Guarding "Children from the Stars"

Red Net Moment Loudi February 21st(Correspondent Zhou Junliang) Recently, the police of Wanbao Police Station of Louxing Branch of Loudi Public Security Bureau successfully helped a lost child find his family and guarded a "child from the stars".
At 10 o’clock on February 19, the Chengnan Police Office of Wanbao Police Station of Louxing Branch of Loudi City Public Security Bureau received an instruction from the police station: "A child was lost near Jing ‘an Street in Loudi City, and asked the Chengnan Police Office to help find it." After receiving the alarm, the police contacted the alarm person for the first time, and while calming the family’s emotions, they learned in detail the physical characteristics of the lost child and the specific location before the loss. Because this 5-year-old boy suffers from severe autism, he doesn’t like to communicate with others and won’t take the initiative to seek police help, which adds a lot of difficulty to finding a job.
After arriving at the lost scene, the police and auxiliary police continued to expand the search scope centering on the lost place of the children through the combination of walking patrol and car patrol, and launched a "carpet search" in the areas where the lost children may appear, and kept in touch with the police station and other service personnel.
Hard work pays off. After nearly an hour of searching, the police finally found the lost children near a certain community. At that time, the child was running back and forth on the road. Due to the heavy traffic, police officers Zhou Junliang and Li Weiqing rushed to stop the child’s behavior and avoid traffic accidents. After that, the police took the little boy away from the road and asked about his family. During the inquiry, the little boy was emotional and unwilling to cooperate. Afterwards, the police immediately contacted the parents, and after asking and comparing again, it was determined that the little boy was the lost child. The police took the child back to the police office and handed it over to the parents. When leaving, the police repeatedly told parents that they must take good care of their children.
Police warm reminder
Parents should do the following when taking their children out to prevent their children from getting lost.
1. Keep the child in sight: Please hold the child in your hand or in your arms and pay attention to it in places where there are many people.
2. Try to prevent children from going out alone: children are young and do not have the ability to protect themselves, so it is best to have a guardian when they go out.
3. Teach children some common sense of self-help: For example, don’t panic when you are lost with your parents, you should immediately ask for help from nearby staff or police, and don’t just walk with strangers.
4. Let the children carry the contact information card with them: put a card on the young children and write down the parents’ names, contact numbers and other information. Once the child is lost, it is convenient for the police to get in touch with the parents.
5. Call the police in time in case of emergency: If you find that your child is lost, you should call the police at the first time and ask the nearby police for help.
6. For children in special circumstances, please be more patient and caring, guide, appease and accompany them, and help them find their families in time.

Liuyang Dayao: Fireworks bloom for thousands of years in an instant.

Fireworks have been blooming in Liuyang Dayao for thousands of years.
Located at the junction of Hunan and Jiangxi provinces, it is deeply hidden in the mountains. Since Li Fang, the ancestor of fireworks, was born here 1400 years ago, Dayao Town has been attached to fireworks.
Starting from Changsha, after getting off the expressway at Dayao Interchange, the first thing you see is Liuyang International Fireworks Trade City, which covers an area of 200 mu. Entering the town center, the "brand" of fireworks can be seen everywhere.
At present, there are 58 fireworks manufacturers and 413 fireworks-related enterprises in Dayao, and their products are exported to more than 100 countries and regions. A complete fireworks industrial chain with fireworks production and management, raw and auxiliary materials supply, packaging and printing, commercial transportation and so on as the core is formed here.
Fireworks have been blooming in Dayao, Liuyang for thousands of years. Photo courtesy of Dayao Town
Innovating traditional industries in development and increasing motivation
"Fireworks are traditional industries, and there is no’ sophisticated’ technology to rely on. Affected by environmental protection, safety, epidemic situation and other factors, sales in recent years have been cold and the market is weak. To develop, we must constantly seek breakthroughs. " As soon as they met, Qiu Chunliang, the head of Tanghua Fireworks Co., Ltd., came straight to the point and threw out his thoughts on the fireworks industry.
Qiu Chunliang, a post-80s student, studied abroad and joined the fireworks industry in 2013. In 1990, after his father Qiu Shunming retired from the army, he returned to Dayao and founded Tanghua Fireworks Co., Ltd. As a new generation of fireworks, Qiu Chunliang has a stronger sense of market crisis than his parents.
Last year, affected by the epidemic, the export of Tanghua fireworks dropped sharply, from 50 million yuan in 2019 to about 20 million yuan. This year, Qiu Chunliang decisively changed the business direction of professional fireworks export in the past, and increased the export proportion of consumer fireworks.
"Professional discharge fireworks are mainly supplied to discharge companies and will not be sold to individuals. Consumer fireworks can be retailed to individuals. " Qiu Chunliang introduced that in the past, the company’s consumer fireworks exports were very small. Since last year, due to the epidemic situation, the number of foreign large-scale fireworks shows has decreased, resulting in a sharp decline in the professional fireworks market, but the demand for consumer fireworks has not decreased.
Looking for an opportunity in a crisis can turn a crisis into an opportunity. After adjusting the direction, Tanghua Company’s export of consumer fireworks is expected to increase tenfold this year, from more than 1 million yuan to about 10 million yuan.
The real-time status of more than 400 workshops in the monitoring room of Tanghua Company’s production plant is clear at a glance on 10 electronic display screens. Charging, granulating and other processes are only allowed to be operated by a single person in a single room. If there is an over-capacity, the system will automatically give an alarm at the first time. Today, 58 fireworks production enterprises in Dayao have been connected to the safety production risk early warning and prevention and control system, and realized the networking at the town and city levels.
While fireworks production is safe and standardized, the forms of discharge are also more diverse.
"The younger generation pays more attention to the artistic appreciation of fireworks, and enterprises have to keep up with market trends." At present, Qiu Chunliang has set up two companies, focusing on fireworks display creativity, product research and development, and integrating music, dance, laser and other multicultural arts into fireworks display, and has participated in more than 1,000 large-scale fireworks display activities at home and abroad.
The spirit of innovation in development has pushed Dayao Fireworks from a scattered, small and chaotic family workshop to a large-scale industry step by step.
In recent years, in order to continuously promote the transformation and upgrading of the traditional fireworks industry, Dayao Town has implemented the strategy of "four modernizations and two types" (intensification, mechanization, specialization, informationization, safety and environmental protection), and invested more than 50 million yuan to build a scientific and technological platform for the fireworks industry, an industrial service support platform for the fireworks town, and set up a research and innovation cluster for the fireworks industry.
Today, Dayao has formed six industrial clusters, including fireworks production, fireworks management, raw and auxiliary materials management, packaging and printing, papermaking and machinery. In the past five years, the town’s fiscal revenue has jumped from 228 million yuan to 384 million yuan. Last year, the total industrial output value exceeded 12.6 billion yuan.
The form of fireworks display is also constantly innovating. Photo courtesy of Dayao Town
Inheriting fireworks culture in development and adding vitality
Liu Yuwen, 59, is a native of Dayao. When he was 5 or 6 years old, he followed his grandfather to plug in the lead and pull the fireworks bobbin, and successively set up two fireworks factories. Last year, according to the relevant regulations of the town, the Yinfeng Fireworks Factory, which Liu Yuwen had operated for more than ten years, withdrew from the production ranks and switched to the fireworks trading business.
"Industrial development, no rules, no Fiona Fang, my factory quit in an orderly manner when it expired, and I have no complaints." Now, Liu Yuwen has left the trading company to his son to take care of, and he has devoted himself to being the curator of "China Fireworks Culture Museum".
"I took the lead in building this museum in 2001. At that time, many people didn’t understand and asked me why I spent this effort. I said, the fireworks in China are going out from here. Can there be a decent museum? " In the square in front of the museum, surrounded by bamboo, Liu Yuwen’s words are full of feelings.
Industry is the root and culture is the soul. In the Fireworks Museum, there are more than 100 printed fireworks and trolleys in Ming and Qing Dynasties, which record the development history of Liuyang Fireworks for more than 1400 years and display more than 200 photos of each period. In addition to the physical display, the museum also vividly shows 72 processes of traditional fireworks production, such as pulling the tube, winding the tube, loading the plate and drilling the hole. It attracts more than 200,000 domestic and foreign tourists every year.
Promote production with the city, and prosper the city with production. In recent years, Dayao Town has invested 1.06 billion yuan to build a series of core attractions, such as Li Miao Temple, Li Fang Square, Fireworks Cultural Pedestrian Street, Fireworks Museum, etc., which has shaped the characteristics of the fireworks town and made the cultural heritage of the Millennium fireworks increasingly prominent.
On June 12th, last year, Dayao Town successfully held the first fireworks "Yuan" Happy Festival in Hunan and Jiangxi (Dayao). This is the second consecutive year that the town has held a grand event related to urban fireworks. At present, Dayao has opened four fine tourist routes of fireworks culture. Through the festival, the industry will sing opera and promote the integration of fireworks and cultural tourism industry.
At present, in order to seize the strategic opportunity of the regional cooperation demonstration zone along the Hunan-Jiangxi border, Dayao is actively introducing well-known fireworks enterprises and cultural and creative companies to settle in, and gradually forming a big development pattern with fireworks towns as the core circle, surrounding towns as the sub-core circle and the main producing areas along the Hunan-Jiangxi border as the radiation circle.
A river of poems and paintings, fireworks all over the city. "Fireworks Town" is making the Millennium fireworks bloom with new colors!
Source of this article: People’s Network-Hunan Channel

The Central Meteorological Observatory is very busy! It’s hot and rainy. Will it turn around next Monday?

       CCTV News:To say which department is the busiest recently, the Central Meteorological Observatory should count as one. For a while, the high temperature here continued to be dry, and for a while, there was hail in strong convective weather. The Central Meteorological Observatory had to forecast the weather to the public in time. It coincides with the summer vacation, and people with travel plans are more concerned about whether going out to play will be disturbed by the weather. Recently, the hot weather is obvious to all. Let’s see when this round of hot weather will be eased.


       Central Meteorological Observatory: A large area of high temperature weather appeared in central and eastern China on the 4th.

       Yesterday, there was a large area of high temperature weather in central and eastern China. Meteorological monitoring by the Central Meteorological Observatory showed that the temperature in Beijing, southern Hebei, south-central Shaanxi, western Henan, eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, western Hubei, northwestern Hunan, Zhejiang and Shanghai exceeded 37℃, while that in Chongqing and Shaanxi was 40 ~ 42℃.

       Wanzhou, Chongqing: 20 days without rain and 4 days of high temperature red warning.

       On the morning of the 4th, Wanzhou District of Chongqing issued a high-temperature red warning signal for the fourth consecutive day. The meteorological department reminded that there was no obvious precipitation in the local area for 20 days, which has reached the standard of high-temperature summer drought. All units should do a good job in heatstroke prevention and drought relief. According to the monitoring of Wanzhou Meteorological Observatory, the temperature in Wanzhou has rushed to 40 degrees Celsius for several days, and the local maximum temperature has reached 43.8 degrees Celsius. The sunny and hot weather makes Wanzhou citizens feel very tormented.

       Shaanxi: High temperature orange warning was issued for two consecutive days.

       On August 3rd and 4th, Shaanxi Meteorological Bureau issued high-temperature orange warning twice in a row, and started high-temperature three-level emergency response.

       According to the statistics of meteorological department, the highest temperature in 65 districts and counties in Shaanxi Province exceeded 35 degrees Celsius on August 3rd. Among them, the highest temperature in Xunyang County, Ankang City reached 42.6 degrees Celsius, and Shaanxi launched a high-temperature level III emergency response. According to the meteorological satellite land surface temperature monitoring, on the afternoon of August 3, the surface temperature in the north-central part of northern Shaanxi and most parts of Guanzhong was above 40 degrees Celsius, with the surface temperature in the areas under the jurisdiction of Xi ‘an, Baoji, Xianyang, Weinan and Hanzhong exceeding 50 degrees Celsius.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: On the 5th, it continued to issue a yellow warning of high temperature.

       The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of high temperature. During the day on the 5th, there was high temperature above 35℃ in eastern southern Xinjiang, southeastern part of northwest China, eastern North China, central and western Huanghuai, most of Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan and northern South China. Among them, the highest temperature in some areas of southwestern Shaanxi, northwestern Henan, southern and northwestern Hubei, most of Chongqing, western and southeastern Jiangnan can reach 37 ~ 39℃, and the local temperature can exceed 40℃.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: High temperature yellow warning Huanghuai Jiangnan high temperature continues

       Today, the hot weather in the southeastern part of the northwest, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and most parts of the south of the Yangtze River will continue, and the Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue a yellow warning of high temperature.

       In the southeast of northwest China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, and most parts of the south of the Yangtze River, the high temperature weather continues today, and the Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue a yellow warning of high temperature. It is estimated that the highest temperature in some areas of southwestern Shaanxi, northwestern Henan, southern and northwestern Hubei, most of Chongqing, western and southeastern Jiangnan can reach 37-39 C, and the local temperature can exceed 40 C, reminding people to take measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down.

       Next week, the cold air will go south and the high temperature will ease.

       It is expected that the high temperature range will expand tomorrow, with the highest temperature above 35℃ in a large area from the south of Shaanxi, the south of North China, the south of Huanghuai West to the north of South China. However, from next Monday, due to the combined influence of cold air and rain, the high temperature weather in the above areas will gradually ease.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: Heavy rainfall occurred in Shandong, Liaoning and other places yesterday

       On the 4th, heavy rain occurred in eastern Liaoning, Shandong Peninsula and parts of eastern Sichuan, northern Chongqing, western Yunnan, western Guangxi and northern Hainan, and heavy rain fell in eastern Liaoning and Shandong Peninsula, and a heavy rain of 250-342 mm fell in Dandong, Liaoning.


       Central Meteorological Observatory: There will be strong precipitation in Jianghan, the eastern part of northwest China.

       According to the latest weather released by the Central Meteorological Observatory this morning, due to the influence of high-altitude trough and low-level shear, there will be an obvious precipitation process from west to east in the eastern part of northwest China to Jianghan, Huanghuai and Jianghuai areas from night to 7, with moderate to heavy rain as the precipitation intensity, with heavy rain in some areas.

       In the next 24 hours, there will be moderate to heavy rain in parts of Jilin, eastern Liaoning, eastern North China, northern and eastern Shandong, southern Gansu, eastern and southern Southwest China, southwestern Jianghuai, northern Jiangnan and southwestern South China, with local heavy rain; Some of the above areas have short-term heavy precipitation, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: Heavy rainfall is scattered, and rainfall in Northeast China is weakened.

       According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, from day to night, there is obvious rainfall in the northeast, north China, southwest China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, mainly small to moderate rain, and the distribution of heavy rain is relatively scattered.

       Recently, affected by typhoon residual circulation and cold air, North China, Northeast China and other places have experienced heavy rainfall. According to meteorological monitoring, the rain weakened in most areas yesterday, but there were still heavy rains in eastern Liaoning and Shandong Peninsula, among which heavy rains fell in Dandong, Liaoning.


       The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that the rainfall in Northeast China will be further weakened today. Although there is a wide range of rainfall in the country, the distribution of heavy rainfall is scattered. Among them, Jilin, eastern Liaoning, eastern North China, northern and eastern Shandong, southern Gansu, Yunnan and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have moderate to heavy rains and local heavy rains. Some of the above areas have short-term heavy precipitation, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds, reminding people to pay attention to rain and lightning protection during weekend trips.

       Tomorrow, the heavy rainfall will be transferred to Qinghai, Gansu and other places, among which there is heavy rain in the eastern part of Gansu, so it is necessary to guard against geological disasters that may be caused by rainfall.


       Guide to severe convective weather prevention:

       1. The government and relevant departments shall, in accordance with their duties, do a good job in emergency defense against short-term rainstorm, lightning protection and strong wind, and the meteorological department shall prepare for artificial hail suppression and conduct operations at the right time;

       2. The driver should slow down when passing through the waterlogged section to confirm the safety before passing, and the traffic control department should take traffic control measures and traffic guidance in the heavy rainfall section and waterlogged section according to the road conditions;

       3. Outdoor personnel should reduce or suspend outdoor work in open places, choose to enter buildings with strong wind resistance and lightning protection measures, and close doors and windows away from dangerous power sources;

       4. Airports, railways, highways and water transportation units should take measures such as flight restriction, speed limit or temporary closure to ensure personnel and traffic safety. Water operations and passing ships in relevant waters should return to Hong Kong to evade and strengthen port facilities;

       5. Check the drainage systems of cities, farmland and fish ponds, and make necessary drainage measures and prepare for disasters such as mountain torrents, landslides and mudslides.

Under the epidemic situation, the beauty industry entered the Warring States Period: Where is the outlet for brands with frequent price-breaking live broadcasts?

Every reporter: Zhang Xiaoyin Every editor: Wen Duo

The domestic cosmetics retail industry is gradually recovering.

According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to July this year, the total retail sales of consumer goods nationwide decreased by 9.9% year-on-year, but the retail value of cosmetics products gradually recovered, with a cumulative year-on-year increase of 1%. In the previous quarter, the retail value of domestic cosmetics products once fell by more than 13%.

From the sharp decline to the gradual recovery, many beauty brands are trying to adapt to the special consumption environment: the head international brands have increased their promotion on the e-commerce platform, and the live broadcast room has become a "heavy place" for the marketing of major brands.

However, for the new Xiaomei makeup brand, the low-price strategy is obviously unsustainable. From the current fiery live broadcast industry, there are "sales myths" and "tragic rollover". Behind the rapid increase in sales, there are also hidden concerns about high return rate. How can beauty brands play the live broadcast card well?

Under the epidemic situation, one of the measures taken by many beauty brands to boost sales is to exchange price for quantity. Even for international brands with stable pricing, "promotion" has become something that has to be done now.

Jian Weiqing, president of Taomei Beauty Business Association, described this year’s beauty industry as "the Warring States Period". "The market competition is too fierce. We made an analysis during the’ 618′ period and found that the promotion efforts of mainstream brands this year can be said to be’ unprecedented’, especially the cross-border big brands. The shipment prices have plummeted this year, and many brands have dropped by 20% to 30% compared with previous years."

Zhongtai Securities related research report pointed out that during the "618" period this year, platform and brand discounts increased. On the platform side, the discount and duration of Tmall’s "6.1 Activity" were expanded and extended respectively. In terms of brands, the pre-sale prices of major items of international brands with stable pricing in "618" are close to last year’s "Double Eleven". According to the data of the research report, from the data of the "6.1 Activity", the sales of Tmall beauty products broke through 100 million yuan in one minute and 500 million yuan in 22 minutes that night. One hour after the opening, the sales of L ‘Oreal, Estee Lauder, Lancome and OLAY exceeded 100 million yuan. Two hours later, the sales of 61 beauty brands such as Estee Lauder, SKII and HR exceeded the whole day of last year.

Under the epidemic situation, the online transaction volume of international brands has increased significantly. In this regard, Tu Xian, the head of Taobao’s global purchase brand and supply chain, has the same feeling: "Under the epidemic, the growth rate of global purchase is very fast, reaching 30% to 40%, of which the fastest growth rate is the bonded mode, while the direct mail mode shows a downward trend. Because of the restrictions on leaving the country this year, our buyers can no longer run overseas, so our overseas direct mail business has dropped by about 13% compared with last year."

The figure further indicates: "From the perspective of the entire Haitao market, the growth rate of Haitao people is very fast this year. We predict that the number of people who pay attention to Haitao goods will reach 235 million this year. In the entire Taobao ecosystem, nearly one-third of the 800 million monthly users focus on overseas brands."

The figure also mentioned that affected by the epidemic, Taobao Haitao beauty market has undergone three changes: first, the consumption classification brought by segmentation, local care such as head and eyes have become the habitual demand after the epidemic, and the sales of nose paste, eyelash growth liquid, mask, hair dye cream and eye essence have increased significantly; Second, the beauty users are younger, and the generation after 00 and generation Z are the fastest growing groups of beauty consumption, with a per capita expenditure of 1713 yuan/year, far exceeding the traditional quality population after 80; Third, product ingredients exceed brand awareness and other factors, which has become the first choice for consumers to consider new products. More than 50% Haitao users will pay attention to the main functional ingredients of products when purchasing cosmetics.

With Li Jiaqi and other head anchors creating sales "myths", many company executives also walked into the live broadcast room to bring goods. Under the superimposed epidemic, physical sales suffered setbacks, and "live broadcast" became the key word of online sales of major brands, especially in the online beauty industry, where the original sales relied heavily.

Image source: vision china

In the past six months, many cosmetics brands have tried to seek new sources of growth. However, under the hot live broadcast, the repeated rollover of brand live broadcasts and the frequent price break of big-name cosmetics have also brought thoughts to enterprises: How long can the price war in the live broadcast room last? How do new and small brands get a slice of the pie from big names?

According to Zhang Mofan, the anchor of Red Man and the founder of Meimo Emore brand, many brands entering the live broadcast room hope to get short-term sales promotion through live broadcast, but ignore the high return rate behind the promotion. "In fact, we pay great attention to the long tail effect and commodity return rate in live broadcast. I think these can represent your brand. The ultimate goal of live broadcast should be to let consumers buy because of the brand, not because they are discounted today. However, during the live broadcast, I found that many brands are particularly anxious, and they will ignore consumer cognition and brand tonality, and only remember the transformation and promotion. Therefore, we will see many brands overturned in the live broadcast, because he did not lay the foundation of the brand itself, and immediately promoted it, relying on impulse consumption of consumers to temporarily increase sales, and finally the return rate was very high. "

In fact, although the low-price strategy of live broadcast can break through the sales bottleneck through the "hawking" of the red anchor on the one hand, on the other hand, many brands are beginning to worry that the low-price promotion used in the live broadcast room will have an impact on their own brand image.

Jian Weiqing, president of the Taomei Beauty Business Association, said: "Since this year, due to changes in brand ecology and the international consumer market, there have been many cases of brand price breaks in the industry, which actually has a great impact on small and medium-sized brands and retailers, because small and medium-sized brands are more dependent on the channels of small and medium-sized retailers. However, as small and medium-sized retailers, they don’t have the traffic of big brands, and the traffic of big brands is in the hands of mainstream platforms, super big anchors and absolute head-on operating companies. Therefore, if big brands go down to seize market share, small and medium-sized brands will be under great pressure. "

With the price reduction of big brands, where is the way out for the new Xiaomei makeup brand?

Image source: photo network

Jian Weiqing believes that it is not wise to spell the price for the new Xiaomei makeup brand. "Personally, I think it is necessary to stick to the price strategy, which is the lifeline of a brand. New and small brands must pay attention to it. If some big brands dive in price, it is only a short-term strategy. The price of big brands will dive in a short period of time, the brand will be wiped clean, and new clothes will be replaced. You can still go ashore, but if new and small brands follow suit, the C-end will label the brand as low-priced, so it is difficult to go back." Jian Weiqing said.

According to Huang Yong, the founding partner of Baojiehui Innovation Consumer Fund, if domestic beauty brands want to be unicorns, they need to aim at subdivided tracks. "From the past experience, in the field of beauty care, great companies, such as Durex and Weiting, are easy to appear on the subdivided track. Although the category is not big, if the brand becomes the champion on the subdivided track, the market is very big. From the current beauty care industry, I think the product combination of high-priced instruments and consumables such as beauty instruments and essence is the easiest to go abroad. " Huang Yong said.

In addition, Huang Yong said in an interview with national business daily that although beauty brands were affected in retail during the epidemic, from the perspective of the capital market, the popularity of investing in beauty brands remained unabated. "In the past, we saw domestic beauty brands with perfect diaries, flowers and other heads. In fact, this is just the beginning. From the overall trend, China’s beauty industry has been developing at a high speed, and the research and development and production capacity of domestic beauty brands have been improved, and now we can make good products. We predict that in the future, we will have cutting-edge domestic brands in various segments. At the same time, we believe that in the next ten or even twenty years, China’s Procter & Gamble, Unilever and L ‘Oreal will appear. " Huang Yong said.

Cui Jing, vice chairman of Cosme Beauty Group, expressed his optimism about domestic beauty products. He told national business daily that Cosme Beauty has launched a minimum order quantity of 500 as a beauty OEM. "According to our experience, in fact, local beauty companies in China often do better in localization than international brands. We hope to provide support to local beauty companies in China and reduce their trial and error costs by reducing the minimum order volume." Cui Jing said.

national business daily