The maximum battery life is 715km. The new BYD Han EV real car map is exposed.

A few days ago, Chezhi. com obtained a set of real car drawings of the new BYD Han EV (parameter picture) from relevant channels. Compared with the current models, the new Han EV adopts more sporty design elements, and the details are comprehensively improved. Power is still available in single-motor and dual-motor versions, with a maximum cruising range of 715km.

Judging from the real car map, the new Han EV generally continues the design of the current model, mainly upgrading the details, in which the front face part uses bright black trim to replace the current silver decoration, and the visual effect is more sporty. The side is also painted in black on the window frame line, side skirt and exterior rearview mirror cover, and is equipped with unique two-color wheels and eye-catching green brake calipers.

The tail also uses a large number of black decorative elements, with through Chinese knot LED taillights, which further enhances the recognition. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new Han EV are 4995mm/1910mm/1495mm and the wheelbase is 2920mm, which is slightly longer than the current models.

In terms of power, the new Han EV will continue to provide single-motor and dual-motor versions, of which the maximum power of the single-motor version is 180kW, and the maximum power of the dual-motor version is 180kW/200kW respectively, which improves the performance compared with the current models. In terms of batteries, the new car will continue to be equipped with Ferrous lithium phosphate blade batteries with a capacity of 85.440kWh, with the maximum cruising range of 715km and 610km, and the cruising level has also been significantly improved.

Women’s online shopping for mobile phone accessories led to a fraud case worth 100 million yuan.

CCTV News:Ms. Wu, a citizen of Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, is usually very cautious in shopping, and generally only chooses to buy genuine products. But this year’s online shopping experience made Ms. Wu very angry. I didn’t expect that after she called the police for help, she even brought out a fake and fake gang involving hundreds of millions of yuan!

Not long ago, Ms. Wu’s mobile phone broke the back cover. After searching and comparing online, Ms. Wu selected a back cover of the same model in a company called "Three Hammer Flagship Store". After the merchant swore that it was the original back cover, Ms. Wu readily paid.

After installing it on the mobile phone, Ms. Wu found that after the mobile phone, Gigan started to crack a little, and then the crack became bigger and bigger. After a few touches, the whole back cover cracked.

Ms. Wu asked for a refund, which was rebuffed by the online store customer service. Ms. Wu reported the police. Yangzhou police identified the back cover of the mobile phone bought by Ms. Wu and confirmed that it was a counterfeit registered trademark, so they immediately launched a secret investigation on the online shop involved. After investigation, the owner of the "Three Hammer Flagship Stores" is Liu from Shangrao, Jiangxi Province. This online store has many return addresses, which is obviously abnormal!

An online shop generally has 1-mdash; 3 return addresses, but in the background data of this online store, the police found that there are more than 30 return addresses.

Further investigation by the police found that Liu was a middleman who sold short, and the actual delivery place of counterfeit mobile phone accessories was the professional electronic market in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. The capital flow of Liu’s online shop was finally collected in the account of Shenzhen Yao.

From January 2019 to the present, all online shopkeepers and Yao involved in the case have huge capital transactions, which are generated almost every day. In summary, the average monthly transaction volume is more than 1 million.

The police investigated Yao, but the result was unexpected, and he was not the source of counterfeiting.

In order to find the fake dens, Yangzhou police in Jiangsu Province conducted an in-depth tracking of Yao’s bank flow and company logistics, and found Zhao, a female boss who has close capital exchanges with him. Her fake factory may be in Chang ‘an Town, Dongguan.

According to the capital and logistics data of Yao’s company, a large number of fakes originated from Yinying Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. under Zhao’s name. At the end of August, 2020, Yangzhou police, under the guidance of the Ministry of Public Security and the Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Department, deployed hundreds of police officers, divided into six roads, and collected the nets in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Shenzhen, Shandong, Linyi, Shangrao, Jiangxi, Shijiazhuang, Hebei and other places.

The police found in their factory that there are two complete production lines for counterfeiting. There are 8 production workshops on each production line, and nearly 5 workers operate in each workshop.The shipment is huge and there is no rest.

At the same time, the biggest middleman of this criminal gang — — Yao was arrested at home. Another policeman found the warehouse of Ge Mou, a wholesaler, in Linyi, Shandong Province, and obtained a large number of counterfeit mobile phone accessories at the scene.

The police’s arrest operation destroyed the counterfeit black factory in Chang ‘an Town, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, and sealed up two production lines; In all parts of the country, more than 40 people involved in the wholesale and retail sectors were arrested, eight dens warehouses were destroyed, and nearly 80,000 pieces of accessories of well-known domestic mobile phone brands such as Huawei and 100,000 pieces of semi-finished accessories were seized. After investigation, from 2019 to now, Yinying Company’s counterfeit factory in Dongguan has sold counterfeit mobile phone accessories with a total value of nearly 110 million yuan. At present, the case is still under investigation. 

The "strictest" telephone in history, real-name registration system implemented nearly 100 million users or was shut down.

  CCTV News:Users whose mobile phone numbers have not been registered with their real names should hurry to make up the registration! Since May this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology requested that all telephone users should register their real names by June 30, 2017, many people have found that their communication services have been restricted. Facing the "strictest" regulations in real-name registration system, the era of "black card" is coming to an end.


  It is reported that as of May, the real-name rate of all telephone users has reached 92%, and nearly 100 million users still face the risk of downtime. The three major operators, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom, have started to restrict communication services for mobile phone numbers without real-name registration.

  Some real-name registration system users who have no telephones have been shut down.

  Recently, Mr. Zheng, a citizen of Hebei Province, received a reminder message from China Unicom: "Dear customer, your number has not been registered in real name. Please bring your local SIM card and the original ID card as soon as possible to register in Unicom’s own business hall where the number belongs. According to national laws, we will suspend communication services for unnamed customers, and we can resume communication services after real name … …” Mr. Zheng told the reporter that he is an old user of Unicom, and his SIM card was handled by the unit in a unified way. He was not very clear about whether he had registered his real name at the beginning.

  Regarding whether the mobile phone users are real-name users, the reporter contacted the relevant person in charge of Unicom by telephone. The person in charge said that citizens can bring their SIM cards and original valid certificates to the business hall, or call 10010 customer service for inquiry and verification.


  What is a telephone, real-name registration system?

  Telephone real-name registration system refers to requiring users to provide real identity information when handling fixed telephone, mobile phone, broadband service, wireless network card entry, transfer and other services, and register their mobile phone numbers with their own names, products, brands and other text marks.

  As early as 2010, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the implementation of the real-name registration system for mobile phone users. Because there has been no clear legal provisions to support it, the effect is not satisfactory. This time in real-name registration system, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has increased the pressure on the three major operators, and operators will face fines if they are found to have problems in their work.

  Many regions have set specific deadlines.

  Up to now, real-name registration system’s requirements have been issued, and many regions have set specific deadlines. Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom, the three major operators in Zhejiang Province, recently stopped the communication services of non-real-name users in Zhejiang. Among them, Zhejiang Unicom also stipulates that from August 25, it will implement mandatory downtime for unnamed users.


  Zhejiang is not the first case in China. As early as last September, Guangdong began to implement the "stop order". In early August this year, Tianjin, Guizhou, Jilin and other places also began to stop providing communication services without real name registration numbers.

  Jiangsu Province announced that it would suspend the communication services of some unqualified users from October 1st, and only keep answering calls and some emergency services, and stop the communication services of all unnamed users on December 1st.

  In addition, the three operators in Beijing stipulate that the downtime of non-real-name users is October 15.

  What’s the point of calling real-name registration system?

  The reporter found that telephone real-name registration system has many advantages. Once the real-name registration system is implemented, it will be easier to trace back to those who cheat by phone and SMS, thus reducing the occurrence of telecom fraud cases. At the same time, the behavior of spreading harmful information by telephone will also be greatly reduced.

  In addition, many criminals use the loophole of "black card" to change their numbers frequently to escape the police’s pursuit. Obviously, real-name registration system will improve the efficiency of pursuit.

  For users, once real-name registration system users lose their mobile phones, they can get a replacement card in time to reduce personal losses.


  Nowadays, many websites and apps require telephone authentication, so real-name registration system also plays an important role in network security and personal information security. Moreover, with the popularity of mobile payment today, real-name registration system obviously provides useful support for the use of related functions.

  What should I do if my mobile phone is stopped? How to handle the telephone call to real-name registration system?

  If the mobile phone or landline you are using is stopped because your real name is not registered, don’t panic. Downtime does not mean that the number has been cancelled, the phone has been stopped in call barring, and you can go to the business hall or register your real name online, and the remaining balance is still there. This is basically the same for the three major operators.

  It is reported that all three operators have provided inquiry services, and users can inquire whether they meet the requirements through telephone, website and other channels, and then register in real-name registration system online or in the business hall according to relevant tips.

The official response is that the starting price of L6 is only 259,800 yuan?

  [car home Information] Recently, the relevant parameter configuration information of (|) was exposed on the Internet, which also included the model price. The Pro version sold for 259,800 yuan, and the Max version sold for 289,800 yuan. In this regard, the ideal official responded that "the online price speculation is false, and we have not announced the price, so please pay attention to the release of L6."

Home of the car

"Ideal L6 price and configuration for network exposure"

  The ideal L6 is a medium and large five-seat SUV, which is positioned below the ideal L7, a family intelligent luxury five-seat SUV within 300,000 yuan, a luxury five-seat SUV and a flagship five-seat SUV. Earlier, Liu Jie, vice president of LI Commerce, said that Ideal L6 would be listed in the second quarter, focusing on the market of 250,000-300,000 yuan.

  According to the exposure configuration table, the ideal L6 comes standard with dual-motor four-wheel drive, with a cruising range of 1390km under CLTC condition. It adopts front double wishbone independent suspension and rear five-bar independent suspension, and is equipped with CDC continuous variable damping shock absorber.

LI Ideal L7 2024 Pro

"Ideal L7 Interior"

  The dimensions of the central control panel and the auxiliary driving panel are both 15.7 inches, which are the same as the ideal L7, so the interior is likely to continue the design of L7. Equipped with 19 speakers, the same as L7; Pro comes standard with AD Pro high-speed intelligent driving, and Max comes standard with AD Max full-scene intelligent driving, which is the same as L7. That is to say, Pro version supports high-speed road section assisted driving, and Max version supports city+high-speed road section assisted driving.

Home of the car

Home of the car

"The ideal L6 real vehicle for network exposure"

  In terms of appearance, the design of ideal L6 and L7 is highly consistent, and the family-style design language is still adopted. In terms of the differences between the two cars, firstly, the laser radar at the top is better integrated with the roof; secondly, compared with L7 and L6, the style details of the penetrating daytime running lights are optimized, and the light strips become more slender, with small yellow lights on both sides. At the same time, the headlight group continues to adopt split design, but the lamp body is different from L7, and the front enclosure of the vehicle is the heat dissipation port of the engine, and the style is also different from L7.

Home of the car

"The ideal L6 real vehicle for network exposure"

  On the side of the car body, the difference between L6 and L7 is also very subtle. From the real car diagram, the wheelbase of the new car is obviously shorter, and the rear suspension is shorter. According to a store sales representative who has seen a real car before, the ideal L6 is smaller than the L7 in obvious size. The ideal L6 has a length, width and height of 4925/1960/1735mm and a wheelbase of 2920mm, while the ideal L7 has a length, width and height of 5050/1995/1750mm and a wheelbase of 3005mm, so the dimension data of the ideal L6 is obviously smaller.

Home of the car

"The ideal L6 real vehicle for network exposure"

  At the rear of the vehicle, penetrating taillights are still used. The difference with L7 is that the L6 license plate is still at the bumper, and the size of the whole tailgate is not small. The positions of the reflective strips on both sides of the bumper have also been adjusted.

  In terms of power, the ideal L6 is equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder engine as an extended range system, with a maximum power of 113kW. The battery suppliers are still from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and Xinwangda, which are expected to be the same as the Air version and Pro version of L8. However, it is worth noting that according to the previous application information, this model is all lithium iron phosphate battery versions, and we can pay attention to whether there will be a ternary lithium battery version in the future. (Source: Xiaohongshu Automobile Research Institute; Compile/car home Qin Chao)

A "circle of friends" takes 10 minutes to find the lost children, and this police station in Yiwu Public Security is connected with 120,000 residents online.

  "Has anyone seen a child? My child is gone! "

  One day in May, Wang Li, the instructor of the E-commerce Police Office of Jiangdong Police Station of Yiwu Public Security Bureau, suddenly heard such a cry and ran out of the police office. She soon learned the reason: the mother took her daughter to buy medicine in a nearby pharmacy, but she didn’t pay attention for a while. The child was gone.

  E-commerce Police Office is located in Liuyu Village, Qingyan, Jiangdong Street, Yiwu, which is known as "the first village of online stores in China" and a hot spot of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation". At present, more than 4,000 online stores have settled in, bringing together more than 25,000 entrepreneurs across the country. In such a large floating population, lost children need to be found quickly.

  Wang Li immediately posted a special "WeChat circle of friends" containing the characteristics and clothes of the lost girl. After more than ten minutes, someone contacted, "There is a child here who looks like what you are looking for." Wang Li took people to find it, and it was indeed a lost child.

  Through a "circle of friends", the lost children were found in 10 minutes, thanks to a pioneering work of Jiangdong Police Station.

  Grassroots policing also needs digital tools.

  The circle of friends searching for people originated from Wang Li’s corporate WeChat, which can directly reach more than 2,000 residents around the e-commerce police office.

  The head of the publisher is dressed in a police uniform, and there is the identity of "@ Jiangdong Police Station" after the name. People who find clues can chat with the police instructor directly by clicking on the head. This is the key to quickly find the lost children.

  This situation does not only appear in the e-commerce police office. In fact, the entire Jiangdong police station has established a smart policing platform based on enterprise WeChat, that is, "WeChat policing". It has also been combined with the work of "Party building+unit+policing" and "one village and one auxiliary police" based on WeChat, and achieved very good results.


  Jiangdong Street is located in the center of Yiwu, which is the largest and narrowest area among several streets in the city. The street has a local population of 87,000 and a foreign population of 217,000, including nearly 3,000 foreigners. It is the most alert and complicated area in Yiwu and even the whole Jinhua area, and efficient and convenient communication channels between the police and the people are very necessary.

  Yiwu Jiangdong Street has a cluster of online merchants, developed logistics, and the gradual spread of 5G networks. The unique resource advantages have made digitalization a breakthrough in public security grassroots innovation.

  Can the auxiliary police at the grass-roots level have a continuous and efficient contact with the residents in the jurisdiction with the help of tools?

  At this time, Tencent’s enterprise WeChat attracted the attention of the leaders of Jiangdong police station: free tools, interoperability with WeChat, and more members and external relationship management functions were the reasons for them to decide to give it a try.

  It is a valuable experience of Jiangdong police station to sink the police and auxiliary police into villages and communities. On April 29th, Jiangdong Police Station officially launched the work of "one village and one auxiliary police" in the village. More than 100 policemen and auxiliary police officers in charge of grass-roots policing have their own "exclusive" service areas, and they have a new identity: resident police instructors.

  With the full operation and maintenance support of Tencent’s official WeChat service provider, the first enterprise WeChat platform of "Public Security Police Station" in China has also been launched. The identity of police instructors is bound to their own enterprise WeChat accounts, and residents in the jurisdiction only need to use WeChat to add them. Moreover, in the eyes of residents, they have both officially certified business cards and friends who can communicate at any time in the address book.

  The first attempt achieved good results. On the afternoon of May 24, Ms. Zhou, who lives in Jiangdong, encountered a common scam when she visited the supermarket. She won a "grand prize" with the supermarket vouchers, and she only needed to make up the difference to get a "valuable" jade bracelet.

  The heart-warming Ms. Zhou hesitated to make up the difference. Soon, she remembered the police instructor Wang Yuqiang she had added and sent a message to ask. Seeing the news, Wang Yuqiang immediately called a voice call. He reminded Ms. Zhou to carefully measure the physical value of the bracelet and avoid impulsive consumption.

  "If it weren’t for instructor Wang’s timely reminder, I would have bought the bracelet impulsively at that time, so I regretted it and couldn’t find a place to make sense." When she mentioned the experience of "lucky draw", Ms. Zhou looked lucky.

  Resolve contradictions and disputes on the spot

  At the end of the police station, from the leader as the manager to the front-line auxiliary police, there is also a great need for a tool to improve efficiency.

  The high incidence and complicated police situation put a lot of pressure on Jiangdong police station. According to Lou Xiaolei, director of Jiangdong Police Station, in normal times, the police station handles nearly 100 police cases every day on average. Among them, in addition to common cases such as property infringement and gambling on drugs, during this year’s epidemic, new telecommunication network fraud involving masks, temperature guns and helmets also appeared frequently. "In addition, some economic disputes, consumer disputes, family disputes, and non-police alarms such as getting lost, asking for help, drunkenness, noise and moving cars. 110’ Alarm ",

  This represents the people’s trust in the police, but at the same time, the non-police situation consumes a lot of police force and often consumes the safety satisfaction of ordinary people.

  "Controlling cases and reducing police situation" is the main line of the work of grass-roots police stations. Accusing a case requires pre-publicity by the police and timely intervention before the case occurs; On the one hand, it is necessary to prevent and stop telecommunication network fraud cases as much as possible, on the other hand, it is necessary to try to resolve disputes and non-police conflicts on the spot. At the beginning of this year, the new team of Jiangdong Police Station took the lead in proposing the goal of creating a "Fengqiao-style police station", that is, "small things don’t leave the village, big things don’t leave the town, contradictions don’t be handed over, and conflicts are resolved on the spot".

  Under the leadership of Lou Xiaolei, corporate WeChat has become a "good helper" for "controlling the case and reducing the alarm".

  The e-commerce economy in Jiangdong street is developed, and telecommunication network fraud is high. Anti-fraud propaganda is also the top priority of Jiangdong police station. Now, the resident police instructor can send the anti-fraud propaganda uniformly produced by the police station to WeChat friends in the jurisdiction through the enterprise WeChat. This method is more accurate than distributing leaflets and posting posters.

  In order not to disturb residents too much, police instructors also conduct anti-fraud propaganda through the "customer circle of friends" function of enterprise WeChat. Its content can be edited by the police station and then pushed to all police instructors with one click. They just need to click "OK" to synchronize the content.

  These two methods also bring a very practical benefit: "zero cost", which can save tens of thousands of yuan each time compared with the receiving group of hundreds of thousands of people who send short messages in groups through operators.

  The anti-fraud propaganda sent by police instructors accurately prevented a fraud case of pretending to be a school teacher to collect training fees.

  Enterprise WeChat is also a good reporting channel to help police stations crack down on illegal crimes.

  On May 20th, Mr. Li, a resident, contacted Wu Wentao, a police instructor, through the enterprise WeChat to provide clues to help solve an online gambling gang case, involving a "tap" of up to 200,000 yuan.

  Smooth communication channels between residents and police instructors in the jurisdiction are also of great help to resolve conflicts on the spot and absorb the police situation.

  Jimingshan Community in Jiangdong Street has a total population of 35,000, including 25,000 foreigners from 31 provinces, more than 2,000 residents from 29 ethnic minorities, more than 1,300 foreigners from 74 countries and more than 3,500 local residents. It is called "United Nations Community".

  In response to frequent police incidents, the police instructors in Jimingshan Community use corporate WeChat to handle the help and disputes of residents in the area at any time. "Even at 11 o’clock or 12 o’clock in the evening, if our team members receive it, they will reply in time," said Jin Xiaowei, the stationmaster of Jimingshan Community Police Guidance Station. "Moreover, corporate WeChat can take screenshots, send pictures, and have voice or video conversations, which is more intuitive than telephone calls."

  This has caused many disputes and non-police police situations to be quickly resolved. From April to June 2019, there were more than 1,130 police situations in Jimingshan community, which dropped to more than 700 in the same period this year. "The police situation has declined, and the people’s sense of security and satisfaction has naturally improved."

  Connect 120,000 residents in the jurisdiction.

  With the initial results of the "WeChat policing" model, Jiangdong police station felt greater responsibility, and they began to think about two more important issues: how to connect more residents in the jurisdiction? What other digital capabilities can be combined with grassroots policing?

  It is not easy to add WeChat of residents in the jurisdiction on a large scale.

  "Tower Group" provides "seed users" for police instructors, and some landlords and tenants will actively add them through the corporate WeChat business cards shared by the group, but after this wave, the real test will come.

  Each police guidance station of Jiangdong Police Station has its own magic power.

  Huang Pengfei, the stationmaster of Wuai Community Police Guidance Station, uniformly printed the corporate WeChat business cards for the police instructors. When doing the registration of floating population, fire protection propaganda and anti-fraud propaganda on a daily basis, he would specially ask everyone to bring business cards and introduce the benefits of adding police instructors from door to door.

  In less than two months, five police instructors in Wuai Community have added more than 5,600 friends. As of mid-June, 72 police cases have been handled through corporate WeChat, including asking for help, lost children, theft, fraud, economic disputes, housing disputes, etc. "Many people will directly report their problems through corporate WeChat, and there are private telephones on our corporate WeChat business cards. Some things are urgent, and they will call directly with a phone call."

  The police instructors in Jimingshan community also used this "street fighting" approach. The stationmaster Jin Xiaowei even asked the team members to post the corporate WeChat business card on the back of their mobile phones and promote it at any time during their daily visits. "The idea I gave them was ‘ Always think about it in your heart and promote it at any time ’ 。”

  In addition, in the conspicuous position of the village (neighborhood) Committee, including the counters of restaurants and express delivery points, the QR code of the corporate WeChat of the police instructor was also posted. "Residents may not add it at first, but when something happens, he will think of it and contact us directly after adding it."


  By June 30th, Jiangdong Police Station had added more than 120,000 WeChat accounts through the real-name certified enterprise WeChat accounts within two months. It is equivalent to that nearly half of the residents in Jiangdong area have established direct contact with police officers.

  According to statistics, since the launch of the enterprise WeChat of Jiangdong Police Station, it has received more than 16,000 police consultations in just two months. Among them, 237 cases were guided to properly handle the police situation, more than 1,400 people were asked for help, 3,154 people were declared by the floating population, 276 cases were consulted on online fraud, 32 cases were stopped from online fraud, and more than 11,000 people were consulted on contradictions and disputes, household registration business and residence declaration.

  At the same time, the total police situation in Jiangdong Police Station decreased by 10.94% from May to June this year, among which the police situation of telecommunication network fraud decreased by 17.91% and the police situation of disputes decreased by 22.15% compared with the same period of last year. …….

  Behind connecting residents is the initial intention of Jiangdong police station to truly serve the masses.

  Jiangdong police station is still exploring more digital capabilities.

  For example, they hope to use the video conference function to arrange the work for the police instructors in the village; In the process of contradiction and dispute mediation, we can also try to let lawyers and mediators participate through video conference to break through the time and space restrictions; The hottest webcast at the moment can also be used for anti-fraud propaganda.

  In their idea, Jiangdong Police Station can even be combined with enterprise WeChat to create an "online police room". In addition to the simple graphic, audio and video communication between police instructors and residents, it can also be based on the API interface opened by enterprise WeChat to move more and more complex police services online in the form of small programs, so that each resident auxiliary police can play a greater role.

  "Our current police are really hard. They work in three shifts and have to deal with twenty or thirty police situations a day. Now we have absorbed some police situations through the prevention and treatment of "WeChat policing", which is a great burden reduction for them and a more intimate policing service for ordinary people. "