The "strictest" telephone in history, real-name registration system implemented nearly 100 million users or was shut down.

  CCTV News:Users whose mobile phone numbers have not been registered with their real names should hurry to make up the registration! Since May this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology requested that all telephone users should register their real names by June 30, 2017, many people have found that their communication services have been restricted. Facing the "strictest" regulations in real-name registration system, the era of "black card" is coming to an end.


  It is reported that as of May, the real-name rate of all telephone users has reached 92%, and nearly 100 million users still face the risk of downtime. The three major operators, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom, have started to restrict communication services for mobile phone numbers without real-name registration.

  Some real-name registration system users who have no telephones have been shut down.

  Recently, Mr. Zheng, a citizen of Hebei Province, received a reminder message from China Unicom: "Dear customer, your number has not been registered in real name. Please bring your local SIM card and the original ID card as soon as possible to register in Unicom’s own business hall where the number belongs. According to national laws, we will suspend communication services for unnamed customers, and we can resume communication services after real name … …” Mr. Zheng told the reporter that he is an old user of Unicom, and his SIM card was handled by the unit in a unified way. He was not very clear about whether he had registered his real name at the beginning.

  Regarding whether the mobile phone users are real-name users, the reporter contacted the relevant person in charge of Unicom by telephone. The person in charge said that citizens can bring their SIM cards and original valid certificates to the business hall, or call 10010 customer service for inquiry and verification.


  What is a telephone, real-name registration system?

  Telephone real-name registration system refers to requiring users to provide real identity information when handling fixed telephone, mobile phone, broadband service, wireless network card entry, transfer and other services, and register their mobile phone numbers with their own names, products, brands and other text marks.

  As early as 2010, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the implementation of the real-name registration system for mobile phone users. Because there has been no clear legal provisions to support it, the effect is not satisfactory. This time in real-name registration system, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has increased the pressure on the three major operators, and operators will face fines if they are found to have problems in their work.

  Many regions have set specific deadlines.

  Up to now, real-name registration system’s requirements have been issued, and many regions have set specific deadlines. Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom, the three major operators in Zhejiang Province, recently stopped the communication services of non-real-name users in Zhejiang. Among them, Zhejiang Unicom also stipulates that from August 25, it will implement mandatory downtime for unnamed users.


  Zhejiang is not the first case in China. As early as last September, Guangdong began to implement the "stop order". In early August this year, Tianjin, Guizhou, Jilin and other places also began to stop providing communication services without real name registration numbers.

  Jiangsu Province announced that it would suspend the communication services of some unqualified users from October 1st, and only keep answering calls and some emergency services, and stop the communication services of all unnamed users on December 1st.

  In addition, the three operators in Beijing stipulate that the downtime of non-real-name users is October 15.

  What’s the point of calling real-name registration system?

  The reporter found that telephone real-name registration system has many advantages. Once the real-name registration system is implemented, it will be easier to trace back to those who cheat by phone and SMS, thus reducing the occurrence of telecom fraud cases. At the same time, the behavior of spreading harmful information by telephone will also be greatly reduced.

  In addition, many criminals use the loophole of "black card" to change their numbers frequently to escape the police’s pursuit. Obviously, real-name registration system will improve the efficiency of pursuit.

  For users, once real-name registration system users lose their mobile phones, they can get a replacement card in time to reduce personal losses.


  Nowadays, many websites and apps require telephone authentication, so real-name registration system also plays an important role in network security and personal information security. Moreover, with the popularity of mobile payment today, real-name registration system obviously provides useful support for the use of related functions.

  What should I do if my mobile phone is stopped? How to handle the telephone call to real-name registration system?

  If the mobile phone or landline you are using is stopped because your real name is not registered, don’t panic. Downtime does not mean that the number has been cancelled, the phone has been stopped in call barring, and you can go to the business hall or register your real name online, and the remaining balance is still there. This is basically the same for the three major operators.

  It is reported that all three operators have provided inquiry services, and users can inquire whether they meet the requirements through telephone, website and other channels, and then register in real-name registration system online or in the business hall according to relevant tips.