Policy Continuation, Strength, Matching, Optimization and Upgrading —— A "Great Article" on New Energy Vehicles Going to the Countryside in China

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 9th Title: Policy Continuation, Force Support, Optimization and Upgrade — — China’s "big article" on new energy vehicles going to the countryside

  Xinhua News Agency reporters Gao Kang, Wu Huijun and Wang Cunfu

  Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Charging Infrastructure to Better Support New Energy Vehicles to the Countryside and Rural Revitalization". This year, the relevant policies to promote the development of new energy automobile industry continue to exert their strength. How will China do a good job in this "big article" of new energy vehicles going to the countryside?

  Three years of "going to the countryside" have yielded fruitful results

  In July 2020, China launched new energy vehicles to the countryside. Activities gradually penetrated into third-and fourth-tier cities, and kept close to county and township markets and rural consumers.

  In the past three years, the event has launched nearly 200 rural models, with a cumulative sales of more than 4.1 million vehicles.

  "The horses and chariots have not moved, and the piles are built first." Huang Tao, the operation director of Hainan Charging and Replacing Network Co., Ltd., said that the promotion of new energy vehicles in Hainan has been accelerated by building an information-based, digital and intelligent "one network" operation supervision platform.

  According to Zhong Dong, director of Hainan New Energy Vehicle Promotion Center, in the first four months of this year, Hainan has promoted and applied 29,100 new energy vehicles. New energy vehicles accounted for 43.6% of the new vehicles.

  Relevant ministries and local governments have given strong support, and car companies such as Wuling, BYD and Geely are also making active efforts.

  According to the relevant person in charge of BYD, in recent years, BYD has continued to launch vehicles suitable for the use of cars in counties and townships, and the channels have sunk, so as to facilitate consumers in counties and townships to see cars, test cars, buy cars and repair cars, and promote the steady increase of brand awareness and sales.

  “‘ Going to the countryside ’ The event played an important role in driving the steady growth of sales. " Wang Jun, deputy director of the Industrial Research Department of China Automobile Industry Association, said.

  According to the data of China Automobile Association, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China soared from 1.206 million in 2019 to 6.887 million in 2022; The number of new energy passenger cars in non-first-and second-tier cities has increased rapidly, from 175,000 in 2019 to 1.714 million in 2022.

  Xu Haidong, deputy chief engineer of China Automobile Association, said that efforts to promote new energy vehicles to the countryside not only guide enterprises to overweight and sink the market, but also promote the comprehensive upgrade of rural residents’ travel modes, and also promote the large-scale development of new energy vehicles to a new stage.

  Large market space and sufficient economic potential.

  At the beginning of the year, the Central Document No.1 proposed to encourage qualified areas to carry out new energy vehicles to the countryside; The "Opinions" were promulgated in May; On June 8, the Ministry of Commerce announced that it would organize the "100-city linkage" and other automobile consumption promotion activities to further enrich the supply of new energy automobile products in rural areas.

  What key signals have been released after the introduction of relevant policies?

  "In recent years, the new energy automobile industry has flourished and has become one of the important engines to promote a new round of economic transformation and upgrading and high-quality development." Xu Haidong said that the layout of charging infrastructure and the promotion of new energy vehicles to the countryside can not only continuously expand the market space of the vast counties and townships, but also improve energy links and boost the development of related industries, with a view to the future.

  At present, many places in the country focus on promoting the construction of charging infrastructure, paving the way for new energy vehicles to go to the countryside.

  "You can charge half the electricity in half an hour, and the monthly charging fee is only 100 yuan." Guo Xinan, a villager from Juwang Village, Haikou Town, Daguan District, Anqing City, Anhui Province, told reporters that his "mileage anxiety" has disappeared since charging piles were installed in neighboring villages in March.

  "Promoting the construction of charging facilities is like opening up the countryside ‘ Seven meridians and eight veins ’ 。” Ma Cuibing, director of the Automobile Industry Department of Anhui Provincial Economic and Information Office, said that this move will promote more choices of car purchases in rural areas and make it more convenient for urban residents to come to the countryside, which will inevitably lead to the rapid development of a series of industries such as tourism, logistics and supporting services for new energy vehicles, promote employment and promote local economic development.

  Experts said that there are more and more consumers who like the natural and rural scenery in go on road trip, and the rural tourism market has broad potential. With the policy guidance and the improvement of residents’ income, the demand and consumption potential of cars in rural areas will become more and more prominent.

  "The penetration rate of new energy vehicles in counties and townships is much lower than that in cities, and there is huge room for improvement." Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, believes that it will be a great market opportunity to promote the consumption growth in county and township markets and realize the popularization of new energy vehicles, which is of great significance for optimizing the consumption structure of residents and continuously implementing the strategy of expanding domestic demand.

  The Study on Electric Vehicle Travel in Rural Areas of China published by committee of 100, China, predicts that by 2030, there will be nearly 160 vehicles with 1,000 people in rural areas of China, and the total number of vehicles will exceed 70 million. The China Automobile Association predicts that if it can meet the needs of rural residents for motorized travel in the future, it will probably incite supermarkets with a scale of 500 billion yuan.

  How to promote better "going to the countryside"?

  Meng Wei, spokesperson of the National Development and Reform Commission, said recently that, on the whole, the new energy vehicle market in rural areas of China is still in its infancy, with relatively low total ownership, insufficient construction of charging infrastructure, insufficient supply of economical and practical vehicles, and insufficient sales and service capabilities, which have restricted the promotion and use of new energy vehicles.

  Xu Haidong believes that at present, new energy vehicles still face multiple challenges in going to the countryside:

  — — The price of new energy vehicles is still higher than that of fuel vehicles. The types of product supply are limited, so how to scientifically and directionally develop suitable models has become a compulsory course for car companies.

  — — At present, the profit rate of new energy vehicles is generally not high. The cost of channel sinking, promotion and promotion is added, which makes it more difficult for car companies to make profits.

  — — Insufficient charging facilities restrict the purchase and use of new energy vehicles in counties and townships. The construction and maintenance cost of charging facilities is high, and it is difficult to make a profit in the short term.

  Zhang Dawei, director of product positioning of SAIC-GM-Wuling, said that the price sensitivity of county and township consumers is high, and the expected price is mainly below 100,000 yuan.

  Industry experts suggest that car companies should develop models that are more suitable for counties and townships, such as appropriately reducing cruising range to save costs. In terms of policy, the state can also consider tilting and guiding, and appropriately increase assistance according to the actual situation.

  Cui Dongshu said that publicity and popular science work in rural areas should be further improved, more efforts should be encouraged and mobilized to promote the renovation and construction of rural basic power facilities, and more difficulties and problems encountered in practice should be solved, such as increasing the capacity of distribution networks.

  "New energy vehicles going to the countryside is a long-term activity and systematic project." Xu Haidong said that in the next step, the government, car companies, power grids and other parties need to form a joint force to continuously explore economic potential and expand market space. With the macroeconomic stabilization, the new energy automobile industry will maintain steady and sustainable development.

In 2016, the auto industry proposal of the two sessions took stock of the automatic driving ladder, and the oil price became the focus.

  [Global Network Comprehensive Report] The Fourth Session of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference will open at the Great Hall of the People at 3 pm on March 3, and the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress will also open on March 5.

  In 2016, two national conferences were held, and proposals on the automobile industry were also released. There are not only forward-looking proposals on autonomous driving legislation, but also proposals on people’s livelihood such as oil prices.

  According to the official news released by Geely Automobile, Li Shufu, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Geely Group, put forward three proposals at the two sessions: firstly, he suggested speeding up the legislation of autonomous driving; secondly, he cautiously and reasonably revised the law on the promotion of private education; and thirdly, he strengthened the tax management of e-commerce business transactions.

  Li Shufu believes that motoring has brought new challenges and opportunities to the development of China automobile industry. It is urgent to judge the possible problems in advance and make legislative plans as soon as possible. This is because the legislation on autonomous driving has become a new international concern, and because of the complexity and uniqueness of China, it takes a certain period to amend a legislation or industry regulations. Therefore, starting to consider the legislation on autonomous driving as soon as possible will help to establish the norms of autonomous driving industry in China, promote the healthy development of the industry and guide social investment. Moreover, with the establishment of relevant legislation and industry norms, it can maximize the promotion of related industries to achieve cornering overtaking on the international stage in the "Made in China 2025" grand strategy. 

  As for the content and formulation of autonomous driving legislation, Li Shufu believes that we should first study and analyze the current laws and regulations in China, identify and start to modify the relevant provisions that hinder the development of autonomous driving; Secondly, as a new technology, the final promotion of autonomous driving must be widely accepted by users; In addition, autonomous driving can achieve more significant social effects in solving traffic congestion and air pollution in large and medium-sized cities, and these areas are also in urgent need of autonomous driving; Finally, the development of autonomous driving requires comprehensive consideration of relevant industrial policies of legislation.

  Coincidentally, the three proposals made by Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Baidu CEO Robin Li also involved policies and regulations on driverless driving.

  Li Yanhong said that driverless cars have great energy-saving potential, which has far-reaching significance in reducing traffic accidents, improving congestion, improving road and vehicle utilization, and can directly drive the rapid development of smart car aftermarket and other industries. At present, the development of global driverless technology is welcoming a new upsurge, and China enterprises are also actively deploying the core technology research and development and industrial application in the field of driverless. After years of accumulation, Internet companies such as Baidu have reached the international leading level in many key technologies of autonomous driving, such as traffic scene object recognition, high-precision mapping and positioning. However, compared with the continuous advancement of technology, China’s relevant laws and regulations still have a lot of room for adjustment for the development of driverless cars: on the one hand, the relevant industry standards, technical standards, laws and regulations and insurance of the existing automobile industry are not applicable to driverless cars; On the other hand, regulations on map content and surveying and mapping qualifications related to driverless cars also hinder the development of driverless cars.

  In response to this problem, Li Yanhong suggested in the proposal that China should pay attention to driverless driving at the national level, make top-level design and scientific planning for the research and development and industrial application of driverless technology, and revise and improve laws and regulations related to driverless driving as soon as possible, so as to provide institutional guarantee for the research and development, testing and commercial application of driverless cars.

  In addition to autonomous driving, which represents cutting-edge technology, people’s livelihood issues such as oil prices have also become the focus of auto industry proposals.


  The reporter learned from the official of Great Wall Motor that the proposal of Wang Fengying, deputy to the National People’s Congress and president of Great Wall Motor, involved topics such as ladder pricing of vehicle fuel.

  Wang Fengying analyzed the current development situation of automobile industry in China: the number of motor vehicles in China is close to 280 million, the number of private cars is over 140 million, and the number of cars per thousand people is about 117, which is close to the international average. Generally speaking, China has entered the automobile society in an all-round way. Moreover, China’s public demand for cars has not yet reached its peak, and the number of cars is bound to maintain a net growth of more than 10 million in the next 10-15 years. According to this trend, China will become a "country on wheels". By then, people’s mode of production and travel, choice of residence, urban and rural structure, lifestyle, leisure style, consumption structure and business model will also change. This change in the rhythm of social activities will also have a direct impact on social relations and other aspects.

  At present, there is still a big gap between China’s "soft" environment of automobile society, especially the car-using environment and developed countries. The poor convenience of car owners and the heavy tax burden of all links directly restrict the operation efficiency of the automobile society and are not conducive to the development of China’s automobile society.

  She pointed out a series of problems exposed with the growth of car ownership: the system setting of vehicle and vessel tax is unfair, which is not conducive to encouraging car owners to use less cars; The toll period of expressway is too long, which is beyond the reasonable scope, so it should be adjusted and optimized according to the urban development; The fuel price pricing mechanism is not linked to the intensity of vehicle use; The current vehicle annual inspection system is still unreasonable and there is a waste of social resources; Urban parking fee management is chaotic and inefficient, and the whereabouts of parking fees are unknown; Congestion fee collection needs forward-looking planning and corresponding legal and policy support.

  In this regard, Wang Fengying’s suggestions are: increase the intensity of vehicle use and optimize the vehicle and vessel use tax system; Clarify the social and operational attributes of transportation infrastructure such as expressways, scientifically allocate resources, and create a fairer and more standardized car environment for car owners; Taking the vehicle intensity as an important charging standard, this paper explores the ladder pricing system of vehicle fuel to guide users to reduce the vehicle intensity; Supervision and use of "internet plus" and other technical means to improve vehicle traffic efficiency and improve parking management efficiency; Carefully collect congestion charges, and the decision-making process needs to be open and transparent; Revise and improve the laws, regulations and policies related to car use to create a more convenient car use environment for car owners.

  As well as the oil price problem, there are also concerns about the new energy utilization of automobiles, the progress of energy conservation and emission reduction, and the process of green environmental protection. Recently, An Jin, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of Jianghuai Automobile, said in an interview with the media that the most concerned issue is energy conservation and emission reduction.

  An Jin said: "This year’s two sessions, in addition to studying Premier Li Keqiang’s government work report, accurately grasping the development trend of the country and industry under the new normal, and combining the 13 th Five-Year Plan with enterprise development, my most concerned topic is energy conservation and emission reduction." At the beginning of the interview, An Jin briefly and directly introduced the focus of the two sessions this year.

  In Amgen’s view, there are at least two major issues in the adjustment of China’s industrial structure: innovation and green. A big country must have a high degree of innovation. If we can’t take the lead in innovation or catch up with it quickly, we can’t have competitiveness and the right to speak in the complicated political and economic environment.

  It is not difficult to infer that Amgen’s proposal will focus on the development of innovative technologies, green cars and energy conservation and emission reduction.

Asking nothing about the west and the east: a new trend in the study of medical social history

In recent years, with the epidemic situation in COVID-19 and the changes in international politics, the demand for realistic care for historical research has become increasingly strong, which has attracted academic attention. In order to break the national barriers of medical history research and further strengthen academic exchanges, on the afternoon of November 25, 2023, a youth workshop entitled "No Questions about the West: New Trends in Medical Social History Research" sponsored by the Center for World History and International Drug Control Policy Research of the Department of History of Shanghai University was held in Shanghai. Nearly 20 scholars from Fudan University, Shanghai University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, East China Normal University, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shandong University, Shandong Normal University and Peking Union Medical College, as well as the University of Manchester in England, the University of Heidelberg in Germany and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the United States, attended the conference at the same time, and discussed the frontiers of medical history research from the political, economic, gender, social, knowledge and sensory perspectives.

Group photo of participants

Associate Professor Yang Changyun, deputy dean of the School of Literature of Shanghai University, presided over the opening ceremony and gave a welcome speech. He looked forward to learning from each other in medical history research, helping interdisciplinary research and their dialogue and cooperation, thus expanding the research team of medical history and cultivating the diverse horizons of young scholars’ research. In the special report session, the speaker conducted in-depth exchanges around the two major themes of medical history research: "Oriental vision" and "Western path".

First, the oriental perspective of medical history research

The theme of the first half of the conference was "Oriental Vision of Medical History Research", and the four reports mainly focused on the Middle Ages to modern times, trying to put China’s local medical history research in the perspective of the development of world history and make China voice in the international discourse system.

Jiang Shan (Peking Union Medical College) first reported the paper "The Significance of the Study on the Conceptual History of Acupuncture: Taking Ashi Point as an Example". Jiang Shan pointed out that in the current acupuncture knowledge system, Ashi point belongs to one of the three categories of acupoints. However, this knowledge comes from a folk therapy record in a corner of Qian Jin Fang. How Ashi point rose from the edge of classical literature to the core position of modern acupuncture theory is rarely discussed. Therefore, Jiang Shan traces the origin and conceptual evolution of Ashi point, and thinks that the sudden emergence of Ashi point in China originated from the Republic of China. The modernization and transformation of acupuncture theory in the Republic of China was influenced by Japan to some extent. Japan’s preference for practical technology, theoretical innovation of schools and the subsequent scientific transformation of acupuncture have become three important reasons for changing the theoretical status of Ashi point. With the translation and introduction of Japanese acupuncture textbooks in the Republic of China and the theoretical innovation of doctors in the Republic of China, Ashi point was finally reconstructed into today’s face. Commentators exchanged views with reporters on the practical pursuit of lower-level Chinese medicine, the labeling methods of 25 Chinese-translated Japanese medical books, and the relationship between the adjustment of Ashi point theory and the commercialization of acupuncture therapy.

The report of Gu Yue (Department of History, Shanghai University) is entitled "Liver disease, especially for women": Liver disease as a chronic disease and the painful experience of women in Qing Dynasty. Gu Yue introduced the research method of chronic diseases, studied the painful experience of women suffering from liver diseases in Qing Dynasty, and found that emotion became the explanatory theory of patients and their families. Chronic diseases often reflect the root of social anxiety. Here, liver disease symbolizes an emotional anxiety that women can’t suppress. Gu Yue pointed out that female patients themselves internalized their emotional anxiety into their daily coping strategies for chronic diseases. Commentators discussed the definition of emotional diseases mentioned in the article, the discussion on the correlation between emotions and diseases, and the comparative observation of China society’s control and construction of women’s diseases and their emotions based on the theory of body fluids in the 14th century.

Focusing on modern times, the third speaker, Ji Linghui (School of History, Zhejiang University), wrote a paper entitled "Preliminary Study on Health Technology Cooperation between the League of Nations and the National Government before the outbreak of the All-round Anti-Japanese War". From the perspective of globalization and nationalization, he reorganized the process of health cooperation between the League of Nations and the National Government during the Republic of China. Ji Linghui focused on the extensive health technical cooperation between the two sides before the outbreak of the All-round Anti-Japanese War, including sending experts to China, rebuilding port quarantine, helping the Yangtze River flood, establishing a central laboratory, sending experts to Europe, and pointed out that the health technical cooperation between the Ministry of Health of the League of Nations and the Ministry of Health of the Nanjing National Government was one of the important thrusts for the development of medical and health undertakings in China during the Republic of China. Commentators exchanged views with reporters on the use of archives, the writing of research summary and historical analysis, as well as diplomatic medical cooperation research.

The fourth speaker, Zhang Meng (Center for Science, Technology and Medical History of Manchester University), gave a report entitled "Exploring a new medical model: the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Peking University Medical College before and after the founding of the People’s Republic of China". Zhang Meng believes that there should be a gradual transition stage in the central task of medical and health care from the revolutionary war period to the CPC becoming the ruling party. Commentators exchanged views with reporters on the definition and social role of Chinese medical care in this paper.

Second, the western path of medical history research

The report in the second half of the conference pays attention to the research path of medical history in European countries such as France, Germany and Britain since modern times, and reviews the experience of globalization from the non-localized research materials.

Liu Xiaomeng (Department of History, Fudan University) gave a report entitled "Practical Therapy and Life Experience: Reconstructing the Collection and Production of Medical Prescriptions by French Artisans in Early Modern Times". Focusing on the manuscript numbered Ms. Fr. 640 now in the National Library of France, Liu Xiaomeng made a detailed discussion on 48 medical prescriptions in the manuscript by means of text interpretation and laboratory reconstruction, so as to get a glimpse of the folk medical concepts in early modern Europe and the skills and material culture practiced by craftsmen. The specific case reported by Liu Xiaomeng also shows the importance of reconstruction experiment, and the transformation process of materials in drug preparation is difficult to convey through the medical text itself. This ability to understand the material personally is also the meaning of popular scientific research. The reviewers discussed with the reporter the manuscripts of early modern European workers, the medical concept of ordinary people and the methods of laboratory reconstruction.

Mao Lixia (School of History and Culture, Shandong Normal University) discussed the first victory in the war between human beings and diseases-the eradication of smallpox in 1980 with the title "The beginning of smallpox eradication-on the innovation and practice of smallpox prevention in Britain in the 18th century". Mauritia believes that the eradication of smallpox began with the medical breakthrough and practice of smallpox prevention and control in Britain in the 18th century. At the same time, Mauritia also pointed out that the breakthrough and practice of smallpox prevention and control in Britain is the result of the joint efforts of all walks of life, which shows the public welfare of medicine and the ingenuity of medical practitioners, and then makes the eradication of smallpox from the foresight in the 18th century to the reality in the 20th century. Commentators discussed with the reporter about the orientation of the article, the awareness of problems and the beginning of smallpox eradication.

The report of Gu Nianmao (Department of History, East China Normal University) is entitled "robert koch and the Laboratory Turn of German Medicine in 19th Century". Gu Nianmao first explained the origin of writing this article, and his post-doctoral experience on the production and international dissemination of German bacteriology knowledge. Gu Nianmao believes that after the 1840s and 1950s, modern medicine took a "laboratory turn", from French clinical medicine focusing on pathological anatomy and clinical observation to German laboratory medicine advocating experimental reduction and regular analysis, which jointly promoted the development of modern medical science. Gu Nianmao pointed out that robert koch has made pioneering achievements in the pathogenicity of bacteria and the research methods of laboratory bacteriology, and made great efforts to promote the knowledge transfer between new laboratory discoveries and clinical treatment. The reviewers exchanged views with the reporter on the writing methods, compactness and relevance of the contents of the paper, and the countries and regions of medical social history research.

An Yongna (Department of History, Shanghai University)’ s report is entitled "The Debate over the Image of Alcoholics and the Turn of Social Governance in 19th Century Britain". An Yongna pointed out that alcoholism was a high-frequency word in British public discourse in the 19th century, but the definition of alcoholics was complicated and complicated. An Yongna believes that the increasingly serious crime of alcoholism threatens social order, and a series of spillover effects forced the British government to adjust its governance direction in the mid-19th century. On the one hand, it actively cooperated with the humanitarian public opinion of moral reform, and on the other hand, it promulgated the Insanity Act, so the Royal Madhouse became a place to legally accommodate alcoholics. The high incidence and recurrence rate of alcoholism made the Royal Madhouse, which depended on donations for its livelihood, unable to withstand its economic pressure in the late 19th century. Therefore, doctors used the right to speak on alcoholism in medicine and petitioned for another special law to manage alcoholics. In the 19th century, the multiple reversals of the image of alcoholics outlined the exploration and transformation of the British government’s governance model in the industrialization period. Commentators discussed the definition of drinking and alcoholism, the areas involved in the article and some wording with the speaker.

After the two keynote speeches, the workshop entered a round-table discussion session. Xiang Rong, Professor of History Department of Fudan University, Fan-Xiang Min, Professor of History Department of Nanjing University, Zou Xiang, Professor of History and Culture College of Shandong University, and Yongan Zhang, Professor of History Department of Shanghai University, and other experts and scholars focused on the theme of this workshop, "No Questions about the West: A New Trend of Medical Social History Research".

Professor Xiangrong regrets the great development and changes in the study of medical social history in recent years. Based on his own experience of studying PhD in Britain in 1990s, and then coming into contact with medical history, Professor Xiangrong pointed out that the research of medical social history is becoming more and more mature, and researchers have already gone beyond the general "top-down" or "bottom-up" research path, but are more thorough and in-depth. Medical social history is becoming an independent research direction, which is also related to two profound public health tests in China-SARS and COVID-19 epidemic. Later, Professor Xiangrong contacted the theme of the conference, "Ask nothing about the West", and pointed out the necessity and importance of breaking the boundary between world history and China history.

Professor Fan-Xiang Min put forward his own views on the national boundaries of medical social history. Professor Fan-Xiang Min said that the reason why we pay attention to the national topic of medical social history is not to make medical social history a national history, but to notice that the Chinese literary circles don’t know enough about the medical social history of some countries, such as French medical social history. We should pay more attention to the research of medical social history in these countries, and introduce their research methods and theories to domestic scholars, so as to promote the full integration of domestic medical social history research with the world. In addition, Professor Fan-Xiang Min believes that medical care and diseases are common problems faced by human beings, and the global spread of medicine is very rapid, but there are also countries and regions in the process of communication. If we overemphasize regions and countries, we can’t get a glimpse of the whole study of medical social history; At present, English-speaking countries dominate the research of medical history in China’s world historians, while other countries are relatively rare. If we ignore the study of medical social history in some language areas (such as Spanish-speaking areas), we will also fall into the trap of a blind eye. As for the research object of medical history, Mr. Fan-Xiang Min thinks that traditionally we are confined to orthodox medicine and medical system, and the medicine outside orthodox medicine, such as how ordinary patients seek medical advice, is often neglected.

Professor Zou Xiang talked about his feelings from the aspect of thesis writing. Based on his years of research experience, Professor Zou Xiang further pointed out that the research of medical social history should be problem-oriented and run through the whole paper, rather than deliberately following the national boundaries, because the history of bacteria and viruses will not follow the national development. Based on her visiting experience in Oxford, Mr. Zou Xiang put forward a point that needs attention, that is, writing historical papers should adhere to the historical method and should not be easily influenced by the writing methods of other disciplines. This has also aroused the high approval of Professor Xiangrong, who believes that in the process of studying medical social history from an interdisciplinary perspective, we should especially stick to the disciplinary position of history.

At the end of the meeting, Professor Yongan Zhang made a concluding speech. Professor Yongan Zhang pointed out that a small-scale workshop for young scholars is beneficial for young scholars to communicate with each other, build their own academic network, and learn from outstanding peers, so as to motivate themselves to make continuous progress on the academic road. As for the theme of this workshop-"No Questions, West and East: A New Trend of Medical Social History Research", Professor Yongan Zhang said that he chose this topic because the research of medical social history is problem-oriented and really needs to break the boundary, so as to help us find and discuss problems. In addition, breaking the boundaries between disciplines is beneficial for humanities to use many concepts pioneered by science and engineering, which may help promote our current research. Professor Yongan Zhang also pointed out that the study of medical social history has been in full swing in the west. In Britain, almost all higher-level schools have a strong medical social history team, and medical social history is also a hot direction of humanities research. In the United States, many scholars who have received systematic medical training conduct medical humanities research. It is necessary to learn from each other in the study of medical social history. In addition, Professor Yongan Zhang expressed his delight at the discussion and exchange in this workshop: young scholars are really "learning from the west without asking questions", trying to break the boundaries between disciplines and countries in the research process, and at the same time trying to enrich their research by using multi-source files and multi-country and multi-language materials. At the same time, Professor Yongan Zhang also raised two questions. First, we should strive to do research that can attract the attention and recognition of the academic circles in the target countries, so as to expand the influence of research. Second, we should advocate more transnational and cross-regional research.And pay attention to putting China in the field of vision, so that more breakthroughs may be made. Finally, Professor Yongan Zhang expressed his expectation for the future workshop for young scholars, hoping that more different scholars would participate in the exchange and spark more thoughts.