Hu Bing was invited as "Italian fashion friend" China gentleman to promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

Hu Bing was invited as "Italian fashion friend" China gentleman to promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

The year 2020 coincides with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy, and it is also the "China-Italy Year of Culture and Tourism". At this landmark point, at the official invitation of the Italian National Tourism Administration, Hu Bing, a gentleman from China, will co-host the grand event as an "Italian fashion friend", promote cultural exchanges between the two countries, and start his new journey as a "world traveler". Yesterday, Hu Bing also sent a message to Weibo, telling his origins and stories with Italy in the form of video.

Hu Bing, as an "Italian fashion friend", was praised as a walking China fashion label.

Like China, Italy is also a "treasure-class" world cultural heritage country. It is not only the cradle of European culture, the birthplace of the Renaissance, but also one of the current international fashion centers, and Hu Bing has a deep relationship with it. In his early years, after he entered the national team as a professional rower, he was sent to Italy to attend an international training camp. After being injured, he found another stage in his life and made his first show in Milan, thus opening the way to modeling and performing arts. For Hu Bing, Italy is a place where dreams begin and a place where his dreams bloom.

Since then, Hu Bing has gone to Italy and other countries to participate in fashion week, award ceremony, jury and other related activities almost every year, and has maintained the cooperation of European fashion brands and top designers for more than 20 years, becoming the face of china recognized by the international fashion world. Hu Bing has always had his own understanding of fashion. "Embrace the future and stay with the classics" is his philosophy. He loves the eternal charm of classics and embraces the changes and unknowns in the future, forming his own fashion style and unique label, which perfectly fits with the identity of "Italian fashion friend" and is praised by many fashion media as the fashion label of China.

"World Traveler" starts again, and every time he goes to Italy, it’s like the first time.

Hu Bing was invited as "Italian fashion friend" China gentleman to promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

It is reported that based on his work, Hu Bing travels around the world for more than 200 days every year, and really feels the customs and local culture of different regions. He likes to stop and go, immerse himself in the local culture and folk customs, do not set a destination for himself, and follow his heart to be an exploratory "world traveler".

In addition, Hu Bing has devoted a lot of energy to cultural exchange, promotion and public welfare undertakings. This time, Hu Bing won the title of "Best Friend of Italian Fashion", and also told his origin and story with Italy in the form of short video on the platform of Weibo. "Italy carries too many memories of its growth, the sports spirit of Rome, the fashion art of Milan and the cultural exploration of Venice. Every time I go to Italy, it is like the first time." Hu Bing said.

In addition, in the early stage of the full opening of the two countries’ tourism, Hu Bing will also participate in a series of online warm-up activities for more Sino-Italian cultural and tourism years, and deeply share with fans the "knowledge points" of the two countries in fashion, humanities, tourism and many other aspects. In this regard, Hu Bing said: "Although the epidemic has changed everyone’s life now, I believe that one day, we will continue to meet in Milan, Rome and Venice, and this day will come soon."

Overseas media widely forwarded "International Sharp Review: Russia" Looking East "and Seeing Three" Beautiful Scenes "

  CCTV News:On September 11th, International Sharp Review, the general radio and television station of China, broadcasted an article entitled "Russia’s" Looking East "and Seeing Three Great Scenery", which was reprinted or quoted by many overseas media.

  From September 11th to 13th, Georgia’s 1TV and Vietnam’s National TV Channel 1 quoted relevant contents or materials. Siberian News Network, Czech Today Information Network, Buchrest China Review facebook account of Tananana Radio Station in Romania, website of Industry News in Kazakhstan, website of Turkish Economic Watch, website of Daily Morning News in India, Iranian People’s Road News Network, facebook account of DZME Radio Station in Philippines, website of Nepal Urban FM Station, Facebook account of Myanmar opinion leader media, facebook account of French LCF Radio, German website of European Times, website of Radio Spain International, website and facebook account of Rainbow FM in Lisbon, Portugal, Iberian APP, website and facebook account of Brazil’s Rio headlines, website and facebook account of Brazil’s Sao Paulo World Broadcasting Station, Nigeria’s Leader website, Tanzania’s Africa Media Group website facebook account, Los Angeles Post website, Nordic Times website, Portuguese New Newspaper APP(facebook account, twitter account), Chinese headline APP, European Union Chinese website, China-Europe United Times website, West Africa online website, Africa Times website, Japanese Chinese business website, and Xizhong website. On September 12th, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao and Hong Kong Business Daily also published and forwarded this article.主要报道内容如下:









  Behind this strategy is the rapid economic growth in Asia-Pacific region. As one of the most active and fastest growing regions in the global economy, the Asia-Pacific economic circle is a huge consumer market and a potential source of investment for Russia. Developing the Far East is not only an internal demand of local economic and social development, but also a way to let Russia catch the "express train" of rapid economic development in the Asia-Pacific region. According to Russian customs statistics, the proportion of trade between Russia and APEC member countries in Russia’s foreign trade has increased from 20% 10 years ago to 31% in 2017. According to a poll in 2016, 70% of Russians believe that cooperation with countries in the Asia-Pacific region "has more advantages than disadvantages".

  It should be pointed out that Russia’s "looking eastward" is not the product of western sanctions against Russia, but the deterioration of relations with the West has accelerated the pace of Russia’s eastward advancement to some extent. Even so, Europe is still an important trading partner of Russia. In 2017, the trade volume between Russia and EU countries still accounted for more than 40% of Russia’s foreign trade. Therefore, "looking east" does not mean that Russia will give up the West, especially its cooperation with Europe. Russia, like the double-headed eagle on its national emblem, will always focus on both the east and the west, but from the development trend, looking eastward, the vision is wider and the scenery is more beautiful.

  Many overseas media quoted and forwarded "International Sharp Review" articles:


  On September 12, 2018, Georgia 1TV quoted relevant content or material.


  On September 12, 2018, Vietnam National Television Channel 1 quoted relevant content or material.


  Siberian News Network forwarded on September 11, 2018


  The Facebook account of Bucharest China Review on Tananana Radio in Romania was forwarded on September 11, 2018.


  India’s "Daily Morning News" website was forwarded on September 11, 2018


  Iranian People’s Road News Network forwarded on September 11, 2018


  Facebook account of Myanmar opinion leader media was forwarded on September 12, 2018.


  The Los Angeles Post website was forwarded on September 11, 2018.


  The website of Europe-China United Times was forwarded on September 12, 2018.


  Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao was published on September 12, 2018

The stock market closed on the 6 th: the Shanghai Composite Index fell 5.58%, and more than 1,000 shares in the two cities fell.

  Beijing, Beijing, May 6 (Xie Yiguan) On the 6 th, the three major stock indexes of A shares gapped lower and continued to fall in intraday trading. Individual stocks generally fell, and the industry sector was exhausted. The three major stock indexes all fell below the 60-day moving average, the Shanghai Composite Index fell below 3,000 points, and the risk was 2,900 points. More than 1,000 stocks in the two cities fell.

  At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index dropped 171.88 points, or 5.58%, to close at 2906.46 points. The Shenzhen Component Index fell more than 700 points, down 7.56%, and then lost 9000 points after falling below the 10,000-point mark, closing at 8943.52 points. The Growth Enterprise Market Index fell 7.94%, falling below the 1600 and 1500 mark and closing at 1494.89. The turnover of the two cities in the whole day was 657.912 billion yuan, which was significantly enlarged compared with previous trading days.

  Today, the A-share sector all fell green. Brokers in the industry sector almost fell, while telecom operations, IT equipment and software services were among the top losers, falling more than 8%. The banking sector with the smallest decline also fell more than 2%. In the concept sector, domestic software, 5G concepts and chip concepts fell by over 9%.

  On the disk, the stocks in the two cities are generally falling, with only 109 stocks closing up, 3,467 stocks falling and 1,147 stocks falling. Among the limit stocks, the GEM has become a concentrated place, with over 300 GEM stocks falling. It is worth noting that there are more than 100 5G concept stocks among the stocks that have fallen below the limit.

  Not only A shares, but also Hong Kong stocks were under pressure on the 6th. As of press time, the Hang Seng Index fell more than 3% to 29,062.57 points. The index of state-owned enterprises also fell more than 3% to 11161.9 points; The red chip index fell more than 2.9% to 4,483.47 points.

  On the 6th, the central parity of RMB against the US dollar was lowered by 58 basis points to 6.7344, the lowest since February 20th. In the morning, the offshore RMB fell sharply against the US dollar, falling below the 6.80 mark and once rushing to 6.8211.

  On the same day, the Central Bank of China announced that a lower deposit reserve ratio will be implemented for small and medium-sized banks from May 15, and about 1,000 county-level rural commercial banks can enjoy this preferential policy, releasing about 280 billion yuan of long-term funds.

  It is worth noting that on the 6th, A-shares went northward with a net outflow of 5.188 billion yuan, including 3.072 billion yuan from Shanghai Stock Connect and 2.116 billion yuan from Shenzhen Stock Connect. In the past April, the net outflow of northbound funds was 17.997 billion yuan, the second highest in a single month in history.

  However, MSCI’s first increase in the proportion of A shares from 5% to 10% will take effect at the end of May. CICC estimates that the proportion of passive funds may be around 20%, and about 20-30 billion yuan will enter the market around the end of May.

  According to a recent report of CICC, the short-term pressure of A-shares has been released after previous adjustment, and the overall valuation is not high. Therefore, the future outlook of A-shares should not be overly pessimistic, and structural opportunities may still be positive, focusing on the general trend of consumption upgrading and industrial upgrading.

  On April 30th, the National Bureau of Statistics and China Mining Association released data. In April, the purchasing managers’ index (PMI) of manufacturing industry was 50.1%, down 0.4 percentage points from the previous month, and remained in the expansion range. Guangfa Hang Seng believes that the structural contradiction of China’s economy still exists, and the economy is in transition to recovery, and the market will still repeatedly play games around theme stocks.

  Some securities analysts believe that compared with before and after the Spring Festival, the market’s expectation of economic and policy trends is more uncertain. However, many institutions believe that although the unilateral rise in the first stage has passed, the safer configuration window in the market outlook needs to wait further, and the market is expected to enter the second stage.

  Haitong Securities Strategy Team issued a document saying that this wave of adjustment since 3288 points of the Shanghai Composite Index belongs to the retreat after the first-stage valuation of the bull market has been repaired and increased. In the short term, the phased adjustment has not yet ended, and it is necessary to wait for the fundamental relay when the future rest ends and enters the second wave of the bull market.

  Founder Securities pointed out that the next four weeks will still be an important observation window. In the first week after the May Day holiday, if the Zhouyang line can be closed, it will help to resolve the risk of further decline, which deserves special attention. (End)

Huang Kunming: jointly promote the prosperity and development of Chinese newspapers at home and abroad, and better promote exchanges and communication between China and the world.

  Huang Kunming attended the opening ceremony of the 51st annual meeting of the World Chinese Newspaper Association.

  Jointly promote the prosperity and development of Chinese newspapers at home and abroad.

  Better promote communication between China and the world.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 29th The 51st annual meeting of the World Chinese Newspaper Association opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on October 29th. Member the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Minister Huang Kunming of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

  Huang Kunming pointed out that this year marks the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up. In the past 40 years, China has made remarkable achievements in economic and social development, and its comprehensive national strength, international status and international influence have achieved unprecedented improvement. This is the result of the concerted efforts of the people of China led by the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the concerted efforts of Chinese people at home and abroad. As a representative and influential organization in the international media, the World Chinese Newspaper Association unites many member units, actively pays attention to China, enthusiastically reports on China, widely introduces the development and progress of China to the international community, and has made positive contributions to China’s reform and opening up.

  Huang Kunming pointed out that at present, Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. It is hoped that overseas Chinese media will continue to carry forward their fine traditions, tell the story of China, spread the voice of China, promote Chinese culture, show a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China, and better promote China’s communication with the world. I hope that Chinese newspapers at home and abroad will take this annual meeting as an opportunity to strengthen mutual learning and close cooperation, and work together to create a bright future of common progress and prosperity.

  The World Chinese Newspaper Association was established in Hong Kong in 1968, with the aim of contacting Chinese newspaper practitioners around the world and promoting the development of Chinese newspaper industry. The theme of this year’s annual meeting is "Chinese newspaper industry in the new era", and more than 130 Chinese newspaper people from 17 countries and regions participated.

Prose: Emotion

Everything in nature exists because of a love word. A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn. Long and spacious, I am eager for my hometown. Who dare say that the children like the weak filial piety, can repay the love of the mother like spring SUNSHINE IN SPRING? These classic famous sentences show that emotion plays an important role in interpersonal communication and in the process of social development.

Parental affection is the most selfless and broad emotion in the world. Our parents gave birth to us, gave us precious lives, and painstakingly raised us into adults. They spent countless efforts and experienced hardships. Since ancient times, there has been a hope that children will become dragons and women will become phoenixes. But parents don’t ask for anything in return. This is poor inherit the wind. The earth has nurtured us and provided us with all kinds of natural resources for survival selflessly and generously, so that we can have this beautiful world.

Brotherhood is the most precious friendship in the world. One milk compatriot, flesh and blood linked to heart. In times of trouble, it is your own brothers who can take the lead for you. These are obvious to all. When life and career are at a low point or even fail, only brothers and sisters can help each other, comfort each other, encourage each other, take care of each other and tide over difficulties.

Husband and wife love is an unbreakable friendship among all kinds of customs. In the vast sea of clouds, we met by chance and fell in love at first sight. It was a beautiful love story in which people were looking for him for thousands of Baidu, but the man was in a dim light. In the end, the two people came together, fell in love, shared the same interests, experienced the ups and downs of love, interpreted the joys and downs of the world together, and tasted the ups and downs of different tastes, whether it was sunny or rainy, stormy or noisy. Regardless of you and me, there is no mutual, this realm is the highest realm.

People are not vegetation, who can be ruthless. It’s because the word "Love" connects thousands of strangers in Qian Qian, forming a united and harmonious family, bathing in the sunshine together, resisting the wind and rain together, and witnessing the most beautiful rainbow on the horizon.

Crows feed back, lambs kneel and nurse. The kindness of dripping water should be reciprocated by a gushing spring. When we are alone and helpless in life, the caring people we meet who lend a helping hand light the fire of hope in the dark and give us courage and motivation to move forward. Break through the thorns, ride the wind and waves, and go all the way to the other side of success.

People who swim for a long time will have these four major changes in their bodies. How many do you know?

Swimming has become a standard sport in summer, and lying in a cold pool in summer is a great pleasure in summer! In addition to the comfort of cooling, swimming has several unknown benefits. Let’s take you to know about the benefits of swimming and related taboos today ~

Four benefits of swimming:

Step 1 lose weight

Swimming is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Experts’ experiments show that the heat consumed by staying at 12 degrees Celsius for 4 minutes can only be consumed in 1 hour on land at the same temperature. The reason for such a big difference is that the density and heat transfer of water are greater than that of air, so regular exercise in water can gradually consume more fat and shape a more perfect posture.

2. It is beneficial to the recovery of chronic respiratory diseases.

Swimming can exercise the respiratory muscles such as pectoral muscle, diaphragm muscle and intercostal muscle, thus improving the ventilation function of the lungs and improving the efficiency of breathing. Proper swimming exercise is beneficial to the rehabilitation of patients with chronic respiratory diseases.

Step 3 strengthen your heart

As a horizontal exercise, swimming can not only make all parts of the body bear the same gravity, but also balance blood circulation and strengthen the heart.

Step 4 soothe joints

Different types of swimming movements can exercise the joints of the body. In addition, because the water has buoyancy when swimming, the legs are free from supporting the weight, and the main joints of the thighs can be relaxed and relieved.

Although swimming is good,But there are still a few points to pay attention to..

1. It is not advisable to swim for a long time.

The swimming duration should not exceed 1.5-2 hours. Because people stay in the water for a period of time, the blood flow on the body surface expands, and the skin turns from cold to warm. However, once they stay in the water for too long, the skin will gradually appear goose bumps and chills, which will have a certain impact on health.

2. It is not advisable to eat immediately after swimming.

Because swimming consumes a lot of fat and calories, there will be some hunger after swimming. However, eating immediately after swimming will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, which will easily lead to gastrointestinal diseases for a long time. Therefore, you should rest for 1 hour before eating.

3. Patients with otitis media, dermatosis and acute conjunctivitis should avoid swimming.

There are a lot of bacteria in the swimming pool. If people with the above diseases swim again, it will not only make the original condition worse, but even spread the disease bacteria in the swimming pool, causing infection to others.

4. Pay attention to cleaning after swimming.

After swimming, you should take a bath or dry your body with a towel immediately, then drop Chlorella or boric acid eye drops on your glasses and clean up nasal secretions. If there is water in the ear, you should use "jumping on the same side" to discharge the water, so as to avoid the eardrum injury caused by hand digging.