National Fitness Day "ignites" sports cells.

  Editor’s note:Who occupied your sports cover today? Whose fitness photo has your circle of friends been screened today?

  — — Don’t worry, their exercise methods may not be suitable for you.

  August 8th, 2019 is the 11th "National Fitness Day" in China. On such a special day, the People’s Health Association, together with sports medicine experts from the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, gave you a scientific fitness exercise guide: wake up your exercise vitality and burn your calories!

  I. Swimming Guide

  Suitable for people: children and adolescents, adults.

  Efficacy: preventing and treating diseases.

  Swimming is a good systemic exercise, which is very effective in improving cardiopulmonary function. Because of the pressure and resistance of water, swimming can consume fat, strengthen muscles and help to lose weight and shape; Under the action of buoyancy, it can not be oppressed by gravity and is beneficial to the growth of the body. Swimming is also a means to prevent and treat diseases. Long-term exercise can enhance the ability to adapt to changes in the external environment and prevent diseases such as colds.

  Main exercise sites: scapular anterior muscle, pectoralis major, triceps brachii, deltoid muscle, biceps femoris, quadriceps femoris, latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominis, and rectus abdominis.

  Exercise intensity: moderate ★★★☆☆

  Exercise time and frequency: 3 ~ 5 times a week, 60 ~ 90 minutes each time.

  Sports location: Choose a safe swimming pool or water area.

  Second, jump rope guide

  Suitable for people: children and adolescents

  Efficacy: lose weight and lose weight

  Skipping rope is a systemic exercise, which can not only effectively increase the strength of ankle and knee ligaments and lower limb muscles, but also ensure the coordinated development of upper and lower limb muscles. Skipping rope can improve the heart rate and respiratory rate in a short time, exercise the heart and lung function well, and lose weight quickly. It can be used as the main content of aerobic fat reduction, and can also exercise the coordination and sensitivity of the whole body.

  The main sports parts: upper limbs, lower limbs, trunk, and joints, muscles and ligaments of the whole body are also involved.

  Exercise intensity: medium to high intensity ★★★★★☆.

  Exercise time and frequency: jump rope 3 ~ 5 times a week, 30 minutes each time.

  Venue: Choose a relatively flat and wide open space.

  Third, the badminton guide

  Suitable for people: children and adolescents, adults.

  Efficacy: enhance physical fitness

  Badminton is a strong physical exercise, which needs to keep moving, jumping, turning and swinging, so as to increase the strength of upper limbs, lower limbs and waist muscles, improve physical fitness in an all-round way, accelerate systemic blood circulation, promote metabolism, enhance the functions of cardiovascular system and respiratory system, and relax the eyes at the same time. Long-term exercise can improve visual sensitivity and eye responsiveness.

  Main exercise parts: arm, forearm, biceps brachii, waist muscles, abdominal muscles, ankles and knees.

  Exercise intensity: medium to high intensity ★★★★★☆.

  Exercise time and frequency: 2 ~ 3 times a week, each time about 2 hours.

  Venue: Choose an open and flat open space indoors and outdoors.

  Four, cycling guide

  Suitable for people: adults

  Efficacy: preventing and treating diseases.

  Cycling is a simple and practical exercise and fitness method, which can exercise muscle strength and endurance, enhance cardiopulmonary function, reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and prevent hypertension. The high heat energy brought by cycling can promote metabolism and make blood smooth; At the same time, enhancing the brain’s response ability, activating thinking, preventing Alzheimer’s disease, and also helping to maintain an optimistic attitude. In addition to exercising, cycling can also treat cervical spondylosis and lumbar disc herniation, which is a good choice for sedentary people.

  Main exercise sites: quadriceps femoris, gluteus maximus, posterior thigh, soleus and gastrocnemius, biceps and triceps.

  Exercise intensity: moderate ★★★☆☆

  Exercise time and frequency: 30 ~ 60 minutes a day.

  Sports location: choose a safe route

  Five, yoga guide

  Suitable for people: adults

  Efficacy: enhance physical fitness

  Yoga can improve the flexibility of the body, and it is a kind of physical and mental exercise. Yoga can speed up your metabolism, remove waste from your body, repair your body from the inside out, and recuperate your beauty. Yoga can bring you elegant temperament, physical strength and flexibility, make your limbs stretch in a balanced way, make you happy, and also prevent and treat various diseases related to body and mind, regulate the body and mind system, improve the blood environment and promote endocrine balance.

  Main exercise parts: triceps brachii, deltoid muscle, enterogastric muscle, gluteus maximus muscle and hamstring muscle.

  Exercise intensity: low ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆.

  Exercise time: 20 ~ 60 minutes a day.

  Venue: Choose a quiet and comfortable environment.

  Six, flat support guide

  Suitable for people: adults

  Efficacy: lose weight and lose weight

  Plate support is an effective method for core muscles. It is mainly prone during exercise, which can effectively exercise abdominal muscles, mainly shape the lines of waist, abdomen and buttocks, and help maintain the balance of scapula. While strengthening muscles, it will not put too much pressure on the spine and back, and it can also give strong support to the back. Long-term training can make you thinner, healthier and more attractive.

  Main exercise parts: erector spinae, quadriceps femoris, biceps femoris, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, deltoid shoulder, biceps brachii and triceps brachii.

  Exercise intensity: high intensity ★★★★★★

  Exercise time: 1-2 minutes for one group, 3-4 groups at a time, with an interval of 30 seconds for each group.

  Venue: Choose a thick, tasteless, non-slip, flat and elastic yoga mat.

  Seven, square dance guide

  Suitable for people: middle-aged and elderly people

  Efficacy: lose weight and lose weight

  Square dance is an exercise of coordination ability, and music can stimulate brain cells and make the mind active. Dancing is good for physical and mental health, but the stimulation of dancing movements to muscles is comprehensive and comprehensive, which can quickly sweat, speed up the heart rate, consume excess calories and fat, and at the same time enrich life and maintain an optimistic attitude. As long as it persists, square dance is also a sport suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to lose weight and keep fit.

  Main exercise parts: head, neck, chest, legs, hips and other parts.

  Exercise intensity: moderate ★★★☆☆

  Exercise time: about 30 ~ 60 minutes every day.

  Venue: Choose a park or square with a wide and flat ground.

  Eight, table tennis guide

  Suitable for people: children, teenagers, adults and the elderly.

  Efficacy: preventing and treating diseases.

  Table tennis is a ball game that integrates strength, speed, flexibility, agility and endurance. It does not require high physical fitness. It can treat and prevent vision problems such as myopia and presbyopia, and play a certain role in improving Parkinson’s symptoms. It can also slow down aging, reduce "three highs", treat cervical spondylosis and prevent Alzheimer’s disease. It is a very interesting sport that can improve physical fitness and enhance social interaction.

  Main exercise parts: leg muscles, waist muscles, arm muscles and wrist joints.

  Exercise intensity: low ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆.

  Exercise time: 2 ~ 3 times a week, 30 ~ 60 minutes each time.

  Venue: Choose a safe, flat and open area, such as a community or gym.

  Nine, jogging guide

  Suitable for people: adults and the elderly.

  Efficacy: enhance physical fitness

  Jogging can enhance the heart and lung function, the capacity of the lungs increases during running, and at the same time, the oxygen carrying capacity in the blood will also increase greatly; Heartbeat, blood pressure and the elasticity of blood vessel wall will also increase, the blood supply and oxygen supply to the brain will increase, and the quality of sleep will also increase; Jogging can also relieve tension and anxiety and release substances that make people happy.

  Main exercise parts: leg muscles of lower limbs.

  Exercise intensity: moderate ★★☆☆☆

  Exercise time: 20 ~ 30 minutes a day.

  Venue: Choose a soft, flat and wide runway.