Chery Tiggo 9 will be listed next year, positioning medium-sized SUV from T2X Mars architecture.

More advanced platform, producing higher-end cars.

Tiggo 9, a medium-sized SUV—— from Chery T2X Mars architecture, is exposed in real car photos and is expected to be officially launched in 2023.

Take off the disguised Chery "T26", and on the tail label, we confirmed that this is a Tiggo 9 model.

Previously, after the exposure of the real car map of Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris, we also speculated that Chery’s new car would adopt a more fashionable and avant-garde design. However, the appearance of Tiggo 9 denied our speculation. The front face design is very similar to that of Tiggo 7 PLUS, which has just appeared. Although it is a brand-new family design, its style is "very Chery" and there is not much novelty. The overall style is still quite satisfactory, with no emphasis on sports and no emphasis on fashion.

I only know that the positioning is a medium-sized SUV, but the specific size has not yet been announced. Chery 9 uses a number of tough lines on the body to enhance the muscle sense of the vehicle. The hidden door handle makes the side of the body look cleaner and at the same time enhances the technological atmosphere.

The shape of the tail is simple, the spoiler is used on the roof, and the taillights on both sides are blackened lampshades, which are connected by a blackened decorative board. The exhaust devices on both sides are chrome-plated, and the hard-core temperament is outstanding. The tail label is marked with "TIGGO 9" to confirm the identity.

In the interior, the new car uses a large integrated screen, the air conditioning outlet has a back design, the central passage is wide, and the storage space is rich. At the same time, the vehicle adopts a hood design, and the material selection in the car is also very high-end.

In the power part, the new car uses a 2.0T engine with a maximum power of 187kW and a peak torque of 390 N m. The transmission system is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox.

Among the domestic SUV models, Chery’s power is outstanding, but it has been criticized for its design. The appearance of Tiggo 9 has not changed much. Although it comes from the new T2X Mars price, it will have better performance and experience, but it will not be dressed up. It is expected that the sales volume will not have much breakthrough.

What do you think? Will Tiggo 9 be more popular than the moon?

Have you been tricked into eating sugar, dyeing your hair and playing mobile phones?

  According to the statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cancer is the second leading cause of death in America. However, when it comes to knowledge about this disease, the public still has a little knowledge about it. To make matters worse, many misunderstandings about diseases spread online and offline, making it difficult for people to identify correct information from unfounded fallacies. American "Best Life" website collects scientific evidence and expert advice, refuting the most common misunderstandings in this field.

  Myth 1: Eating sugar will make cancer worse.

  Perhaps because cancer cells consume more glucose than other cells, people believe that eating sugar will make the disease worse. However, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) refuted this statement, pointing out that "no research shows that eating sugar will make cancer worse, or if you stop eating sugar, the tumor will shrink or disappear."

  Myth 2: The more dairy products you eat,

  The more likely you are to get breast cancer.

  Women can safely eat cheese and yogurt without worrying about breast cancer. The research results published in the International Journal of Epidemiology by researchers from Harvard School of Public Health show that there is no significant correlation between the intake of total dairy products (including both liquid dairy products and solid dairy products) and the risk of breast cancer.

  Myth 3: Eating artificial sweeteners can cause cancer.

  People had this concern in the 1970s and 1980s, because studies at that time showed that the intake of artificial sweeteners (such as saccharin and aspartame) would lead to cancer in mice. However, further tests prove that these substances will not have the same effect on human beings. Nowadays, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that all sugar substitutes (except sodium cyclamate) are safe to eat.

  Myth 4: Using mobile phones can cause cancer.

  This common cancer misunderstanding stems from the fact that mobile phones emit electromagnetic radiation. However, there are obvious differences between high-frequency radiation (such as X-ray radiation) and low-frequency radiation (radiation emitted by mobile phones). Although high-frequency radiation will increase the risk of cancer, there is no conclusive evidence that low-frequency radiation has such an effect on the body. Epidemiological studies on the exposure of mobile phones to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields have not shown that users have an increased risk of brain tumors or other cancers.

  Myth 5 Cancer is completely a genetic disease.

  Although medical scientists are still investigating the causes of cancer, the National Cancer Institute of the United States suggests that 5%~10% of cancers are caused by genetic factors, and the remaining risk factors include exposure to harmful substances in the environment (such as tobacco and air pollutants) and genetic mutations caused by aging.

  Myth 6: Only women get breast cancer

  Although it is not common, it is also possible for men to develop breast cancer, but the probability is low. The probability of breast cancer in an average man’s life is 1 in 883.

  Myth 7: If the mammogram results are normal,

  There would be no breast cancer.

  Because mammography may miss important information, it is impossible to make a diagnosis only by mammography. High-risk groups with genetic susceptibility to breast cancer should consider magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for more accurate screening.

  Myth 8: Hair dyeing will increase the risk of cancer.

  The research results on carcinogenesis of hair dyes are contradictory. Therefore, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that hair dyes do not include carcinogens harmful to human beings, but they also warned that occupational exposure (such as hairdressers) may cause cancer to human beings.

  Myth 9: Weight has nothing to do with cancer risk.

  Weight is directly related to the risk of cancer. According to the research results published in The Lancet-Oncology by researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, in 2012, 3.6% of all new cancer cases among adults were related to weight.

  There are many reasons why obese people have a high risk of cancer. One theory is that overweight people have chronic low-grade inflammation, which will damage DNA over time and eventually lead to illness.

  Myth 10: People with dark skin color should not have skin cancer.

  Although skin cancer is more common in people with light skin color, dark skin color does not protect you from ultraviolet radiation. The research results published in the Journal of American Dermatology Association by researchers in case western reserve university, USA, show that melanoma is more deadly to people with darker skin color; Moreover, some skin cancers (such as acral melanoma) are more common in people with dark skin color.

  Myth 11 Using antiperspirants can lead to breast cancer.

  This misconception is that the substances in antiperspirants will penetrate into axillary lymph nodes, causing cell mutation, which will lead to cancer. However, the American Cancer Society refuted this statement, pointing out that "there is little scientific evidence" to support this speculation.

  Researchers at the Fred Haakinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, USA, published research results in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, showing that the use of antiperspirants and deodorants has nothing to do with the increased risk of breast cancer.

  Myth 12 Breast augmentation will increase the risk of breast cancer

  A meta-analysis published by FDA researchers in the Journal of Plastic Surgery shows that breast augmentation does not increase the risk of breast cancer. However, it is worth noting that there is a small connection between breast augmentation and anaplastic large cell lymphoma, but this rare cancer can be treated.

  Myth 13: People who receive cancer treatment must be hospitalized.

  Although the treatment of cancer does require several visits to the hospital, patients do not need to stay there until their condition is relieved. In fact, many patients with early cancer can continue to live a normal life and only need to go to the hospital for treatment and examination on a regular basis.

  Myth 14 Only smokers get lung cancer.

  Although smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer, other risk factors (such as secondhand smoke, radon in the air and exposure to asbestos) also increase the risk of lung cancer.

  Misunderstanding 15

  Infection with human papillomavirus will definitely lead to cervical cancer.

  Some strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) develop into cervical cancer over time, but this is not always the case. There are more than 200 strains of HPV, but only a few of them are high risk factors for cervical cancer. About 70% of cervical cancer is caused by two types (HPV16 and HPV18).

  Myth 16

  Negative emotions can make

  The condition of cancer patients is worse.

  Usually, when cancer patients have no improvement after receiving treatment, their instinct is to blame their negative attitude as the root of the problem. However, the American Cancer Society points out that there is no connection between personality characteristics and cancer survival rate.

  Myth 17: Surgery will cause cancer to spread.

  According to the Cancer Council of New South Wales, Australia, there is no evidence to support the spread of cancer caused by surgery. Because this disease grows and reproduces in the blood, it has nothing to do with surgery.

  Myth 18 Herbal supplements can cure cancer.

  According to the research results published in the Journal of Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine by researchers from Taiwan Province Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center in China, only when combined with conventional treatment can herbal supplements play a role in relieving the disease.

  Myth 19 Biopsy will lead to the spread of cancer.

  Because some patients feel worse after biopsy, they mistakenly believe that exposing cancer to the air will make their condition worse. In fact, there is no evidence that biopsy of lesions will lead to the spread of cancer, and there is no evidence that exposing tumors to the air will lead to its spread to other body parts.

  Myth 20 Chemotherapy always makes patients feel uncomfortable.

  Since the first use of chemotherapy in the 1940s and 1950s, this therapy has made great progress. In order to reduce or even eliminate the side effects, medical scientists have made great efforts, and the patients’ bad feelings are not as serious as imagined.

  Myth 21 Cancer is contagious.

  Cancer itself is not contagious, and you can’t get the disease from others at all. However, some infectious viruses (such as HPV and hepatitis B and C viruses) can cause cancer, so we need to be careful.

  Myth 22 Fluoride can cause cancer.

  Fluoride in tap water and toothpaste does not cause cancer. In February 1991, after reviewing more than 50 population studies, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced that fluoride in its natural form would not pose a cancer risk to human beings.

  Myth 23 getting cancer is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

  Due to technological progress and new medical discoveries, the survival probability of cancer patients is much higher than before. According to the data of the National Cancer Institute, the 5-year survival rate of all types of cancer adds up to about 67%, while for specific cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and thyroid gland, this statistic is as high as 90%. (Compile/Guo Shaoshan)

The "2019 Lantern Festival Gala" of the Central Radio and Television General Station continues to be full of new ideas and full of flavor.

  People who watch the lanterns and enjoy the moon laugh and have a lantern festival. The "2019 Lantern Festival Gala" of the Central Radio and Television General Station was successfully broadcast in the prime time of the Lantern Festival at 8: 00 pm. Song and dance programs are auspicious and joyful, language works are full of laughter, opera performances are lively and festive, and folk interaction is full of new ideas. The whole party not only has ideological, artistic and ornamental program content, but also has a grounded, popular and lively performance lineup, which fully shows the cheerful atmosphere of compatriots of all ethnic groups in the country to spend the Lantern Festival together. In addition to CCTV’s comprehensive channel, variety channel and China Communications Broadcasting, all the new media platforms under the Central Radio and Television General Station, such as Voice of China, Voice of Economy, Voice of Music, Voice of Literature and Art, Guoguang Chinese Global Broadcasting, and Global Information Broadcasting, are broadcast in the form of abstract and recording.

  All corners of the country are full of fun, and compatriots of all ethnic groups gather together for joy.

  East, West, North and South, National People’s Congress. "2019 Lantern Festival Evening" takes into account the aesthetic differences in different regions of the motherland and brings you programs with distinctive regional characteristics. Among them, the drama program Guangdong Chaozhou Opera "Watching Lights" uses the legend of Chen San’s encounter with Huang Wuniang to sing the beautiful marriage of the Lantern Festival in South Guangdong; The song "Long time no see, long time no see" is sung by Hainan dialect. In the lyrics of "Long time no see, I really want to see it, A-mei", it shows the grand scene of Qiongzhou people celebrating Yuanxiao. The sketch "Say it quickly, I will" was all performed by Southwest Mandarin, showing the audience the language charm of Sichuan and Sichuan. The essay "Northeast Collection" by Dove and Guo Jinjie, relying on the Northeast Fair, brought together laborers from Shandong, Chongqing, Anhui, Henan, Fujian and other parts of the country, fully demonstrating the enthusiasm of compatriots in different regions of the motherland.

  Creativity from all corners of the country gathered together, and compatriots of all ethnic groups shared the same heart. A song "The Power of Rejuvenation" eulogizes the firm determination of compatriots all over the country to build a well-off society in an all-round way with the words "Chinese sons and daughters, a hundred tempering into steel, creating miracles, and never forgetting their initial intentions"!

  Dream chasers spread their wings. Veterans escort rookies bravely pursue dreams.

  This year, CCTV Spring Festival Evening and Tik Tok jointly launched the new media campaign # We are all dream catchers #, which gathered the voices of people from all walks of life who are still sticking to their posts through music and dance, and the number of broadcasts in five hours was over 100 million. Therefore, on the stage of "Lantern Festival in 2019", police officers, medical staff, assembly line workers and flight attendants from the front line, together with Professor Peking University, sang the common aspiration of dream catchers in the new era with the song "We are all dream catchers, Qian Shan rushes to the runway of heaven and earth, and you chase me to catch up with the surging spring tide, and the sky is wide and warm."

  In addition, the "2019 Lantern Festival" veteran rookie is on the same stage, and the old artists use their rich stage experience to escort the rookies and help them take off to pursue their dreams. Three generations of singers, Guo Lanying, Zhang Ye and Zhou Huan, used the classic song My Motherland to praise the great motherland and express their wishes for the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. Nine Wan Li Fengpeng is lifting, the new era is sailing, and we are struggling to start again in the song; Yang Shaohua and Yang discuss the partnership between father and son, and bring joy to everyone with the cross talk of "Laughter and Laughter"; Li Guyi and Xu Ziwei sang "You Raise Me to Grow Up and I Grow Old with You", which made the audience feel the warmth and companionship of family reunion at the Lantern Festival.

  Traditional culture abides by folk customs, inherits the beauty and fragrance of China.

  Lantern Festival is the first full moon festival ushered in the Year of Pig in Jihai. In this traditional festival, traditional folk customs such as eating Yuanxiao, enjoying lanterns and solve riddles on the lanterns are indispensable. In "2019 Lantern Festival", the inheritors of Chinese intangible cultural heritage lantern project, national intangible cultural heritage Bianjing Lantern Zhang, China tanghua non-genetic inheritor and sugar blower inheritor, dough sculpture inheritor, as well as Yuanxiao master, Tangyuan master and lantern riddle master, showed the production process of Yuanxiao, Tangyuan, sugar man, noodle man and tanghua, and made them with the scene.

  On the stage of "Lantern Festival in 2019", there are not only non-genetic inheritance and folk customs, but also the content of the program pays attention to inheriting excellent traditional culture through innovation. The martial arts program "China Style" combines China traditional martial arts with fan dance, combining rigidity with softness; The opera program "Golden Pig Delivers Happiness" brings together clowns from ten local operas in the country, and the South-to-North Tune jointly sends the audience good wishes for the Lantern Festival; The instrumental music program "Dancing with the Golden Snake" brings together four traditional Chinese musical instruments, namely erhu, bamboo flute, guzheng and pipa, and forms an artistic joint force that borrows from each other, perfects each other and integrates, and celebrates the Lantern Festival with melodious and cheerful music. These programs, which contain the essence of Chinese traditional culture, present the unique spiritual connotation of Chinese culture to audiences all over the world, and show the enduring charm of Chinese traditional culture and the spiritual quality of tolerance and harmony of the Chinese nation.

  In addition, programs with strong festive atmosphere such as Happy Lantern Festival and Reunion Year won the audience’s strong love as soon as they came on stage. In this regard, Qin Xinmin, the chief contributor of "2019 Lantern Festival Evening", said frankly that this year’s Lantern Festival Evening program is rich in forms, and it is hoped that through the lively and interesting folk interaction, a festive atmosphere will be created. While "True colors of soldiers" and other programs are gifts for the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, which has aroused strong emotional resonance among the national audience and won intensive praise.

  Who can sit around at the sight of the moon, and where can I smell the lights? The "2019 Lantern Festival Evening" of the Central Radio and Television General Station continued the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival. The party expresses people’s wishes and aspirations in the Lantern Festival in an artistic way, records people’s sense of happiness, acquisition and pride, and injects new vitality into the new year in the artistic, ideological and people-oriented literary feast, helping dream catchers to fly bravely!