"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C

  On February 26th, Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM officially announced the pre-sale of "Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV". The pre-sale guide price is 172,800 yuan for long-life plus, 182,800 yuan for long-life pro, 202,800 yuan for long-life pro and 222,800 yuan for long-life Max 22.28 Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM is the first model of Starway M3X Super Hybrid Platform (hereinafter referred to as M3X Super Hybrid Platform). It has won the endorsement of China authoritative awards in terms of design, chassis, hybrid system, cabin air quality and safety, and the new car will be officially launched in the first quarter.

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM opens pre-sale _fororder_image001

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM opens pre-sale _fororder_image002

  Fan Xing, executive deputy general manager of Xingtu Marketing Center, said, "Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM will take the concept of luxury and equal rights as its concept, and based on the native hybrid technology of M3X super-hybrid platform, it will bring a 400,000-level value experience of running fast, going far, driving steadily and being safe enough, fully open users’ full-scale anxiety and comfortable life, and lead a new era of high-end hybrid market." This sentence is full of Xingtu’s expectations for Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM. It is understood that based on the concept of luxury equal rights, Eta Ursae Majoris quickly became the main model of Starway after its listing in February, 2013, which brought multiple breakthroughs of "annual sales of 100,000+,upgrading of high-end users’ portraits and capturing first-and second-tier cities" and greatly promoted the brand to enter the "mainstream high-end competition circle". With the addition of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM, the new car will undoubtedly lead the Star Road brand up again.

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM opens for pre-sale _fororder_image003

  From the perspective of brand, market and products, the market potential of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM can not be underestimated. On the one hand, following the reputation of luxury and equal rights accumulated in Eta Ursae Majoris, Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM will achieve a "dimension reduction blow" with the value of high-end new energy. On the other hand, in the previous national professional media test drive, it generally recognized the outstanding advantages of the same level, such as the advanced technology of the three-speed super hybrid DHT, the super-sensing chassis of flying fish, the long endurance of 1343km, and the high safety of the M3P battery in Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, which led to the high consumer expectations of the new car before it went on the market. Coupled with the surprise brought by the pre-sale price, the new car can be described as a triple dark horse potential superposition, and it is bound to achieve a greater breakthrough after listing and become a new species in the mid-level SUV market.

  The whole scene 0 anxiety opens the new comfort and beautiful travel.

  The good reputation of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM also comes from a series of real extreme challenges under the conditions of "real users, real scenes and real car demand" for the pain points of hybrid cars. In December last year, Starway officially launched the "Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM 10,000 People Public Test" program for the whole country, which was the first real scene extreme challenge of the original hybrid vehicle in the automobile industry, and immediately set off a "public beta" craze on the Internet, including people from different circles and different car needs, such as bilibili UP owners, professional media KOL, industry experts and Starway users, who participated in ten thousand comprehensive evaluations and ten thousand extreme tests.

  It is worth noting that in view of the biggest pain point of the "winter endurance anxiety" of new energy vehicles, in January, Starway officially used a north-south double-line long-life live broadcast challenge of "the whole network is a mirror to the end, millions of people watch, and millions of people like it". Let consumers witness the long-life anxiety. The WLTC of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM has the highest comprehensive cruising range of 1343km. The live motorcade set off from Harbin (north line) and Wuhan (south line) respectively, taking the real car scene with a high-speed speed speed of 100km/h+, air conditioning on and full load as the test condition, from "full charge and one tank of oil" to the last "one drop of oil and one degree of electricity", and finally the northern line was-minus 30.

  M3X Super Mix Technology Empowers: Go far, run fast, drive steadily and safely.

  Thanks to the native technology empowerment of M3X super-mixing platform, Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM’s natural and super-comfortable product strength has been created, and the whole scene of 0-anxiety travel experience has been realized. "What is super comfortable? In layman’s terms, it means running fast, going far, driving steadily and being safe enough, "Fan Xing said.

  M3X super-hybrid platform condenses Chery’s 27-year positive R&D wisdom, and has two innate genes: global and high-end. It is a world-class leading super-comfortable native hybrid platform. As the first model of the platform, Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM considered the layout of the three power systems from the beginning of research and development, and conducted reliability tests in Indonesia, the Middle East, South America, Brazil, Germany, Heilongjiang, China and other places around the world. The waterproof performance of the whole vehicle was developed according to the national standard 3 times, the waterproof performance of the battery pack reached the national standard 48 times, and the whole vehicle such as batteries met the requirements of "as low as -35℃ and as high as 60℃",-35.

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM opens pre-sale _fororder_image004

  Run fast

  The hybrid system of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM won the title of "Top Ten in China Heart" in 2023 and the special prize of the jury of the 4th China Automobile Fengyun Festival by CCTV. It consists of the fifth generation ACTECO 1.5TGDI high-efficiency hybrid engine, three-speed super hybrid DHT, hybrid battery and battery management system. Among them, the thermal efficiency of the engine exceeds 44.5%, and the two-wheel drive model is equipped with dual-drive motors. The maximum total power of the power system reaches 270kW and the maximum total torque is 605 N m. The surging power performance brings a comfortable daily commuting experience. It takes only 4.2s to accelerate at 90-120km/h, and there is no pressure to overtake at high speed. The four-wheel drive model is matched with three motors. The maximum total power exceeds 400 kW, the maximum total torque exceeds 900 N·m, and the zero-speed acceleration reaches the 4-second club. On the whole, each performance can be called "the most advanced technology and the strongest dynamic performance" at the same level.

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM opens pre-sale _fororder_image005

  Go far

  The maximum battery capacity of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM is 34.46kW·h, and the maximum pure battery life of WLTC is 160km. Charging once a week can meet the commuting needs for a whole week. Don’t worry about holidays. The highest comprehensive cruising range of WLTC of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM can reach 1343km, and the measured cruising range limit can reach 1,418 km+.A tank of oil can be driven from Shanghai to Beijing, and the family can fully enjoy their parent-child time. Charge for 20 minutes to recharge 30%-80%, and a cup of coffee can be fully charged. WLTC is short of electricity and fuel consumption of 5.4L/100km, so it saves money no matter how it is driven.

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM opens pre-sale _fororder_image006

  Drive steadily

  Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM is not only far ahead in terms of power and endurance, but also the unique flying fish super-sensing chassis at the same level has won the title of "Top Ten Chassis in China", equipped with CDC electromagnetic suspension system, Soft Stop system, chassis hydraulic vibration isolation system, intelligent brake-by-wire system and other common configurations of luxury cars, especially in waiting for traffic lights, overtaking with large throttle, U-bend and other sections, so as to maximize the realization of "starting without looking up, braking without nodding, turning without tilting, bumping without sprinkling water". At the same time, the four domains integrate EEA electronic and electrical architecture, support OTA iterative ability, and bring common and always comfortable luxury enjoyment.

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM opens pre-sale _fororder_image007

  Safe enough

  Safety is always the DNA in the blood of Xingtu brand. Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM is the first hybrid vehicle equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s brand-new M3P high-safety battery. It has a unique 1+8+1 battery management system in the industry, and the power is cut off rapidly when driving and charging collide for 2ms, so as to prevent the danger from happening. The whole vehicle is built according to the global N-CAP five-star collision standard. It adopts high-strength steel+aluminum lightweight space capsule design and two horizontal and three vertical embracing force transmission structures, bringing indestructible safety protection to users. In the design of the battery, the center is symmetrically arranged, protective plates and heat insulation plates are added around it, and protective reinforcing beams and energy-absorbing structures in the doorsill are added laterally to the car body, so that the battery pack can not be deformed even if it encounters impact. There is also the first batch of zero-formaldehyde cockpit car certification in China, which builds a protective "King Kong Cover" for users from multiple dimensions such as battery safety, active and passive safety and air quality safety.

  The best solution in the new energy market leads the new era of high-end hybrid.

  Previously, Yin Tongyue, secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Chery Holding Group, once placed his trust in the Star Way brand in public, "We want to make Star Way Chery’s ‘ BBA’ , become the brand pyramid of Chery Group ‘ Spire ’ , leading the entire Chery brand pyramid towering into the sky! And it is lit with new energy ‘ Spire ’ And help the high-quality development of China automobile ". After a series of extreme hard core tests, Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM, which has won wide acclaim, is undoubtedly the best solution for the new energy market. With the concept of "luxury and equal rights", the new car will bring users a full scene of anxiety and comfort, reshape the market structure with high value, and become a leader in the high-end hybrid market. (Source: Qi Ruixingtu)