The main MV of Hu Ge’s new album was exposed, and the killing and crying scene shocked the set (Photo)

Source: Sina Music

There are also injuries in the MV

Hu Ge is on the set

MV stills

Hu Ge single cover

  Sina Entertainment News, Hu Ge’s personal debut music album "Departure" is about to be officially released next month. The first wave of the title "Go to Love" has recently been broadcast on national radio stations and major websites. Once the song was broadcast, it immediately aroused a strong response, and it aroused a heated discussion in "Pepper" (fans of Hu Ge). Many fans have reported that "Go to Love" is touched once, and some fans even said that they were moved to tears by the song; some fans think that this song makes them see the strong side of Hu Ge, and also feel Hu Ge’s obvious improvement in singing skills. Therefore, after the release of the song, the MV of "Go Love" immediately became the focus of attention, and fans posted online or called the company to inquire about the exposure time of the MV.

  The MV of "Go Love" tells a touching love story: the protagonist played by Hu Ge is a photographer. By chance, he meets a girl who also loves photography. The two quickly fall in love because of their common hobby. However, just as the two are in love, the hero suddenly encounters a car accident. The sudden accident makes the hero suffer a huge blow. In order not to make his beloved sad, and at the same time afraid of seeing the sadness of his lover, the hero decides to leave…

  24 hours of continuous shooting, Hu Ge sleepwalks and never forgets to be handsome

  I personally cook to deduce the sweetness of home, and Hu Ge’s "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon" handles the egg fried rice

  It happened to rain on the day of the MV shooting. Although it was no longer winter, it was still cold at four in the morning when the spring rain was continuous. Hu Ge, who was dressed in a thin spring dress, would inevitably be frozen early in the morning, so he could only grab the hair stylist’s hair dryer to act as a temporary heater during makeup. Because Director Ma Yizhong’s first impression of Hu Ge was "Wow! Super handsome"! Therefore, when shooting the MV, Director Ma took "handsome" as the first criterion for each shot! The pose of taking pictures should be handsome, the posture of playing billiards should be handsome, and the posture of holding a spatula should also be handsome! Fortunately, Hu Ge, who usually loved to play handsome, understood every instruction from Director Ma. Although the filming continued until 4:30 the next morning, for a full 24 hours, making everyone tired to sleepwalking, as long as the director gave a command, Hu Ge could immediately put on the most handsome POSE, which made people marvel at Hu Ge’s super-first-class handsome skills.

  In the MV, in order to show the sweetness of the love period, the director specially arranged a warm home cooking scene, and let "Chef Hu" perform his unique skill – egg fried rice! However, compared to his handsome skills, Hu Ge’s cooking level is really sweaty, and the egg is not professional NG. When the egg is beaten, the egg is not broken but the bowl is turned over NG. In the end, even the director can’t help but doubt: "Do you really know how to beat eggs?!" Fortunately, after a short period of surprise training and "sacrificing" countless eggs, "Chef Hu" finally mastered the essentials. Not only is he proficient in movements, but he can also fly with a spatula and practice "Dragon Suppression Eighteen Palms".

  Hu Ge "changed careers" as a photographer? Baby camera appears

  MV encountered a triangular love?! Hu Ge sighed that he was too handsome "provoking peach blossoms"

  Since Hu Ge played a photographer in the MV, the camera naturally became an indispensable prop. In fact, on weekdays, Hu Ge was a true photography enthusiast. This time, in addition to the more than a dozen cameras specially prepared by the producer for Hu Ge, Hu Ge even brought three of his own precious cameras to appear.

  In the video, the hero and heroine played by Hu Ge perform a tear-jerking love, but the most intimate with Hu Ge on the set is a female British shorthair cat. In the video, the hero and heroine met because they were filming a cat at the same time, but outside the video, Hu Ge and the cat were already "old acquaintances". It turns out that as early as when Hu Ge recorded "Go to Love", the British shorthair had already gone to the studio to "visit the class". During the filming of the MV, due to the large number of staff, the frightened kitten hid in Hu Ge’s arms all the time, and even kept crawling from the hem of the clothes to Hu Ge’s back. The staff on the side were afraid that the super expensive clothes would be damaged by the cat, but Hu Ge, who had always loved cats, smiled happily and kept comforting the timid cat: "She only kisses me now." Hu Ge joked that "she" especially likes to stick to herself during the recording, "It’s too handsome, I can’t help it!"

  The killing and crying scene moved the audience, and the director: "There is no way to call the card, what should I do?"

  The MV of "Go Love" is interspersed by the happiness and sadness of the protagonist, and there is a great contrast in mood. The tight progress requires Hu Ge to complete a series of inner emotional transformations in the shortest possible time. Often a sweet and romantic scene has just ended, followed by a tear-jerking bitter scene. Originally, the director was worried that Hu Ge could not adapt to the fast pace of transformation, but he did not expect Hu Ge’s performance to surprise the director. He completed the emotional adjustment with ease within a minute, which made the director have to sigh: "I really know how to act!" And some expressions and small details that Hu Ge temporarily added often became the finishing touch that everyone agreed on.

  The last scene of the MV is the most important crying scene. Everyone who has been working continuously for 24 hours is tired and excited, and Hu Ge, who continues to "repeat" in the sweet and painful scenes, finally broke out successfully in the final closing scene. After the previous emotional brewing, after the director’s "start!" command, Hu Ge’s tears arrived as scheduled, and for a time the set was very quiet, only the background music was left. Regarding Hu Ge’s amazing performance, the director Ma Yizhong was surprised and embarrassed, "It’s really so good that I can’t call the card. What should I do?" Although he was a consummate performer, as a newcomer to the music scene, Hu Ge made no secret of his greatest fear of filming the mouth-to-mouth part. He hurriedly asked the director for experience and made up lessons on the spot. Director Ma also appreciated Hu Ge’s hard work and eagerness to learn, and he taught Hu Ge a lot on the spot.

Editor in charge: Li Ming

Reconstruction of industrial logic in online celebrity: marketing evolution

Original Li gang

The 1920s is undoubtedly an era of deconstruction and reconstruction. Culture, politics, economy, and global scanning are no exception.

Therefore, following the old map, we can’t find a new road.

ToB, or toC, has become the entanglement of the marketing model of the automobile industry.

In recent years, "direct marketing" is like a nightmare, which has been tormenting the choice of the industry elite.

Deconstruction and reconstruction, toB or toC, the "third track" of krypton, face the greater challenge of marketing evolution! ,

wake up from a dream

Starting from Tesla, the new forces tried to deconstruct the existing model, to go to the intermediate link, to change the life of dealers, and to directly face consumers.

Without the experience in the automobile industry, the in-depth observation of business logic, and the system design of business model, I am afraid it is difficult to sustain.

Sure enough, the initiator who was helpless and keen on "direct sales" began to wake up, and now it seems that while continuing to expand the network, he began to get close to the dealers.

At the moment when electric vehicles are on the rise, Tesla has expanded production and reduced prices. The pragmatism of "bonus hunter" is direct enough, which really makes people sigh.

The new force "direct selling" is gradually drifting away, and experts in the industry have described it as "fried dough sticks or twists".

On the contrary, Krypton, who came first, saw the correct direction of marketing evolution in "chaos", and then outflanked it from behind with unstoppable momentum.

When the shortage economy transits to the surplus economy, when the industrial production capacity is greater than the social demand, when the market segments call for differentiated products, the market competition of automobile enterprises is "under great pressure".

In the public opinion environment where electrification, intelligence and networking are popular, all kinds of new energy vehicles are rushing into the ignorant and waking market, and consumers have added the trouble of "choice".

The rapid development of products and technology, market and demand, especially the exploration of channel mode triggered by new energy automobile products on a global scale, is forcing the automobile circulation industry to accelerate the transformation and upgrading.

Therefore, it is the guide to the transformation and evolution of the automobile industry to promote consumption upgrading with technological progress, guide product evolution with user thinking, and realize the opposite direction with the same frequency resonance.

How to innovate differentiated competitive advantage and how to reconstruct business model?

Extreme krypton believes that direct marketing is imperative, and the sword refers to toC!

Brand new image

On November 6th, the owner of Seven Star Zhai was lucky enough to attend and inspect the opening ceremony of "Extreme Krypton House".

This is the first Kryptonian store in China called "Kryptonian Home", which is located in Shi Xiang Road, Gongshu District, where major brands are clustered.

Here, different from the single functions of the existing supermarket exhibition, krypton center, krypton space and delivery center, the "krypton home" includes all the functions of experience, sales, delivery and after-sales, creating a "home" for consumers’ warmth and empathy.

It is said that the "extreme kryptonian family" will increase the number of stores where conditions permit, and upgrade the decentralized operation to intensive operation, which will facilitate consumers and reduce operating costs.

The internal functions of "Extreme Krypton Home" are complete. Especially refreshing, specially designed audio-visual teaching place, "teaching car" for users.

Why is there a "teaching car" link? The three key words of intelligence, high-end and pure electricity are connected with intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit and intelligent chassis. The so-called intelligent high-end is bound to "hide" some new technologies, new functions and new operations.

How to operate and experience is unprecedented and unheard of. You said, "Don’t teach or learn" will do?

In the delivery process, you will see the highlight moment of the user! Pictures filled the scene with joy and seemed to float out to share with more people.

"Kyojia" also has a second-hand car replacement business. As long as it is the owner, no matter what brand or model it originally owned, it can be exchanged for "new life" here.

If you pay attention, you can link to this service in any krypton store in any city, and you can get one-on-one answers. Anyone who passes by and drops in for coffee or cocktails will be warmly received …

Walking into the krypton center of Chengdu, you can see local elements everywhere. Bamboo forest is planted in the center of the spiral staircase, which is the user space on the second floor. Bar, leisure area, free space, forum area, conference room, etc., make people feel at home.

Users talk with tonality, brand culture is spreading, and products resonate. It is by no means a car selling outlet, a living room, a window, and a spiritual communication.

In the 2022WD Awards World Design Award, the Krypton Center Chengdu Taikooli won the highest honor of the Winner Award.

This award is hard-won. Previous award-winning companies include world-class excellent design companies such as Foster and Jean Nouvel.

Chengdu has a population of 21 million+,and its consumption potential is huge. The radiation capacity of the city itself is also huge. The completion of Chengdu Krypton Center will naturally drive the pulse of the whole southwest and even incite the western market of China.

Due to strategic considerations, the extremely krypton network layout has indeed made great efforts. According to reports, at present, there are more than 220 stores in major cities across the country, and delivery services are spread over 330+ cities across the country.

"Extreme Krypton Home" has completed the initiative of a brand-new business model in the new energy industry, and at the same time made the reputation of the extreme Krypton brand more brilliant.

Some willing and powerful partners in relevant cities across the country, with local superior resources, enthusiastically joined the cooperation when they heard the news, tied up extremely direct sales experience, shared toC, directly hit the pain points of users, and ensured the ultimate experience of every user without difference.

The ultimate experience, user activity is an important content of extreme empathy.

Those who participate in the Kryptonian community activities are all users who have decided or have already picked up the car. "Dading" is equivalent to "engagement".

The video raiders produced by Krypton sent an APP to guide new users how to participate in Krypton community activities.

The activities carried out by Krypton in various regions of the country have different forms, all of which are very close to "earth and gas" and "popularity", forming an ecological circle of Krypton owners.

There are many activities after delivery, and there are 2 or 3 events every week in each city, which is very active online and offline.

Users’ feedback to Krypton is very direct, and they basically communicate and interact on the APP. After the event, users often post posts to express their feelings about participating in the event.

These ingenious marketing forms are obviously designed to penetrate the user’s thinking.

In the Insight Report on User Net Recommendation Rate of Passenger Car Market in China (2022 Edition) released by Easy Car, Krypton achieved a net recommendation rate of 70.29% by virtue of its ultimate products and the concept of co-creation with users.

According to the report, Krypton ranks first among the mainstream brands of passenger cars in China, surpassing luxury brands such as Tesla and Porsche.

It is also an inevitable logic that there is a gain from a hard work.

Underlying logic

Isn’t the product king? Why do you have to work hard on marketing?

Classical economics tells us that commodities must go through three links: production, circulation and consumption to realize their life value.

Marketing, in short, is the knowledge of "buying and selling" and belongs to the circulation link.

From the perspective of supply side, production and marketing are like people’s two legs. If one leg is long and the other is short, can this road go fast?

Therefore, it is not enough to just "product is king".

In fact, the necessity of marketing evolution has been further strengthened in the buyer’s market.

With the transformation of automobile industry, a variety of energy technology routes are parallel, and facing the formats of buyer’s market, stock market and market segments, we need a suitable marketing model.

Not only the automobile industry, so researchers say abstractly that products are ships and brands are sails.

Practitioners developed and said, "Marketing is the wind".

Extreme krypton extension says: users are the vast sea!

Wow, the eternal swan song of "water can carry a boat and overturn it" meets a bosom friend again in the crisscross of time and space.

In the past, the connotation definition of a brand was its long-term reputation. Consumers with money and no money will flock to them and stare at the "brand" of a century-old shop.

Now it’s completely different. There are abundant commodities, oversupply in the market, innovation in products and dazzling new technologies, and consumers have long been at a loss.

Follow the crowd, you may be disappointed, and you can only see the "true chapter" if you experience it yourself. Therefore, the experience economy meets unexpectedly.

Therefore, in the Internet era, "user word-of-mouth big data" has ruthlessly refreshed the original definition of the brand.

The surging traffic brought by users’ word-of-mouth communication can make the brand image colorful.

The marketing concept of "Don’t compare, don’t try, don’t sell" in Dajili automobile industry has been inherited under the innovative direct marketing mode, and more forms and deeper consumer experience have become the top priority of active marketing.

For me

In addition to the "4S" function, traditional dealers also have an important function-the "reservoir" function.

Building and maintaining a "reservoir" for finished products is an unavoidable need for manufacturers and markets.

Because of the randomness of market demand, there is a pair of contradictions with the basic requirements of balanced production of enterprises. Previously, the task of "neutralizing" contradictions was completed by dealers to adjust the relationship of unity of opposites.

Organizing production according to the order, producing a car and frying a fried dough stick, the process and timeliness are very different. Without a proper reserve of finished products, the market simply can’t wait, and the complaining subscribers will definitely destroy a brand by themselves.

The ideal is full and the reality is skinny. With the direct operation mode, the construction and maintenance of the "reservoir", and the huge capital occupation of its heavy assets, the manufacturer must be unable to support it alone.

Not only that, but there are also three "huge stones" lying across the kryptonian track, which are equally tangled.

First of all, the pressure of capital investment and human resources; Secondly, the ability to create the social ecology of direct marketing places; Third, the determination to resist the forces of habit.

Direct sales, not to mention how much investment is needed, and where professionals come from, are many departments of land acquisition, demolition, industry and commerce, taxation, environmental protection, fire safety, etc. in stores all over the country. Who can "have thousands of buildings, which is a great shelter for the world?"

A manufacturer who is partial to the corner must be "owned by me" in direct sales?

Extreme krypton is no longer entangled, I believe that "all roads lead to Rome"!

(of a situation) be getting better

Thanks to the cooperation of compound foreign talents and endogenous talents, more in-depth innovation strategies have surfaced.

Like-minded, various forms, risk sharing, benefit sharing. Specific practices, trade secrets, inconvenient to disclose!

Actually, I don’t know how to divide the money.

Manufacturers and distributors, including powerful and willing partners, are led by manufacturers and cooperate to become "a family", a model and a goal, heading in the same direction.

The "extreme kryptonian family" with full-function management is the innovative result of this model.

Evolution is progressing rapidly, and more open social cooperation is beginning to take shape.

Before sticking to the after-sales service in 4S stores, manufacturers began to make high-quality professional automobile maintenance outlets show their talents in a special and franchised way, which was very popular among car owners.

"Don’t want everything, but want to use it", which is a socialized division of resources and a high-level cooperation form that can complement each other, enables the leading party, partners and consumers to achieve maximum empathy, sharing, co-creation and win-win.

An experienced executive who "digs" from new forces believes that the direct marketing model of "seeking for use" is the most ideal format.

The capital market is not only optimistic about product development, but also concerned about whether the "nuclear fusion" of industrial deconstruction and reconstruction is successful, and the evolution of marketing model will undoubtedly become a powerful driving force for market realization.

reach the same goal by different routes/means

The krypton gene comes from Geely automobile industry. However, whether it is product definition and technical logic, or business model and user thinking, Krypton is different from the previous "matrix".

Extreme krypton stands out from the "matrix", fundamentally speaking, it is a corporate culture in which the spirit of learning is superimposed on the spirit of struggle.

Krypton’s strategic positioning has been endowed with the glorious mission of being the vanguard and experimental field of transformation and reform of Dajili (referring to Geely Holding Group).

Despite the rich heritage and color accumulated by traditional automobile companies for many years, Krypton has attracted much attention from the outside world since its birth. It not only entrusts with the earnest expectation of Geely automobile industry, but also is regarded as a reference system for strategic transformation by the whole traditional automobile industry.

The evolution of extremely krypton marketing is not alone, but has been passed down and developed in the great Geely system.

This can’t help but mention the link. The gene combination of Lectra is not only a "hybrid" between Geely and Volvo, but also plays an important role in connecting the past and the future, and plays a decisive role in the development of the automobile industry of Geely!

Krypton’s 001 hunting coupe, its previous life was the concept car of Lexus Zero, which was an open secret before Krypton came out.

Based on the "Two Blue Geely Action Plans", Dajili decided to launch the intelligent pure electricity project. According to the overall planning of the group, this concept car was reluctantly "adopted" to the new students.

In addition to the inheritance of products, the avant-garde Link has added two new functions of "Social" and "Share" on the basis of "4S", taking the lead in opening up the link between production, circulation and consumption.

What is even more gratifying is that an executive of Geely Automobile Group, who asked not to be named, revealed that a new management system has been established for existing dealers, with vertical business processes and redistribution of benefits, so that bosses and employees have their own places.

Dealers receive more systematic education, integrate into more attractive new models, and get more stable returns.

Completely dominated by Geely.

Ownership remains unchanged, but the "playing style" has been changed. From the perspective of human nature and common sense, there is no need for dealers to follow the old rules.

Geely’s "first try" in another pure electric brand has achieved remarkable results.

Great Geely automobile industry transformation, unforgettable old friends who have cooperated with toB for many years, sincerely invite dealers to evolve together.

Dealers have actually begun to transform themselves, but it is difficult to achieve great things without the lead of manufacturers.

Direct toC, extremely krypton start a new stove, Geely cooperate, "play" is different, and all roads lead to the same goal.

Deep thinking

"4S" store is an automobile sales enterprise integrating vehicle sales, Sparepart, after-sales Service and information Survey.

It can be seen that the primary task of 4S shop is to "sell cars" and "clinch a deal and sell" is its interest.

ToB model, the excitement of buyers and sellers, focuses on the game between transaction price and rights and interests.

ToB mode, the bargaining session climaxes instantly, once the transaction is completed, the passion immediately fades and the empathy relationship comes to an abrupt end; In toC mode, there is no bargaining link. After delivery, the honeymoon journey has just started, and various user activities make people fascinated.

This is "stickiness", the specialty of krypton toC. People have the same heart, and the heart has the same reason.

In-depth study of the law of value-prices fluctuate up and down around the relationship between supply and demand, such as the same Sin (sine) curve;

Affected by "variables", commodity prices always fluctuate around value.

Price is affected by the relationship between supply and demand, which in turn affects the relationship between supply and demand; Similarly, price is determined by value, and price determines value.

It can be seen that the nature of the transaction has not changed, and the fundamental appeal of both parties is to maximize interests, not simply to reduce prices and promote profits.

Starting from this logic, the established price is no longer sensitive, and the maximization of cost performance is the balance point of the expectations of buyers and sellers, thus maximizing their respective interests.

The key is, if the cost performance is maximized, the after-sales service is optimized, the travel quality is modernized, and the value for money is excellent, will it be greatly welcomed by consumers?

Some people say that the definition of consumption upgrading mainly refers to the upgrading of consumer demand, from quantity consumption to price consumption, and now to brand consumption (value), which is in line with Maslow’s demand theory.

According to the market survey, consumers believe that the consumption upgrade certainly pursues value and use value, but it cannot be expressed by raising commodity prices, and improving the price-performance ratio of products is the best embodiment of dialectical unity.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, the highest level is self-realization. Here, it can be understood as the pursuit of consumers: the unity of metaphysical material application values and metaphysical financial proliferation concepts.

The level of human material needs means the embodiment of spiritual self-worth; The gene of "profit-seeking" of human nature drives consumers to pursue the maximization of cost performance.

Measuring the cost performance, relying on bluffing and telling lies, all won’t work. Saying that 300,000 cars are "the best cars within 1 million" is not only self-destructive, but even "dirty" the foundation of their corporate culture!

There are also brands that design the main driver’s seat as a variable luxury bed, which can sit and lie, and it is expensive. I wonder how many consumers have this demand? What is the logic among its price, value and use value?

It’s confusing

Therefore, the most important thing is to raise the premium level of asset conversion for consumers, that is, the value beyond the price.

Converting the buyer’s monetary expenditure into goods with greater use value also shows the level and value of the seller!

The market characteristics of the experience economy are fully suggested here.

Following this logic, improving the efficiency of product experience is the biggest "variable" for all parties to benefit.

ToB mode, the experience activities organized by dealers, the quality of communication, the symmetry of information, the smooth flow of pipelines and the speed of transmission are not the same as toC.

In order to compete for market advantage, manufacturers have invested a lot of resources and carried out various forms of experience activities, with the original intention of empowering dealers.

Just like "scratching the boots", the geometry that dealers can benefit from it is not yet known; The wishes and expressions of consumers and the discount given to manufacturers are also unknown.

It seems to be an impossible task how to smoothly drain the energy generated by the activity to the store and convert it into sales volume, and how to timely and completely transmit the user experience opinions to the manufacturer to improve the products.

"two-lane sports car" is due to the toB attribute.

Key to success or failure

The evolutionary practice towards toC, with rich and colorful test drive experience, will be gradually developed in Lectra, Krypton and even in more brands of Dajili.

They carry out user test drive activities of different scales, multi-scene media test drive tasting activities, professional track scene measurement activities of authoritative organizations, and in-depth experience of R&D and manufacturing bases.

OtoO information interaction has more conveniently realized the efficiency of offline experience and online sharing, promoted the continuous production and marketing, greatly shortened the distance close to consumers, and greatly improved the efficiency of improving products and operations.

Looking back at the beginning of the delivery of Krypton 001, it once attracted public opinion. For some time, there have been negative comments, bad reviews, and a lot of fate.

There are media misunderstandings, user confusion, product bugs and the company’s own work is not in place.

However, the criticism and the object of blame are all hidden!

In the end, TOEFL found the crux of the problem by opening consumers’ hearts, friendly communication and symmetrical information, and the medicine got rid of the disease.

On July 11th, 2022, a set of highly targeted and very close-to-the-people marketing strategies won back users and won great welcome from social consumers.

One of the declarations that 8155 replaced the old chips for free suddenly subverted users’ cognition and was praised as a classic case by the industry.

More media commented that "7.11" finally established a positive image and headed for a different correct path!

ToC, direct users, direct people’s hearts.

Orders continued to grow, brand reputation rose sharply, including negative public opinion flip, all benefited from the user’s wishes brought by toC.

Connecting with users’ hearts is the key to the success or failure of an enterprise.

Consumption is upgrading, evolution is continuing, and reform is on the way, regardless of content or form!

Huawei’s smart driving has attracted attention! A picture combs the concept stocks related to the intelligent cockpit.

[Huawei’s smart driving has attracted attention! Recently, Zhijie S7 opened for pre-sale, which is the first vehicle equipped with HarmonyOS Smart Cockpit 4.0, and HarmonyOS Zhixing Alliance will be established on the same day. It is reported that the main carrier of HarmonyOS Zhixing is the HarmonyOS cockpit. In the future, the functions of the intelligent cockpit will be more diverse, and the subdivision track including PCB, on-board display, domain controller, cockpit chip and optics and acoustics of man-vehicle interaction function is expected to develop rapidly.

The official response is that the starting price of L6 is only 259,800 yuan?

  [car home Information] Recently, the relevant parameter configuration information of (|) was exposed on the Internet, which also included the model price. The Pro version sold for 259,800 yuan, and the Max version sold for 289,800 yuan. In this regard, the ideal official responded that "the online price speculation is false, and we have not announced the price, so please pay attention to the release of L6."

Home of the car

"Ideal L6 price and configuration for network exposure"

  The ideal L6 is a medium and large five-seat SUV, which is positioned below the ideal L7, a family intelligent luxury five-seat SUV within 300,000 yuan, a luxury five-seat SUV and a flagship five-seat SUV. Earlier, Liu Jie, vice president of LI Commerce, said that Ideal L6 would be listed in the second quarter, focusing on the market of 250,000-300,000 yuan.

  According to the exposure configuration table, the ideal L6 comes standard with dual-motor four-wheel drive, with a cruising range of 1390km under CLTC condition. It adopts front double wishbone independent suspension and rear five-bar independent suspension, and is equipped with CDC continuous variable damping shock absorber.

LI Ideal L7 2024 Pro

"Ideal L7 Interior"

  The dimensions of the central control panel and the auxiliary driving panel are both 15.7 inches, which are the same as the ideal L7, so the interior is likely to continue the design of L7. Equipped with 19 speakers, the same as L7; Pro comes standard with AD Pro high-speed intelligent driving, and Max comes standard with AD Max full-scene intelligent driving, which is the same as L7. That is to say, Pro version supports high-speed road section assisted driving, and Max version supports city+high-speed road section assisted driving.

Home of the car

Home of the car

"The ideal L6 real vehicle for network exposure"

  In terms of appearance, the design of ideal L6 and L7 is highly consistent, and the family-style design language is still adopted. In terms of the differences between the two cars, firstly, the laser radar at the top is better integrated with the roof; secondly, compared with L7 and L6, the style details of the penetrating daytime running lights are optimized, and the light strips become more slender, with small yellow lights on both sides. At the same time, the headlight group continues to adopt split design, but the lamp body is different from L7, and the front enclosure of the vehicle is the heat dissipation port of the engine, and the style is also different from L7.

Home of the car

"The ideal L6 real vehicle for network exposure"

  On the side of the car body, the difference between L6 and L7 is also very subtle. From the real car diagram, the wheelbase of the new car is obviously shorter, and the rear suspension is shorter. According to a store sales representative who has seen a real car before, the ideal L6 is smaller than the L7 in obvious size. The ideal L6 has a length, width and height of 4925/1960/1735mm and a wheelbase of 2920mm, while the ideal L7 has a length, width and height of 5050/1995/1750mm and a wheelbase of 3005mm, so the dimension data of the ideal L6 is obviously smaller.

Home of the car

"The ideal L6 real vehicle for network exposure"

  At the rear of the vehicle, penetrating taillights are still used. The difference with L7 is that the L6 license plate is still at the bumper, and the size of the whole tailgate is not small. The positions of the reflective strips on both sides of the bumper have also been adjusted.

  In terms of power, the ideal L6 is equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder engine as an extended range system, with a maximum power of 113kW. The battery suppliers are still from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Xinwangda, which are expected to be the same as the Air version and Pro version of L8. However, it is worth noting that according to the previous application information, this model is all lithium iron phosphate battery versions, and we can pay attention to whether there will be a ternary lithium battery version in the future. (Source: Xiaohongshu Automobile Research Institute; Compile/car home Qin Chao)

The Ministry of Science and Technology has delayed stamping the approved project. What happened to the CDC?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


The outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic has alerted the scientific community to the urgency and importance of in-depth research on new viruses. However, a special investigation on basic resources aimed at finding the virulent pathogens of natural foci in China has been approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology, but recently it has been unable to get the approval of funds due to the delay in stamping by the higher authorities.

It is noteworthy that Zhang Yongzhen’s team was one of the earliest teams in China to detect Covid-19, and it was the first to publish the Covid-19 gene sequence on the Internet on January 11th this year.

Author | Wang Yiwei

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The application for stamping has not been approved for more than two months.

"Never (it has been delayed for so long). This is an unimaginable situation." On August 4, Yang Shoushan (a pseudonym), a professor at a domestic university, told Intellectuals on the phone.

Yang Shoushan is a scientist who studies marine viruses in China. This year, he will work with 55 other researchers from 9 domestic units to carry out a project called "Scientific Investigation of Virus Resources of Major Natural Focuses in China" (hereinafter referred to as "Virus Resources Investigation").

This project is one of the 27 basic resources investigation projects proposed and established by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2019. According to the documents of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 27 special projects are basic work oriented to scientific goals and national strategic needs, and will be appointed as executors from the declared scientific research teams [1].

On December 16, 2019, the Institute of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control of China Center for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as the Institute of Infectious Diseases) in Changping, Beijing was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology to take the lead in undertaking the special investigation of virus resources. The project leader was Zhang Yongzhen, a researcher and virologist of the Institute, with a project budget of 13.58 million yuan.

The special project was originally planned to be launched in January this year. Due to the epidemic situation in COVID-19, the time for submitting the project task book to the Ministry of Science and Technology can be postponed to May.

Yang Shoushan told Intellectuals that on May 27th, the project team submitted an application for seal to its superior unit, China Center for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as China CDC), but until the beginning of August, the task book of this special project was still not submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology, because the task book was still audited by China CDC. In sharp contrast, the other 26 projects in the same period have submitted task books.

Yang Shoushan said that submitting the paper version of the project task book is the last step before obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The task book needs to be submitted to the recommending unit and stamped with the official seal of the recommending unit, and then submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology. The recommendation unit of this project is the National Health and Wellness Committee.


What’s the reason for not stamping?

Why has the project applied by China CDC been "delayed" for so long? Yang Shoushan said it was difficult to understand.

"As long as it is established, signing the task book is a process. (The Institute of Infectious Diseases and the Science and Technology Office of China CDC) are all in the same yard, and it will be completed in one day."

Yang Shoushan introduced the detailed process of the project team after submitting the seal application.

First, on June 9th, China CDC returned Zhang Yongzhen’s seal application to the Institute of Infectious Diseases, and raised three questions about written documents.

On June 18th, Zhang Yongzhen’s project team was asked by the Institute of Infectious Diseases to give answers to three questions. On the same day, Zhang Yongzhen’s project team gave a reply. Since then, the information handed in has been like a stone, and there has been no feedback.

The documents obtained by Intellectuals show that there are three problems in the written document proposed by China CDC, including that the cover of the task book is not stamped with the official seal of the legal person, and the objectives and indicators in the task book of sub-project 1 are inconsistent with the declaration, and it is required to review whether the undertaking unit of sub-project 1 of the project can carry out virulent virus research.

"The first question is that you didn’t stamp it. Isn’t that a lie? It’s clearly stamped on it"; Yang Shoushan said, "It is also said that the contract assessment indicators are inconsistent and actually consistent; Our work does not involve virus culture, and we don’t need P3 (qualification). We all do inactivated viruses. " He said that the electronic version of the task book was submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology for approval before the final stamping process, and the Ministry of Science and Technology could not modify it after the review.

On July 3rd, the Institute of Infectious Diseases once again asked the project team to provide the task contract of Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention (hereinafter referred to as Wuhan CDC), one of the participating units of the project, otherwise the follow-up process could not be carried out.

Yang Shoushan told Intellectuals that the project involves the cooperation of nine units, and Wuhan CDC is one of them. It was originally responsible for the collection of some samples and needed to sign a sub-task contract with the Institute of Infectious Diseases. However, on January 12 this year, Wuhan CDC announced that it would terminate its cooperation with Zhang Yongzhen’s team and stop participating in the "virus resource investigation" project. The above opinions also appeared in a written material stamped with the official seal of Wuhan CDC seen by Intellectuals.

Yang Shoushan said that the withdrawal of Wuhan CDC "will not affect the progress of the project", and at the end of April, the Ministry of Science and Technology had been informed and agreed to take the withdrawal process, that is, the project team could submit the stamped task book with explanatory materials for the record, but the Infectious Diseases Institute replied that Wuhan CDC could not submit the task book for review if it did not give the contract.

"In fact, I just found an excuse not to leave the process." Yang Shoushan believes that the Institute of Infectious Diseases is the lead unit of the project, and the China CDC is the superior unit. It is unreasonable to "card yourself": "For example, if you sell a machine to others, you have to change a part, which will not affect the function. The buyers all agreed, and your father said no, not to sell. "

As of press time, neither China CDC nor Institute of Infectious Diseases responded to the inquiry of Intellectuals about this matter.

In the same period, the person in charge of another basic resource investigation project told Intellectuals that the project they undertook had been submitted with the task book sealed by the recommending unit in May, and the Ministry of Science and Technology had also started to contact the team on financial matters. In early July, the project held a kick-off meeting and started work. He said that he had never heard of the submission of similar project cards in the task book before.

"Intellectuals" learned from different sources that 27 research projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 26 of which have been submitted with official seals, have gone through the formalities. According to public information [4], four simultaneous projects led by the Institute of Zoology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Microbiology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, First Institute of Oceanography of Ministry of Natural Resources, Pearl River Water Conservancy Research Institute and other institutions have held kick-off meetings to mark the start of the projects.


To prevent new outbreaks, virus investigation should be preceded.

In Yang Shoushan’s view, the virus investigation project is "urgent". Outbreaks like Covid-19 have caused incalculable losses to society and individuals, and all the new outbreaks of infectious diseases in China since 2000 have come from wild animals. Knowing the virus distribution in nature in advance is the first step to prevent new outbreaks.

Previously, Shi Zhengli, a researcher at Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, also called for [3] that pathogen monitoring is very important to prevent coronavirus from entering human society. "We can monitor these viruses that exist in nature, take the initiative to find patients, assess risks, warn in advance, and move the barrier of prevention forward at a little cost. Find the virus before it finds us. "

"Teacher Zhang Yongzhen has always advocated to find out the family background, to know the number, distribution and law of viruses in natural foci in China, and to achieve early detection, early analysis and early warning of the epidemic after finding out this. This is the purpose of our team." Yang Shoushan said. The project is expected to last for 60 months. It will investigate the viruses carried by wild animals on land and in the sea of China, analyze the genome characteristics of more than 150 new viruses with 450 subtypes, identify potential pathogenic strains, and finally establish a standardized national animal sample and virus resource library.

As a researcher at the Institute of Infectious Diseases, Zhang Yongzhen currently works in institutes of biomedical sciences and Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centers. He and his team have been engaged in the discovery and research of new viruses for a long time, and have discovered more than 2,000 new viruses. Yang Shoushan introduced that Zhang Yongzhen’s team has maintained a cooperative relationship with Wuhan CDC for more than ten years, analyzing and studying the samples of patients with unexplained pneumonia and fever provided by Wuhan CDC.

On January 5th, Zhang Yongzhen’s team detected Covid-19 in the samples sent by Wuhan CDC and reported it to Shanghai Health and Health Commission and National Health Commission and other competent authorities. On January 11th, the team released the gene sequence of Covid-19 for the first time in, a forum on virus evolution analysis and epidemiology. [5]

"We also know that some leaders are unhappy with some of our achievements and feel that they have disrupted their plans … but this matter has already passed. This project was established in 19 years, and it is totally irrelevant to the epidemic. As a result, we are also very angry about using these to cheat, "Yang Shoushan said." But now we are also adjusting our mentality and doing things well. "

Although it has not been approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology for the time being, some key research can not be stopped, such as the collection of marine viruses. April-June is the key period for going to sea. In order not to delay the progress, Yang Shoushan, who is in charge of marine virus collection, can only use the surplus funds of other projects to go to sea first. However, until the end of the scientific research project on July 8, there was still no progress in the sealing of the task book.

Zhang Yongzhen’s project team has contacted the Institute of Infectious Diseases and China CDC for many times, and Yang Shoushan also made a voice in Weibo in mid-June to disclose the situation of the project being blocked, but none of them got an effective response. At present, the project is "closed" on the website of the Ministry of Science and Technology, indicating that the time for submitting the task book has passed. Some preparatory work for the project is already under way, but due to lack of funds, some research groups may not use the remaining project funds to advance the work first.

On August 1st, the project team held a kick-off meeting to cheer everyone up. "Without funds, the work will continue," Yang Shoushan said. He said that in the end, he hoped that the project book could be stamped as soon as possible and submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Plate making editor | Pipi Fish

[Rio Olympic Games] On the sixth competition day, China added 1 gold, 3 silver and 3 bronze.

       CCTV News:On the sixth competition day of Rio Olympic Games, the China delegation added another gold, three silver and three bronze. Not surprisingly, the second gold medal in table tennis was won by the China team in advance. In the men’s singles final this morning, China’s Malone ZhangJike joined forces successfully, and Malone beat ZhangJike 4-0 to win the championship.

       In the final of shooting women’s 50m rifle three postures last night, China’s Vin won the silver medal with a slight disadvantage of 0.2 ring, while Du Li won the bronze medal.

       In addition, China women’s epee team 38— 44 lost to Romania and won the silver medal.

       In the swimming competition, Shi Jinglin, who participated in the Olympic Games for the first time, won the bronze medal in the women’s 200m breaststroke. Wang Shun won a bronze medal in the men’s 200m individual medley final.


       [Table Tennis Men’s Singles Final] Chinese Derby Malone defeated ZhangJike to win the championship.


       In the men’s singles final held this morning in Beijing time, China’s Malone ZhangJike launched a peak matchup. At the beginning of the game, ZhangJike took the lead in entering the state and scored two points in a row. Malone also gradually played, scoring in a row and leading by 7: 4. Since then, the two sides fought fiercely, with a score of 10 and 12 on the field. In the end, Malone struggled to win the first game with 14: 12. After winning the first game, Malone became more and more brave and took the next game at 11: 5. At the beginning of the third game, the two sides fought fiercely, but ZhangJike made more mistakes, and Malone won the third game with 11: 4. In the fourth game, ZhangJike got off to a bad start, losing three points in a row, while Malone kept pulling up the score, ending the game with another 11: 4, and the China delegation won the 11th gold medal. Malone also fulfilled his dream of a grand slam. After the game, Malone surrounded the city with his hands in a loving shape to greet the fans. ZhangJike won the silver medal. >>Looking back: China’s 11th gold medal: table tennis men’s singles "Kelon War" Malone defeated ZhangJike 4-0.

       [Shooting women’s 50-meter rifle three-position final] Vin won the silver by 0.2 rings and Du Li won the bronze.

       Last night, Beijing time, the women’s 50-meter rifle three postures were contested in the final. Du Li, the champion of this event in Beijing Olympic Games, and Vin, who participated in the Olympic Games for the first time, advanced as the fourth and seventh in the qualifying competition respectively. In the first kneeling competition, Du Li and Vin both made mistakes, ranking fourth and fifth respectively. After a short period of adjustment, Du Li’s state rebounded in the prone position competition, and she once scored a good score of 10.9 rings. After two postures, she fell behind the German player by 2.3 rings and temporarily ranked third. Vin ranked sixth after two rounds. In the final standing competition, Du Li played her brave role, with a total score of 409.1, overtaking to the first place, and Vin was temporarily ranked fourth with 407.3. In the knockout stage, Vin was calm. When there were four players left on the spot, she made a 10.6-ring counterattack and kept herself on the field. In the final contest, the German player ranked first with the advantage of 0.9 ring ahead of Du Li, and Vin was temporarily ranked third with 0.4 ring behind Du Li. In the last shot, Du Li failed to resist the pressure, only played 8.6 rings, ending her competition for the project with a bronze medal. At this time, Vin was still 1.6 rings behind Englade. Although she played bravely, she finally missed the gold medal with a slight disadvantage of 0.2 rings and won the silver medal with a total score of 458.4 rings. German Englade won the gold medal with a score of 458.6 rings that broke the Olympic final record. >>Looking back: shooting women’s 50-meter rifle in three positions: Vin won the silver by 0.2 rings and Du Li won the bronze.

       [Women’s epee team final] China lost to Romanian team and won the silver medal.


       In the women’s epee team final of the Olympic Games, which ended this morning, the China team composed of Xu Anqi, Sun Yujie, Sun Yiwen and Hao Jialu scored 38-mdash; 44 Regretfully lost to Romania, defending the title and winning the silver medal. In this Olympic Games, the defending China women’s epee team made it all the way, eliminated the Russian team with good strength in the semi-final and advanced to the final. Facing the Romanian team in full swing, the players didn’t get into the state in time. After three quarters, China fell behind 6-9. In the fourth quarter, Sun Yujie played a small climax of 3-1 while his opponent was not stable. At this time, China was only one sword behind the Romanian team. In the fifth section, Hao Jialu, who made her Olympic debut, came off the bench. However, she failed to play the role of raiders, and was defeated by 0-4 in a single quarter. At this time, the total score of China team was 9-14. In the sixth quarter, Xu Anqi played against gherman, which was also the highest level of the game. As a result, Xu Anqi lost 5-7 in this quarter, and China’s disadvantage expanded to 7 swords. In the eighth quarter, Sun Yujie turned the tide with 9-6 to narrow the gap to 5 swords for China. In the last quarter, Xu Anqi played again, but fell behind 0-4 at the beginning. In the end, China lost to Romanian 38-44. >>Looking back: China won the silver medal in the women’s epee team final.

Football Summary: Messi Gods Argentina 7

On March 29th, Beijing time, let’s take a look at the latest situation of the international competition day.

Spain 0-2 away to Scotland

In the second round of Group A of the European Cup qualifiers, McTominay made two consecutive double rings. Spain lost to Scotland 0-2 away, and gave up the top position in the group after swallowing the first defeat. This 0-2 game ended Spain’s five unbeaten games against Scotland. The last time they lost to Scotland was in the preliminaries in November 1984. It has been 39 years since then, when they lost 1-2 away.

Argentina home 7-0 Cura? ao

In the international friendly match, 35-year-old Messi wore a hat at half time, Gonzalez, Enzo, Di Maria and Montiel successively made contributions, and Argentina beat Cura? ao, a weak team in Central and North America, 7-0 at home. Messi reached the milestone of the national team’s 100 goals, and the total number of goals rose to 102. Cristiano Ronaldo, the world football national team goal record holder, still has a gap of 20 goals.

Germany home 2-3 Billytime

In the international friendly match, carrasco, Lu Kaku and De Braune each scored a goal, and Belgium beat Germany 3-2. Four days ago, Belgium just beat Sweden 3-0 in the European preliminaries. On this international competition day, Belgium won two consecutive victories and scored three goals in both games.

Japan 1-2 Colombia, South Korea 1-2 Uruguay

Japan and South Korea, the two top teams in Asia, both lost 1-2. Japan was reversed by Colombia, and South Korea was beaten by Uruguay with two goals. On this international competition day, Japan, South Korea and China were all 1 draw and 1 loss. China’s opponents in the two men’s soccer matches were both New Zealand, while Japan and South Korea were Colombian and Uruguayan.

There are 45 kinds of classic snacks in Shanghai. Don’t miss everything. How many have you eaten?

Shanghai laodiji presents a group of wonderful articles every day.

Open dusty memories and look for the past years.

Talking about Shanghai’s Old Foundation and Recalling Shanghai’s Old Foundation People

V. Shanghai’s old situation

Shanghai snack

Delicious is not expensive, and there are many varieties!

Hiding our memories of Shanghai

Count how many kinds have you eaten?


Dim sum

Step 1 pan-fried

Also known as fried steamed bread, it is a Shanghai dim sum native to Allah, with crisp skin, thick juice, fragrant meat and exquisite taste. Take a bite, and all the delicious flavors of meat, oil, onion and sesame will not disperse in your mouth for a long time.

Step 2: small cage

Thin-skinned, tender-fleshed, juicy, delicious, and beautiful, Shanghai small cage makes you cry. Please remember the formula of eating a small cage: "Lift it gently, move it slowly, open the window first, then suck the soup."

3. fried dumpling

Crispy fried dumpling, Shanghai people’s favorite! In the magic capital, if you want to eat authentic fried dumpling, you must visit those dim sum shops hidden in street corners and alleys, and ordinary small shops often have amazing delicious food.

4. Fried dough sticks

Walking in the alleys of Shanghai, if the person facing you holds soy milk in his left hand, most of them are fried dough sticks in his right hand. After tumbling in the oil pan, it slowly expands and turns golden, which is the favorite breakfast of Shanghainese.

5. Spring rolls

Small in size and golden in color. Bite it down, the skin is crispy, the stuffing inside is steaming, and it tastes old with sour vinegar.

6. Shaomai

Shaomai is as simple as a piece of dough and a mass of rice in it, but it is so delicate that it has "dried Kun inside". In the tough leather, glutinous rice, mushrooms and minced pork are wrapped, not to mention how satisfying it is!

7. Fresh milk cubes

Image from Weibo netizen Wennnnnn_666

Fresh milk cubes should eat rubies! Taste mellow, rich, one down, super satisfied, coupled with a cup of coffee, never tire of eating!


8. pie

A fried dough stick is folded in half and placed in the center of the pie; Fold the pie in pairs, and the fritters will become stuffing. My parents always said that if I had a pair of big cakes and fried dough sticks in the morning and a bowl of light syrup or sweet syrup, that day would be very comfortable!

9. Fresh meat moon cakes

During the National Day Mid-Autumn Festival, fresh meat moon cakes are of course a must! Fresh meat moon cakes are now sold. They are wrapped in fresh pork in plain pastry, and warm soup overflows with a bite. They are delicious!

10. rice cake

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Shy__ Ocean.

Sweet and soft glutinous rice cake, golden bottom, slightly sweet with a little acid, taking advantage of the hot air to take a bite, the faint rice fragrance permeates the tongue.

11. scallion cake

In Shanghai, scallion cakes are particularly famous! Some humble stalls, all kinds of queues, and eat and cherish!

12. Qiang cake

The picture comes from Weibo netizen rabbit beauty ToMay

Qiang cake has always occupied a place in a wide variety of snacks. After fermentation, Qiang cake is crispy outside and soft inside.

13. omelet

The picture comes from the greedy pinko sauce of Weibo netizens.

Ala’s omelet is not pancake fruit, and Shanghai’s omelet skin is softer and wetter, but it is not so easy to taste it as a child now.

14. Crab shell yellow

Because the color is like the back of a crab shell, it is called "crab shell yellow". Make a flat round cake with pastry and yeast, stick a layer of sesame seeds on the cake surface, and bake it on the furnace wall. The stuffing is salty and sweet, and it is crisp enough to drop slag when you take a bite.

15. Gao Qiao muffins

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Xi Yano.

Gao Qiao muffin is the favorite of the old Shanghainese, and it can be called the "originator" of fresh-meat moon cakes, and all the relatives and friends who have eaten it are full of praise.

Cake dough

16. rice cake

The picture comes from a netizen in Weibo who knocked over the jar.

Delicious authentic Shanghai rice cake may appear in the oil pan selling fried dough sticks and hemp ball stalls. After being oiled, it is crispy and soft!

17. Rice balls

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Yamashita Leaf _

The rice of the glutinous rice ball includes white rice and blood glutinous rice, which are wrapped in hot fried dough sticks and squeezed tightly. Shanghainese who can eat it will add salted egg yolk and meat floss! Soft, tough and brittle!

18. Begonia cake

Begonia cake has a long history, which was created in the Qing Dynasty and named after the cake looks like a begonia flower. Sweet and delicious, eat delicious while it is hot!

19. plum blossom cake

The picture comes from Weibo netizen mmm mushroom mushroom

Technically, plum blossom cake is similar to begonia cake. But the shape of the mold is different, and there are more roses and salted osmanthus as ingredients, which are more delicate than begonia cake.

20.hemp ball

When I was a child, I often ate hemp balls. The round balls were covered with white sesame seeds, which were golden in color and wrapped in bean paste, crispy and sweet.

21. grinding sand circles

Image from Weibo netizen Jingzi _luvlife

Shayuan is one of the traditional famous spots with Shanghai characteristics, with a history of more than 70 years. Roll a layer of dried bean paste powder on the cooked dumplings. Not only the dumplings are delicious, but also the red beans are fragrant, soft and delicious!

22. Hair cake

Hair cakes are sweet, fluffy and soft, and there are plenty of holes in the cross section. Generally, jujube or raisins are sprinkled on the cakes, which is particularly delicious.

23. Chongming cake

Chongming cake is not only delicious, but also represents reunion, happiness, happiness and sweetness. Cake is homophonic with "Gao", which means "high in the new year". It is especially important to eat during the New Year and can be bought at ordinary times.

24. All kinds of cakes

Of course, there are all kinds of cake balls, double-stuffed balls, top cakes … sweet and glutinous, all of which are the favorites of Ala Shanghai Ning.


25. Salted soybean milk

Fried dough sticks, pickled mustard tuber, shrimp skin, chopped green onion … There used to be laver. Add a spoonful of fresh soy sauce with a little vinegar, and with the posture of rushing down, the salty pulp in the bowl will bloom.

26. Tofu flower

A bowl of smooth "white tofu" is white in color, smooth, tender and refreshing, fresh, salty and slightly sweet, and a lot of laver, shrimp and mustard tuber are added. Mix it yourself. It’s delicious!

27. curry beef soup

The beef is crisp and tender, and the soup is fresh and delicious, which is quite flavor! With pan-fried, pot stickers, steamed buns are a must!

28. Duck blood vermicelli soup

A small bowl of duck blood vermicelli soup is rich in delicacies: duck blood, viscera, vegetables, vermicelli …

29. Double gear or single gear

Double-file or single-file was once the star of Shanghai street food at night.

■ Two louver bags, two gluten stuffed meat, plus a bowl of vermicelli, it is a double soup.

■ A louver bag and an oil gluten stuffed meat is a single soup.

Ordinary but warm into the heart, this feeling of happiness is nothing compared with.


Sweet and glutinous dumplings are Shanghai’s favorite. Especially the fresh meat stuffing, which is big and juicy, take a bite of a bag of soup! Eat four and you’ll be full!

31. Sweet-scented osmanthus wine makes dumplings

Sweet-scented osmanthus is fragrant in October. At this time of year, it is absolutely great happiness to eat a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus wine.

32. Small wonton

When the wonton is cooked, put it in a bowl, sprinkle with chopped green onion, seaweed, shrimp and egg skin, and pour the bone soup, and the wonton will float in unison. Sprinkle a handful of pepper and a few drops of sesame oil, which is hot and delicious.

Noodles and rice

33. Noodles with scallion oil

Noodles with scallion oil, a simple pastry full of Shanghai style, kai yang is delicious and scallion oil is fragrant.

34. Spicy meat noodles

The picture comes from Weibo netizen hedgehog loves to dance.

No matter in the morning, noon and evening, order a bowl of spicy meat noodles and eat it. After eating it, it’s cool! This kind of feeling that you can eat without spending more than ten dollars is practical and iron-sticking.

35 topping noodles

In addition to spicy meat noodles, there are large intestine noodles, large row noodles, yellow croaker noodles, bullfrog noodles and shredded eel noodles … A bowl of noodles is the simplest, but the toppings are tens of millions. Change a topping for a meal, at least for a week, and you can never get tired of eating it!

36. Stewed hoof noodles

The picture comes from Weibo. The netizen is just Caicai cc.

Shanghai loves to eat noodles, a bowl of braised hoof noodles, and the soup tastes thick. Although it is soy sauce-colored, it is clearly visible and layered, with a slightly sweet and gratifying meat flavor, which makes people memorable.

37. Yellow on both sides

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Fat Hum OVO.

Fry both sides of the noodles into golden brown, take them out, then pour all kinds of toppings and marinades, and turn over before eating, so as to eat them in the best state!

38. Lard bibimbap

Image from Weibo netizen fork _ burning bag

A spoonful of lard and a dish of soy sauce mixed with rice is a super delicious meal!

39. Paofan

The picture is from Weibo. No name is suitable for me, Cy.

It is a grass-roots bubble rice, which is the imprint of the older generation in Shanghai.

40. Chicken porridge

The picture comes from Weibo netizen Pisces’s life.

Stewed rice porridge cooked with chicken soup juice slipped into the throat, tender, fragrant, fresh and hot, and immediately felt comfortable all over the body, and every pore on the body felt "comfortable".

41. Bacon paella

The picture comes from the small forest of Weibo netizen Mo Xie.

Vegetable rice has a special aroma, that is, the soft and waxy smell of vegetables that have been covered for a long time. Bacon should be fat, so that the oil will be wrapped in rice.


42. Fried pork chops

Even if the magic has a lot of delicious food, it is not as good as a fried pork chop in many Shanghai children’s hearts. Golden and attractive, crisp outside and tender inside, you should shine when you see your eyes.

43. Rib rice cake

Among Shanghai snacks, the ribs rice cake is really a good one. The ribs are golden in color, the rice cake is white and soft, and it is delicious to have a bite with Shanghai’s old spicy soy sauce.

44. stinky tofu

It is said that Hunan people like to eat stinky tofu, and Shanghai people are not bad. Golden, "smelly" smell everywhere, just eat a piece, you can’t stop.

45. baked sweet potatoes

"Baked sweet potato" is commonly known as roasted sweet potatoes and baked sweet potato, but that’s the name in Shanghai. Slow fire and slow work are the true meaning of baking sweet potatoes.

How about it?

These delicacies

Does it remind you, too?

Leave a message and tell us ~ ~

Labor newspaper comprehensively sorted out popular food, slimming ing and where to eat in Shanghai.

Some pictures are from netizens in Weibo, thank you for your delicious exploration.

Original title: "Shanghai’s 45 classic snacks, everything can’t be missed. How many have you eaten? 》

Read the original text

Just now! Shijiazhuang issued orange warning of heavy polluted weather and started level II emergency response.

just now
Shijiazhuang issued the latest notice
Start emergency response to heavy pollution weather
Shijiazhuang heavy pollution weather emergency headquarters office
Issue orange warning of heavy polluted weather and start level II emergency response.
According to the joint consultation between the Provincial Eco-environmental Emergency and Heavy Pollution Weather Warning Center, China National Environmental Monitoring Center and the Provincial Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Environmental Meteorological Center, it is predicted that from January 10th, the diffusion conditions in our city will deteriorate, pollutants will continue to accumulate, and the urban air quality may have moderate or above pollution process. According to the suggestion of the Letter of the Provincial Atmospheric Office on Doing a Good Job in Response to the Recent Pollution Process (Jiqi Lingban Letter [2024] No.3), in order to reduce the impact of heavily polluted weather on public health, the municipal meteorological and ecological environment departments have judged and reported it to emergency headquarters for approval, and now an orange warning of heavily polluted weather is issued to the whole city. At 20: 00 on January 10, 2024, Class II emergency response of heavily polluted weather will be started, and the lifting time will be notified separately.
Previously, HebeiXingtai, Handan, Baoding, Langfang, Hengshui, Cangzhou and DingzhouA notice has been issued to start the emergency response to heavy pollution weather.
(Overview of the news client integrated from Shijiazhuang, Xingtai, Handan, Baoding, Langfang, Hengshui, Cangzhou and Dingzhou)

2019 China-Central and Eastern European Countries Year of Education and Youth Exchange opens.

  Cctv news January 9, 2018 China — Closing Ceremony of the Year of Local Cooperation in Central and Eastern European Countries and 2019 China — The opening ceremony of the Year of Education and Youth Exchange for Central and Eastern European Countries was held at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. China, Deputy Foreign Minister of China — Wang Chao, Secretary General of the Secretariat for Local Cooperation in Central and Eastern European Countries, Zhu Zhiwen, Vice Minister of Education, Chen Lvping, Vice Governor of Liaoning Province, and representatives from 16 Central and Eastern European countries attended the meeting.

Opening ceremony site

Opening ceremony site

  2018 is China — Year of local cooperation in central and eastern European countries. According to Wang Chao, driven by the "16+1" year of local cooperation, four Chinese provinces and 17 local provinces and cities in Central and Eastern European countries became new members of the "16+1" local provincial governors’ association last year.

  Chen Lvping, Vice Governor of Liaoning Province, summed up the year of local cooperation in 2018 and announced that Liaoning will hold the working group meeting of "16+1" local provincial governors’ association in 2019. Liaoning Province is one of the founding members of the "16+1" local provincial governors’ association. On October 20, 2018, Liaoning took over as the Chinese chairman of the Federation.

  Mrs. Bisera Fabrio, Chargé d ‘affaires of the Croatian Embassy in China, delivered a speech on behalf of 16 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. She said that China in 2018 — The Year of Local Cooperation in Central and Eastern European Countries has achieved many meaningful results. In April 2019, China — The meeting of leaders of Central and Eastern European countries will be held in Dubrovnik. As the organizer, Croatia is actively preparing for this.

  On the same day, China Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said at a regular press conference that the local governments of the "16+1" countries actively participated in pragmatic cooperation in various fields and made positive progress in park construction, economy and trade, science and technology, education and humanities. China has now twinned with more than 160 pairs of friendly provinces, prefectures and cities in Central and Eastern European countries.

  2019 is China — Year of education and youth exchange in Central and Eastern European countries. Zhu Zhiwen summarized the achievements made by China and Central and Eastern European countries in the field of educational cooperation from the aspects of the scale of international students, language teaching cooperation, inter-school cooperation and campus sports cooperation. At present, there are 34 Confucius Institutes and 44 Confucius Classrooms in Central and Eastern Europe, with more than 40,000 students. While 18 universities in China have set up 55 undergraduate language majors in Central and Eastern European countries. At the same time, with the entry of the Winter Olympics into Beijing, ice and snow sports have become a new highlight of educational cooperation.

  In July 2018, the seventh China — The meeting of leaders of Central and Eastern European countries was held in Sofia, Bulgaria. The meeting adopted the Sophia Outline and determined 2019 as China — Year of education and youth exchange in Central and Eastern European countries. Chen Lvping pointed out that education and youth are the foundation and hope of China’s relations with Central and Eastern European countries. Fabrizio said that Croatia will prepare a series of activities in 2019 to promote cultural exchanges and cooperation, in which young people will play an important role.

Theatrical performance

Theatrical performance

  After the opening ceremony, there will be a cultural performance. Children and young actors performed Chinese zither and drum music, Beijing opera, piano solo and other programs. (Wen Hejing)