Inheritor of Cuju: Messi is the best foreigner to play Cuju.

  Li Weipeng and his teammates share cuju culture with foreign fans.

  On November 20th, local time, 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 kicked off in Doha, Qatar, and 32 teams from all over the world competed on the highest stage of football. Although China football team did not appear on this stage, Cuju, a traditional football skill in China, was invited by the organizing committee. Cuju players including Li Weipeng, the seventh generation inheritor of Linzi Cuju Team in China, came to Doha Football Training Center and venues outside the stadium to introduce the history of Cuju to fans all over the world and show the unique Cuju skills in China.

  On November 23rd, Li Weipeng accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from Beiqing Daily. When he came to Doha this time, he communicated with local football coaches and children practicing football, invited them to experience the traditional single-goal cuju competition in China, and showed a lot of cuju stunts called "tricks".

  Qatar local football coach Dimitri and Li Weipeng said in an interview with the media after the exchange that cuju is difficult, but it can also improve football skills well. He hopes to introduce cuju in his club in the future to help children who play football practice their skills. James Zhou, China’s ambassador to Qatar, also expressed the hope that cuju exchange activities would help more Qatari people and even fans around the world to understand China and China culture.

  According to the introduction of Linzi Football Museum to which Li Weipeng belongs, Cuju is a unique title of ancient football in China, which has influenced sports and entertainment in China for more than two thousand years, and has had a far-reaching impact on world sports, especially modern football. On July 15th, 2004, FIFA President Blatter announced in Beijing: "World football originated in China, and the ancient cuju in China was the origin of football." At this point, Cuju, an ancient sport, began to shine again in the world.


  I used to be a teammate with Messi. Foreign fans are very interested in Cuju.

  Beiqing Daily: What is Cuju? What are the similarities and differences between it and football?

  Li Weipeng: Cuju is actually the name of football in ancient China, with a history of more than 2,000 years. As early as the Han Dynasty, Cuju was a part of military training to exercise soldiers’ willpower. At that time, the venue was square and there were two small goals in it. Compared with today’s football, cuju at that time was more similar to today’s football. Soldiers could not touch the ball with their hands, but they could wrestle in order to stop the opponent’s attack.

  Later, in the Tang and Song Dynasties, Cuju developed again. At this time, Cuju’s goal is very different from the current football goal. Cuju’s goal hole is called "wind eye". This "eye" is very small and is located at a height of about 9 meters from the ground. You need to control your strength before you can kick the ball in. During the game, the two teams stand on both sides of the goal, and there will be no physical contact between them. In the game, the ball can’t land, so all the players must learn how to hit the ball first. Only one person named "Ball Head" in a team can shoot, and other players will help "Ball Head" catch the ball to avoid the ball landing, or pass it to "Ball Head" for him to attack.

  In addition to this kind of shooting competition, there will be a special "pattern" competition in ancient times, which is to perform stunts with cuju balls, similar to the current gymnastics competition. For example, Gao Qiu in Water Margin is said to be a master of cuju "tricks".

  Beiqing Daily: How did you participate in the traditional sport of Cuju?

  Li Weipeng: I have received professional football training since I was 8 years old and practiced for almost 10 years. Around 2004, we recruited members of the Cuju team in Linzi, and I signed up. Since then, I have been practicing until today, and it has been 18 years.

  When I started to practice cuju, I had to practice it for 8 hours a day, and they all practiced monotonous ball. At that time, we were training in a gym. After one day’s training, I sat on the base of the basketball stand and fell asleep.

  When I can easily bounce hundreds of balls at a time, I will enter the next stage of practice and start practicing "pattern" and single goal competition, and the height of the goal will be reduced in proportion, about 3 meters or more, less than 4 meters. After 18 years of practice, I can top the ball more than 10,000 times in a row at most, and I can also combine a variety of "tricks" to perform it.

  Beiqing Daily: What is the most difficult part in practicing cuju?

  Li Weipeng: That’s the practice of "tricks". Cuju has many "tricks" and some beautiful names. For example, the most common one is called "picking peaches at the bottom of leaves", which means that after kicking the ball with the instep, you draw a circle around the ball with your legs during the rising and falling of the ball, and finally let the ball stop firmly on your instep.

  Another example is the action of "carrying the moon on your shoulders". After picking up the ball, stop at the position between your shoulders on your back. These movements have nice names, but it’s great to be able to practice one in a day after practice. Many times, an action needs to be practiced repeatedly for more than a week.

  The most difficult thing is to string together a number of "tricks". In the process, there are both head and shoulder movements, waist and back movements, and finally foot movements, and the whole body participates in the performance.

  Beiqing Daily: How did you communicate with fans all over the world when you came to Qatar this time?

  Li Weipeng: I arrived in Doha in the early morning of 21st, had a rest, and had an exchange with local football coaches and children playing football during the day. The "eye of the wind" goal we used for their experience this time is very short, only more than 1 meter high. In fact, this kind of goal is a little difficult for me, because it is much shorter than usual.

  On the 22nd, I went to the fan center outside the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Stadium, where the organizing committee gave us a special performance venue. I put on ancient China costumes and performed Cuju "tricks" with my teammates.

  Beiqing Daily: Will foreigners be shocked to see Cuju?

  Li Weipeng: Yes, we started to perform, and soon many foreign fans came to watch. When we made wonderful "tricks", they would scream and applaud for us. Although I don’t know a foreign language, I can tell from their expressions that they are interested in China’s cuju, and some fans will give us thumbs up.

  And many fans are very enthusiastic. As soon as I kick the ball to them, they will take it and play with us. There are many foreign fans coming to our traditional China costumes to experience the original Cuju with us. I will point to the CuJu ball and the signboard with the word cuju printed next to it, and read "cuju" to them. They will soon understand that this is the pronunciation of cuju and read it with us.

  Beiqing Daily: I noticed that in addition to traditional costumes, the cuju ball you used this time seems to be completely different from modern football. How is this ball made?

  Li Weipeng: Yes, this ball is our traditional cuju ball in China. In fact, the Linzi Football Museum where I am located has also done textual research. In the Han Dynasty, Cuju balls were sewn with more than 10 pieces of cooked cowhide and stuffed with animal hair, but the balls were too heavy to kick. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, people invented the method of stuffing animal bladders in cooked cowhide coats and made inflatable cuju balls similar to modern football. This is also the cuju ball that we brought this time. It was made according to the way recorded in ancient times, just to show the most traditional cuju culture in China and let everyone know the history of cuju in China.

  Beiqing Daily: Who is the best player among the foreigners you have met who are in contact with Cuju?

  Li Weipeng: A few years ago, Argentine star Messi visited our museum. At that time, we had a single-goal competition. Messi and I were teammates. He was the "ball head" and I made the ball for him to shoot. Messi’s level is fierce, which I didn’t expect at first. He grasped the strength very well, and soon got into the state after understanding the rules, successfully completed many shots, and finally our team won. It can also be seen that cuju and modern football are interlinked in many aspects.

  Text/reporter Qu Chang Coordinator/Jiang Wei

The "strictest" telephone in history, real-name registration system implemented nearly 100 million users or was shut down.

  CCTV News:Users whose mobile phone numbers have not been registered with their real names should hurry to make up the registration! Since May this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology requested that all telephone users should register their real names by June 30, 2017, many people have found that their communication services have been restricted. Facing the "strictest" regulations in real-name registration system, the era of "black card" is coming to an end.


  It is reported that as of May, the real-name rate of all telephone users has reached 92%, and nearly 100 million users still face the risk of downtime. The three major operators, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom, have started to restrict communication services for mobile phone numbers without real-name registration.

  Some real-name registration system users who have no telephones have been shut down.

  Recently, Mr. Zheng, a citizen of Hebei Province, received a reminder message from China Unicom: "Dear customer, your number has not been registered in real name. Please bring your local SIM card and the original ID card as soon as possible to register in Unicom’s own business hall where the number belongs. According to national laws, we will suspend communication services for unnamed customers, and we can resume communication services after real name … …” Mr. Zheng told the reporter that he is an old user of Unicom, and his SIM card was handled by the unit in a unified way. He was not very clear about whether he had registered his real name at the beginning.

  Regarding whether the mobile phone users are real-name users, the reporter contacted the relevant person in charge of Unicom by telephone. The person in charge said that citizens can bring their SIM cards and original valid certificates to the business hall, or call 10010 customer service for inquiry and verification.


  What is a telephone, real-name registration system?

  Telephone real-name registration system refers to requiring users to provide real identity information when handling fixed telephone, mobile phone, broadband service, wireless network card entry, transfer and other services, and register their mobile phone numbers with their own names, products, brands and other text marks.

  As early as 2010, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the implementation of the real-name registration system for mobile phone users. Because there has been no clear legal provisions to support it, the effect is not satisfactory. This time in real-name registration system, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has increased the pressure on the three major operators, and operators will face fines if they are found to have problems in their work.

  Many regions have set specific deadlines.

  Up to now, real-name registration system’s requirements have been issued, and many regions have set specific deadlines. Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom, the three major operators in Zhejiang Province, recently stopped the communication services of non-real-name users in Zhejiang. Among them, Zhejiang Unicom also stipulates that from August 25, it will implement mandatory downtime for unnamed users.


  Zhejiang is not the first case in China. As early as last September, Guangdong began to implement the "stop order". In early August this year, Tianjin, Guizhou, Jilin and other places also began to stop providing communication services without real name registration numbers.

  Jiangsu Province announced that it would suspend the communication services of some unqualified users from October 1st, and only keep answering calls and some emergency services, and stop the communication services of all unnamed users on December 1st.

  In addition, the three operators in Beijing stipulate that the downtime of non-real-name users is October 15.

  What’s the point of calling real-name registration system?

  The reporter found that telephone real-name registration system has many advantages. Once the real-name registration system is implemented, it will be easier to trace back to those who cheat by phone and SMS, thus reducing the occurrence of telecom fraud cases. At the same time, the behavior of spreading harmful information by telephone will also be greatly reduced.

  In addition, many criminals use the loophole of "black card" to change their numbers frequently to escape the police’s pursuit. Obviously, real-name registration system will improve the efficiency of pursuit.

  For users, once real-name registration system users lose their mobile phones, they can get a replacement card in time to reduce personal losses.


  Nowadays, many websites and apps require telephone authentication, so real-name registration system also plays an important role in network security and personal information security. Moreover, with the popularity of mobile payment today, real-name registration system obviously provides useful support for the use of related functions.

  What should I do if my mobile phone is stopped? How to handle the telephone call to real-name registration system?

  If the mobile phone or landline you are using is stopped because your real name is not registered, don’t panic. Downtime does not mean that the number has been cancelled, the phone has been stopped in call barring, and you can go to the business hall or register your real name online, and the remaining balance is still there. This is basically the same for the three major operators.

  It is reported that all three operators have provided inquiry services, and users can inquire whether they meet the requirements through telephone, website and other channels, and then register in real-name registration system online or in the business hall according to relevant tips.

What is the reason for the computer to restart automatically?

  I believe many users will encounter it when using a computer. When the computer is in normal use, it suddenly restarts automatically. I don’t know what happened for no reason. If the computer restarts automatically while you are working, what you have done before will be done in vain. This is a very bad thing. So what is the reason for the automatic restart of the computer? Let’s introduce it in detail below.

What is the reason for the automatic restart of the computer?

  First, the computer automatic restart software solutions

  1. When the virus "shock wave" virus breaks out, it will also prompt that the system will start automatically after 60 seconds. Trojan horse programs remotely control all activities of your computer, including restarting your computer. Remove viruses, Trojans, or reinstall the system.

  2. System files are damaged. System files are damaged, such as KERNEL32.DLL under Win2K, fonts under Win98 FONTS directory and other basic files when the system is running, and the system will be forced to restart when it is started.

  Solution: cover the installation or reinstall.

  3. Timing software or task planning software works. If you set a restart or load some work programs in the "Planning Taskbar", the computer will start again when the timing comes. In this case, we can open the "startup" item and check whether there are any unfamiliar execution files or other scheduled work programs in it, and then screen them before starting up for inspection. Of course, we can also directly enter the "Msconfig" command in "Run" to select the startup item.

  Second, the computer automatic restart hardware solutions

  1. The chassis power supply is insufficient, the DC output is impure, and the dynamic response is slow. Users or installers often do not pay attention to power supply and use cheap power supply, so it is one of the biggest suspects that cause the system to restart automatically.

  ① The output power of the power supply is insufficient. When running large-scale 3D games and other software that occupy a large amount of CPU resources, when the CPU needs high power supply, the power supply is overloaded due to insufficient power supply, and the output is stopped. After the power supply stops outputting, the load is lightened, and the power supply is started again. Because the protection/recovery time is very short, the performance given to us is that the host automatically restarts.

  ② The DC output of the power supply is impure, and the digital circuit requires pure DC power supply. When the harmonic content in the DC output of the power supply is too large, it will lead to the working error of the digital circuit, which is manifested by frequent crashes or restarts.

  ③ The workload of ③CPU is dynamic, and the requirements for current are also dynamic, and the dynamic response speed is required to be rapid. Some poor quality power supplies have long dynamic response time, which will also lead to frequent crashes or restarts.

  ④ Updating equipment (high-end graphics card/large hard disk/video card) and adding equipment (burner/hard disk) will lead to frequent crashes or restarts if the power exceeds the rated output power of the original power supply.

  Solution: Now replace the high-quality and high-power computer power supply.

  2. Poor thermal stability of the memory, chip damage or memory problems caused by incorrect settings have a relatively high probability of system restart.

  ① The memory has poor thermal stability, so it can work normally when it is turned on. When the memory temperature rises to a certain temperature, it can’t work normally, resulting in a crash or restart.

  (2) When the memory chip is slightly damaged, it can pass the self-check (setting fast startup to not fully detect the memory), or it can enter the normal desktop for normal operation. When running some software with high I/O throughput (media playback, games, plane /3D drawing), it will restart or crash.

  Solution: Replace the memory.

  ③ Setting the CAS value of the memory too small will also lead to the instability of the memory and cause the system to restart automatically. Generally, it is best to use the default settings of BIOS, and don’t change them yourself.

  3. The CPU temperature is too high or the cache is damaged. ① The CPU temperature is too high, which often causes a protective automatic restart. The reason for the high temperature is basically due to the poor heat dissipation of the chassis and CPU. The reasons for the poor heat dissipation of the CPU are: low thermal conductivity of the radiator material, foreign objects (mostly warranty stickers) between the radiator and the CPU, low fan speed, too much dust on the fan and radiator, and so on. Also, the temperature probe under the CPU of the P2/P3 motherboard is damaged or the temperature measuring circuit inside the P4 CPU is damaged, the BIOS on the motherboard has a BUG and the temperature measurement is not allowed under a certain special condition, and the CPU protection temperature set in CMOS is too low, etc., which will also cause a protective restart.

  ② The damage of the first-level and second-level cache inside the CPU is a common failure of the CPU. Those with light damage can still be started, and can enter the normal desktop for normal operation. When running some software with high I/O throughput (media playback, games, plane /3D drawing), it will restart or crash.

  Solution: Shield the second-level cache (L2) or the first-level cache (L1) in CMOS, or replace the CPU to eliminate it.

  What is the reason for the automatic restart of the computer? The above two aspects mainly provide detailed solutions through software and hardware. Friendly reminder: 1. Operate the computer correctly at ordinary times. 2, some unknown origin, or don’t know much about the software with caution.

National Fitness Day "ignites" sports cells.

  Editor’s note:Who occupied your sports cover today? Whose fitness photo has your circle of friends been screened today?

  — — Don’t worry, their exercise methods may not be suitable for you.

  August 8th, 2019 is the 11th "National Fitness Day" in China. On such a special day, the People’s Health Association, together with sports medicine experts from the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University, gave you a scientific fitness exercise guide: wake up your exercise vitality and burn your calories!

  I. Swimming Guide

  Suitable for people: children and adolescents, adults.

  Efficacy: preventing and treating diseases.

  Swimming is a good systemic exercise, which is very effective in improving cardiopulmonary function. Because of the pressure and resistance of water, swimming can consume fat, strengthen muscles and help to lose weight and shape; Under the action of buoyancy, it can not be oppressed by gravity and is beneficial to the growth of the body. Swimming is also a means to prevent and treat diseases. Long-term exercise can enhance the ability to adapt to changes in the external environment and prevent diseases such as colds.

  Main exercise sites: scapular anterior muscle, pectoralis major, triceps brachii, deltoid muscle, biceps femoris, quadriceps femoris, latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominis, and rectus abdominis.

  Exercise intensity: moderate ★★★☆☆

  Exercise time and frequency: 3 ~ 5 times a week, 60 ~ 90 minutes each time.

  Sports location: Choose a safe swimming pool or water area.

  Second, jump rope guide

  Suitable for people: children and adolescents

  Efficacy: lose weight and lose weight

  Skipping rope is a systemic exercise, which can not only effectively increase the strength of ankle and knee ligaments and lower limb muscles, but also ensure the coordinated development of upper and lower limb muscles. Skipping rope can improve the heart rate and respiratory rate in a short time, exercise the heart and lung function well, and lose weight quickly. It can be used as the main content of aerobic fat reduction, and can also exercise the coordination and sensitivity of the whole body.

  The main sports parts: upper limbs, lower limbs, trunk, and joints, muscles and ligaments of the whole body are also involved.

  Exercise intensity: medium to high intensity ★★★★★☆.

  Exercise time and frequency: jump rope 3 ~ 5 times a week, 30 minutes each time.

  Venue: Choose a relatively flat and wide open space.

  Third, the badminton guide

  Suitable for people: children and adolescents, adults.

  Efficacy: enhance physical fitness

  Badminton is a strong physical exercise, which needs to keep moving, jumping, turning and swinging, so as to increase the strength of upper limbs, lower limbs and waist muscles, improve physical fitness in an all-round way, accelerate systemic blood circulation, promote metabolism, enhance the functions of cardiovascular system and respiratory system, and relax the eyes at the same time. Long-term exercise can improve visual sensitivity and eye responsiveness.

  Main exercise parts: arm, forearm, biceps brachii, waist muscles, abdominal muscles, ankles and knees.

  Exercise intensity: medium to high intensity ★★★★★☆.

  Exercise time and frequency: 2 ~ 3 times a week, each time about 2 hours.

  Venue: Choose an open and flat open space indoors and outdoors.

  Four, cycling guide

  Suitable for people: adults

  Efficacy: preventing and treating diseases.

  Cycling is a simple and practical exercise and fitness method, which can exercise muscle strength and endurance, enhance cardiopulmonary function, reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and prevent hypertension. The high heat energy brought by cycling can promote metabolism and make blood smooth; At the same time, enhancing the brain’s response ability, activating thinking, preventing Alzheimer’s disease, and also helping to maintain an optimistic attitude. In addition to exercising, cycling can also treat cervical spondylosis and lumbar disc herniation, which is a good choice for sedentary people.

  Main exercise sites: quadriceps femoris, gluteus maximus, posterior thigh, soleus and gastrocnemius, biceps and triceps.

  Exercise intensity: moderate ★★★☆☆

  Exercise time and frequency: 30 ~ 60 minutes a day.

  Sports location: choose a safe route

  Five, yoga guide

  Suitable for people: adults

  Efficacy: enhance physical fitness

  Yoga can improve the flexibility of the body, and it is a kind of physical and mental exercise. Yoga can speed up your metabolism, remove waste from your body, repair your body from the inside out, and recuperate your beauty. Yoga can bring you elegant temperament, physical strength and flexibility, make your limbs stretch in a balanced way, make you happy, and also prevent and treat various diseases related to body and mind, regulate the body and mind system, improve the blood environment and promote endocrine balance.

  Main exercise parts: triceps brachii, deltoid muscle, enterogastric muscle, gluteus maximus muscle and hamstring muscle.

  Exercise intensity: low ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆.

  Exercise time: 20 ~ 60 minutes a day.

  Venue: Choose a quiet and comfortable environment.

  Six, flat support guide

  Suitable for people: adults

  Efficacy: lose weight and lose weight

  Plate support is an effective method for core muscles. It is mainly prone during exercise, which can effectively exercise abdominal muscles, mainly shape the lines of waist, abdomen and buttocks, and help maintain the balance of scapula. While strengthening muscles, it will not put too much pressure on the spine and back, and it can also give strong support to the back. Long-term training can make you thinner, healthier and more attractive.

  Main exercise parts: erector spinae, quadriceps femoris, biceps femoris, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, deltoid shoulder, biceps brachii and triceps brachii.

  Exercise intensity: high intensity ★★★★★★

  Exercise time: 1-2 minutes for one group, 3-4 groups at a time, with an interval of 30 seconds for each group.

  Venue: Choose a thick, tasteless, non-slip, flat and elastic yoga mat.

  Seven, square dance guide

  Suitable for people: middle-aged and elderly people

  Efficacy: lose weight and lose weight

  Square dance is an exercise of coordination ability, and music can stimulate brain cells and make the mind active. Dancing is good for physical and mental health, but the stimulation of dancing movements to muscles is comprehensive and comprehensive, which can quickly sweat, speed up the heart rate, consume excess calories and fat, and at the same time enrich life and maintain an optimistic attitude. As long as it persists, square dance is also a sport suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to lose weight and keep fit.

  Main exercise parts: head, neck, chest, legs, hips and other parts.

  Exercise intensity: moderate ★★★☆☆

  Exercise time: about 30 ~ 60 minutes every day.

  Venue: Choose a park or square with a wide and flat ground.

  Eight, table tennis guide

  Suitable for people: children, teenagers, adults and the elderly.

  Efficacy: preventing and treating diseases.

  Table tennis is a ball game that integrates strength, speed, flexibility, agility and endurance. It does not require high physical fitness. It can treat and prevent vision problems such as myopia and presbyopia, and play a certain role in improving Parkinson’s symptoms. It can also slow down aging, reduce "three highs", treat cervical spondylosis and prevent Alzheimer’s disease. It is a very interesting sport that can improve physical fitness and enhance social interaction.

  Main exercise parts: leg muscles, waist muscles, arm muscles and wrist joints.

  Exercise intensity: low ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆.

  Exercise time: 2 ~ 3 times a week, 30 ~ 60 minutes each time.

  Venue: Choose a safe, flat and open area, such as a community or gym.

  Nine, jogging guide

  Suitable for people: adults and the elderly.

  Efficacy: enhance physical fitness

  Jogging can enhance the heart and lung function, the capacity of the lungs increases during running, and at the same time, the oxygen carrying capacity in the blood will also increase greatly; Heartbeat, blood pressure and the elasticity of blood vessel wall will also increase, the blood supply and oxygen supply to the brain will increase, and the quality of sleep will also increase; Jogging can also relieve tension and anxiety and release substances that make people happy.

  Main exercise parts: leg muscles of lower limbs.

  Exercise intensity: moderate ★★☆☆☆

  Exercise time: 20 ~ 30 minutes a day.

  Venue: Choose a soft, flat and wide runway.

Just now! Shijiazhuang issued orange warning of heavy polluted weather and started level II emergency response.

just now
Shijiazhuang issued the latest notice
Start emergency response to heavy pollution weather
Shijiazhuang heavy pollution weather emergency headquarters office
Issue orange warning of heavy polluted weather and start level II emergency response.
According to the joint consultation between the Provincial Eco-environmental Emergency and Heavy Pollution Weather Warning Center, China National Environmental Monitoring Center and the Provincial Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Environmental Meteorological Center, it is predicted that from January 10th, the diffusion conditions in our city will deteriorate, pollutants will continue to accumulate, and the urban air quality may have moderate or above pollution process. According to the suggestion of the Letter of the Provincial Atmospheric Office on Doing a Good Job in Response to the Recent Pollution Process (Jiqi Lingban Letter [2024] No.3), in order to reduce the impact of heavily polluted weather on public health, the municipal meteorological and ecological environment departments have judged and reported it to emergency headquarters for approval, and now an orange warning of heavily polluted weather is issued to the whole city. At 20: 00 on January 10, 2024, Class II emergency response of heavily polluted weather will be started, and the lifting time will be notified separately.
Previously, HebeiXingtai, Handan, Baoding, Langfang, Hengshui, Cangzhou and DingzhouA notice has been issued to start the emergency response to heavy pollution weather.
(Overview of the news client integrated from Shijiazhuang, Xingtai, Handan, Baoding, Langfang, Hengshui, Cangzhou and Dingzhou)

How many of the 40 most influential games of the year have you played?

[CNMO News] Recently, CNMO noticed that Jordan Minor, a foreign entertainment science and technology reporter, recently published a book, which selected more than 40 most influential annual games (except 2021) from 1977 to now, and collected the best, most pioneering and strangest video games of the year. Let’s take a look at some games.

1977: Pong (Table Tennis), the first video game that attracted wide attention.

1978: Space Invaders

1979: Speed Freak was the first first-person racing game.

1980: Pac-Man

1981: Donkey Kong (donkey kong)

1982: Pitfall

1983: The Adventures of the Dragon Cave

1984: Tetris, as one of the most famous games in the world, still has many die-hard fans.

1985: Super Mario Bros.

1986: The Brave Fight the Dragon

1987: the legend of zelda is a famous game series released by Nintendo.

1988: Rockman 2

1989: Sim City

1990: Legend of Monkey Island/Little Hero of Monkey Island/Secret of Monkey Island

1991: sonic the hedgehog

1992: German Headquarters 3D

1993: NBA Carnival

1994: Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo

1995: King Kong Kingdom 2

1996: Super Mario 64

1997: Final Fantasy 7

1998: metal gear Solid

1999: Cyber Raiders 2

2000: Half-Life: Counter-Terrorism Elite

2001: Halo: Battle Evolution

2002: Grand Theft Auto: Sin City

2003: The Staff of the legend of zelda Wind

2004: World of Warcraft, a popular multiplayer online role-playing game, is regarded as one of the most influential works in the game history.

2005: Resident Evil 4

2006: Wii Movement

2007: Rock Band

2008: Spore

2009: Mysterious Sea 2: Across the World

2010: Super Carnivorous Boy

2011: My World

2012: The Walking Dead

2013: Exploration of Depression

2014: Destiny

2015: Wizard 3: wild hunt

2016: Baokemeng Go

2017: Night of the Fortress

2018: Nintendo Star Wars Special Edition

2019: "Only Wolf: The Shadow Dies Twice"

2020: "Gather! Animal Forest Friends Association

2022: The Ultimate Deluxe Edition of Stanley’s Fables

For game enthusiasts, many games are familiar to everyone. So many games, which ones have you played?