The animated film "Spider-Man" was postponed to the Christmas file ""Emoji"" and other files.

The animated film "Spider-Man" was postponed to December 21st, 2018.

    1905 movie network news With the appearance of the new "Spider-Man" Tom Hollander, Sony Pictures began to make efforts to build the "Spider-Man" brand. After Holland’s debut, his remake of the solo film will be released in 2017, and then the animated film will debut in 2018. However, there has been a change in the plan recently. The schedule of the animated film "Spider-Man" has been postponed from the summer file to the Christmas file, and it will land in the cinema on December 21st. It seems that Sony reorganized the layout and changed the time.

    After its recent release in North America, the box office set a new record, dominating the movie market and unifying the rivers and lakes. Judging from this situation, the animated film version of "Spider-Man" is likely to be a blockbuster in the Christmas file, not to mention that the children will have a holiday by then, and may be able to achieve extraordinary results at the box office.

"Emoji" movie file change

Peter Rabbit will be released in the spring of 2018.

    In addition, Sony Pictures has also announced the schedule of two other films. The movie version of "Emoji" is scheduled to be released on August 11, 2017. But so far, it is still unclear what the specific content of this film is, and it will never really let the expression occupy the screen, right? The tender film version of Peter Rabbit will be released on March 23, 2018, together with the film version and an animated film PK about the story of Medusa by Fox in the 20th century.

    Although there are still more than two years before the release of several films, Sony executives have obviously begun to carefully plan how to set the best schedule for their new films in order to beat their opponents and win the market. However, as time goes by, more films will be exposed to the specific content and release time. It is hard to predict whether Sony will readjust the time in the future, so we might as well wait and see.

"2023 Henan-Taiwan-Dayu Cultural Exchange Seminar" was held in Zhengzhou and Taipei.

Zhengzhou venue (Photo courtesy of Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee)
Taiwan Province Network, China, December 19 th Recently, the "2023 Henan-Taiwan-Dayu Cultural Exchange Seminar" hosted by Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee and Xia Clan Association of Taipei was held in Zhengzhou and Taipei respectively by remote video conference.
Lv Xinyang, full-time vice chairman of Henan Provincial Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee, relevant leaders and experts and scholars of Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee and Xia Clan Association of Taipei attended.
The purpose of this seminar is to inherit Dayu culture, carry forward Dayu spirit, cultivate the common historical and cultural ties between the two sides of the strait, strengthen exchanges and exchanges between compatriots on both sides of the strait, promote spiritual harmony between compatriots on both sides of the strait, and build a sense of community of destiny between the two sides of the strait.
This is after 30 Taiwan compatriots went to Zheng for cultural exchange in 2018 and video cultural exchange in Henan and Taiwan in 2021, Dayu cultural exchange activities were held again in Henan and Taiwan.
In his speech, Lu Xinyang pointed out that he hoped that the holding of this Dayu Cultural Exchange Seminar would promote exchanges and mutual learning, further stimulate the unique feelings of compatriots on both sides of the strait, enhance the appeal and centripetal force of cross-strait common culture, strengthen cross-strait historical ties and emotional ties, enhance cultural identity, and promote spiritual harmony.
Sichuan Dayu Research Association, Xiamen Municipal Committee of China Revolutionary Committee, Putian Municipal Committee of China Revolutionary Committee, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs Committee of Zhengzhou CPPCC, and Zhengzhou Huangdi Cultural Research Center sent congratulatory letters to the seminar. (China Taiwan Province Network, Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee and Zhengzhou Taiwan Affairs Office jointly reported)

Zhang Bin: Spreading a Healthy Lifestyle

Zhang Bin, a national social sports instructor from Xicheng District, Beijing, is also a representative inheritor of Tongbei Boxing, a non-legacy ape. He was selected as the most beautiful social sports instructor in 2023 in the form of online recommendation.

In recent years, Zhang Bin, based on the basic skills of Tongbei Boxing and guided by the combination of medicine and martial arts, has compiled a series of fitness techniques for Tongbei Boxing, which has been used as a starting point to carry out public fitness activities for all. "The biggest advantage of our team is to make full use of the Internet to carry out publicity work." Zhang Bin said. At present, they have opened an account named "White Ape Wudao" on multiple platforms, with more than 400,000 fans on the whole network. Colorful network activities such as "keeping pace with me, walking with health" and "practicing in summer, rocking arm with me" have attracted a group of people’s attention and participation.

In addition, Zhang Bin and the team also carried out the theme activity of "Back-to-Back Fitness Exercise for Healthy China" and conducted public welfare training on Back-to-Back Fitness Exercise. In October this year, they actively responded to the call of the State Sports General Administration and organized the second national online exchange and exhibition activity of "Striving for a New Journey to Promote Health", which was attended by 91 teams and 730 people from all over the country.

In addition to giving full play to online advantages, Zhang Bin and his team also carried out many offline activities with the strong support of Xicheng District Sports Bureau and Beijing Social Sports Management Center. Since 2018, we have organized and carried out the public fitness activities of "National Fitness into the Community, Through Back Fitness to Benefit the Public"; Three public welfare counseling stations have been set up in Fayuan Temple, Yuetan Park and Wanshou Park. Set up a volunteer team to carry out public welfare activities … At present, Tongbei Fitness has formed a new national fitness project mainly in Xicheng District, covering eight urban areas in Beijing, more than a dozen provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country, with hundreds of teams and tens of thousands of people participating. In 2022, Tongbei Fitness was selected into the National Fitness Volunteer Service Project Library of the State Sports General Administration.

"I am deeply honored and responsible to be selected as the most beautiful social sports instructor in 2023." Zhang Bin said that the duty of social sports instructors is not only to impart sports skills, but more importantly, to spread a healthy lifestyle and advocate a positive outlook on life, so as to help people find happiness in sports and improve their quality of life. (From December 19th, China Sports Daily, 05 edition)

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