Come to Hongze on New Year’s Day! Wonderful holiday, full of ceremony!

New Year’s Day holiday lasts three days in a row.

Hongze scenic spots open a sea of people to travel.

Come and have a look at the first-hand scene map with Xiaohong.

Huaian fangte dongfang yuxiao

During the New Year’s Day holiday, Huai ‘an Fangte launched the "Fangte Ice and Snow Festival". The rejuvenated stage and dreamy winter elves made every visitor feel full of surprises. The park is full of songs and dances, full of energy, and people come and go in various indoor and outdoor projects, with laughter.

Just tonight, Huai ‘an Fangte will accompany us to open a New Year’s Eve carnival full of ceremony.

Mysterious band surprises to sing, New Year’s Eve gift hits hard, drone lineup is super doubled, two fireworks light up the starry sky, bears haunt the sky for the first time, 20+ performing arts are upgraded, dreams come back to the Red Chamber, winter bonfires, and holiday surprises hit … There are too many wonderful things to watch, don’t wait, come and join this New Year’s Eve party!

Hongze Lake Guyan Scenic Area

On December 30th, our district held a healthy Hongze 10,000-person walking activity to welcome the new year. With the sound of the starting gun, the district leaders and more than 10,000 participants started to walk along the ancient weir of Hongze Lake with beautiful scenery. The whole journey was 4.6 kilometers. Everyone was enthusiastic and energetic. They found fun from the exercise, relaxed their body and mind, and showed a positive spirit.

The super "Meng" team is finally here! The Xiaotie Niu Meng Chong Paradise in the ancient weir scenic spot of Hongze Lake is very lively. On this day, adults and children have turned into little detectives, actively looking for clues on the treasure map, punching in and taking pictures, and grabbing the big treasure of snacks.

Or cool or cute mecha show clown interaction also attracted a large number of audience enthusiastic onlookers, everyone was immersed in a happy and peaceful atmosphere.

Unpowered play facilities have become a paradise for children to have fun, and laughter is constant.

The New Year’s Day running in the Year of the Dragon will start in 2024. Visitors who enter the park on New Year’s Day can also participate in running activities and win several tickets. Come on!

Baima lake eco-tourism scenic spot

This New Year’s Day holiday, everyone can enjoy the speed and passion in the go-karting sports center, Yuan Ye in the Alas Horse Paradise, and the cat and mouse in the Mishima Adventures … Come and enjoy the festive atmosphere of the festival ~

The excitement continues.

New year’s day this year

Just come to Hongze. Hey.

Original title: "Come to Hongze on New Year’s Day! Wonderful holiday, full of ceremony! 》

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