The Scare of the Deep Sea: A Gift from the Hidden Front

  On October 22 nd, the spy war drama "The Scare of the Deep Sea" was launched, which announced that the third round of tribute drama exhibition officially entered a climax stage.

  This drama is based on the novel of the same name by well-known screenwriter Hai Fei. It is set in Shanghai in 1941. Under the sinister anti-Japanese war situation, Chen Shan, who lives at the bottom of the society, was selected by Japanese spy leader Araki because of his resemblance to military special agent Xiao Zhengguo, forcing him to become a Japanese spy and penetrate into Chongqing military system. In this process, Chen Shan was driven to fight against the enemy step by step by the resentment of the Japanese cruelty and the immortal national consciousness. Inspired by Zhang Li, an outstanding communist, party member, Chen Shan not only strengthened his belief in communism, but also completed many tasks gloriously and grew into a real communist fighter in the transformation of his identity between Shanghai and Chongqing.

  "The Scare of the Spy Wars in the Deep Sea" handed over a high-quality answer sheet with a strong lineup and in-depth plot, which attracted great attention from both inside and outside the industry.

  Chinese culture not only adheres to its roots, but also keeps pace with the times, which enables the Chinese nation to maintain firm national self-confidence and strong repair ability, and cultivate common feelings and values, common ideals and spirits. Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s literature and art in the new era presents an exciting new picture. In the past five years, the vast number of literary and art workers have adhered to the road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics’s cultural development, undertaken the new mission entrusted by the new era, clearly demonstrated the people-centered creative orientation, and created various excellent literary and artistic works. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, and nearly 100 tribute dramas have emerged in the literary and art market. In a series of dramas, The Scare of the Spy War in the Deep Sea has successfully attracted a large number of audience’s attention by its delicate portrayal of the national spirit and youthful expression of the plot. In the play, the revolutionary martyrs are described delicately. Their youth burning in the troubled times of the bonfire, like a thunder, awakened the national justice of a generation of Chinese people and ignited the light of the motherland. Like a flash of lightning, it illuminates the blood of contemporary audiences and inherits the immortal revolutionary spirit. Ruoyun Zhang, Angel, Adi, Sean and other young actors, who have both acting skills and popularity, have taken the lead in this drama, contributed excellent acting skills, and created a new model of "tribute drama+flow", which attracted a large number of young audiences. Ruoyun Zhang, Angel, Adi and Sean, several young actors, have proved their acting skills through unremitting efforts and many works that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and have accumulated the love of a large number of audiences through their acting skills.In the online public opinion field, there are both "audience affinity", traffic and discussion, and several leading actors have naturally accumulated more attention.

  We should adhere to the people-centered creative orientation. The people are not only the creators of history, but also the witnesses of history, the "dramatists" and the "dramatists" of history. If literature and art want to reflect the voice of the people, we must adhere to the fundamental direction of serving the people and socialism. "Spy Warfare in the Deep Sea" focuses on ordinary but great ordinary people in different industries in a special era. They have different backgrounds, different degrees of acceptance of culture, and everyone’s fate has different trajectories. But in the eyes of the audience, watching the characters in the play is like seeing every ordinary person around us. In the process of escape, Chen Shan became a Japanese spy for her sister and family. In the course of the task, he and Zhang Li attracted each other because of their common beliefs, and finally recognized their beliefs and persistence. Finally, at the moment of national survival, they were willing to be a beacon of national awakening and rejuvenation. Love, affection, faith and national righteousness are intertwined, which together constitute that true and difficult historical cry. "The Scare of the Deep Sea" takes the audience to pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs, eulogize the heroes of the times, and also alert the young people in the new era, always remembering history, Do not forget your initiative mind.

  Different from previous spy war dramas, The Scare of the Deep Sea takes a different approach, with Chen Shan being forced to become a Japanese spy as the creative perspective. The story is fascinating and meticulously depicts the mental journey of the characters, which not only highlights the great revolutionary spirit of the people of China, but also has far-reaching social education significance, enhances the modern audience’s awe of their ancestors, and triggers the inheritance and development of the spirit of struggle and dedication at present. (You Zijun)