Test drive BYD Han DM: cutting-edge technology integrator, broke 100 in 4.7 seconds, and the fuel consumption was unexpected.

Although Chengdu is a plain city, its land area of 14,335 square kilometers also includes Miaojiling with an altitude of 5,353 meters and the banks of the Tuojiang River with an altitude of only 359 meters. The huge vertical drop not only makes Chengdu’s climate changeable, but also makes it a "test drive resort" to test the performance of a car. Today, "Car One Circle" came to Chengdu and participated in the test drive of BYD Han DM (parameter picture) exploration tour in chengdu railway station.

Appearance: elegant and elegant.

As the flagship model of BYD Dynasty series, the appearance of BYD Han DM is very atmospheric. Based on Dragon Face design language, the front face adopts a large-size polygonal air intake grille, and the middle net adopts a dense dot matrix layout, which has great visual impact. A bright silver decorative strip on the top connects the angular headlights on both sides, which is quite classy.

Its body length, width and height are 4960/1910/1495 mm, and its wheelbase is 2920 mm. This size can not only bring flexible space experience, but also make BYD Han DM look very slender. The outline lines of the car body are smooth and natural, and the tough waistline interacts with large-size wheels and hidden door handles, making it look elegant and dynamic.

The biggest highlight of the tail is the penetrating taillight with water steering effect, which further enhances the recognition of BYD Han DM. This advanced aesthetic design is very attractive to young consumers.

Interior: magnificent, low-key and luxurious

When you open the car door and enter the car, the interior inspired by the "Forbidden City Building Complex" has a magnificent trend with the same style as the royal palace. The interior is made with simple methods, and every corner and curve are carefully calculated, supplemented by high-grade decorative panels and Long Lin-shaped two-way stitches, so that the interior naturally exudes a low-key luxury connotation.

The three-spoke flat-bottomed steering wheel has an excellent grip, which complements the overall temperament of the interior. Soft materials are wrapped at your fingertips, which is very soft and skin-friendly. The seat is wrapped in Nappa leather, and the ergonomic design brings good support. The filler with moderate hardness and softness is perfectly matched with the first layer of cowhide, which has sufficient toughness and breathability and brings a pleasant ride experience.

Configuration: comprehensive ecological enjoyment of intelligence

As the first batch of "big screen players" in China, BYD has equipped Han DM with a 15.6-inch touch-sensitive LCD screen. The built-in DiLink 3.0 system has extremely fast response speed, and the UI design is extremely user-friendly and very easy to use.

Based on OTA remote upgrade function, the system can realize remote self-upgrade, so that the owner can experience the latest car machine function for the first time. At the same time, BYD DiLink 3.0 system has a fairly open intelligent ecology, and you can find the content that best suits your habits and preferences like using a smart phone, such as Tik Tok, QQ music, Iqiyi, KTV, Meitu Xiu Xiu and the glory of the king, etc. The entertainment experience can be further sublimated with the Nordic Dirac hi-fi speakers.

The intelligent voice assistant "Xiao Di" can realize the verbal control of the window, navigation, panoramic sunroof, air conditioning, music playing/pausing and other functions, and can be awakened by "Hello, Xiao Di" or the shortcut key on the steering wheel. At the same time, it can understand the dialect. During the test drive, Circle Brother talked with it in Chongqing dialect, and its free response made Circle Brother feel that this conversation object was not like AI at all, just like the central control of every BYD Han DM.

In addition, BYD Han DM is also equipped with DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, including CSC curve speed control system, FCW forward collision warning system and many other advanced intelligent driving assistance functions, which can ensure that the vehicle is always in the safest state during the use of the car.

Power: Strong performance brings the ultimate experience.

For the China market, BYD Han is definitely a meaningful product. The data shows that the cumulative sales volume of BYD Han series products has exceeded 110,000, among which, in August 2021, the monthly sales volume reached 9,035, while the sales volume of Han EV was 6,198 and that of Han DM was 2,837.

As a China brand car with a starting price of over 200,000 yuan, it can have such sales, which shows that the existence of BYD Han has broken the upper limit of consumers’ cognition of domestic models, and the root cause lies in the breakthrough and strong product strength of BYD Han series, in which the acceleration time of the flagship performance version of Han EV from 0-100km/h is only 3.9 seconds, and as a hybrid model, the performance of BYD Han DM is equally excellent.

It is equipped with a combination of a 2.0T turbocharged engine and a rear motor. The comprehensive maximum power of the system can reach 321kW and the comprehensive peak torque can reach 650Nm. This amazing power parameter is enough to make most competing models pale. From zero to 100, BYD Han DM only takes 4.7 seconds. And this test drive trip in Chengdu really made the circle brother experience how strong BYD Han DM performance is.

In order to let us have a more comprehensive understanding of BYD Han DM’s performance in different road conditions and environments, the route planned in this test drive process starts from Howard Johnson Hotel in Chengdu, travels for more than 30 kilometers, and finally reaches Intercontinental Hotel in Sanchahu Paradise Long Island. Along the way, we have basically experienced the driving environment that our daily car faces, such as urban traffic jams, expressways, Panshan Highway, etc., but the superior driving quality brought by its strong power reserve almost runs through the whole test drive process.

As one of the core cities in western China, Chengdu has a huge population base, and its car ownership is second only to that of Beijing. Its traffic planning has become more and more complicated in recent years, and the arrangement of traffic lights is also very dense. Under this background, traffic jams occur from time to time. Therefore, when driving in cities, we choose a more energy-saving pure electric mode.

BYD Han DM is equipped with a ternary lithium battery with a capacity of 15.2 kWh, and has a pure battery life of 81 kilometers, which is completely enough for office workers to commute daily. In the pure electric mode, the vehicle is completely driven by a motor. The motor carried by BYD Han DM has a maximum power of 180 kW and a peak torque of 330 Nm. It is also very capable of being "pulled out" alone.

In the pure electric mode, BYD Han DM has become a rear-wheel drive, and the moment when the accelerator is stepped on, the torque erupts instantly, and the power is like a beast that has been accumulating for a long time, bringing a very light start and acceleration feeling. The linear braking can make you easily control the braking distance, and you can easily shuttle through the urban roads with dense traffic. In the face of the red light that appears from time to time, the passengers on the car will not feel uncomfortable because of frequent braking, which is very friendly to the circle friends who are prone to carsickness.

When driving at high speed, if you want to get the best driving experience, you can choose the parallel mode of engine and motor working together. In this mode, the performance of BYD Han DM will be released to the extreme, and the power seems endless. When you want to overtake, you step on the accelerator deeply, and the strong feeling of pushing your back seems to make people’s mind out of control in an instant, and adrenaline will soar immediately. The sympathetic nerves that are excited instantly will give people a faster response speed, which is the charm of high-performance models.

Byd Han DM is very steady in adjusting the chassis, and there will be no obvious sense of roll when cornering sharply, and it also filters the bumps on the road very well, which ensures the driving comfort. Coupled with the excellent NVH performance of BYD Han DM in the whole test drive, it can be said that the driving quality of its Han DM is not lost to some luxury cars with higher prices.

The most important thing is that the fuel consumption of BYD Han DM is really beyond the expectation of the circle brother. I thought that as a behemoth weighing two tons, even if BYD Han DM is a hybrid model, its comprehensive fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is only about 6.2 liters when the circle brother didn’t deliberately save fuel and turn on the HEV mode. In the face of such a medium-sized and large car with strong performance and low fuel consumption, it can only be described as superior, and the daily car is really fuel-efficient and worry-free.

View of "Car Circle": As a flagship model, BYD Han DM is largely an integrator of BYD’s cutting-edge technology, and it is also a pillar product of BYD’s brand, which shows high product value in design, intelligence, performance and other aspects. According to the data released by the Association, in August, 2021, BYD achieved a substantial increase of 88.1% compared with the same period of last year with the sales volume of 66,622 vehicles, and surpassed many joint venture brands in one fell swoop to rank in the top ten of the manufacturers’ sales list, most of which were contributed by new energy vehicles. As the leading brand of new energy vehicles in China, BYD occupied a place for the China brand in the future, which was destined to be fully new energy-oriented.

The "Running Carnival" brothers joined hands with Jason, Angela Zhang and JJ Lin to open a summer carnival.

Video: "Running Carnival" Zhejiang Satellite TV sincerely dedicates the running men’s group to invite the audience to party with their old and new friends.

With the high-quality program content, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s Run Bar has not only topped the list, but also won the praise of major institutions and media such as People’s Daily, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the official Weibo of the United Nations, which has satisfied the audience’s appetite with its "running strength". With everyone’s earnest expectation, this Friday night’s "Run" finally ushered in the "Running Carnival" with increased and upgraded joy this season. At the scene, "Run" not only invites enthusiastic audience to experience the classic game of running men, but also brings wonderful song and dance performances with old and new friends Jason, Angela Zhang and JJ Lin. In addition, Xu Yaping, Tony, Jia Shukai and other "helping amateur friends" will also be present to bring surprise interaction. What sparks of joy will their arrival collide with "logging fatigue"?

Angela Zhang and JJ Lin, together with popular new forces, Chen Linong and Rocket Girls 101, made great surprises on the same stage.

Following the continuous exposure of the guest lineup of "Running Carnival" by the official Weibo of "Running", netizens expressed their "super expectation! Everyone has a good heart. " In order to give back to the audience’s love and support, we will bring you an "Amazing" carnival feast at the closing ceremony. This time, "Run" not only sincerely invited old friends Jason, Angela Zhang, JJ Lin and Joey Yung, who are powerful singers, to sing on the same stage, but also pleasantly welcomed new friends with super popularity, such as Mao Bubian, Rocket Girls 101 and Hot Blood Street Dance Troupe.

At the scene, Ryan and "Grandmother Zheng" Angela Zhang continued their pioneering work in the "Running Carnival" after the "Family Graduation Challenge" and performed wonderful interactive performances; Lu Han and the bloody street dance group "Steel King Team" used dance to burn this "running feast"; Michael Chen, who has always had a lot of golden sentences in the program, not only brought a hilarious talk show with "Sister Ju" Naomi, but also reviewed the happy moment of "attacking and defending and tearing famous brands" with Chen Linong as the incarnation of "Fat Fish". In addition, Rocket Girls 101, the most popular female group, will also show off her singing and dancing skills in surprise. In the face of such a strong guest lineup, whose performance do you want to Pick most?

The "sound-deaf team" was exposed. Jason and Angelababy actually collaborated again on "This is Love"

In addition to welcoming new and old friends, the "Running Carnival" will also announce the long-awaited unvoiced MV of the "Music Crazy Team". In "Run" and "Special Edition of Mid-year Fans’ Club", Jason and Jane Zhang, the powerful singers, once led the "Music Insanity Team" and "Teana Team" to record songs, and set off a nationwide Pick craze. Although the "Teana Team" finally lost and accepted the punishment announced by the whole network of unvoiced MV, many netizens were full of curiosity about the unvoiced MV of the "Tone Crazy Team".

At this carnival feast, Jason, the tutor of "Music Insanity Team", not only brought "the sound of nature" to the audience, but also collaborated with "Run Music Student" Angelababy on "This is Love" again. At the scene, the unvarnished version of the MV of the "Tone Insanity Team" was exposed by the program group. In order to prove the singing strength of the "Tone Insanity Team", Angelababy boldly proposed to cooperate with her mentor Jason on the spot "This is Love". Can Angelababy overcome "forgetting words and out of tune" and produce the "death treble" in Jason’s masterpiece This is Love? What "surprises" will the unvarnished version of the MV of the "Music Insanity Team" bring to the audience?

After enjoying the beautiful and pleasant song and dance performances, what other "running memories and killing" will "logging tired" offer together with the "running help group"? What surprises will the old and new friends of Run bring to us? The answers are at 16:00 on July 6th (Friday), "Run Happy Carnival Afternoon" and "Carnival Night" at 19:30. On this joyful day, let’s continue to run along with "logging fatigue"!

Henan self-study exam training to find which formal?

Henan self-study exam training to find which formal? Self-study examination is one of the important ways to improve academic qualifications. In the era when academic qualifications are valued, especially for newly graduated students or young people who have just entered the workplace, the recruitment requirements of units and enterprises will clearly state the requirements for academic qualifications. The purpose of self-study exam to improve academic qualifications is to obtain an academic qualification. If you want to pass the exam smoothly, you must know some common questions about self-study exam in advance. The following small series answers the relevant information about the self-study exam for everyone, hoping to help everyone!

If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main college and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

Henan self-study exam training to find which formal?

Self-study exam training mainly chooses institutions, whether there are famous schools or not; Whether the campus of the institution is rich or not, and whether there are branch campuses, so as to see the strength of the institution; It also depends on the agency’s authorization to enroll students. It must also be a formal and legal educational institution. All kinds of documents and procedures must be complete, and the school license, business license and other documents are indispensable. However, when registering, you should also carefully check the business scope of the business license and whether it includes business projects related to education and training.

1. The choice of institutions is wide: whether an institution for upgrading academic qualifications is professional or not depends on whether it is related to academic qualifications, and all institutions for upgrading academic qualifications can operate. Many institutions only promote a certain school when providing services to candidates, because this is the institution they cooperate with, and the institution you want to go to is not available, which shows that the hard power is not enough.

2. Whether the campus of the institution is rich: Many institutions with upgraded academic qualifications are listed and have no fixed office location. For friends who want to upgrade their academic qualifications, it is necessary to see whether there is office space and whether there are enough branch schools, so as to judge whether they have the strength.

3. Whether to authorize enrollment: Authority does not mean authority in all aspects. It is very important whether it is authorized to enroll students in colleges and universities. If it is not authorized to enroll students, it is probably unreliable.

There are two registration opportunities for the self-study exam in one year, namely January and July, and the exam time is April and October respectively. In some places, it is four times, and the specific registration time should be based on the time released by the local education examination institute. You can apply for the self-study exam online according to the process, or you can apply for it on the spot through the self-study exam office to remind everyone to pay attention to the time of applying for the exam.

The above is related to the self-study exam, and candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates who want to get more information about the self-taught examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge and related news, please pay attention to the online self-taught examination channel of China Education.

Popular recommendation:

If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main examination institution and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

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In April, 2024, all provinces registered for self-study exams in official website.

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of Self-taught Exams in April 2024 by Provinces

People who swim for a long time will have these four major changes in their bodies. How many do you know?

Swimming has become a standard sport in summer, and lying in a cold pool in summer is a great pleasure in summer! In addition to the comfort of cooling, swimming has several unknown benefits. Let’s take you to know about the benefits of swimming and related taboos today ~

Four benefits of swimming:

Step 1 lose weight

Swimming is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Experts’ experiments show that the heat consumed by staying at 12 degrees Celsius for 4 minutes can only be consumed in 1 hour on land at the same temperature. The reason for such a big difference is that the density and heat transfer of water are greater than that of air, so regular exercise in water can gradually consume more fat and shape a more perfect posture.

2. It is beneficial to the recovery of chronic respiratory diseases.

Swimming can exercise the respiratory muscles such as pectoral muscle, diaphragm muscle and intercostal muscle, thus improving the ventilation function of the lungs and improving the efficiency of breathing. Proper swimming exercise is beneficial to the rehabilitation of patients with chronic respiratory diseases.

Step 3 strengthen your heart

As a horizontal exercise, swimming can not only make all parts of the body bear the same gravity, but also balance blood circulation and strengthen the heart.

Step 4 soothe joints

Different types of swimming movements can exercise the joints of the body. In addition, because the water has buoyancy when swimming, the legs are free from supporting the weight, and the main joints of the thighs can be relaxed and relieved.

Although swimming is good,But there are still a few points to pay attention to..

1. It is not advisable to swim for a long time.

The swimming duration should not exceed 1.5-2 hours. Because people stay in the water for a period of time, the blood flow on the body surface expands, and the skin turns from cold to warm. However, once they stay in the water for too long, the skin will gradually appear goose bumps and chills, which will have a certain impact on health.

2. It is not advisable to eat immediately after swimming.

Because swimming consumes a lot of fat and calories, there will be some hunger after swimming. However, eating immediately after swimming will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, which will easily lead to gastrointestinal diseases for a long time. Therefore, you should rest for 1 hour before eating.

3. Patients with otitis media, dermatosis and acute conjunctivitis should avoid swimming.

There are a lot of bacteria in the swimming pool. If people with the above diseases swim again, it will not only make the original condition worse, but even spread the disease bacteria in the swimming pool, causing infection to others.

4. Pay attention to cleaning after swimming.

After swimming, you should take a bath or dry your body with a towel immediately, then drop Chlorella or boric acid eye drops on your glasses and clean up nasal secretions. If there is water in the ear, you should use "jumping on the same side" to discharge the water, so as to avoid the eardrum injury caused by hand digging.