The animation game exhibition of China International Comic Festival ended on October 31st.

The animation game exhibition of China International Comic Festival ended on October 31, and the popularity of the exhibition was overwhelming. The game went out to sea for more than ten years, gathering more than 2,000 exhibitors at home and abroad and promoting industrial transactions of more than 60 billion yuan … On October 31, the annual animation game exhibition of China International Comic Festival (CICF) ended successfully in Guangzhou. As one of the three major animation exhibitions and the largest pan-second animation game exhibition in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, although the demand for epidemic prevention and control was postponed from the National Day holiday to the end of October, the popularity of the exhibition has not diminished, and the theme of national style and national tide is very popular. On the same day, the communication forum held by the Information Office of Guangzhou Municipal Government invited a number of industry associations and leaders of well-known animation and game companies to see through their stories the development of local animation and game industry and the rise of China’s original IP. Guangdong’s game revenue accounted for more than 76% in the country. It was upgraded from "Guangzhou Animation Carnival" to "China International Comic Festival Animation Game Exhibition", and then joined hands with the Asian Game Expo to become "CICF×AGF", which accompanied the growth of a generation. So far, China International Comic Festival Animation Game Exhibition (CICF) has been held for 14 sessions. The exhibition site was flooded with people. Last year, CICF and AGF were included in the key project of "Guangdong Action Plan for Cultivating Digital Creative Strategic Emerging Industry Clusters (2020-2025)", and were given a new mission: to lead the development of cultural industries on the platform of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and to deepen the understanding of China traditional culture among young people in Greater Bay Area.In line with the development of the times and undertaking the mission of the times, this year’s China International Comic Festival animation and game exhibition has highlighted the theme of the national tide, realized a new model of "animation+games+tide play", continuously expanded its audience, and strengthened its platform empowerment and industrial pulling ability. Behind the fiery exhibition is the vigorous development of the industry. Lu Xiaokun, executive president of Guangdong Game Industry Association and chairman of Guangdong Photosynthesis Culture Development Co., Ltd., shared a set of data: Guangdong Province is an important industrial place for game development in China and even in the world. In the first half of 2021, the revenue scale of Guangdong game industry exceeded 110 billion yuan, up more than 10% year-on-year, and its share in the country still exceeded 76%, and it continued to maintain a steady growth rate. According to the reporter of Guangzhou Daily, Guangzhou’s "Animation Corps" is also a strong force: the number of enterprises exceeds 500, and the production and consumption of cartoons account for more than 10% of the country’s total. The annual output of cartoons exceeds 200, and the annual broadcast of cartoons is about 260,000 minutes. The output and broadcast volume are both leading in the country. In Lu Xiaokun’s view, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has a unique advantage in the development of online games, especially Guangzhou has a solid industrial base, the most cutting-edge scientific and technological innovation capability and the most inclusive policy environment. The continuous rise of the game industry not only contributes an important force to stimulating the domestic economy, but also contributes to the construction of a double-cycle new development pattern through cultural going out to sea, which has become a breakthrough for China culture to spread to the world. Zhang Xianfeng, deputy general manager of Guangzhou Manyou Culture and Technology Development Co., Ltd. said,The exhibition will continue to explore the high-quality animation resources in the Bay Area and accelerate the formation of the closed-loop ecology of Guoman industry. Industry observation Guangzhou cultural products "going out" speed up at CICF site, Pleasant Goat, one of the most well-known IP in Guangzhou, stood in the characteristic street view of Guangzhou with basketball. As an original animation enterprise born and bred in Guangzhou, Original Power has persisted in innovation for 16 years, and continuously injected new vitality into the "big IP" of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf: it was distributed to 100 countries and regions around the world, making China’s first domestic original animation movie with a box office of $100 million, actively arranging short videos, live broadcasts and other emerging media fields, and making Pleasant Goat constantly "break the circle" through the ways that young people like. Su Yuyuan, the political director of South China for Sanqi Mutual Entertainment, said that the pace of "going out" of Guangzhou cultural products is accelerating. In the first half of 2021, the operating income of overseas game business of Sanqi Mutual Entertainment increased by 111.03% compared with the same period of last year, covering many countries and regions such as Southeast Asia, Europe and America, and the highest monthly flow of mobile games issued overseas exceeded 500 million yuan. Su Yuyuan believes that Guangzhou’s online game talents are profound and fertile ground for the development of mutual entertainment between Sanqi. According to Zhong Hong, COO of Guangzhou Baitian, thanks to the good talent atmosphere and policy environment in Guangzhou, the company’s team has been growing, and its products have been liked by more and more users. The number of registered users has grown from several hundred thousand to more than 200 million. The company has also become the head company in the field of game segmentation from a little-known team, and was listed in China and Hong Kong in 2014.The comic-con scene is popular and the game industry is strong. How to drain popularity to more offline scenes? Xiang Shijie, managing director of Guangzhou Hanchao Mutual Entertainment Culture and Technology Co., Ltd., put forward a topic from a unique perspective of cultural tourism. He said that the homogenization competition between scenic spots and theme parks has intensified, and the vitality of cultural tourism is tired. However, digital content represented by animation and games helps to activate offline experience, which is also the characteristic advantage of Guangzhou’s cultural industry. Therefore, he suggested that Guangzhou build a new cultural and creative industry gathering base and a digital cultural tourism destination. Animation games not only inject vitality into urban cultural tourism, but also promote non-genetic inheritance and rejuvenation. This year’s CICF Comic-Con ushered in the first night activity-the "Shengshi Huaguang" 2021 Haizhu National Tide Lantern Festival at the Gongmeigang International Digital Innovation Center in Pazhou. The curator combined China’s traditional non-legacy Foshan lantern skills with the game IP, invited Yang Yurong, a national non-legacy Foshan lantern inheritor and China arts and crafts master, to take the lead, and Huang Hongyu, a new generation of lantern production artist, made more than ten groups of giant lanterns, providing visitors with an ingenious "second half".