about how much harm a vicious word can do to a person and how much courage it takes to make a small voice."

After watching the movie, a news professional audience said that "the film’s presentation of hot events is very real, and the DNA of learning news has moved." The director said frankly: "The film has the responsibility of recording the times. In the period when the media is very prosperous, the complexity of online public opinion and the power of different classes under the background of the times are necessary to be recorded by the film." The audience also mentioned that Chen Miao’s adherence to the ideal of news in the process of speaking for the weak made him very touched, saying that "I will also adhere to the original heart of news." Song Yang said: "Everyone has a wonderful Chen in his heart, which leads us to speak out bravely at an appropriate time."

Female mutual help is figurative, presenting girlfriends, and the audience is moved to tears.

Lawyers, audience, two movies, calling on everyone to speak bravely.

At the roadshow, girlfriends watched the movie together, indicating that they were moved by the power of women’s mutual help in the movie. When they saw that justice was done, they "shed tears with excitement" and lamented that "the power of girls help girls is really concrete. It is a matter of special courage to stand up and help people who are being hurt". Some viewers said that they were deeply impressed by the lyrics of the ending song Byakki Smoker, which reflected the difficulties faced by many women. The director said frankly that he hoped to "record the distinctive power of women’s mutual assistance in this era and the plight of different classes in their depths" through the film.

There is also a lawyer audience at the scene who said that he has already brushed the film twice, and he was deeply touched. "The current network environment is very complicated, and public opinion supervision is very important, but there must be no public opinion trial, which may make the parties face social death on the Internet first." As a legal practitioner, I will try my best to ensure that every case is echoed in fairness and justice. Song Yang said: "The network can make a sound. I hope that everyone can make a sound when they are hurt, and gather into a fire to overthrow all evil forces."

The film "Hot Search" is showing.

Explosive order! This kind of fruit is popular all over the country! A store sells more than 100 thousand yuan a day! Guangdong has become the first in the country. How did it do that?

  In recent years, the vigorous development of agricultural products e-commerce has become the main force to promote the prosperity of rural industries and the new engine for rural revitalization. According to a report released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently, in 2020, the online retail sales of agricultural products in counties of Guangdong Province ranked first in the country. At present, it is the season when Guangdong honey pomelo is listed. How do farmers catch the express train of e-commerce and sell pomelo?

  Go to science and technology, good varieties usher in a big market.

  The anchor is selling grapefruit live on the e-commerce platform. It is understood that about three kilograms of honey pomelo is a hot explosion in the season. In the base, it can sell hundreds of thousands of kilograms every day.

  Qiu Muxiang, the person in charge of the base, shuttled through the grapefruit pile with a stack of orders and three mobile phones. Behind her, six anchors were broadcasting goods live at the same time. Recently, these anchors broadcast from 2 pm to late at night every day, and the grapefruit of more than 100 farmers, including Qiu Muxiang’s own garden, was sold to the whole country from here.

  Qiu Muxiang, head of Guangdong Meizhou Wan Chuan Qianhong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.:Every day, more than 20,000 orders are issued, workers are busy packing, and all the cars at the door are waiting in line for express loading. If there are more live broadcast rooms, they can sell more than 100,000 yuan a day.

  Upgrading, e-commerce integration helps rural economy upgrade

  The traditional sales model of agricultural products is changing. For fruit farmers, live e-commerce not only expands the sales radius of products, but also solves the problem of not selling them.

  Qiu Muxiang, head of Guangdong Meizhou Wan Chuan Qianhong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.:In the past, I went to someone else to sell grapefruit. Now, someone else asked me to buy grapefruit. Selling it directly to the purchaser can earn 1 yuan at most per catty, so the selling price will be higher and the direct income of farmers will be higher.

  Guan Weiyuan, General Manager of Zili Village Farmers Cooperative, sanhe town, dapu county, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province:This fruit is divided into 6 levels, of which the level of 1.3 kg to 1.8 kg is to buy in the community. The level of 1.8 kg to 2.5 kg is mainly based on some e-commerce platforms. At the peak, the delivery is about 12 cars a day.

  In addition to grapefruit, well-known agricultural products in Guangdong, such as pineapple, litchi, longan and tribute orange, have also taken to the internet and sold well everywhere.

  On the service, government assistance is guaranteed.

  The whole people are anchors, and everyone can bring goods. More farmers are learning to realize the role transformation from farming role to farmer anchor.

  In a training center in Deqing County, Guangdong Province, Xu Fei, director of the training department of Guangdong Deqing Business Vocational Training School, is training more than 30 farmers in e-commerce of agricultural products. These farmers have almost no foundation for e-commerce sales, and Xu Fei needs to explain and guide them step by step from registering their user names.

  Xu Fei, Director of Training Department of Business Vocational Training School in Deqing County, Guangdong Province:First of all, we must establish the name of the store. The name of the store need not be too long, and it can generally be controlled within ten words.

  Most of the students who come to participate in the e-commerce training of agricultural products are large local growers of tribute oranges. In the past, they could only sell tribute oranges through the traditional mode, and they couldn’t sell them at good prices without good channels. Nowadays, the increasingly popular live broadcast and e-commerce platform have enabled these fruit farmers to see opportunities and sign up for training. Courses like this are currently held at least three times a month.

  Taobao live broadcast data shows that the platform has accumulated 110,000 farmer anchors, with more than 2.3 million broadcasts, and the sales of agricultural products have exceeded 5 billion yuan through live broadcast.

  At the same time, in order to accelerate the sustained and healthy development of agricultural products e-commerce, the supporting system behind it needs to be continuously improved, so as to dig out more new breakthroughs in the economic development of agricultural products e-commerce in counties.

  Zhang Haifa, chief expert of Guangdong Agricultural Technology Extension Center: In terms of standardization and branding of agricultural products, efforts should be made to make brands and standards in place, and efforts should be made to trace the source of agricultural products quality. These are also very important links to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of agricultural products e-commerce.

Guiyang traffic police: I am on duty on New Year’s Day.

In 2023, the New Year’s Day holiday will come as scheduled. In the cold winter, in every corner of the streets and lanes, there are "fluorescent greens" everywhere, flashing red and blue warning lights. Guiyang traffic police stick to their posts and do their duty as "guardians" and devote themselves to ensuring smooth traffic:
Check and correct illegal activities
On New Year’s Day holiday, all the traffic police in Guiyang are on duty, and the police force will be put into the front line of the road to the maximum extent. Combined with the actual situation in the jurisdiction, mobile patrols, fixed duty, aerial patrol by drones and other means will continue to be carried out in the main sections of the urban trunk roads, urban and rural roads and other jurisdictions to ensure the safety, order and smoothness of roads during the festival.
Pay close attention to the illegal rectification of roads and do not relax, and strictly investigate all kinds of traffic violations such as overcrowding and not wearing seat belts; In view of the tendency of drunk driving during holidays, Guiyang traffic police continued to carry out special rectification actions for drunk driving at various key intersections and road sections, and every car must be inspected, effectively deterring all kinds of traffic violations.
From December 28, 2023 to January 1, 2024, Guiyang traffic police organized a nationwide unified campaign to rectify drunk driving in the whole city, continued to focus on highlighting traffic violations, maintained strict control and strict investigation of the high-pressure situation, and sent warm protection for winter travel.
Warning propaganda
The Eighth Brigade of the High-speed Detachment carried out the propaganda work of anti-fatigue driving and high-speed safe driving in Longgang service area.
The second brigade of the high-speed detachment joined the traffic law enforcement department to carry out traffic safety publicity in Kaiyang service area to remind drivers to drive safely and prevent fatigue driving.
On the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, qingzhen city Traffic Police Brigade entered the passenger station in its jurisdiction to carry out traffic safety publicity activities for drivers and passengers. During the period, remind the passenger drivers not to answer the hand-held phone while driving, and urge the passengers to fasten their seat belts all the time.
On the morning of December 30th, qingzhen city Traffic Police Brigade entered Minle Village of Hongfeng Lake and used the market day to carry out traffic safety publicity activities. During the period, while investigating and correcting illegal behaviors such as motorcycles and electric vehicles riding by many people and not wearing safety helmets, we will continue to increase publicity and education, distribute publicity materials to the parties, and explain the safety knowledge of "one helmet and one belt" to prevent major accidents in rural areas.
Keep a close eye on key risks and hidden dangers and strengthen the control of key vehicles
The Fourth Brigade of the High-speed Detachment carried out the work of "strictly closing the entrance" at the Qin Qi toll station, focusing on checking and registering the vehicles with "two passengers, one danger and one cargo".
Guiyang traffic police inspected and registered passenger vehicles by the Economic Development Zone Branch to remind passengers to fasten their seat belts.
Guiyang traffic police persuaded the illegally parked large trucks through the Economic Development Zone Sub-bureau.
Xiuwen county Traffic Police Brigade cooperated with Xiaoqing Police Station to control traffic hidden dangers and install speed bumps on Guijin-Gulin Line.
Little things make the guardian more warm
On the first day of the New Year’s Day holiday, the police of the 9 th Brigade of the High-speed Detachment patrolled Guijin Expressway in the jurisdiction. When they found the fault of the private car in Taojiashan Tunnel, they immediately set up warning signs, evacuated the people on board to a safe place, and arranged for the rescue of the wrecker.
When the xiuwen county Traffic Police Brigade patrolled Yangming Avenue, it found that a van broke down, and the police immediately stepped forward to help the driver push the vehicle to the side of the road to eliminate potential safety hazards.
Guizhou Daily Tianyan News reporter Jiang Mengjiao
Editor Wang Yun
Cheng Xing of second instance
Third trial Ouyang Hainan