New regulations in November: online car-hailing is included in supervision, and responsibilities for medical quality management are clarified

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 29, issue:In November, a batch of new regulations were opened, and online car-hailing was included in the supervision

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Bai Yang

  Our country’s first online car-hailing management measures are implemented, and the "threshold" for online car-hailing drivers and platforms to enter is strictly controlled; the new regulations of the National Health and Family Planning Commission require the improvement of medical safety management and the clarification of medical quality management responsibilities; the fares of short-distance routes below 800 kilometers are self-determined, and passenger travel is expected to usher in more "special tickets"… This November, a batch of new regulations on people’s livelihood that will be implemented will improve the law and make life more secure.

  Have a record of violent crime, etc., and are not allowed to drive online car-hailing

  Since November 1st, the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services", which has attracted much attention, has been officially implemented, which means that the emerging mode of travel of "online car-hailing" has since entered the track of rule of law.

  According to the measures, online car-hailing drivers should obtain a motor vehicle driver’s license for the corresponding type of vehicle and have more than 3 years of driving experience, no traffic accident crime, dangerous driving crime record, no drug abuse record, no driving record after drinking alcohol and violent crime record, and no 12-point record has been recorded in the last 3 consecutive scoring cycles.

  The measures make it clear that online ride-hailing platform companies shall record the information content, user registration information, identity authentication information, order logs, Internet logs, online transaction logs, driving track logs and other data released by drivers and ride-hailing people on their service platforms and back them up, and inform the purpose, method and scope of the collection and use of personal information such as drivers, ride-hailing people and passengers in a significant manner through their service platforms. Without the express consent of the information subject, online ride-hailing platform companies shall not use this personal information for other business purposes.

  The relevant departments should establish the credit records of online car-hailing platform companies and drivers, and include them in the national credit information sharing platform; taxi industry associations should establish a list of online car-hailing platform companies and drivers with bad records to strengthen industry self-discipline.

  The main body of responsibility for medical quality management is further clarified

  The "Medical Quality Management Measures" issued by the National Health and Family Planning Commission came into effect on November 1. The measures require the establishment of a medical safety and risk management system for medical institutions, further standardize medical service behavior, and ensure medical quality and medical safety.

  The main person in charge of the medical institution is the first responsible person for the medical quality management of the institution; the main person in charge of the clinical department and the pharmacy, nursing, medical technology and other departments is the first responsible person for the medical quality management of the department.

  A medical institution shall establish a special department for medical quality management to be responsible for the medical quality management of the institution. Hospitals above the second level, maternal and child health hospitals, and specialized disease prevention and control institutions shall establish a medical quality management committee to be responsible for organizing the monitoring, early warning, analysis, assessment, evaluation and feedback of the medical quality of the institution, and regularly publishing the quality management information of the institution.

  Medical institutions should establish a medical safety and risk management system, improve medical safety management related work systems, emergency plans and work processes, strengthen safety and risk management in key departments and key links of medical quality, and implement patient safety goals. At the same time, medical liability insurance, medical accident insurance and other risk sharing forms should be used to protect the legitimate rights and interests of both doctors and patients; formulate plans to prevent and handle medical disputes, prevent and reduce the occurrence of medical disputes; improve complaint management, and resolve and properly handle medical disputes in a timely manner.

  Self-determined fares for routes under 800 kilometers

  The "Notice on Deepening the Reform of Domestic Air Passenger Transport Fares" issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the National Development and Reform Commission came into effect on November 1. The notice stipulates that fares for routes below 800 kilometers and some routes above 800 kilometers will be determined by airlines according to law, which means that more and more "special tickets" will be welcomed by the majority of passengers.

  The notice stipulates that airlines shall formulate and adjust the specific fare types, levels and applicable conditions of market-adjusted price routes and announce them to the public at least 7 days in advance. On the basis of the full fare, the cumulative fare increase of each airline’s routes shall not exceed 10%, and the fare increase of each season shall not exceed 10 routes.

  The notice also requires that airlines and sales agents shall strictly implement the clearly marked price regulations, and in addition to indicating the actual fare of each route, they shall also indicate the service content and charging standards corresponding to the fees charged in addition to the fare change fee, refund fee, excess baggage fee, etc., and shall not charge any unmarked fees in addition to the marked price.

  Unified management of basic scientific research business expenses in central universities Special funds

  The "Measures for the Administration of Basic Scientific Research Business Fees in Central Colleges and Universities", which came into effect on November 1, requires that the use and management of basic scientific research business fees in central colleges and universities be included in the unified financial management of central colleges and universities, and the special funds are dedicated.

  The measures stipulate that the basic scientific research business expenses shall not be spent on the salaries, bonuses, subsidies and welfare expenses of personnel with salary income; shall not purchase large-scale instruments and equipment of more than 400,000 yuan; shall not share the cost of public management and operation of the school; shall not be used as supporting funds for other projects; shall not be used for repayment of loans, payment of fines, donations, sponsorship, investment and other expenditures; nor shall it be used for other expenditures that shall not be paid in accordance with state regulations.

  The measures emphasize that the use of basic scientific research expenses in central universities includes: focusing on supporting young teachers under the age of 40 to enhance their basic scientific research capabilities; supporting outstanding students in school to enhance their scientific research and innovation capabilities; supporting the construction of outstanding innovation teams; conducting multi-disciplinary basic, supportive and strategic research; and strengthening the basic work of science and technology.

  Central universities shall, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the national scientific research credit system, establish a scientific research credit system for basic scientific research business expenses, and incorporate them into the national scientific research credit system in accordance with the unified requirements of the state.

  Companies that issue false motor vehicle sales invoices will be included in the "blacklist"

  In response to the problem that some people cannot instantly check the authenticity of motor vehicle sales invoices in different places, and falsely issue false motor vehicle sales invoices across provinces, the State Administration of Taxation has decided to implement the list publicity system of motor vehicle enterprises that issue unified motor vehicle sales invoices in violation of regulations from November 1, and enterprises that falsely issue motor vehicle sales invoices will be included in the "blacklist".

  According to the "Announcement on the Implementation of the Publicity System for the List of Motor Vehicle Enterprises that Illegally Issue Unified Invoices for Motor Vehicle Sales", if a motor vehicle enterprise issues invoices more than twice based on the actual sales of motor vehicles, or sells the same motor vehicle while issuing a unified motor vehicle sales invoice at an illegal low price, and then issues other VAT invoices resulting in less than 2 times of vehicle purchase tax, or illegally issuing invoices resulting in less than 2 times of vehicle purchase tax, it will be included in the "blacklist".

  Tax authorities will list enterprises on the "blacklist" as key monitoring objects, organize tax special project inspections in a timely manner, and strictly verify the various materials submitted by them; the supply of unified invoices for motor vehicle sales will also be inspected for old and new, and they will be strictly limited.

Auto Industry Development Pioneer, SAIC Volkswagen Helps China’s Dream of Automobile Power

  International online car channel news: Looking back on the past hundred years, the key words that have always been implemented are not afraid of difficulties and risks, and hard work. As one of the pillars of the national economy, the automobile industry has experienced unremitting struggle from scratch to strength.

  Chinese employees pose with German experts in front of a white Santana that has just rolled off the assembly line on April 11, 1983, in a workshop at the Shanghai Automobile Factory. Everyone’s faces are brimming with excitement. Without flowers and wine, this simple rolling-off ceremony marked the beginning of a new era for Chinese cars.

[Automotive Channel News + News List] The vanguard of the development of the automobile industry, SAIC Volkswagen helps China's automobile power dream _fororder_image001

On April 11, 1983, the first Santana rolled off the assembly line

  If Columbus’s voyage opened up the New World, then SAIC Volkswagen, the first batch of automobile companies to enter the Chinese automobile joint venture catalog, connected the world of automobiles. Since its establishment in the 1980s, SAIC Volkswagen has grown and developed together with China’s opening up process, led pioneering innovation, and continued to promote the transformation of the domestic automobile industry.

[Automotive Channel News + News List] The vanguard of the development of the automobile industry, SAIC Volkswagen helps China's automobile power dream _fororder_image002

SAIC Volkswagen

  Joint venture, a pioneer in the development of the automotive industry

  In the 1970s, China’s car industry was still in a state of small scale and low degree of mechanization. As China gradually opened up to the world and embraced the desire to develop an automobile power, China and other countries began to negotiate the establishment of joint ventures for cars. In 1978, the prelude to the automobile joint venture was officially opened. In October of the same year, a Chinese machinery delegation visited Europe and began to discuss the joint venture construction of car enterprises with Schmidt, then chairperson of Volkswagen Group, which opened the prelude to Sino-German cooperation.

  As the first person to eat crabs, it is natural to accept more challenges. To this end, the state has absorbed the opinions of Chinese and German negotiators. The negotiation of this joint venture project of SAIC Volkswagen has provided valuable examples and experience for the follow-up joint venture work not only in automobiles, but also in other industries in our country, and has become a pioneer of pioneering and innovation. After six years of long negotiations, Volkswagen Group and SAIC Group signed a joint venture contract in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing in October 1984, and SAIC Volkswagen was officially established. As a bridge between China and Germany and the vanguard of the domestic automobile industry, SAIC Volkswagen introduced advanced manufacturing technology and a sound quality management system into China, and a new pattern of using foreign capital, introducing technology and accelerating development in China’s automobile industry began.

[Automotive Channel News + News List] The vanguard of the development of the automobile industry, SAIC Volkswagen helps China's automobile power dream _fororder_image003

On October 12, 1984, the groundbreaking ceremony of Shanghai Volkswagen Automobile Co., Ltd

  "Whirlwind" Santana, a model of car localization

  After China and Germany started to cooperate, they first needed to determine which product to introduce. At that time, the German side recommended the "Audi 80" or "Santana" models. After research by the Chinese side, the new model Santana with the latest materials, technology and craftsmanship at that time was favored. Santana was the latest product of German Volkswagen at that time. It had a simple and generous appearance, spacious space, outstanding safety and economy, and was suitable for use as domestic official vehicles and commercial vehicles.

[Automotive Channel News + News List] The vanguard of the development of the automobile industry, SAIC Volkswagen helps China's automobile power dream _fororder_image004

Santana Pipeline

  Quality Standards for localization caused controversy at the time. According to the contract, localized Santana parts had to be sent to Germany for technical certification by Volkswagen. Due to the fact that the production conditions and technical level of the domestic automobile manufacturing industry were still in their infancy at that time, production defects were inevitable, which was not allowed in the eyes of strict German experts.

  In 1988, the quality standard for the localization of Santana was officially concluded: "The localization of Santana cannot be’melons and vegetables’, and the localized parts must adhere to the German Volkswagen standard, 100% qualified, and 0.1% reduction is not required." The phrase "no melons and vegetables" has been widely praised, and SAIC Volkswagen has also adhered to high standards.

  Adhere to quality first and form an auto parts industry chain

  In order to overcome the problem of "improving the localization rate of Santana", SAIC Volkswagen, with the help of governments at all levels, started a series of key innovation work again. At that time, the situation of Chinese auto parts enterprises was a lack of technology and money. To improve the localization rate, it was necessary to carry out technological transformation of auto parts enterprises. Large transformation costs were the main obstacle to improving the localization rate at that time.

  In 1988, the "localization fund" was officially established, which fundamentally solved the problem of funding for the introduction of technology and equipment by parts and components enterprises. Also in 1988, 105 parts and components supporting enterprises, 6 universities, and 7 scientific research institutes jointly established the "Santana Community". The localization of Santana is no longer a matter of one enterprise, but a problem of the entire city, and even China’s automobile industry. With policy support and financial support, a large number of parts and components enterprises began to reinvent themselves and grow. Even later, as long as the quality standard has been approved by SAIC Volkswagen, other manufacturers will directly purchase it and become "inspection-free products".

  Within the company, SAIC Volkswagen hired more than 20 retired engineers from Germany’s Volkswagen to train and guide the production of parts, strictly in accordance with the German "six gates", namely the entry gate, the first sample pass, the tooling sample pass, the quality assurance system evaluation pass, the batch supply pass and the official supply pass, to achieve 100% qualified localization of parts. At the same time, if the domestic local parts factory wants to become a supplier of SAIC Volkswagen, it must be re-transformed according to German standards, and the parts can only pass the inspection after being tested by German standards. In this process, SAIC Volkswagen worked with Germany to gradually establish a complete industrial chain including Product Research & Development, parts supply system, modern vehicle production system, and fully functional sales and after-sales services system. This modern automotive industry system was first put into practice in China through SAIC Volkswagen. In terms of parts system, the Chinese and German partners mobilized more than 300 parts manufacturers of the Volkswagen Group around the world to encourage and support these manufacturers to transfer technology to China, establish joint ventures, and realize local production. Ultimately, the Sino-German partners jointly established more than 400 high-quality parts enterprises, which became the core of China’s auto parts system and laid the foundation for the development of the domestic auto industry.

[Automotive Channel News + News List] The vanguard of the development of the automobile industry, SAIC Volkswagen helps China's automobile power dream _fororder_image005

January 28, 1992 Celebration of the cumulative production of 100,000 Santana sedans

  Through the joint efforts of all members, in the early 1990s, the localization rate of Santana finally reached 90%, and the annual output exceeded 3,500 vehicles. Overcoming language barriers and technical gaps, the integration of localization technology and German standards has introduced a manufacturing process that is synchronized with the world for the domestic automobile industry, and also brought quality cars that are in line with international standards to domestic consumers.

  The development of SAIC Volkswagen is like the epitome of China’s opening up, and every pioneering and innovation has become a driving force. Looking forward in 2021, every person and story involved has become a symbol, recording the original bravery and creativity of Chinese cars and Chinese builders. (Image source: SAIC Volkswagen)




China Telecom CTyunOS scale deployment, together with openEuler to build Tianyi Cloud digital base

The Euler Developer Conference 2022 has officially ended on April 15. This conference is a developer conference held by the openEuler community of the Open Atom Open Source Foundation, and it is also the first conference initiated by the community after Euler’s donation. With the theme of "Creating the Future Together, Euler is More Wonderful", the conference will jointly discuss the exploration and innovation of open-source operating system technology and build a highly innovative open-source operating system community.

Guang Xiaoming, deputy general manager and chief technology officer of China Telecom Tianyi Cloud Technology Co., Ltd., attended the conference and gave a keynote speech on "Join hands with openEuler to build a digital base for Tianyi Cloud". He said that since China Telecom released CTyunOS, a self-developed operating system based on openEuler, in 2021, more than 10,000 sets have been launched across the country, covering a variety of business scenarios, including public cloud, private cloud, IT cloud, and one city and one pool. The business operation is stable and reliable. In the future, the deployment scale will be further expanded, and the local characteristic business will continue to be served, serving thousands of industries.

In 2020, China Telecom put forward the "Cloud Change Digital Transfer" strategy. In order to implement this strategy, China Telecom has continuously carried out basic software innovation in recent years. As the most important basic software, the operating system must first achieve independent innovation. In November last year, at the operating system summit hosted by the Euler Community, Liu Guiqing, deputy general manager of China Telecom Group, released the self-developed operating system CTyunOS, which is a server operating system based on the Euler open-source community version. The operating system has been deeply optimized for cloud computing scenarios and is committed to creating a completely independent innovation operating system to serve China Telecom’s "Cloud Change Digital Transfer" strategy. At present, China Telecom is the first company in the industry to choose the Euler technology route for all its business.

In terms of cooperation with the openEuler community, Guang Xiaoming said that CTyunOS keeps up with the rhythm of the community version, releases an official version every 6 months, and continues to contribute to the openEuler open source community. Currently, it has participated in more than 5 SIG working groups, submitted more than 200 PRs, and actively participated in community-related activities. In terms of joint innovation, starting from the business needs of Tianyi Cloud, it has carried out in-depth research and development in several aspects such as kernel, user hot patch, and cloud base, and achieved good results.

China Telecom continues to cooperate with the openEuler community to jointly innovate key technologies.In response to how to expand and reduce costs in virtualization scenarios, Tianyi Cloud and the openEuler open-source team have jointly innovated to improve the performance of redis scenarios by about 30%, reduce memory costs by about 35%, and greatly improve the cost performance of memory usage. The Qemu hot patch function based on Libcareplus tools has been developed, which has transformed the host batch serial upgrade into parallel synchronous upgrade, and supports the current network patch implementation cycle from months to weeks, greatly shortening the patch implementation cycle.

To build an open-source ecosystem, China Telecom continues to contribute to the openEuler open-source community.Since joining the Euler open-source community, China Telecom has been participating in the work of the OpenStack SIG, participating in the software migration of the OpenStack Q version throughout the process, and testing and verifying the functions and compatibility. After the release of openEuler 21.03, China Telecom cooperated with the Kernel SIG to explore the usage scenarios of memory tiered extension (EtMem). China Telecom contributed its experience in system resource stress detection to the community and submitted PSI tools to the community.

In the future, China Telecom Tianyi Cloud will continue to cooperate with the Euler open-source community to carry out more joint innovations, and in terms of improving the resource utilization efficiency of cloud hosts, carry out high-low-priority mixing of virtual machines and online-offline mixing of containers; in terms of trusted cloud hosts, carry out confidential computing innovation; in terms of DPU offloading, carry out distributed storage offloading and container network offloading innovation; in terms of cloud native full stack, carry out collaborative innovation of secure containers and KubeEdge edge clouds; through technological innovation, build a solid digital base for Tianyi Cloud, build a trusted Tianyi Cloud, and serve the "cloud change number" strategy.

Ask the M9 to launch Xuanwu body to build the ultimate mobile travel safety fortress.

[Zhichepai News] On December 26th, at the press conference of all the scenes in the winter of Q-World M9 and Huawei, Q-World M9 was officially released. The car is positioned as the flagship SUV of panoramic wisdom, equipped with Huawei’s full-stack smart car technology solution, which not only fully gets on Huawei’s top ten smart car black technology, but also brings new family design, ever-changing space, smart cockpit, intelligent driving control, intelligent driving, intelligent safety and many other leading generation product highlights. Among them, the most striking thing is the hard-core security of M9, which is one generation ahead of the world.

Specifically, the M9 is equipped with a super basalt body. I believe that people who have paid attention to Huawei Mate60 series mobile phones will not be unfamiliar with the word "Xuanwu architecture". Together with Kunlun Glass, it has become a solid and anti-fall guarantee for Mate60 series. This time, Huawei brought the basaltic architecture on mate 60 series to the M9 to provide further hard-core security. Wenjie M9 adopts the world’s largest integrated die-casting car body technology, and combines high-strength aluminum alloy and thermoformed steel to create a solid and lightweight safety fortress, allowing users to drive with peace of mind under any circumstances.

The security brought by M9 is all-sided. In terms of structural safety, the aluminum volume of the M9 car body accounts for 80%, and the weight of the car body reaches 2.02. The use of aluminum alloy can not only reduce the weight of the vehicle to improve the cruising range, but also improve the safety of the vehicle. The M9 also adopted the world’s largest integrated die-casting car body, which improved the torsional rigidity by 23%, effectively improving the car body rigidity. In addition, there are 12 places in the M9 car in the world where 2000MPa nuclear submarine grade hot-formed steel is used, which can provide users with the ultimate fortress-like safety protection. The arrangement of these thermoformed steel sections can effectively protect the passenger compartment from external pressure and ensure the life safety of the passengers.

In addition to structural safety, battery safety is also the top priority of electric vehicles. Once the vehicle battery fires, the threat to personnel may be greater than the accident itself. Therefore, in order to protect the safety of passengers to the maximum extent, the M9 battery safety has also reached the top level in the industry. The vehicle adopts multiple protective measures to ensure that the battery will not catch fire or spontaneously ignite under any circumstances. The five-layer safety cover design of the battery used by the M9 battery pack minimizes the short-circuit risk of the battery pack and ensures safety. The battery pack of the whole vehicle has a five-fold structure design, which meets the harsh test requirements of the whole vehicle and the battery pack, and can protect the battery cell whether it is the bottom support that may occur in daily life or the impact in the event of an accident. In terms of daily charging and discharging, Wenjie M9 is equipped with VHR technology. The cloud BMS obtains battery status data through VHR and establishes fault warning and life prediction models. Based on AI intelligent learning, it can accurately predict battery safety hazards, construct invisible shields and protect users’ safety.

As a flagship model, the M9 also has rich active and passive safety capabilities. The vehicle comes standard with 9 airbags and 16 safety points, which can ensure the safety of users in all directions. It is also equipped with a pre-tensioned seat belt, which increases the buffer space of the chest and further protects the passenger’s chest from injury. In terms of active safety, the AEB carried by the vehicle can support the active braking of the stationary vehicle at a maximum speed of 120 km/h. The vehicle also launched the ESA emergency steering assist system, which automatically controls the steering assist driver to avoid collision, bringing users a leading generation of intelligent safety experience and escorting every trip.

Intelligent driving is also one of the best tricks in the field of inquiry. The M9 in the field of inquiry has a multi-sensor fusion sensing system leading the industry, with the longest detection distance of 250 meters and the maximum horizontal detection angle of 120, which ensures the forward-looking prediction performance and visual breadth of the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system. Even when the oncoming car in the next lane is dazzling and the driver’s vision is blocked, it can accurately identify all kinds of obstacles and potential risks, and respond in time to avoid accidents. The M9 also adopts the solution of "laser radar+visual perception", which is not afraid of bad weather and harsh weather.

Safety has always been the primary consideration for users when choosing new energy vehicles. The luxury and intelligence of vehicles need to be based on safety. Only when it can stand the test in terms of safety can the vehicle win the favor of consumers. The M9 starts the Xuanwu car body, creating the ultimate safety fortress, providing users with full-dimensional safety protection, so that users can drive with peace of mind under any circumstances. Ask M9, be safe and worry-free, and drive bravely.

In today’s luxury SUV market in China, only a few domestic brands are involved, and most of the market share is still occupied by traditional luxury brands such as BBA. With the release of M9, it shows that the world of inquiry has also begun to launch an impact on this market, which also means that a new choice has emerged in this field. With stronger vehicle safety and higher intelligent level, can M9 occupy a place in this market? Let’s wait and see.

The maximum battery life is 715km. The new BYD Han EV real car map is exposed.

A few days ago, Chezhi. com obtained a set of real car drawings of the new BYD Han EV (parameter picture) from relevant channels. Compared with the current models, the new Han EV adopts more sporty design elements, and the details are comprehensively improved. Power is still available in single-motor and dual-motor versions, with a maximum cruising range of 715km.

Judging from the real car map, the new Han EV generally continues the design of the current model, mainly upgrading the details, in which the front face part uses bright black trim to replace the current silver decoration, and the visual effect is more sporty. The side is also painted in black on the window frame line, side skirt and exterior rearview mirror cover, and is equipped with unique two-color wheels and eye-catching green brake calipers.

The tail also uses a large number of black decorative elements, with through Chinese knot LED taillights, which further enhances the recognition. In terms of size, the length, width and height of the new Han EV are 4995mm/1910mm/1495mm and the wheelbase is 2920mm, which is slightly longer than the current models.

In terms of power, the new Han EV will continue to provide single-motor and dual-motor versions, of which the maximum power of the single-motor version is 180kW, and the maximum power of the dual-motor version is 180kW/200kW respectively, which improves the performance compared with the current models. In terms of batteries, the new car will continue to be equipped with Ferrous lithium phosphate blade batteries with a capacity of 85.440kWh, with the maximum cruising range of 715km and 610km, and the cruising level has also been significantly improved.

Extreme Krypton can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights.

  In order to meet the needs of the majority of users for old car replacement, Extreme Krypton launched a limited-time replacement subsidy activity for large users. From May 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022, you can buy Extreme Krypton 001 through old car replacement, and you can enjoy a maximum reward of 30,000 points.

  Specifically, the replacement of the 001 WE model can enjoy 20,000 points, and the replacement of the YOU model can enjoy 30,000 points. Replaceable models include extreme krypton 001 long battery life single motor WE version, long battery life double motor WE version and long battery life double motor YOU version.

A copy of _fororder_image001, which can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights.

  Extreme points are the points issued by extreme brands. Users (not limited to extreme owners) only need to download and register the extreme App, and they can get corresponding extreme points rewards by signing in, viewing posts, publishing trends, commenting, forwarding, and inviting friends to make a decision. Extreme points are valid for three years, and can be used in various usage scenarios in the extreme krypton ecosystem, including extreme charging, redemption of extreme customized gifts in the extreme krypton App "Extreme Things" mall, and exclusive privileges in the extreme krypton center, such as coffee snacks, special drinks exchange, participation in colorful car owners’ community activities, etc. The specific extreme points can be found in the extreme krypton App in detail.

Extreme Krypton can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights _fororder_image002

Redeem limited drinks at the Krypton Center by using polar points.

  At present, krypton replacement service has been launched in 20 cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou, and more cities will be opened one after another. Through safe, reliable and transparent one-to-one exclusive service, fair quotation after multi-party bidding and one-stop convenient transaction that saves time and worry, the polar replacement service has been well received by car owners. As of June 8, more than 500 orders have been placed.

Extreme Krypton can enjoy a maximum of 30,000 points for the limited-time replacement of car purchase rights _fororder_image003

  If you need to replace the car after booking, you can make an appointment online by clicking "Appointment Replacement" in the "Car" interface of the Extreme App. If there is a replacement intention after picking up the car, the owner can click "Order" in the "My" interface to find "ZEEKR Certification" and select "Appointment Replacement" after clicking on the car. (Photo courtesy of Krypton car)

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Starway Eta Ursae Majoris C

  On February 26th, Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM officially announced the pre-sale of "Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV". The pre-sale guide price is 172,800 yuan for long-life plus, 182,800 yuan for long-life pro, 202,800 yuan for long-life pro and 222,800 yuan for long-life Max 22.28 Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM is the first model of Starway M3X Super Hybrid Platform (hereinafter referred to as M3X Super Hybrid Platform). It has won the endorsement of China authoritative awards in terms of design, chassis, hybrid system, cabin air quality and safety, and the new car will be officially launched in the first quarter.

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM opens pre-sale _fororder_image001

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM opens pre-sale _fororder_image002

  Fan Xing, executive deputy general manager of Xingtu Marketing Center, said, "Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM will take the concept of luxury and equal rights as its concept, and based on the native hybrid technology of M3X super-hybrid platform, it will bring a 400,000-level value experience of running fast, going far, driving steadily and being safe enough, fully open users’ full-scale anxiety and comfortable life, and lead a new era of high-end hybrid market." This sentence is full of Xingtu’s expectations for Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM. It is understood that based on the concept of luxury equal rights, Eta Ursae Majoris quickly became the main model of Starway after its listing in February, 2013, which brought multiple breakthroughs of "annual sales of 100,000+,upgrading of high-end users’ portraits and capturing first-and second-tier cities" and greatly promoted the brand to enter the "mainstream high-end competition circle". With the addition of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM, the new car will undoubtedly lead the Star Road brand up again.

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM opens for pre-sale _fororder_image003

  From the perspective of brand, market and products, the market potential of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM can not be underestimated. On the one hand, following the reputation of luxury and equal rights accumulated in Eta Ursae Majoris, Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM will achieve a "dimension reduction blow" with the value of high-end new energy. On the other hand, in the previous national professional media test drive, it generally recognized the outstanding advantages of the same level, such as the advanced technology of the three-speed super hybrid DHT, the super-sensing chassis of flying fish, the long endurance of 1343km, and the high safety of the M3P battery in Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, which led to the high consumer expectations of the new car before it went on the market. Coupled with the surprise brought by the pre-sale price, the new car can be described as a triple dark horse potential superposition, and it is bound to achieve a greater breakthrough after listing and become a new species in the mid-level SUV market.

  The whole scene 0 anxiety opens the new comfort and beautiful travel.

  The good reputation of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM also comes from a series of real extreme challenges under the conditions of "real users, real scenes and real car demand" for the pain points of hybrid cars. In December last year, Starway officially launched the "Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM 10,000 People Public Test" program for the whole country, which was the first real scene extreme challenge of the original hybrid vehicle in the automobile industry, and immediately set off a "public beta" craze on the Internet, including people from different circles and different car needs, such as bilibili UP owners, professional media KOL, industry experts and Starway users, who participated in ten thousand comprehensive evaluations and ten thousand extreme tests.

  It is worth noting that in view of the biggest pain point of the "winter endurance anxiety" of new energy vehicles, in January, Starway officially used a north-south double-line long-life live broadcast challenge of "the whole network is a mirror to the end, millions of people watch, and millions of people like it". Let consumers witness the long-life anxiety. The WLTC of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM has the highest comprehensive cruising range of 1343km. The live motorcade set off from Harbin (north line) and Wuhan (south line) respectively, taking the real car scene with a high-speed speed speed of 100km/h+, air conditioning on and full load as the test condition, from "full charge and one tank of oil" to the last "one drop of oil and one degree of electricity", and finally the northern line was-minus 30.

  M3X Super Mix Technology Empowers: Go far, run fast, drive steadily and safely.

  Thanks to the native technology empowerment of M3X super-mixing platform, Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM’s natural and super-comfortable product strength has been created, and the whole scene of 0-anxiety travel experience has been realized. "What is super comfortable? In layman’s terms, it means running fast, going far, driving steadily and being safe enough, "Fan Xing said.

  M3X super-hybrid platform condenses Chery’s 27-year positive R&D wisdom, and has two innate genes: global and high-end. It is a world-class leading super-comfortable native hybrid platform. As the first model of the platform, Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM considered the layout of the three power systems from the beginning of research and development, and conducted reliability tests in Indonesia, the Middle East, South America, Brazil, Germany, Heilongjiang, China and other places around the world. The waterproof performance of the whole vehicle was developed according to the national standard 3 times, the waterproof performance of the battery pack reached the national standard 48 times, and the whole vehicle such as batteries met the requirements of "as low as -35℃ and as high as 60℃",-35.

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM opens pre-sale _fororder_image004

  Run fast

  The hybrid system of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM won the title of "Top Ten in China Heart" in 2023 and the special prize of the jury of the 4th China Automobile Fengyun Festival by CCTV. It consists of the fifth generation ACTECO 1.5TGDI high-efficiency hybrid engine, three-speed super hybrid DHT, hybrid battery and battery management system. Among them, the thermal efficiency of the engine exceeds 44.5%, and the two-wheel drive model is equipped with dual-drive motors. The maximum total power of the power system reaches 270kW and the maximum total torque is 605 N m. The surging power performance brings a comfortable daily commuting experience. It takes only 4.2s to accelerate at 90-120km/h, and there is no pressure to overtake at high speed. The four-wheel drive model is matched with three motors. The maximum total power exceeds 400 kW, the maximum total torque exceeds 900 N·m, and the zero-speed acceleration reaches the 4-second club. On the whole, each performance can be called "the most advanced technology and the strongest dynamic performance" at the same level.

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM opens pre-sale _fororder_image005

  Go far

  The maximum battery capacity of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM is 34.46kW·h, and the maximum pure battery life of WLTC is 160km. Charging once a week can meet the commuting needs for a whole week. Don’t worry about holidays. The highest comprehensive cruising range of WLTC of Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM can reach 1343km, and the measured cruising range limit can reach 1,418 km+.A tank of oil can be driven from Shanghai to Beijing, and the family can fully enjoy their parent-child time. Charge for 20 minutes to recharge 30%-80%, and a cup of coffee can be fully charged. WLTC is short of electricity and fuel consumption of 5.4L/100km, so it saves money no matter how it is driven.

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM opens pre-sale _fororder_image006

  Drive steadily

  Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM is not only far ahead in terms of power and endurance, but also the unique flying fish super-sensing chassis at the same level has won the title of "Top Ten Chassis in China", equipped with CDC electromagnetic suspension system, Soft Stop system, chassis hydraulic vibration isolation system, intelligent brake-by-wire system and other common configurations of luxury cars, especially in waiting for traffic lights, overtaking with large throttle, U-bend and other sections, so as to maximize the realization of "starting without looking up, braking without nodding, turning without tilting, bumping without sprinkling water". At the same time, the four domains integrate EEA electronic and electrical architecture, support OTA iterative ability, and bring common and always comfortable luxury enjoyment.

"Super Comfortable Electric Hybrid Flagship SUV" Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM opens pre-sale _fororder_image007

  Safe enough

  Safety is always the DNA in the blood of Xingtu brand. Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM is the first hybrid vehicle equipped with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited’s brand-new M3P high-safety battery. It has a unique 1+8+1 battery management system in the industry, and the power is cut off rapidly when driving and charging collide for 2ms, so as to prevent the danger from happening. The whole vehicle is built according to the global N-CAP five-star collision standard. It adopts high-strength steel+aluminum lightweight space capsule design and two horizontal and three vertical embracing force transmission structures, bringing indestructible safety protection to users. In the design of the battery, the center is symmetrically arranged, protective plates and heat insulation plates are added around it, and protective reinforcing beams and energy-absorbing structures in the doorsill are added laterally to the car body, so that the battery pack can not be deformed even if it encounters impact. There is also the first batch of zero-formaldehyde cockpit car certification in China, which builds a protective "King Kong Cover" for users from multiple dimensions such as battery safety, active and passive safety and air quality safety.

  The best solution in the new energy market leads the new era of high-end hybrid.

  Previously, Yin Tongyue, secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Chery Holding Group, once placed his trust in the Star Way brand in public, "We want to make Star Way Chery’s ‘ BBA’ , become the brand pyramid of Chery Group ‘ Spire ’ , leading the entire Chery brand pyramid towering into the sky! And it is lit with new energy ‘ Spire ’ And help the high-quality development of China automobile ". After a series of extreme hard core tests, Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM, which has won wide acclaim, is undoubtedly the best solution for the new energy market. With the concept of "luxury and equal rights", the new car will bring users a full scene of anxiety and comfort, reshape the market structure with high value, and become a leader in the high-end hybrid market. (Source: Qi Ruixingtu)

Chery Tiggo 9 will be listed next year, positioning medium-sized SUV from T2X Mars architecture.

More advanced platform, producing higher-end cars.

Tiggo 9, a medium-sized SUV—— from Chery T2X Mars architecture, is exposed in real car photos and is expected to be officially launched in 2023.

Take off the disguised Chery "T26", and on the tail label, we confirmed that this is a Tiggo 9 model.

Previously, after the exposure of the real car map of Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris, we also speculated that Chery’s new car would adopt a more fashionable and avant-garde design. However, the appearance of Tiggo 9 denied our speculation. The front face design is very similar to that of Tiggo 7 PLUS, which has just appeared. Although it is a brand-new family design, its style is "very Chery" and there is not much novelty. The overall style is still quite satisfactory, with no emphasis on sports and no emphasis on fashion.

I only know that the positioning is a medium-sized SUV, but the specific size has not yet been announced. Chery 9 uses a number of tough lines on the body to enhance the muscle sense of the vehicle. The hidden door handle makes the side of the body look cleaner and at the same time enhances the technological atmosphere.

The shape of the tail is simple, the spoiler is used on the roof, and the taillights on both sides are blackened lampshades, which are connected by a blackened decorative board. The exhaust devices on both sides are chrome-plated, and the hard-core temperament is outstanding. The tail label is marked with "TIGGO 9" to confirm the identity.

In the interior, the new car uses a large integrated screen, the air conditioning outlet has a back design, the central passage is wide, and the storage space is rich. At the same time, the vehicle adopts a hood design, and the material selection in the car is also very high-end.

In the power part, the new car uses a 2.0T engine with a maximum power of 187kW and a peak torque of 390 N m. The transmission system is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox.

Among the domestic SUV models, Chery’s power is outstanding, but it has been criticized for its design. The appearance of Tiggo 9 has not changed much. Although it comes from the new T2X Mars price, it will have better performance and experience, but it will not be dressed up. It is expected that the sales volume will not have much breakthrough.

What do you think? Will Tiggo 9 be more popular than the moon?

Known as "the most beautiful BYD", BYD Song L has pre-sold 220,000 pieces with electric tail!

[Wen/Caiquan Society & Dao Ge said Che Ma Jianyu] Since the appearance of Chengdu Auto Show, Song L, known as "the most beautiful BYD", has been widely concerned. Unlike BYD’s current models, Song L, which is a hunting SUV, is more cutting-edge and fashionable. From the consumer’s point of view, it is highly probable that it will be a model with a high return rate.

On October 31st, Song L finally started the pre-sale. Five new models were launched, with the pre-sale price range of 220,000 to 280,000 yuan, and the cruising range of 550 km /662 km /602 km was provided for different models. At the same time, it also provided 24 interest-free, three-power lifetime warranty, free OTA upgrade/car traffic, charging pile installation service within two years and replacement subsidy for this car.

It is worth mentioning that although the current product matrix of BYD Dynasty Network is relatively rich and comprehensive, it is very "regular" and lacks such "characteristic" models as Song L. Lu Tian, general manager of BYD Group’s Chaowang Sales Division, said at the press conference that Song L is Wang Chaowang’s pioneering work for the mainstream mid-to high-end market. Under the background of rapid economic development, consumer demand is constantly upgrading, and mainstream consumer families with good educational background and economic foundation have put forward higher requirements for car use. Song L is the choice for fashion families to upgrade their quality in one step, and it is also the choice for pioneer families to moderately advance their new energy experience.

Of course, as the "most beautiful BYD", Song L, together with BYD’s new platform, mature three-power system and hard-core technologies such as Yunqi C, will also form stronger product strength and provide stronger help for BYD’s sales.

"The most beautiful BYD", Song L and electric tail.

As BYD’s first hunting pure electric SUV, Song L inherits the unique "Dragon Beauty Aesthetics" of BYD Wang Chaowang in design. In the front face, the new car has added "Dragon Tooth" decorative pieces on both sides of the front grille, and with the 3D dragon whiskers of Longjing headlights, it still has the beauty of BYD’s "Dragon Beauty".

Viewed from the side, the whole body posture of Song L is dive-type, with a slip-back design and smooth lines. However, it is worth noting that, unlike other sliding back models, Song L’s sliding down starts from around C-pillar, which has the advantage of ensuring the head space of the rear passengers in the car as much as possible.

The tail is the most recognizable part of Song L. It uses segmented spoiler, double shark fin antenna and through taillight, which is officially called streamer tail light. The light sources on the left and right sides are exquisite and eye-catching. At the same time, the adaptive electric tail wing is also used. This configuration not only makes the vehicle more sporty, but also supports starting the racing mode at any time, providing continuous downforce for the vehicle, effectively reducing the drag coefficient, reducing energy consumption and improving handling.

In terms of size, the car has a length, width and height of 4840*1950*1560mm and a wheelbase of 2930mm, which is the largest among the Song series models. At the same time, it is larger than medium-sized SUVs such as Tiguan L and Tesla Model Y, and it is more like a medium-sized SUV in terms of size. Moreover, in terms of styling and price, Song L has almost no direct competitors. After all, hunting SUVs, especially hunting pure electric SUVs, are very rare in the range of 200,000-300,000 yuan.

The interior is more elegant, and the high-profile models are made of suede.

Besides being called "the most beautiful BYD", the interior of Song L is obviously more elegant. In terms of layout, Song L is still a family cockpit layout. The instrument panel creates a layered feeling through layered contrast design and different wrapping materials. The central armrest area is designed with diamond-cut electronic shift lever, mobile phone wireless charging panel and some physical buttons. BYD’s iconic interior designs such as suspended LCD instrument panel, brand-new four-spoke steering wheel and rotatable large-size central control PAD are not absent.

Although the cockpit is still familiar with the smell, the configuration has been obviously upgraded. Song L will provide AR-HUD head-up display, heat pump air conditioning, HIFI-class Dana audio system, multi-color ambient lights, panoramic images, EC adjustable panoramic canopy and other configurations. The DiLink intelligent network connection system built in the central control has also been upgraded, which comes from a 5G car cockpit platform based on deep customization of Xiaolong processor.

It is worth noting that Song L’s interior materials are also very elegant, using a combination of suede and NAPPA leather, and the soft package in the car exceeds 85%. The high-profile models also have exclusive black interiors, and the identity of the high-profile models is highlighted by fluorescent green stitching. Of course, this is more in line with the high level of 200,000 independent brands.

Yun nian c gets on the bus, and the driving quality may be pleasantly surprised.

As a model of BYD, the power system of Song L is of course a bright spot. It will provide single-motor and dual-motor versions. The four-wheel drive version is equipped with front and rear motors with maximum power of 150/230 kW respectively. According to official data, the acceleration time of the four-wheel drive version is only 4.3 seconds per 100 kilometers, and this data is quite explosive on new energy vehicles. In terms of battery life, equipped with blade battery, CLTC has a pure battery life of 550km, 602km and 662km, and Song L is equipped with silicon carbide module, which improves the comprehensive working condition efficiency to 90%+, and the energy consumption of Song L is as low as 12.8kW·h per 100 km.

At the same time, with BYD’s new platform, CTB battery body integration and hard-core technologies such as Yunqi C and iTAC intelligent torque control system, not only the safety and space of vehicles can be guaranteed, but also the driving texture of Song L will be strengthened. Among them, Yunnian -C intelligent damping body control system can adjust the damping by controlling the electromagnetic valve of the shock absorber, which can realize stepless adaptive adjustment of the damping and meet the needs of users for different scenes. It has been verified in Han and other models at present.

As for intelligent driving, Song L will be equipped with DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, which can cover most usage scenarios and more than 30 auxiliary functions, such as high-speed assistance, intelligent navigation, automatic parking, fatigue monitoring and reminding, etc., greatly improving driving safety.

Generally speaking, as a brand-new model of BYD, Song L can be regarded as a breakthrough work of BYD, which brings a feeling completely different from the existing models. The data shows that BYD’s sales volume has exceeded 2 million vehicles during the year, firmly holding the position of the domestic automobile sales champion. However, from the perspective of Song L, BYD has obviously not become "complacent". "We also actively embrace changes and constantly seek breakthroughs," Lu Tian said.

Xinxiang Tiggo 8 hot promotion, discount 59,900! If you miss it, you won’t

In the promotion channel of Xinxiang, car home, preferential activities are being carried out, which has brought more car purchase discounts to consumers in Xinxiang. It is understood that the maximum discount can reach 59,900 yuan, and the minimum starting price is 59,000 yuan. If you want to know the details of the specific discount, it is suggested to click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to strive for a higher discount.

The appearance design of the Tiggo 8 car series is unique, the front face design is sharp, and the air intake grille is decorated with a large area of chrome, showing luxury and domineering. The body lines are smooth, and the overall style is fashionable and dynamic, which shows the sense of modernity and technology. In addition, the Tiggo 8 car series is also equipped with LED headlights, which has excellent lighting effect and improves the safety of driving at night. The chrome-plated decorative strips on the side of the car body and the sporty wheel hub design further highlight the sporty style of the car. In a word, the design of the Tiggo 8 car series is exquisite and impressive.

As a medium-sized SUV, the length * width * height of the Tiggo 8 is 4700*1860*1746, the wheelbase is 2710mm, the front tread is 1582mm, the rear tread is 1604mm, and the tyre size is 235/55 R18 and 235/55 R18. Viewed from the side, the body lines of the Tiggo 8 are smooth and simple, showing the luxurious and atmospheric style. The design of the side lines of the Tiggo 8 is simple and smooth, and the overall body presents a stable and atmospheric style. The gap between the front and rear wheel tracks also shows that the suspension system of Tiggo 8 adopts independent suspension, which improves the handling and stability of the vehicle.

The interior design style of Tiggo 8 is simple and atmospheric, with black/beige color matching, and the overall feeling is very comfortable. The steering wheel is made of leather material, which feels comfortable and the position can be manually adjusted up and down and back and forth. The size of the central control screen is 10.25 inches, with clear display and convenient operation. There are two USB/Type-C interfaces in the front row and one in the back row, which is convenient for passengers to charge. The seat is made of imitation leather. The main seat can be adjusted back and forth, and the height can be adjusted (2-way). The auxiliary seat can also be adjusted back and forth. In addition, the front seats are equipped with heating function to provide a more comfortable driving experience. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats can be laid down in proportion, providing more storage space.

The Tiggo 8 is powered by a 1.5T 156 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 115 kW and a maximum torque of 230n m.. This engine adopts advanced technology and can provide excellent performance and fuel economy. In addition, the Tiggo 8 is also equipped with a 6-speed manual transmission, which allows the driver to control the vehicle more flexibly. Whether driving in the city or cruising at high speed, this engine can provide sufficient power for the Tiggo 8, making your driving experience more comfortable and enjoyable.

The Tiggo 8 is a sleek, round and full-bodied model, which has been highly praised by car home car owners. The owner said that the waistline design of the Tiggo 8 is excellent, there are no redundant lines, and the visibility of the penetrating taillights and high-position brake lights is also high, making it safer to drive at night. In terms of appearance, the design of Tiggo 8 is really beautiful, which conforms to the aesthetics of the owner. At the same time, the Tiggo 8 also has excellent performance and comfortable driving experience, and it is a recommended model.