Known as "the most beautiful BYD", BYD Song L has pre-sold 220,000 pieces with electric tail!

[Wen/Caiquan Society & Dao Ge said Che Ma Jianyu] Since the appearance of Chengdu Auto Show, Song L, known as "the most beautiful BYD", has been widely concerned. Unlike BYD’s current models, Song L, which is a hunting SUV, is more cutting-edge and fashionable. From the consumer’s point of view, it is highly probable that it will be a model with a high return rate.

On October 31st, Song L finally started the pre-sale. Five new models were launched, with the pre-sale price range of 220,000 to 280,000 yuan, and the cruising range of 550 km /662 km /602 km was provided for different models. At the same time, it also provided 24 interest-free, three-power lifetime warranty, free OTA upgrade/car traffic, charging pile installation service within two years and replacement subsidy for this car.

It is worth mentioning that although the current product matrix of BYD Dynasty Network is relatively rich and comprehensive, it is very "regular" and lacks such "characteristic" models as Song L. Lu Tian, general manager of BYD Group’s Chaowang Sales Division, said at the press conference that Song L is Wang Chaowang’s pioneering work for the mainstream mid-to high-end market. Under the background of rapid economic development, consumer demand is constantly upgrading, and mainstream consumer families with good educational background and economic foundation have put forward higher requirements for car use. Song L is the choice for fashion families to upgrade their quality in one step, and it is also the choice for pioneer families to moderately advance their new energy experience.

Of course, as the "most beautiful BYD", Song L, together with BYD’s new platform, mature three-power system and hard-core technologies such as Yunqi C, will also form stronger product strength and provide stronger help for BYD’s sales.

"The most beautiful BYD", Song L and electric tail.

As BYD’s first hunting pure electric SUV, Song L inherits the unique "Dragon Beauty Aesthetics" of BYD Wang Chaowang in design. In the front face, the new car has added "Dragon Tooth" decorative pieces on both sides of the front grille, and with the 3D dragon whiskers of Longjing headlights, it still has the beauty of BYD’s "Dragon Beauty".

Viewed from the side, the whole body posture of Song L is dive-type, with a slip-back design and smooth lines. However, it is worth noting that, unlike other sliding back models, Song L’s sliding down starts from around C-pillar, which has the advantage of ensuring the head space of the rear passengers in the car as much as possible.

The tail is the most recognizable part of Song L. It uses segmented spoiler, double shark fin antenna and through taillight, which is officially called streamer tail light. The light sources on the left and right sides are exquisite and eye-catching. At the same time, the adaptive electric tail wing is also used. This configuration not only makes the vehicle more sporty, but also supports starting the racing mode at any time, providing continuous downforce for the vehicle, effectively reducing the drag coefficient, reducing energy consumption and improving handling.

In terms of size, the car has a length, width and height of 4840*1950*1560mm and a wheelbase of 2930mm, which is the largest among the Song series models. At the same time, it is larger than medium-sized SUVs such as Tiguan L and Tesla Model Y, and it is more like a medium-sized SUV in terms of size. Moreover, in terms of styling and price, Song L has almost no direct competitors. After all, hunting SUVs, especially hunting pure electric SUVs, are very rare in the range of 200,000-300,000 yuan.

The interior is more elegant, and the high-profile models are made of suede.

Besides being called "the most beautiful BYD", the interior of Song L is obviously more elegant. In terms of layout, Song L is still a family cockpit layout. The instrument panel creates a layered feeling through layered contrast design and different wrapping materials. The central armrest area is designed with diamond-cut electronic shift lever, mobile phone wireless charging panel and some physical buttons. BYD’s iconic interior designs such as suspended LCD instrument panel, brand-new four-spoke steering wheel and rotatable large-size central control PAD are not absent.

Although the cockpit is still familiar with the smell, the configuration has been obviously upgraded. Song L will provide AR-HUD head-up display, heat pump air conditioning, HIFI-class Dana audio system, multi-color ambient lights, panoramic images, EC adjustable panoramic canopy and other configurations. The DiLink intelligent network connection system built in the central control has also been upgraded, which comes from a 5G car cockpit platform based on deep customization of Xiaolong processor.

It is worth noting that Song L’s interior materials are also very elegant, using a combination of suede and NAPPA leather, and the soft package in the car exceeds 85%. The high-profile models also have exclusive black interiors, and the identity of the high-profile models is highlighted by fluorescent green stitching. Of course, this is more in line with the high level of 200,000 independent brands.

Yun nian c gets on the bus, and the driving quality may be pleasantly surprised.

As a model of BYD, the power system of Song L is of course a bright spot. It will provide single-motor and dual-motor versions. The four-wheel drive version is equipped with front and rear motors with maximum power of 150/230 kW respectively. According to official data, the acceleration time of the four-wheel drive version is only 4.3 seconds per 100 kilometers, and this data is quite explosive on new energy vehicles. In terms of battery life, equipped with blade battery, CLTC has a pure battery life of 550km, 602km and 662km, and Song L is equipped with silicon carbide module, which improves the comprehensive working condition efficiency to 90%+, and the energy consumption of Song L is as low as 12.8kW·h per 100 km.

At the same time, with BYD’s new platform, CTB battery body integration and hard-core technologies such as Yunqi C and iTAC intelligent torque control system, not only the safety and space of vehicles can be guaranteed, but also the driving texture of Song L will be strengthened. Among them, Yunnian -C intelligent damping body control system can adjust the damping by controlling the electromagnetic valve of the shock absorber, which can realize stepless adaptive adjustment of the damping and meet the needs of users for different scenes. It has been verified in Han and other models at present.

As for intelligent driving, Song L will be equipped with DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, which can cover most usage scenarios and more than 30 auxiliary functions, such as high-speed assistance, intelligent navigation, automatic parking, fatigue monitoring and reminding, etc., greatly improving driving safety.

Generally speaking, as a brand-new model of BYD, Song L can be regarded as a breakthrough work of BYD, which brings a feeling completely different from the existing models. The data shows that BYD’s sales volume has exceeded 2 million vehicles during the year, firmly holding the position of the domestic automobile sales champion. However, from the perspective of Song L, BYD has obviously not become "complacent". "We also actively embrace changes and constantly seek breakthroughs," Lu Tian said.

Cold, cold, cold, numb! It will snow tomorrow, followed by heavy rain next week! But the sun is coming soon. ….

Weather reality

This morning, the lowest temperature in northern Zhejiang still started at zero, and other parts were 2 ~ 4℃. It’s really cold, low temperature combined with high humidity, 360 wet cold attack without dead angle.

Generally speaking, when the temperature is below 10℃, the greater the humidity, the colder the body feeling. So this morning, except Wenzhou, the somatosensory temperature was below zero in our province! Why does wet and cold make people feel colder?

Recent weather

Fortunately, the long-lost sunshine finally appeared today, which coincides with the weekend. Friends should seize today’s big "washing" day ~ Because the sunshine is limited, it is only one day!

Tonight, the warm and humid airflow will become active again, and the figure of snow will appear again. It is expected that there will be sleet or light snow in the northwest mountainous area tonight. Tomorrow, there will be sleet in the middle and north of Zhejiang, sleet or snow in the mountains.

The temperature in the morning is low, and the rain and snow are mixed, so the roads are prone to icing. Please be careful when you travel!

The good news is the day after tomorrow! There is another interval of precipitation. However, with a new cold air heading south, coupled with warm and humid air flow, there will be another obvious precipitation process in our province on 28-29, with moderate to heavy rain and local heavy rain in northern and western Zhejiang.

When will the sunshine return?

The continuous rainy weather will last until the beginning of next month. It is expected that the weather will turn fine on 2-3 days, so friends will wait patiently for a while. Fortunately, it will not be too difficult to have sunshine interspersed during the day today and the day after tomorrow.

From noon to night today: the whole province is cloudy to cloudy, with light rain in the western part of Zhejiang and sleet or light snow in the northwest mountainous area.

Tomorrow during the day: There will be light rain in cloudy days in the whole province, including sleet in parts of central and northern Zhejiang and sleet or snow in parts of mountainous areas.

Tomorrow night: the rain in the whole province will gradually stop and turn cloudy.

The day after tomorrow: the whole province is cloudy to cloudy, and it turns cloudy with light rain at night.

Minimum temperature tomorrow morning: coastal areas: 3-5 degrees, with frost or dark frost locally; Other areas: 0-2 degrees, with frost locally.

Maximum temperature in the daytime tomorrow: Southeast coastal area: 6-8 degrees; Other areas: 4-6 degrees.

(Zhejiang Meteorological Service Center)

Editor: Zhejiang Weather Network

Please indicate "Source: Zhejiang Weather Network" for reprinting.

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Disease control experts talk about flu prevention in the office: wash your hands frequently and don’t encourage you to go to work sick.

  Cctv newsOn January 25th, a press conference was held in National Health Commission to introduce the prevention and control of infectious diseases in winter and spring and the prevention and response of common diseases during festivals. Li Zhongjie, a researcher at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of China, said in response to a reporter’s question that some non-drug interventions are very important for the flu in a confined space.

  journalistThe question is about influenza prevention. At present, most of the working environment is a writing room. In this state, one person may get sick, which may cause everyone to get sick. How to prevent influenza in this case?

  Li ZhongjieA place with a relatively closed writing room is indeed a high incidence place for the spread of respiratory diseases, especially in winter and spring, when it is cold and airtight outdoors, it is easier to spread pathogens. For the flu, some non-drug interventions are very important in a confined space, that is, some good hygiene habits, especially in the writing room mentioned just now, such a specific place. If an individual has flu-like symptoms,Patients are not encouraged to go to work sick.For the sake of your own health and the health of others around you, you mustDo isolation.. If the illness gets worse, you should seek medical treatment in time, which is a good protection for yourself and others.

  Emphasize again aboutWash your hands frequently.This habit is simple and easy to do, but if you really develop good habits and stick to them, you can prevent many other diseases, including influenza, including other contact-borne diseases.

  In such a specific gathering place,Environmental cleanliness and hygieneVery important, the spread of influenza is mainly through two ways. One way is close, the droplets spread between the patient and the surrounding people. When the patient coughs or sneezes, the droplets are directly sprayed into the mouth of the surrounding people. In addition, after the virus is discharged from the patient, it will stay on the surface of the object for a period of time. If people around it touch the mouth and nose again, it is also a way to spread the flu. Therefore, it emphasizes the daily cleanliness of personal working environment and public environment, and insists on daily cleaning.

  Attachment: Personal daily protection knowledge of influenza provided by Health and Health Commission.

  To prevent respiratory infectious diseases such as influenza, we should first start with personal daily protection, and pay attention to good personal hygiene habits at ordinary times, including:

  (1) Wash your hands frequently;

  (2) Regularly open windows for ventilation;

  (three) take the initiative to vaccinate against influenza before the arrival of the influenza epidemic season;

  (4) During the influenza epidemic season, the elderly and patients with chronic diseases should try their best to avoid going to crowded places and contact with patients with respiratory infections;

  (5) After flu-like symptoms appear, keep good respiratory hygiene habits, cover your mouth and nose with paper towels and towels when coughing or sneezing, wash your hands after coughing or sneezing, and try to avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

  (6) When family members have flu patients, they should try to avoid contact with each other, especially when there are elderly people and patients with chronic diseases at home.

  (7) When the parents of children with flu symptoms go to the hospital for treatment, they should also do a good job in protecting the children and themselves (such as wearing masks) to avoid cross-infection.

Growth of 121.0%, 84.2% … China promotes the high-quality development of cultural tourism.

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CCTV News:The Press Office of the State Council held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities" today (December 14th). According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in the first three quarters of this year, there were 342,000 commercial performances nationwide, and the box office revenue was 31.54 billion yuan, up by 121.0% and 84.2% compared with the same period in 2019.

In order to promote inbound and outbound tourism, the national travel agencies and online travel enterprises have been resumed to operate the outbound group travel business of China citizens to 138 countries. In addition, in order to carry forward the excellent Chinese traditional culture, we are actively promoting the application for the Beijing Central Axis and the Spring Festival.

Source: CCTV