Focus on artificial intelligence development planning: the establishment of the first batch of four national innovation platforms

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 23rd: Fifteen ministries and commissions joined forces to establish the first batch of four national innovation platforms — — Focus on the development planning of China’s new generation of artificial intelligence

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporters Chen Fang and Liu Hongyu

  A few days ago, China announced that the new generation of artificial intelligence development plan has been fully implemented, and it will take 13 years to make China a major artificial intelligence innovation center in the world.

  How is the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence laid out? Who will lead? How to break through? Xinhua Viewpoint reporter interviewed the authoritative department and presented the development plan exclusively.

  15 ministries and commissions work together to build a national expert database.

  In 2016, the global technology giant’s investment in artificial intelligence has reached 30 billion US dollars, and attaching importance to artificial intelligence has become a global consensus. Compared with the world’s leading countries, China’s artificial intelligence has achieved important breakthroughs in core technologies in some fields, but it still lacks major original achievements, and there is a big gap in basic theories, core algorithms, key equipment and high-end chips.

  How is the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence laid out? Wan Gang, Minister of Science and Technology, said: "The development of a new generation of artificial intelligence is a strategic collaboration at the national level."

  — — 15 ministries and commissions formed a joint force. A new generation of artificial intelligence development planning promotion office, consisting of 15 departments, including Ministry of Science and Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academy of Engineering, Science and Technology Committee of Military Commission, and China Association for Science and Technology, came into being, focusing on promoting the overall layout of projects, bases and talents.

  At the same time, build a national expert database. A new generation of artificial intelligence strategic advisory committee headed by Academician Pan Yunhe, including 27 top experts including Academician Chen Chun, Academician Li Wei and Academician Gao Wen, was also announced.

  "Gather collective wisdom from a forward-looking perspective, conduct substantive and potential research on some major issues of artificial intelligence, and provide further consultation and evaluation for major decisions of artificial intelligence at the national level." Pan Yunhe, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and head of the strategic advisory committee, said.

  — — The two attributes are highly integrated. "Grasp the characteristics of high integration of artificial intelligence technology attributes and social attributes, and give full play to the important role of the government in planning guidance and policy support." Wan Gang told a story, "Many foreigners asked me curiously, how did you get the fourth generation of mobile communication? They feel very confused. I said it’s very simple. We have been doing pilot projects since the World Expo, and then we have experimental areas in Hangzhou and Guangzhou. When the experience matures, we will engage in dozens of cities. Finally, the experimental area covers almost all areas. Isn’t this solved? "

  — — Open up six "runways" The development plan of a new generation of artificial intelligence has defined six tasks: building an open and collaborative artificial intelligence scientific and technological innovation system, building a safe and convenient intelligent society, building a safe and efficient intelligent infrastructure system, strengthening the integration of defense and civilian technologies in the field of artificial intelligence, cultivating a high-end and efficient intelligent economy, and prospectively laying out major scientific and technological projects of a new generation of artificial intelligence.

  Pan Yunhe said that in the past, there was only one runway at the technical level, and the new generation of artificial intelligence development plan added five runways to the original runway, which expanded the development space of artificial intelligence.

  Telly, director of the High-tech Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said that the major scientific and technological projects of the new generation of artificial intelligence choose five main directions: big data intelligence, cross-media intelligence, swarm intelligence, hybrid enhanced intelligence and autonomous intelligence system, and carry out systematic and forward-looking task layout from four levels: basic theory, supporting system, key technology and innovative application.

  Determine the first batch of four national new generation artificial intelligence open innovation platforms.

  After full investigation and demonstration, the first batch of national new-generation artificial intelligence open innovation platforms were determined: relying on Baidu, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent and Iflytek respectively, four national new-generation artificial intelligence open innovation platforms were built, including autonomous driving, urban brain, medical imaging and intelligent voice.

  "In these four areas, China has been at the forefront of the world." Wang Zhigang, Party Secretary and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said that we should speed up the implementation of major scientific and technological projects of the new generation of artificial intelligence and make breakthroughs in basic frontier fields as soon as possible. The open innovation platform will play a greater role in gathering innovative resources and promoting the sharing of innovation.

  Six years ago, Iflytek launched the world’s first voice cloud open platform. At present, the daily processing times of the platform reach 4 billion times. "China is already an international leader in speech synthesis." Hu Yu, vice president of Iflytek, said.

  In recent years, Iflytek has also carried out innovative cooperation with the public security system. Tests conducted in Anhui in 2016 showed that the accuracy of artificial intelligence in judging fraudulent calls was extremely high; Artificial intelligence also acts as a court clerk. After testing, intelligent speech recognition participated in the trial and achieved practical results, and the trial duration was shortened by 30%.

  "Let innovation have a real impact and create real value." Hua Xiansheng, vice president of Alibaba, said that the goal of the urban brain is to build a sharing platform that mainly opens the application layer of computing data based on the comprehensive technologies of artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing, and build an open future ecosystem for intelligent applications in urban administration, public services and other industries.

  Tommy, Vice Minister of Science and Technology, said that the implementation period of major scientific and technological projects of the new generation of artificial intelligence will be 2030, and this announcement is only the first batch, and it will continue to be expanded according to the needs of planning and project implementation in the future.

  "The new focus of international competition is new competition in deep learning, cross-border integration, man-machine collaboration and group intelligence." Wan Gang said.

  Sharing achievements and realizing innovation in collision

  A breakthrough in the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence requires a new development concept. Experts believe that the opening of swarm intelligence will become a new feature of the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence.

  In July this year, Baidu officially opened the "Apollo" autopilot platform, with more than 70 partners from all over the world. "Apollo Project" aims to provide an open, complete and safe open innovation platform for partners in the automotive industry and autonomous driving field, and gather the strength of many participants to jointly promote the development of autonomous driving technology.

  "It is an open source system and the largest autonomous driving ecosystem in the world." Wu Xuebin, vice president of Baidu, said that Baidu will invest 10 billion yuan to support 100 start-ups in the future, making it an open innovation platform for national-level autopilot systems with world-class level.

  The reporter learned that when Tencent Artificial Intelligence Laboratory was established last year, it combined comprehensive basic research with rapid technology application, and gathered more than 70 first-class scientists at home and abroad and more than 300 experienced engineers.

  "Tencent’s AI medical products ‘ Tencent seeks the shadow ’ The accuracy of finding early esophageal cancer has been greatly improved. " Liu Yongsheng, general manager of Tencent’s artificial intelligence laboratory, said that enterprises sharing research and application results will rapidly promote technological iteration and enable traditional industries such as medical care to generate new kinetic energy.

  "Strengthen open source and policy guidance, and build an open and collaborative artificial intelligence technology innovation body." Wan Gang said, "In the past, we often said that experiments were based on meditation and inspiration. Now it is different. It is necessary to turn meditation into brainstorming and stimulate innovative inspiration in the collision of academic exchanges."

The Central Meteorological Observatory is very busy! It’s hot and rainy. Will it turn around next Monday?

       CCTV News:To say which department is the busiest recently, the Central Meteorological Observatory should count as one. For a while, the high temperature here continued to be dry, and for a while, there was hail in strong convective weather. The Central Meteorological Observatory had to forecast the weather to the public in time. It coincides with the summer vacation, and people with travel plans are more concerned about whether going out to play will be disturbed by the weather. Recently, the hot weather is obvious to all. Let’s see when this round of hot weather will be eased.


       Central Meteorological Observatory: A large area of high temperature weather appeared in central and eastern China on the 4th.

       Yesterday, there was a large area of high temperature weather in central and eastern China. Meteorological monitoring by the Central Meteorological Observatory showed that the temperature in Beijing, southern Hebei, south-central Shaanxi, western Henan, eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, western Hubei, northwestern Hunan, Zhejiang and Shanghai exceeded 37℃, while that in Chongqing and Shaanxi was 40 ~ 42℃.

       Wanzhou, Chongqing: 20 days without rain and 4 days of high temperature red warning.

       On the morning of the 4th, Wanzhou District of Chongqing issued a high-temperature red warning signal for the fourth consecutive day. The meteorological department reminded that there was no obvious precipitation in the local area for 20 days, which has reached the standard of high-temperature summer drought. All units should do a good job in heatstroke prevention and drought relief. According to the monitoring of Wanzhou Meteorological Observatory, the temperature in Wanzhou has rushed to 40 degrees Celsius for several days, and the local maximum temperature has reached 43.8 degrees Celsius. The sunny and hot weather makes Wanzhou citizens feel very tormented.

       Shaanxi: High temperature orange warning was issued for two consecutive days.

       On August 3rd and 4th, Shaanxi Meteorological Bureau issued high-temperature orange warning twice in a row, and started high-temperature three-level emergency response.

       According to the statistics of meteorological department, the highest temperature in 65 districts and counties in Shaanxi Province exceeded 35 degrees Celsius on August 3rd. Among them, the highest temperature in Xunyang County, Ankang City reached 42.6 degrees Celsius, and Shaanxi launched a high-temperature level III emergency response. According to the meteorological satellite land surface temperature monitoring, on the afternoon of August 3, the surface temperature in the north-central part of northern Shaanxi and most parts of Guanzhong was above 40 degrees Celsius, with the surface temperature in the areas under the jurisdiction of Xi ‘an, Baoji, Xianyang, Weinan and Hanzhong exceeding 50 degrees Celsius.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: On the 5th, it continued to issue a yellow warning of high temperature.

       The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of high temperature. During the day on the 5th, there was high temperature above 35℃ in eastern southern Xinjiang, southeastern part of northwest China, eastern North China, central and western Huanghuai, most of Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan and northern South China. Among them, the highest temperature in some areas of southwestern Shaanxi, northwestern Henan, southern and northwestern Hubei, most of Chongqing, western and southeastern Jiangnan can reach 37 ~ 39℃, and the local temperature can exceed 40℃.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: High temperature yellow warning Huanghuai Jiangnan high temperature continues

       Today, the hot weather in the southeastern part of the northwest, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and most parts of the south of the Yangtze River will continue, and the Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue a yellow warning of high temperature.

       In the southeast of northwest China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, and most parts of the south of the Yangtze River, the high temperature weather continues today, and the Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue a yellow warning of high temperature. It is estimated that the highest temperature in some areas of southwestern Shaanxi, northwestern Henan, southern and northwestern Hubei, most of Chongqing, western and southeastern Jiangnan can reach 37-39 C, and the local temperature can exceed 40 C, reminding people to take measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down.

       Next week, the cold air will go south and the high temperature will ease.

       It is expected that the high temperature range will expand tomorrow, with the highest temperature above 35℃ in a large area from the south of Shaanxi, the south of North China, the south of Huanghuai West to the north of South China. However, from next Monday, due to the combined influence of cold air and rain, the high temperature weather in the above areas will gradually ease.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: Heavy rainfall occurred in Shandong, Liaoning and other places yesterday

       On the 4th, heavy rain occurred in eastern Liaoning, Shandong Peninsula and parts of eastern Sichuan, northern Chongqing, western Yunnan, western Guangxi and northern Hainan, and heavy rain fell in eastern Liaoning and Shandong Peninsula, and a heavy rain of 250-342 mm fell in Dandong, Liaoning.


       Central Meteorological Observatory: There will be strong precipitation in Jianghan, the eastern part of northwest China.

       According to the latest weather released by the Central Meteorological Observatory this morning, due to the influence of high-altitude trough and low-level shear, there will be an obvious precipitation process from west to east in the eastern part of northwest China to Jianghan, Huanghuai and Jianghuai areas from night to 7, with moderate to heavy rain as the precipitation intensity, with heavy rain in some areas.

       In the next 24 hours, there will be moderate to heavy rain in parts of Jilin, eastern Liaoning, eastern North China, northern and eastern Shandong, southern Gansu, eastern and southern Southwest China, southwestern Jianghuai, northern Jiangnan and southwestern South China, with local heavy rain; Some of the above areas have short-term heavy precipitation, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

       Central Meteorological Observatory: Heavy rainfall is scattered, and rainfall in Northeast China is weakened.

       According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, from day to night, there is obvious rainfall in the northeast, north China, southwest China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, mainly small to moderate rain, and the distribution of heavy rain is relatively scattered.

       Recently, affected by typhoon residual circulation and cold air, North China, Northeast China and other places have experienced heavy rainfall. According to meteorological monitoring, the rain weakened in most areas yesterday, but there were still heavy rains in eastern Liaoning and Shandong Peninsula, among which heavy rains fell in Dandong, Liaoning.


       The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that the rainfall in Northeast China will be further weakened today. Although there is a wide range of rainfall in the country, the distribution of heavy rainfall is scattered. Among them, Jilin, eastern Liaoning, eastern North China, northern and eastern Shandong, southern Gansu, Yunnan and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River have moderate to heavy rains and local heavy rains. Some of the above areas have short-term heavy precipitation, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds, reminding people to pay attention to rain and lightning protection during weekend trips.

       Tomorrow, the heavy rainfall will be transferred to Qinghai, Gansu and other places, among which there is heavy rain in the eastern part of Gansu, so it is necessary to guard against geological disasters that may be caused by rainfall.


       Guide to severe convective weather prevention:

       1. The government and relevant departments shall, in accordance with their duties, do a good job in emergency defense against short-term rainstorm, lightning protection and strong wind, and the meteorological department shall prepare for artificial hail suppression and conduct operations at the right time;

       2. The driver should slow down when passing through the waterlogged section to confirm the safety before passing, and the traffic control department should take traffic control measures and traffic guidance in the heavy rainfall section and waterlogged section according to the road conditions;

       3. Outdoor personnel should reduce or suspend outdoor work in open places, choose to enter buildings with strong wind resistance and lightning protection measures, and close doors and windows away from dangerous power sources;

       4. Airports, railways, highways and water transportation units should take measures such as flight restriction, speed limit or temporary closure to ensure personnel and traffic safety. Water operations and passing ships in relevant waters should return to Hong Kong to evade and strengthen port facilities;

       5. Check the drainage systems of cities, farmland and fish ponds, and make necessary drainage measures and prepare for disasters such as mountain torrents, landslides and mudslides.

How important is China’s "key move" to the world?

"Since the reform and opening up, Volkswagen has always been an important member of China’s automobile industry. Based on the strategy of "in China, for China", in the future, we will make better use of local innovation forces and respond to the needs of China consumers more nimbly. " On 18th, Bered, chairman and CEO of audi ag (China), told International Sharp Review.

This year marks the 45th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up. Reform and opening up not only profoundly changed the face of China, but also brought win-win opportunities to the world. Especially in the past 10 years, China has implemented a more proactive opening-up strategy, and multinational companies like Volkswagen have gained rich returns.

Twenty-two free trade zones have been built, the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port has been accelerated, the negative list of foreign investment access has been continuously reduced, the Foreign Investment Law has been promulgated, and the "the belt and road initiative" has been built with high quality … In the past 10 years, China has been continuously opening up from a mobile type of goods and factors to an institutional type of opening up such as rules, regulations, management and standards, which proves that "opening up to the outside world is a key measure for China’s development".

So, how important is a high-level open China to the world?

What China’s open economy brings is, first of all, a solid contribution to economic growth. In the past 10 years, the proportion of China’s total economic output in the world economy has increased from 12.3% to over 18%, and its annual average contribution rate to world economic growth has exceeded 30%. China has been a major trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions. The International Monetary Fund predicts that the contribution rate of China’s economy will still exceed 30% this year. It can be seen that China has always been an important engine of world economic growth, which is particularly important at the moment when the world economic recovery is weak.

For multinational enterprises, they have enjoyed the dividend of China’s economic growth and gained extensive development space in China. In the past 10 years, the global share of China’s foreign investment has increased from 8.2% to 11.4%. The third phase of BASF Shanghai Innovation Park was completed, the third phase of Schneider Electric Shanghai Kangqiao Factory was put into production, and Danfoss Global Refrigeration R&D and Testing Center was put into use in Tianjin … Since this year, many foreign companies have invested more in China. According to a survey conducted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in the third quarter of this year, nearly 90% of the foreign-funded enterprises surveyed expect their profits to be flat or improved in the next five years. Wang Na, Marketing Director of Dole China, told International Sharp Review that he was very optimistic about the open China market and deeply felt that the demand of China consumers for high-quality fruits brought Dole more development opportunities.

The opening-up of China is still the opening-up that leads the economic development trends such as greening and digitalization. As the largest exporter of goods, China’s international share will increase to 14.7% in 2022. Since the beginning of this year, China’s "three new products" (electric manned vehicles, lithium batteries and solar cells) have caused a worldwide upsurge. Recently, Nikkei News reported that thanks to the vigorous development of green technology products, China has been the largest exporter of goods in the world.

In 2022, China’s digital economy accounted for 41.5% of GDP, ranking second in the world. Some analysts pointed out that China has gained great advantages in artificial intelligence, new energy, biotechnology and so on, and it is in the first camp and even occupies a dominant position. In Southeast Asia, China enterprises helped to build the first 5G smart hospital in ASEAN; In Africa, China’s digital intelligent logistics management system helps Nigerians to make online shopping more convenient; In Latin America, China cooperates with Brazil, Ecuador and other countries with digital technology to help protect the Amazon rainforest ecosystem and other environments … The development of digital technology in China is benefiting people of all countries and injecting new momentum into world economic growth.

More importantly, China’s concept of opening to the outside world and its efforts to build an open world economy have brought a new atmosphere to the global governance system. In the past 10 years, from putting forward the initiative of "the belt and road initiative", global development initiative, global security initiative and global civilization initiative, to holding a series of international exhibitions such as China International Import Expo(CIIE) and Service Trade Fair, to signing and implementing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and promoting the accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, China has always insisted on discussing, building and sharing, and welcomed the world to share opportunities in China. Take the co-construction of "the belt and road initiative" as an example. In the past 10 years, it has boosted the investment scale of nearly one trillion US dollars, created 420,000 jobs for the co-construction of the country and lifted nearly 40 million people out of poverty. This is a vivid interpretation of China’s concept of global governance, which promotes the continuous improvement of the global governance system.

"The open door of China will not be closed, but will only grow bigger and bigger." The just-concluded China Central Economic Work Conference in 2023 put forward a series of new measures on "opening up to the outside world at a high level". The world has every reason to look forward to China’s "key move" and the more opportunities it will bring, from accelerating the cultivation of new kinetic energy of foreign trade, relaxing market access for services such as telecommunications and medical care, and benchmarking international high-standard economic and trade rules.

(International Critical Commentator)

Growth of 121.0%, 84.2% … China promotes the high-quality development of cultural tourism.

Click to watch the video

CCTV News:The Press Office of the State Council held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities" today (December 14th). According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in the first three quarters of this year, there were 342,000 commercial performances nationwide, and the box office revenue was 31.54 billion yuan, up by 121.0% and 84.2% compared with the same period in 2019.

In order to promote inbound and outbound tourism, the national travel agencies and online travel enterprises have been resumed to operate the outbound group travel business of China citizens to 138 countries. In addition, in order to carry forward the excellent Chinese traditional culture, we are actively promoting the application for the Beijing Central Axis and the Spring Festival.

Source: CCTV

Mr. Su reads history. tt_from=weixin&utm_campaign=client_share&wxshare_count=1×tamp=1586643731&app=news_article&utm_source=weixin&utm_medium=toutiao_ios& req_id=202004120622110100260772100089963B&group_id=6702636771290645005

1. The Xia Dynasty (about 2070- 1600 BC) was the first dynasty, which lasted for nearly 440 years. The main activity area was the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, which was equivalent to Shanxi, Henan and Hebei today.

2. Shang Dynasty (about 1600 BC-about 1046 BC)

3. Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC)

4. Qin Dynasty (221 BC-246 BC) In 221 AD, the Qin Dynasty destroyed six countries and established the first unified centralized dynasty. The Xiongnu and Donghu nationalities were in the north, but they had not yet contacted the western regions.

5. Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-8 AD) The Han Dynasty is now Xinjiang. The forces of the Western Han Dynasty entered the Korean Peninsula and incorporated half of its territory into China.

6. In the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), the war between the Han Dynasty and the northern Xiongnu continued, and after that, the Xiongnu split internally, and Xianbei took advantage of it to occupy all parts of Xiongnu.

7. The Three Kingdoms (220-265) In 220 AD, Cao Pi called Wei Di, in 221 Liu Bei called Han Di, and in 222, Sun Quan established the year number, which became the trend of the three kingdoms. The combined area of these three countries is the area of the Han Dynasty, of which Wei is the most powerful.

8. The Western Jin Dynasty (A.D. 266-A.D. 316) wiped out Wu in the West, ending the tripartite confrontation between the three countries.

9. Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420)

10. The Sui Dynasty (581-618 or 619) ended the division for more than 400 years and reunified the whole country.

11. The territory of the pre-Tang Dynasty (618-907) shows that the Tang Dynasty was powerful at that time, and the development of the western and northern territories has surpassed any dynasty. In the late Tang Dynasty, the territory shrank greatly, and Tufan reached its peak, which was a great threat to the Tang Dynasty.

12. Five Dynasties and Ten States (907-979)

13. Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) Among the major dynasties in China, the Song Dynasty was the smallest.

14. Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1276) During the Southern Song Dynasty, Mongolia rose, and soon it will wipe out the Asian powers and establish an unprecedented Mongolian empire. The dynasty established by Temujin can be said to be endless, and the iron hoof of the Yuan army has almost traveled all over Asia, and human beings have been unable to stop the pace of the Yuan Dynasty. The four Han dynasties in the picture all obeyed the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty and were under the control of the central government.

How many of the 40 most influential games of the year have you played?

[CNMO News] Recently, CNMO noticed that Jordan Minor, a foreign entertainment science and technology reporter, recently published a book, which selected more than 40 most influential annual games (except 2021) from 1977 to now, and collected the best, most pioneering and strangest video games of the year. Let’s take a look at some games.

1977: Pong (Table Tennis), the first video game that attracted wide attention.

1978: Space Invaders

1979: Speed Freak was the first first-person racing game.

1980: Pac-Man

1981: Donkey Kong (donkey kong)

1982: Pitfall

1983: The Adventures of the Dragon Cave

1984: Tetris, as one of the most famous games in the world, still has many die-hard fans.

1985: Super Mario Bros.

1986: The Brave Fight the Dragon

1987: the legend of zelda is a famous game series released by Nintendo.

1988: Rockman 2

1989: Sim City

1990: Legend of Monkey Island/Little Hero of Monkey Island/Secret of Monkey Island

1991: sonic the hedgehog

1992: German Headquarters 3D

1993: NBA Carnival

1994: Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo

1995: King Kong Kingdom 2

1996: Super Mario 64

1997: Final Fantasy 7

1998: metal gear Solid

1999: Cyber Raiders 2

2000: Half-Life: Counter-Terrorism Elite

2001: Halo: Battle Evolution

2002: Grand Theft Auto: Sin City

2003: The Staff of the legend of zelda Wind

2004: World of Warcraft, a popular multiplayer online role-playing game, is regarded as one of the most influential works in the game history.

2005: Resident Evil 4

2006: Wii Movement

2007: Rock Band

2008: Spore

2009: Mysterious Sea 2: Across the World

2010: Super Carnivorous Boy

2011: My World

2012: The Walking Dead

2013: Exploration of Depression

2014: Destiny

2015: Wizard 3: wild hunt

2016: Baokemeng Go

2017: Night of the Fortress

2018: Nintendo Star Wars Special Edition

2019: "Only Wolf: The Shadow Dies Twice"

2020: "Gather! Animal Forest Friends Association

2022: The Ultimate Deluxe Edition of Stanley’s Fables

For game enthusiasts, many games are familiar to everyone. So many games, which ones have you played?