Counting China | Ten Data Perspectives Statistical Bulletin on National Economic and Social Development in 2020

  The National Bureau of Statistics released a statistical bulletin on national economic and social development in 2020 on the 28th. The economy shows resilience, the people’s livelihood is strongly guaranteed, the market stimulates vitality, and the scientific and technological strength is enhanced … … A series of data disclosed in the communique outlined a new picture of China’s economic and social development in 2020.

  1. Per capita GDP has exceeded $10,000 for two consecutive years.

  According to the communique, the annual per capita GDP is estimated to be 72,447 yuan, an increase of 2% over the previous year.

  Xinhua News Agency issued a report for preparation.

  Sheng Laiyun, deputy director of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that China’s total economic output exceeded 100 trillion yuan, and the per capita GDP exceeded 10,000 US dollars for two consecutive years. According to the annual average exchange rate, the proportion of China’s total economic output in the world economy is expected to exceed 17% in 2020.

  2. There were 11.86 million new jobs in cities and towns in the whole year.

  According to the communique, 11.86 million new jobs were created in cities and towns, an increase of 1.66 million over the previous year.

  According to Sheng Laiyun’s analysis, the new employment in cities and towns exceeded the expected target at the beginning of the year. The annual consumer price rose by an average of 2.5%, which was lower than the expected target of about 3.5%. The security of the whole country was strengthened, and the per capita net transfer income of the national residents increased by 8.7% in nominal terms over the previous year. Ensuring residents’ employment and basic people’s livelihood is solid and powerful.

  3. At the end of the year, the total number of market players reached 140 million.

  According to the communique, there were 25.02 million newly registered market entities in the whole year, with an average of 22,000 newly registered enterprises per day, and the total number of market entities reached 140 million at the end of the year.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Song Weiwei photo

  4. R&D funds increased by 10.3%.

  According to the communique, the expenditure on research and experimental development (R&D) in 2020 was 2,442.6 billion yuan, an increase of 10.3% over the previous year, accounting for 2.4% of the GDP.

  Image source: Statistical Bulletin on National Economic and Social Development in 2020

  5. The number of patents granted increased by 40.4% over the previous year.

  According to the communique, 3.639 million patents were granted in the whole year, an increase of 40.4% over the previous year. By the end of the year, the number of invention patents per 10,000 population is expected to reach 15.8, an increase of 2.5 over the end of last year.

  Sheng Laiyun said that "Chang ‘e IV" landed on the back of the moon for the first time, "Chang ‘e V" completed the sampling of the lunar surface, "Tianwen-1" was successfully launched, "Endeavor" completed the 10,000-meter manned deep dive, Beidou navigation was networked globally, the prototype system of quantum computing was successfully developed, and the 500-meter spherical radio telescope was officially opened for operation. Major scientific and technological achievements are constantly emerging, and the scientific and technological strength has been significantly enhanced.

  6、The number of people participating in the basic old-age insurance in China is nearly 1 billion.

  Sheng Laiyun introduced that the coverage of social insurance has been further expanded. At the end of the year, the number of people participating in basic old-age insurance for urban workers, basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents, basic medical insurance and unemployment insurance increased by 21.5 million, 9.78 million, 6.93 million and 11.47 million respectively. The number of people participating in basic old-age insurance in China is nearly 1 billion, and the participation rate of basic medical insurance is stable at over 95%.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Lu Boan photo

  The communique also shows that 2.09 million sets of shantytown renovation were started throughout the country, and 2.03 million sets were basically completed.

  7. The median per capita disposable income of national residents is 27,540 yuan.

  According to the communique, the per capita disposable income of the national residents in the whole year was 32,189 yuan, a real increase of 2.1% after deducting the price factor. The national average per capita disposable income was 27,540 yuan, an increase of 3.8%. According to the place of permanent residence, the median per capita disposable income of urban residents was 40,378 yuan, an increase of 2.9%; The median per capita disposable income of rural residents was 15,204 yuan, an increase of 5.7%.

  Image source: Statistical Bulletin on National Economic and Social Development in 2020

  8. The number of sports venues nationwide increased by 169,000 compared with the end of last year.

  In terms of sports, there were 3.713 million sports venues nationwide at the end of the year, an increase of 169,000 over the end of last year. In the whole year, the proportion of people aged 7 and above who regularly participate in physical exercise reached 37.2%.

  In education, the consolidation rate of nine-year compulsory education was 95.2%, an increase of 0.4 percentage points over the previous year; The gross enrollment rate in senior high school was 91.2%, up by 1.7 percentage points.

  In terms of medical care, there were 1.023 million medical and health institutions and 10.66 million health technicians at the end of the year, an increase of 510,000 over the end of last year. By the end of the year, there were 8,177 medical and health institutions in China providing novel coronavirus nucleic acid detection services, with a total detection capacity of 11.53 million copies per day.

  9. There are 986 million mobile Internet users.

  According to the communique, there were 989 million Internet users at the end of the year, including 986 million mobile Internet users. The postal industry completed 83.36 billion pieces of express delivery business in the whole year.

  Image source: Statistical Bulletin on National Economic and Social Development in 2020

  10. 59.9% of the 337 cities at prefecture level and above met the air quality standards.

  Among the 337 monitored cities at prefecture level and above, 59.9% of them met the air quality standards in the whole year, up 13.3 percentage points over the previous year. The average annual concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in cities that failed to meet the standards was 37 μ g/m3, down 7.5% from the previous year.