37,000 the order volume of Hengchi 5? "Beautiful, so beautiful"!

Hengchi Automobile officially announced the order of Hengchi 5 at the "First 720 Hengchi Festival". As of 18:23 on July 20, the order of Hengchi 5 had reached 37,180 units. It simply confirmed the words of Boss Xu: "Beautiful, so beautiful"!

Hengchi New Energy Vehicle Group President Liu Yongzhuo said in an interview recently that since the pre-sale conference on July 6, the market response of this car has exceeded expectations, and confidently believes that: Hengchi 5 big sale has become a foregone conclusion! On July 6, the day of the announcement of the pre-sale price of 179,000 yuan, the conference introduced various rich configurations including three screens, etc., and the host called Hengchi 5 the best pure electric SUV within 300,000 yuan.

In addition, Hengda mobilized almost all the available forces and allocated them to major regions and subdivided them into each project. The specific sales assessment indicators will be determined according to the number of community owners. Even grass-roots employees have 2 indicators per person, and deputy managers have 4 indicators above; in addition to employees, the community housekeeper of the property also assists the owner to complete the task of downloading and registering the Hengchi APP. Xu Jiayin personally supervised the formation to ensure that Hengchi 5 could open the market in the early stage.

Hengchi 5 is positioned as a compact pure electric SUV. The new car CLTC has a comprehensive cruising range of 602km. The car can be returned and refunded within 15 days after pickup, and the 60% discount will be repurchased within three years after pickup. The deposit for the first 10,000 cars is 10,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan. What kind of clues are there behind such a beautiful operation?

First of all, the car purchase payment is paid to the special account supervision of Tianjin Jinbin Notary Office. This is the first time I have seen it in the automotive field. Of course, everyone knows the problem of Evergrande’s capital chain. If a large amount of money is injected into the corporate account, it is likely to be wasted.

In addition, Hengchi had previously found agencies or industry media to place a large number of advertisements, but many of the settlement fees had not yet been received. When he went to Hengchi Automobile’s public relations, he found that people had already left the tea cold. Unless they went to Guangzhou to file a lawsuit, the media would have to suffer a loss.

The most important thing for Hengchi at the moment is to build the car. After all, everyone has long learned about Hengda’s credit. From the number of days to the delay in delivery, the masses really don’t want to listen to fake news anymore. If the car can be delivered smoothly, it is indeed a good development for Hengchi. Unlike buying a house, if the deposit is paid first, the deposit cannot be returned at most, and the related losses cannot be compared with buying a house. But now, it is not easy for everyone to make money, and if it cannot be delivered in the end, the losses will be not small. At that time, the cost of all aspects required to protect their rights will be enough to drink a pot.

So whether it is beautiful or not, time will give us the answer. Please wait and see.

Notice of Beijing Municipal Commission of Science and Technology and Zhongguancun Science Park Management Committee on Printing and Distributing the Administrative Measures of Zhongguancun National In

Jingkefa [2022] No.6

All relevant units:

  The Measures for the Management of Support Funds for Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone to Promote technology and finance’s Deep Integration Development (Trial) has been considered and adopted by the 6th administrative office meeting of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee in 2022. It is hereby printed and distributed, please follow it.

  I hereby inform you.

Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Science Park Management Committee    

June 10, 2022  

Measures for the Administration of Support Funds for Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone to Promote technology and finance’s Deep Integration Development (Trial)

  Chapter I General Provisions

  Article 1 In order to implement the Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the High-quality Development of National High-tech Industrial Development Zones (Guo Fa [2020] No.7) and the Development and Construction Plan of Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone during the Tenth Five-Year Plan period (Zhong Shi Qu Zu Fa [2021] No.1), further standardize the management and use of support funds, promote Zhongguancun’s pilot project and technology and finance’s supply-side structural reform, and improve the financial support innovation system.

  Article 2 The supporting funds of these Measures shall be arranged by the municipal financial funds, charged from the special funds of Beijing Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Science Park Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee), and used according to the annual budget.

  Article 3 The management and use of funds supported by these Measures shall follow the principles of openness, transparency, highlighting key points, earmarking funds and paying attention to actual results.

  Article 4 The support objects of these Measures are high-tech enterprises and financial service institutions. Among them, high-tech enterprises refer to the national high-tech enterprises and Zhongguancun high-tech enterprises registered in Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone (hereinafter referred to as Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone); Financial service institutions refer to the headquarters or branches established in Beijing with the approval of the regulatory authorities. Innovative entities registered in other areas of Beijing that meet the supporting conditions shall be implemented with reference.

  Chapter II Supporting Contents and Standards

  Section 1 Vigorously Develop Angels and Venture Capital

  Article 5 Support long-term capital to participate in scientific and technological innovation investment.

  (1) Support content

  Guide long-term capital such as social security funds, insurance funds and bank wealth management funds to increase investment in venture capital funds ①, private equity secondary market funds ② and M&A funds ③. If the fund investment effect is good, the investors will be given periodic investment risk subsidies in different grades.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. Funds shall be registered in Beijing, and the types of funds shall conform to the positioning of venture capital funds, private equity secondary market funds (S funds) and M&A funds, and shall be filed in asset management association of china.

  2. The fund should focus on the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone, and the investment effect is good.

  3. Social security funds, insurance funds and bank financing funds should be registered in Beijing, and the actual annual contribution to the fund is more than 300 million yuan (inclusive).

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. Support shall be given in different grades according to the annual investment amount, among which, if the actual investment amount is between 300 million yuan and 500 million yuan (inclusive), financial support of no more than 5 million yuan shall be given; If the actual investment is between 500 million yuan and 1 billion yuan (inclusive), no more than 8 million yuan will be given for financial support; If the actual capital contribution is more than 1 billion yuan, financial support of no more than 10 million yuan will be given. Subsidies to the funders of the same fund shall not exceed 3 years.

  Sixth guide investment institutions to carry out early hard science and technology investment.

  (1) Support content

  Support investment institutions to strengthen industry research and risk control, focus on enterprises in high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone to carry out early investment, and give risk subsidy funds to investment institutions that carry out the first round of investment according to the actual investment amount.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. An investment institution shall be registered in Beijing with a registered capital of more than 10 million yuan (inclusive), registered as a private fund manager in asset management association of china, and the fund shall be filed in asset management association of china.

  2. The invested enterprise has been established for no more than 5 years, which is in line with the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and has core technology or independent intellectual property rights.

  3. The participating investment shall be the first round of investment, with a single investment amount of more than 5 million yuan (inclusive), and the equity ratio of the investment institution after investing in the enterprise shall not exceed 50%.

  4. Non-repeated support for multiple funds managed by the same investment institution to invest in the same enterprise.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. Investment risk subsidies shall be given according to 20% of the actual investment, with a single subsidy not exceeding 2 million yuan, and the total subsidy of each investment institution not exceeding 5 million yuan each year.

  Article 7 Support the transfer of fund shares.

  (1) Support content

  Support private equity investment funds to carry out share transfer on the fund share transfer platform of Beijing Equity Exchange Center, improve the liquidity of funds, and subsidize the expenses incurred by the fund share transferor in the transfer process.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. Private equity investment funds should be registered in Beijing, focusing on high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone, and the investment effect is good.

  2. The transferor (except individuals, government investment fund holding institutions or management institutions) shall be registered in Beijing, and the transferred fund shares shall be above 30 million yuan (inclusive) after evaluation.

  3. The expenses incurred in the transfer process include transaction expenses ⑤ and intermediary service agency expenses ⑤, etc.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. According to 40% of the expenses incurred in the process of fund transfer, the transferor shall be subsidized, and each subsidy shall not exceed 1 million yuan.

  Section II Deepening the Innovation of Science and Technology Credit and Science and Technology Insurance

  Article 8 Deepen the pilot project of enterprise credit financing.

  (1) Support content

  Support guarantee institutions to participate in the pilot project of "creating credit and financing", share enterprise credit information, share credit risks, and continuously expand the scale of the first credit guarantee loan. If the cooperative guarantee institutions compensate the service enterprises, they shall be given financial support for risk compensation.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. Enterprises should meet the criteria for small or micro enterprises in the Notice on Printing and Distributing the Criteria for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (No.300 [2011] of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology), and meet the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone, with core technologies or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. The guarantee institution shall provide the enterprise with the first credit guarantee loan (without any counter-guarantee measures) through the pilot cooperative institution recognized by the People’s Bank of China Management Department as "Chuangxinrong", and the amount of the guarantee loan shall be more than 1 million yuan (inclusive).

  3 when applying for financial funds, the cooperative guarantee institution has been compensated, and it does not exceed the upper limit of the compensation rate set by it. Guarantee institutions should take effective debt recovery measures after obtaining risk compensation funds and pay back the recovery income in time. After deducting relevant expenses, the income recovered from compensation projects shall be returned to all parties in a timely manner according to the proportion of compensation sharing.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. Risk compensation shall be made to cooperative guarantee institutions according to 50% of the compensation amount of cooperative guarantee institutions, and the compensation amount of each guarantee institution shall not exceed 10 million yuan each year.

  Ninth support enterprises to obtain technology insurance services.

  (1) Support content

  Support enterprises to obtain loans or spread risks through science and technology insurance products, and give enterprise premium subsidies.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The annual operating income of the enterprise (referring to the operating income of the enterprise in the last fiscal year at the time of business occurrence, the same below) is less than 200 million yuan (inclusive), which is in line with the high-tech industrial field of Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and has core technology or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. Science and technology insurance products should be approved or put on record by the insurance regulatory authorities, which are currently valid, including financing insurance, R&D insurance and product insurance (see the annual project declaration notice for the list of science and technology insurance products).

  3 enterprises through science and technology insurance loans or insurance amount should be more than 20 million yuan (inclusive).

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Post-subsidy support is adopted. According to 60% of the actual premium, enterprises are given subsidy support, and the annual premium subsidy amount of each enterprise does not exceed 500,000 yuan.

  Tenth support enterprises to carry out financial leasing.

  (1) Support content

  Support enterprises to obtain new technologies and new products through financial leasing, and give enterprises financing expenses subsidies.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The annual business income of the enterprise is less than 200 million yuan (inclusive), which is in line with the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and has core technology or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. The subject matter of financial leasing is new technologies and new products needed to build a common technology platform or scientific research and development services.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. Subsidies will be given to enterprises according to 20% of financing costs (including rental interest and handling fees), and the amount of subsidies for each enterprise will not exceed 500,000 yuan per year. The subsidy for the same financial leasing business of the enterprise shall not exceed 3 years.

  Eleventh the establishment of multi-party participation in intellectual property pledge financing cost sharing and risk compensation mechanism.

  (1) Support content

  1. Support enterprises to obtain intellectual property pledge loans ⑦, and give enterprises discount support.

  2. Support banks, guarantee, insurance, intellectual property professional institutions, etc. to provide intellectual property pledge loans to enterprises individually or in combination. In case of non-performing loans, risk compensation support shall be given according to their respective risk-bearing parts of the principal.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The annual business income of the enterprise is less than 200 million yuan (inclusive), which is in line with the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and has core technology or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. To apply for loan discount support funds, the floating rate of the interest rate of intellectual property pledge loans shall not exceed 40% of the one-year loan market quotation rate (LPR) of banks in the same period. If an enterprise obtains an intellectual property pledge loan for the first time or obtains a two-year or above medium-and long-term intellectual property pledge loan, there is no limit on the floating rate of the loan interest rate.

  3. To apply for supporting funds for risk compensation of intellectual property pledge loans, banks and other relevant institutions need to set the upper limit of non-performing rate of intellectual property pledge financing according to their own conditions. When the non-performing rate of intellectual property pledge financing of a single institution exceeds its set upper limit, the risk compensation support for the institution will be suspended, and the institution will be given a risk early warning and evaluated, and whether the institution will continue to enjoy risk compensation support will be decided according to the evaluation results.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support.

  1. Loan interest subsidy: 40% of the actual loan interest is given to enterprises, and the annual interest subsidy for a single enterprise does not exceed 500,000 yuan.

  2. Risk compensation: risk compensation shall be provided to the relevant institutions according to no more than 50% of the respective risk-bearing parts of the principal, and the annual risk compensation funds involving a single enterprise shall not exceed 5 million yuan, with a cumulative amount of no more than 10 million yuan.

  Section III Support Enterprises to Use Capital Market for Financing Development

  Article 12 Support enterprises to be listed on the New Third Board and Beijing Fourth Board.

  (1) Support content

  Support enterprises to be listed in the national share transfer system for small and medium-sized enterprises and Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center), provide financial support for enterprises to be listed, boost the innovative and compliant development of enterprises, and accelerate the listing in the capital market.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. Enterprises should conform to the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and have core technologies or independent intellectual property rights.

  2. The enterprise shall obtain a letter from the National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Share Transfer System Co., Ltd. agreeing to the listing of the enterprise in the National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Share Transfer System, or a letter from Beijing Equity Exchange Center Co., Ltd. agreeing to the listing of the enterprise in Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center).

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support.

  1. To be listed in the national share transfer system for small and medium-sized enterprises, financial support will be given by layers. Among them, if it is approved to be listed at the basic level, each enterprise will be given no more than 500,000 yuan in financial support; Those who enter the innovation layer after being allowed to adjust the level will be given financial support of no more than 500,000 yuan for each enterprise; If it is allowed to directly enter the innovation layer for listing, each enterprise will be given no more than 1 million yuan in financial support.

  2. For those who are allowed to be listed on the Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center), each enterprise will be given no more than 300,000 yuan in financial support.

  Thirteenth support the construction of multi-level capital market service platform (base).

  (1) Support content

  1. Support domestic securities trading institutions to build a multi-level capital market service platform (base) in Beijing, provide enterprises with professional services such as listing, listing and issuing bonds, and provide financial support for comprehensive services with good results.

  2. Support Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center) to provide corporate governance, financial management, equity incentives and other capital market compliance services for listed display enterprises such as Science and Technology Incubator 8, and provide financial support according to the comprehensive service effect.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The multi-level capital market service platform (base) is established by domestic securities trading institutions, and has a fixed business service place in Beijing, which has been in continuous operation for one year.

  2. Multi-level capital market service platform (base) and Beijing regional equity market (Beijing equity exchange center) provide professional services for enterprises with good results.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support.

  1. For multi-level capital market service platforms (bases), financial support shall be given according to 0.1‰ of the actual amount of annual listing or listing financing and bond issuance of the service enterprises, and the amount of support for each platform shall not exceed 5 million yuan each year.

  2. For Beijing regional equity market (Beijing Equity Exchange Center), according to its comprehensive service effect, no more than 2 million yuan of financial support will be given every year.

  Fourteenth support enterprises to actively carry out mergers and acquisitions.

  (1) Support content

  Support enterprises to actively carry out mergers and acquisitions, enhance the innovation ability of key core technologies, and give financial support to acquirers according to the transaction amount of mergers and acquisitions.

  (2) Supporting conditions

  1. The acquirer shall be listed at home and abroad, or listed in the national share transfer system for small and medium-sized enterprises.

  2. The acquirer and the acquired party shall conform to the high-tech industries in Zhongguancun Demonstration Zone and have core technologies or independent intellectual property rights.

  3. The acquirer obtained the absolute controlling right of the acquired enterprise for the first time through this acquisition (the equity ratio exceeds 50%), and the M&A transaction amount is above 10 million yuan (inclusive).

  4. The acquirer obtains key core technologies through this acquisition, and further enhances its innovation capability and market core competitiveness.

  (3) Method and amount of support

  Take the form of post-subsidy support. According to 5% of the M&A transaction amount, the M&A enterprise shall be given financial support, and the annual support amount of each project shall not exceed 2 million yuan, and the annual support amount of each enterprise shall not exceed 5 million yuan.

  Chapter III Project Declaration and Audit

  Article 15 The reporting process supported by these Measures shall be subject to the reporting notice issued by the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee, which mainly includes the following links:

  (1) Fill in the project declaration online. The applicant shall fill in and submit the project declaration form through the Beijing Science and Technology Plan Integrated Management Platform according to the relevant requirements of the annual declaration notice.

  (2) Review the project. Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Management Committee to carry out evaluation according to the acceptance of the project, and determine the support scheme according to the evaluation opinions.

  (3) publicity of the results. The Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee will publicize the list of projects to be supported on the official website (except those classified and otherwise prohibited by laws and regulations), and the publicity period is 5 working days.

  (4) disbursement of funds. Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Management Committee allocated support funds in accordance with the relevant provisions.

  Sixteenth to strengthen the project audit, the same reporting unit with the same content of the project has obtained financial support from the city through other channels, and these measures will not be repeated.

  Article 17 Before the review of the application project (task), if the applicant is in the disciplinary period of scientific research dishonesty or is included in the list of untrustworthy executors and serious illegal and untrustworthy enterprises, the application qualification will be cancelled. Before allocating support funds, if the undertaking unit has been revoked or cancelled, or the registered place has moved out of the administrative area of this Municipality, or the undertaking unit and relevant personnel have been punished for dishonesty, they will no longer be supported.

  Chapter IV Performance Management and Supervision

  Eighteenth strengthen the budget performance management, strengthen the application of performance evaluation results. Undertaking units shall, in accordance with the requirements of the full implementation of budget performance management, establish and improve the working mechanism of performance management, strengthen the responsibility constraint of performance management, set performance targets scientifically and reasonably according to regulations, cooperate with relevant departments to do a good job in performance monitoring, performance evaluation or performance appraisal, and improve the efficiency in the use of funds. Relevant results serve as an important basis for follow-up support.

  Nineteenth project declaration to implement the good faith commitment system. The applicant shall submit a letter of commitment of good faith, and promise that the materials submitted are true, effective and complete, meet the requirements of good faith, and bear corresponding responsibilities.

  Article 20 The undertaker shall strengthen the management of the use of special funds, establish and improve the internal control system, implement earmarking and separate accounting, and cooperate with the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee to supervise, inspect and audit the use of funds.

  Article 21 If the undertaker obtains financial support by cheating or other improper means, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Management Committee will take measures such as terminating the project execution, recovering the allocated project funds, and canceling the project undertaker’s qualification for project application within a certain period of time.

  Twenty-second commitment units and related personnel have dishonesty, in accordance with the relevant provisions, make bad credit records in the credit system, and upload relevant information to the "Credit China" and the scientific research integrity management information system as appropriate. Acts that violate financial laws and regulations shall be dealt with in accordance with the Regulations on Punishment of Financial Violations and other relevant provisions. Those suspected of committing a crime shall be handed over to judicial organs for handling according to law.

  Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

  Twenty-third approach by the Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Management Committee is responsible for the interpretation of.

  Article 24 If the original relevant documents of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Zhongguancun Administrative Committee are inconsistent with these measures, these measures shall prevail.

  Article 25 These Measures shall come into force as of the date of issuance. The original Notice on Printing and Distributing the Management Measures of Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone for Promoting technology and finance’s Deep Integration and Innovation Development Support Fund (J.K.F. [2021] No.13) and the Implementation Rules of Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone for Promoting technology and finance’s Deep Integration and Innovation Development Support Fund (for Trial Implementation) (J.K.F. [2021] No.50) shall be abolished at the same time.

Football Summary: Messi Gods Argentina 7

On March 29th, Beijing time, let’s take a look at the latest situation of the international competition day.

Spain 0-2 away to Scotland

In the second round of Group A of the European Cup qualifiers, McTominay made two consecutive double rings. Spain lost to Scotland 0-2 away, and gave up the top position in the group after swallowing the first defeat. This 0-2 game ended Spain’s five unbeaten games against Scotland. The last time they lost to Scotland was in the preliminaries in November 1984. It has been 39 years since then, when they lost 1-2 away.

Argentina home 7-0 Cura? ao

In the international friendly match, 35-year-old Messi wore a hat at half time, Gonzalez, Enzo, Di Maria and Montiel successively made contributions, and Argentina beat Cura? ao, a weak team in Central and North America, 7-0 at home. Messi reached the milestone of the national team’s 100 goals, and the total number of goals rose to 102. Cristiano Ronaldo, the world football national team goal record holder, still has a gap of 20 goals.

Germany home 2-3 Billytime

In the international friendly match, carrasco, Lu Kaku and De Braune each scored a goal, and Belgium beat Germany 3-2. Four days ago, Belgium just beat Sweden 3-0 in the European preliminaries. On this international competition day, Belgium won two consecutive victories and scored three goals in both games.

Japan 1-2 Colombia, South Korea 1-2 Uruguay

Japan and South Korea, the two top teams in Asia, both lost 1-2. Japan was reversed by Colombia, and South Korea was beaten by Uruguay with two goals. On this international competition day, Japan, South Korea and China were all 1 draw and 1 loss. China’s opponents in the two men’s soccer matches were both New Zealand, while Japan and South Korea were Colombian and Uruguayan.

A "circle of friends" takes 10 minutes to find the lost children, and this police station in Yiwu Public Security is connected with 120,000 residents online.

  "Has anyone seen a child? My child is gone! "

  One day in May, Wang Li, the instructor of the E-commerce Police Office of Jiangdong Police Station of Yiwu Public Security Bureau, suddenly heard such a cry and ran out of the police office. She soon learned the reason: the mother took her daughter to buy medicine in a nearby pharmacy, but she didn’t pay attention for a while. The child was gone.

  E-commerce Police Office is located in Liuyu Village, Qingyan, Jiangdong Street, Yiwu, which is known as "the first village of online stores in China" and a hot spot of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation". At present, more than 4,000 online stores have settled in, bringing together more than 25,000 entrepreneurs across the country. In such a large floating population, lost children need to be found quickly.

  Wang Li immediately posted a special "WeChat circle of friends" containing the characteristics and clothes of the lost girl. After more than ten minutes, someone contacted, "There is a child here who looks like what you are looking for." Wang Li took people to find it, and it was indeed a lost child.

  Through a "circle of friends", the lost children were found in 10 minutes, thanks to a pioneering work of Jiangdong Police Station.

  Grassroots policing also needs digital tools.

  The circle of friends searching for people originated from Wang Li’s corporate WeChat, which can directly reach more than 2,000 residents around the e-commerce police office.

  The head of the publisher is dressed in a police uniform, and there is the identity of "@ Jiangdong Police Station" after the name. People who find clues can chat with the police instructor directly by clicking on the head. This is the key to quickly find the lost children.

  This situation does not only appear in the e-commerce police office. In fact, the entire Jiangdong police station has established a smart policing platform based on enterprise WeChat, that is, "WeChat policing". It has also been combined with the work of "Party building+unit+policing" and "one village and one auxiliary police" based on WeChat, and achieved very good results.


  Jiangdong Street is located in the center of Yiwu, which is the largest and narrowest area among several streets in the city. The street has a local population of 87,000 and a foreign population of 217,000, including nearly 3,000 foreigners. It is the most alert and complicated area in Yiwu and even the whole Jinhua area, and efficient and convenient communication channels between the police and the people are very necessary.

  Yiwu Jiangdong Street has a cluster of online merchants, developed logistics, and the gradual spread of 5G networks. The unique resource advantages have made digitalization a breakthrough in public security grassroots innovation.

  Can the auxiliary police at the grass-roots level have a continuous and efficient contact with the residents in the jurisdiction with the help of tools?

  At this time, Tencent’s enterprise WeChat attracted the attention of the leaders of Jiangdong police station: free tools, interoperability with WeChat, and more members and external relationship management functions were the reasons for them to decide to give it a try.

  It is a valuable experience of Jiangdong police station to sink the police and auxiliary police into villages and communities. On April 29th, Jiangdong Police Station officially launched the work of "one village and one auxiliary police" in the village. More than 100 policemen and auxiliary police officers in charge of grass-roots policing have their own "exclusive" service areas, and they have a new identity: resident police instructors.

  With the full operation and maintenance support of Tencent’s official WeChat service provider, the first enterprise WeChat platform of "Public Security Police Station" in China has also been launched. The identity of police instructors is bound to their own enterprise WeChat accounts, and residents in the jurisdiction only need to use WeChat to add them. Moreover, in the eyes of residents, they have both officially certified business cards and friends who can communicate at any time in the address book.

  The first attempt achieved good results. On the afternoon of May 24, Ms. Zhou, who lives in Jiangdong, encountered a common scam when she visited the supermarket. She won a "grand prize" with the supermarket vouchers, and she only needed to make up the difference to get a "valuable" jade bracelet.

  The heart-warming Ms. Zhou hesitated to make up the difference. Soon, she remembered the police instructor Wang Yuqiang she had added and sent a message to ask. Seeing the news, Wang Yuqiang immediately called a voice call. He reminded Ms. Zhou to carefully measure the physical value of the bracelet and avoid impulsive consumption.

  "If it weren’t for instructor Wang’s timely reminder, I would have bought the bracelet impulsively at that time, so I regretted it and couldn’t find a place to make sense." When she mentioned the experience of "lucky draw", Ms. Zhou looked lucky.

  Resolve contradictions and disputes on the spot

  At the end of the police station, from the leader as the manager to the front-line auxiliary police, there is also a great need for a tool to improve efficiency.

  The high incidence and complicated police situation put a lot of pressure on Jiangdong police station. According to Lou Xiaolei, director of Jiangdong Police Station, in normal times, the police station handles nearly 100 police cases every day on average. Among them, in addition to common cases such as property infringement and gambling on drugs, during this year’s epidemic, new telecommunication network fraud involving masks, temperature guns and helmets also appeared frequently. "In addition, some economic disputes, consumer disputes, family disputes, and non-police alarms such as getting lost, asking for help, drunkenness, noise and moving cars. 110’ Alarm ",

  This represents the people’s trust in the police, but at the same time, the non-police situation consumes a lot of police force and often consumes the safety satisfaction of ordinary people.

  "Controlling cases and reducing police situation" is the main line of the work of grass-roots police stations. Accusing a case requires pre-publicity by the police and timely intervention before the case occurs; On the one hand, it is necessary to prevent and stop telecommunication network fraud cases as much as possible, on the other hand, it is necessary to try to resolve disputes and non-police conflicts on the spot. At the beginning of this year, the new team of Jiangdong Police Station took the lead in proposing the goal of creating a "Fengqiao-style police station", that is, "small things don’t leave the village, big things don’t leave the town, contradictions don’t be handed over, and conflicts are resolved on the spot".

  Under the leadership of Lou Xiaolei, corporate WeChat has become a "good helper" for "controlling the case and reducing the alarm".

  The e-commerce economy in Jiangdong street is developed, and telecommunication network fraud is high. Anti-fraud propaganda is also the top priority of Jiangdong police station. Now, the resident police instructor can send the anti-fraud propaganda uniformly produced by the police station to WeChat friends in the jurisdiction through the enterprise WeChat. This method is more accurate than distributing leaflets and posting posters.

  In order not to disturb residents too much, police instructors also conduct anti-fraud propaganda through the "customer circle of friends" function of enterprise WeChat. Its content can be edited by the police station and then pushed to all police instructors with one click. They just need to click "OK" to synchronize the content.

  These two methods also bring a very practical benefit: "zero cost", which can save tens of thousands of yuan each time compared with the receiving group of hundreds of thousands of people who send short messages in groups through operators.

  The anti-fraud propaganda sent by police instructors accurately prevented a fraud case of pretending to be a school teacher to collect training fees.

  Enterprise WeChat is also a good reporting channel to help police stations crack down on illegal crimes.

  On May 20th, Mr. Li, a resident, contacted Wu Wentao, a police instructor, through the enterprise WeChat to provide clues to help solve an online gambling gang case, involving a "tap" of up to 200,000 yuan.

  Smooth communication channels between residents and police instructors in the jurisdiction are also of great help to resolve conflicts on the spot and absorb the police situation.

  Jimingshan Community in Jiangdong Street has a total population of 35,000, including 25,000 foreigners from 31 provinces, more than 2,000 residents from 29 ethnic minorities, more than 1,300 foreigners from 74 countries and more than 3,500 local residents. It is called "United Nations Community".

  In response to frequent police incidents, the police instructors in Jimingshan Community use corporate WeChat to handle the help and disputes of residents in the area at any time. "Even at 11 o’clock or 12 o’clock in the evening, if our team members receive it, they will reply in time," said Jin Xiaowei, the stationmaster of Jimingshan Community Police Guidance Station. "Moreover, corporate WeChat can take screenshots, send pictures, and have voice or video conversations, which is more intuitive than telephone calls."

  This has caused many disputes and non-police police situations to be quickly resolved. From April to June 2019, there were more than 1,130 police situations in Jimingshan community, which dropped to more than 700 in the same period this year. "The police situation has declined, and the people’s sense of security and satisfaction has naturally improved."

  Connect 120,000 residents in the jurisdiction.

  With the initial results of the "WeChat policing" model, Jiangdong police station felt greater responsibility, and they began to think about two more important issues: how to connect more residents in the jurisdiction? What other digital capabilities can be combined with grassroots policing?

  It is not easy to add WeChat of residents in the jurisdiction on a large scale.

  "Tower Group" provides "seed users" for police instructors, and some landlords and tenants will actively add them through the corporate WeChat business cards shared by the group, but after this wave, the real test will come.

  Each police guidance station of Jiangdong Police Station has its own magic power.

  Huang Pengfei, the stationmaster of Wuai Community Police Guidance Station, uniformly printed the corporate WeChat business cards for the police instructors. When doing the registration of floating population, fire protection propaganda and anti-fraud propaganda on a daily basis, he would specially ask everyone to bring business cards and introduce the benefits of adding police instructors from door to door.

  In less than two months, five police instructors in Wuai Community have added more than 5,600 friends. As of mid-June, 72 police cases have been handled through corporate WeChat, including asking for help, lost children, theft, fraud, economic disputes, housing disputes, etc. "Many people will directly report their problems through corporate WeChat, and there are private telephones on our corporate WeChat business cards. Some things are urgent, and they will call directly with a phone call."

  The police instructors in Jimingshan community also used this "street fighting" approach. The stationmaster Jin Xiaowei even asked the team members to post the corporate WeChat business card on the back of their mobile phones and promote it at any time during their daily visits. "The idea I gave them was ‘ Always think about it in your heart and promote it at any time ’ 。”

  In addition, in the conspicuous position of the village (neighborhood) Committee, including the counters of restaurants and express delivery points, the QR code of the corporate WeChat of the police instructor was also posted. "Residents may not add it at first, but when something happens, he will think of it and contact us directly after adding it."


  By June 30th, Jiangdong Police Station had added more than 120,000 WeChat accounts through the real-name certified enterprise WeChat accounts within two months. It is equivalent to that nearly half of the residents in Jiangdong area have established direct contact with police officers.

  According to statistics, since the launch of the enterprise WeChat of Jiangdong Police Station, it has received more than 16,000 police consultations in just two months. Among them, 237 cases were guided to properly handle the police situation, more than 1,400 people were asked for help, 3,154 people were declared by the floating population, 276 cases were consulted on online fraud, 32 cases were stopped from online fraud, and more than 11,000 people were consulted on contradictions and disputes, household registration business and residence declaration.

  At the same time, the total police situation in Jiangdong Police Station decreased by 10.94% from May to June this year, among which the police situation of telecommunication network fraud decreased by 17.91% and the police situation of disputes decreased by 22.15% compared with the same period of last year. …….

  Behind connecting residents is the initial intention of Jiangdong police station to truly serve the masses.

  Jiangdong police station is still exploring more digital capabilities.

  For example, they hope to use the video conference function to arrange the work for the police instructors in the village; In the process of contradiction and dispute mediation, we can also try to let lawyers and mediators participate through video conference to break through the time and space restrictions; The hottest webcast at the moment can also be used for anti-fraud propaganda.

  In their idea, Jiangdong Police Station can even be combined with enterprise WeChat to create an "online police room". In addition to the simple graphic, audio and video communication between police instructors and residents, it can also be based on the API interface opened by enterprise WeChat to move more and more complex police services online in the form of small programs, so that each resident auxiliary police can play a greater role.

  "Our current police are really hard. They work in three shifts and have to deal with twenty or thirty police situations a day. Now we have absorbed some police situations through the prevention and treatment of "WeChat policing", which is a great burden reduction for them and a more intimate policing service for ordinary people. "

Just now! Shijiazhuang issued orange warning of heavy polluted weather and started level II emergency response.

just now
Shijiazhuang issued the latest notice
Start emergency response to heavy pollution weather
Shijiazhuang heavy pollution weather emergency headquarters office
Issue orange warning of heavy polluted weather and start level II emergency response.
According to the joint consultation between the Provincial Eco-environmental Emergency and Heavy Pollution Weather Warning Center, China National Environmental Monitoring Center and the Provincial Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Environmental Meteorological Center, it is predicted that from January 10th, the diffusion conditions in our city will deteriorate, pollutants will continue to accumulate, and the urban air quality may have moderate or above pollution process. According to the suggestion of the Letter of the Provincial Atmospheric Office on Doing a Good Job in Response to the Recent Pollution Process (Jiqi Lingban Letter [2024] No.3), in order to reduce the impact of heavily polluted weather on public health, the municipal meteorological and ecological environment departments have judged and reported it to emergency headquarters for approval, and now an orange warning of heavily polluted weather is issued to the whole city. At 20: 00 on January 10, 2024, Class II emergency response of heavily polluted weather will be started, and the lifting time will be notified separately.
Previously, HebeiXingtai, Handan, Baoding, Langfang, Hengshui, Cangzhou and DingzhouA notice has been issued to start the emergency response to heavy pollution weather.
(Overview of the news client integrated from Shijiazhuang, Xingtai, Handan, Baoding, Langfang, Hengshui, Cangzhou and Dingzhou)

2019 China-Central and Eastern European Countries Year of Education and Youth Exchange opens.

  Cctv news January 9, 2018 China — Closing Ceremony of the Year of Local Cooperation in Central and Eastern European Countries and 2019 China — The opening ceremony of the Year of Education and Youth Exchange for Central and Eastern European Countries was held at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. China, Deputy Foreign Minister of China — Wang Chao, Secretary General of the Secretariat for Local Cooperation in Central and Eastern European Countries, Zhu Zhiwen, Vice Minister of Education, Chen Lvping, Vice Governor of Liaoning Province, and representatives from 16 Central and Eastern European countries attended the meeting.

Opening ceremony site

Opening ceremony site

  2018 is China — Year of local cooperation in central and eastern European countries. According to Wang Chao, driven by the "16+1" year of local cooperation, four Chinese provinces and 17 local provinces and cities in Central and Eastern European countries became new members of the "16+1" local provincial governors’ association last year.

  Chen Lvping, Vice Governor of Liaoning Province, summed up the year of local cooperation in 2018 and announced that Liaoning will hold the working group meeting of "16+1" local provincial governors’ association in 2019. Liaoning Province is one of the founding members of the "16+1" local provincial governors’ association. On October 20, 2018, Liaoning took over as the Chinese chairman of the Federation.

  Mrs. Bisera Fabrio, Chargé d ‘affaires of the Croatian Embassy in China, delivered a speech on behalf of 16 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. She said that China in 2018 — The Year of Local Cooperation in Central and Eastern European Countries has achieved many meaningful results. In April 2019, China — The meeting of leaders of Central and Eastern European countries will be held in Dubrovnik. As the organizer, Croatia is actively preparing for this.

  On the same day, China Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang said at a regular press conference that the local governments of the "16+1" countries actively participated in pragmatic cooperation in various fields and made positive progress in park construction, economy and trade, science and technology, education and humanities. China has now twinned with more than 160 pairs of friendly provinces, prefectures and cities in Central and Eastern European countries.

  2019 is China — Year of education and youth exchange in Central and Eastern European countries. Zhu Zhiwen summarized the achievements made by China and Central and Eastern European countries in the field of educational cooperation from the aspects of the scale of international students, language teaching cooperation, inter-school cooperation and campus sports cooperation. At present, there are 34 Confucius Institutes and 44 Confucius Classrooms in Central and Eastern Europe, with more than 40,000 students. While 18 universities in China have set up 55 undergraduate language majors in Central and Eastern European countries. At the same time, with the entry of the Winter Olympics into Beijing, ice and snow sports have become a new highlight of educational cooperation.

  In July 2018, the seventh China — The meeting of leaders of Central and Eastern European countries was held in Sofia, Bulgaria. The meeting adopted the Sophia Outline and determined 2019 as China — Year of education and youth exchange in Central and Eastern European countries. Chen Lvping pointed out that education and youth are the foundation and hope of China’s relations with Central and Eastern European countries. Fabrizio said that Croatia will prepare a series of activities in 2019 to promote cultural exchanges and cooperation, in which young people will play an important role.

Theatrical performance

Theatrical performance

  After the opening ceremony, there will be a cultural performance. Children and young actors performed Chinese zither and drum music, Beijing opera, piano solo and other programs. (Wen Hejing)

"Value Creation" Leads Workers’ Life to "Happiness Upgrade"

When I came to Tongjiang, Sichuan, a mountain stood tall and mountainous, and countless dangerous roads, deep canyons and valleys made people linger. Winding along the provincial highway 204, the house with red tiles and white walls, which is the residence of Qingyukou Reservoir Project of China Railway 11th Bureau, is located in the mountains of full of green, which is particularly eye-catching. Recently, the 11th Bureau of China Railway has built an intimate, comfortable, civilized and harmonious workers’ home in the project site.

Project Resident (Photo courtesy of China Railway 11th Bureau)

The project has a planned construction period of 67 months, surrounded by mountains and inconvenient transportation. How to build a caring, comfortable, civilized and harmonious home for employees in the project with long construction period and poor environment, and how to "upgrade happiness" for employees’ lives through value creation actions has become the primary problem of the project.

Adding "face value" externally and refining "temperament"

"I never dreamed that I could live in an’ ecological community’ in full of green." Sun Wugang, captain of the survey team of Qingyukou Reservoir Project of China Railway 11th Bureau, said with a big smile that he had gone through more than ten projects, and this was the most beautiful place where he lived.

Walking into the project site, a lush face hit. Movable flower stands adorn every corner of the station, the walls are covered with bionic turf, and the grass is planted below, so the station is full of vitality. "Piece-by-piece" greening pattern echoes the pines and cypresses on the mountains behind it, showing the beauty of nature.

In the "mini-park" between the corridors in the dormitory area, employees can watch the game on the stone table, take a leisurely walk on the "S"-shaped aisle, or take selfies next to the newly blooming flowers … The park with an area of less than 80 square meters has become a good place for employees to relax, take a nap and have a morning exercise.

When I come to Happy Farm, the employees will dig up the soil and water the land after work, and they are very busy. Zhang Ming, secretary of the Party branch of the project, said that Happy Farm is divided into fields and managed by employees themselves, which not only allows everyone to taste fresh and delicious fruits and vegetables after hard farming, but also enhances employees’ sense of acquisition and happiness.

Project workers reclaim vegetable fields (Photo courtesy of China Railway 11th Bureau)

Building "innovation" and serving "mind-wandering"

When you visit the project staff dormitory, you will find that, unlike the traditional dormitory, a partition board is installed in the middle, which divides an original 3×6-meter standard dormitory into two 3×3-meter small single rooms.

"Don’t underestimate this board, not only not afraid to disturb my roommate, but also give me a comfortable and private space." Jiang Lan, an employee of Qingyukou Reservoir Project of China Railway 11th Bureau, praised the minor changes in the dormitory.

At the beginning of entering the site, the project team decided to rotate the standard dormitory by 90 degrees through the topographic investigation and overall layout of the project site, and split the double dormitory into a single dormitory in the form of "dividing the dormitory and sharing air conditioning". The results show that it can not only achieve the goal of single dormitory for employees, but also save the space of eight standard dormitories, further optimizing the allocation of home construction expenses.

Compared with the "innovation" of single-room dormitory, the personalized service of employees is "taking the heart". The "tree hole mailbox" hand-made by employees is particularly conspicuous. Employees can put troubles, whispers or suggestions on the project into the mailbox, which will be collected by the project office in a unified way, so as to reasonably meet their thoughts and expectations.

The "point-to-order" service in public areas can meet the needs of employees for "ordering food", "ordering books" and "penalty". What they want to eat, read and play can be served in a day. Many employees laughed and said, "This service is more timely than I bought express delivery."

In addition, the project insists on high quality, pays attention to details, advocates economy, seriously studies the problem of "urgent need" of employees, creates a "home" environment with sincere feelings, and creates a good atmosphere of civilization, harmony, unity, safety and happiness through warm-hearted activities such as collective birthdays and holiday condolences.

"Ascending" Position "Wisdom" Technology

While meeting the needs of employees’ office life, the needs of spiritual civilization cannot be left behind. Yang Liandi’s Denggao Cultural Hall is the core cultural position of the project.

Covering an area of 156 square meters, the exhibition hall is an educational position and a window for publicity, which blends the corporate climbing culture with the local red culture and fully displays the good image of the enterprise and the local cultural heritage. Relying on the exhibition hall, the project actively organizes cadres and workers in party member to carry out centralized study, party class education, theme party day activities, etc., so as to continuously improve workers’ ideological awareness and enrich their spiritual life.

The digital control center next to the exhibition hall is also one of the important "punch points" in the project station. The sand table of the reservoir dam and the large screen of information management and control are all available, and the most eye-catching one is the application display of BIM technology. The application can realize three-dimensional visual disclosure, automatic monitoring and other functions, and provide digital and informational technical support for efficient decision-making, demonstration, command, evaluation and emergency management of the project. Without going to the site, employees can remotely monitor and know the "health information" of the main structure of the dam in real time, thus realizing convenient and efficient office work.

In addition, the project is also equipped with a staff library, a spacious and comfortable activity room, a clean and tidy bathroom, a safe and intelligent pedestrian-vehicle diversion channel … complete resident facilities, and meticulous and caring services, all of which reveal the intentions and feelings of the project in the process of building a home.

In the next step, the project will continue to update and improve the construction of "home", highlight humanistic care, strengthen cultural guidance, help project production, make "home" more like home and make "home" happier.