July 8, 2023 National Insurance Public Awareness Day

  After more than a year of suspension of trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, on the evening of July 17, China Evergrande reissued its 2021 annual report, 2022 semi-annual report and 2022 annual report one after another, and the outside world finally got a glimpse of its financial situation. Although the market has long expected Evergrande’s liabilities and losses, when a series of figures really come into view, it is still staggering.

  According to the performance report disclosed by China Evergrande, the company’s net loss in 2021 and 2022 was 686.22 billion yuan and 125.81 billion yuan respectively, and the net loss in two years totaled 812.03 billion yuan. At the same time, China Evergrande has fallen into an insolvent situation. The total value of its assets held at the end of 2021 and 2022 was 2.11 trillion yuan and 1.84 trillion yuan respectively, and the total amount responsible was 2.58 trillion yuan and 2.44 trillion yuan respectively.

  According to Wind data statistics, in all 110 class A share listed housing enterprises, in 2021, 23 housing enterprises with negative net profit suffered a total loss of 118.16 billion yuan; in 2022, 35 class A share listed housing enterprises with negative net profit suffered a total loss of 122.57 billion yuan. Dozens of housing enterprises lost far less than China Evergrande.

  "The company takes stable management and risk management as its top priority, and actively promotes the work of the guaranteed building with the greatest efforts. It has won the understanding and support of various parties, including local governments, upstream and downstream enterprises." China Evergrande said in its financial report that the company achieved full resumption of work on 732 guaranteed building projects in 2022, and a total of 301,000 sets were handed over throughout the year. At the same time, Evergrande Automobile achieved the mass production and delivery of the "Hengchi 5" model.

  Looking to the future, China Evergrande further stated that it will make every effort to ensure the steady and orderly progress of key work such as "Baojiao Building", do a good job in the sustainable operation of new energy vehicles, property services and other sectors, explore the efficient disposal and effective revitalization of the company’s core assets, and steadily promote risk mitigation.

  On the one hand is the beautiful vision described in the financial report, and on the other hand is the huge financial "black hole" in reality. The future direction of China Evergrande is not only related to the interests of thousands of enterprises in its entire ecological chain, but also affects the hearts of all parties. According to recent news from China Evergrande, the company will hold a number of restructuring debt holders’ meetings on July 24-25, and overseas workouts may usher in clear results.

  Debt at the end of 2022 is about 2.44 trillion yuan

  From the perspective of income, in 2021, China Evergrande achieved revenue of 2500.1 billion yuan and gross profit of 18.45 billion yuan. The total net loss for the year was 686.22 billion yuan, of which the operating loss was 113.75 billion yuan, and the losses related to land recovery, impairment losses of financial assets and other non-operating losses were 180.20 billion yuan.

  In 2022, China Evergrande realized revenue of 2300.7 billion yuan and gross profit of 24.99 billion yuan, from negative to positive. The total net loss for the year was 125.81 billion yuan, of which the operating loss was 43.39 billion yuan, and the loss related to land recovery, impairment loss of financial assets and other non-operating losses were 69.37 billion yuan.

  In terms of assets and liabilities, as of the end of 2021, China Evergrande held total assets of 2.1071 trillion yuan, net assets – 473.05 billion yuan; total liabilities were 2.58015 trillion yuan, excluding contract liabilities of 974.35 billion yuan was 1.6058 trillion yuan, of which loans 607.38 billion yuan, trade accounts payable and other payables 893.34 billion yuan (including 585.01 billion yuan payable for engineering materials), other liabilities 105.09 billion yuan.

  As of the end of 2022, China Evergrande held total assets of 1.83834 trillion yuan, net assets – 599.07 billion yuan; total liabilities of 2.43741 trillion yuan, excluding contract liabilities of 721.02 billion yuan is 1.71639 trillion yuan, of which 612.39 billion yuan, trade accounts payable and other payables 1.00226 trillion yuan (including engineering materials payable 596.16 billion yuan), other liabilities 101.74 billion yuan.

  It can be seen that trade payables and other payables account for the majority of China Evergrande’s external liabilities, reflecting China Evergrande’s arrears to upstream and downstream suppliers, contractors and partners during the real estate development process. At the same time, as of the end of 2021 and 2022, China Evergrande’s cash assets were only 5.435 billion yuan and 4.334 billion yuan respectively.

  Overseas workout or welcome new progress

  Regarding the overseas workouts that are concerned by all parties in the market, China Evergrande also mentioned in the performance report.

  "In line with the principle of respecting international restructuring principles, treating the existing rights and demands of all creditors with justice and fairness, the company and its advisory team have continued to conduct in-depth and detailed consultations with overseas creditors, and have carried out multiple rounds of communication on the details of the restructuring plan, and steadily advanced the formulation of the overseas debt restructuring plan." China Evergrande said that with the support of overseas creditors, the company obtained the approval of the Hong Kong High Court to postpone the liquidation petition hearing.

  On the night of the release of the performance report, China Evergrande simultaneously disclosed the latest news of an overseas workout: from July 24 to 25, 2023, multiple hearings will be held in the High Court of Hong Kong, the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands, and the High Court under the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court to vote on the overseas workout plan disclosed by China Evergrande on March 22 this year. If it fails, Evergrande is likely to face forced liquidation.

  Since March 21, 2022, China Evergrande shares have been officially suspended from trading. At present, China Evergrande shares continue to be suspended. According to the relevant regulations of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange can order listed companies that have been suspended for 18 consecutive months to delist. There are still two months left for China Evergrande.

  Auditors remain "unable to comment"

  It is worth mentioning that in the overseas workout plan in March, the unaudited financial information disclosed at that time showed that as of the end of 2021, China Evergrande’s total liabilities were 1.898 trillion yuan, a gap of nearly 700 billion yuan from the latest 2.58 trillion yuan.

  And even with such a huge financial "black hole", after replacing the original auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers (i.e. PwC), the new auditor, Shanghai PricewaterhouseCoopers, still believes that there are a number of uncertainties in China Evergrande’s continuing operation, and it cannot obtain sufficient audit certificates for the comparison of the opening data. Therefore, it has issued "no opinion" reports on its 2021 and 2022 annual reports.

  "A large and high-quality land bank is a solid foundation for the group to guarantee the property, gradually pay off debts and resume normal operations." Even after handing over the huge loss and unaudited "books", China Evergrande’s statement in the earnings report appeared confident.

  Data show that by the end of 2021, China Evergrande had a land reserve of 260 million square meters and participated in 93 old renovation projects, including 66 in the Greater Bay Area (39 in Shenzhen) and 27 in other cities; by the end of 2022, China Evergrande had a land reserve of 210 million square meters and participated in 79 old renovation projects, including 55 in the Greater Bay Area (34 in Shenzhen) and 24 in other cities.

  Policy development promotes stable and healthy market development

  Yan Yuejin, Chief Research Officer of E-House Research Institute, believes that China Evergrande’s "insolvent" is not only related to its own operational problems, but also to some extent related to the adjustment facing the industry. For the real estate industry, many problems take a long time to effectively resolve.

  In fact, since the fourth quarter of last year, relevant departments have made concerted efforts from both the supply and demand ends to launch various support and relief policies. Many research opinions believe that although the current real estate market recovery is still facing many disturbances and uncertainties, the trend of bottoming is gradually emerging. With the combined efforts of the policies of both the supply and demand ends, it will continue to create favorable conditions for the overall risk resolution of high-quality real estate enterprises and the industry, and will also play a positive role in protecting investor confidence and safeguarding the rights and interests of home buyers.

  Zou Lan, director of the Monetary Policy Department of the People’s Bank of China, said at the press conference of the State Information Office recently that considering that the supply and demand relationship of the real estate market in our country has undergone profound changes, there is marginal optimization space for the policies introduced in the long-term overheating stage of the market in the past, and the financial sector will actively cooperate with relevant departments to strengthen policy research.

The price is 894,900 yuan, and Volvo’s new XC90 T8 model is on the market.

  A few days ago, Netcom learned from the official that Volvo’s new XC90 T8 model was launched at a price of 894,900 yuan. The new car is mainly adjusted for the power battery. The new XC90 T8 model is equipped with a brand-new power battery and rear axle motor drive system, with a comprehensive maximum output of 335 kW and a pure electric cruising range of 59 km. It is worth mentioning that Volvo’s new XC90 T8 model can also start the "single pedal" mode.

Netcom automobile


car make and model Price (ten thousand yuan) RECHARGE T8 four-wheel drive Zhizun Deluxe Edition 89.49 Watchmaking: Netcom Internet Info Agency


Netcom automobile

  In terms of appearance, Volvo’s new XC90 T8 model continues the current model design. The chrome-plated air intake grille with large concave front face is very imposing, and the active follow-up LED headlights with adaptive high beams on both sides of the front are very recognizable. In addition, it is equipped with a brand-new front enclosure component, and the blackened air inlet is decorated with silver decorative strips, which is full of movement.

Netcom automobile

Netcom automobile

  The side shape of the new car is full, and the chrome trim strips at the window frame and side skirt are matched with large-size multi-spoke wheels to further enhance the fashion sense of the car. In the rear part, Volvo’s new XC90 T8 model is equipped with a rear spoiler, which is highly recognizable with the iconic vertical LED taillights. In addition, the car is equipped with the exclusive badge of "T8 RECHARGE" at the tail, which shows its identity as a plug-in hybrid model.

Netcom automobile

  In the interior part, Volvo’s new XC90 T8 model is covered with a large area of leather material, which is very textured as a whole. In addition, the new car is also equipped with a 12.3-inch LCD instrument, which is full of technology with a 9-inch touch control screen. It is worth mentioning that the car also has a Bowers &Wilkins hall-class sound system and front seats that support heating, ventilation and massage functions.

Netcom automobile

  In the power part, the new XC90 T8 model adopts brand-new power battery and rear axle motor drive system. Among them, the battery capacity of the car is 18.8 kWh, and the pure electric cruising range is 59 kilometers; The motor power is 107 kW, the torque is 309 Nm, the comprehensive power is 335 kW, and the peak torque is 709 Nm.

  (Photo/Text Netcom Zhang Xiaoyi)

Inheritor of Cuju: Messi is the best foreigner to play Cuju.

  Li Weipeng and his teammates share cuju culture with foreign fans.

  On November 20th, local time, 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 kicked off in Doha, Qatar, and 32 teams from all over the world competed on the highest stage of football. Although China football team did not appear on this stage, Cuju, a traditional football skill in China, was invited by the organizing committee. Cuju players including Li Weipeng, the seventh generation inheritor of Linzi Cuju Team in China, came to Doha Football Training Center and venues outside the stadium to introduce the history of Cuju to fans all over the world and show the unique Cuju skills in China.

  On November 23rd, Li Weipeng accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from Beiqing Daily. When he came to Doha this time, he communicated with local football coaches and children practicing football, invited them to experience the traditional single-goal cuju competition in China, and showed a lot of cuju stunts called "tricks".

  Qatar local football coach Dimitri and Li Weipeng said in an interview with the media after the exchange that cuju is difficult, but it can also improve football skills well. He hopes to introduce cuju in his club in the future to help children who play football practice their skills. James Zhou, China’s ambassador to Qatar, also expressed the hope that cuju exchange activities would help more Qatari people and even fans around the world to understand China and China culture.

  According to the introduction of Linzi Football Museum to which Li Weipeng belongs, Cuju is a unique title of ancient football in China, which has influenced sports and entertainment in China for more than two thousand years, and has had a far-reaching impact on world sports, especially modern football. On July 15th, 2004, FIFA President Blatter announced in Beijing: "World football originated in China, and the ancient cuju in China was the origin of football." At this point, Cuju, an ancient sport, began to shine again in the world.


  I used to be a teammate with Messi. Foreign fans are very interested in Cuju.

  Beiqing Daily: What is Cuju? What are the similarities and differences between it and football?

  Li Weipeng: Cuju is actually the name of football in ancient China, with a history of more than 2,000 years. As early as the Han Dynasty, Cuju was a part of military training to exercise soldiers’ willpower. At that time, the venue was square and there were two small goals in it. Compared with today’s football, cuju at that time was more similar to today’s football. Soldiers could not touch the ball with their hands, but they could wrestle in order to stop the opponent’s attack.

  Later, in the Tang and Song Dynasties, Cuju developed again. At this time, Cuju’s goal is very different from the current football goal. Cuju’s goal hole is called "wind eye". This "eye" is very small and is located at a height of about 9 meters from the ground. You need to control your strength before you can kick the ball in. During the game, the two teams stand on both sides of the goal, and there will be no physical contact between them. In the game, the ball can’t land, so all the players must learn how to hit the ball first. Only one person named "Ball Head" in a team can shoot, and other players will help "Ball Head" catch the ball to avoid the ball landing, or pass it to "Ball Head" for him to attack.

  In addition to this kind of shooting competition, there will be a special "pattern" competition in ancient times, which is to perform stunts with cuju balls, similar to the current gymnastics competition. For example, Gao Qiu in Water Margin is said to be a master of cuju "tricks".

  Beiqing Daily: How did you participate in the traditional sport of Cuju?

  Li Weipeng: I have received professional football training since I was 8 years old and practiced for almost 10 years. Around 2004, we recruited members of the Cuju team in Linzi, and I signed up. Since then, I have been practicing until today, and it has been 18 years.

  When I started to practice cuju, I had to practice it for 8 hours a day, and they all practiced monotonous ball. At that time, we were training in a gym. After one day’s training, I sat on the base of the basketball stand and fell asleep.

  When I can easily bounce hundreds of balls at a time, I will enter the next stage of practice and start practicing "pattern" and single goal competition, and the height of the goal will be reduced in proportion, about 3 meters or more, less than 4 meters. After 18 years of practice, I can top the ball more than 10,000 times in a row at most, and I can also combine a variety of "tricks" to perform it.

  Beiqing Daily: What is the most difficult part in practicing cuju?

  Li Weipeng: That’s the practice of "tricks". Cuju has many "tricks" and some beautiful names. For example, the most common one is called "picking peaches at the bottom of leaves", which means that after kicking the ball with the instep, you draw a circle around the ball with your legs during the rising and falling of the ball, and finally let the ball stop firmly on your instep.

  Another example is the action of "carrying the moon on your shoulders". After picking up the ball, stop at the position between your shoulders on your back. These movements have nice names, but it’s great to be able to practice one in a day after practice. Many times, an action needs to be practiced repeatedly for more than a week.

  The most difficult thing is to string together a number of "tricks". In the process, there are both head and shoulder movements, waist and back movements, and finally foot movements, and the whole body participates in the performance.

  Beiqing Daily: How did you communicate with fans all over the world when you came to Qatar this time?

  Li Weipeng: I arrived in Doha in the early morning of 21st, had a rest, and had an exchange with local football coaches and children playing football during the day. The "eye of the wind" goal we used for their experience this time is very short, only more than 1 meter high. In fact, this kind of goal is a little difficult for me, because it is much shorter than usual.

  On the 22nd, I went to the fan center outside the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Stadium, where the organizing committee gave us a special performance venue. I put on ancient China costumes and performed Cuju "tricks" with my teammates.

  Beiqing Daily: Will foreigners be shocked to see Cuju?

  Li Weipeng: Yes, we started to perform, and soon many foreign fans came to watch. When we made wonderful "tricks", they would scream and applaud for us. Although I don’t know a foreign language, I can tell from their expressions that they are interested in China’s cuju, and some fans will give us thumbs up.

  And many fans are very enthusiastic. As soon as I kick the ball to them, they will take it and play with us. There are many foreign fans coming to our traditional China costumes to experience the original Cuju with us. I will point to the CuJu ball and the signboard with the word cuju printed next to it, and read "cuju" to them. They will soon understand that this is the pronunciation of cuju and read it with us.

  Beiqing Daily: I noticed that in addition to traditional costumes, the cuju ball you used this time seems to be completely different from modern football. How is this ball made?

  Li Weipeng: Yes, this ball is our traditional cuju ball in China. In fact, the Linzi Football Museum where I am located has also done textual research. In the Han Dynasty, Cuju balls were sewn with more than 10 pieces of cooked cowhide and stuffed with animal hair, but the balls were too heavy to kick. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, people invented the method of stuffing animal bladders in cooked cowhide coats and made inflatable cuju balls similar to modern football. This is also the cuju ball that we brought this time. It was made according to the way recorded in ancient times, just to show the most traditional cuju culture in China and let everyone know the history of cuju in China.

  Beiqing Daily: Who is the best player among the foreigners you have met who are in contact with Cuju?

  Li Weipeng: A few years ago, Argentine star Messi visited our museum. At that time, we had a single-goal competition. Messi and I were teammates. He was the "ball head" and I made the ball for him to shoot. Messi’s level is fierce, which I didn’t expect at first. He grasped the strength very well, and soon got into the state after understanding the rules, successfully completed many shots, and finally our team won. It can also be seen that cuju and modern football are interlinked in many aspects.

  Text/reporter Qu Chang Coordinator/Jiang Wei

Notice of Beijing Municipal Commission of Science and Technology and Zhongguancun Science Park Management Committee on Printing and Distributing the Administrative Measures of Zhongguancun National In

Jingkefa [2022] No.6

All relevant units:

  The Measures for the Management of Support Funds for Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone to Promote technology and finance’s Deep Integration Development (Trial) has been considered and adopted by the 6th administrative office meeting of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee in 2022. It is hereby printed and distributed, please follow it.

  I hereby inform you.

Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Science Park Management Committee    

June 10, 2022  

Measures for the Administration of Support Funds for Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone to Promote technology and finance’s Deep Integration Development (Trial)

  Chapter I General Provisions

  Article 1 In order to implement the Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the High-quality Development of National High-tech Industrial Development Zones (Guo Fa [2020] No.7) and the Development and Construction Plan of Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone during the Tenth Five-Year Plan period (Zhong Shi Qu Zu Fa [2021] No.1), further standardize the management and use of support funds, promote Zhongguancun’s pilot project and technology and finance’s supply-side structural reform, and improve the financial support innovation system.

  Article 2 The supporting funds of these Measures shall be arranged by the municipal financial funds, charged from the special funds of Beijing Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Science Park Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee), and used according to the annual budget.

  Article 3 The management and use of funds supported by these Measures shall follow the principles of openness, transparency, highlighting key points, earmarking funds and paying attention to actual results.

  Article 4 The support objects of these Measures are high-tech enterprises and financial service institutions. Among them, high-tech enterprises refer to the national high-tech enterprises and Zhongguancun high-tech enterprises registered in Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone (hereinafter referred to as Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone); Financial service institutions refer to the headquarters or branches established in Beijing with the approval of the regulatory authorities. Innovative entities registered in other areas of Beijing that meet the supporting conditions shall be implemented with reference.

  Chapter II Supporting Contents and Standards

  Section 1 Vigorously Develop Angels and Venture Capital

  Article 5 Support long-term capital to participate in scientific and technological innovation investment.

  (1) Support content

  Guide long-term capital such as social security funds, insurance funds and bank wealth management funds to increase investment in venture capital funds ①, private equity secondary market funds ② and M&A funds ③. If the fund investment effect is good, the investors will be given periodic investment risk subsidies in different grades.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. Funds shall be registered in Beijing, and the types of funds shall conform to the positioning of venture capital funds, private equity secondary market funds (S funds) and M&A funds, and shall be filed in asset management association of china.

  2. The fund should focus on the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone, and the investment effect is good.

  3. Social security funds, insurance funds and bank financing funds should be registered in Beijing, and the actual annual contribution to the fund is more than 300 million yuan (inclusive).

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. Support shall be given in different grades according to the annual investment amount, among which, if the actual investment amount is between 300 million yuan and 500 million yuan (inclusive), financial support of no more than 5 million yuan shall be given; If the actual investment is between 500 million yuan and 1 billion yuan (inclusive), no more than 8 million yuan will be given for financial support; If the actual capital contribution is more than 1 billion yuan, financial support of no more than 10 million yuan will be given. Subsidies to the funders of the same fund shall not exceed 3 years.

  Sixth guide investment institutions to carry out early hard science and technology investment.

  (1) Support content

  Support investment institutions to strengthen industry research and risk control, focus on enterprises in high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone to carry out early investment, and give risk subsidy funds to investment institutions that carry out the first round of investment according to the actual investment amount.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. An investment institution shall be registered in Beijing with a registered capital of more than 10 million yuan (inclusive), registered as a private fund manager in asset management association of china, and the fund shall be filed in asset management association of china.

  2. The invested enterprise has been established for no more than 5 years, which is in line with the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and has core technology or independent intellectual property rights.

  3. The participating investment shall be the first round of investment, with a single investment amount of more than 5 million yuan (inclusive), and the equity ratio of the investment institution after investing in the enterprise shall not exceed 50%.

  4. Non-repeated support for multiple funds managed by the same investment institution to invest in the same enterprise.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. Investment risk subsidies shall be given according to 20% of the actual investment, with a single subsidy not exceeding 2 million yuan, and the total subsidy of each investment institution not exceeding 5 million yuan each year.

  Article 7 Support the transfer of fund shares.

  (1) Support content

  Support private equity investment funds to carry out share transfer on the fund share transfer platform of Beijing Equity Exchange Center, improve the liquidity of funds, and subsidize the expenses incurred by the fund share transferor in the transfer process.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. Private equity investment funds should be registered in Beijing, focusing on high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone, and the investment effect is good.

  2. The transferor (except individuals, government investment fund holding institutions or management institutions) shall be registered in Beijing, and the transferred fund shares shall be above 30 million yuan (inclusive) after evaluation.

  3. The expenses incurred in the transfer process include transaction expenses ⑤ and intermediary service agency expenses ⑤, etc.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. According to 40% of the expenses incurred in the process of fund transfer, the transferor shall be subsidized, and each subsidy shall not exceed 1 million yuan.

  Section II Deepening the Innovation of Science and Technology Credit and Science and Technology Insurance

  Article 8 Deepen the pilot project of enterprise credit financing.

  (1) Support content

  Support guarantee institutions to participate in the pilot project of "creating credit and financing", share enterprise credit information, share credit risks, and continuously expand the scale of the first credit guarantee loan. If the cooperative guarantee institutions compensate the service enterprises, they shall be given financial support for risk compensation.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. Enterprises should meet the criteria for small or micro enterprises in the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Criteria for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (No.300 [2011] of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology), and meet the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone, with core technologies or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. The guarantee institution shall provide the enterprise with the first credit guarantee loan (without any counter-guarantee measures) through the pilot cooperative institution recognized by the People’s Bank of China Management Department as "Chuangxinrong", and the amount of the guarantee loan shall be more than 1 million yuan (inclusive).

  3 when applying for financial funds, the cooperative guarantee institution has been compensated, and it does not exceed the upper limit of the compensation rate set by it. Guarantee institutions should take effective debt recovery measures after obtaining risk compensation funds and pay back the recovery income in time. After deducting relevant expenses, the income recovered from compensation projects shall be returned to all parties in a timely manner according to the proportion of compensation sharing.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. Risk compensation shall be made to cooperative guarantee institutions according to 50% of the compensation amount of cooperative guarantee institutions, and the compensation amount of each guarantee institution shall not exceed 10 million yuan each year.

  Ninth support enterprises to obtain technology insurance services.

  (1) Support content

  Support enterprises to obtain loans or spread risks through science and technology insurance products, and give enterprise premium subsidies.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The annual operating income of the enterprise (referring to the operating income of the enterprise in the last fiscal year at the time of business occurrence, the same below) is less than 200 million yuan (inclusive), which is in line with the high-tech industrial field of Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and has core technology or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. Science and technology insurance products should be approved or put on record by the insurance regulatory authorities, which are currently valid, including financing insurance, R&D insurance and product insurance (see the annual project declaration notice for the list of science and technology insurance products).

  3 enterprises through science and technology insurance loans or insurance amount should be more than 20 million yuan (inclusive).

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Post-subsidy support is adopted. According to 60% of the actual premium, enterprises are given subsidy support, and the annual premium subsidy amount of each enterprise does not exceed 500,000 yuan.

  Tenth support enterprises to carry out financial leasing.

  (1) Support content

  Support enterprises to obtain new technologies and new products through financial leasing, and give enterprises financing expenses subsidies.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The annual business income of the enterprise is less than 200 million yuan (inclusive), which is in line with the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and has core technology or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. The subject matter of financial leasing is new technologies and new products needed to build a common technology platform or scientific research and development services.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. Subsidies will be given to enterprises according to 20% of financing costs (including rental interest and handling fees), and the amount of subsidies for each enterprise will not exceed 500,000 yuan per year. The subsidy for the same financial leasing business of the enterprise shall not exceed 3 years.

  Eleventh the establishment of multi-party participation in intellectual property pledge financing cost sharing and risk compensation mechanism.

  (1) Support content

  1. Support enterprises to obtain intellectual property pledge loans ⑦, and give enterprises discount support.

  2. Support banks, guarantee, insurance, intellectual property professional institutions, etc. to provide intellectual property pledge loans to enterprises individually or in combination. In case of non-performing loans, risk compensation support shall be given according to their respective risk-bearing parts of the principal.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The annual business income of the enterprise is less than 200 million yuan (inclusive), which is in line with the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and has core technology or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. To apply for loan discount support funds, the floating rate of the interest rate of intellectual property pledge loans shall not exceed 40% of the one-year loan market quotation rate (LPR) of banks in the same period. If an enterprise obtains an intellectual property pledge loan for the first time or obtains a two-year or above medium-and long-term intellectual property pledge loan, there is no limit on the floating rate of the loan interest rate.

  3. To apply for supporting funds for risk compensation of intellectual property pledge loans, banks and other relevant institutions need to set the upper limit of non-performing rate of intellectual property pledge financing according to their own conditions. When the non-performing rate of intellectual property pledge financing of a single institution exceeds its set upper limit, the risk compensation support for the institution will be suspended, and the institution will be given a risk early warning and evaluated, and whether the institution will continue to enjoy risk compensation support will be decided according to the evaluation results.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support.

  1. Loan interest subsidy: 40% of the actual loan interest is given to enterprises, and the annual interest subsidy for a single enterprise does not exceed 500,000 yuan.

  2. Risk compensation: risk compensation shall be provided to the relevant institutions according to no more than 50% of the respective risk-bearing parts of the principal, and the annual risk compensation funds involving a single enterprise shall not exceed 5 million yuan, with a cumulative amount of no more than 10 million yuan.

  Section III Support Enterprises to Use Capital Market for Financing Development

  Article 12 Support enterprises to be listed on the New Third Board and Beijing Fourth Board.

  (1) Support content

  Support enterprises to be listed in the national share transfer system for small and medium-sized enterprises and Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center), provide financial support for enterprises to be listed, boost the innovative and compliant development of enterprises, and accelerate the listing in the capital market.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. Enterprises should conform to the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and have core technologies or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. The enterprise shall obtain a letter from the National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Share Transfer System Co., Ltd. agreeing to the listing of the enterprise in the National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Share Transfer System, or a letter from Beijing Equity Exchange Center Co., Ltd. agreeing to the listing of the enterprise in Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center).

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support.

  1. To be listed in the national share transfer system for small and medium-sized enterprises, financial support will be given by layers. Among them, if it is approved to be listed at the basic level, each enterprise will be given no more than 500,000 yuan in financial support; Those who enter the innovation layer after being allowed to adjust the level will be given financial support of no more than 500,000 yuan for each enterprise; If it is allowed to directly enter the innovation layer for listing, each enterprise will be given no more than 1 million yuan in financial support.

  2. For those who are allowed to be listed on the Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center), each enterprise will be given no more than 300,000 yuan in financial support.

  Thirteenth support the construction of multi-level capital market service platform (base).

  (1) Support content

  1. Support domestic securities trading institutions to build a multi-level capital market service platform (base) in Beijing, provide enterprises with professional services such as listing, listing and issuing bonds, and provide financial support for comprehensive services with good results.

  2. Support Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center) to provide corporate governance, financial management, equity incentives and other capital market compliance services for listed display enterprises such as Science and Technology Incubator 8, and provide financial support according to the comprehensive service effect.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The multi-level capital market service platform (base) is established by domestic securities trading institutions, and has a fixed business service place in Beijing, which has been in continuous operation for one year.

  2. Multi-level capital market service platform (base) and Beijing regional equity market (Beijing equity exchange center) provide professional services for enterprises with good results.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support.

  1. For multi-level capital market service platforms (bases), financial support shall be given according to 0.1‰ of the actual amount of annual listing or listing financing and bond issuance of the service enterprises, and the amount of support for each platform shall not exceed 5 million yuan each year.

  2. For Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center), according to its comprehensive service effect, no more than 2 million yuan of financial support will be given every year.

  Fourteenth support enterprises to actively carry out mergers and acquisitions.

  (1) Support content

  Support enterprises to actively carry out mergers and acquisitions, enhance the innovation ability of key core technologies, and give financial support to acquirers according to the transaction amount of mergers and acquisitions.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The acquirer shall be listed at home and abroad, or listed in the national share transfer system for small and medium-sized enterprises.

  2. The acquirer and the acquired party shall conform to the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and have core technologies or independent intellectual property rights.

  3. The acquirer obtained the absolute controlling right of the acquired enterprise for the first time through this acquisition (the equity ratio exceeds 50%), and the M&A transaction amount is above 10 million yuan (inclusive).

  4. The acquirer obtains key core technologies through this acquisition, and further enhances its innovation capability and market core competitiveness.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. According to 5% of the M&A transaction amount, the M&A enterprise shall be given financial support, and the annual support amount of each project shall not exceed 2 million yuan, and the annual support amount of each enterprise shall not exceed 5 million yuan.

  Chapter III Project Declaration and Audit

  Article 15 The reporting process supported by these Measures shall be subject to the reporting notice issued by the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee, which mainly includes the following links:

  (1) Fill in the project declaration online. The applicant shall fill in and submit the project declaration form through the Beijing Science and Technology Plan Integrated Management Platform according to the relevant requirements of the annual declaration notice.

  (2) Review the project. Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Management Committee to carry out evaluation according to the acceptance of the project, and determine the support scheme according to the evaluation opinions.

  (3) publicity of the results. The Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee will publicize the list of projects to be supported on the official website (except those classified and otherwise prohibited by laws and regulations), and the publicity period is 5 working days.

  (4) disbursement of funds. Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Management Committee allocated support funds in accordance with the relevant provisions.

  Sixteenth to strengthen the project audit, the same reporting unit with the same content of the project has obtained financial support from the city through other channels, and these measures will not be repeated.

  Article 17 Before the review of the application project (task), if the applicant is in the disciplinary period of scientific research dishonesty or is included in the list of untrustworthy executors and serious illegal and untrustworthy enterprises, the application qualification will be cancelled. Before allocating support funds, if the undertaking unit has been revoked or cancelled, or the registered place has moved out of the administrative area of this Municipality, or the undertaking unit and relevant personnel have been punished for dishonesty, they will no longer be supported.

  Chapter IV Performance Management and Supervision

  Eighteenth strengthen the budget performance management, strengthen the application of performance evaluation results. Undertaking units shall, in accordance with the requirements of the full implementation of budget performance management, establish and improve the working mechanism of performance management, strengthen the responsibility constraint of performance management, set performance targets scientifically and reasonably according to regulations, cooperate with relevant departments to do a good job in performance monitoring, performance evaluation or performance appraisal, and improve the efficiency in the use of funds. Relevant results serve as an important basis for follow-up support.

  Nineteenth project declaration to implement the good faith commitment system. The applicant shall submit a letter of commitment of good faith, and promise that the materials submitted are true, effective and complete, meet the requirements of good faith, and bear corresponding responsibilities.

  Article 20 The undertaker shall strengthen the management of the use of special funds, establish and improve the internal control system, implement earmarking and separate accounting, and cooperate with the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee to supervise, inspect and audit the use of funds.

  Article 21 If the undertaker obtains financial support by cheating or other improper means, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee will take measures such as terminating the project execution, recovering the allocated project funds, and canceling the project undertaker’s qualification for project application within a certain period of time.

  Twenty-second commitment units and related personnel have dishonesty, in accordance with the relevant provisions, make bad credit records in the credit system, and upload relevant information to the "Credit China" and the scientific research integrity management information system as appropriate. Acts that violate financial laws and regulations shall be dealt with in accordance with the Regulations on Punishment of Financial Violations and other relevant provisions. Those suspected of committing a crime shall be handed over to judicial organs for handling according to law.

  Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

  Twenty-third approach by the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Management Committee is responsible for the interpretation of.

  Article 24 If the original relevant documents of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Administrative Committee are inconsistent with these measures, these measures shall prevail.

  Article 25 These Measures shall come into force as of the date of issuance. The original Notice on Printing and Distributing the Management Measures of Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone for Promoting technology and finance’s Deep Integration and Innovation Development Support Fund (J.K.F. [2021] No.13) and the Implementation Rules of Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone for Promoting technology and finance’s Deep Integration and Innovation Development Support Fund (for Trial Implementation) (J.K.F. [2021] No.50) shall be abolished at the same time.

Explosive order! This kind of fruit is popular all over the country! A store sells more than 100 thousand yuan a day! Guangdong has become the first in the country. How did it do that?

  In recent years, the vigorous development of agricultural products e-commerce has become the main force to promote the prosperity of rural industries and the new engine for rural revitalization. According to a report released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently, in 2020, the online retail sales of agricultural products in counties of Guangdong Province ranked first in the country. At present, it is the season when Guangdong honey pomelo is listed. How do farmers catch the express train of e-commerce and sell pomelo?

  Go to science and technology, good varieties usher in a big market.

  The anchor is selling grapefruit live on the e-commerce platform. It is understood that about three kilograms of honey pomelo is a hot explosion in the season. In the base, it can sell hundreds of thousands of kilograms every day.

  Qiu Muxiang, the person in charge of the base, shuttled through the grapefruit pile with a stack of orders and three mobile phones. Behind her, six anchors were broadcasting goods live at the same time. Recently, these anchors broadcast from 2 pm to late at night every day, and the grapefruit of more than 100 farmers, including Qiu Muxiang’s own garden, was sold to the whole country from here.

  Qiu Muxiang, head of Guangdong Meizhou Wan Chuan Qianhong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.:Every day, more than 20,000 orders are issued, workers are busy packing, and all the cars at the door are waiting in line for express loading. If there are more live broadcast rooms, they can sell more than 100,000 yuan a day.

  Upgrading, e-commerce integration helps rural economy upgrade

  The traditional sales model of agricultural products is changing. For fruit farmers, live e-commerce not only expands the sales radius of products, but also solves the problem of not selling them.

  Qiu Muxiang, head of Guangdong Meizhou Wan Chuan Qianhong Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.:In the past, I went to someone else to sell grapefruit. Now, someone else asked me to buy grapefruit. Selling it directly to the purchaser can earn 1 yuan at most per catty, so the selling price will be higher and the direct income of farmers will be higher.

  Guan Weiyuan, General Manager of Zili Village Farmers Cooperative, sanhe town, dapu county, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province:This fruit is divided into 6 levels, of which the level of 1.3 kg to 1.8 kg is to buy in the community. The level of 1.8 kg to 2.5 kg is mainly based on some e-commerce platforms. At the peak, the delivery is about 12 cars a day.

  In addition to grapefruit, well-known agricultural products in Guangdong, such as pineapple, litchi, longan and tribute orange, have also taken to the internet and sold well everywhere.

  On the service, government assistance is guaranteed.

  The whole people are anchors, and everyone can bring goods. More farmers are learning to realize the role transformation from farming role to farmer anchor.

  In a training center in Deqing County, Guangdong Province, Xu Fei, director of the training department of Guangdong Deqing Business Vocational Training School, is training more than 30 farmers in e-commerce of agricultural products. These farmers have almost no foundation for e-commerce sales, and Xu Fei needs to explain and guide them step by step from registering their user names.

  Xu Fei, Director of Training Department of Business Vocational Training School in Deqing County, Guangdong Province:First of all, we must establish the name of the store. The name of the store need not be too long, and it can generally be controlled within ten words.

  Most of the students who come to participate in the e-commerce training of agricultural products are large local growers of tribute oranges. In the past, they could only sell tribute oranges through the traditional mode, and they couldn’t sell them at good prices without good channels. Nowadays, the increasingly popular live broadcast and e-commerce platform have enabled these fruit farmers to see opportunities and sign up for training. Courses like this are currently held at least three times a month.

  Taobao live broadcast data shows that the platform has accumulated 110,000 farmer anchors, with more than 2.3 million broadcasts, and the sales of agricultural products have exceeded 5 billion yuan through live broadcast.

  At the same time, in order to accelerate the sustained and healthy development of agricultural products e-commerce, the supporting system behind it needs to be continuously improved, so as to dig out more new breakthroughs in the economic development of agricultural products e-commerce in counties.

  Zhang Haifa, chief expert of Guangdong Agricultural Technology Extension Center: In terms of standardization and branding of agricultural products, efforts should be made to make brands and standards in place, and efforts should be made to trace the source of agricultural products quality. These are also very important links to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of agricultural products e-commerce.

Dear child, why are you unhappy?

  BEIJING, April 17th (Reporter Ren Siyu) "3.1415926… …” "Louder!"

  Have you ever had a nervous experience of reciting pi and performing talents at a family dinner?

  Source: Video screenshot.

  The recent hit Xiao Shede has made many people dream back to childhood. As the third part of the "Xiao Shede" series, Xiao Shede is aimed at the family life of Xiao Shengchu.

  How about children’s grades, whether they should enroll in remedial classes, take several interest classes, be an improper class cadre, fail to win the Olympic Mathematics English Award, and whether they can choose a school to go to the gold medal junior high school … … Behind the seemingly happy life of primary school students is the secret struggle of parents.

  "Xiaoshengchu", the battlefield for parents

  The first family dinner of "Xiao Shede" made many viewers feel suffocated:

  Nanli (Song Jia) and Tian Yulan (Rulu) attend a reunion banquet planned by their father Nan Jianlong (Zhang Guoli). When his father celebrates Nanli’s daughter’s joyful singing and won the first prize, Tian Yulan, who is not angry, begins to show off that his son Zi You won the first prize in the exam. Nan Li and her daughter happily played and sang, and Tian Yulan forced her son to recite more than 1000 pi in public.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Tian Yulan and Nan Li, one is a strict "tiger mother" who believes in hard work and wins, and the other is a "Buddhist" parent who wants their children to grow up happily.

  "Man struggles upwards and flows downwards. Don’t relax your child’s study. If you feel sorry for him now, it will hurt him in the future."

  "No way, children have a high starting point, and there is nothing missing from childhood. Childhood is only once, and happiness is the most important."

  Source: Video screenshot.

  The tit-for-tat between the two people, on the one hand, comes from the bitterness of special family relations. Father Nan Jianlong divorced once and then married Cai Juying, a care worker. Nan Jianlong’s daughter Nan Li and Cai Juying’s daughter Tian Yulan formed a "halfway sister".

  As a child, Tian Yulan’s economic conditions were not good enough. She relied on Nan Jianlong’s support to go to college and get married, so she was looked down upon by her husband’s family. Although life is good now, she always feels inferior in her heart, so she spends all her energy on her children’s study.

  Whenever she can’t stand her mother’s humility at a family dinner, she takes out her children to earn face. For her, children’s achievements are tools to add luster and stay young.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  When her son scored 86 points in the math test, Tian Yulan was on the verge of an enemy. She suspected that the teacher Zhong, who had published the paper, had privately run a cram school and was unfairly treated. Finally, she reported that the teacher had resigned. However, when she learned that Ms. Zhong was the teacher of the extra-curricular gold medal class, she begged and gave gifts in every way, even the whole family went into battle, as long as she entered the class.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Tian Yulan’s "Chicken Baby" education is anxious and disturbing, but in such an atmosphere for a long time, Nanli, who has always advocated happy education, has also changed.

  Nanli never gave her children high-pressure education, but Tian Yulan accidentally poked the fact that her daughter scored 45 points. After visiting many training courses, the couple decided to teach their children in person, and as a result, Huanhuan got the last place.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  They also made a whisper in their hearts: why didn’t the two parents who learned to bully cultivate a child with excellent grades?

  Source: Video screenshot.

  As a result, when the sisters who were already competing met the critical period of "Xiaoshengchu", the conflict gradually came to the light from the dark. And their parenting anxiety has spread step by step to the grandparents and grandchildren.

  In order to help his grandchildren win the gold medal training class, Nan Jianlong found his former subordinates to plead and apologize. In the end, he only got a quota. On the one hand, he was a daughter, and on the other hand, he was a mother and daughter who saved his life. He had to face the embarrassment of "a bowl of water is uneven".

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Huanhuan, a talented student, failed in the class committee election and was ridiculed by her classmates. She cried and took the initiative to ask her parents to arrange a cram school, and the sooner the better … …

  Source: Video screenshot.

  raise childrenStory, why is the assembly popular?

  Some people say that the story of Xiao Shede makes people’s blood pressure rise, but others say that if you look at life, such cases are everywhere.

  "Resume of 5-year-old children" and "Haidian Mom" … … In recent years, the topic of "Chicken Baby" has been frequently searched.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  The so-called "chicken baby" is to educate children with chicken blood. The "Chicken Baby" life plan of parents in Haidian, Beijing, once circulated on the Internet: 1 year old, bilingual teaching in Chinese and English; At the age of 3, I can read English picture books by myself and recite 100 ancient poems. 5-year-old, studying Olympics and thinking training; At the age of 6, she went to the best primary school in the district, and Olympiad entered the innovative class … …

  The advertisements of education and training institutions all amplify this emotion: "You haven’t started learning English at the age of two, and you are about to miss the sensitive period of your child." "If you don’t let your child learn programming, he will be abandoned by the times."

  Source: Video screenshot.

  But even if schools don’t play up the competitive atmosphere and training institutions don’t publicize it vigorously, parents’ inner anxiety is already overflowing:

  The school does not provide students’ exam rankings, and there are small yellow notes on the statistical table, which makes it impossible for parents to ask each other about their children’s grades;

  Some art training institutions even offer a "triple jump" service: they only practice the required tracks of the grading test every year, and take three or four years to win the tenth grade test. What they are aiming at is the utilitarian demand that parents are eager to achieve.

  In order not to let their children lose at the starting line, parents try their best to arrange their study and life to the fullest, and the reasons sound reasonable:

  "I believe that my children are gifted and not mediocre by nature, maybe ‘ Chicken ’ Can you become a phoenix in a moment? "

  "Now the competition for resources is so fierce, if you fight once more, you can give your children one more choice";

  "I have a good life now through hard work. If my childhood is too happy, the future will not be easy";

  "I am paying for it now, so that my children will not regret blaming me in the future."

  Source: Video screenshot.

  In Xiao Shede, Mi Tao, a primary school student from other places, always comes first in the exam. Her mother does housework and her father sells fruit. Without her parents’ crazy urging and cram school, she just can become a schoolmaster.

  Seeing such a talented child, how can other parents not worry?

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Unwilling to lag behind and afraid to lag behind, parents have gradually embarked on the road of "chicken baby".

  Their high standards and high expectations have spawned various educational methods and "slang". Ordinary children are "frogs", children with outstanding abilities are "bullfrogs", those who are "chickens" at home are called "domestic chickens", those who report to after-school classes are called "class chickens", and even parents have formed "corns" groups: in order to protect children’s eyesight, they take their children to do eye exercises and climb trees to see green leaves every day.

  Happy growth, or chicken blood growth?

  Under the concept of "each generation is stronger than the next", all parents want their children to live a happier life.

  When the audience is often angry about Tian Yulan’s "Chicken Baby", they can understand her difficulties when they see her worrying about her children and wiping her tears.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  However, behind such parenting, do parents really care about their children’s ideas?

  Zi You, who is clever and sensible and regarded as proud by Tian Yulan, has a small hobby: insects.

  He told Huanhuan that his biggest dream is to be a biologist, but this hobby can only get a "disgusting" response from his mother.

  There is a scene in the play in which Tian Yulan comes home to see Zi You playing with insects, and he is mad at hearing that he forgot to bring his exercise book, and he takes all his anger out on his son.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  When she learned that her son had got good grades in the exam, she immediately became all smiles again.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Be asked to be the first in the exam and be asked to run for class cadre … … What the audience can see is that the psychological pressure and fatigue of children are getting bigger and bigger every day.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  On the other hand, Huanhuan, who is good at literature and art and has a cheerful personality, is gradually out of balance under the comparison of parents and classmates, and will cry at every turn.

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Are they really happy in the long run?

  The TV series asked the parents a question through the children’s mouth: Do you love me or me who got full marks?

  Parenting anxiety is a difficult problem to solve. Every parent wants to help their children earn tickets for the upward channel, but growth is never a one-way street.

  Parents can have expectations for their children, but they can’t be capped just because they shout the slogan "It’s all for your own good".

  Source: Video screenshot.

  Maybe you boast that your children have learned eighteen kinds of martial arts with good intentions, and you won’t get their gratitude in the end; Maybe you have carefully planned your children’s life path, but in the end it is some accidental hobbies and interests that help them achieve future success.

  TV series can’t solve the difficult problems in reality, but it also provides another angle of thinking:

  While parents are eager for their children to become Jackie Chan, should they pay more attention to how to ease their psychological problems? When urging children to make progress, can they listen to their voices more slowly?

The animated film "Spider-Man" was postponed to the Christmas file ""Emoji"" and other files.

The animated film "Spider-Man" was postponed to December 21st, 2018.

    1905 movie network news With the appearance of the new "Spider-Man" Tom Hollander, Sony Pictures began to make efforts to build the "Spider-Man" brand. After Holland’s debut, his remake of the solo film will be released in 2017, and then the animated film will debut in 2018. However, there has been a change in the plan recently. The schedule of the animated film "Spider-Man" has been postponed from the summer file to the Christmas file, and it will land in the cinema on December 21st. It seems that Sony reorganized the layout and changed the time.

    After its recent release in North America, the box office set a new record, dominating the movie market and unifying the rivers and lakes. Judging from this situation, the animated film version of "Spider-Man" is likely to be a blockbuster in the Christmas file, not to mention that the children will have a holiday by then, and may be able to achieve extraordinary results at the box office.

"Emoji" movie file change

Peter Rabbit will be released in the spring of 2018.

    In addition, Sony Pictures has also announced the schedule of two other films. The movie version of "Emoji" is scheduled to be released on August 11, 2017. But so far, it is still unclear what the specific content of this film is, and it will never really let the expression occupy the screen, right? The tender film version of Peter Rabbit will be released on March 23, 2018, together with the film version and an animated film PK about the story of Medusa by Fox in the 20th century.

    Although there are still more than two years before the release of several films, Sony executives have obviously begun to carefully plan how to set the best schedule for their new films in order to beat their opponents and win the market. However, as time goes by, more films will be exposed to the specific content and release time. It is hard to predict whether Sony will readjust the time in the future, so we might as well wait and see.