The "Running Carnival" brothers joined hands with Jason, Angela Zhang and JJ Lin to open a summer carnival.

Video: "Running Carnival" Zhejiang Satellite TV sincerely dedicates the running men’s group to invite the audience to party with their old and new friends.

With the high-quality program content, Zhejiang Satellite TV’s Run Bar has not only topped the list, but also won the praise of major institutions and media such as People’s Daily, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the official Weibo of the United Nations, which has satisfied the audience’s appetite with its "running strength". With everyone’s earnest expectation, this Friday night’s "Run" finally ushered in the "Running Carnival" with increased and upgraded joy this season. At the scene, "Run" not only invites enthusiastic audience to experience the classic game of running men, but also brings wonderful song and dance performances with old and new friends Jason, Angela Zhang and JJ Lin. In addition, Xu Yaping, Tony, Jia Shukai and other "helping amateur friends" will also be present to bring surprise interaction. What sparks of joy will their arrival collide with "logging fatigue"?

Angela Zhang and JJ Lin, together with popular new forces, Chen Linong and Rocket Girls 101, made great surprises on the same stage.

Following the continuous exposure of the guest lineup of "Running Carnival" by the official Weibo of "Running", netizens expressed their "super expectation! Everyone has a good heart. " In order to give back to the audience’s love and support, we will bring you an "Amazing" carnival feast at the closing ceremony. This time, "Run" not only sincerely invited old friends Jason, Angela Zhang, JJ Lin and Joey Yung, who are powerful singers, to sing on the same stage, but also pleasantly welcomed new friends with super popularity, such as Mao Bubian, Rocket Girls 101 and Hot Blood Street Dance Troupe.

At the scene, Ryan and "Grandmother Zheng" Angela Zhang continued their pioneering work in the "Running Carnival" after the "Family Graduation Challenge" and performed wonderful interactive performances; Lu Han and the bloody street dance group "Steel King Team" used dance to burn this "running feast"; Michael Chen, who has always had a lot of golden sentences in the program, not only brought a hilarious talk show with "Sister Ju" Naomi, but also reviewed the happy moment of "attacking and defending and tearing famous brands" with Chen Linong as the incarnation of "Fat Fish". In addition, Rocket Girls 101, the most popular female group, will also show off her singing and dancing skills in surprise. In the face of such a strong guest lineup, whose performance do you want to Pick most?

The "sound-deaf team" was exposed. Jason and Angelababy actually collaborated again on "This is Love"

In addition to welcoming new and old friends, the "Running Carnival" will also announce the long-awaited unvoiced MV of the "Music Crazy Team". In "Run" and "Special Edition of Mid-year Fans’ Club", Jason and Jane Zhang, the powerful singers, once led the "Music Insanity Team" and "Teana Team" to record songs, and set off a nationwide Pick craze. Although the "Teana Team" finally lost and accepted the punishment announced by the whole network of unvoiced MV, many netizens were full of curiosity about the unvoiced MV of the "Tone Crazy Team".

At this carnival feast, Jason, the tutor of "Music Insanity Team", not only brought "the sound of nature" to the audience, but also collaborated with "Run Music Student" Angelababy on "This is Love" again. At the scene, the unvarnished version of the MV of the "Tone Insanity Team" was exposed by the program group. In order to prove the singing strength of the "Tone Insanity Team", Angelababy boldly proposed to cooperate with her mentor Jason on the spot "This is Love". Can Angelababy overcome "forgetting words and out of tune" and produce the "death treble" in Jason’s masterpiece This is Love? What "surprises" will the unvarnished version of the MV of the "Music Insanity Team" bring to the audience?

After enjoying the beautiful and pleasant song and dance performances, what other "running memories and killing" will "logging tired" offer together with the "running help group"? What surprises will the old and new friends of Run bring to us? The answers are at 16:00 on July 6th (Friday), "Run Happy Carnival Afternoon" and "Carnival Night" at 19:30. On this joyful day, let’s continue to run along with "logging fatigue"!